6 thoughts on “Truth About Occupy Wall Street

  1. Albert Toppers

    Those stats are absolutely TRUE! If anything, they are conservative estimates. And I love how all the homogay trustie fund kids are rushing to the YouTube comment section as if it is a bag of pot drugs or a diddle daddle stick.

      1. Albert Toppers

        Where is your counter-study?

        Oh, that’s right. You’re no scientist. Just keep criticizing TB3 if it makes you feel better about yourself, but know you’re just a dolt.

    1. Get a Life Dracula

      So, the fact that these stats come from none other than your own site, I am well within my right to say that they are not, in fact, true. Unless they have actual stats, from sources other than your own site, it cannot be considered to be true and unbiased.


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