Afro-Saxon Song to Brainwash Your Children Into Making Gay Friends

I told you the homo gay agenda and the afro-saxon community were teaming up to ruin the fabrics of true American values and households. They want to brainwash your children into thinking they need to have a rump ruffian buddy to fit in with “today’s” America.

The deal with this video is the trashy devil whore rapper gets money for a hipped hopped album and the gays get a new song to blast on MtV to brainwash. By making gay friends “cool” allows the homo agenda to get one step closer into your house and being able to have control over your young child’s mind.

Looks like BET should change it’s name to GET. What’s next? “My Anal Raping Pedo Gay Friend”

4 thoughts on “Afro-Saxon Song to Brainwash Your Children Into Making Gay Friends

  1. jcra

    ‘My Anal Raping Pedo Gay Friend’ sounds like a massive hit to me. Given your lyrical eloquence Mr Bowels III, you should consider recording it yourself.


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