Proof African People Are Animals, Even if They do Live the Highlife

Over the weekend two of hip hop rap stars (usually violent black males) got in a fight over drugs which resulted in one black male (Chris Brown) assaulting his babies mother, Rihanna.

Here is a quote descirbing the animalist abuse that endured

Law enforcement sources have now gotten specific with us… police took pictures of Rihanna’s injuries and they are “horrific.”

As we reported, the photos show major contusions on both sides of the singer’s face — there is serious swelling and bruising. Her lip is split and her nose bloody. We have now confirmed there are bite marks on one of her arms and on several fingers.

This is showing now matter how rich or “civilized” the blacks become, they are still violent and do not belong in modern society.

63 thoughts on “Proof African People Are Animals, Even if They do Live the Highlife

  1. BHR

    I stumbled here for a different article but I must say it’s extremely sad to see the blatant racism and obvious lying reported on this site. First off there was a domestic violence dispute between to Popstars (neither of them rap). There was no argument over drugs and one of them isn’t black. Brown skin doesn’t equate to “blackness”. Furthermore they have no children together so she is not his “babies momma”. No one was bitten however the young lady was struck and there aren’t any major contusions (she was seen after the incident although she decided not to attend the Grammy’s as scheduled. This was an argument between to children that clearly got out of hand neither of them are even 22 years of age. Its shameful to think that for you to represent a religion of peace and tolerance you could spread lies to your readers to further your agenda of racism, God is aware of your lying. This isn’t unlike two people of your race (Tommy Lee and his wife who was beaten over and over again.) And like any other race there are those within who are an absolute embarassment, they by means define the race as whole. Sort of like you being an embarassment to Christianity by being a fool is not indicative of how all Christians should be perceived. And I know speaking to you is pointless as your obviously a foolish bigot who has yet to face up to his issues that will keep him from the kingdom, I’d like for everyone else to know the truth of what realy happened that night, and not your biased and ridiculous article of fiction presented here.


      It is more than apparent that white liberalism is a disease. I think the majority of posts here defending african-americans are made by white liberals that have such a minute exposure to african-americans, save the occasional trip into the city to attend art showings, that they do not deserve to comment. I live in Cleveland. It’s ugly here. There are “incurable” areas of the city. If more people saw how african-americans live, speak, and treat the world, instead of learning about african-americans a la PBS, then a totally different opinion of african-americans would emerge. I challenge you, white liberal, to move into the city. Within days you will find yourself asking questions about the conduct of african-americans. You will not make it in the city. You will move back to the confines of deep suburban life and either deny the tendancies of african-americans or become racist. You will, however, not accept the challenge because in your heart you know the truth. The faster the baby-boomers expire, the faster we can all work together to improve every life in America. We are all created equal. In America, however, african-americans are taught that they are different. The political correctness of the media is backfiring, but perhaps it is the liberal agenda to keep us all separated and at war.

    2. REM

      I am of Bangladeshi origin and to some extent I have to agree black people are sometimes like animals. I am not a racist I just speak about what I see. My opinion is that black people or black men rather don’t do anything to help themselves. All coloured races have at some point been slaves or exploited yet they helped themselves out of it. Maybe it was culture, religion or their traditions that helped them. Black people on the other hand, either they are too dumb or simply don’t care to help themselves. I’m not saying all black people are like that but the majority that I have come across are. I don’t think it’s a race issue I think it’s more to do with culture, religion etc. In Africa black’s practise witchcraft, voodoo and even though they have adopted other faiths there still remains that element of witchcraft. They are like animals, easy to exploit and so have been throughout history. Within black people life is cheap they kill one another and have no respect for their women. They are like chimps, they rape, loot and have no sense of bettering themselves.

      I understand that whites are always beating down on them, but why wait for their hand outs? Why not develop your own community, jobs and help your selves? We Indians do it so do the Chinese and other minorities. Aiming to be a rap star or go into professional sports will not build their community it is a individual goal to get oneself out of the ghetto.

      As stated not all black people are like that but I believe the majority are. Why is that? I’m not aiming to offend I just want to understand why Africa has been a mess for the past few hundred years. Why when a black people move in to a neighbour hood it goes downhill. Why prisons are populated by mostly black people. Why do I not see many black professionals. Why are blacks always linked to crime and drugs? Help me understand

      1. Steve

        How in the fuck can you say “I have to agree that blacks act like animals?” Its so fucking funny how all of these races, and ethnicities out there are saying that blacks are like animals. LOL!!! but you know what? I haven’t found a website yet with blacks fucking animals. The white man is the most beast like of them all on this planet. Stop saying blacks are like animals and start admitting that you guys are the fucking animals. You guys fuck animals. There are tons of website showing (whites, Asians, Spanish, and indians.. etc fucking animals. so talk what you know. You fuck racist animals fucker. when are you guys going to get tired of hating on blacks. You guys are the most wicket people on this planet. You fucking liers, and hypocrites. By the universal law, you mother fucker are going to pay so much for your deceit.

        White peoples skin is not built to dwell on the surface of the planet earth they can not withstand the SUN HEAT OR UV RAYS. They are not suppose to be here. They are a Fucked up Lab Experiment. Every where they go they pollute the air, water, and minds. They fuck animals and they have to feed off people of colors blood to survive.They invaded countries, and killed the native there, raped the women, and poisoned them. They lie, cheat, and steal to be on top. Go back underground, nigger scraps.

        1. sasha buttswiper

          why are you lookig for websites of men fucking animals? LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyway, when you can stop yourself from jacking to pics of that. people think africans are like animals bc they have no soul. they have no values, no self restraint or control,like watching porn all day(like you)…just like animals.

  2. Jack Gould

    Thank you for bringing this to light, Tyson. Indeed it is very sad commentary when you see such things in the media spotlight.

    As I prepared for work today, I decided to watch several good media shows…on the good Fox as well as other media stations.

    All the things they were saying about how black people music naturally breeds violence like this, and that young black males now always may be feeling ‘entitled’ to certain behavior due to Barack Obama in office, is so clearly, clearly true.

    Just imagine if we had an Arab president…oh wait, Barack already is that too…

  3. Rich

    Sir, I salute you!

    It is rare that I am rendered speechless, but you stole my entire vocabulary for a full 30 seconds.

    You, Sir, are a narrow minded, hate-monger. Cherry-picking examples that support up your beliefs yet do not represent the truth. It’s the Christian way, I understand.

    Anyone can do that though – here let me try. All priests are peadophiles – I’ve read about a couple of case, therefore it’s true about every one of them.

    I’ll try another one. All women are prostitutes. I’ve read about some women that were prostitutes, therefore all women are prostitutes.

    Just for the record, oh and I know how it pains you folks, Jesus was not white. If you hate all non-whites you also hate Jesus.

    Do you hate Jesus, Sir? I would say, Sir, that you do by default.

  4. carver

    It is good to show White America the truth that these beasts are nothing but dumb, violent, sex starved animals. Nigs were brought to this country for one purpose only, to be cheap labor. Since they are not working…


  5. Zack

    It’s realy sad to see that people claiming to spread love and peace publish such racist articles in the name of the church. Shame on the author of this article. Have a lot of fun at your next KKK meeting!

  6. a chinese guy

    wow so funny. Children of Christ are so funny and have such a good sense of humour. I am glad Jesus blessed my fellow Christians with good skin colour and with the colour a great skill to find the LIGHT in all situations. HAHAH black people are animals right and I am the president of the united states.

  7. matt


  8. Kristian

    Who wrote this article? – No information about the author. I hope this horrible article isn’t representative for this site, this is unfair to black people.
    “they are still violent and do not belong in modern society”
    Then in what society do they belong? – In renaissance society? Do you have a time machine? I don’t like people who speak as if they own society, I want “society” (government) to be small and nobody must own it, it’s as much mine as it is yours. Yes, it is still yours, the “society” belongs as much to racists as to everyone else, we have freedom of speech here in the West, in case a curious asian wonders :) , don’t count on it though, a corrupt court can still sentence you to “sensitivity training”.
    Don’t be a racist, there are lots of good black people out there and yes there are obviously lots of bad black people out there. But the key word here is good and bad, not black.
    @Jack Gould –
    “All the things they were saying about how black people music naturally breeds violence like this…”
    No, music doesn’t make people violent. The next thing we know I guess is someone arguing that gaming has made me violent. Jack, even if you’re right, and I don’t know, you got to get your facts absolutely right in order to convince someone. Is black violence more prevailing with respect to their percentage of the population? Does music breed violence, what study draws this conclusion? Affirmative action is unfair, it’s a racist policy, that much is sure.
    “Speak Your Mind” – The government should stop funding schools teaching evolution, First Amendment:
    “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”
    Forcing children to learn an intricate theory designed to thwart their minds away from the thruth is “to hinder or prevent” Christianity (a religion), see the definition of prohibiting:
    As for the fight between inteligent design and evolution, don’t fight, the school doesn’t have to teach people what to believe, that a religious question, then treat it as such in accordance with the first amendment. I’m not a scientist, but this looks like interesting science:
    Read the Genesis, for information about how the world was created.

  9. The Knights Templar

    Wow! Further proof that in certain communities, white folk are creating family with their own family. I wonder how these black entertainers get rich? White money! (Not yours, Gould or Tyson, as it is apparent your IQ level and thought process most definitely has you stuck washing dishes somewhere!) So that must mean that these “animals” are what you aspire to be. Good luck…you both seem to be dumber than monkeys.

  10. Shockedmeister


    This is a broadcast message from the Center for Troll Detection and Awareness (CTDA). Anyone who has visited this website and posted an angry response to one of the “articles” featured here has been successfully “trolled.” This website is a farce. These people posting these articles do not actually exist as they are presented. These people do not actually believe the things they are posting. They are using a form of satire to get you, the reader, as mad as possible, aka “trolling.” Know that in your anger, you have let the trolls win. However valid your point may have been, this is the “internet;” your opinions can be immediately ignored, deleted, or mocked in whatever ridiculous way the troll deems appropriate. If, after realizing yourself to be the victim of a successful trolling, you are still angry, the best thing for you to do is to leave the website until you grow a sense of humor. This concludes the CTDA broadcast.

  11. Asiancommando

    Stop fucking up the message of Jesus…
    Conservatives are too scared of shit.
    Liberals are too loving…
    Moderate Left FTW.

  12. Tegan

    Ok, so, black people are animals. Let’s look at this from a scientific point of view. Two different species cannot produce reproductively viable offspring. Obviously, since there anre many people who are products of mixed race marriages, and who have children of their own, this would indicate that black people are of the same species as white people, and indeed, ALL people. But you’re a conservative nutjob, so say that’s all a big conspiracy to get people to support Obama or something. Ok, so these two black people were able to mate and had a child (this is purely theoretical, as I am aware that one of them isn’t black, nor do they have a baby together) and then the “violent male” proceeded to beat the living hell out of his baby momma. So? I mean, it’s not they’re PEOPLE, right? I mean, do you freak out and assert that every chimp is not human when a male beats a female? Either way you look at it, your logic and justification is fallacious. Men beat their girlfriends/wives all the time, WHITE men included. In fact, most wife beating is perpetrated by ignorant, culturally conservative fucktards clinging to archaic traditions such as yourself. Does that make YOU subhuman?

  13. Loving the ChristWire Satire

    Haha this is why I love this website. Every person typing a comment and getting all huffy is technically an animal haha. Keep it up tyson.

  14. roflcopter

    this website is either a joke or one of the sickest things i’ve seen. yes i am a white conservative christian, but this is just terrible and i hope is nothing more than a sick joke

  15. Andrea

    wow. great job grouping all black people into one huge sterotype. You are a fucking racist asshole, but i dont say that about all white people, just you, because your racist. asshole.

  16. Disaster Doll

    Holy fuck. I cannot believe what I’m reading. You might as well just put on your white hoods and bring back lynching. None of you “Christians” have any decency, commom sense, values, morals or brains. You are a bunch of racist fucks and couldn’t see pass your own noses if you tried.

  17. Otto Fick

    Accepting there is only one race of human being,you must also accept there are different gene clusters,family members with in this race just like with other animals. Why is the bull shark so much more aggressive than the nurse shark? Same family no ? Obviously the bull shark has a genetic predisposition for aggressive.Polar bears versus black bears same thing. According to the medical data collected over the years African Americans have higher levels of testosterone than other ethnic groups ( male and female). I think we all know testosterone causes aggression.

  18. joe joe joe joberson

    this is just a big misunderstanding
    the facts go as follows:
    1- rihanna was shit-canned
    2- rihanna is better for it im sure
    3- nobody really knows what happened, only God, and if gods gossipy, which he is, then satan also know
    4- I dont even know if its true
    6- these things happen ALL THE TIME, we’re dealing with black criminals here

    also, im not sure if youve noticed this but its real shitty out today…
    shitty out…. rihanna got shit-kicked… theres a connection….
    black people beat women rain or shine!
    legalize it!!!

  19. Pingback: Black NBA Basketball Players Pull Guns on Each Other | ChristWire

  20. susan

    These vile Negroid’s must be squelched out for the betterment of mankind. If anyone has any doubt, you need not look any further then this video. It speaks for itself.
    You want to talk about going to the zoo and looking in at the untamed beasts. One is reminded of the monkey species called the “bonobos” Yet even they act better then this filth-fest of yard apes. Now i know why they gave the world HIV/AIDS!

    1. Christpop

      Regaurding this comment by susan: OMG! THEY ARE ANIMALS! PERIOD!!!!
      THAT WAS SHOCKING! You have got to see this video!!!!
      susan wrote:
      These vile Negroid’s must be squelched out for the betterment of mankind. If anyone has any doubt, you need not look any further then this video. It speaks for itself.
      You want to talk about going to the zoo and looking in at the untamed beasts. One is reminded of the monkey species called the “bonobos” Yet even they act better then this filth-fest of yard apes. Now i know why they gave the world HIV/AIDS!

    2. randymatters


  21. Joy

    Please, if I may ask you, do you think that you belong to those chosen by God to inherit the kingdom. Why are you so mean in thinking of one whom God has created in his own image and likeness as not belong to modern society. What you think of modern today were once not modern. You may think that you are civilized but your thought and reaction is uncivilized and unless you repent of such, you have no place reserved for those whose thought and reaction are civilized. You may judge appearance but God do not judge as you do, if not Christ should not have come to die for you and me. Please, watch your mouth before you incure the anger of God.

  22. Just for the Craic

    Isn’t this supposed to be a Christian site? The sort of people who’re supposed to “Love thy neighbour.”

    You realise that Jesus was almost certainly black, right?

  23. TATA

    you bastard we are not animals !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your an animal !!! Your more closer than we are with all of that hair . yall look like bears !!!!

  24. jonny

    I am white,not black or even in a black community AND I AM TIRED OF BLACK ON BLACK VIOLENCE!!
    I am starting to wonder whats wrong with black people??Racism shasim,their states of mind are off.I have lost out several times in jobs due to blacks,one was a racist lady who I am positive hated me from the get go,another was when I was going into the army and they took black males scores over mine for better jobs than me,even though I bested them by some 30 points on the entrance exams.
    I didnt get a lawyer,I worked harder,I didnt give up up,I lived within my means,I didnt buy 24 inch rims,I went to community college.
    I am to strong,I am to fast,I am to smart,I am to quick, and I am to proud to ever be on social services in exchange for my freedom-
    Giving up is a choice,its easier to sell drugs or be a gang banger than stand on your own two feet god gave you,you are the soul reason for own success or failure in life.

    1. Tyson Bowers IIIAtheist POV Post author

      I worked at an HBCU for 25 years, even graduated from a Black University, and I’m here to tell you that African Americans are just as smart, just as thoughful, just as normal, as any other race of people. The trouble isn’t blacks, it’s whites who keep trying to shove them down in order to feel better about themselves. Imagine if your parents had lived in a time when they couldn’t eat in a restaurant, or go to the movies, or go to school. Imagine that your family had come to America because they were ripped out of their homes and brought here in ships, chained and worked until they died. Sure our cultures are somewhat different, but they are good people.

      More whites are on welfare than blacks, more whites committ murder than blacks, whites tend to be involved in organized crime, hate crimes, and embezzelment. More white teens give birth out of wedlock than blacks do. Get over yourself and stop blaming blacks for your failures.

      1. Mikey Nowitall

        they are not just as normal or thoughtful. my parents or grandparents never owned slaves,why are they still stuck in that midset?. women are put down and victimized on an hourly basis, but do they sit around complaining about it or get on welfare calling everyone who hates them sexist? no. blacks love being martyrs bc theyre not smart enough to be anything else. they may get into a college, colleges get more money to accept them, but that doesnt mean theyre smarter or get out of the ghetto mentality. All they ever talk about is starting riots,de-frauding government in some way,starting fights or just acting ape-like in some other way.
        i know you came here trying to spell all your words right to make yourself seem intelligent, but…….maybe next time LOL.

  25. Nikki Strong

    Is it me or this site is fake? What true CHRISTIAN site post such a post, this is unreal. However, it’s amazing how you could present such blatant disrespect but take money from an INTERRACIAL DATING service for revenue. SMH at ignorance. It’s seems either the editor of this site is a fool or passive aggressive and should seek help..

  26. Bonvolio Demanche

    Dear racist idiots (and once again, I speak directly to Mr. Bowers.)

    You make my Friday nights so entertaining. Thank you so much for showing me that I did the right thing, logging onto this site. You have made my week.

    Anyway, Mr. Bowers. I would like to point out a very, VERY embarassing scenario for you and all of your black-hating, Jew-killing, child-massacreing friends.

    I was flipping through some of your very ‘informative’ threads, and I noticed a thread called “Black NBA Basketball Players Pull Guns On Each Other”. As I was scrolling through your hateful garbage, I decided that it was too easy, and the author had written very little.

    I do love your pieces in particular, Mr. Bowers. So much verbal ammunition for me!

    But, I digress. Anyway, as I said, I was on this part of the site, and scrolled back up to the top. Lo and behold, an advertisement for a black dating site!

    Mr. Bowers, I’m disappointed in you. Come on, now! If you’re going to make a statement, stick with it! You either hate everyone, or you don’t.

    Please make a choice, Mr. Bowers! Sincerely confused, B.

  27. ChristianPriestsArePedophiles

    Your a fucking retard racists cuntface. Christianity is the stupidest shit ever. Religion is fucking retarted in general. All you guys do is make little boys suck your cocks. Seriously, I hope you die. Also, I forgot, fuck you. Your picture makes you look like you have a dildo in your ass, which you probably do, because you guys like that stuff.

    Oh yeah. You suck asshole.

  28. Chris

    You can thank the lord we have good wholesome music from bands like Creed and Faith (plus) 1. I once found a beatles cassette hidden under my son’s bed. Can you believe that, spawns of the devil they are. 50 lashes set my boy straight; rarely comes out of his cage anymore.

  29. Dina

    I am an Arab and i am more civilized than you will ever be.
    and obviously more educated

    Oh, and by the way! FYI Obama is not an arab, his dad was indonesian… thats in south east Asia.

  30. Gail

    As a Christian I am embarrised by your – not only Racist Comments,
    But also by the Hate incited notions going on on this Whole website.
    You put ‘Christians’ by the Biblical definition to shame…

    I can only pray that you will see the error of your ways…
    and that you ask God for forgiveness for everything that you have published on this website!!

    Infact I believe this Website is Mis-representing True Godfearing Christians,
    and leading non-believers to think that ‘This BS Dogma’ is what we stand for!!

    Please, This is not what Christ stands for,
    He wants us to love everyone, Of every nation and Colour… He says Love your Neighbour… Not love him if he is White or Purple and only does good….
    Love your neighbour and do unto them as you would have them do unto you…

    This Website ‘Christwire’ is Filled with Articals that are Against all Christian Principals, and is Run by Hateful, Fearful, Angry People… And where Hate and Fear is – God is NOT!!

    I suggest if you are Questioning your Faith at the moment, and want to find out more about Christans and their faith and are Searching for Truth and Real answers from God, to rather go to another website like:

    God Bless you all, and may the Truth be revealed to you all….

  31. Hell's Angel

    Hey Jack….go fuck yourself, or your sister, or better yet sodomize Tyson as I think he likes it. You look like you have some arab blood running through your veins in that picture. I hope that when Barack releases the “GITMO” detainees some get transferred to a prison near your hometown, then escape and take you hostage in your lonely trailer in the woods, gang rape you and cut off your head before detonating their suicide vests…. fucking moron! Or is that Mormon?
    Adam, you can also fuck off….INDONESIA is not INDIA you uneducated fool. Barack will be one of the greatest leaders the modern world has ever witnessed and will hopefully banish all of this country’s extreme, bible bashing, child molesting “Christians” to Palestine for cock-sucking duty.

    Trolling? His inbred wife will be “trolling” for his body parts if he keeps writing this shit.

  32. Gail

    So You are Part of the Team Running this Circus Show!!!

    How can you honestly Pretend to be Christians and Stand by what you are saying…
    Or are you actually just taking the Piss out of Christians??

    Who exaclty are you tryint to Represent?
    Who are you actually that you are so happy to Dish out Racism and the Hate incited notions going on on this Whole website.
    Since you are happy to go under an ‘allias’ Are you Happy to stand up and be Counted by Name – Go Public and Make yourself Famous!!

    You put ‘Christians’ by the Biblical definition to shame…

    I can only pray that you will see the error of your ways…
    and that you ask God for forgiveness for everything that you have published on this website!!

    This Website is Mis-representing True Godfearing Christians,
    and leading non-believers to think that ‘This BS Dogma’ is what we stand for!!

    Please, This is not what Christ stands for,
    He wants us to love everyone, Of every nation and Colour… He says Love your Neighbour… Not love him if he is White or Purple and only does good….
    Love your neighbour and do unto them as you would have them do unto you…

    This Website ‘Christwire’ is Filled with Articals that are Against all Christian Principals, and is Run by Hateful, Fearful, Angry People… And where Hate and Fear is – God is NOT!!

    I suggest to all other readers if you are Questioning your Faith at this moment, and want to find out more about Christans and their faith and are Searching for Truth and Real answers from God, to rather go to another website like:

    God Bless you all, and may the Truth be revealed to you all….

  33. Annoyed Atheist

    Umm… how do I put this… Kenya is not an Arab country. Kenyans may be predominantly Muslim, but they are still African, NOT ARAB.

    Also, Obama is not a Muslim either. He is a CHRISTIAN, just like you!

  34. Tim

    India’s 80% Hindu, and has never had a majority Muslim population. Even as a British colony with Pakistan as part of it, Islam never became a majority religion.

    Muslims make up only 10% of Kenya too, it’s mostly Christian, with the majority Protestant. Congratulations on knowing nothing.

  35. Hell's Angel

    Get on a plane dumbfuck….or better yet read an atlas!!
    White “real” Americans are so under-exposed. Go somewhere else other than Myrtle Beach on vacation ffs ! Barack is the man he is because of his “wide-world’ influences. Like its a bad thing. Not all the world enjoys underage incest after their Wendy’s before the Rodeo. Sometimes the people in this country make me sick.


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