I love seeing young white youth spreading The Word of God via music and dance. This youngster is using the talents of jive and sway to educate his fellow buddies how awesome God is. You can see God flowing though each move that he performs and all the black hipped hoppers out here should take notes on his flashy leg kicks and non auto tuned lyrical raps.
He even “throws down” some black talk by changing the word “Thing” to “Thang” how generous! Kanye West couldn’t even think of something on that level of verbal nectar.
It is good to finally see modern day poetry done right and holy.
I love seeing the kids get into praising the Lord. Is this P90X?
I just vomited a bit. That kid needs some serious Ritalin and some dancing/singing lessons before he hurts himself.
Your hate even gets projected onto children. Were you abused Claire? This forum is open if you wish to talk about it.
So my dislike of this child’s horrid singing (and I use the word loosely) and dancing (also used loosely) translates to me having been an abused child? Just go onto YouTube where you found the video and you’ll find that 99.9% of viewers found it absolutely atrocious. I suppose they were all abused as children as well, rather than simply being able to recognize terrible song and dance when it’s presented to them?
SO I bet you make fun of preschoolers who can’t color in the lines. You’re so hateful and everyone is starting to see it.
No, I do not make fun of preschoolers for that, as kids of that age are not yet psychologically developed enough and are only just learning their motor skills. This kid is probably about ten – certainly capable of making a conscious decision to go up on stage and make a fool of himself.
I feel all children are off limits, but you do support homosexuals and homosexuals abuse children. It is only natural that you love the screams of children being raped.
Proof that homosexuals abuse children. Show me the studies. You keep making this claim whenever you talk about gay people, so you must have some source, so bring it.
Look at how they sneak into the Catholic church to rape boys.
No i show the child how to fix the problem, instead of supporting his issue.. maybe you should try the same and stop spreading ignorance with untalented children.
LOL, the only ones raping children are priests, like you. Someone who rapes children is a pedophile, not gay. maybe you shoudl look into a dictionary instead of spreading lies.. Bigot.
You say children are off limits, except for religion right? its not right to influence them in any manner except only the ones you believe in BIGOT!!!
Tyson, your patience with the others is a testimony to your faith. I only hope to someday have your patience. And your new putter.
Tyson has patience? Then why is he so quick to call black people ‘monkeys’ and make other racial slurs. Why does he (and you all for that matter) seem to not understand the idea of ‘turn the other cheek’ and the concept of forgiveness?
Yeah, some patience on your part could have saved poor Tyrus from having his throat slit.
I agree, these kids look like loose dogs, needing a little bit of direction, gnarling at the camera.
maybe an inhailer
I didn’t know Ted Haggard could sing and dance as a kid! Bless!
Watch out Rebecca Black! This kid is not only blessed with talent, he is bringing on new fashions to the streets.
I felt this song ended all too soon. I could listen to that all day.
ok i’ll give you that
I don’t agree with the music or the dancing, but it is good to see kids these days full of the fellowship.
It is being supervised, so it seems ok with me.
I just can’t get enough of watching that little dickens dance and sing his heart out. I’ve watched this about 15 times now.
I think I’m going to get out the sewing machine and whip up some pants for the grandkids.
He sings like an angel, God has blessed this young man with a great talent.
i bet the deaf could hear this one shrieking, its a miracle!!!!!!
No, THIS kid sings like an angel:
The “Nu Thang” kid is just an embarrassment.
Oh no Claire Bear! Run for the hills! It’s a Christian song!
A Christian song that I just so happen to like, rapist.
Is he really a rapist or are you just calling him a rapist? My daughter was raped seven years ago and she was accused of making things up, she was labeled a whore and a false accuser by the prosecutor. If you are making up falsehoods Claire, it is people like you which make rape victims scared to come forward.
“It is only natural that you love the screams of children being raped.”
Says the man who looks like a rapist.
Sickened mother, your daughter liked it, get over it.
This was recorded last week in the basement of Holy Family Church. It is clear this child is possessed by one of the good Lord’s angels. That’s the only explanation for the body gyrations. I suspect St. Anthony had something to do with this.
Regardless, it is beautiful. I think it says a lot about our society that this talent is misunderstood. I suspect the devout will appreciate it and we’ll hear more from this young man.
Actually, the video was recorded 19 years ago (in 1992).
The kid in the video (now 29 years old and a lawyer) did an interview about it a few days ago: http://hypervocal.com/entertainment/2011/meet-michael-clancy-the-young-lawyer-from-that-nu-thang-viral-video/
That sh*t is fierce, yo!
God is doing it, god is doing a new thannnng.
One can only hope that this kid got his ass whooped so hard in school the next day.
Just like it happens to you at Mount Ida?