The homosexual mind is one of much confusion and good thing we have many Doctors here at Christwire International to do studies to find out what really goes on inside the mind of a predator or as they like to call a homochildrapistous.
93 thoughts on “What Do Homosexual Dreams Look Like?”
Blanche Beecham
My dreams are almost always greyscale. I had no idea that homosexuals dream in sparkles and color.
Both of the videos of a homogay’s dream that were posted have actually made me sick to my stomach. I praise Jesus that he gave me the will power to not choose to be a homogay. If I dreamt like that, I would possibly have to ask my friends to throw me in front of a train(because suicide is a sin).
Blanche Beecham
This made me black out for a moment.
Christian and Gay
Bruce, BTW, Homosexuality isn’t a choice, therefore it cannot be a sin.
Acid Grin
That’s a very excellent point there C&G. I should tell that to some of those actual christian nuts.
“Christwire International”? Really? You’re gonna act like that?
And what doctor? This is just bullshit you feed yourselves just to say ‘hey, I have proof!’ Do you not know the first rule when it comes to fact finding? DON’T DRAW YOUR EVIDENCE!
my do you think all gays are rapists
i mean sure there are some gay pedophiles but there are more straight ones these comics are almost identical to anti-Semitic nazi propaganda and just as unfounded
and have you realised that most of your anti gay posts have adverts for gay dating sites
Where’s your supposed ‘proof’ that gay men rape children? And how is ‘just disrespectful to men teases’ part of a full sentence?
Rev. Custer
The evidence that gay men rape children are OVERWHELMING. Look no further than those blaspheming idolators, the CATHOLICS.
Studies done by Harvard, Princeton and many other eminent universities conclude that gay men do indeed have a more voracious appetite for minors of the same sex, but such studies were suppressed as most of the high-ranking people in secular institutions of learning are gay, and they would never in a million years frighten away young boys and men from enrolling in these Godless centers of Satanic indoctrination!
Taylor Francis
Oh my god my laughter won’t stop. If this website is satirical and just taking the piss, then it is easily the funniest thing on the internet. If not, then ya’ll have some serious problems.
Acid Grin
You know from experience, correct?
Rev. Custer
Lord almighty, good call on your part Tyson. I doubt that even the most seasoned men of God have the necessary fortitude to witness pure manifestations of Godless reprobate behavior that has spawned from ancient Mother-Goddess heathen practices!
An unsaved co-worker mocked holy god by pointing out spelling and grammar errors in this article. I lost my poise and screamed “begone, mouthpiece of Satan” in defense of christ.
His name’s Herb, no doubt named by cannabis addicted parents. I’m calling him herbie the love bugger from now on for his own good.
I’m sure a cartoon strip is considered an article from whatever backwoods hillbilly town you’re from, but your willful ignorance and hate is absolutely staggering. I’m going to sit you down like I did my seven year old when I had to come clean about Santa Clause. Ok, brace yourself sweetie: god does not exist. I know, it’s a hard rationalization to wrap your darling little brain around, but part of developing the critical thinking skills of an adult requires that you reassess the inherent contradictions fed to you by the grown-ups all your life. Do some legitimate research. Listen to what the other side is saying, but don’t accept it at face value. Think for yourself. Realize that studies consistently show that atheists know more about the Bible than fundamentalist Christians. Educate yourself on both sides before devoting your life blindly in the traditions of a people who existed thousands of years ago. Above all, don’t ever let your beliefs allow you to hate; that’s unequivocally unchristian.
I, in fact, didn’t say a single word about evolution (that’s “eviloution” to your cohort, i’d imagine). If you’re asking me what I believe, it’s that evolution is a theory. I think it’s important to point out, however, that the word “theory” holds a different meaning when it’s used in conversation vs in scientific discourse. There seems to be a common misconception that, within the scientific community, a theory gets promoted to a law once it is proven, but this is simply not the case. Laws describe phenomena; theories explain them. Law is to what as theory is to why. I believe in evolution because it has been supported by rigorous scientific scrutiny and is still the prevailing theory for the VAST majority of those who study biology– people much more well-versed on the subject than you or I. So to answer your question again, yes, evolution is a theory, but I don’t think you understand what that means from a scientific perspective.
And as a follow-up question, do you believe that the world is only several thousand years old despite the contradictory findings of carbon dating and the magnitude of something like the grand canyon (that is, the necessity of millions of years for a river to carve away so much rock).
Carbon dating isn’t even exact. Your science constantly disproves itself. The Bible on the other hand has been the same. You think it is crazy for me to think we came from a man in the sky, but yet it is not crazy to think we came out of nothing….
Are you familiar with the game telephone? You honestly believe all of the stories in the bible are exactly the same as they were thousands of years ago and through multiple translations? You realize the stories of the new testament weren’t written down until a least about 100 years after Jesus was said to have lived. You’re either lying to me or lying to yourself. I noticed you didn’t have much else to say regarding evolution.
Really, I don’t mean to be condescending or belligerent, but I really think you need to educate yourself. If you refuse to expose yourself to other viewpoints, how can you possibly be so sure they’re wrong? If your beliefs are “true,” you should be able to question them and thoroughly investigate alternatives. Study the history of the Bible, not just its words. Study evolution from a knowledgeable, respectable source that actually believes in it. It’s clear that you’ve censored anything that disagrees with your world view from your education. That is, by definition, willful ignorance, and it’s truly the biggest menace plaguing our society.
Tyson Bowers III
I’m a minster, you are just a comment harasser.
Jesus Christ
Look, I’m not harassing you, I just want you to think outside of your sphere of comfort. The comic you made was hateful; I don’t think there’s any debating that. If you’re going to support a perspective that condones hate in the name or religion, you should also believe enough to support your claims. You are willfully ignorant. You don’t want to learn outside of what you have been taught. You need to learn about the things you’re arguing against. You need a better understanding of the things you’re arguing for. Above all, you need to properly educate yourself before you say things against science, or even gay people for that matter. Otherwise, you’re just an idiot on a soap box. I have to say, I feel sorry for anyone who chooses to listen to you.
Jesus Christ
PS: Are you from the Westboro Church?
Rev. Custer
Small minds can never accept the Glory of God and his infinite wisdom in the grand act of Creation.
Foolish doubters are easily fooled by God’s tests, such as placing decayed carbon and uranium all over the place to mislead the feeble-minded into measuring them and believing that the Earth is millions of years old (HAH! IDIOTS!)
But for us, those whose eyes have been opened by the Holy Spirit, we see all of God’s glory in creating this amazing Universe that revolves around our grand planet Earth in just 6 days, approximately 6000 years ago, complete will all the misleading signs that were deliberately put in place to mislead doubters and morons.
Praise the Lord for we have found a feeble-minded doubter whose mind has been poisoned by Satan to the point of irredeemable mental retardation!
Acid Grin
@Custer the fake rev.
Small minds accept God a lot.
And are you saying God tricks us to make us think the world is millions of years old?
Finally, don’t bullshit, irredeemable isn’t in God’s vocabulary.
Acid Grin
@ Tyson Bowels III
Science doesn’t disprove itself, it improves itself.
How the heck can you know what “Homosexual Dreams” look like? You’d have to:
a)be gay in order to have “homosexual dreams.” Only then could you report your own experiences with some sense of validity… but even then you’re only one individual who is gay, and one individual never speaks as an entire representation of a larger group he or she belongs to.
b)be speculating what you think a “homosexual dream” would look like… and that would be based on absolutely zero information and would only be made up of silly generalizations with no foundation and a slanderous image of what gay people are actually like.
c)be making it all up to purport your idea that we’re all either whores, drug addicts, and/or pedophiles.
Either way, this kind of post is only further proof that you can’t take the time to stop seeing people who are gay as a generalized entity instead of taking the time to see us for the individual human beings that we are. Don’t get upset and respond with another generalization, take the time to see us as fellow human beings… because we are.
To add to what I said, I am neither a whore, a drug addict, or a pedophile.
Whore? I think not: I’m in a committed relationship and have been for over a year. I love him to death just like you all love your significant other to death. I only have feelings for this one individual and I don’t even look at other guys because MY guy is the only one I love and the only love I need.
Drug Addict? Nope: The only drug I take on a regular basis is my prescribed allergy medication. I live in real dry weather and I get bad sinus infections when the wind picks up. I don’t even drink coffee or anything with caffeine because I don’t believe in putting things in my body that I don’t need. I’d say I’m a healthier eater than the average individual too.
Pedophile? Absolutely not: I’m only attracted to people around my own age and I actually work as a youth group counselor for disadvantaged intercity youth (14-21). I help them with homework, keep them off the streets, and talk about things like STD/HIV/AIDS prevention, drug use prevention, and current events. I care about my youth like a teacher in any classroom would. With my sense of integrity, professionalism, and just zero interest in minors, how could you still think I’m a pedophile by nature?
I am just one good person who happens to be homosexual. There are many others like me who are gay, but I am my own person. I am not how you or others like you paint me (and my fellow LGBT people) out to be. Take the time to know who you hate. I’m sure you’ll end up not hating us anymore because we’re people just like you. And if you do still feel the need to see us in a negative light, ask yourself why that is.
Uh, no. The homosexual community is ‘notorious’ for being homosexual. CHRISTIANS on the other hand, oh boy! You guys are notorious for a lot of shit, and you all just sweep it under the rug and ignore it, even if it just happened.
The Christian Biblical Science Institute in Ethiopia conducted extensive studies on homosexuality for the past 43 years. As we know, colored people are more predisposed to mental illnesses such as homosexuality and devil worship, therefore this esteemed institute had no shortage of test subjects.
It was from these extensive research sessions of induced sleep and post-dream interviews that the researchers were able to identify the strong signs of homoeroticism among the openly-gay and partially-gay participants.
Methods of healing that have been attempted included exorcism (in case the subjects were possessed by gay demons), electro-therapy (the second best option to inviting the Holy Spirit into their hearts is to invite electricity (a manifestation of the Holy Spirit) into their heads) and intensive prayer sessions in which they were flailed or stoned for every homogay word they uttered.
And, praise Yahweh, all subjects were healed, and none of them mentioned any homogay subjects after 18 months of treatment.
Why? Just because you believe some horseshit that has not been prove? Can we lock up Christians too? I have a study that proves that for every one Christian, 30 people die.
Doesn’t matter, it’s from a reliable source. I also have a source that says that all Christians are fucked up in the head, what with their believing that a Heaven or Hell exists. I also have another source that says that God stands for “Guild Of Devils”.
And according to you all, I’m right, even though I haven’t provided one bit of evidence towards it.
Satan is not a reliable source, he is the father of lies and deception.
Please for your own good, stop listening to Satan.
Who says you’re right? What if the devil is fooling you?
Rev. Custer
You are clearly showing early signs of demonic possession. The instance you start to doubt God, it shows that Satan’s whispers have taken root in your soul.
I might pray for your salvation, but only if Jesus tells me it’s okay to do so because usually we just unconditionally condemn those who willfully oppose God and Jesus to Hell.
Acid Grin
I think all heterosexuals should be automatically added to the national sex offender registry.
Tyson, what a handy set of cartoons you and the Christwire staff have produced. I am going to sit down my sons tonight and show them these cartoons. Sometimes threats to our children are too abstract for them to get their innocent heads around, but these cartoons really speak their language and I think they will come to understand just how dangerous and threatening gay men are.
This is a tool that every Christian father should know about.
P.S. Could you also do a series showing how homogays are tied to Islamist terrorists?
first of all, Who the heck dreams in black and white?
i agree 100% with the comments made by VoiceOfGosh, L.N and Jesus Christ.
I feel sorry for anyone who reads any of the articles like this (which is virtually all of them) and believes them.
sam(if that is your real name, it seems very transgender gay or possibly A-sexual), If you are dreaming in full color rather than in shades of black and white, Satan has obviously entered you in some way. Whether you are of the lesbionic or homogay choice of lifestyle(still not sure if you’re a male or female, I hope male because females should not be posting such inflamatory remarks on a good christian website)you should be dreaming only in shades of black and white, not in rainbow colors. Perhaps you don’t remember Satan entering you as a young child. If you pray and ask the Lord for forgiveness for your obvious sin-filled failures as a child, your dreams should revert back to a natural sin-free black and white.
If you were to follow your own religion you would realize how you are “sinning” by making such horrible things. “Jesus” would not want you to behave this way. According to this bible you speak of so freely you are supposed to try to help people that you believe are doing wrong. Please do tell me how this travesty of a comic will benefit anyone. How your breed of hate will get your through the pearly gates you so covet. The god you praise must be so very disappointed in you.
green howl — Is no doubt some slang for PCP or Marijuana.
It is obvious from the way you write that you have had a little much green howl tonight.
Perhaps if you stopped taking drugs and let Jesus in your heart some of these answers would come to you.
ok then, i’ll just go do that then haha the day that happens maybe i’ll start believing this stuff. I am a woman and yes Sam can be a males name but what the hell does a persons name have to do with the person themselves? also, it’s the 21st century and women have equal rights to men and oddly enough that includes the right to post comments on a website
Sounds like you’re a new-age heathen, speaking of the 21st-century as an era of equality just as how devil worshipers have equated the Golden Bull with Yahweh in the past! Equality is truly the idea of the devil, and you my dear woman is a vessel for Satan’s voice!
oh my gosh im a lesbian and last night i had a dream where i… went to a soccer game with a friend to watch sports. i guess im defective, seeing as gays dream of rape ?
lol wut
Sorry just a quick comment you people are beyond a joke,
if i am ever feeling down i rely upon this site to bring a smile to my face with you ‘homogay’ and ‘satanic homosexual’ comment they are just brilliant.
It hurts me to think that some of you people are actually serious.
your all a joke
I agree, some of the people who comment on these well-researched, Holy articles are complete jokes. I am glad to hear the Christwire Fellowship is able to bring joy to your life and hope that we can bring God into your heart as well.
I as well dream in color, I feel that it is one of my blessings from our lord and savior. If I didn’t believe that comic books were evil I would print these out and give them to the neighborhood kids.
My dreams are almost always greyscale. I had no idea that homosexuals dream in sparkles and color.
Informative graphics and tight reporting, Tyson.
Praise be,
Color is due to the drug use.
Someone made a video of a homosexual dream. There’s a scary voice and everything.
“In a place where nothing bad happens, things are about to get – very bad”
Then there have been two homogay dreams recorded because I accidentally stumbled on this one…
Both of the videos of a homogay’s dream that were posted have actually made me sick to my stomach. I praise Jesus that he gave me the will power to not choose to be a homogay. If I dreamt like that, I would possibly have to ask my friends to throw me in front of a train(because suicide is a sin).
This made me black out for a moment.
Bruce, BTW, Homosexuality isn’t a choice, therefore it cannot be a sin.
That’s a very excellent point there C&G. I should tell that to some of those actual christian nuts.
“Christwire International”? Really? You’re gonna act like that?
And what doctor? This is just bullshit you feed yourselves just to say ‘hey, I have proof!’ Do you not know the first rule when it comes to fact finding? DON’T DRAW YOUR EVIDENCE!
We got an email from the Advocate praising this post. I’ll take the Advocate’s opinion over yours.
Bull, you can’t stand gay people whatsoever, why would you EVER accept praise from them?
my do you think all gays are rapists
i mean sure there are some gay pedophiles but there are more straight ones these comics are almost identical to anti-Semitic nazi propaganda and just as unfounded
and have you realised that most of your anti gay posts have adverts for gay dating sites
Male gays, yes. For female ones they are just disrespectful to men teases.
Where’s your supposed ‘proof’ that gay men rape children? And how is ‘just disrespectful to men teases’ part of a full sentence?
The evidence that gay men rape children are OVERWHELMING. Look no further than those blaspheming idolators, the CATHOLICS.
Studies done by Harvard, Princeton and many other eminent universities conclude that gay men do indeed have a more voracious appetite for minors of the same sex, but such studies were suppressed as most of the high-ranking people in secular institutions of learning are gay, and they would never in a million years frighten away young boys and men from enrolling in these Godless centers of Satanic indoctrination!
I was under the impression this was a joke…
Yeah, LN. This is a parody site…
And if you do draw your own evidence spell check Dr. Holy’s last pane…haven’t we decided comics were evil and leading children to sin?
I, for one, believe that straight people should not be allowed to raise children.
you provide only one answer though. Tyson gave three examples against gays
I was gunna show what Lesbians dream, but it was too vile.
Lesbians dream in flannel and wife beaters.
vile whorelots!
Oh my god my laughter won’t stop. If this website is satirical and just taking the piss, then it is easily the funniest thing on the internet. If not, then ya’ll have some serious problems.
You know from experience, correct?
Lord almighty, good call on your part Tyson. I doubt that even the most seasoned men of God have the necessary fortitude to witness pure manifestations of Godless reprobate behavior that has spawned from ancient Mother-Goddess heathen practices!
They’re not fucking examples, dumbass. They’re bigoted attacks. You people are all goddamn lunatics.
An unsaved co-worker mocked holy god by pointing out spelling and grammar errors in this article. I lost my poise and screamed “begone, mouthpiece of Satan” in defense of christ.
His name’s Herb, no doubt named by cannabis addicted parents. I’m calling him herbie the love bugger from now on for his own good.
Strong witnessing. Praise be.
I’m sure a cartoon strip is considered an article from whatever backwoods hillbilly town you’re from, but your willful ignorance and hate is absolutely staggering. I’m going to sit you down like I did my seven year old when I had to come clean about Santa Clause. Ok, brace yourself sweetie: god does not exist. I know, it’s a hard rationalization to wrap your darling little brain around, but part of developing the critical thinking skills of an adult requires that you reassess the inherent contradictions fed to you by the grown-ups all your life. Do some legitimate research. Listen to what the other side is saying, but don’t accept it at face value. Think for yourself. Realize that studies consistently show that atheists know more about the Bible than fundamentalist Christians. Educate yourself on both sides before devoting your life blindly in the traditions of a people who existed thousands of years ago. Above all, don’t ever let your beliefs allow you to hate; that’s unequivocally unchristian.
So are you stating evolution is a fact or a theory? Please answer me this.
I, in fact, didn’t say a single word about evolution (that’s “eviloution” to your cohort, i’d imagine). If you’re asking me what I believe, it’s that evolution is a theory. I think it’s important to point out, however, that the word “theory” holds a different meaning when it’s used in conversation vs in scientific discourse. There seems to be a common misconception that, within the scientific community, a theory gets promoted to a law once it is proven, but this is simply not the case. Laws describe phenomena; theories explain them. Law is to what as theory is to why. I believe in evolution because it has been supported by rigorous scientific scrutiny and is still the prevailing theory for the VAST majority of those who study biology– people much more well-versed on the subject than you or I. So to answer your question again, yes, evolution is a theory, but I don’t think you understand what that means from a scientific perspective.
And as a follow-up question, do you believe that the world is only several thousand years old despite the contradictory findings of carbon dating and the magnitude of something like the grand canyon (that is, the necessity of millions of years for a river to carve away so much rock).
Carbon dating isn’t even exact. Your science constantly disproves itself. The Bible on the other hand has been the same. You think it is crazy for me to think we came from a man in the sky, but yet it is not crazy to think we came out of nothing….
Do you have a legitimate scientific source for the carbon dating not being exact claim? Because last I checked it was pretty accurate. Also, here’s a quick list of some of the contradictions found in the bible [ ].
Are you familiar with the game telephone? You honestly believe all of the stories in the bible are exactly the same as they were thousands of years ago and through multiple translations? You realize the stories of the new testament weren’t written down until a least about 100 years after Jesus was said to have lived. You’re either lying to me or lying to yourself. I noticed you didn’t have much else to say regarding evolution.
Really, I don’t mean to be condescending or belligerent, but I really think you need to educate yourself. If you refuse to expose yourself to other viewpoints, how can you possibly be so sure they’re wrong? If your beliefs are “true,” you should be able to question them and thoroughly investigate alternatives. Study the history of the Bible, not just its words. Study evolution from a knowledgeable, respectable source that actually believes in it. It’s clear that you’ve censored anything that disagrees with your world view from your education. That is, by definition, willful ignorance, and it’s truly the biggest menace plaguing our society.
I’m a minster, you are just a comment harasser.
Look, I’m not harassing you, I just want you to think outside of your sphere of comfort. The comic you made was hateful; I don’t think there’s any debating that. If you’re going to support a perspective that condones hate in the name or religion, you should also believe enough to support your claims. You are willfully ignorant. You don’t want to learn outside of what you have been taught. You need to learn about the things you’re arguing against. You need a better understanding of the things you’re arguing for. Above all, you need to properly educate yourself before you say things against science, or even gay people for that matter. Otherwise, you’re just an idiot on a soap box. I have to say, I feel sorry for anyone who chooses to listen to you.
PS: Are you from the Westboro Church?
Small minds can never accept the Glory of God and his infinite wisdom in the grand act of Creation.
Foolish doubters are easily fooled by God’s tests, such as placing decayed carbon and uranium all over the place to mislead the feeble-minded into measuring them and believing that the Earth is millions of years old (HAH! IDIOTS!)
But for us, those whose eyes have been opened by the Holy Spirit, we see all of God’s glory in creating this amazing Universe that revolves around our grand planet Earth in just 6 days, approximately 6000 years ago, complete will all the misleading signs that were deliberately put in place to mislead doubters and morons.
Praise the Lord for we have found a feeble-minded doubter whose mind has been poisoned by Satan to the point of irredeemable mental retardation!
@Custer the fake rev.
Small minds accept God a lot.
And are you saying God tricks us to make us think the world is millions of years old?
Finally, don’t bullshit, irredeemable isn’t in God’s vocabulary.
@ Tyson Bowels III
Science doesn’t disprove itself, it improves itself.
thank you! if i could i’d be cheering you on
How the heck can you know what “Homosexual Dreams” look like? You’d have to:
a)be gay in order to have “homosexual dreams.” Only then could you report your own experiences with some sense of validity… but even then you’re only one individual who is gay, and one individual never speaks as an entire representation of a larger group he or she belongs to.
b)be speculating what you think a “homosexual dream” would look like… and that would be based on absolutely zero information and would only be made up of silly generalizations with no foundation and a slanderous image of what gay people are actually like.
c)be making it all up to purport your idea that we’re all either whores, drug addicts, and/or pedophiles.
Either way, this kind of post is only further proof that you can’t take the time to stop seeing people who are gay as a generalized entity instead of taking the time to see us for the individual human beings that we are. Don’t get upset and respond with another generalization, take the time to see us as fellow human beings… because we are.
To add to what I said, I am neither a whore, a drug addict, or a pedophile.
Whore? I think not: I’m in a committed relationship and have been for over a year. I love him to death just like you all love your significant other to death. I only have feelings for this one individual and I don’t even look at other guys because MY guy is the only one I love and the only love I need.
Drug Addict? Nope: The only drug I take on a regular basis is my prescribed allergy medication. I live in real dry weather and I get bad sinus infections when the wind picks up. I don’t even drink coffee or anything with caffeine because I don’t believe in putting things in my body that I don’t need. I’d say I’m a healthier eater than the average individual too.
Pedophile? Absolutely not: I’m only attracted to people around my own age and I actually work as a youth group counselor for disadvantaged intercity youth (14-21). I help them with homework, keep them off the streets, and talk about things like STD/HIV/AIDS prevention, drug use prevention, and current events. I care about my youth like a teacher in any classroom would. With my sense of integrity, professionalism, and just zero interest in minors, how could you still think I’m a pedophile by nature?
I am just one good person who happens to be homosexual. There are many others like me who are gay, but I am my own person. I am not how you or others like you paint me (and my fellow LGBT people) out to be. Take the time to know who you hate. I’m sure you’ll end up not hating us anymore because we’re people just like you. And if you do still feel the need to see us in a negative light, ask yourself why that is.
If all that you say is true, you must be an outlier. The homosexual community is notorious for its incidence of infidelity and disease.
Uh, no. The homosexual community is ‘notorious’ for being homosexual. CHRISTIANS on the other hand, oh boy! You guys are notorious for a lot of shit, and you all just sweep it under the rug and ignore it, even if it just happened.
I am sure I have many more moral points than you.
You do.
Yes, just like the black community is notorious for being werewolves.
Have you considered the prospect that this whole site is based on lampooning neocons and fundys?
Some of you are so anxious to get your panties in a bunch you don’t even realize you are getting played LOL ….
like my grandma always told me Rev. “never argue with an idiot.. they will drag you down to their level, and then beat you experience!”
The Christian Biblical Science Institute in Ethiopia conducted extensive studies on homosexuality for the past 43 years. As we know, colored people are more predisposed to mental illnesses such as homosexuality and devil worship, therefore this esteemed institute had no shortage of test subjects.
It was from these extensive research sessions of induced sleep and post-dream interviews that the researchers were able to identify the strong signs of homoeroticism among the openly-gay and partially-gay participants.
Methods of healing that have been attempted included exorcism (in case the subjects were possessed by gay demons), electro-therapy (the second best option to inviting the Holy Spirit into their hearts is to invite electricity (a manifestation of the Holy Spirit) into their heads) and intensive prayer sessions in which they were flailed or stoned for every homogay word they uttered.
And, praise Yahweh, all subjects were healed, and none of them mentioned any homogay subjects after 18 months of treatment.
Your Doctor reminds me of a zombie, because it’s blue or grey or it reminds me of a dead person…
I think I’m going to be sick
Yes, their dreams are quite sickening.
I think that all homogays should be automatically added to the national sex offender registry.
Why? Just because you believe some horseshit that has not been prove? Can we lock up Christians too? I have a study that proves that for every one Christian, 30 people die.
Because the homogays are mentally ill, depraved, perverted, disease spreading, satanic rapists.
“I have a study that proves that for every one Christian, 30 people die.”
Who conducted the study ? Satan ?.
Doesn’t matter, it’s from a reliable source. I also have a source that says that all Christians are fucked up in the head, what with their believing that a Heaven or Hell exists. I also have another source that says that God stands for “Guild Of Devils”.
And according to you all, I’m right, even though I haven’t provided one bit of evidence towards it.
Satan is not a reliable source, he is the father of lies and deception.
Please for your own good, stop listening to Satan.
Who says you’re right? What if the devil is fooling you?
You are clearly showing early signs of demonic possession. The instance you start to doubt God, it shows that Satan’s whispers have taken root in your soul.
I might pray for your salvation, but only if Jesus tells me it’s okay to do so because usually we just unconditionally condemn those who willfully oppose God and Jesus to Hell.
I think all heterosexuals should be automatically added to the national sex offender registry.
See? Sounds senseless doesn’t it?
Tyson, what a handy set of cartoons you and the Christwire staff have produced. I am going to sit down my sons tonight and show them these cartoons. Sometimes threats to our children are too abstract for them to get their innocent heads around, but these cartoons really speak their language and I think they will come to understand just how dangerous and threatening gay men are.
This is a tool that every Christian father should know about.
P.S. Could you also do a series showing how homogays are tied to Islamist terrorists?
With what? Bullshit and lies?
You must be a Muslim homogay. I bet your initials “LN” stands for some sand nigger name.
Holy crap you guys are making my sides hurt LMAO!
first of all, Who the heck dreams in black and white?
i agree 100% with the comments made by VoiceOfGosh, L.N and Jesus Christ.
I feel sorry for anyone who reads any of the articles like this (which is virtually all of them) and believes them.
It’s not really black and white; it’s a lot of gray for me.
im not a lesbian and i dream in full colour… not that im a psycho, cruel person against gay people. Just sayin’
You are on devildrugs.
sam(if that is your real name, it seems very transgender gay or possibly A-sexual), If you are dreaming in full color rather than in shades of black and white, Satan has obviously entered you in some way. Whether you are of the lesbionic or homogay choice of lifestyle(still not sure if you’re a male or female, I hope male because females should not be posting such inflamatory remarks on a good christian website)you should be dreaming only in shades of black and white, not in rainbow colors. Perhaps you don’t remember Satan entering you as a young child. If you pray and ask the Lord for forgiveness for your obvious sin-filled failures as a child, your dreams should revert back to a natural sin-free black and white.
Such nasty remarks, T-shirts aren’t a very nice species are they…
If you were to follow your own religion you would realize how you are “sinning” by making such horrible things. “Jesus” would not want you to behave this way. According to this bible you speak of so freely you are supposed to try to help people that you believe are doing wrong. Please do tell me how this travesty of a comic will benefit anyone. How your breed of hate will get your through the pearly gates you so covet. The god you praise must be so very disappointed in you.
green howl — Is no doubt some slang for PCP or Marijuana.
It is obvious from the way you write that you have had a little much green howl tonight.
Perhaps if you stopped taking drugs and let Jesus in your heart some of these answers would come to you.
ok then, i’ll just go do that then haha the day that happens maybe i’ll start believing this stuff. I am a woman and yes Sam can be a males name but what the hell does a persons name have to do with the person themselves? also, it’s the 21st century and women have equal rights to men and oddly enough that includes the right to post comments on a website
Sounds like you’re a new-age heathen, speaking of the 21st-century as an era of equality just as how devil worshipers have equated the Golden Bull with Yahweh in the past! Equality is truly the idea of the devil, and you my dear woman is a vessel for Satan’s voice!
so because a person makes a few typos they’re on drugs ? how did you leap to that conclusion
I looked before I leaped to that conclusion. One must always look before leaping.
Oh, my.
Well, I’m back for Round 3.
I’m running out of things to say to you all! You just make my day shine like a rainbow! (Too gay?)
Please, whoever made these comments, I’d like to point out that Dr. Holy:
a) is black and
b) cannot spell to save a hippo.
Yours in hysterics, B.
i’m gonna just quote Faulty Towers here in saying, “if the good lord is mentioned once more i shall move you closer to him”
oh my gosh im a lesbian and last night i had a dream where i… went to a soccer game with a friend to watch sports. i guess im defective, seeing as gays dream of rape ?
lol wut
Sorry just a quick comment you people are beyond a joke,
if i am ever feeling down i rely upon this site to bring a smile to my face with you ‘homogay’ and ‘satanic homosexual’ comment they are just brilliant.
It hurts me to think that some of you people are actually serious.
your all a joke
I agree, some of the people who comment on these well-researched, Holy articles are complete jokes. I am glad to hear the Christwire Fellowship is able to bring joy to your life and hope that we can bring God into your heart as well.
Do shirts go to heaven? I have to know. Otherwise I don’t see why you would defend this page.
I as well dream in color, I feel that it is one of my blessings from our lord and savior. If I didn’t believe that comic books were evil I would print these out and give them to the neighborhood kids.
almost everyone has the ability to dream in color
You’re a bunch of fucking nutcases.
This must not be an actual religious or Christian site due to the pathetic and judgmental, not to mention, hypocritical posts. This is a joke.
I thought the part about drugs was funny.
Well, I’m Bi and my dreams are nothing like that……
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