After Sunday night’s run in with Bruno Mars, it looks like our lesbian looking tiny bopper, Justin Bieber was involved in a car accident due to, too many vodka tonics.
The LAPD confirms to Christwire that Justin Bieber was involved in a minor collision, while under the influence Sunday night, while “ghetto cruisin'” in the San Fernando Valley, with his Mexican girlfriend, Selena Gomez. Most likely she is the one who forced him into partaking in sips from the devil’s nectar cup.
Bieber was racing at high speeds in his Ferrari through an underground parking structure on in Compton when swerved and crashed into a Honda Civic.
Justin is currently being held at a LAPD jail for driving under the influence.
he was driving while influenced? it seems like he is going down the path of many other child stars
Well it certainly does not help by the fact we cast the black eyes of your slave master ‘god’ upon him, but why do you care? You just want to condemn those who are not hypocritical such as yourself.
and anyways that pic is old it was a thing that happened awhile back
just research sometimes ppl its not that hard!
Alison most people on here don’t have a Google subscription.
um you don’t need a subscription to use google you just need to have at least one brain cell not a half one
You are a moron. Once again. This website is absurd.
This is just more proof of what happens when you date Mexicans and hang out with Black hipped hoppers like Ludicrous and The Ushers.
You racist pig
Or maybe it is a cry for help and privacy.
They’re gonna like his pretty face there in the correction’s institute.
You Are all retarded.
Hope he goes to jail and rots.
even as a fan of justin bieber, he was retarded in this situation. look, we all make mistakes, and i’ll admit that i do like him, hence my site, but im really disappointed in him for this. seriously.
he was so drunk :'(
Looks like Nicholas is disappointed with his favorite person in the world, you want to commit homosexual acts with him, don’t yeah?
i find drunk driving sad. apparently you dont
Actually I don’t care about it, no matter how much you restrict a person, babble about it, there will always be drunk drivers. To be honest your work is flawed and you cannot stop the inevitable.
i don’t find it sad i find the fact that people are hurt for others idiotic decisions to be sad
Kids today need to learn that you need about 10 years of driving experience before you can master dunk driving.
apparently I’m dunk.
Justin Bieber is a twat.
And America is a nation of idiots for letting a sixteen year old drive in the first place.
sixteen year olds had one year of driving before hand with parents/guardians in the car and besides bieber is canadian i dont even know how he got alcohol in the first place
women drivers….
So then why do u drive?
Oh, that’s different because he drives other men. (Yes, I’m saying he is gay. Not that being homosexual is a bad thing; it’s just not for everyone.)
Does your equine surgeon wife know that you think so low of females?
She was the cause of a small accident this year. And she got a ticket this week. I would rather she not drive.
Well that’s just too fucking bad for you. If she still wants to drive and the law still lets her drive then you can just shut your hole.
Do you even own a car Claire?
What does that have to do with anything? No, I do not have a car. I don’t know how to drive. My parents own one car and it’s only used Saturday mornings to do the grocery shopping. We live very close to multiple public transportation lines so there’s no need to pollute the environment any more than necessary.
GUYS this isnt real………… because he isnt what yall call a lexbo and ur just hating on him because ur just sad so shut up and go fuck a damn goat or hate on cody simpson idc just leave justin alone
everybody calm yo tits. This is from an episode of CSI. He guest-starred on CSI. Long before he was dating Selena Gomez.
granted, his acting is just as bad as his singing, but…
This article is a complete and utter lie. It is designed to spread defamatory and offensive information about people. Publishing false information about someone is also a CRIME, so the only ones that should be in PRISON are the authors and editors of this website. This goes beyond freedom of speech, this is an intentional crime.
I am sure your lawyers have already found a way to circumvent the law and allow you to continue your criminal activity.
It offends me that you are even allowed to mention the name of God, as it is my firm belief that you will be the first to be judged when the day comes because of your offensive, racist, demeaning, discriminating and HATEFUL brain diarrhoea.
May God have mercy on your souls.
From what I know of this site, Ms. Disgusted, The Authour and the Editors of Christwire are actually true “Beliebers” (that is the correct term, right?) That sexy young lady, Justine Bieber, has been the focus of many articles here. She seems like a good Christian young woman, except for being Canadian and dating Selena Gomez. I think you just misunderstood this article, try reading it again when you make it to High School.
I’m sorry. I am still having trouble understanding. I do however have two university degrees. I am sure you have a name for people like me (who read books rather than just burning them).
I would just like to clarify, as it may have been unclear in my previous post, that i am a Christian man. I also go to church, which believe it or not, spreads a message of love.
Therefore, I have no personal interest in the celebrities this website is attacking. In fact, i stumbled upon here through a link to another equally nausating article about Mark Zuckenberg. The “news” this webiste reports is false. There is no mention of this event in any other news website, and this is the case for most articles on this website. They keep mentioning “studies” and “researchers”, but there is never any reference.
Do I have to remind you that lying is also a sin?
I am not familiar with the term Belieber. Perhaps they teach this at Delusion High School, where I am sure you graduated valedictorian.
Finally, to apply the sound criteria through whitch this website judges people, you, Bruce D-ANUS should be the first to be hanged as your very name suggests your deep connection with the Homogay agenda!
hello disgusted we may be of different beliefs but because you know the articles are wrong christ wire will group together as heathens .also don’t feed the troll bruce danus I’ve told him several times that im a guy and he still calls me a girl