Tag Archives: child abuse

More Black Music Influences White Youth to Become Thugs

Why is it that people think it’s so cute to watch a young child dance in a sexual way while listening to the most hateful and malicious form of music known to man.

In this video, we have more proof that when young child listen to this music, they become possessed by the devil. Hipped hopped music is the closest thing to devil music that I can think of. The lyrics that spew from these black’s mouth is horrible.

Here is a short list of a few things they brainwash our children with:
Drug use
Committing violence against white people
Having children out of wed lock, or what they call having a “baby mom ma”

The parents of this child or either stupid, or know that they are exposing their son to the devil. If that be the case I say we tie them behind horses and let those horses run free!