Martin Luther King Quotes

I would like to take some time and praise the black communities greatest member in hopes that one day their savage ways will be turned around. Doc Martin was a great afro-saxon who believed his tribesmen were doomed and he tried to use the world of God to turn things around. But, no one from his dark world would listen. Doc Martin was killed by his own kind in hopes to shut him up. Of course this was then blamed on the white man, when we all know it was all conducted by the crack dealing followers of the Malcolm X.

Blood alone moves the wheels of history.

Doc Martin was talking about how slavery was needed to move this country forward.

For where God built a church, there the Devil would also build a chapel.

Mr. King was saying here, that no matter where you put a church in a ghetto, it is still corrupted by black savages.

I am afraid that the schools will prove the very gates of hell, unless they diligently labor in explaining the Holy Scriptures and engraving them in the heart of the youth.

Proof Doc Martin was against the liberal agenda being taught in our schools and that exposing children to homosexual studies would send their souls to hell.

Let the wife make the husband glad to come home, and let him make her sorry to see him leave.

Martin he shows he was a firm believer that a woman’s role is to stay in the kitchen and serve her husband.

Nothing good ever comes of violence.

His cry to tell blacks to stop creating all the violence in the country.

I more fear what is within me than what comes from without.

Saying he feared his own black skin and African heart.

65 thoughts on “Martin Luther King Quotes

  1. RD

    “I would like to take some time and praise the black communities greatest member in hopes that one day their savage ways will be turned around.”

    Terrible grammar, again. And, really? I see nothing savage coming from anyone but you, Bowers.

    “Doc Martin was a great afro-saxon who believed his tribesmen were doomed and he tried to use the world of God to turn things around.”

    The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr, was a great African-American man. He didn’t believe that his “tribesmen” were doomed; he was against the segregation and second-class citizen policy being used to systematically keep African-Americans below whites. Didn’t you learn anything in school?

    “But, no one from his dark world would listen.”

    Bullshit. Dr King was instrumental in the Civil Rights Movement.

    “Doc Martin was killed by his own kind in hopes to shut him up. Of course this was then blamed on the white man, when we all know it was all conducted by the crack dealing followers of the Malcolm X.”

    Dr King was killed by a white man, one James Earl Ray, you moron. Where are your sources saying otherwise?

    You then proceed to take every single one of the “quotes” you have listed here out of context. Dr King was a civil rights activist who believed in nonviolent methods. He did not encourage the subjugation of anyone, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, or beliefs. For you to say otherwise is an affront to his memory.

    He never spoke against African-Americans, or said that he feared his skin colour or race. He loved EVERYONE.

    You, sir, need to go back to elementary school. These are BASIC FACTS that are taught to kindergarteners.

  2. Blanche Beecham

    “He never spoke against African-Americans, or said that he feared his skin colour or race. He loved EVERYONE. ”

    Again, DD, you show your true COLORS as a Socialist Canadian with your misspellings. MLK didn’t say these things to Canadians, he said them to AMERICANS.

    I’ve emailed the girls about the prayer circle for you this weekend. Your wickedness has reached the crossroad of faith.


    1. RD

      “Again, DD, you show your true COLORS as a Socialist Canadian with your misspellings.”

      Again, it’s RD. And, as I’ve told you, I’m an American who holds no political affiliation. Socialism just doesn’t work. But I digress. COLOUR and COLOR are both perfectly reasonable spellings. I have had a number of English professors in the past compliment me on my usage of British English, as it is not as simple as American English.

      Besides that, how do my linguistic preferences determine my nationality and political affiliations?

      “MLK didn’t say these things to Canadians, he said them to AMERICANS.”

      He said them to EVERYONE. His immediate audience were Americans, yes, but to say that someone from a foreign country cannot learn his words and follow them is just ridiculous. Following that logic, you cannot be a Christian, because Jesus spoke to the HEBREWS of ISRAEL, not Americans.

      “I’ve emailed the girls about the prayer circle for you this weekend. Your wickedness has reached the crossroad of faith.”

      How am I being “wicked” for simply being an informed citizen? I don’t care what your “prayer circle” says or does; the likelihood of it ever affecting me is close to zero.

      1. Blanche Beecham


        “I don’t care what your “prayer circle” says or does; the likelihood of it ever affecting me is close to zero.”

        The tears on your keyboard will soon be a memory. He will take all the pain away and give you a new peace that will allow you to spell properly, like the American Christians you so admire. Justine says we should only pray for American Christians, but I think Canadians are close enough.

        Take care little one, faith will see you through this tribulation.


        1. RD

          I’m just going to ignore your continued mangling of my name. Clearly, you can’t be bothered to do anything properly.

          “The tears on your keyboard will soon be a memory.”

          Who said there were tears on my keyboard? I’m as happy as can be, just irritated by your continued ignorance.

          “He will take all the pain away and give you a new peace that will allow you to spell properly, like the American Christians you so admire.”

          I don’t “admire” American Christians. I… don’t admire anyone, actually. So, no, your “god” won’t do any of that for me. I’ve been using British English since I was 14, moron.

          “Justine says we should only pray for American Christians, but I think Canadians are close enough.”

          Well, you’re both close-minded, ignorant women, so I think you’re close enough to be Justine.

          “Take care little one, faith will see you through this tribulation.”

          You mean, it’ll get rid of you and your ilk? Excellent.

  3. Blanche Beecham


    “I don’t care what your “prayer circle” says or does; the likelihood of it ever affecting me is close to zero.”

    If you truly are free of any care, why do you reply?

    If you are confident in your misspellings in the manner of a Canadian Socialist, why defend your choice with scatological sophistry?

    If it isn’t already clear, you will be included in our prayers. Get over yourself.


    1. RD

      You know that “RP” means “roleplay”, right? Which is something I enjoy doing.

      “If you truly are free of any care, why do you reply?”

      Because it is your ignorance that annoys me.

      “If you are confident in your misspellings in the manner of a Canadian Socialist, why defend your choice with scatological sophistry?”

      As “scatological” is defined as something that is “characterized by obscenity or preoccupation with obscenity, esp. in the form of references to excrement”, and sophistry as “a subtle, tricky, superficially plausible, but generally fallacious method of reasoning”, I’ll have to let you know that all I am doing is requiring logic and thought on the parts of you and your ilk. That has nothing to do with fallacious reasoning or obscenities, although obscenities DO tend to cause you to respond in anger, which I find to be hilarious.

      I defend my choice with FACT and KNOWLEDGE, not trickery or obscenities. Deal with it.

      “If it isn’t already clear, you will be included in our prayers. Get over yourself.”

      I don’t want to be in your “prayers”. I’d sooner kill a kitten. I’ll “get over” myself when you get over yourself.

  4. Tyson Bowers IIIStephenson Billings Post author

    King is a difficult historical figure to parse. He led an uprising against the government and often had “parties” with prostitutes. He was regularly unfaithful to his wife. His offspring today have made an industry out of profiting from his name, suing anyone who dares uses footage of him on any tv show.

    1. Tyson Bowers IIITyson Bowers III Post author

      Perfect example of how even the most holiest of blacks are still corrupted by their father’s sins.

    2. The Comedian

      //King is a difficult historical figure to parse. He led an uprising against the government and often had “parties” with prostitutes. He was regularly unfaithful to his wife.//

      No sources, no reason to believe you.

      //His offspring today have made an industry out of profiting from his name, suing anyone who dares uses footage of him on any tv show.//

      What does his children or grandchildren or whatever have anything to do with the man’s message? They don’t reflect upon him in terms of his hope that black and white people can actually exist without any racial tension.

    3. RD

      “King is a difficult historical figure to parse.”

      That’s “praise”, moron. And, he’s easy to praise. He did many things, great things, in his lifetime.

      “He led an uprising against the government…”

      He and other African-Americans protested the systematic denial of civil rights and their treatment as second-class citizens. It was a peaceful protest, not an “uprising”.

      “…and often had “parties” with prostitutes. He was regularly unfaithful to his wife.”


      “His offspring today have made an industry out of profiting from his name, suing anyone who dares uses footage of him on any tv show.”

      As Comedian said, how does that reflect on Dr King? What does that have to do with his message of equality and acceptance for all? It’s a ridiculous argument for you to make against Dr King and his message.

      As for you, Bowers, you’re a racist, bigoted moron. Dr King was a wonderful man who lived a wonderful life. As Billings fails to give any sources to denote his claims against Dr King, you both come out looking like ill-informed idiots.

      1. Adam Nelson

        I can’t believe I’m going to stick up for Stevie. (And don’t get used to it, you freak). But I do believe he was correct in using the word “parse” in his post.

        From Merriam-Webster:
        Transitive verb: to examine in a minute way : analyze critically.

        That said, the rest of his post was just drivel, but his opening sentiment was (at best) understood.

  5. Tyson Bowers IIIStephenson Billings Post author

    Four Things you didn’t know about “Martin Luther” King:

    1. His name wasn’t Martin Luther. It was Michael. It was decided ‘Martin Luther’ had a more prominent ring to it, so he went by that. He never legally changed his name. To this day, he lived and died as Michael King.

    2. While working on his dissertation for his doctoral degree at Boston University, he heavily plagiarized from another author who had done research on a subject similar to King’s. An academic committee later found that over half of King’s work was plagiarized, yet would not revoke his doctrine. King was dead by this time, and the committee ruled that revoking the title would serve no purpose. It was also discovered that King’s famous “I Have A Dream” speech was also not his own. He stole it from a sermon by Archibald Carey, a popular black preacher in the 1950’s.

    3. King was under FBI surveillance for several years (until he died) due to his ties with communist organizations throughout the country. King accepted money from the organizations to fund his movements. In return, King had to appoint communist leaders to run certain districts of his SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference), who then could project their communist ideas to larger audiences. A federal judge in the 60’s ruled that the FBI files on King’s links to communism to remain top-secret until 2027. Senator Jesse Helms appealed to the Supreme Court in 1983 to release the files, so the current bill in the Senate to create the Martin Luther King Federal Holiday could be abolished. He was denied.

    4. One of King’s closest friends, Rev. Ralph Abernathy, wrote a book in 1989 in which he talked about King’s obsession with white prostitutes. King would often use church donations to have drunken sex parties, where he would hire two to three white prostitutes, occasionally beating them brutally. This has also been reported by the FBI agents who monitored King. King was married with four children.

    1. RD

      Stephenson, as you do not cite a single source for any of your claims, I’m forced to call you on your bullshit and libel.

        1. Millennium

          Blanche care to shut up you racist asshole you are a disgrace to Humankind and you dare saying canadian are a Bunch of socialist and Impure if you wnat I can dig you a early grave just for you I am canadian and proud of iut if you have something against that just said it because seriously american are the worst specie

          oh and by the way our “socialism” saved your ass soo Many time that you do not have enough finger to count

          and don’t stop to Only canadian go Bash on European and asian and african because they are more cultured than you

          oh and if you don’t wnat the Opinion of “foreigner” remove all your US army Base OUTSIDE of your country cl;ose all your Border and ambassade and consulate as well

          close every foreign relation as well

          and STAY IN YOUR DAMN COUNTRY don’t even take the plane to go outside your own country

          NOBODY WANTS TO SEE YOU after you have done that Now you can said My opinion will not count

          but for now it’s will count like every people of this world

        1. RD

          Beeche: I’m American; you simply choose to believe that I am not due to my preferences in spelling words. Your opinion means nothing.

          Billings: I see a Confederate flag on that site’s banner. As one of your “friends” wrote it, I cannot believe it.

          A true journalist would pull out at LEAST six (6) sources from a variety of places, including reputable news organisations and journals.

          You gave me one link to something a friend of yours wrote. That doesn’t count for anything, other than informing me that your “friends” are as backwards as you.

        2. Tyson Bowers IIITyson Bowers III Post author

          SB, you always know where to get the hard hitting stuff to back up your claims! I can’t wait for your Journalism classes in March.

    2. The Comedian

      //1. His name wasn’t Martin Luther. It was Michael. It was decided ‘Martin Luther’ had a more prominent ring to it, so he went by that. He never legally changed his name. To this day, he lived and died as Michael King.//

      Your point is?

      //2. While working on his dissertation for his doctoral degree at Boston University, he heavily plagiarized from another author who had done research on a subject similar to King’s.//

      You find this shocking, yet I’ll be damned if a lot of people didn’t do the exact same thing back then and now. There are lawyers and doctors all over who cheated their way through school at some point.

      //An academic committee later found that over half of King’s work was plagiarized, yet would not revoke his doctrine. King was dead by this time, and the committee ruled that revoking the title would serve no purpose.//

      You do realize that the committee was right, no one would give a damn if they said that a dead man was a doctor or not.

      //It was also discovered that King’s famous “I Have A Dream” speech was also not his own. He stole it from a sermon by Archibald Carey, a popular black preacher in the 1950′s.//

      He didn’t steal it, he had a similar closing passage. Google proved you wrong yet again.

      //3. King was under FBI surveillance for several years (until he died) due to his ties with communist organizations throughout the country.//

      The FBI thought everyone was a commie back then, your point?

      //King accepted money from the organizations to fund his movements. In return, King had to appoint communist leaders to run certain districts of his SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference), who then could project their communist ideas to larger audiences. A federal judge in the 60′s ruled that the FBI files on King’s links to communism to remain top-secret until 2027.//

      So he got his hands dirty, so what? There are tons of people who have done dirty things, yet have accomplished a lot of good, some recorded in history, others are not. Does his affiliation with the communist party have anything to do with his idea that black and white people can co-exist without any racial tension? No, it doesn’t.

      //Senator Jesse Helms appealed to the Supreme Court in 1983 to release the files, so the current bill in the Senate to create the Martin Luther King Federal Holiday could be abolished. He was denied.//

      So some dude had an issue with a racial discrimination leader and wanted his holiday abolished? Like that would ever happen. Do you recall just WHAT people do on MLK day? They look at his accomplishments in getting rid of racial discrimination, racial segregation, and they look to the idea that race should not determine a person’s worth. They don’t look at him like he was the best doctor in the world, they look at him like he was one of the most influential people when it comes to the racial problems and the solutions towards them.

      //4. One of King’s closest friends, Rev. Ralph Abernathy, wrote a book in 1989 in which he talked about King’s obsession with white prostitutes. King would often use church donations to have drunken sex parties, where he would hire two to three white prostitutes, occasionally beating them brutally. This has also been reported by the FBI agents who monitored King. King was married with four children.//

      And Bush did pot in college, and every other person you looked up to slept with another woman or did drugs or turned out to be gay. King may not have been a good person, but his attitude when it comes to the dividing line of race is why he’s so famous and well-respected.

      You, ya retard, are nothing more than a hypocrite who refuses to believe that the man deserves one ounce of respect based on the fact that he was a bit shady in his past, even though his accomplishments heavily outweighed his crimes. You focus only on his negative points and can not accept that he still had good intentions elsewhere.

        1. RD

          Because you don’t get the point, Billings.

          Doctor King still promoted a message of tolerance, acceptance, and that one’s race or skin tone should not, and does not, determine their worth or place in society. Whatever he did on the side has NOTHING to do with that.

          And, as Comedian said, the FBI labelled EVERYONE as a Communist in those days, if they stood against what the government ordained. It was called the Red Scare. Go study some history, will you? We learned that in ninth grade history.

          1. Tyson Bowers IIIStephenson Billings Post author

            I was not labelled a communist, nor were any members of my family nor anyone I knew. So your claim that “everybody” suffered from this is simply childish. The actual proof of King’s connection to Soviet agents is clear. I realize people like to play the victim card when looking back on the communist crisis of the 50s, but there really were enemies actively trying to destablize the United States back then. You younger people seem to forget that we were fighting the Soviets in almost every corner of the planet, they were angling for power in the Middle East, bribing dictators in Africa, muscling their way into Europe. Che and Fidel were actively promoting terrorism, in fact they were bankrolling it and Che was using his disguises to slip into countries in Africa and South America where he personally, PERSONALLY!, trained militants looking to lead coup d’etats against democratic governments (with the full support of Kruschev). So don’t lecture me about a history that I know far better than you children. I lived it. And you, you just took some lefty college course and somehow you think you know everything. Give me a break.

          2. RD

            I’m not a history major, Billings. I’m a computer science major. I haven’t taken any “lefty college courses” in American history, as I find the subject to be rather dull. I’d much prefer studying foreign history.

            We were SCARED of the Communists in the 1950s, Billings. Yes, I’m sure there were some people trying to “destabilize” the United States in those days, but I don’t see any “clear” connections between Dr King and Communism. He simply promoted peace, tolerance, and acceptance throughout his lifetime. What WOULD have had him labelled as a Communist were his actions peacefully protesting the Vietnam War. I’ll remind you, that war was a disaster that costs thousands of lives, both American and Vietnamese, innocent civilians and soldiers, and even involved OUR OWN POLICE shooting college students who peacefully protested the end of the war.

            THAT MUCH, I know from high school history class. And my teachers were VERY thorough, in that we had to read actual documents from that time and learn both sides of the story.

            I didn’t say that absolutely everyone suffered from being labelled a Communist, Billings. I said, and I quote, “the FBI labelled EVERYONE as a Communist in those days, if they stood against what the government ordained.” IF they stood against the government. It was akin to living in a police state, albeit one disguised as a “democracy”.

            By the way, don’t you DARE patronise me. You’re not even a real journalist.

        2. Tyson Bowers IIIStephenson Billings Post author

          Just because you’re too much of an idiot to read a decent book or know the first thing about history, doesn’t mean the communist threat was very real. You’re simply ignorant (and thoroughly obnoxious).

          It was not some “right-winger” who had King’s office and hotel rooms bugged. This order was signed by then U.S. Attorney General Bobby Kennedy on Oct. 10, 1963. Evidence proved that King was under the direct orders of Soviet spies and financed by the Communist Party. The Kennedy tapings continued for 5 years and also developed shocking revelations regarding King’s sexual practices.

          African American, Bayard Rustin is a former organizer for the Young Communist League. He spent 60 days in a California jail on a 1953 conviction for performing lewd homosexual acts in public. He also served 28 months in prison for draft evasion. Today Rustin is paid by Jewish organizations for use of his name as a “signer” of ads urging “Black-Jewish Unity.” He was King’s secretary and advisor from 1956 to 1960. During this period Rustin attended the National Convention of the Communist Party in 1957 as an “honored observer.” King called him a “a brilliant, efficient, and dedicated organizer.” It was Rustin who introduced King to a Soviet spy named Stanley D. Levison. He was a New York Lawyer and vice-president of the N.Y. Council of the American Jewish Congress. Levison’s job was to launder the $1million subsidy Soviet Russia gave to finance the U.S. Communist Party. Levison proved important financial, organizational and public relations services for King. After King’s death his wife, Coretta Scott King described Levison’s role as, “always working in the background, his contribution has been indispensable.” Levison wrote an obituary for King and described America as a “nation tenaciously racist… sick with violence…and corrosive with alienation. The civil rights liberation struggle is the most positive and rewarding area of work anyone could experience.”

          The money which the Soviet Union funneled to Levison came from a Jew named Isidore G. Needleman. He was a KGB secret police agent who fronted as an officer of AMTORG, the trading company in New York City which buys U.S. goods for shipment to Russia. There are so many Jews in the Communist Party the FBI hired two Jewish brothers, Morris Childs and Jack Childs as spies planned inside the Communist Party. For 30 years, Morris Childs was formerly a member of the National Committee of the Communist party and once served as editor of the Daily Worker. Childs reported that after the death of the Jew William Weiner, who was treasurer of the Communist Party, it was Stanley Levison who took over this vital post.

          In 1945 the International Labor Defense and the National Federation for Constitutional Liberties merged with the Marxist inspired National Negro Congress to form the Civil Rights Congress (CRC). The CRC was led by an open black Communist lawyer by the name of William L. Patterson who defended minority hoodlums and left wing radicals. King knew, respected, and worked with Communists including members of the Communist Party USA. He was an admirer of Ben Davis, a fellow native of Atlanta who was elected “the first Communist Councilman from Harlem.” He certainly admired William L. Patterson, a Communist leader nicknamed “Mr. Civil Rights.”

          King Pictured With Three Top Reds

          The photo above of King is extremely important as it identifies King with Carl and Ann Branden. They are lifelong Communist Party activists out of Louisville, Kentucky. Both were leaders in SCEF, Carl Branden was convicted of criminal sedition in 1954. He and his wife purchased a home for blacks in a white neighborhood to incite racial violence. Later they were charged with bombing the same house to win sympathy for their cause and to raise money. Ann Braden today is a founder of the Atlanta based “Center for Democratic Renewal” which smears Conservative patriots.

          Below is a Photostat of an SCEF (Southern Conference Education Fund) check to King signed by Dombrowski and Benjamin Smith, who was a registered Foreign Agent for Fidel Castro.

          Photo of King at Communist Party Training School

          The photo taken below was on Sept. 2, 1957 of King attending the Highlander Folk School which the Communist Party operated at Monteagle, Tennessee Identified in the picture is No. 1 King, No. 2, Abner Berry, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and writer for the “Daily Worker,” No. 3, Aubrey Williams, Communist Party agent and president of the Southern Conference Educational Fund (SCEF) a red front organizing blacks in southern states. No. 4, Miles Horton, head of the Highlander Folk School King was listed on the schools’ letterhead as a “sponsor.” The Highlander school was financed by the Julius Rosenwald Fund. At one time Rosenwald headed Sears Roebuck Co. He spent $22 million financing civil rights groups. His daughter Edith Stern continued to give money to the SCEF and Highlander Folk School after her father’s death. Her husband, Alfred stern of New Orleans, fled to Russia just before he was to be arrested on spy charges.


          Communists Promoted King

          A number of communists who left the party have reported they were ordered to do all within their power to support King’s activities. A black woman, Julia Brown, was a Communist in Cleveland for nine years. She said”

          “We were told to promote King, to unite Negroes and Whites behind him, and to turn him into a sort of national hero . We were to look to King as the leader in this struggle, the Communists said, because he was on our side. While in the party I learned that King attended a communist training school, that several of his aides were communists and that he received funds from Communists and took directions from them. He was one of their biggest heroes.”

          The U. S. Congressional Record of March 30, 1965 quotes Karl Prussian, an FBI counterspy inside the Communist Party as swearing: “At all of these (Communist Party) meetings Rev. Martin Luther King was always set forth as the individual to whom Communists should rally around… King has either been a member of, or willingly accepted support from over 60 Communist fronts… King accepted support from communist fronts , individuals and organizations which espouse communist causes.”

          1. RD

            “Just because you’re too much of an idiot to read a decent book or know the first thing about history, doesn’t mean the communist threat was very real.”

            Aww, really? I knew that, dumbass.

            “You’re simply ignorant (and thoroughly obnoxious).”

            Glad that you recognise that I am “obnoxious”, Billings. My quest for logic and knowledge tends to garner that reaction.

            The rest of your post… Well, let me just get the SOURCES from you, and then we’ll talk.

  6. Tyson Bowers IIIClaire Post author

    “And you, you just took some lefty college course and somehow you think you know everything.”

    You claim to know everything about our lives and personalities, so we can claim to know everything about history.

  7. Tyson Bowers IIIClaire Post author

    “doesn’t mean the communist threat was very real.”


    “The Kennedy tapings continued for 5 years and also developed shocking revelations regarding King’s sexual practices.”

    Whether he used prostitutes or not, at least he didn’t dress up as a clown and rape young boys in the back of a van.

    1. RD

      Remember what I said, about MULTIPLE sources?

      That doesn’t count. They need to come from MULTIPLE sources, from a variety of authors and locations. More of your fundamentalist bullshit is just that: bullshit.

  8. Tyson Bowers IIIAdam Nelson Post author

    Martin Luther King smoked cigarettes and even drank whiskey. He wanted to spread his bar lust to the ‘whities’ bar as well and now we see the widespread problem of blacks who cannot stop drinking malt whiskey. It was better for them before they had access to the top stuff, because much like the native American Indians they just do not have self-control like Caucasians.

    My favorite African-American is Marcus Garvey. His “Back to Africa” theory is novel, if not brilliant.

    1. RD

      “Martin Luther King smoked cigarettes and even drank whiskey. He wanted to spread his bar lust to the ‘whities’ bar as well and now we see the widespread problem of blacks who cannot stop drinking malt whiskey.”

      Source? And, what’s wrong with smoking cigarettes and drinking whiskey? Back in the 1950s and 1960s, smoking was seen as healthy and a social activity. Many people smoked, including teachers.

      Also, I like your unfounded racist comment at the end of that rambling sentence. Can you prove it?

      “It was better for them before they had access to the top stuff, because much like the native American Indians they just do not have self-control like Caucasians.”

      One, it’s Native Americans.

      Two, what makes Caucasians so much better than everyone else? Can you PROVE that African-Americans and Native Americans have no sense of self-control? Of course not.

      You claim to work in a “hospital”, yet it is increasingly clear to see that there is no way any decent hospital would hire such a demeaning, racist, xenophobic, sexist pig as yourself, save as an after-hours janitor.

  9. Tyson Bowers IIIAdam Nelson Post author

    You two are hateful and mean-spirited. RD, or DD as another commentator humorously calls you, repent. That’s all I have to say. Comedian, get a mind of your own and stop the personal attacks. I take great offense to you calling me a racist.

    There is a major problem in the Indian community. Alcoholism runs rampant on reservations. They cannot get enough firewater in their bellies and even Runs-Like-Wind with a gale of a tailwind cannot run fast enough from his desire to get drunk. Alcoholism is a disease and it is very prominent on reservations. If you treated people from reservations many times, which I’ve had to do, you would understand this problem. I’ve also seen more blacks suffer debilitating disease more than others and alcohol is typical a causal factor. Smoking and alcohol history: they do great damage to your body, this is obvious. What many do not see is the demographic spread of it, and while white people are affected, sadly many of my patients are both Indian and blacks.

    1. Tyson Bowers IIIClaire Post author

      “I take great offense to you calling me a racist.”

      And we take offense to the fact that you’re a blatant racist and sexist and still adamantly deny being both of them. You say things that, in 21st Century America, are generally viewed as highly racist or sexist, and still deny it. You know what that’s being? A giant pussy.

      Adam “I’m not sexist, I just believe women are inferior and exist only to have children” Nelson.

      Adam “I’m not racist, I just consider all blacks to be violent and animalistic and Arabs to be filthy terrorists” Nelson.

    2. The Comedian

      //Comedian, get a mind of your own and stop the personal attacks. I take great offense to you calling me a racist.//

      The sheep is telling me to get a mind of my own, how ironic. Not only that, but you are a fucking racist. You’ve admitted your hatred towards non-white people and you will use stereotypes to back up your opinions of them.

      //There is a major problem in the Indian community. Alcoholism runs rampant on reservations.//

      You do realize that the government sends them their food and drinks and they’re so far away from everything that alcohol is fairly prominent, right? Of course not, you hate non-white people and think they’re all savage, even if they’re Christian.

      //They cannot get enough firewater in their bellies and even Runs-Like-Wind with a gale of a tailwind cannot run fast enough from his desire to get drunk.//

      You’re not racist, eh? That sounded pretty racist with the name there buddy.

      //Alcoholism is a disease and it is very prominent on reservations. If you treated people from reservations many times, which I’ve had to do, you would understand this problem.//

      You’d sooner slaughter them than help them. Not only that, but to say that they have a problem is stupid. EVERY race has people who are alcoholics, and not every native american lives on a reservation.

      //I’ve also seen more blacks suffer debilitating disease more than others and alcohol is typical a causal factor.//

      //What many do not see is the demographic spread of it, and while white people are affected, sadly many of my patients are both Indian and blacks.//

      You do realize that that’s just ONE part of ONE city of ONE state right? No, you’re too stupid to know that the majority of your ‘patients’ in one area does not equate to the rest of the country, nor does it reflect properly on everyone else.

  10. RD

    “You two are hateful and mean-spirited. RD, or DD as another commentator humorously calls you, repent. That’s all I have to say.”

    That’s cute. Sorry, but I’ve no intention of apologising for being right. Deal with it.

    “Comedian, get a mind of your own and stop the personal attacks. I take great offense to you calling me a racist.”

    Because the truth hurts, hm?

    As for the rest… All I see is, “Blah blah blah, racism, blah”. Would you mind giving us some more sources other than YOUR personal experiences, bigot?

  11. The Comedian

    //I already provided a link, you just didn’t click it.//

    No you didn’t, I scanned that whole spiel of yours and found no link.

    Not only that, but you refuse to understand the point that WE DONT GIVE A DAMN IF KING WAS A COMMUNIST! What matters is his involvement with the protest of racial discrimination, an ongoing event to this day, not his communist views which are NOT relevant today.

  12. Blanche Beecham

    Tyson and Stephenson,

    I think all the h8 in these comments is a sign from our true father that you are on the righteous path. You have touched a nerve with the lost left. They stammer about but can find no purchase in your solid and inspired articles.

    You both are so generous to share your grace with the world.


  13. ferns

    this website is run by people that are worse “christians” than most of the people they are attempting to demonize. Real Christians promote love, peace, tolerance, and understanding. And to call it investigative or journalism is fallacious. It is simply a blog that is a vessel for classist, racist, un-christianlike middle aged white males for the spread of hate speech. Anyone reading this should also watch zeit geist- available at along with hundreds of other informative documentaries searching for TRUTH in a world being run by ignorant hate-mongers.

  14. MaydayTay

    I have read this enough to know that I have to comment on this. This is one of the worst articles that I have EVER read. How dare you condemn the black/ african american community. Calling them “black savages”?! WHAAT?! We have come far from the times of when the american people condmned people of color. Are we back in the 1940’s-1950’s? Oh no– wait! We AREN’T. You, a person of God, a person that should accept people because that is what God wants, is speaking so horribly of a community of his chidren. How dare you. You even said that blacks are the cause of violence in America? Ummm… not sorry to burst your bubble but every race adds to the violence in america. EVERY SINGLE RACE. Don’t make it seem as if the African American/ Black community is the whole reason for violence in thie country. I thought that by reading this article I would be able to read sometihng describing a person who helped break down color barriers that had once plaqued America for so long. But NO, I get an article that is belittling the name of a person who is seen as a hero. You sir, are one the most disgusting people that i ever seen post an article on the internet. You and Mr. Billings are two of the worst people to ever post articles about people. How dare you take quotes from a man that wanted to help this country and them spew them out of context and throw them into your definition of what they “meant” when he said them. And you know full well that when he said the following things, he did not mean what are you saying he meant. That is just horrendous. And for you to say that the black people were the ones behind his murder and that saying it was a white man was just a cover up?! WHAAAT?! NO. NO. NO. NO. A white man actually did kill him. Get it through your thick skull that the white race is not perfect. No race is perfect. You have no right to just come out and pull a great man’s name through the mud. Want to pull someone’s name through the mud? Do that to yourself, because, really you deserve it. This slander that you post on a great man is sickening. And yes, I happen to know that Martin Luther King was put in jail and he had his faults, but who doesn’t have faults?! EVERYONE DOES. Even you. Stop making it seem as if you’re this great Christian Person. You are not a great Christian person. You’re one of the few that think you’re great and you’re not. You’re actually just a sad excuse for a human being with fears of anyone being different from you. Its people like you that make the world a WORSE place by putting out your horrible, close minded, back in the early times opinion. Im glad that i never grew in a househlod like yours. To grow a sad existence and not be able to accept all people, I would never want to know what that is. How did you even come up with an article like this? Well it only proves that you have a sick twisted mind. God accepts everyone and you should too. I bet you that you disappointed God by posting this horrendous article.
    -taylor (:

  15. Popanator

    To celebrate MLK day every year my daddie lets me smear him in poopies so he looks like MLK. Then he humps my poopie hole screaming, “OH YEAH I”M A WHITE MAN TONIGHT” (that is an MLK quote, no shit. MLK loved the white wimminz like all black men). Afterwards I would like the poopies off of him. MMmmm…. He even smells like a black man!

  16. Tyson Bowers IIIChristianCrusader Post author

    It may just be me, but the so called ‘Civil Rights Heroes’ oft times were just making a mountain out of a mole hill. King gave very long-winded speeches about conditions that relatively, were not so bad. America was not even 200-years-old and had already made virtual lightyears of improvement in regard to relationship between the races. Only a century before King and Little, we saw blacks were slaves. So really, the blacks of the 1960s had it pretty good and should have had more patience. The way they bullied their way into media and coercion against the people’s will was very reminscant of the same strong arm tactics gays are trying to use this very day. It set a dangerous precedent that is slowly destroying America from within, a fate Lincoln warned would be the only thing that could bring America to its knees. Many of the woes we have today are the fault of the Civil Rights Movement and it is because that movement went sharply against the exact will of most Americans in many important areas.

    1. RD

      Seriously. Fuck off, CC.

      Saying that the Civil Rights movement is what is causing America’s “destruction” is so absolutely retarded that I can’t even claim that you MIGHT be intelligent.

      What’s wrong about a group of people wanting full civil rights nearly a CENTURY after being freed from slavery? Dumbass, why don’t we make you a second-class citizen with few rights and the legal ability to destroy you if you DARE raise your hand for something we don’t want you having? How would you like that?

  17. Blanche Beecham

    Abe penned a very informative article on this site about the Liberal Argument Playbook in his Tuesday laughter with Abe Goodman series.

    I see these same “plays” being used in place of reasonable debate.

    Here’s a summary:
    1.) Ignore Facts that hurt your position.
    2.) Say its Bush’s fault.
    3.) Call them a racist and then run away!

    1. RD

      “I see these same “plays” being used in place of reasonable debate.”

      Because you can’t verify your facts?

      “1.) Ignore Facts that hurt your position.”

      You should have written: “1) Ignore facts that hurt your position”. The period is unnecessary on your part, Bernard.
      We’ve not ignored “facts”; we’ve asked for multiple sources of proof for their claims. Goodness, haven’t you attended high school?

      “2.) Say its Bush’s fault.”

      Again: “2) Say it’s Bush’s fault”. Learn to make a list.
      I do believe that most of us don’t “say it’s Bush’s fault” [assuming you mean George W. Bush, and not his father, George Bush, who also served as President]. On the rare occasion that we do say something occurred because of George W. Bush, we back it up with fact. We can easily produce our sources, if you’d like us to?

      “3.) Call them a racist and then run away!”

      And, yet again: “3) Call them a racist, and then run away”. You don’t need that exclamation point, unless you are trying to emphasize a point or you wish to be humourous.
      We don’t “run away”. We call people racist because they are BEING racist with their comments and writings.
      To quote the American Heritage New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition(copyright 2005):
      “The belief that some races are inherently superior (physically, intellectually, or culturally) to others and therefore have a right to dominate them. In the United States, racism, particularly by whites against blacks, has created profound racial tension and conflict in virtually all aspects of American society. Until the breakthroughs achieved by the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s, white domination over blacks was institutionalized and supported in all branches and levels of government, by denying blacks their civil rights and opportunities to participate in political, economic, and social communities.”

      Does that sound like a PLEASANT thing that helps our country?

      1. Blanche Beecham


        Since you are in school to be a computer operator, I would think you could look up the linkages to Abe’s piece. Do I need to do all the work for you? I guess being a lazy Canadian Socialist means you don’t have to check your facts.

        You really illustrate my original points well, but I’m starting to think you aren’t what you say.


        1. RD

          “Since you are in school to be a computer operator, I would think you could look up the linkages to Abe’s piece.”

          If I cared to read it, I would. But, as I have little time to waste on the rhetoric of hatred and ignorance he spreads, I have no interest in it.

          Also, I’m majoring in Computer Science. You know what that is? We create software and the like. I’m specifically studying the design and development of the World Wide Web; the internet, as many call it. We don’t “operate” computers; we MASTER them.

          “I guess being a lazy Canadian Socialist means you don’t have to check your facts.”

          Silly Vladimir. I’m an American Centralist, meaning that I don’t give a crap about politics, and I enjoy checking my facts, and those of others. I’ve been doing that for YEARS.

          “You really illustrate my original points well, but I’m starting to think you aren’t what you say.”

          Which is what? Because, as I’ve told you countless times, I’m an agnostic young American lesbian woman in a rigorous university program, with little care for political matters.

  18. Tyson Bowers IIIChristianCrusader Post author

    You people get all hurt and upset when the fact is the truth hurts. Just think about it: after we were forced to combine all units in the military, we get the Vietnam fiasco. It is because the units did not mesh yet: it is not saying that eventually they could not have been combined, but it was not the time. It still may not be the time. It was coercion. Why were people forced to send their kids to public schools with those they found underiable? Who is to say that they did not have the right to at least have opinion and a voting right of what color of students at the time could go to the high schools that their tax money funded? Who is right and who is wrong in that situation? It is all relative and coercion was used to impose the will of the many on the few. It is not right and it messed up social relations which snowballed into all the problems we have today.

  19. Blanche Beecham

    This site could use some more moderation. There are those promoting a very un-Christian discipline called “Computer Science” that has some very sinister requirements. “Fortran” or the language of transexualizsm and “Hex” a study of homosexual sex are dangerous undercurrents of that liberal biased course of study. This is a thread about Martin Luther King, not an avertizing agency for the agenda of these shills.


    1. RD

      …I advertised my course of study by saying that it’s what I’m studying? Neat. But, you do realise that site moderation takes place courtesy of people who studied the same topics as I am now studying?

      Fortran and Hex are both computer-specific languages that have nothing to do with “liberals” or “homosexuals/transexuals”. Silly person, thinking that.

      But it’s alright. We’ll just block your IP address so that you won’t ever have to worry about seeing any of the bullshit on this site. Then you will be safe.

  20. Millennium

    So to summarize everything

    Marting Luther king was a Good man because he promoted tolerance acceptance and equality ( which is true )

    but he was evil because he was communist ???

    errr I missed something I guess no ?

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  22. Edwina

    Screw that whoremongering doctorate-faking plagarizing goddamn nigger and every white moron who worships his commie jew-funded ass. Pardon my french, but that nigger got what was coming to him, Ray should’ve been given a medal. It’s just too bad the Klan didn’t get him while they had the chance.

    Meanwhile, when the news of his execution spread throughout the country, cheers of joy could be heard ringing, particularly in the South. That’s cause we still have sense. We don’t screw and breed with animals and by choice we don’t live with them. Even if you’re an evolutionist, if you’re intellectually honest you must accept the inherently inferior nature of the negro.

    So stop trying to make this dead fucking nigger into a hero. He was a piece of shit fake preacher then just like his drunk fake-preacher daddy, and both of their fake nigger asses are rotting safely in hell, awaiting all niggerlovers and miscegenists. :)

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