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Christwire Book Tour Dates

Santa Monica, CA
Sunday, January 8, 2012 · 2:00pm – 5:00pm

Palm Desert, CA
Sunday, January 15, 2012 · 2:00pm – 5:00pm


Hillcrest, CA
HSSS.TV Book Signing Show – TBA

New York City – TBA
Boston – TBA
Phoenix, AZ – TBA
Tucson, AZ – TBA
Topeka, KS – TBA
Pasadena, CA – TBA
Seattle, WA – TBA

Christwire Q&A

We thought it would be a super great idea to allow our readers to ask us some questions in hopes to bring them closer to God. Of course, like all things, there were some bad apples who asked some atheistic and liberal questions. They were ignored.

Why does Satan always want anal sex?
Satan wants males to crave the act of sin docking in hopes to corrupt and control their souls. This is why Gays are deemed unholy and living, breath devil children. Performing anal sex is a fast ticket to Hellville.

Who is your favourite musician?
Amy Grant. Here voice is of the angels and you can hear her music being played at most of our teen dance events.

Can God make hott vampires exist? Also, where can I get the best croissant in town?
God can create anything he wishes. I doubt he would make a vampire, as they are demonic figures. For your second question, I goto Billy’s Best Bagels on 3rd.

Will there be goldfish crackers in heaven?
The soul does not require food in Heaven. So no, there will be no crackers in heaven.

Where do baby angels come from?
Angels are not born like humans. They are created as full grown warriors.

If you have more questions you can email us at our Holy Mail Box or send us a Tweeter or Facebook Posting.

Martin Luther King Quotes

I would like to take some time and praise the black communities greatest member in hopes that one day their savage ways will be turned around. Doc Martin was a great afro-saxon who believed his tribesmen were doomed and he tried to use the world of God to turn things around. But, no one from his dark world would listen. Doc Martin was killed by his own kind in hopes to shut him up. Of course this was then blamed on the white man, when we all know it was all conducted by the crack dealing followers of the Malcolm X.

Blood alone moves the wheels of history.

Doc Martin was talking about how slavery was needed to move this country forward.

For where God built a church, there the Devil would also build a chapel.

Mr. King was saying here, that no matter where you put a church in a ghetto, it is still corrupted by black savages.

I am afraid that the schools will prove the very gates of hell, unless they diligently labor in explaining the Holy Scriptures and engraving them in the heart of the youth.

Proof Doc Martin was against the liberal agenda being taught in our schools and that exposing children to homosexual studies would send their souls to hell.

Let the wife make the husband glad to come home, and let him make her sorry to see him leave.

Martin he shows he was a firm believer that a woman’s role is to stay in the kitchen and serve her husband.

Nothing good ever comes of violence.

His cry to tell blacks to stop creating all the violence in the country.

I more fear what is within me than what comes from without.

Saying he feared his own black skin and African heart.