Category Archives: China

Communism and Socialism Kills

George Bush (Capitalist)
Genocide Total: 0

Stalin (Communist)
Genocide Total: 23 million

Hitler (Socialist)
Genocide Total: 6 million

Mao Ze-Dong (Communist)
Genocide Total: 78 million

Pol Pot (Communist)
Genocide Total: 2 million

Hideki Tojo (Fascist)
Genocide Total: 5 million

Ismail Enver (Communist / Socialist)
Genocide Total: 1,200,000 Armenians / 350,000 Greek Pontians / 480,000 Anatolian Greeks / 500,000 Assyrians

Who are the real murders?

The Dangers Of Dating A Communist Yellow

Foreign invaders are trying to penetrate our beautiful God given land by way of promises of a submissive and obedient house wife. You see, modern American women have been brainwashed into thinking they are equals to males and they think they can leave the house and pursue careers. While doing this they leave the American household empty and cold. No dishes are done, dinner is made in a microwave, children grow up without mother figures and the common wife is now known to be 87% more likely to have cheating affairs.

The communist Chinese have caught onto this disruption of the American home and are now showboating their unwanted female population at American men. They promise if they pay for their green card they in return will be perfect house wifes. They promise they will fulfill any needs the man wants and will keep their mouths shut and kitchens clean.

Here is the danger my friends. Commies and especially their female breed are vile creators. They all plot the destruction of American from within. As Abe Lincoln said, America can only be destroyed from within and the Chinese know this, as they failed to take over America in the 1940′s, when they attacked Pearl Harbor. So instead of sending death gliders over, they want to send death concubines to take over the role of the American housewife. They want them to raise your children learning their high pitched ugly language and teach them to hate anything Red, White and Blue.

So before you are sucked into sites that promise “American love for 5 dorrah”, remember, you could be importing a possible terrorist and by doing so, you yourself are a part of the downfall of America.

Don’t be tempted by blogs or dating sites that show off plump breasted, model typed oriental females, Yes, their skin is smooth and their almond eyes are quite alluring. But, the knife they want to wield into the back of America is not worth it and your soul will burn in hell for all of eternity if you fiddle around with these yellow, American hating prostitutes.