Sarah Palin Vs. Kathy Griffin

Kathy Griffin better watch her red headed, soulless self before Mama Bear, Sarah Palin sinks her American teeth into her!

14 thoughts on “Sarah Palin Vs. Kathy Griffin

  1. Tyson Bowers IIIBlanche Beecham Post author

    Is it just me, or has Sarah had a little something-something done to her face like a few injections?

    Great catch, Tyson.

  2. Montana

    Palin was so successful as a governor, she graduated early. What a half-term dumb ass, if she and her family can’t take it, keep you trap shut. Poor thing with her snore, snore TV show canceled, I guess running for Prez is the only thing she can do. I can’t wait using the term “two time loser”, please, oh please run. Oh by the way Kathy Griffin is comedian, I repeat comedian, its her job, quit playing the victim card. I know you think you were so funny on “Jay Leno”, come on you sucked, you are no comedian Sarah, please run for Prez.

    1. MeAwesome

      Montana, you are just jealous.
      Sarah Palin was born in Sandpoint North Idaho when she was nine months old.
      Later on she moved to Alaska.

      Most people do not realize how much education she has:
      She attended University of Hawaii at Hilo then switched to Hawaii Pacific University then she switched to community college at North Idaho College. After that she went to the University of Idaho before switching to Matanuska-Susitna College in Alaska. She then returned to the University of Idaho to get her Bachelors in communications.
      That’s 5 colleges for a total of six since she went to University of Idaho twice.

        1. MeAwesome

          No, just when women hate other women.
          I’d agree it was a standard retort if I hadn’t cited her extensive education that culminated in a bachelors in communication WITH an emphasis on journalism.

          1. Tyson Bowers IIIClaire Post author

            “No, just when women hate other women.”

            So women can’t actually have valid opinions about other women, we’re just all jealous bitches?

      1. Tyson Bowers IIIBlanche Beecham Post author

        I had know idea she was that educated! It must be why she is such a great communicator and was able to retire early after cutting all those jobs in Alaska during a surplus. Most colleges have limits on the number of hours taken so it is difficult for the uber smart like Sarah to settle in just one University, college or community college.

        1. MeAwesome

          Yeah BB, liberals try to keep her education a secret. As she has attended twice as many schools as Obama.
          Its simple math. Post High school schools + degrees+ Emphasis.
          Sarah Palin: 8
          Obama: 6

      2. RD

        She switched schools. That doesn’t mean she got a DEGREE from them. Most students switch schools due to tuition prices, a change in degrees, or because they do not have an adequate GPA to continue at their current school while remaining in good academic standing.

        After attending FIVE different colleges, she finally got her B.A. in Communications? That’s pathetic, actually.

        1. MeAwesome

          Actually six, but one school was two different times.
          Yes I said 1 degree, pretty impressive. Also you forget her emphasis in journalism.

          Not a minor, but an emphasis. We can’t stress that enough.

          1. RD

            You’re talking to someone who graduated from community college with her Associate of Arts degree when she was 17, and will be graduating in a year and a half with a B.A. in Information Technology and Administrative Management, with a focus in Web Development and Design.

            Unless she graduated from all of those schools, her constant need to transfer schools is pathetic. There is nothing “impressive” about graduating from college number five with a degree in Communication, even if her emphasis was in Journalism.

          2. MeAwesome

            You obviously missed my point. Just keeping track of where she had been to school and transfer credits must have been a logistical nightmare. Must be where she got her skills.
            Sarah Palin has a bachelors and you don’t. Not sure what wins; a focus or an emphasis.
            Associate degrees are great for people who want to work at the car wash or change tires.

  3. Montana

    Is it a child we are talking about when we talk about “Dancing with the Stars ” Bristol Palin that, lets see, she had sex without getting married (many of us got away with it), so ok, she got pregnant without getting married (yup that sounds about right), lied about an engagement (cover story so mom could get elected), and her life now is going around preaching abstinence (do as I say not as I do). After all of this it seems to me we are dealing with an Adult who has done Adult things. So Kathy Griffin can slam them all.


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