Gays Now Using Santa To Entice Man Boy Love Relations

Wow those little flesh tadpole torpedo worshipers are getting a head start this year with the demonetization of Christmas, by saturating the world with new items, cards and toys to turn your children gay. It is bad enough they want to bear  hug your child while you are away at work trying to make a living and not live off of gay funded welfare like they do, they now want to make your children believe Santa is gay.

Think about it, what does Santa do? He comes into your house at night, leaves presents. Well the homo gays want kids to think it is ok for “Gay” Santa   (Gay men dressed as Santa to rape your children) to sneak into your house while they are asleep and leave presents (anal raping).

Also, they know a lot of little boys line up to sit on Santa’s lap to ask him to bring them a new baseball or some other straight manly toy. Now imagine if the homo gays were allowed to line up little boys to sit on their laps while their satan scepter is at full noon? They would love it and be able to justify it saying “The kids are just telling gay Santa what they want for Gaymas!” While your child is telling gay Santa they want a football, gay Santa will reply with “No silly you want a Bravo Channel branded hand bag to match your pretty little innocent eyes!” Do you want your son walking around with a man purse filled with deadly gay items? I didn’t think so!

I found a drawing on a site I found while doing research with our youth members of what they homo gays want the new gay Santa to look like and it is quite sickening.

Look at how his sin hole is exposed and look at how his bag is full of condoms, just waiting to enter your sons sewer depository. He has on his twiddle rompus a flavor machine to allow him to perform mouth sex acts on your son and make him think he is eating a candy or a chocolate bar.

Below is a image of the new Gaymas album cover that they want to replace beautiful Jesus songs with. Some songs are titled:

Silent Night, So Mommy and Daddy Don’t Wake up.
Little Rump Rump Boy.
Blew Christmas
Jingle Balls in Timmy’s Face.
The First Hole “L”
I Saw Mommy Kissing Mrs. Clause
Mr. Wonderland

New Gaymas Album Cover

Look at this image below. Is this the way you want Santa to be? A children raping animal, who climbs inside your children’s window and then climbs inside of them? If you answered no, then let’s stop the gay train and derail them all together!

92 thoughts on “Gays Now Using Santa To Entice Man Boy Love Relations

  1. meow

    i think the way that you refer to homesexuals is completely disrespectful and you should be ashamed at the way you speak about your fellow humans. i’m a lesbian and you have offended me, is that your christian goal? grow up christians, really. and i highly doubt gay santa will be marketed to children, just because you saw something online doesn’t make it true. and just because you make crazy wild assumptions about that matter, doesn’t mean you can sway the ones who actually have brains to think in an evil manner, like you hypocritical brainwashed freaks do. NOTHING YOU DO OR SAY IS GOING TO CHANGE CULTURE SO GIVE UP. when did god tell you that it was okay for ONLY YOU to cast judgement?

    1. David

      Ok, people! Once and for all, Christwire is satire!!!
      Although I do think it’s dangerous since so many people believe it’s real.

      1. Harlequin_Felis

        It wasn’t until this article that that fact snapped into place for me.

        I’m somewhat embarassed that I actually thought any of the articles were real opinions now.

        I’m undecided on some of the comment lurkers though.

  2. Millenium

    I don’t know but Tyson Bowers III and youth christians doesnt fit together

    more poor child being indoctrinate to the wackos like Him

        1. Adam Nelson

          A) Santa is as real as Jesus, so I don’t think there’s much to worry about.

          B) I don’t have kids.

          C) Why are you and Stevie so stuck on homosexuals? Trying to overcompensate by demonstrating your self-hatred?

        2. Jazze

          i’m not afrid of the gays doing evil shit like this for the same reason i don’t fear gods wrath or the boggy man. if i don’t belive it’s there at all being afraid of it isn’t really a big deal.

        3. rushlimburger

          And if the HOMOS get their way, ravaging all our sewer holes will be sanctified by marriage! It’s unthinkable.

        4. F.U.

          You really are one VERY SICK person. I would worry more about letting any child come anywhere near you. Yeah I mean YOU with your psychologically dirty, sick, twisted and evil mind. People like you I would send off into space so you can spend the rest of eternity being close to that perverted god that you and others like you created in your psychologically disturb mind, It’s because you and others like you who have such dirty,sick, twisted perverted and evil minds that you see them as being like you.

        5. F.U.

          And one more thing If being A “GOOD CHRISTIAN” is to be someone like you & to think like you do just so I can go to heaven.

          Thanks but no thanks

          To spend all of eternity with you and people like you would like spending all of eternity in hell and not heaven.

  3. Millenium

    what Blind means in your language TB its mean we see the Light of your Bigotry you know that Abe use this word “bigotry” since he Know the meaning of it quite ironic No ?

    he even said Homosexual are bigot ( which doesn’t actually apply to them to tell you the truth)

  4. Richard Johnson

    The take away message I got from Tyson’s latest mentally disturbed ranting is that he must have a tiny penis if he thinks of a penis as a “tadpole torpedo”. That or he has been fondling his male youth’s members again.

  5. Jersey Mom

    THANK YOU, Tyson, for your sanity!! Is there anything in our culture that the gay agenda won’t try to steal for themselfs? I just learned today that they’ve even brainwashed the Real Housewives of New Jersey with their agendament. Here is the sickening proof:

    1. Damien Thorn

      Agendament??? Really? LOL…Child Please, go learn something…anything…then come back and try again without making up words. As a matter of fact, why are you even on the internet without supervision?
      BACK TO THE KITCHEN B****H!!!!!

      1. Jersey Mom

        OK Damien Thorn I’ll try again. I’m an college educated woman with three children and I ask of you this question: is nothing sacred to the gays and their agenda. I won’t let my 11 year-old (much less my 5 and 3 year old!) watch the Real Housewives of New Jersey anymore now that I’ve seen thier “public service announcement” supporting gay marrage. I use to respect those ladies but now that’s changed.


        1. Millenium

          AN college educated woman .. wait wait AN is used before a vowel A E I O U

          you said that your kids is 11 ( yet you mention 5 and 3 but 5 + 3 = 8 ) anyway

          Gay have Only one agenda having BASIC civil right thats all but redneck and fundamentalist chretiens will continue denying these Basic right ( yet denying those right are anticonstitutional

          those same people want religion and Politic being MIXED in it the little problem is your constitution and country On itself was based on Human and republicanism and Not a Theocracy in other word christian muslim or whatsover doenst have the right to Push their agenda into Politic

          1. Jersey Mom

            I am sorry that I typed AN when I meant A but I’m sorry and I get very nervous posting on blogs like these because I know I will be attacked.

            Millenium you should beware casting stones. You’re post is riddled with grammatical errors, many more egregious than my one nervous typo.

            Of course what I meant (and what I said) is that I have three children, one who is 11, one who is 5 and one who is 3. We used to watch the Real Housewives of New Jersey together and I was happy because I thought it would teaching good life lessons. But if the lesson they want to teach is that gay marriage is not scary than I will turn that TV off and stick to Mad Men and American Idol. Did you watch that video, Millenium? Caroline even talks about cockroaches. I have never had a cockroach in my home.

            Again I’m sorry but I’m nervous and all of this leaves me very confused.

          2. The Comedian

            //Again I’m sorry but I’m nervous and all of this leaves me very confused.//

            Then go educate yourself sweet-heart, people get attacked for being stupid. Think about why you think gay people are scary and then go and look at all non-biased information on them. The major rule is, if it’s affiliated with religion, then it’s no good. Hell, the part of the bible you should be paying attention to makes no mention of homosexuality (and if you refer to Leviticus, keep in mind that he thinks football players should be damned and half the crap he mentions involves killing people without giving them a second chance, ya know, the whole thing Jesus was trying to teach people, AND if you refer to the crap with Sodom, then keep in mind that him and his people were raping and pillaging and think about which is worse, rape or being gay).

            The truth is, gay people are no different than straight people, they just happen to work differently, and all this crap about gay influence is nothing but a pack of lies by uneducated pricks who think fact-checking involves pulling a random bible quote that’s unrelated to the situation at hand.

          3. Jersey Mom

            As I knew this would happen I am now being attacked. I have not read the Bible but I consider myself a good Christien woman because I believe in what the Bible says. Your attacking me for things I did not say. And I don’t think its fair to ask me to choose between being raped or being gay. Cartainly in a fee country I can decide what teleivison programs my 3 year old should watch. You make it sound like I’m a bad person.


          4. Millenium

            I don’t care about my “grammatical issue” since english is Not actually My first language My first language is FRENCH

            so I can cast stone to english people who don’t even know their Own grammar

            Nervous My ass yes this site is a Blog ( even if those weirdo call themselve journalism )

            I hope you know that This site is satire and can’t be serious EVEN if there is still real sicko people out there who believe in that

            DOn’t worry I know what christianity is I have been for so Long that I know what the bad and good side about it yet This religion have much More bad side than good side because of these people

            I didnt learn about HELL when I was young The first Time I heard about HELL it’s was in mythology(history class) about greek mythology figure yourself

            when I was bad my mom always said you make little jesus Cry which actually help me being good after hand

            but here on this site, they are just worst, they hate everything that is Not a white christian american Male

            if you wnat to discipline your child RELIGION is not the answer

          5. Jazze

            jersey mon one wuestion.
            if you are not going to let homosexuals do what they like in the privacy of their homes… why should we let you?
            honestly i agree. if you don’t want your kids to hear/see about homosexuality that’s your choice. but then i want that same choice about christianity.
            also i have no respect people who simply fear without ever learning about what they fear.
            ignornca causes fear and fear causes hate and hate causes ignorance. break the circle please.

          6. Adam Nelson

            Let’s take a look at this little gem, shall we?

            “As I knew this would happen I am now being attacked. I have not read the Bible but I consider myself a good Christien woman because I believe in what the Bible says. Your attacking me for things I did not say. And I don’t think its fair to ask me to choose between being raped or being gay. Cartainly in a fee country I can decide what teleivison programs my 3 year old should watch. You make it sound like I’m a bad person.”

            If you knew you would be attacked, you should’ve kept your mouth shut to begin with. If you haven’t read the Bible, don’t speak like you know what’s in there. And a GOOD CHRISTIAN would read the damn thing! How can you believe in what the Bible says if you’ve NEVER FRIGGIN’ READ IT!?!?

            Comparing rape with being gay is a fool’s argument. Try something better.

            And, yes: you ARE a bad person.

          7. Jersey Mom

            It was The Comedian who made the gay/rape comparison. I was saying that it’s unfair to tell me I have to choose between the two. Please don’t put words in my mouth as all this has made me nervous enough already. Of course when I said I hadn’t read the Bible that doesn’t mean I don’t understand God’s message. What I don’t understand is the message that is being delivered by the Housewives. There telling me to be afraid of “wardrobe malfunctions” while doing “the tarentela” (I don’t know that is and I don’t think I want too!!) and running out of botox (!!!) but not to be afraid of gay marriage. I guess they think this is all some kind of joke.

            My sister said to me the other day “Gay marriage is the biggest threat to the institution of marriage since “Not My Fault” divorce.” My sister is even more nervous than I am. (I know her husband and I know why.)

          8. The Comedian

            //As I knew this would happen I am now being attacked. I have not read the Bible but I consider myself a good Christien woman because I believe in what the Bible says.//

            Then you’re completely idiotic. You’re no different than Stevie and his ilk that claim to be Christian and yet never read the Bible or only interpreted in the way that YOU want to, NOT what Jesus had in mind.

            //Your attacking me for things I did not say.//

            You’re attacking others for things they’re doing naturally and without just cause.

            //And I don’t think its fair to ask me to choose between being raped or being gay.//

            You’ve never read the bible you blind idiot, you have no idea what the hell I’m talking about. You might want to get that fixed.

            //Cartainly in a fee country I can decide what teleivison programs my 3 year old should watch. You make it sound like I’m a bad person.//

            To not let your children watch some shows is one thing, to condemn something because there’s positive homosexual themes in it is completely different.

            //It was The Comedian who made the gay/rape comparison. I was saying that it’s unfair to tell me I have to choose between the two.//

            There’s no ‘comparison’, it’s a legit question. In your mind, what’s a worse sin, raping someone or being gay? That’s exactly what happened in the Bible that you follow yet never read, and you and every other asshole like you and Stevie condemn gays for crap that a moron said and confusing what happened in Sodom and Gomorrah (here’s a hint, don’t say you’re a fan of something if you’ve never read it).

            //Please don’t put words in my mouth as all this has made me nervous enough already.//

            You put words in Jesus’ mouth without hearing about him.

            //Of course when I said I hadn’t read the Bible that doesn’t mean I don’t understand God’s message.//

            Which is love thy neighbor as thy self and don’t fuck with other people and do good things for goodness sake. People like you attack everything involving homosexuals without knowing why, just that you were taught, and you run away when confronted with the fact that shit like that doesn’t fly in this day and age.

            //What I don’t understand is the message that is being delivered by the Housewives. There telling me to be afraid of “wardrobe malfunctions” while doing “the tarentela” (I don’t know that is and I don’t think I want too!!) and running out of botox (!!!) but not to be afraid of gay marriage. I guess they think this is all some kind of joke.//

            What, accepting gay people as normal, productive members of society that are just as capable of doing things that ‘normal’ and ‘regular’ people are without much difference? If I went up to you with two different people, one gay and one straight, you would NEVER know the difference until one of them said something. There are people who are straight, yet murder, rape, and steal all the time, and there are gay people who are actual good Christians who want to spread love and peace through acts of kindness and merely want others to treat their fellow man with respect.

            //My sister said to me the other day “Gay marriage is the biggest threat to the institution of marriage since “Not My Fault” divorce.” My sister is even more nervous than I am. (I know her husband and I know why.)//

            Then she’s a twit and should do some fact checking without making baseless claims, much like you just did with the Bible. Go read it, don’t sit there like a dumbass and claim you know God’s message without actually reading it. You’ll also have to understand that some people back then were bat-shit insane, much like Leviticus (if you’re kids play football or have to wear glasses, they ain’t going to heaven no matter how much they beg or plead or cry and praise Jesus and the Lord, according to Leviticus, they’re screwed) who, if he were alive today, would condemn every single person on the planet. He never believed in second chances, and believed in murder on the spot for an offense like wearing two different types of fabric at the same time. So yeah, shut the fuck up and read the Bible before commenting on anything religious, especially if you claim to be a Christian. You’re almost as great as an offense to God as Stevie and his ilk are.

        2. Richard Johnson

          “I won’t let my 11 year-old (much less my 5 and 3 year old!) watch the Real Housewives of New Jersey anymore now that I’ve seen thier “public service announcement” supporting gay marrage”

          I don’t know which is more disturbing. That you don’t understand that gay marriage is nothing to be nervous about or that you were ok with a 3, 5, & 11 year old watching Real Housewives. I hope one of your 3 children is gay and someday marries a same sex partner. Hopefully a wealthy same sex partner who can pay for all the therapy your child will need.

          Oh – And you didn’t make only *one* grammatical error. The sentence quoted above contains 2 more. College educated you say? Hmm….

        3. Richard Johnson

          “I have not read the Bible but I consider myself a good Christien woman because I believe in what the Bible says.”

          How do you know what it says if you’ve never read it?

          PS. Another spelling error. Baby Jesus cries when people misspell “Christian”. Don’t make Baby Jesus cry anymore.

          1. Jersey Mom

            Richard Johnson: Did you support gay marriage before the Housewives of New Jersey told you to? At least I don’t take my instructions from a televison set or from youtube. And if you’re going to nickpick about the Bible, to take your logic to it’s logical conclusion, are you saying that an illitterite person cannot understand God’s word?

          2. Jazze

            jersy mom here’s the funny thing. you asume we take directions from someone. we don’t. we think for our self. and before you start claiming that’s what you do…. no you don’t. you follow a book you have never read so you can’t know or posibly understand what it really is that you belive. and thus you can’t posibly have formed your own openion from the information you have because you don’t have any information. neither about the stuff you suport or the stuff you fight.
            we get all the information from both sides then form our own openions and ideas from that. you should try it.

    2. AngryLib

      Sickening? Jersey Mom, get a grip. The Housewives video is hilarious. Obviously produced by gays. Why are you on YouTube looking up gay produced video? And another thing, those women are not known for being supportive of very much – maybe the fact that they agree in the video on gay marriage should be a lesson for you!

      1. Jersey Mom

        AngryLib(eral) (at least I assume that’s what the Lib stands for, maybe it stands for Liberated, or Liberatrian, though I doubt it), I watched a couple of other of the other videos made by the same people. The Housewives one isn’t the only one they’ve produced, apparently. Is watching a “dominatricks” “crushing” things with her foot while venting about recent Supreme Court rulings supposed to be funny.

        (Private message for Tyson) I mistyped my email address when I first posted and I don’t know how to change it.

        1. rushlimburger

          You would be much better off spending your time reading your Bible than watching those appalling little videos. Don’t you know how insidious the messages in those videos are? Remember subliminal advertising in the 70’s with naked women in every ice cube? That’s the Lester & Charlie plan… get you laughing at their “hilarious” little skits… and suddenly you’re marching in a Gay Pride parade as part of the PFLAG contingent. PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN. READ YOUR BIBLE. TO YOUR CHILDREN. DO NOT LET THEM WATCH THOSE RIDICULOUS HOUSEWIVES OR THOSE TWO SATANISTS.

        2. Manopause

          OK show of hands. Who watched that crush video that Jersey Mom posted. OMG F***ing awesome. The thought of that nervous “Christien” woman staying up late watching videos like this has me dancing around my apartment.

    3. rushlimburger

      That video is TERRIFYING. Who are these Lester and Charlie chuckleheads? Clearly part of the Liberal Media Elite. They are TWISTING the Housewives’ words through clever editing. Have you watched any of their other “webisodes”? (Ugh, that word sticks in my craw.) It’s all Left Wing Agenda garbage fueled by obvious boozing.

  6. Jazze

    ” while you are away at work trying to make a living and not live off of gay funded welfare like they do”

    you really dio belive this bullshit right? there’s no special wellfare for homosexuals you dumbass they work like everyone else. or go on suport the same way everyone else out of a job does.

  7. Jersey Mom

    Tyson I don’t know how you and Stephenson et all can keep doing this will all the hate and attacks. I know I wouldn’t be able too. Please keep up the good work and know that at least one Good Christen Woman out there supports you.

    1. Jazze

      if they can start by attacking us why can’t we attack them?
      the articles are attacks on us. unless you can come up with a reason why we don’t get to fight back i’m just gonna asmue you are aware that you are a fucking hypocrit.

      1. The Comedian

        She’s a self-proclaimed Christian that’s never read the Bible, she’s a double hypocrite. Stevie and co. are triple though, so she’ll never rise to the same bullshit like them.

        1. Jersey Mom

          Comedian I will never stopp to your level, so help me God. If someone will explain to me why everyone insists I can not understand God’s word (but they can, apparently!!)

          1. The Comedian

            //Comedian I will never stopp to your level, so help me God.//

            It’s ‘stoop’ you idiot. Jesus, I think you need to read a dictionary before you read the Bible.

            //If someone will explain to me why everyone insists I can not understand God’s word (but they can, apparently!!)//

            What if you were told that God’s word said that murder, rape, and pillage were alright, and in fact encouraged? What’s that? You don’t know or wouldn’t believe it? Well then, I guess the only way to find out is to read the Bibl-OH WAIT, you haven’t already.

            Explain how one can be a Christian without not only reading the Bible, but refusing to accept someone for being different and instead fear everything outside their door.

            What, does your husband beat the shit out of you if you so much as go online? Is that why you’re so afraid and nervous, that you’ll be caught trying to get into a debate/flame war and your husband will catch you and give you another black eye? It’s in the Bible, he’s allowed to, he essentially owns you like a slave, so preach about the Bible, but only if you’re going to preach and try to cause at least 150 years worth of advancements to be completely moot.

          2. Jazze

            first of we are actually adamantly claiming that nobody knows the true word of god.
            however let’s go back to the asumed word of god that you ofcourse is talking about: the bible. we can claim to understand it whille you don’t because unlike you we know what it is.
            you can’t understand what you don’t know. you can’t. it defies logic. it defies common sense.
            don’t just do what other tells you to do.
            don’t just belive what others tell you to belive.

  8. the Right Reverend Dr. Thurgood Goodlove

    This is why I log onto christwire! The lamestream media is terrified of exposing this horrific tragedy!!! We all know that NAMBLA stands for Noel Aimed Men’s Bells Licking Association!!! Wake up America!!! Log onto and watch the Right Reverend Dr. Thurgood Goodlove, the Savedest man in the history of the Republican party weigh in on and deliver relationship advice which is Blessed and approved by the most high God with an assist from Jesus Christ his own self! The Right Reverend Dr. Thurgood Goodlove bravely tackles such vile and disgusting issues as threesomes, orgies, dysfunction, and other instances of relations without the blessing of the institution of marriage. He is the most pious man in the world! Praise Jesus!!!

  9. Millenium

    so Jersey Mom you will support the hate and attack of those wacko on Innocent people ??

    They actually want to Kill them all Kill all Gay ???

    is what you support The genocide of Millions of People because they didn’t have a choice for the wong side of the Fence

    seriously Go read your Bible you will see that there is NO MENTION of Homosexual In the Bible

      1. rushlimburger

        AMEN Tyson. Speak the word: ABOMINATION. (sounds awfully close to ObamaNation… hmm.)
        And now a bunch of New Jersey Housewives with a damn TV show are telling us it’s OK?
        CHRIST. What the hell is going on in this country?

      2. Millenium

        so I can Be your daughter as slave too and Kill people for different belief as well ??? or maybe I can’t touch or eat swine or Pork for the matter ?

        Maybe you should really shut up TB

        Like I mentioned the Most antigay in history become the most GAYEST

        so if I were you you should stare myself in the mirror but I guess you won’t do it because your Mirror will broke up on you

        1. rushlimburger

          Millenium, YOU are the one who said it wasn’t in the Bible. Tyson, god bless him, proved you WRONG WRONG WRONG. (well, maybe just two WRONGS… he only came up with two Bible passages to rebut you.)

          Stop attacking Jersey Mom and Tyson… they are speaking truth to unthinkable evil.

          Jersey Mom is doing her best to raise 11 decent children in a world trying to TURN THEM GAY… either by way of Santa Clause or by way of Real New Jersey Housewives and those EVIL Lester & Charlie boozehounds.

          And Tyson is doing his darndest to get the word (and the Word) out about the sick HomoLeftist Agenda being foisted on the good citizens of this country.

          As a native French speaker, what would you even know about it? Jesus Christ Almighty.

      3. Real Christian

        Dear Intolerant, Narrow-minded, ignorant FOOL

        Leviticus is in the old testament, under old law everything was far more strict. When Jesus died for our sins, he died for EVERYONES sins. Which not only includes your idiot-self but everyone. Everything written in the new testament is what applies to us CHRISTIANS as we are saved by the BLOOD OF THE LAMB…. you have no clue anything about your own religion.

        1. rushlimburger

          Dear “Real Christian”…
          The New Testament doesn’t tell you to go out and sin JUST BECAUSE Christ died for our sins. The laws of the Old Testament, while strict, aren’t re-written in the New Testament just to make it easier on us. You dumbass.
          And you’re probably and Anti-Semite as well with that rant about the Old Testament, which is THEIR BIBLE. So much for “tolerance.” You crackpot.
          What the New Testament is telling you is to SUPPORT JERSEY MOM and to DISDAIN the EVIL HOMOLEFTIST AGENDA. it’s in the footnotes. You loser.

          1. Millenium

            so I’m wrong about a fairy tale Book so what ?? I don’t care much yet I mentioned the ACTUAL bible not the old One which I am right

            yet like I also mentioned condoning rape murder child rape slaveruy following your Logic should be also Good

            seriously I prefer having Gay people around the hosue than fucked up christian who wnat to destroy the world

            Tell me How many wars Gay started worldwide ??

            and How many wars Christian started worldwide ?

      4. F.U.

        Leviticus 20:13
        Leviticus 18:22

        Those are moral codes or laws that were written by MAN not god. you insipid minded homophobic moron.

    1. rushlimburger

      By the way, I am praying for Jersey Mom’s poor sister, who obviously has a Homo husband. That’s a whole different kind of Gay Marriage, but just as bad.

    2. Jersey Mom

      Millenium I never said I wanted to kill Gay People. My sister says their doing a good job of it themselfs (cristle meth) but I will not stopp to that level and I will just say that I was wrong to try to have an intelliggent arguement with people who are out of control. Obama is probably (?) not gay but I can not know that for sure, but he is doing a good job of putting gay people on the Supremes Court (according to my sister who’s usually right about these things and she has a stepson who is probably going to be gay and she says theres nothing she can do about it now that he’s moved to New York City.)

      I wouldn’t wish gay on my worst enemy. At this point I’m so nervous and confused about the whole thing that I don’t even know if I would know who my worst enemy is if it bit me on the leg. I have three children and none of them are gay, not even my 5 year old. His dress up is just for fun and its a faze. (My sister was not so lucky.)

      I don’t understand why its not enough to know God’s word in your heart. I will be up late tonight if any one wants to answer.

      1. The Comedian

        Why are people like you allowed to breed? You have to be mentally retarded to jump into a conversation you literally have no idea as to what the hell is going on. You’re trying to defend your position of hate-mongering while saying you’ve never read the Bible, and you’re confused about hypothetical questions, AND you apparently don’t realize that the Bible says slavery is a-ok. Hell, even RAPE is fine; back then, if a man raped a woman, all he had to do was pay 50 gold or silver or whatever to her father and then she’s married to her rapist.

      2. Millenium

        Jersey mom why you think there is a LOT of atheist In the world

        you know before 2000 the rate of atheist were actually LOWER than 10% ( its not even a Joke I saw it on Tv at discovery channel )

        and now atheism is like around 40% why you think ?

        because of people Like you and Tyson condemning every other people because they are different so seriously if you want an INTELLIGENT discussion start reading the Bible at least to know what you are Talking about

        because condemning homosexual because it’s a sin in the Bible and Your little pal here called tyson said we should all Kill every Gay ( the reference about wnating killing Gay people you seem to agreed with this fact no ? )

        you want another little story saudi arabia in Middle east are Islamist right ? they EVEN have a Law to forbid homosexuality what they do to them .. KILLING THEM

        what Tyson want : Killing Homosexual

        I thought American Knew HUMAN RIGHT AND FREEDOM but I guess I was wrong, maybe you are not the greatest country I was spoken off maybe it’s fallacious after all ?

        I thought after you elected Obama you overcome your racism and hypocrisy but I guess I was wrong again most southerner said (sorry for the vulgarity) “a Nigger should not be President of a christian white nation”

        you are scared of Gay but you are not scared of those people who want to Harm and Hurt other people just because the people they hurt are different Tell me ??

        is your God really want that Hurting people because they are different?

        Trust me I know what is christianity I served the church twofour time when I was in 5th grade and four time in 6th grade I was what we call pretty much religious

        and well in 2002 I stoped believing in God because of the wars in afghanistan waging and I knew something was wrong about this war and about the US president at that time

        well Jersey mom I hope My little story enlighten you but if you wnat to vote for someone don’t vote for Palin beck or another Bush

        if you don’t want a war at your doorstep and if you wnat to protect your children

  10. Jazze

    jersy mom as good christian would you be willing to sell your daugther i kinda need a slave at the moment. don’t worry it’s all quite christian just ask tyson. he seems to be so well versed in the bible.
    remeber if you don’t suport selling your daugther as a slave you are not a good christian.

    1. Jersey Mom

      I don’t even know where to begin with this one and I’m glad you don’t know where I live or I would call the police. First I’m asked to choose between being gay and being raped and now you’re asking me to sell my daughter into slavery. I don’t understand these things but is it merly a coincidence that your asking me this while a black man is in the white house. Just asking.

      1. Jazze

        the bible you know that book you so faithfully follow is perfectly okay with selling your daugther as a slave.
        this is why you can’t suport something you don’t know what is.
        you suport selling your daugther as a slave you yourself had said so on this exact page.
        how can you have an openion about something you admit you don’t understand?
        and yes it’s a coincidence. i’d have asked you the same question whille bush was in.

      2. Adam Nelson

        So you admit that you just blindly follow the pack without any consideration of what’s actually being said.

        I can’t say that I’m surprised you’re a Christian…

        1. Jersey Mom

          You don’t have to read the Bible to understand it. Like I said, all of you people are saying, essentialy, that illitterites cannot enter the Kingdon of God! God’s love is much bigger than that and His Word is knownable if you accept Him and His Son. But I wouldn’t expect any of you people to undestand something like God’s love. And that makes me very nervous and unhappy.


          1. The Comedian

            //You don’t have to read the Bible to understand it.//

            Yeah, ya do. It says that rape is a-ok and slavery is a good thing, yet football and wearing different kinds of clothes is punishable by death without a second chance, as well as saying wife-beating is encouraged.

            //Like I said, all of you people are saying, essentialy, that illitterites cannot enter the Kingdon of God! God’s love is much bigger than that and His Word is knownable if you accept Him and His Son.//

            If God would allow someone who doesn’t know his word into Heaven, they why wouldn’t he allow a homosexual man or woman to live happily with the spouse they desire and let them go to Heaven as well if they’re good people?

            //But I wouldn’t expect any of you people to undestand something like God’s love. And that makes me very nervous and unhappy.//

            You don’t understand jack about God because you’ve never read the Bible. You just want to hate without knowing why. Explain to me just why God hates homosexuals when he’ll be happy to accept someone who didn’t hear his grand speech? Think of it like this, why should a teacher fail a student who’s attended class every day, done their work, and been a good student, yet allow a slacker who never shows up and completely disregards the lessons to pass? Just replace the teacher with God, the good student with a gay person, and the slacker with you. You think you can answer that? Or do I have to dumb it down?

          2. Jazze

            well yeah we might be saying that but then that’s because it’s hard to go to a place that doesn’t exists.
            as for following rules you do not know…. can you know the trafic law without ever haveing read it?did you learn the american criminal law after acsepting it?
            listen that you have your faith is fine that’s not what we are after you for. but that you would condem people for doing something wrong acoring to gods word without you actually knowing that word. your faith is based out from your perception and that’s good. now tell me why should it be illegal to be gay. come on. give one decent factual reason why other people being homosexual should matter to you.

  11. Jenna

    I hate being considered a Christian for this very reason…. websites and people like this….. PULL THE LOG OUT OF YOUR OWN EYE, before picking the speck from someone else’s. It’s sad people cant see the love that God has for everyone of us… judge not lest you be JUDGED. Take your RELIGION and shove it… i believe in Jesus and his grace that surpasses all understanding. Being judgmental of people is not going to bring people closer to Him… its only going to drive them away and make you look like a hypocritical jerk-off.

    Hope God will be easier on you than you have been on gay people….

  12. athiestalltheway

    wtf is wrong with the person who wrote this stupid artical i have plenty of gay relitives and i love them with all my heart i think that a gay santa would be awsome just because ur gay doesent mean that ur going to analy rape children

  13. CatWatch

    Stop, all of you! God kills a kitten every time you say evil things!! Precious kitties are dying, and all because of you!!!

    1. F.U.

      “Stop, all of you! God kills a kitten every time you say evil things!!”

      SAY WHAT!

      You are joking Right CATWATCH?

      Because if you’re not there is something very seriously wrong with you.

      You to get out and away from your cats and meet REAL people and have a REAL life.

  14. Roger Margason

    I wanted to say “shame on you,” but it is obvious you have no concept of the word. Obviously not, from your perverted (a word chosen deliberately) views on homosexuality. I suspect you are not so much repelled by the subject but titillated.

    The shortest sentence in the bible is “Jesus wept,” and I’m sure that is his reaction to your loathsome opinions.

  15. Rob

    Why would gay people want to use Xmas as an excuse to rape children, when there is lots of priests willing to do that all year round? And if there aren’t enough priests for that, we could also do with some Republican senators.


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