18 thoughts on “Tyson’s Comics – Hetero vs. Homo

  1. Tyson Bowers IIITyson Bowers III Post author

    It is pretty artsy, but the message is clean. Don’t look to much into the art itself. Focus on what I’m showing here and the message of true love.

  2. Millenium

    why gay have cellphone and a weapon ???

    it’s doesnt even make sense do you Know what True love is ? I bet you don,t know what is it

  3. Adam Nelson

    I’m a bit puzzled by the picture of “heterosexual marriage” that depicts a nun. Since when could nuns get married? And why does she not look happy if marriage is such a blissful institution?

  4. Anne

    The lady in the hetero marriage looks miserable. Is that your idea of a hetero marriage? The lady is always miserable? Jeez, way to make marriage of all kinds terrifying, Bowers.

    1. Tyson Bowers IIINeoconstipated Post author

      Of course there are cell phones in hell. Have you ever tried to call cell phone customer support?

  5. Tyson Bowers IIINeoconstipated Post author

    This brilliant and whimsical artwork so accurately displays the dichotomy between heterosexual love and homogay sodomy that I sat for 10 minutes just stunned.

    Notice that the expreshuns on the faces of the homogays captures the true quintessence of both the bugger and mounted (and reached-around on.)


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