We all warned you that if The Gays were allowed to marry that all Hell would break lose and people would start to marry random things. Well this past week a man married his dead girlfriend and was deemed legal. We can only imagine it is only a matter of weeks that sick gay NAMBLA members will be walking down the isle with their little boy lovers only to be shortly followed by homosexuals wanting to marry their mini poodles.
People always ask this question “What harm could gay marriage do?”, well just look at the photos below and you’ll have your answer. Can you believe the USA is now allowing zombie like marriages. Can you believe it is only a matter of time before marriage will be a contest of who can marry the most ridiculous thing? Lamp marriages, pony marriages, cardboard cutout marriages and maybe even gay ecstasy tripping unicorn marriages.
Why won’t the gays stop ruining marriage? This is the type of world we’re forced to live in when gay marriage is allowed. Oh, gays are allowed to marry? Then why not let a man marry a dead woman? That is the type of logic gay marriage breeds into our society.
Why wont Christians stop ruining the world?
Why won’t you liberals stop ruining America?
Why won’t you assholes stop ruining my weekends.
Mike his girlfriend died the day b4 the wedding in a car crash and He said til death do it part so he married her
You are plain stupid you blame gay for … THIS ?
They have no lives Millenium, and they don’t want to blame the corrupted version of Christianity is to blame. Such as the people on this side that are extremest Christians.
Guys, this site is a parody, it’s not actually Christian
But some viewers believe the content. I don’t want it to be taken seriously.
I know it’s fake, I just have fun acting like its real… but stuff like this is… ugh… completely fake… they are trying too hard. And are boring me anymore. I used to get a laugh from this… but eh… it’s getting lame.
I know that. But it makes fun of those extremest Christians.
Excuse me, but I am not an extremist. Furthermore, if I am able to accept your emosexual views, then you should be able to accept our good Christian views.
Pony Marriage…and here is OddAtheist in…3…2…1…
Implying I’m a Beastophile…Very clever Militant…/sarcasm
Who the fuck would want to marry ANY animal, that’s just a whole new level of creepiness
That doesn’t stop you vibrating your Satan scepter to them though does it? Pervert
The fuck? I do NOT have sex with animals, nor do I find them attractive, nor would I marry one.
I think anyone who is sexually attracted to an animal is royally fucked up in the head.
Walton: no need to be ashamed, this is a safe place.
Felton: Satan scepter…
its not you who got arrested for Horse rape ?
Is masturbating that fucking hard to say? It sounds a whole lot more normal than vibrating your Satan scepter….
Your good christian views promote hate.
YAYS!!! Anime_luver!! I thought I lost you!!
*smooches on cheek* Soooo glad you’re black!! I mean Back!! lol
for sarcasm in range (1, idiocy)
Fun fact: Homosexuality is the leading cause of necrofelia
… I think I just mixed syntax from like 3 languages 😛
Where will this end? What is the gays ultimate goal? Beastiality? Marrying Children? Worse?
marrying children we lives that to you christian You are good to do that
Agreeing with Millenium.
Auggie, the homogenda leads to all men becoming forced into oral gay rape camps. It’s all there in the book of Revelations. They will stop at nothing until we are clones in their gay orgy dystopia.
I haven’t come across this in my 17 years as a minister or in my extensive studies of the Bible, but if a learned man such as yourself says it, I will believe it.
Actaully, this is pretty fucked up, but that’s already happened. The youngest married couple is three years old. Talk about impatient pre-planned mairrage. LOL
I think it’s funny. People are so weird.
I don’t think the gays are on any damn mission to do shit. They are people with genetic mutations. Leave them alone all damn ready
Can I marry a donkey corpse? I guess that’s what the libtards are going to do next.
So Billings reveals that he has a beastial-nercophilia fetish.
Fucking hell what sick bastards make a fake site on this kind of shit? I mean what cruel hearted cunt has the mind to even do this? I don.t give a flying fuck if it’s fake, but the people who have the fucking nerve to say this shit in the first place… even as a joke… low life pricks. Burn in hell. All of you. In fact, I’m going to brutally murder you all myself. =)
I cannot believe you actually “went there.” I was waiting for it but I didn’t think it’d actually happen. You christwire people have a very sick imagination. What ever, it’s whatever gets you off though.