Shakira is the Most Dangerous Threat to Your Daughter

If sin were measured in salsa flavor, Shakira would be “mucho picante chunky”. This women does nothing but frolic sin across American, spreading her legs in fancy Spanish out fits and salon dirty lion hair. She promotes women to go out and have disco club orgies while their hard working husband is at home sleeping. She promotes homosexuality and cross dressing. The women even sings about how it is ok for little girls to be “loca, loca”, because gives will want to have sex with them if they act crazy.

I have compiled a group of photos exposing this taco sauced jezebel, to show you all the devil whore moves she uses to not just entice your daughters into becoming mariachi sluts, but also to tempt you your boys into performing self sex acts on their sin snakes.

Each image shows he ability to make sex thumping movements with her birth hips and shows how she uses her Latin sin marinated eyes to make you think unholy thoughts about sex. Each sex gyration and forced orgasmic facial expression you witness brings you closer to Satan’s dance floor.

Graphics and statistics done lie! That is why we went out and did extensive research on this topic.

Here we can see the increase of female whoreness in America, due to such vile people being praised on our children’s TV sets:

We went right to the “whorse’s” mouth and asked whores around liberal college campus an important question. The results will shock you:

Now for a mother’s perspective, we went out and asked wholesome American housewives, what their thoughts are on this subject:

33 thoughts on “Shakira is the Most Dangerous Threat to Your Daughter

  1. RD

    Are you done making up “statistics” yet, Tyson? Looks like you pulled those out of your ass after you were done jacking off to those pictures and .gifs of Shakira that you posted up here.

  2. MeAwesome (August)

    That one from the Catholic Church advertisement is especially evil. Good for her for keeping her body in shape for her husband though.

    1. RD

      Shakira isn’t married. She was engaged for a time, yes, but she and her fiancé have separated. She has a boyfriend at this time, but why should she keep her “body in shape for her husband”, or for any man she may be in a relationship with?

      She should be keeping herself in shape for HERSELF, and no one else.

      1. MeAwesome (August)

        “Shakira isn’t married.”
        She better hurry before she gets flap rot.

        “She should be keeping herself in shape for HERSELF, and no one else.”
        This is the problem with your generation, it’s all me me me me.
        I suppose when a husband brings home a paycheck, it should be for him, not for his family?

        1. Tyson Bowers IIIClaire Post author

          “She better hurry before she gets flap rot.”

          Why? Are you saying that she HAS to get married?

          “I suppose when a husband brings home a paycheck, it should be for him, not for his family?”

          This is the 21st Century – wives bring home paychecks, too.

          1. MeAwesome (August)

            1 Corinthians 7:2
            But since there is so much immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman her own husband.

    2. Tyson Bowers IIIClaire Post author

      “Good for her for keeping her body in shape for her husband though.”

      Right, because a woman shouldn’t keep in shape for her own health; she should keep in shape so her husband can get a boner. Thank you for demonstrating the shallowness of the average man.

      1. MeAwesome (August)

        It’s a woman’s responsibility to keep herself attractive, fit, well mannered, and ready to please her husband.

        1. AreYouSerious

          Are you serious? You’re acting as if women are objects for a man’s sexual pleasures by stating that it is a women’s responsibility to keep herself attractive, fit, well mannered, and ready to please her husband. Women and men should keep themselves fit for themselves, not solely for the sexual desires of their spouse. And the reason a husband, or wife, brings home a paycheck for their family is so that the person can have the money so that his or her family can do the things which they believe would foster a good family environment. So your analogy right there is completely invalid.
          I’m, I’m not. Learn to view women as people, not sexual objects.

  3. Tyson Bowers IIIAdam Nelson Post author

    If women do not want their husbands to leave them, they should stay in shape. It’s disrespecfully false advertising if you will, to show up to a husband’s life in great shape and attractive, only to get fat after popping out a few kids and getting in shape. There is also that threat of falling into the gaininggabi fad where women just get sloppy and attract men who somehow like that.

    1. Tyson Bowers IIIClaire Post author

      So let me get this straight: you think that women should be FORCED to have children, and then you bitch and moan when they aren’t able to lose the baby weight?

      I hope you die a slow and painful death.

  4. Tyson Bowers IIIAdam Nelson Post author

    No one is forced to do anything. I believe in free will and that even extends to women. What I’m saying is that a woman has a personal obligation to make her marriage work, just like a husband. A husband should treat his wife with respect. A woman should treat her husband with respect and that respect starts by respecting herself. A woman who respects herself stays in shape. If she doesn’t, she should beware that more attractive women will appear and try to lure her husband away.

    1. Tyson Bowers IIIClaire Post author

      “No one is forced to do anything. I believe in free will and that even extends to women.”

      Oh really? Then why are you constantly harassing me about having children? Why do you insist on telling me that I’ll “burn in hell” if I don’t have children? Why do you tell me that it is my “duty” to make a man a father?

      So until you quit hounding women about having children, you better quit your bitching about the weight they gain as a result of that.

      Shouldn’t husbands be so grateful that their wives suffered nine months of pregnancy and then labor and birth that they don’t give a crap about weight that they might not have been able to lose afterwards?

      You’re just demonstrating that men are shallow assholes who only care about their dicks. Congratulations.

  5. Tyson Bowers IIIAdam Nelson Post author

    Claire, I just don’t want you to be a lesbian. That’s all. I would like to see you have a happy life and your own kids. I’d like for ol’ Grandpa Snedeker to know that his little angel is a mommy and has a good husband. You would know love and your husband would understand what it means to know you. Also, women should be happy to keep themselves fit for their husbands and kids. A gym membership is a great thing and there’s also hot tubs, tennis lessons, pools and of course great cardio courses to keep the heart strong and muscles taut.

    1. MeAwesome (August)

      Dr. Nelson, did you ever notice the dysfunctional people on that Mr. Springer show. They are all fat, unattractive people with bad manners. They all have problems. You never see well-mannered attractive hard working people on that show. Because their lives are happy.

    2. RD

      Claire has said on NUMEROUS OCCASIONS that she is not a homosexual; in fact, she JUST SAID SO.

      Not all women who are unmarried, single, and/or do not wish to have children are lesbians, you dumb fuck.

    3. Tyson Bowers IIIClaire Post author

      “Claire, I just don’t want you to be a lesbian. That’s all. I would like to see you have a happy life and your own kids. I’d like for ol’ Grandpa Snedeker to know that his little angel is a mommy and has a good husband.”

      Well “Grandpa Snedeker” would rather his daughter do what SHE WANTS in life, not what some FUCKWAD over the internet thinks that she should do, so you can FUCK OFF! For the last time, I DO NOT WANT CHILDREN, and if you keep hounding me about it, so help me god you will fucking regret it!

      “You would know love and your husband would understand what it means to know you. Also, women should be happy to keep themselves fit for their husbands and kids. A gym membership is a great thing and there’s also hot tubs, tennis lessons, pools and of course great cardio courses to keep the heart strong and muscles taut.”

      How about you FUCK OFF?

      See, this is what I was talking about! You’re trying to hound me into something that I DON’T WANT AND WILL NEVER WANT, then you have a shit fit about how women look afterwards!

      And I suppose that husbands having to keep in shape in order to keep their wives happy is out of the question, right? Because you don’t give a shit about the pleasure of the female, do you? No, you just think that women should lay there, let their husbands inseminate them, pop out a baby, then start all over again, right? You don’t give a shit about the female orgasm.

    4. Tyson Bowers IIIBlanche Beecham Post author


      You should be a motivational speaker. While Jesus didn’t specifically outline those rules for honoring the husband, your logic and thorough explanation are sound. The truth hurts. An old fat wife is not glorifying the Lord, which is why those marriages end in tears and a case of Little Debbie cakes.

      Praise be,

  6. Tyson Bowers IIIClaire Post author

    “1 Corinthians 7:2
    But since there is so much immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman her own husband.”

    You can quote the bible, good for you. Your point?

  7. JC

    Those were some lovely made up charts. Oh wait, Satan is telling me to get off this website because even he is laughing with God about how stupid you all are and how idiotic this website is.

  8. Mmmmmmm....

    Hey, I’m a lesbian, and I’m SO, SO, SO, SO attracted to Shakira.

    I just wanted to say thanks for posting all of these videos up, I can’t even tell you how bad I’m seeing red right now. She is as fine as I have ever seen and I am going to watch these videos every night.

    She’s got such a smokin’ body! Exotic girls… Ahh, man.

    Thank you again. These videos just made my day so much better!

    Praise Jesus! Love ya’ll! <3

  9. You Fail... English class, that is.

    Really, stop writing articles until you master at least basic grammar. “Graphics and statistics done lie”, really?

    Also, please grow the fuck up, stop cooking your data, and get some perspective.
    Item A: Sex isn’t automatically bad.
    Item B: Teenagers have been having sex pretty much forever. College-age people even more so. GET OVER IT.
    Item C: Congrats for managing to be stupid and racist at the same time- what does her ‘Latinness’ have to do with anything?

    (Side note: No, really, is this a parody site? If so, I’m impressed at your collective ability to stay in character. Kudos!)

  10. urdumb

    lmao you are really gonna argue online about this stupid shit? lol yeah its ssooooo wrong for a man to want his wife TO WANT TO LOOK GOOD FOR HIM…whats wrong with that? ok look good for yourself but keep your man in mind also if you looked good when you got together common courtesy would be to stay that way thats why divorce rates are up. stop condenmng people thats not your place or mine its the one and only choice not any of ours. Men make the money and most women stay at home…whats wrong with that its been like that for centuries but now its a sin to women. dont get me wrong im all for equal rights and all that but wtf is with women these days men are being hated on because they act and think like MEN wtf stop being stupid and shakira being the devil or whatever is fuckin stupid thats not you place to judge god does all the judging in the end if she wants to dance sexy and shake dat nice ass of hers then so be it if god has a problem with it she will answer to him as so will everyone.

  11. JC

    Im pretty sure the bible says that a woman who takes care of her body can show it off. So basically by making this article your mocking the bible and creating blasphemous statements at the same time. A+ to you.

  12. Kira

    Lol, these folks and their biblical nonsense. Praise the Lort, for he is Almighty!

    Yeah, that’s all fine an dandy if that’s your religion. I’m happy being who I am, the way I am, regardless of whether or not I allow myself to be sucked into religious beliefs.

    I believe in what I believe without the influence of what others or some book has to say about it.

    I’m unmarried. I have a child. And I’m Bisexual.

    Got a problem with it? Well it’s exactly that. YOUR problem. :p

  13. NotAChristian

    This article is has more caked on fake “facts and statistics” than teenage girls do make-up these days. Articles like this make me glad to consider myself a person who doesn’t claim Christianity, it’s hypocritical you can’t follow guidelines that say do not judge and then call someone whores and sluts.

    The person that wrote this article doesn’t know what any of the women mentioned do in their daily life, unless they are so naive to believe paparazzi and US Weekly, which is nothing but made up trash. Oh and the men commenting on this, I’m a woman and I by no means oh my life to being with a man, or any other human being for that matter. My purpose was not put here to have children, I wouldn’t have been given free will to make that decision if that was the case, nor would the worlds resources be dwindling people of the worlds populace if everyone was meant to have children.

    You are disgusting. Oh and just because a woman is absent a man doesn’t make her worthless, or a lesbian. I do well on my own in life, and I’ve never met a man I could count on for anything. Also men now a days don’t all go out and get jobs, women bring home paychecks too.

    And if you decide to cheat on your wife because she “let’s herself go” after birthing your child, it makes you scum, shows you care more about whats wrapped around your dick than, what a person is about.


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