The photo below was taken during the Broncos’ upset overtime victory against the Steelers. This displays God’s full support for Christian hero superstar, Tim Tebow!
16 thoughts on “Halo Appears Over Mile High Stadium, God Shows His Support For Tim Tebow”
Um actually no you cant see an angel. However, please do tell us exactly what type of hallucinogenic drugs you are using because what ever it is it sounds good.
Anymore proof needed??
Ya how about real proof we been waiting for millions of years.
Bitch please, it’s called a smoke ring. They are usually created when explosives go off, like the Bronco victory fireworks
There you go, explanation
Oh my god. A smoke ring. IT’S THE WORK OF GOD!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!!!!11
God’s a smoker?
How incredible!
Oh my word, I’ve actually been driven to tears by the might and glory of God.
Its not a sign form god you moron, its a smoke ring from a pyrotechnics display
Directly below the sky halo you can see the gentle silhouette of an angel. This is truly a miracle and I cannot wait for Tebow’s next game. Excited!
Um actually no you cant see an angel. However, please do tell us exactly what type of hallucinogenic drugs you are using because what ever it is it sounds good.
I see the Angel, too. God works in mysterious ways to make His miracles seen only by true believers.
I think they are talking about the verions ad.
Are you referring to the blurry thing in and around the smoke ring? That’d be smoke…and it dosen’t look like an angel, it looks like smoke
I can say that this smoke-hole is in fact our holy and great God’s anus. Don’t look at it anymore you sinny pervert!
Is there a reason the weirdos on this site have such a hard sin snake for Tim Tebow?