I am sorry, of course you are right. I am a dumb woman. I will shut my mouth and my fish cave and listen to you dominate me verbally like I wish you would dominate me sexually.
You know what I love Tyson Bowels the 3rd? I love that your like minded generation is going die very soon. All of you old geezers are going die and leave nothing of worth of moral value to your kids and to earth as a whole. You will not be remembered, not be loved, not be missed. Another fun fact is that if you are afraid of homosexuality to the extreme (as you all do) you are probably tainted by element of doubt and that the devil has planted a small seed of the “homo” in your brain and mind. Live long and die alone my poor lost sheep.
Why would I kid about my lord God? That’s offensive for you to even suggest.
His holy book the Bible clearly states that homosexuality is a horrible, horrible sin. That Jesus Himself can absolve someone of their homosexuality is incredible.
Amazing and inspiration video. I showed it to my whole family and we just wept with joy. Seeing those feces covered hands being cleansed in the heterosexuality of Christ was such a thrilling miracle to behold.
How can any gay say that they were born that way after viewing the truth presented here?
Homosexuals are still people we are still people you are driving us to suicide with your wrong views and bigoted views also Homosexuals like me are still human beings god is not real i would happily go to hell if it meant the church would leave me alone if the church is so moral why do they let their priests rape kids the priests should be treated like dirt for that homosexuals are not disgusting we are not disgusting we deserve the same rights as everybody else because guess what your “god” that you try to shove on everyone else made us like this why would he create something so evil ? you know what if there is a cure for being gay we dont want it we can accept ourselves for who we are and we dont care if you judge us because we feel no shame so fuck you god ps just cause im a gay doesnt mean i want to be molested by a priest goodbye =)
So Tyson reveals that he can’t tell the difference between cartoons and reality.
Of course it is a cartoon L.N. I forget we have to break things down into simple terms for you to understand.
i’ll bet you beat your wife, bowers. and look at a WHOOOOOLE lot of porn.
I am sorry, of course you are right. I am a dumb woman. I will shut my mouth and my fish cave and listen to you dominate me verbally like I wish you would dominate me sexually.
You know what I love Tyson Bowels the 3rd? I love that your like minded generation is going die very soon. All of you old geezers are going die and leave nothing of worth of moral value to your kids and to earth as a whole. You will not be remembered, not be loved, not be missed. Another fun fact is that if you are afraid of homosexuality to the extreme (as you all do) you are probably tainted by element of doubt and that the devil has planted a small seed of the “homo” in your brain and mind. Live long and die alone my poor lost sheep.
Gay is wrong. It is a choice and you can be saved.
It’s not a choice, and Jesus loves them regardless. At least, the actual Jesus that exists and not the one you believe in.
This is a cartoon, not a reality.
This is NOT how the real world works, and this is not cool.
Its Hot!
You think cartoon characters to be hot?
Wow, you really have lost touch with reality.
Auggie you make me HOT. When I think of you I touch myself. Just like that song.
Being gay is not achoice. It’s whether you choose to accept it or not.
I’m making the choice to be gay with you. What do you say sexy facepaint nerd?
This is a very powerful cartoon. Thank you for sharing this wih us
I know you’re retarded and all Tyson but this is be-on stupid.
be-on? You’re calling me stupid, when you spell beyond, “be-on”.
Not everyone has perfect spelling.
Might want to figure that out before calling someone stupid and within the same sentence prove you are the moron.
damn, Pebong just got served!
its “proves” you nincompoop.
I love how this cartoon with Jesus in it also said the word Vagina…Great stuff
Also love how it’s just voiced over
What a powerful video!
Thank you so much Tyson. It really gives me hope that the disgusting homogay pigs can still be saved.
I hope this means that we won’t have to worry about the gay agenda in a few years!
you are an asshole, mcalliston. you have GOT to be kidding me.
Why would I kid about my lord God? That’s offensive for you to even suggest.
His holy book the Bible clearly states that homosexuality is a horrible, horrible sin. That Jesus Himself can absolve someone of their homosexuality is incredible.
I HOPE YOU DIE HOMOPHOBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not even jesus can absolve the homosexuals of their homogay sins.
Will you baptize me in your seed Jesus?
Rick Perry as President….FUCK! IF ONLY I COULD VOTE! OR BUY A GUN! XD
I like a bitch that threatens the president. Lick me.
Amazing and inspiration video. I showed it to my whole family and we just wept with joy. Seeing those feces covered hands being cleansed in the heterosexuality of Christ was such a thrilling miracle to behold.
How can any gay say that they were born that way after viewing the truth presented here?
Homosexuals are still people we are still people you are driving us to suicide with your wrong views and bigoted views also Homosexuals like me are still human beings god is not real i would happily go to hell if it meant the church would leave me alone if the church is so moral why do they let their priests rape kids the priests should be treated like dirt for that homosexuals are not disgusting we are not disgusting we deserve the same rights as everybody else because guess what your “god” that you try to shove on everyone else made us like this why would he create something so evil ? you know what if there is a cure for being gay we dont want it we can accept ourselves for who we are and we dont care if you judge us because we feel no shame so fuck you god ps just cause im a gay doesnt mean i want to be molested by a priest goodbye =)
This cartoon is a parody, you realize this, no?