Youtube’s Biggest Vlogging Devil Whore – iJustine

Obsessed with the homogay company Apple, this harpie, cross eyed, lich queen has been spreading sexual subliminal propaganda across the YouTube social site for years. Her name is iJustine, whose real name is Justine Ezarik. She changed her name because she is ashamed of her Jewish roots and she knows just like Hitler himself, the liberal and hipster world doesn’t accept Jewish skin. You might also think the “i” in front of her name stands for “Internet” or “iPod”, but it actually stands for “Inbreed”. Yes, iJustine is a product of inbreeding, how else can you example her Britney Spreads sibling on sibling features, such as her closely positioned eyes that cross in dizzy chaos?

How much make up can one women pave onto their face? We’ve seen sinful porn stars plaster less Satan cream on their faces before a all out interracial gangbang cut scene. I hope she does realize that the make up she wears only enhances her Reese Witherspoon man jaw. How much push up can one bra handle to make it look like she has some sort of mosquito bitten chest? She does know that the lack of milk sac is a sign of infertility right? This is God’s punishment to her for making such sexually abusive videos.

People might think she is just making funny little videos, but her true intention is to promote sexual whorishness to the young boys and girls who use Youtube to use as research for their homework papers. Now we aren’t calling her a whore, we are just saying he actions are very whorish, plus whores don’t get paid for their vile actions, while iJustine gets paid millions a year to flash images of herself in prostitute wardrobe. Her choice of outfits are not only brainwashing future homemakers into becoming future Jersey Shore cast members, but is also tempting young boys into sneaking into their rooms and watching her videos as they self “M” themselves with their mothers Victoria Secret body lotion.

Just like all sex addicted sinners, iJustine addiction grows with each video. If you look at her first videos she doesn’t wear much makeup and her clothing covers all her sin sex regions. Now that the pot doesn’t get her high anymore, she needed to upgrade to the black street crack. You can also tell her whore addiction has spiraled out of control, because she recently took the money she makes off your children and purchased herself some plastic sin bags:

Every dollar she makes by your views or your children’s views are paying for this type of sex circus and you are just as guilt as someone funding a terrorist operation.

We needed to call Youtube and protest her videos! You can even twitter her here @ijustine and let her know you feel her videos are destroying American values.

43 thoughts on “Youtube’s Biggest Vlogging Devil Whore – iJustine

  1. L.N

    Christianity, the only religion that tells women that they’re no good if they don’t have big breasts, and subsequently calls them whores if they do, with no middle ground.

    I also love the fact that you’re just incredibly hateful and stupid Tyson. She didn’t ‘change her name’, she’s using a moniker instead. Not everyone says what their name is out loud for everyone to know.

    And inbreeding? Really? You’re just going to be insulting towards her simply because you think she’s a liberal? What also gets me is your stance on her chest. God punished her by making her have a small chest for making these videos, yet she didn’t start making these videos until her chest developed. So what gives? You can’t exactly ‘reverse’ growth in a short period of time, so you’re just being a douche bag like you always are.

    1. Really?

      No, true Christianity does not teach about the nay or yay of breast sizes. The author of this article is not a true Christian, and comes across as mentally imbalanced and hateful. He is contrary to Christ’s teachings!

      NEVER did Christ go around insulting and lying about people, nor did He ever force His teachings onto anyone! He did teach right from wrong, but never forced anyone to listen. If others walked away from Him, He let them… their free will and choice.

      Too many fake Christians do not follow Christ’s example. They hatefully insult others, and do not know when to walk away when teaching, as the scriptures also teach to do. They also use the bible as a sledgehammer against others, while quoting scriptures out of context, to their advantage against others who do not agree with them or accept what they have to say. Christ never did that, or acted that way.

      Christ said His true followers the world would know, is by their fruit (the fruit of the Holy Spirit in them). This Tyson guy and others do not act Christlike at all, nor are they humble.

      There is only one way to share the truth Christ taught, and that is through agape love, not hatred, libel, gossip and insult! And NO ONE is to force their beliefs upon anyone! That includes Christians teaching others. If others do not wish to listen, or disagree, then a true Christian is to walk away, shake the dust off their shoes from where they stood teaching, and move along, while praying for others, if they are truly concerned for them. Hateful messages do not win souls, and those delivering hateful statements against others, will also not get their pseudo-self righteous soul into Heaven either… and yes, that is taught in the scriptures! A truly repentive serial killer will make it in faster, then those claiming to be Christian, who by their actions, obviously are not!

  2. August Weisz

    What a vain girl. You can tell by looking at her abs that she is “sucking it in” as opposed to what naturally in shape abs look like. Also whats up with her backside? A little larger than it should be if you hope to land a fine young man.

    And isn’t putting an “i” in front of something really over? Didn’t it jump the shark wuth that icarly show the teens watch?

    Well I guess she’s an apple fanatic, so it all makes sense.

    1. Tyson Bowers III

      You with think with the amount of coke she does, she wouldn’t have to suck in so much.

      1. FormerChristian

        You must be on some strong shit yourself if you think someone like iJustine does cocaine. Do me a favor and fall down some stairs. Maybe it will knock some sense into you. Asshole.

      2. Really?

        Legally, you are out of line, with strong accusations you can not back up! As far as your other comments against IJ, why should she live by your faith standards, when her doctrinal belief is not the same as yours?

    2. FormerChristian

      What a vain man. You can tell by looking at his profile pic that he is really a balding middle aged man with a beer belly and a sagging ass. Also whats up with his acne? He really should get that taken care of if he hopes to land a fine young man.

      And isn’t acting pretentious about the way people spell their names really over? Didn’t it jump ship with the last generation of mind numb retards?

      Well I guess he is a ignorance fanatic, so it all makes sense.

      I hope you enjoyed a taste of your own medicine, bitch.

    1. Tyson Bowers III

      Maybe he will smack her down a few more after this post. I’m sure parents will be rioting to YouTube about her channel.

      1. August Weisz

        I think it’s taken care of already. If you compare her now to pictures of her a few months ago she is losing what little attractiveness she has left fast. Her slight looks that appealed to lonely fat people living in their parents basements seemed to be the only thing she had going for her. Sad really.

      2. FormerChristian

        She has been on Youtube for years dumbass. Nobody is gonna do anything about it because nobody is as stupid as you. Seriously man. How do you get a negative score on an IQ test? You gotta tell me the secret to blindly holding onto myth and forsaking truth completely. I have has just about all I can stomach of you and ignorance. I can only hope that there is never a Tyson Bowers IV.

      1. Really?

        So true! As scriptures state… Many will follow, but FEW will be chosen. Christ wasn’t referring to those who don’t believe at all (for they have already made their choice), but instead, He was referring to those who ‘think’ and state they are His followers (like the author of this article), but are truly not. You can tell this author and others like him here, are not true Christians. They have only convinced themselves that they are… they are under a great delusion.

  3. Ice Van Winkle

    I don’t know this woman, but she looks like a fine Christian girl who was kidnapped, beaten, and whored out by a black pimp. Is it too late to save her soul?

    1. FormerChristian

      Its too late to save your name Icy my good boy. Now fuck back off to someplace where your opinion matters.

    2. Tylerpandabubble

      Ice pedo piss,
      I really do hate you ,your ignorance,your racism,tour stereotypical mind,and your hair please, GO WItH ABE And Have CHILDREN ins his “SIN HOLE”

  4. Deric

    I had never heard of this girl, but felt I should check her out for research purposes. She seems to be trying to encourage creativity, which we know is a tool of the devil, and on more than one video references some homosexual code named “the Honey Badger”. I am ashamed to admit that I eventually found myself sinning while I was reclined on the sofa watching these. I think this whore should be banned from the internet…she is a foul temptress who will doubtless lead other men to embrace earthly pleasures. Ban her and burn all the bytes she has sullied!

    1. wtf

      Are you people FUCKING stupid. She’s not whore and creativity isn’t a tool of satan and by saying it is proves that you’re a fucking mindless zombies. And personally if you are some kind preist or preacher ypu would know in the bible it says and I qoute “judge not yet ye be judged.”ijustine has done nothing fir Gods sake she won’t even cuss!

  5. Coffee

    You fucking asses! iJustine is cleaner than a fucking Disney movie! And don’t any of bastards tell I’m ‘foolish’ or ‘don’t understand’. I think I know a little more that you.

    1. Tyson Bowers III

      You for sure don’t know how to form a sentence.

      “And don’t any of bastards tell I’m ‘foolish’ or ‘don’t understand’”

      1. FormerChristian

        This coming from the man who’s relationship with proper grammar consists of a farewell peck on the cheek before diving off into la-la land. In other words. Shut the fuck up. If you can’t come up with a better reason to ignore someones argument than their grammar, than you need to shut your pie hole.

    2. Deric

      With all the whores that emerged from Disney, including Britney Spears, that Mexican Harlot Christina Aquilara, and the uber whore Miley Cyrus, that doesn’t say much.

      I hope Jesus has mercy on the soul of wayward heathens like you. You just don’t know how to recognize gateway porn. Pastor Bob and I watch a lot of this doing research, trying to protect people from these man-lust makers.

      1. drew

        just so you know.Ijustine is not a part of disney. he’s just saying she is as clean as on another note. I thought christians and other branches of religion from christianity, were supposed to forgive people for their sins, not slander them.

  6. Kyleisbetterthanyou

    lol is this whole blog a joke? i really can’t tell if you guys are being serious or not. anyway, mission accomplished. I got a good laugh out of how insanely retarded this blog post is. I thought christians weren’t suppose to be judgemental?
    ps- Britney Spears is actually a great entertainer/performer and she’ll always be wealthier than the low lifes that post their so called “christian” values on this blog. Have a good life!

  7. Knox

    This is the funniest shit ever!!! hahahahahahahahahahaha I hope you guys are not being serious. Major trollin’ win for the author. Holy cow!!!

  8. G0D

    Why do my children spread lies. She has a boyfriend you know? But maybe you people should stop hating on a person who has a life if you can’t find one. Also if you are true followers of Christ then you should be Jewish too.

  9. Kari

    What I don’t understand is why defamation is apparently a perfectly okay thing to commit on the internet.

    You and what used to be the site called Encyclopedia Dramatica are equally as bad, and trust me, it’s a pretty difficult thing to match the filth-ridden level of pomposity that once was there!

    This entire website is full of slanderous lies about every conceivable topic, lies as large as your egos (in direct opposition to a certain lower region of your bodies, no doubt!) and every word I see written on this site sickens me.

    It’s all well and good to have an opinion, but to have an entire article wailing on one poor Youtuber – that you for some reason perceive as a ‘devil whore’ – is a little much. Not only that, but you’re encouraging other people to go and harass her as well! Is that really how god-fearing people behave around issues and people they dislike?

    You’re not a part of the Westboro Baptist ‘church’, are you? This article sounds about as mature as any of their picketed prattling…

    I for one thought religion was supposed to be about love, so how about you stop spreading the hate and giving your religious kin a bad name in the process? :)

    Also worthy of note, no, I don’t think you can get away with calling this satire. Satire is and always has been tasteful, witty humour- something you and every other would-be journalist on this site are sorely lacking~

  10. Bolivar

    Former christian is defending a wannabe celeb like he/she has something to lose if the lame ass who came up with the campaign to stop a disease by writing it on her hand is besmirched in anyway for attention… Why are you so passionate?

  11. Outraged

    I cannot believe you people! I am a devoted Christian female, and i also am a huge fan of iJustine. I am apalled by all of the mean and nasty things you have said about a women you probably don’t even know (and you call yourself a Christian). Also if young boys sin to her image then that’s their fault…. she can’t help that she’s pretty. And to the grown men that also sin to her image I’m pretty sure you all are sick pedophiles considering she is probably half your age. By the way wearing eyeliner or any makeup at all does not make a woman a whore considering almost all Christian women wear it. So all in all your blog is mean,spiteful, and very un-Christian. By the way, you have no room to judge anybody, only God can, so suck on that!

  12. Agnostic

    I find this hilarious. Let me ask you this. In Christianity the only one who can judge is God himself correct? That his right and his alone…….Then why are you?

  13. Ryatin

    Surely you aren’t serious about IJustine? First of all, what kind of a Christian calls someone a ”devil whore”? You people on ChristWire think you are as innocent as a rose. Truth is, your not. Calling people whores and taking perspective on others’ chests is true Christianity. You people on ChristWire amaze me at how much stupidity and immaturity you put into these articles.

  14. Really?

    Wow! What an outrageous, cruel article! First Mr., you are one sick puppy. I never thought I’d see a man so obviously jealous of a female half his age… either because he wishes he could get some from her, or he is jealous he does not make the money she does… or, maybe he is jealous of both!?

    Secondly, you are NOT A CHRISTIAN (very few true ones in the world today, despite the many who claim to be one!). More likely you are another fake one, set out to make true Christians look bad. In any case, IJ hardly wears too much makeup and looks fine. She also does not pose provocatively, or act sexually suggestive in any of her videos.

    Regarding the other accusations you made about IJ, as in her being Jewish, and her crack use, etc., can you prove it? Those are some pretty serious accusations, especially regarding the drug use buddy boy!

    There is obviously something wrong with your mind to be stalking and slandering a young girl old enough to be your daughter, which I’m basing upon your picture, or is that just a fake avatar? If it is not you, then you are using anothers identity, which is wrong.

    And remember…. hatred is far worse a sin, then anything I see IJ doing in her videos! If you really think you are a Christian, keep that in mind. You are not giving constructive criticism or opinion, you are maliciously attacking another human being, without merit, and judging her eternal destination, which is only reserved for God to do. Knowing right from wrong is one thing, but you go beyond doing that.

    I suggest you think seriously about what you are doing.

    Now have a nice day!

  15. Really?

    P.S. Gossip is also another one of the deadly sins. I suggest you start reading the ‘good book’, which obviously you have not done, nor do you follow Christ’s teachings. All sin is sin in God’s eyes… there is none lesser than another. READ THE SCRIPTURES… NO SIN WILL GET YOU INTO HIS PARADISE! THAT INCLUDES YOUR BLATANT HATRED, GOSSIP, AND LIBEL AS WRITTEN IN YOUR ARTICLE!

    Again, you are not a true Christian… you are a poser to make the real ones more hated by the world, who will think all Christians are like you! Smooth move satan!

  16. Really?

    Clarification… regarding your accusation about her being Jewish… I was referring to your stating she was hiding her Jewishness? Where has she ever done that? and why should she? Nothing wrong with her being a Jew, but obviously by your comment, you must think there is. Are you an antisemite too?

    You come across as a very sick, hateful person. If anyone needs to repent, it is YOU!

  17. Sarah

    Oh my lord! An adult woman, with the right to freedom is wearing make-up and showing her legs! WE MUST ALERT THE CHURCH ELDERS!


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