Children who attend Coachella 2012 will be exposed to forceful anal sex intrusion while sinfully high on hydraulic Pontiac chronic, supplied by chocolate skinned urban dope dealing assassins. This year’s ring leaders are no other than hipped hopped’s deadliest homicide duel and ghetto thug kingpins, Snoopy Dogg and Dr. Drea. These two gangstas are trying to dip their menthol marinated, mocha fingers into the panties of America’s youthful white women via pot smoke and potty mouth music beats and at the same time training your young boys into lowering their goals to become minimum wage working nobodies.
These two king blacks will be brainwashing your porcelain skinned babies with melodies of cannabis musk and welfare pornography. This year’s Coachella is allowing them to bring their thuggary streets to white America’s front porch and your children will be coaxed into becoming future $2 Compton hookers and pimps waiting on their street corners looking to partake in thievery and cracked coke caned slobbery.
Twitter hashtags will not be streaming typical hipster festival party talk, no, Twitter feeds will be tagged with graphic vulgarities like, #4shizzled, #luvmezsumpotz, #justhadbuttsecs, #westcoastSodomyFTW #Ihatebeingwhite and #Looking4sumHos. Pot is known to drive women into wanting to dip their feet into the world of Sodomy and Snoopy Dogg and Dr. Drea will be encouraging your young princesses to post thousands of bandwidths worth of Twitpic photos of themselves tampering with pot smoking anal orgies to their food line friends in hopes of scoring some free amateur demon whacking materials.
The beer gardens will not be filled with America’s favorite beverages, instead it will be flooded with Mad Dawg and Old English 40 ounce bottles. This is the devil nectar that blacks use to quince their thirst from a long days worth of pot smoking and sexual taint tickling.
Two things threaten America, pot smoking hipped hoppers who try to lurk inside your daughter’s baby doors and sodomy. Both are creeping their hands up Lady Liberty’s virgin thighs and we as guardians of our children’s future must stop festivals that promote lazy black drug smoking lifestyles and festivals that teach our children to have sodomy styled sex acts.
Before allowing your sweetheart to go off to Coachella, just remember do you want your daughter’s milky nutrition tanks fondled by thousands of strangers and have their fecal cavern trained by sweaty hipsters and nappy headed Harlem hobbits?
I did pot when i was an teen and people still go to it by here!
It seems obvious from your sentence that you did the pot as a teen. It also seems quite obvious from your statement that you are still doing it and much worse. Please sober up before commenting here again. A nice looking girl like you shouldn’t need to do drugs for acceptance from her peers.
I quit doing drugs and I am not a girl!
It’s obvious these people have a stick up their asses that they can’t pull out.
I swear, it’s a metal bar that is frozen on one end and heated on the other.
They’re burning their hands, trying to pull it out! lolol
Isn’t it funny how you can rent some field or whatever and if you just put up ropes, anything goes? You’d think in this day and age we’d have security or police monitoring these things, but I guess in Nancy Pelosi’s California when the kids get out in the sunshine, the panties drop. Rather foul if you ask me and I really hope none of the boys and girls I know attend this junk. We had a festival called Woodstock back in my day. There are still people out there wandering the streets because of the LSD they took, even now decades later, sadly destroyed by these rock fests. If only parents would keep a closer eye on their kids. What a shame.
Hey Stephenson, you’re just jealous because you know that any women at the festival would want nothing to do with a balding, fat, greasy in-bred slob like yourself. Even more so when you start raving and jabbering at them about Jesus with your permanently limp penis in your hand. And you definitely wouldn’t need any LSD, seeing as you’re already in la la land.
You need a fresh bar of soap to wash all that filth out of your mouth… And a second one for the rest of you is probably required as well.
And you will need a LOT of soap to wash the bullshit out of your articles
Witty. NOT!
Clownboy, you wouldn’t know what wit is if you looked it up in the dictionary.
He couldn’t look in a dictionary anyway because acc
He couldn’t look in a dictionary anyway because according to him they greenlight a homogay agenda or some other bullshit reason…
Please learn how to type before posting your weird, incomplete tirades, young atheist.
I accidentally hit the submit comment button midway through my sentence, big whoop.
Stop being an idiot
Jesus is totally a Raver. I’ll bet he loves SKRILLEX
Stephenson Woodstock is the going on but with newer bands!
They were the ones that did the brown acid.
I wasn’t in country during the heathen woodstock. Instead, I heeded my country’s call, waist deep in rice paddies battling charlie.
Are you a fucking idiot??? You don’t know who Andy Biersack is??? Uhhh, the lead singer of the Blcak Veil Brides !?! Duh! What do you live under a rock? Not to mention, you do realize the site is a gag right? ya know, fake, a joke. ~ You didnt know that did you, you thought it was some Christian website-LOL how funny! What an idiot!
That was directed to Bruce
It looks like a girl to me. Why do you keep calling it a “him”? As far as this site being a “joke”, you are wrong. I take daily Fellowship with the other writers here, and I guarantee that we do not “gag” on anything. We are 115% Christians and there is no “Faking” that, my friend. I will pray for you.
if you are %115 Christian than I’m %235 Christian. an extra %20 coolness factor added.
Black dave
I do pot… I don’t want to do that because of it….xD its a party relax geez…and by the jesus was black. Not white..learn your fact monsiour tête de baiser. XD xD you guys seriously act like christianity is a wiccan cult….you realize this right? What has made you into these scared of everything, gulible, stupid people? I need to know!
By the way * pardon.
Hipped Hopped? Is that like after-the-fact Hip-Hop or something?
I wonder if they will have any babies for sale again this year?
I remember the picture of babies laid out for sale on tables during last year’s Coachella. I think if you want a blah one you need to get a coupon.
You would know right from attending last years coachella you whorelet!!!!
smoke a joint with your new baby??!!
i was just kidding blanche..
as much as you are one of the most ignorant annoying pieces of work ive ever heard, unlike you, I dont believe in belittle people no matter how evil they may be..
It was a joke to give you some of your own medicine, but i regret it now and if i could id erase that comment..
unlike you i am a real christian, not perfect, but i am supposed to love everyone including you. so i apologize..
I wouldn’t be surprised if they offer abortion services for children who have sex before marriage.
These kids need more Prayer and less sodomy. Hanging out with the blacks is just trouble.
Umm, excuse me, sir, but some of the most pious Christians I know (church-going, bible-reading, decent) are African American.
Our fellowship has a strong mission presence in Africa with a heavy focus on the Ivory coast. The ones without the Ebola and aren’t cannibals can be saved. But they are often drawn back to their tribal nature.
Yes, well, I cannot blame people who are drawn back to their natures. Culture change is a long process.
But we are talking about African-Americans. Specifically, middle-class hardworkers who also go to church. They aren’t trouble. Heck, one of my coworkers is a deacon who also helps at the shop I work at. Saying “Blacks are trouble” ignores these good people.
What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Are you ‘people’ brainwashed, insane, or just completely ignorant?
The answer is D. All of the above
Nah man. It’s just the cat shit. They are mad because pot is putting cat shit out of buisness
Im assuming your people did this right??
Calling a innocent newborn the anti-christ
Time for another dissection.
“Children who attend Coachella 2012 will be exposed to forceful anal sex intrusion while sinfully high on hydraulic Pontiac chronic”
What is hydraulic pontiac chronic? As far as I know, hydraulic indicates fluid, pontiac is a (sadly) out of business car manufacturer, and chronic is an adjective meaning repeating.
“This year’s ring leaders are no other than hipped hopped’s deadliest homicide duel and ghetto thug kingpins, Snoopy Dogg and Dr. Drea”
It’s hip-hop, not hipped hopped. And they’d probably make a much better sentence than that.
“These two gangstas are trying to dip their menthol marinated, mocha fingers into the panties of America’s youthful white women via pot smoke and potty mouth music beats and at the same time training your young boys into lowering their goals to become minimum wage working nobodies.”
Really, now? And I suppose sex is a bad thing? Then let’s let the human race die off entirely! Also, I really doubt they’re trying to lower people’s standards.
“These two king blacks will be brainwashing your porcelain skinned babies with melodies of cannabis musk and welfare pornography.”
Welfare pornography? What is that, anyway?
” This year’s Coachella is allowing them to bring their thuggary streets to white America’s front porch and your children will be coaxed into becoming future $2 Compton hookers and pimps waiting on their street corners looking to partake in thievery and cracked coke caned slobbery.”
Thuggary streets? White America? And even in bad parts of a city, the minimum price for prostitution is about $15-20, plus 2-3 shots. (source: time magazine, the week)
“Twitter hashtags will not be streaming typical hipster festival party talk, no, Twitter feeds will be tagged with graphic vulgarities like, #4shizzled, #luvmezsumpotz, #justhadbuttsecs, #westcoastSodomyFTW #Ihatebeingwhite and #Looking4sumHos.”
It sure will now that you’ve given people ideas.
“Pot is known to drive women into wanting to dip their feet into the world of Sodomy ”
Aw hell yeah! Awesome!
“Snoopy Dogg and Dr. Drea will be encouraging your young princesses to post thousands of bandwidths worth of Twitpic photos”
The fuck? Bandwidth has to be measured, it’s not a unit. Thousands, unless you’re talking about terabytes, isn’t that big a deal. And what is Twitpic?
“The beer gardens will not be filled with America’s favorite beverages, instead it will be flooded with Mad Dawg and Old English 40 ounce bottles. This is the devil nectar that blacks use to quince their thirst from a long days worth of pot smoking and sexual taint tickling.”
Well if they still use it, it must not be too bad then!
“do you want your daughter’s milky nutrition tanks fondled by thousands of strangers”
… What?
Man whyd they let you keep your researched response…
i wrote and entire researched response to stephenson’s article about LMFAO dicrediting him and they erased it..
jerks.. cant handle the truth.. or at least dont want any of their crazed brainwashed followers knowing it.
No idea. You’re pretty new here, and they know I’d raise hell and several other underworlds about it, so that might have something to do with it.
Truthfully, the server fucking sucks. Sometimes it just eats up posts. It MIGHT have something to do with the size of it, but that isn’t 100% accurate either, I’ve had tiny posts of mine get eaten by the site. Unless you mean you posted it, saw the entire post up, and then saw it got deleted sometime later (just because you see that ‘comment-#####’ url doesn’t mean it actually went through).
yeah no i really did see the post and then it got deleted.. it had literally an answer and link of proof to every stupid thing billings said..
Yes, the server is a piece of shit. As is the site design.
The server is run by monkey and snail
and abe … ah wait I said it monkey
Well, I jsut submitted an article detailing the first 3 ways that came to mind on how to improve it, so let’s hope it gets through.
It is sad when the young are so pot-addled that they spend two hours tapping away at a rebuttle to something because the few braincells they have left cannot compute that the article they are rebutting IS SATIRE.
It’s worse when you realize that half of America has never heard of the term “suspension of disbelief”.
Dr. Stien! total badass
I’d ban Coachella if it were up to me. Sodomy is something that became trendy with Woodstock but has persisted through liberal hippies choosing to fornicate and advocating “free love” to their children. In regards to the blacks, it’s this “tolerance” that the homogays are advocating. They want to turn this world into a mosaic of sodomy and that simply won’t do. Hipstersexuals attack again. CHRISTIANS AGAINST COACHELLA!
this coming from someone with an emo-looking gay icon?? really??
isnt there an article against people like you?
Excuse me, sir, but sodomy did not become popular with Woodstock. In fact, much like oral sex, it was a closeted sexual activity between couples. However, reasonable people do not go airing their dirty laundry on air so of course it stayed secretive.
And well, “tolerance”? Well, here’s the way I see it; I love in a diverse area. The most diverse area in the world. Many of the Americans I know do not look like me, or even have my beliefs. But does that make them less American than I? No.
Also, please stop using idiocy like Hipstersexual and Emosexual. They imply that someone is attracted to names of subcultures. And that would be a sad thing indeed, in my not so humble opinion. And you’re an educated young man, you should know better.
You’re a member of Christians Against Cochaella (CAC), too? I LOVE CAC! Bless You!
I noticed that cac, if said enough, sounds like cock.
Anyone can come up with bull shit
we should Ban christianity after all they bring nothing to the world do they ?
“minimum wage working nobodies”
You give them too much credit.
Question. What kind of filter was used on these photos? I see an absence of atypical rappers.
Parents of Coachella Children are unfit Parents. Their children should be stripped away and interned into service to the flock. We would set them STRAIGHT!
Well I don’t know what it is about these artists that people find so appealing in the first place. Last time I checked, if you had a microphone in your hand it was because you could SING. Anyone can talk along to music.
I’ve never allowed any of my children to attend these types of events because I knew they were bad, but it’s distressing to read just how filthy they really are.
I pray for everyone’s souls that they resist temptation.
look old timer its called rapping and cut the crap ur kids r gonna do stuff u don’t approve and u can disapprove but that is just crap
Spook dogg and Dr. Drea have polluted the minds of our American youth with sodomy for years. It is a shame that the uber-liberal commie government allows them a day to perform in public in the eyes of our youth! White power.
One they dont promote sodomy. Two there names are snoop dogg and dr. dre. but i dont expect a racist cunt like you to understand that one..
And third the u.s. is based on letting people have the freedom to do whatever they want to do in the name of their beliefs and people who have organzied this and other festivals like this are actually mostly white. and though they do promote sex and in the past living this gangster life with drugs & what not. people who attend are all adults & a lot of them are white of course along with many other races, but as adults they have the choice to do whatever they want. and if theyre younger people there thats their parents fault for letting them go. If you think its so bad then talk to the parents not the kids who supposedly go..
poor poor racist jeremaih once kids go 2 school lots of things corrupt their minds
I can’t wait to trip on acid, have my ass cheeks hang out in a slutty outfit, and stick my tongue in everyone’s mouth!
If they dont go they might end up like the people who runthis site. A gay clown.
May the lord descend on these evil satanic souls clouding the spiritually dry deserts of America.
Peace and good Christian love,
Andrew JC Smithson
I don’t know about you but i do not see any children in that picture.
I only see young grown ups who probably do not give a rat’s behind about what their parents think about them attending.
Maybe if you wouldn’t allow 16 year olds to drive, it would be much more difficult to attend such events.
You can not save everyone you know, people gotta fall to pull themselves back up and see, and understand.
It is called learning to be responsible for yourself.
If you choose to drink and smoke yourself to smithereens, be aware that someone might take advantage of you.
I bet next time you won’t drink and smoke so much.
This is the dumbest website ive ever seen it’s Snoop Dogg and Dr.Dre you dumbass and every article I read is pointless.
Spook Dog and Drea are their tribal names.
It’s actually Andre Young and Calvin Cordozar Broadus, Jr. Tribal names really are you racist just because they are black.
The hell is a tribal name? Do your really think all blacks are sex obsessed tribal members that live off of welfare and fried chicken? Good lord. I’m black and I don’t even think there IS a tribal name of some sort.
julian ur so fuking retarded
There is quite a lot of foul-mouth language on here. If you ask me, it’s just more evidence of the negative effect these performers are having on our youth.
Every curse word used just strengthens our argument that this should be stopped.
so ur saying EVERY singer of EVERY type is a bad influence on kids when u have never heard their music ver stupid
It should read “quench your thirst”, not “quince your thirst”.
thank you for this excellent article. it is all truth.
I do drugs and party on saturday and go to chruch the next day! I go to concerts and saw bands that are awesome and “emosexual”.If I’m a sin I don’t care because i can live an life like party and being a christian. I seen more life then you gay faggots (christwire writers)!