Chilean Miners Rescue Was a Hoax – Video Proof

When looking at all the video of the Mexican Chilean miners, you always see them happy and chanting anti-american songs. The miners were never dirty and if you ask me, I know just one day inside of a mine, you will look dark as a afro-saxon selling crack coke cane while listening to hippped hopped music on the corner in the Bronx. Here is a video showing them “trapped” inside of a mine, but look close…they all are clean and after 60 days they should of had muhammad beards growing. Do they want us to believe they supplied them with cots, food and everything else needed to survive though a 3 inch hole?

3rd world countries will do anything to try and make money and it looks like that is what was going on here. This is nothing but a big soap opera. You can tell how badly the acting is by looking at the hispanic child and see how he was acting to “wait” for his father to come out of the hole. The boy looks confused as if he is saying “why am I pretending to just see my dad, when I saw him last night drunk, abusing my mama?” You can see another man talking to the child, like he is giving him instructions on how to act.

Notice the loud crowds of chiles waiting for their fellow man to be rescued? Oh you don’t hear anything? I would think with such a BIG rescue that place would be packed tight like rice in a tortilla! If this rescue was so massive, why aren’t there massive amounts of people? We know latins will find any reason to miss work and party, why aren’t they using this to get a few days off of work??? Doesn’t add up.

These people already have book deals, movie deals and other media projects in the works. This shows you the liberal media will do anything to make a quick dollar off the hearts of Americans. It is classic left wing propaganda to use poor families to pull on our heart strings. At the same time, this shows you how horrible latin mexicans are and that they will do anything to steal money from America. They pretend to be in trouble, while we send NASA and our money to help them. I bet they used that money to buy burritos and sombreros.
Proof of Chilean Miners book and movie deals

114 thoughts on “Chilean Miners Rescue Was a Hoax – Video Proof

    1. The Comedian

      Are you seriously going to believe the words of a troll? Are you THAT fucking insane that you’ll believe the ramblings of a madman on the internet?

        1. Carlos Fernando

          Including you right?? This is a well written and researched article. Just go to some other website if you disagree with this one.

          1. adam turner

            This article is a lie just like every other article on this website. The writer brobably didn’t even watch the first video he posted. If you watch the video, you can clearly see the face that the men are unshaven (1:02 into the video)

          2. Samantha

            OK that’s it…
            I refuse to believe that this website is anything more than a satiric website.

            There’s just no other way to explain all the articles that are just way out there. There are UFO sites that make more salient points than any one such here. This is a joke. Has to be.

    2. Ant-Paladino

      Congratulations, you are sick and your site is a joke in Brazil, and probabily in a lot of other countries too. i read several coments here, and Claire jsut owned u, saddly i dont have egnouth vocabulary in english to describe how pathect and racist you are, god please have mercy from your soul because i think u are jsut a sick and sad man, how use the internet to spreed your racist view and your machist words.
      “daugther of eve” HA!!!
      i laught a lot reading your point of view and how you know of wolrd geography, and i sure u, i dont have nothing against usa but… WE DONT NEED YOUR MONEY LOL, every country here, have your own economy and dont need make war against others to steal OIL, ok?

      How u call yourself of a lover of jesus, if he never told this things of hate what u try teach in this shit, you are jsut a ignorant. Bye, be happy

      Nice joke

    3. blablabla

      Dont be stupid guys!!There was a 15 cm hole till the place where they were stucked ,where they can send food and medicines to the miners…And they look happy bcuz they were under medicines prescripted by psychiatrics,or else they would have the risk to go crazy stucked in the dark,in a place they cant even see the sunlight…!!And i have a question:Whats a mexican chilean?

  1. Tyson Bowers IIIClaire Post author

    “When looking at all the video of the Mexican Chilean miners”

    Mexico and Chile are two separate countries. Mexico is in Central America. Chile is in South America. Both speak Spanish. However, that does not mean they are the same people. Don’t be such a douche.

    “on the corner in the Bronx.”

    The Bronx only has one corner, eh? Huh, that’s news to me.

    “they should of had”

    “should HAVE had”, you idiot.

    ““why am I pretending to just see my dad, when I saw him last night drunk, abusing my mama?””

    You’re one to talk about spousal abuse, considering how you CONDONE IT.

    “Notice the loud crowds of chiles”


    “If this rescue was so massive, why aren’t there massive amounts of people?”

    Gee, I don’t know, perhaps because it was a dangerous place to be so they kept civilians away?

    Can you please just kill yourself already, Mr. Boners?

    1. Tyson Bowers IIITyson Bowers III Post author

      Not once did you site proof on each one of our points. Claire, you need to surrender your soul to Jesus and become a good house wife. You will be less angry.

      1. Tyson Bowers IIIClaire Post author

        “Not once did you site proof on each one of our points.”

        Well, first of all, I don’t NEED to site proof, because my points are BASIC KNOWLEDGE. Second, if I enter more than one URL into my post, it’ll get moderated.

        “Claire, you need to surrender your soul to Jesus and become a good house wife.”

        No, I don’t.

        “You will be less angry.”

        I suppose you’d know best what it’s like to be lobotomized.

        1. Tyson Bowers IIIAdam Nelson Post author

          “Cite” is the word you’re looking for there, honey. Why don’t you stick to practicing your print and being less of a feminist, and leave the news and politics to those with mastery of international events and policy.

          1. The Comedian

            //Typical daughter of Eve, pointing the finger when you’re the one who is being outed as wrong. Take responsibility for your actions, hon.//

            “as well” does not equal trying to avoid responsibility.

        2. adam turner

          I wouldn’t get too mad at him. He, along with all of the writers on this site, is stuck in the time where being a sexist ass was ok. They just don’t realize that times have changed and they can’t controll women like their daddys did.

  2. Tyson Bowers IIIAdam Nelson Post author

    Exactly right, Tyson. I think it was all a hoax and set-up by the Chilean government to get US aid and funding, or some media attention to distract from the massive amounts of drug trafficking they have with their Mexican overlords, imported right into the schools that house our nation’s youth and our future.

    We really do need to get a tighter reign on the lesser Americas, especially with the Soviets trying to again stake their claim on our oil in Venezuela by putting Russian nukes in the hands of Chavez.

    1. Tyson Bowers IIIClaire Post author

      “to get US aide and funding”

      Aide is a noun referring to a person who assists. “Aid” is the word you’re looking for, “honey”.

        1. Tyson Bowers IIIClaire Post author

          “What are you rambling about now, egg carton?”

          Typical male, making sexist statements when you’re being outed as wrong.

          Suck on that, cumbucket.

          1. adam turner

            I’m a pig for knowing that talking to a woman this way is wrong?? I’m 17 and
            I already know how to treat women better than you! If you go around treating women as “incubators” and “egg cartons,” you’re going to become a sad, lonely old man.

    2. Anne

      “I think it was all a hoax and set-up by the Chilean government”
      And I think you’re one of many trolls on this site created by Billings/Bowers/Abe to bring publicity to this site. What is your point?

      “We really do need to get a tighter reign on the lesser Americas”
      Newsflash – Chile isn’t part of the United States, therefore you have no reign over it or any other South American country.

  3. Tyson Bowers IIIClaire Post author

    “Typical daughter of Eve, pointing the finger when you’re the one who is being outed as wrong. Take responsibility for your actions, hon.”

    And I’m simply asking why you didn’t feel the need to out Mr. Boners as wrong as well.

    Don’t call me “hon”, creep.

  4. Tyson Bowers IIIClaire Post author

    You know, Adam, it’s really too bad that your mother chickened out and didn’t follow through with her makeshift abortion attempt. She obviously succeeded in wedging the hanger into your frontal lobe; if only she had given that wire one last jam our world probably would never have had to deal with you.

  5. Millenium

    HMM a Bunch of american Loser are at it maybe because they washed down bellow rememebr the news reporter said they bring them waters Maybe they used for drink and washing

  6. Tyson Bowers IIIAdam Nelson Post author

    So, you try to say I was somehow wrong but you cannot. Claire, you’re an incubator. You have ovaries and you hate them, because you grew up next to lesbian neighbors who undoubtedly made passes at you as your ran through the sprinkler or glinted while playing batons under a warm summer’s golden sun.

    It is okay, Claire. Those lesbians corrupted you and your youth. Now you fear marriage and your body’s natural desire to find purpose and completion in marriage. Your body seeks to produce childen, and your lesbian corrupted mind is telling you to feel wrong for that.

    Do not feel bad, Claire. Your good friends are there for you and if you ever need, as I’ve said, I’ll be there for you though like many others, I find your Facebook stalking and ‘poking’ me sort of creepy.

    I’ll still meet you for coffee in a public place. There is a medical conference I may go to in a few weeks, if time allows and it’s hard to tell with shifting 12-hour rotations.

    Also, where on Earth did you pull that ‘aides’ reference earlier and then try to act like you didn’t do it.

    Your mind is blinded and damaged by lesbians, Claire. It is time to heal.

    1. Tyson Bowers IIIClaire Post author

      “So, you try to say I was somehow wrong but you cannot.”

      I cannot? Um, I’m pretty sure I just did.

      “Claire, you’re an incubator”

      And you’re nothing but a sperm donor, easily used and easily disposed of.

      “You have ovaries and you hate them”

      I hate my ovaries? That’s news to me. I’d rather have ovaries than testicles. Balls make men weak. If you so much as flick them with your finger, a guy collapses to his knees. It’s pretty amusing, actually.

      “because you grew up next to lesbian neighbors who undoubtedly made passes at you”

      So…I hate my ovaries because my lesbian neighbors supposedly “made passes” at me? That makes no sense.

      “as your ran through the sprinkler or glinted while playing batons under a warm summer’s golden sun.”

      Taking writing lessons from Billings, eh?

      “It is okay, Claire. Those lesbians corrupted you and your youth. Now you fear marriage and your body’s natural desire to find purpose and completion in marriage. Your body seeks to produce childen, and your lesbian corrupted mind is telling you to feel wrong for that.”

      I don’t fear marriage. I simply don’t desire marriage, and it has nothing to do with the fact that lesbians live three houses down. And my body does not seek to produce children. In fact, my reproductive system is very clearly opposed to producing children, considering how I have two conditions that are leading causes of infertility in women. And you know what? I don’t give a shit, because I don’t want kids.

      “Do not feel bad, Claire. Your good friends are there for you and if you ever need, as I’ve said, I’ll be there for you though like many others, I find your Facebook stalking and ‘poking’ me sort of creepy.”

      You realize just how many people there are on facebook named Adam Nelson, right? I won’t deny that I’ve searched for you on facebook so I could send you death threats, but it’s nearly impossible to find you, due to your incredibly generic, boring name that about a billion other people have. So, nice try, but you fail.

      “I’ll still meet you for coffee in a public place.”

      Public places tend to not be very conducive to murder, so I’ll have to decline, considering how if we were ever to meet, murder would be my intent.

      “There is a medical conference I may go to in a few weeks”

      Still pretending to be a doctor, I see. Pretty sad…

      “Also, where on Earth did you pull that ‘aides’ reference earlier and then try to act like you didn’t do it.”

      Um…what? You’re not making any sense. You are the one who used “aides” instead of “aids” in a sentence, and I called you on it. Is that so hard for you to comprehend? Oh…sorry, I forgot about that whole “temporal lobe meets wire hanger” incident that occurred in-utero. I guess it really is hard for you to comprehend.

      “Your mind is blinded and damaged by lesbians, Claire. It is time to heal.”

      Your mind is blinded and damaged by the bible and its sexist teachings, Adam. It’s time for me to murder you.

    2. The Comedian

      Since you’re so fucking retarded Adam, and you won’t listen to Claire due to your rampant sexism, let’s see if I can smash some sense into you.

      //So, you try to say I was somehow wrong but you cannot.//

      Definition of AIDE
      : a person who acts as an assistant; specifically : a military officer who acts as an assistant to a superior officer

      Definition of AID
      transitive verb
      : to provide with what is useful or necessary in achieving an end

      Both from jackass.

      //Claire, you’re an incubator. You have ovaries and you hate them, because you grew up next to lesbian neighbors who undoubtedly made passes at you as your ran through the sprinkler or glinted while playing batons under a warm summer’s golden sun.//

      So lesbians hate being women? Wouldn’t that mean that they would try to become a man via an operation? And are you stalking Claire Adam? You seem to know a lot about her childhood.

      //It is okay, Claire. Those lesbians corrupted you and your youth. Now you fear marriage and your body’s natural desire to find purpose and completion in marriage. Your body seeks to produce childen, and your lesbian corrupted mind is telling you to feel wrong for that.//

      Hasn’t she said multiple times that she can’t have kids due to biological reasons, i.e. shit you should know because you’re a doctor and thus know exactly what she’s talking about?

      //Do not feel bad, Claire. Your good friends are there for you and if you ever need, as I’ve said, I’ll be there for you though like many others, I find your Facebook stalking and ‘poking’ me sort of creepy.//

      Says the pedo who stalked Claire when she waas a child.

      //I’ll still meet you for coffee in a public place. There is a medical conference I may go to in a few weeks, if time allows and it’s hard to tell with shifting 12-hour rotations.//

      So you’re saying that you’re desperate for a woman you’ll try hitting on one that wants to nail your tiny balls to the wall with an 8-inch nail and make you re-enact the nailing of Christ because she can’t stand the idea that you exist, the fact that you encourage spouse abuse and think lesser of non-white men to a point where they should be kissing your ass.

      //Also, where on Earth did you pull that ‘aides’ reference earlier and then try to act like you didn’t do it.//

      The fuck is that sentence even supposed to mean? That ‘aides’ reference? Are you talking about the word that you completely mis-spelt right after you were a grammar nazi on her?

      //Your mind is blinded and damaged by lesbians, Claire. It is time to heal.//

      And your beatings to her face to make her make sandwiches is just what she needs, right?

    1. Tyson Bowers IIIClaire Post author

      Well, you obviously went back and changed it, because I know for a fact that you wrote aide. I know that because originally it was on the second line, but your removing the e from the end bumped it up to the first line. Apparently you’re too big of a pussy to admit to it (like how you spew racist and sexist shit all the time and then deny it), so you got your little cum-swapper Tyson to pull strings and edit your post for you. I should have taken a screenshot of it when I had the chance.

  7. Tyson Bowers IIIAdam Nelson Post author

    Where is your proof, Claire? This is just another lie created by your pathologically deviant and deceptive mind. You are trying to distract from the fact that you cannot use ‘site’ correctly and an even bigger point, this Chilean thing could very well be a hoax by yet another dollar-hungry third-world dictator.

    1. Bob

      Tyson Bowers cant use “site” correctly either, but hes a man, so its okay. You sexist piece of shit i hope somehow you get a diesese that makes your genitals fall off and get turned into a vagina. A REAL vagina, that has no “seporator flaps”.

    2. Tyson Bowers IIIClaire Post author

      Unfortunately I don’t have proof, but you know damn well that you went back somehow and changed it. And normally I do use “cite/site” correctly in their respective instances, but I simply saw what Tyson wrote and wasn’t thinking clearly because I was in such a rush to refute his dickhead statement.

      1. Brandon

        It’s ok Claire,I saw it too..
        I guess these”chirsitans” think it’s ok to lie and when they get caught in one,they quickly run away and change the subject..
        We all know the truth here about these guys..

    3. Rick

      By the way – reign is what you do if you’re a king or (Stephenson) queen; rein is what you guide things with (horses, reindeer, etc.,) and sometimes pull in to slow or halt; and rain is that stuff you probably need frequent reminding to “come in out of…”

  8. peoplelikingpeople

    Hello, Chris from here. A couple comments: for you guys giving the author a hard time acting like he’s a bad person: it is a GOOD thing to always be skeptical of the official story. It doesn’t make someone a good or bad person whether or not they believe something or not. I also have doubts about the mine rescue. I’m kind of torn on it, there are a couple things that make me suspicious, but it could very well have been real.

    Here’s why I am just a little suspicious:

    1. Everyone is clean with no facial hair.
    2. It is way too quiet and it’s almost like people take turns talking or yelling, as if it’s scripted. At first I thought well maybe the audio was bad, but it’s actually the opposite: when a guy pats his fellow miner on the back, you can hear it loud and clear as if they’re mic’ed up. Also, there is no “crowd noise”. Sure you hear some people talking, but that rumble of crowd noise is not there.
    3. In most rescues, it’s down to business. People are working hard to rescue and help the miners, that’s priority #1. On these videos, I don’t see many people working, it’s all just standing around going through the emotional expressions.
    4. I feel like I’m watching a low budget film when I watch this. I can’t quite pinpoint why but I get that fake vibe when I watch it. The camera keeps panning to the wives waiting anxiously and they just seem to be playing it up a bit much.

    Let me say that while I do think this could be staged, I don’t believe in the BS Masonic conspiracy theories I’ve read about, or the other one about how Time Warner made it all up to get ratings. If this was setup, I think it’s more something political in Chile.

  9. Nick

    ok really? really!? this site just gets more and more messed up every day. next you’re going to say that 9/11 never happened! *sigh* …

    1st video: This is obviously the 1st video that we got to see of the miners after SEVENTEEN days. “Here is a video showing them “trapped” inside of a mine, but look close…they all are clean and after 60 days they should of had muhammad beards growing”

    Obviously they are far from clean. They’re all covered in dirt and soot. And the beards? They were down there for 17 days at the time the video was taken, not 60. They do have a bit of scruff but not beards, as expected.

    “Notice the loud crowds of chiles waiting for their fellow man to be rescued? Oh you don’t hear anything? I would think with such a BIG rescue that place would be packed tight like rice in a tortilla! If this rescue was so massive, why aren’t there massive amounts of people?”

    First of all, the reason you don’t here anything is a problem with the video itself. Someone turned the volume of the video way down so there is a bit of sound but not much. And second, as Claire said, it’s a big dangerous work zone and they didn’t want anyone hurt. They kept people away to avoid any injury. If you look, there are a plethora of videos showing the out-pour of emotion from the families. The fact that you haven’t seen them isn’t our fault. And that last video is just ridiculous, I’m not even going to comment on that.

  10. Swede

    Tyson, seriously if you don’t have the basic education to express a opinion that have ANY logical substans what so ever you should just grab the shotgun you keep under your pillow and blow your brains out right now because your are just a big waste of oxygen. My god, you are a BIG reason why we europeans LAUGH at your back-ass country. seriously – can you be a bigger fuckhead?!?

    And god riddens to you claire – your are always welcome to Europe – WERE YOU BELONG!!!

  11. :)nice:)

    Mam i hope this wasnt a fake bcuz that would be messed up……………i felt bad for those men but i still want to know why they offerd movie deals & crap whats up with that? aaaaayyyyyyeeeee They just been in a hole for a very long time they dont want to be in a movie

    1. Millenium

      just saying they make like 2-3 Movie about the 9/11 event a tragedy as you said

      a lot of movie idea comes from event like those

      as for the Massive Operation its was BEFORE the hole is Opened

      and mentioned in the news they needed one men to go down and get people water To hydrate themselve

  12. Amethyst

    is everyone really this stupid? okay, first of all, I am a Christian and proud to say so. But honestly, how can anyone who writes for this site even call themselves Christians? All this entire site does is promote and condone hate for everyone? Which of the writers on this site have read Luke 6:27-30? Does anyone on this site even know what it says in the Bible about love? I don’t care what you think about any of these people, but talking about Chileans beating their wives or hippies or anything bad about anyone like this is just ridiculous. There is a difference between expressing your beliefs in a Christian way and profiling, judging, and just plain out being prejudice. I’m only 18 and even I am smart enough to understand that.

  13. Amethyst

    Ohhhhh, by the way…

    “We know latins will find any reason to miss work and party”

    Um, I don’t know about where you are, but every single Latino I have ever seen around here works harder than just about any American.

    1. dumbass

      Ummm so if you’re Latin you can’t be American? You’re about as racist and ignorant as the idiot that wrote this piece of trash.

  14. Nick

    Are you fucking kidding me? This article is full of racist bullshit. You are just spewing non-sense and are using this horrific ordeal as a reason to push your racist propaganda. You have absolutely NO proof of anything you are saying. Have you actually read anything about what is going on over there? You sir, are a complete moron and should be ashamed of yourself. I think we should stick you in a mine for 2 months and see if your tune changes.

  15. Enough is Enough

    I see more hate on these Christian websites than anywhere else.

    The author of this article ought to be ashamed of himself. Jesus wouldn’t be insulting the Chileans with racial slurs, nor would he be calling women incubators and accusing them of being lesbians because they have opinions of their own.

    It’s amazing how so many “Christians” aren’t in this religion to learn to be more forgiving and turn the other cheek. It seems many are here for a forum to spread hate. The whole website is covered with articles about hate – hate the hippies, hate the hipsters, hate the gays, hate the Middle East, hate Obama, hate for anyone who’s not exactly the same as the author and for anywhere that’s not a “red state”. It’s disgusting. This is not what Christianity is about. Or is it? The Christian community has changed a lot in the past ten years.

    Bigots like the author of this piece far outnumber Christians like me, people who are looking to make a positive change in the world, both personally and for the less fortunate in our community. I’m tired of telling people that I’m a Christian and seeing THAT look go across their faces until I can explain I’m not a radical right wing extremist. The word Christian is coming to mean “angry hater” rather than “one of Christ’s people”. The Christian leaders of today aren’t scholars or priests – they’re political leaders who stir up hate and ignorance to further their own careers.

    Lately I’ve been thinking about leaving the Church and finding my own way to love God. I just don’t need all these negative influences that have nothing whatsoever to do with Jesus’ teachings.

    This horrible article doesn’t belong on a Christian website.

    1. Tyson Bowers IIIStephenson Billings Post author

      If you have supreme faith in your God and have committed your life to Him, why would you live by half measures? Why would you be weak in the face of His commandments to spread the Good Word? No, you are mistaken young man. We have an obligation to speak forcefully about our Love of Jesus and the teachings of the Bible. We must call out sin when we witness it. Do you really believe we should give sinners and criminals a free pass? Should we also let the pedophiles and murderers walk free with judgement? Is there much of a difference? You truly have failed in understanding the responsibility of CHristians today. We MUST speak the truth. Tyson is not afraid, why are you?

      1. The Comedian

        //If you have supreme faith in your God and have committed your life to Him, why would you live by half measures?//

        Because when He tells you to kill someone just because that person eats pigs, and yet also says that you should forgive them because it’s not your place to judge, it defines mixed messages. Assholes and terrorists like you insist that God and Jesus were blood-thirsty bastards and wanted people wiped off the face of the Earth for going to the barbershop, yet you insist that they’re full of love. Obviously some people manipulated shit in the Bible to get done what THEY wanted and good Christians pick the crap that instigates hatred out and follow the morals that Jesus himself had.

        //Why would you be weak in the face of His commandments to spread the Good Word?//

        You don’t spread the good word, you spread genocide and hatred.

        //No, you are mistaken young man. We have an obligation to speak forcefully about our Love of Jesus and the teachings of the Bible. We must call out sin when we witness it.//

        Which violates the Freedom of Religion that we were given in America, and you’ve stated several times how you wanted to effectively remove that freedom from this country. If I don’t want to hear about Church of X, then all anyone is legally allowed to do is mention it and give a brief message and that’s it. If I decline, then sucks for them. Assholes like you haven’t gotten this through your heads and insist that your God overrides our rights, even if we don’t believe or care for your God.

        //Do you really believe we should give sinners and criminals a free pass? Should we also let the pedophiles and murderers walk free with judgement?//

        No, but we judge crimes, not sins. The crimes against humanity are different than sins against God. You are hellbent on saying that they’re one and the same. That is just not so, and several times I’ve proven you wrong, since back in the days of the Bible, pedophilia did not technically exist, and murdering was an accepted form of treatment towards those of other races or creed or faith. It’s not a crime to overeat and be a lazy bastard, but it is a sin.

        //Is there much of a difference? You truly have failed in understanding the responsibility of CHristians today.//

        That responsibility is to better this world, not install a tyranny that drove people away from the Church in the first damn place. You’re so bat-shit insane and stupid that you can’t possibly understand this.

        //We MUST speak the truth. Tyson is not afraid, why are you?//

        Tyson’s also a troll you retard. Anyone who seriously believes that the whole thing was a stunt due to misinformed facts is full of shit. Fuck, even Fox News said that before the camera guys got there and before they started lifting people up, that they sent down cleaning supplies and whatnot, and that’s why they look so clean. Your most trusted news source debunked all this bullshit about it being a hoax with one line.

  16. Nick S.

    This is a sorry excuse for a website. The people who write “articles” for this website are 100% mis-informed on every issue, spreading propaganda, starting ridiculous conspiracies, gay-hating, fear-mongering, and all around complete idiots.

    There’s a difference between ‘freedom of speech’, and ‘idiotic rambling’. This website perfectly shows an example of that difference.

    Oh, and by the way, religion can be great for some people; as a comfort and a moral guide. BUT, it is NOT something you need to create a website over in order to get your ridiculous Jesus/Conservative conspiracy ideals across.

    Something to think about: Would Jesus approve of all this? This hatred towards gay people, this hatred of hippies, this hatred of everything not 100% “Christian”? I personally have not read the Bible, yet I know for a fact that is says “Love thy neighbor” in it. When it says “neighbor”, that entails everyone, including those you have not met. We are all brothers and sisters. Act like it.

    1. Tyson Bowers IIIStephenson Billings Post author

      Nick, why don’t you try to offer some constructive help instead of attack for no reason? Why don’t you try to open your heart somewhat? It’s people like you who make the internet a place of petty fights and bullying.

  17. bennett


    for any of you who haven’t yet figured it out THIS IS SATIRE.

    google Christwire.

    pretty good satire too apparently since it has you all up in arms.


    1. Tyson Bowers IIIStephenson Billings Post author

      Is this meant to be sarcastic? You’re not even cognizant enough to understand I’m not the author here, but that Tyson is? Your insults are truly immature and your mind seems likewise.

  18. Anne

    “Mexican Chilean miners, ”
    There is no such thing. All but one of the miners were Chilean. One was from Bolivia. There weren’t any Mexicans present down there.

    “they all are clean and after 60 days they should of had muhammad beards growing.”
    Because they’ve been sent supplies during their two month tenure underground. Soap, water, razors. All sent under to the miners.

    “you will look dark as a afro-saxon selling crack coke cane while listening to hippped hopped music on the corner in the Bronx.”
    Could you quit with the Afro-saxon shit, it doesn’t mean African-American. It means a white guy acting like an African American. And what the fuck is hipped hopped?

    “3rd world countries will do anything to try and make money and it looks like that is what was going on here. ”
    Well, you know, when first world countries like the US decide to do the Unchristian thing and not aid them, they will have to resort to ungainly things. But I seriously doubt trapping their own people in dangerous mindshafts for months on end is one of them.

    “You can tell how badly the acting is by looking at the hispanic child and see how he was acting to “wait” for his father to come out of the hole. The boy looks confused as if he is saying “why am I pretending to just see my dad, when I saw him last night drunk, abusing my mama?” You can see another man talking to the child, like he is giving him instructions on how to act.”
    Or B) The boy could be, I don’t know, IN SHOCK at having to see his father pulled out of a mine-shaft after not seeing him for two months, and the other man is comforting the child? You know, the second one sounds very plausible.

    “If this rescue was so massive, why aren’t there massive amounts of people?”
    The mine is susceptible to collapse, dipshit. Would you allow thousands of people to swamp an area that has already experienced collapse before?

    “These people already have book deals, movie deals and other media projects in the works.”

    “I bet they used that money to buy burritos and sombreros.”
    And I bet you use your own money to buy yourself some hookers, huh?

    I want to ask why you want to bring such a positive story about 33 men who have been freed from the horrors of nearly being killed by a mine collapse through the mud. Then I remember I’m on Christwire, were everything condemns us to hell. Even Jesus is going to hell if everything you dipshits say is true.

  19. Christine

    Is this site for real?
    This is all tongue in cheek, right? I mean, real christians do NOT think or talk this way!!!

  20. Brandon

    To Claire:
    “I hate my ovaries? That’s news to me. I’d rather have ovaries than testicles. Balls make men weak. If you so much as flick them with your finger, a guy collapses to his knees. It’s pretty amusing, actually.”

    I’m glad you find it so amusing.Don’t speak for all men..

  21. Brandon

    And as for billings,adam and tyson,
    NONE of you three are actual journalists..
    For the most part, blogging is not journalism. That’s my response to the longstanding debate about whether bloggers are journalists. Bloggers who don’t apply good standards of journalism shouldn’t be offered the same privileges as journalists. Similarly, journalists who fail to apply the same good standards should be stripped of privileges and prestige.

    The basic principle is this: There are at least two sides to any story, usually more. Real journalists present all sides of a story, using multiple sources for balance and doing original reporting wherever possible. A quick survey of blogs reveals that many bloggers reporting news generally offer one side of the story. This one-sided difference is partly responsible for the Web being polluted by gossip, rumor and innuendo posing as news.
    For the most part, blogging is not journalism. That’s my response to the longstanding debate about whether bloggers are journalists. Bloggers who don’t apply good standards of journalism shouldn’t be offered the same privileges as journalists. Similarly, journalists who fail to apply the same good standards should be stripped of privileges and prestige.

    You all who call yourselves journalists should be ashamed for posing as actual journalists..billings,adam and tyson

      1. Tyson Bowers IIIClaire Post author

        “You’re a cop, what do you know about professional journalism?”

        And you’re a blogger, what do you know about professional journalism?

  22. Brandon

    “latin mexicans are and that they will do anything to steal money from America”

    Go do the work they do harvesting fruits and vegetables and then see if you complain,not many Americans are willing to get down and dirty in the fields like they do..

    1. Brandon

      So what are you saying Adam?that you will gladly buy fruits and vegetables from your local supermarket,but will badmouth them and such otherwise?

      1. Tyson Bowers IIIAdam Nelson Post author

        Yes, I love buying fresh produce from the nice supermarkets in my beautiful first-world country. It is great.

        And yes, I do not want the people who export their fruit to us thinking they have a carte blanc to sneak into our country. They are more than welcome to stay in their country if they are not American.

        1. The Comedian

          “I just hate third world countries, I’ll buy their products in my nice stores, but damn them for existing!”

          –Adam in a nutshell about non-white people.

        2. Brandon

          Sadly,that will not happen as for people staying in their country,that is wishful thinking.
          As for illegal immigrants of any nationality,I resent.Yes,I resent it when people enter this country illegally.
          Those of the people that take the time to apply for citizenship and study for the nationalization ceremony and such are more than welcome.

          1. The Comedian

            Understandable, but Adam and his ilk hate all non-whites and think they’re all illegal aliens. He’s admitted several times he wants to nuke every other country in the world.

          2. Brandon

            I agree,”when race becomes an issue in religion to someone,then it becomes more of a personal agenda than anything to do with religion”.I called up my pastor on this one to see what he said and that’s what he gave me..

          3. Brandon

            I wrote
            “I agree,”when race becomes an issue in religion to someone,then it becomes more of a personal agenda than anything to do with religion”.I called up my pastor on this one to see what he said and that’s what he gave me..”

            I see now what I typed and am correcting myself before someone misinterprets it,this what what I wanted to say:
            “I agree,”when race becomes an issue in religion to someone,then it becomes more of a personal agenda than anything to do with religion”.I called up my pastor on this one to see what he would say on this about ‘white only’ view and that’s what he pretty much summed up his feelings on it to me..”
            Makes sense to me.

          4. Tyson Bowers IIIAdam Nelson Post author

            You are using a technique of fallacy to try to discredit me. Never have I said I wanted to nuke every country on Earth. Your lies are typical of liberals and trying to avoid the fact that there is proof this Chile thing is all a hoax.

          5. The Comedian

            //You are using a technique of fallacy to try to discredit me. Never have I said I wanted to nuke every country on Earth.//

            I’ll give you that, you never said DIRECTLY you wanted to nuke every country on Earth that isn’t called America, but you HAVE listed every single country you’ve wanted to nuke. If it wasn’t Mexico, it was Iraq, if it wasn’t Iraq, it was the Middle East in general, if it wasn’t that, it was Japan, and so on and so forth. You’ve said just about every country in the world (individually) should be nuked, so really, what’s the difference?

            //Your lies are typical of liberals and trying to avoid the fact that there is proof this Chile thing is all a hoax.//

            You trust Fox News, right? Then why did they debunk this bullshit day 1? Wouldn’t they have called them out on it? The answer is yes, they would, but there wasn’t any BS going on in the first place, they’ve said multiple times whenever they covered the story that they had a fairly decent size hold large enough to hand down supplies through a pulley that kept the men healthy enough to live until they could come up with a better plan, and right before they got them out of there, they sent down cleaning supplies so they could look better on their way out. Stupid, sort of, but hey, that came straight from YOUR most trusted news source.

    1. Brandon

      I am truly sorry and saddened by hearing about your brother,half or not,He is still a brother and while I do not know you or even know if I like you,I consider your brother my brother as well.
      You see,I also was in Iraq from early 05′-late 07′,endured 2 bullet wounds as well as some minor shrapnel wounds.I have been working as a state troop for Wa.
      You are a doctor then?Interesting..What area do you specialize in?

    2. The Comedian

      And because you support people like Fred Phelps and his Fags, then you should be happy your brother is dead, because that’s what God ordered upon him and his family, and thus you should be thankful he killed him.

      I dare you to prove me wrong in that’s how Fred Phelps would think.

  23. Nervio

    This is a masonic-sionist-reptilian complot to take over the world … chileans are not mexicans… are reptilian people … all of them… an want to eat American christian flesh

  24. Kyle

    Maybe the miners were trapped and they did need help. Maybe. I’m pretty sure that is what was going on. In fact the whole crowd of FOX news people watching the miners come out of that tube might agree with me to. I also think God might think so too.

  25. Laura

    one thing I don’t understand is why you feel the need to mask your blatant racism with these ridiculous conspiracy theories – it’s not as if you’re doing a proper job of it, the derogatory references towards hispanics and muslims are all there, it’s all very obvious. Just come out with it, it would be mighty less embarrassing than the retarded, malinformed incorrect crap you spewed.

    FYI – about 4000 miles, 9 countries and some ocean seperate Chile and Mexico.

  26. Captain Obvious

    You’re all a part of the most hilarious trollage I’ve ever seen on the internet

    AKA You’re being taunted until you respond, you stupid fucking Christians.


  27. Hate Crime

    “Christianity is a religion for losers” -Ted Turner

    The writers on this site need psychological treatment. Pathetic to skim their deranged ramblings. Nobody cares what you think.

    I’ll start some paperwork to get the site shut down as a hate site.

  28. God

    Tyson Tyson Tyson, you should stop smoking Stevie’s C&#k. As it seems that his sperm is giving you unrealistic thoughts of the world.

    repent repent and give you self in to the authorities

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  30. Steve

    Tyson Bowers, you are a cunt. You epitomise everything that is wrong about the fascist, rascit bigots hiding under the name of Christian.
    You’re about as Christian as a WWII Nazi turning on the gas.
    I sincerely hope you’re arrested for posting this hate-fuelled bullshit and spend your jailtime being assraped 24/7 – or better still that you are involved in a freak accident tomorrow and die a slow and painful death.

  31. Dave Jones

    I really cannot understand how this diatribe could be published by anyone who claims to follow Jesus!

    Is this a conspiracy? Is it all a money-making scam? I really don’t know. You may be correct. But why, oh why, oh why, do you have to descend to frankly racist remarks, using numerous insulting stereotypes.

    Is this how Jesus would have handled this, even if it was/is a conspiracy? With racially prejudiced stereotyping and pointless insults? No! No!! No!!!

    1. Tyson Bowers IIIStephenson Billings Post author

      Hi Dave, have you been Born Again? If you have any appreciation for the teachings of Christ you would not be so quick with your paranoias and conspiracy theories. I find it rather insulting and maybe you should apologize?

      1. Tyson Bowers IIIClaire Post author

        “If you have any appreciation for the teachings of Christ you would not be so quick with your paranoias and conspiracy theories.”

        …says the man who thinks that Betty White is hellbent on corrupting boys and that Bill Murray is lurking in dark alleys to nab people…

  32. MeekMan

    Do you think the reason there weren’t scores of people around cheering is something to do with the fact that it was a sensitive and incredibly precarious rescue mission involving cables and 700 metre holes in the ground and maybe, just MAYBE, someone decided having the general public wandering around might be a BIT inconvinient for the mission? That and the fact the fucking PRESIDENT was there, I think security around that hole in the ground was pretty stern.

  33. Richard

    Hi guys,

    Just bumped into this site. Lots of interesting debate.

    First point I noticed is that the language used is mostly aggressive and accusatory. I would have thought that contributors to a website called Christwire would have tried harder to be uplifting in their contributions?

    As for the original article, I’m surprised at the basic errors made. I love a conspiracy as much as the next man but this isn’t a very good one.

    For the state of the miners, I’ve been in both coal and copper (and tin and diamond) mines. The expected description of the miners would fit a coal mine. And if this was a coal mine and the miners looked like they did then there would indeed be grounds for scepticism. But this was a copper mine. That’s what copper mines and copper miners look like. Nothing untoward there.

    There isn’t enough information in the video to work out what’s happening with the boy. He could easily be being told not to worry because it won’t be long as anything else. What’s not beyond doubt is his joyous reaction when he finally works out that the man in the mining gear and dark glasses is his dad.

    And why are the book and film deals evidence of conspiracy? They’ve been widely broadcast since about a week after the miners were found alive?

    Now, to turn to the comments. I’ve already noted the language used and I’m not going to go through it all blow by blow, but one comment caught me eye. It was a comment that we need to stop the Russians getting control of our Venezuelan oil. I might be wrong here, but I think the Venezuelan oil is the Venezuelans and not the Russians, or ours or anyone elses. Oil is a globally traded commodity. Anyone can buy as much as they want from anywhere they want as long as they have sufficient funds.

    1. Mark

      I found this site just by accident after browsing a link that a friend sent me. I can’t believe some of the stuff that is being volleyed around here.
      What does the Lord require of us. Micah 6:8 tells us “Act Justly, Love Mercy and Walk Humble before your God”. From what I have seen here, makes me feel terrible to call myself a christian and is easy to see why an unbelieving world does respect christians.
      We are not called to judge others but to love unconditionally. Unconditionally defined as “Without conditions or limitations; absolute”
      I pray that our hearts and minds may be open to hear the word of God in its truest form and that we have the strength to not get caught up in the emotional responses that seem to be all through this site. I hope that through the power of God we might be a people that encourages and empathises with the world and not just tell them that “You are Wrong!”
      Yours in Christ,

  34. Jason

    Why aren’t they wearing any shirts? That looks like a satan-opiate homo addict party club. I know that because I’ve been there before I was saved and cured of homo addiction. These men are surely fornicating with one another. French writer and convict Jean Genet, may lord have mercy on his wretched soul, says that in situations like these men will turn to violate men’s orifice. By doing that they do satan’s bidding. Devil has lured these men into the ground, close to his pitiful dominion and now they penetrate each other’s bottoms.

  35. sabrina

    I learn in my life that only see the evil who KNOWS the evil already… mr. Bowers, how can you be so sure this was a lie? An acting? Maybe because you have done something like this before…you seem to know ALL the techniques… Do you really think that hardworking people have time or willing to do something like this? Perhaps is that what is missing in your life: some work to do. Instead of spend your time creating abusive and biased stories, you could really have done some good and have helped the rescuers. Or any other people. Start by yourself. And may God have mercy of your soul…

  36. salentoq

    HAHAHA they don’t even know the difference between Mexico and Chile, and they claim to have the truth?, they are so retarded!!

  37. stinka_the_inca

    You’re a psychopath. Get some common sense you idiot. People like you are what is wrong with this world, so full of hate and anger, why can’t you just see the kindness in people. I genuinely worries me that people like you exist.

  38. Mario

    Some people should really take a look at a map, for one in their lives. Learn where Mexico is at, where Chile is at, then consider re-writing this bullshitty desinformative post.


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