Michele Bachmann Caught Smoking Black Drug Dust – Proof

A tweetpic of Presidential female hopeful Michele Bachmann has been leaked out to the public of her partaking in a black drug “toking” session. It seems that Michele is dealing with her husband’s Cuban boy homosexual fantasies in the non-Christian way and turning to black drug dealers to help her escape her cold reality.

Yet, we can’t blame Michele for making a poor decision, as she is a female and we all know females can’t make proper decisions. Because of her vaginal powered brain, he ability to become president is a thing of fantasy, like the ones her husband has, minus the 6 packed and musky Mexican lawn man.

12 thoughts on “Michele Bachmann Caught Smoking Black Drug Dust – Proof

    1. L.N

      Bush did drugs while he was in college, and Bachmann is supposed to know better. If it’s Obama’s fault that someone did drugs, then it’s Bush’s fault that my friend died from a hole in the ground.

        1. L.N

          How is my blame uneducated? Bush was president when my friend died thanks to a hole in the ground, ergo it’s Bush’s fault. It’s the exact same line of thinking you’re using to blame Obama, so what’s the difference?

  1. L.N

    I didn’t realize that Bachmann’s head was bigger than the rest of her body. Or that she had pitch-black hair. Or that she had the body of a teenager while having the head of an older woman. Or that you could contort your head to such an angle that doesn’t seem physically possible.

    “It seems that Michele is dealing with her husband’s Cuban boy homosexual fantasies in the non-Christian way ”

    As opposed to the Christian way of dealing with homosexual fantasies? Don’t you guys hate gay people? Or do you mean the kind where you take little Timmy or Sally behind the altar and tell them that Jesus told you to molest them?

        1. Blood Wolf

          They send them out camping in the woods where no one is around, perfect place for that kind of sick, unforgiving act.

      1. KBLME

        Ya Photoshop cost too much for them they are saving up for another mega church I hear this one will have 3 70″ TV’s instead of the normal 2 that they get.


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