29 thoughts on “Tyson’s Comics – Instead The Homosexual Mind

    1. thegospelofmatt

      stevie with the shear amount of time you spend with tysons dick shoved up your ass I would think you of all people would know the difference between a homosexual and a murdering pedophile, but then again a “childrens motivational entertainer” such as yourself you probably has expert indepth experience with the habits of pedophiles.

  1. thegospelofmatt

    sidenote I just realized that it says under the caption tyson bower the SECOND. The second? does that mean that this was created by your father o.0. Holy fuck if this is the kind of crap your father taught you when you were a kid no wonder you are so fucked up.

    I actually feel really sorry for you please seek, some kind of therapy because this screams repressed child abuse.

    1. Mr Debonair

      @Jazze says:

      “that’s kinda scary… though still seats the mind of a christian… that simply screams HATE! KILL! CAUSE PAIN!”

      How could you be so far from the truth brother/sister (sorry, I’m just not sure from your name). Where have any of us promoted death? We want to prevent pain by corretcing our youths, and the only hate I see is from the post of athieistics like yourself. Far from hating you I pray for you, because I know we’re on the side of our Lord – piece be with you my son/daughter(see aboeve)

      ‘The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.’
      Deuteronomy (ch. XXIX, v. 29)

      1. Jazze

        prove that i am wrong useing an argument that can’t be used against the cartoon on the top of this page.
        not even god would be able to do that buddy.

  2. Mr Debonair

    Look folks, we’re all familiar with the stories of the homo gaygenda pedophile sexrings portrayed in our household media sources and to pretend we’re not is simply putting our childrens at risk. If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem – don’t just refudiate it like an ostrich!

    ‘For the king knoweth of these things, before whom also I speak freely: for I am persuaded that none of these things are hidden from him; for this thing was not done in a corner.
    Acts (ch. XXVI, v. 26)

    1. Jazze

      i have yet to see any kind of proof that a homosexual should be more dangerous than any other man. i have however seen proof that christians are more dangerous than an avarage man. that is why i fight you. see i’m part of the solution. you are not just a part of the problem you are the problem.

      1. thegospelofmatt

        don’t bother arguing with someone who uses the word “refudiate” (which is a word palin made up and has no meaning) hes obviously trolling

        1. Mr Debonair

          wheras ‘trolling’ is a word that has been around for generations…

          Si hoc non legere potes tu asinus es

          1. Jazze

            well we have the difrence being that “trolling” is a wideluy acsepted term that has come to have a universly understanded meaning whille “refudiate” was something uttered by an iliterate trying to sound smart that still has no meaning.

    1. Mr Debonair

      What have you got against predators..?

      ‘I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.’
      Luke 10:19

  3. A. Reasonable Mann

    I don’t get it. Is their house right next to the preschool? Why is one guy holding a knife and the other a cell phone? Why does the clock on the school read 2:30? I mean, honestly, who the hell eats dinner at 2:30?

    Homosexuals. That’s who.


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