Blacks are so angry and have much rage for no reason and so much disrespect in their ghetto lingo. The females are even fierce spicy.
I guess we could blame a little of their anger on us higher educated white folks. I mean think about it. They would probably be happier if we just left then being desert hunter and gathers. Instead we bought them at a bargain prices from their Zulu tribesmen leaders and forced them to assimilate into the modern white world.
That set aside, we do know they have infiltrated not only our presidency (only by half), but they have shadow melted themselves into local government branches. Let’s see how well Mama Boo Boo handles herself when she is “Dis respe-ct’d.”
Half way through the video I was waiting for the female species to start throwing feces at her fellow Afro Saxons. Good thing the dominant male was able to put her in her place with a good old fashion verbal strike.
Ladies and gentlemen, we here at Christwire are not racist. We just don’t want our government, no matter how big or small, be ran like a watermelon stand.
Someone who isn’t racist is saying that black people are stupid compared to white people.
Don’t be too hard on Tyson – he’s the product of an incestuous relationship between siblings and he contracted syphilis at the age of 15 during one of his many unprotected goat-fucking sessions. His brain has been rotting ever since. To make matters worse when he was 20 he got kicked in the head by a donkey as he was trying to make love to it (apparently he didn’t learn his lesson) which accounts for the sort of blank, empty-headed stare you see in his profile picture. During his early 30s (I’m not sure of his exact age) he began sniffing paint and performing auto-erotic asphyxiation on himself. I believe he was 32 when he was discovered in his mother’s closet with a karate belt wrapped around his neck and one hand wrapped around his flaccid penis. He was rushed to the hospital just in time to save his life, but he had suffered major brain damage due to the prolonged lack of oxygen. His cerebellum sustained the most damage. In fact, he resides in a long-term care facility and hasn’t managed to get out of bed since his “accident”. He does all of his postings for this website from that bed.
In other words, don’t listen to the shit he spews. He’s just a brain-damaged goat-fucker.
You forgot that he’s also remarkably closeted about his own homosexuality.
Or is that Adam? I forget.
Claire, please look to RD for a good example on how to win people over. You just make up lies.
Explain to me how the sun is Caucasian.
Here? There are two threads for that.
That’s not explaining how the sun is Caucasian, nor how the Chinese can make a sun considering the size of the damn thing. You’re a dirty liar yourself, so calling out people isn’t something you should be doing
I am choosing not to Bogart Tyson’s thread. He’s a deacon and I respect that. Now if you want to post on those threads I would happily make you understand the threat that was Asia in regards to our Caucasian sun.
Good work Tyson. It still amazes me how people choose to read only the parts they want to and cry rasicm, even when it is clearly stated that it is not.
Just because you say something doesn’t make it true. If that were the case, then I can call you a serial killer and there’s nothing you can do about it, and you should be arrested for murder.
Or, to use your own logic, how’s this: I don’t believe in any religion or deity, but I’m not an atheist. Explain how that makes sense.
Please read:
Tyson, define what ‘racist’ means for me please. I wanna know what you think it means, might help us all out.
Please read:
Don’t be too hard on Tyson – he’s the product of an incestuous relationship between siblings and he contracted syphilis at the age of 15 during one of his many unprotected goat-fucking sessions. His brain has been rotting ever since. To make matters worse when he was 20 he got kicked in the head by a donkey as he was trying to make love to it (apparently he didn’t learn his lesson) which accounts for the sort of blank, empty-headed stare you see in his profile picture. During his early 30s (I’m not sure of his exact age) he began sniffing paint and performing auto-erotic asphyxiation on himself. I believe he was 32 when he was discovered in his mother’s closet with a karate belt wrapped around his neck and one hand wrapped around his flaccid penis. He was rushed to the hospital just in time to save his life, but he had suffered major brain damage due to the prolonged lack of oxygen. His cerebellum sustained the most damage. In fact, he resides in a long-term care facility and hasn’t managed to get out of bed since his “accident”. He does all of his postings for this website from that bed.
Strong work governor Tyson.
Tyson, prove that you are a better politician than these people.
I have seen these same screaming matches between WHITE people during town council meetings; you’re just looking to play the race card here, as per usual.
Thanks Tyson. This article raises some big questions. Eminem is from Detroit. His clean non-threatening appearance could help these people rise out of the darkness.
I had to stop the video half way through and rest. My heart was pounding so from watching these angry people! Why would anyone want this type of community government?
I read recently that the blacks are leaving Detroit. Perhaps it is best when eminems don’t come in so many colors. It certainly seems the town is doing better without them. That nice white eminem seems to be really healing the scars of the racial war we can see in the video.
Thanks so much for posting this.
Praise be,
There is so much work to be done still.
Praise you both.
This woman is disgusting, i suspect that Mama Boo Boo is a voodoo high priestess.
The Blacks are infiltrating the government because they want to replace Christianity with their Satanic African religions.
Imagine the Pledge of allegiance in Ebonics and after thanksgiving Kwanza sales. People everywhere paying cash because their credit is bad. Watermelon prices through the roof.
“Imagine the Pledge of allegiance in Ebonics and after thanksgiving Kwanza sales. People everywhere paying cash because their credit is bad. Watermelon prices through the roof.”
PROOF that you don’t give a rat’s ass about the people that you claim to selflessly help. You only care about YOUR eternal soul and getting into heaven, so you pretend to be Mr. Altruistic and help the needy. In reality you’re an incredibly selfish man who gives to the needy but then turns his back and makes racist statements about them because in his heart he doesn’t actually care about them.
So Christians can’t have a sense of humor?
Sure I think the people in the video are awful as are the people who demand we teach in and test in Ebonics. But come on, watermelon jokes? Have a sense of humor.
You seem to get awfully offended when I make jokes about you being a potato-picker.
Care to claim that you aren’t racist? The both of you?
The truth is not racist.
So then I can call you a rapist and a serial murderer, right? I mean, the Bible says that it’s all good.
No, that is a lie created by the anti-Christian agenda (and Satan).
You should start going to church so you can learn how to read the bible properly.
MeAwesome = MeNotRacist
LN, why did you ask August Weisz about the Asian sun? Who are you really?
I saw it while rummaging through the site, and I have to ask why the fuck you think that’s true.
But that wasn’t the same named person. Making me think you read a bunch of other posts or you are someone else.
It’s almost like once RD assumed a leadership role here, LN was born of her old Claire influence.
Again, if you post there, I will respond.
What can I say? Not a lot to do lately. I got curious when someone mentioned that elsewhere, then I saw your name attached to ‘MeAwesome’ or whatever a couple times, so I put two and two together.
Ok, Praise clicks for paying attention then.
MeAwesome = MeSelfishBastardWhoOnlyCaresAboutGettingIntoHeaven
You will be saying the same when you catch Ebola foot fungus at kfc.
“You will be saying the same when you catch Ebola foot fungus at kfc.”
You’re aware that Ebola and foot fungus are two VERY different things, right?
Christian Intellectual? Are you fucking serious? Fuck you dumbass.
This is a truly alarming video. These people want us to pay for their healthcare and endless babies while they pollute our fine children with baggy pants and rap music. Keep in mind that these are Africans, and all Africans are muslims, and muslims are bring Sharia law to this country. This video shows just how they want to run things under the Islamist Obama.
“Keep in mind that these are Africans, and all Africans are muslims”
40% of Africans are Christian.
It’s amazing how you can end this post in “we here at Christwire aren’t racist” when everything in your post from the allusions to watermelon stands to referring to these black members of government as monkeys lets us know exactly where you stand. You are a firm believer and proponent of white supremacy and racism that real Americans have come to recognize and disavow.
Jesus Christ would be disgusted by this blog and the clearly ignorant views expressed here. I won’t succumb to calling you a red-neck, pig fucking inbred, because that would only bring me down to your level, ROCK BOTTOM.
I’ll only conclude by saying that I will show this link to everyone I know so that REAL Americans can get back to fighitng against this vile, disgusting, ignorant meggage which will tear our country apart. The day Jesus Christ returns to give humans everlasting peace is the same day people in your ideological circle become EXTINCT.
Name calling is not civil or necessary to win an argument. Notice how Liberal Muslims like yourself always resort to calling others “racist” when they don’t have any real argument to make? Being a Christian conservative and wanting this country to be a safe place for our white children to grow up safe from these dark influences is not “white supremacist”. It is just what Jesus commanded in the bible. The sons of Ham will also have their place in heaven, although I can only hope that with all of their noisy rap music it won’t be too close to my portion.
You’re just as racist, you moronic cum-sack. You think it’s okay to call black people monkeys, simply because you’re afraid that they might “influence” your children? Grow the fuck up.
And, just for the record: I’m white, female, a social liberal, libertarian, and homosexual. And agnostic.
Like a mexican crossing the border, you’ve “covered a lot of ground” there, and I would like to respond.
Firstly, I never said that blacks were monkeys, you’ve confused me with someone else. But if DNA shows that God in his wisdom created them closer to monkeys, then I find that interesting – that is all I am saying.
Second, I could have guessed that you were a Lesbian, based on your graphic and offensive language. All homosexuals use foul language like that, because they were all molested as children and recruited into the sickening lifestyle of feminist guitar circles, pierced noses, and vulva shaped scented candles.
Before I go to bed tonight I will pray for you and think on your deviant sins, dear woman, and hope that you find a Christ centered life before it is too late and you burn in hell for your promiscuous lifestyle. Dorm room orgies and all girl showers can’t be worth an eternity in fire.
Scientific studies have shown that your sad disease can be cured 100% of the time if you pray for forgiveness from Christ our savior and submit to a dominant Christian man.
“All homosexuals use foul language like that”
First of all, no, they don’t. Second, even if they did it would just be to catch up with you Christians who get your rocks off telling people that they will burn in hell. Which is less harmful to society, swearing or telling people that they will spend eternity in hell? Swearing is by far less harmful.
“because they were all molested as children”
There’s as much evidence supporting that claim as there is evidence supporting the claim that all Christians fuck goats.
“you burn in hell for your promiscuous lifestyle.”
Yeah…except that RD has never had sex. How about you go find some heterosexual college male who will fuck anything with a vagina?
“Dorm room orgies and all girl showers can’t be worth an eternity in fire.”
All girl showers? What, you’d rather the boys be allowed into the girls’ showers? I don’t think so.
“Scientific studies have shown that your sad disease can be cured 100% of the time if you pray for forgiveness from Christ our savior and submit to a dominant Christian man.”
“Firstly, I never said that blacks were monkeys, you’ve confused me with someone else. But if DNA shows that God in his wisdom created them closer to monkeys, then I find that interesting – that is all I am saying.”
And if DNA shows that white people are JUST AS closely related to monkeys, what then? Hmm?
“All homosexuals use foul language like that”
Actually, I know a number of homosexuals who swear as infrequently as humanly possible. They’re a lot more pleasant than you and your ilk.
“because they were all molested as children”
Many homosexuals, my uncle and cousin among them, have never been molested.
“and recruited into the sickening lifestyle of feminist guitar circles, pierced noses, and vulva shaped scented candles.”
Again, false. I’ve never seen a “vulva shaped scented candle”, nor do I have any interest in “feminist guitar circles”. Plenty of heterosexual people pierce their noses, by the way. Just thought you should know that.
“Before I go to bed tonight I will pray for you and think on your deviant sins, dear woman, and hope that you find a Christ centered life before it is too late and you burn in hell for your promiscuous lifestyle.”
As Claire pointed out, I’ve never HAD sex, nor do I have any interest in having any at this time in my life. My older sister, who is heterosexual, has had far more sexual partners (all male) in her college career than I’ve ever considered having.
“Dorm room orgies and all girl showers can’t be worth an eternity in fire.”
You realise that many showers in colleges are shower STALLS, intended for the use of a single person at a time? Would you rather girls bathe with boys?
As for dorm room orgies… I live in an apartment on my university campus, thanks. I found the dorms to be remarkably distracting, with the constant partying going on around me. It made it very difficult to focus on designing websites.
“Scientific studies have shown that your sad disease can be cured 100% of the time if you pray for forgiveness from Christ our savior and submit to a dominant Christian man.”
Ahahahah, what studies? You mean the tripe put out by anti-homosexuality organisations, by people who would rather force homosexuals to lead lives of fear and revulsion at their OWN IDENTITIES, rather than be happy and accept that they’re attracted to members of the same sex?
Homosexuality isn’t a disease, you moronic spermsack.
As for all that religious garbage… I was brought up in a Christian household. My family has accepted that I am a lesbian and agnostic, and they support me in my life. My parents feel that I have made FAR better choices than either of my sisters (both of whom are heterosexual Christian women), and take pride knowing that I am fiscally and socially responsible. As my dad told me when I was a girl of nine, “You should do whatever you want to do, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise… as long as you don’t break the law!”
And, since homosexuality is NOT illegal in America (and in many other countries), I’m well within my rights, thank you.
So much hate from our left wing readers!
They seem so black in their anger! It is like reliving the video.
This is what Hussein Obama has done to our country.
This article could have been just as well titled:
How Black People Ruin Government
You’re being racist again. Stop it. Seriously.
Have you seen how George W. Bush destroyed our country during his two terms as president? Two unnecessary wars in the Middle East, AND he took a budget that, for the first time in years, had a SURPLUS, and plunged it into enormous amounts of debt. One’s race does NOT determine their ability to govern.
It looks like everybody gets involved in unnecessary wars and everybody bloats the deficit. Not just George HW Bush. Did you not see today’s AP lead story:
Obama: Raise debt ceiling or risk global recession
Yes, because that ACTUALLY MAKES SENSE.
Historically, in a war OR an economic recession, it’s made sense to increase the deficit in order to protect our troops (in the war scenario) or to protect and aid our economy (in the recession scenario). USUALLY, you don’t start off a presidency as deeply in debt as Obama started his.
Take a look at these graphs:
Do you see the ENORMOUS changes during Bush’s presidency? We had an ENORMOUS deficit when Bush left office at the beginning of 2009. At least Obama’s trying to make sense of things by refusing to extend the tax cuts for the wealthy.
The Lord.
You people are terrible you preach you know god and then insult his
Own creation (African Americans) god and jesus, probably even Satan are
reading this and shaking their heads in shame you all gay bashing, anti semetical
racist crap spewing narcissistic retards don’t deserve to say god let alone pretend you know him
“we here at Christwire are not racist. We just don’t want our government, no matter how big or small, be ran like a watermelon stand.”
wow, so your argument for not being racist is drawing a racist stereotype between black people and watermelons(did you even know that was a stereotype or is it in your white-trash blood to be so ignorant of even yourselves).
makes me thankful for 9/11. now let’s see more.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are at Christwire also can’t write in English.
They would probably be happier if we just left then [*THEM] being desert hunter and gathers [*HUNTER-GATHERERS]. Instead we bought them at a [*THERE SHOULD BE NO DETERMINER HERE] bargain prices […]
(On the off-chance this was an attempt to imitate African-American vernacular, then it made even less sense.)
If you’re going to write a racist piece, at least try to pass yourself off as more educated than the uneducated stereotype you’re trying to attack.
A higher-educated white person
Finally a website that tells it how it is!
Welcome to the Truth brother Grant.
You guys are saying that blacks are lower than “us white folks”, You Pieces of shit should be ashamed of yourselfs! I am not a beleiver in “god” or any other religion simply becuase of this exact reason! You take what is writin and totally turn it around. If there is a god he would love all of his Creation, Including others aside from the “white Folks”!! YOU GUYS ARE RASIST, AND YOUR SITE IS A WATERMELON STAND!!!! fUCK THY AND THY BIG BOOK IT STANDS ON!!!! NOW IM GOING TO MASTERBATE, DRINK, AND PARTY BECAUSE GOD WANTS ME TO LIVE, NOT TO JUDGE!!!!
some fuckin christian you are. “Though shall love Thy neighbor” ever heard of it? i dont think you have, look it up in the bible you racist bastard. your obviously not an “intelligent white person” your retarded for ranting about colored people. at least they CAN get into government, unlike a lowlife such as yourself.