53 thoughts on “Blake’s Plate Episode #4 – Why Modern Women are Not Respected

    1. Claire

      I’m a prude? I’m pretty sure I’ve admitted to masturbation multiple times on here. Just because I’ve never had sex doesn’t mean I’m a prude.

        1. Claire

          How am I coy? And why are you suddenly doubting that I masturbate? Why are you suddenly trying to paint me as a saint or something? What, after your revealing that you’re a slut you feel as though somebody might “outdo” you or something?

          1. Adam Nelson

            Claire, if you really do masturbate, prove it. Just post or email a close-up of you doing it and I’ll believe it. But I think I speak for everyone here when I say you’re too much a prude to do that.

          2. Mainiac58

            Oh my FU**ING WORD!!! (Sorry for the language, but that is just WRONG!!) You really are one sick freak, Mr. Adam. I’m sure we all know WHY you want a picture of that. (masturbater) There you go , looking for PORN again. (rapist) πŸ˜‰

  1. Claire

    1. Rape is NOT a cry for attention.
    2. Any man who thinks that the ultimate goal in a female’s life is to become a housewife has NO place talking about respecting women
    3. Get out of that fishtank. We’ve been over this.
    4. Learn your lines or at least learn to read a teleprompter better. Your stammering and mistakes make you look like an amateur
    5. Try to sound more interested and/or passionate in the subject. You sound bored.
    6. Stop saying things such as “devilwhore” – it makes you look uneducated.
    7. Females are supposed to orgasm. If we weren’t, why does the clitoris exist?
    8. Get rid of the minute and fourteen seconds at the end of nothing but a black screen.

    1. Rod Trunq

      Personally, I feel that Claire is a misogynist if she doesn’t hope and pray for women to stop their devil whore-ish ways.

  2. Claire

    “Claire, if you really do masturbate, prove it. Just post or email a close-up of you doing it and I’ll believe it. But I think I speak for everyone here when I say you’re too much a prude to do that.”

    A close up of me doing it? But according to you, I’m such a photoshop master, am I not? Couldn’t I just photoshop something? But no, the most I would do is take a picture of my dildos with a paper sign in front of them identifying that they’re mine.

    Also, no, you do not speak for everybody here when you say that I’m “too much of a prude” to masturbate.


    1. Claire

      Also Adam, what’s your rationale for calling me a prude? The fact that I don’t have sex? The fact that I, among many others here, don’t approve of your hypocrisy in your admittance that you engage in premarital sex while condemning others for doing the same thing?

    2. Adam Nelson

      If you take a picture of you using your dildoes and sign your name, and put them on the site, I will not only refrain from commenting for one week. I’ll actually write an article saying you are a smart person and that I was wrong about calling you a prude.

      But the fact of the matter is that from your speech and grammar, you are innocent and naive. You would never touch yourself and there is no way you own a dildo. If you had any pictures of yourself with dildos or actually in the act, I would be beyond shocked and would seriously not comment for a while after that. I’d have to revive myself fom asystole.

      1. Claire

        “But the fact of the matter is that from your speech and grammar, you are innocent and naive.”

        Oh give me a fucking break!

        “You would never touch yourself and there is no way you own a dildo.”

        Been touching myself since I was 15. Oh, and you’re right, I don’t own a dildo. I own four.

        “If you had any pictures of yourself with dildos or actually in the act, I would be beyond shocked and would seriously not comment for a while after that.”

        A picture of the dildos with my name signed is enough proof. You don’t need anything more, and you don’t need jacking material either.

        “I’d have to revive myself fom asystole.”

        The only time I’d post such pictures of myself is if you would be guaranteed to go into cardiac arrest and it would be guaranteed that there would be NOBODY around to revive you.

          1. Claire

            I am not going to post a photo of myself, nude or clothed, with a dildo. I am not going to provide you with pornography.

            You did, however, say that you would accept a photo of the dildos with my name signed.

          2. Adam Nelson

            You have to prove they are yours somehow, or no one would know if they are your roommates. You could have just grabbed those. So either you using them or touching them somehow that’d just be to gross for the none owner to do.

            But again, that’s just the type of thing a prude would not do. It’s fine. It shows that you go to a Junior College and that things just don’t get wild a crazy there. Good for you, prude. There is nothing wrong with that.

          3. Mainiac58

            You do realize, pervert, that this is pretty much what would be called soliciting. That would make you a “John”, sir. Wonder how THAT would look on your records. Probably could just kiss your license good-bye. πŸ˜‰ Well, either that or get used to seeing naked old men. I doubt any self respecting woman would even cast a shadow on your doorstep. (pervert) πŸ˜€

          4. Mainiac58

            I think I’m beginning to see what your “method” is with your poor, raped nurses…..coercion. πŸ˜‰ (rapist manipulator)

          5. Susan B. Xenu

            perhaps she could take a picture of one of them in her mouth, surely she would not do that with someone elses?

          6. Mainiac58

            “perhaps she could take a picture of one of them in her mouth…”

            Not bad, Susie. This AND calling CLAIRE a devil whore all in one thread. Getting dizzy yet? I am from all the “spinning” you’re doing. πŸ˜‰


        1. Reverend Putty

          It would only be acceptable if this dildo idolater tied them together to form 2 crosses for the photo!


    3. Mainiac58



      Just kidding, Claire. Actually I wouldn’t give him the opportunity to feed his sick “fetishes”. Just be a good “lesbian” (their words, not mine πŸ˜‰ ) and leave him…..hanging. πŸ˜€

  3. Claire

    “You have to prove they are yours somehow, or no one would know if they are your roommates.”

    Yeah, except for the fact that finals are over and I’ve been home since the 16th. Also, I would NEVER touch an object that has been on or near somebody’s genitals.

    “It shows that you go to a Junior College and that things just don’t get wild a crazy there.”

    Actually I go to College and things get quite crazy. Ever heard of “Thirsty Thursday”? Yeah, it’s not a fun time for people like me who aren’t interested in alcohol poisoning, drugs, or having sex with other people.

    1. Adam Nelson

      Yeah, for people who are not you. It’s fine that you are a prude. I commended you for it before and I will again. You will not post anything of you holding such objects or even using them, because you do have some decency in your heart. That’s fine that you are a prude. I know you’d like to be rid of me, but you still will not do it because you’re too pretentious in maintaining your holier than thou attitude. You’re a prude and I am not slighting you for it. I’m just saying that I was right in my analysis of your personality and prediction that you would never post such things.

      1. Mainiac58

        More like “self respect”. Something YOUR women wouldn’t understand. They can’t respect themselves AND the animals. (pervert)

      2. Claire

        I’m going to need your email address in order to send the picture to you. My IP address was banned from tinypic because I posted pictures of the email exchanges between myself and August.

        1. Bruce Danus

          Claire, I can send Adam some of the pictures I took after our Engagement Party, if you want. Although, I will keep the really naughty ones just for myself. I can’t wait until the 20th so I can finally be involved, my naughty bits are swollen from not being able to “M” and not having pre-marital sex. Thank you for saving yourself for our wedding night too. Love You.

          1. Claire

            Sure, by all means do. I’m sure that pictures of you and “me” (aka your mother) will provide great jacking material for Adam.

          2. Bruce Danus

            Claire, you aren’t my Mother. My Mother passed away 5 years ago, so unless you are her ghost, you could not possibly be her.

            Also, if you were my Mother, you have to have had sex. You have clearly stated that you haven’t had sex, so you could not be my Mother.

            I also would not marry my own Mother, because that is Incest and is Illegal where I live, maybe in Massachusetts it is okay to marry a relative, but not here.

            See you in two days for Our Wedding, then off to Idaho for our reception at Brother August’s farm and then on to our Honeymoon in Saudi Arabia, as you requested. Love You.

  4. Reverend Putty

    All of this Satan-speak about dildos and clitorises and fetishes and masturbation and pornography and women allowed to use computers is a true sign of the coming apocalypse! Repent and cleanse your mind of these impure thoughts, contemplating evil of this nature can only lead to a sordid tryst with Marge the organist in the church gymnasium storage closet after Bingo Night!


  5. Claire

    You douchebag. I was not implying that I am your mother. What I meant is that any pictures of a woman engaged in carnal activities with you would have to be your own mother, because no other woman would. I wouldn’t put it past you to dig up your mother’s corpse and fuck it.

    1. Bruce Danus

      Claire, I never once said that the pictures were of me and a woman engaged in carnal activities, but I am glad you have the image of me engaging in such acts in your mind, that will make our Wedding Night so much more fun because you can finally live out all the fantasies you have been having about me, except the one about my Mother’s corpse, I have to draw the line there. Love You.

      1. Claire

        That makes you a liar then. You explicitly told me that you have a penchant for necrophilia and that in the past you would routinely dig up dead relatives and make love to their decaying orifices.

        1. Bruce Danus

          Claire, Please follow the lead of the Christwire Fellowship, when you state something as a fact, you need to provide proof. Love You.

          1. Bruce Danus

            Claire, The Wedding Invitations and Announcement went out a week ago. That is the proof. Love You.

          2. Bruce Danus

            Also, you even told me that you wanted to go to Saudi Arabia with me multiple times.

  6. Claire

    Those are not proof. In your “article” that said that you and I were getting “married” you mentioned that we had been courting for some time. Surely if we were, there would have been letters and/or emails exchanged. There would have been receipts for restaurants that we went to together. Do you have any of these? And no, not once did I say that I want to go to Saudi Arabia with you. I suggested that you go to Saudi Arabia (alone) to live with people who share your sick views on women.

    So just like I showed no proof that you fuck corpses, you showed no proof that you and I are getting married or that we were courting. Or that we even know one another. Surely if we know one another you know my middle name. What is it?

    1. Bruce Danus

      Claire, I don’t want to share receipts or our private letters/emails with everybody. That would be an invasion of our privacy and might cause people to start stalking us.

      As for your middle name, Identity theft is on the rise in America, so I would fear for you safety and credit rating by exposing that on the internet. I’m sure your mother Janet would agree with me and I’m sure your sister Laura will eventually start liking me. I know she doesn’t really like me yet, but she’ll come around. Love You.

      1. Claire

        “Claire, I don’t want to share receipts or our private letters/emails with everybody.”

        Either do so or it’s proof that you’re lying.

        “As for your middle name, Identity theft is on the rise in America, so I would fear for you safety and credit rating by exposing that on the internet.”

        Either say what my middle name is or that’s proof that you’re lying.

        1. Bruce Danus

          It will take me awhile to put everything into HTML form. I have to get to work now. See you in two days for our Wedding. Love You.

          1. Claire

            HTML is not required for you to tell me my middle name. It’s also not required for the other proof. For receipts simply scan them onto your computer and then upload the file to tinypic. The same can be done for letters. I’d also like to see the receipt for the “engagement ring”.

  7. Christian Intellectual

    Another great episode brother Blake. I hope this episode helps modern women live a pure sinless Christian life.

  8. Mother Theresa

    Bless you. Someone brave enough to stand up and stutter the truth. I have always forsaken the craven habits of modern ‘women’. Sometimes the lack of make-up and my modest tabard have been the only things standing between me and a Muslim’s unwelcome attentions.

  9. Alisonmanson

    girls masturbate and so do men we do it for the hell of it and its men like u that makes us our bodies our choices. make up is to cover up blemishes and unwanted marks and we want more in life house mothers are a thing of the past and i mean bake in 1545 its 2011 we women work more than most men and to tell u the truth the Susan bitch is 80 she says so she is nothing but an empty space, who taught granny to use a computer? with out women u have nothing so go head whack off to things and then blame us it just makes us way more empowering


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