What is Final Fantasy XIII-2?
The side eyed communist game makers of Japan have ejaculated a new pornographic video game. They have ejaculated it right into the eyes of your beautiful children! They seek to tantalize youthful taints with sinful pleasures and violent tugs of weasel flesh to the point of forced climaxtic DNA release. In a nutshell, Final Fantasy XIII-2 is a homo erotic sin slit worshiping story about two lesbian lovers who are on a mission to satifify their demonic sin slits with copious amounts of mutant orgy parties and violate their pudding blowholes with battle ramming force.
Throughout the game, your child is forced to fight demonic monsters with black magic spells, while their minds are caked with homo gay imagery of twink power bottom companions engaging in ass play battles. Each battle, the monster and your child take turns casing spells, which is really the Japanese cleaver way of having the characters demon whack off each monster without parents being able to tell. They also take turns conjuring up pets from hell to cast “power spells” at the monsters. The super monsters are the symbol of lesbianism and it is teaching your son that lesbians are the power breed of the world and that boys should hide in closets and play “yanky spank” with the local gay pedophile.
What Does the Title Mean?
In the pron world, things are rated with an “X”. Since Japan’s porn industry it so marinated with musky Satanic juices, the American rating required the X to be times by 3 and at the power of 2. So the pornography equation for the rating of this game gives it its name. X x 3 power of 2 = XIII3 or the international rating of “large amounts of violent taint and vaginal exposure.”
Cover Art Analysis
Just look at it, look at the plastic phallic sex defilers they have strapped to their belts, ready to battle in a game of sinful insertions. Just the cover art alone should send off a red flag to parents and letting them know by buying this game they are sending their son or daughter down a dark path of clitoral sin play and we all know the clitoral muscle is Satan’s doorbell and by ringing it opens a gateway into your soul for him to take control of the body and mind.
FFXIII-2 PSA Posters
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No comments, awww… Looks like popularity has gone down.
(can’t imagine why, most people love extremists)
Original post had over 400 comments. This is a repost
Is this actually serious? it’s so over the top that it’s too fucking hilarious to be real…….
here I am just beat a final Fantasy game, trying to look up some final Fantasy porn. guess what I come acrossed? this site… well now I know why I want to masturbate. its not because im 23 it’s because I played Final Fantasy and the devil has possessed me,
Ok I am sick an tired of all of this useless arguing. First of all to you idiots (especially Tyson) need to stop being so dramatic about useless things such as this. I am thirteen and I know children who act more mature than most of you! WHO cares if someone is gay or atheist or just doesn’t believe what you do!? WHO cares if you don’t like how someone dresses or acts!? It’s there life and choices not yours. One of my best friends is gay and the other is transgender! And to you people who think that acting as cruel as this to these people who aren’t like you, SHUT UP! I live in the center of the freaking Bible Belt and my friends aren’t treated any differently or cruelly by anyone here. WHY would you brother with all of this, it’s pointless nonsense that has nothing to do with your life. If it bothers you SO much, get off the dang website or just IGNORE IT!!!! Like I said you people are no better than bratty kids who are throwing temper tantrums and putting other people down just cause thy fell in love with someone of the same sex, just because they don’t believe in God, and just because they EAT differently than you!! Really just cause someone’s diet isn’t the same as yours you have to put them down! You are ALL bullies to these people, there have been suicides at my school and other places because of bullying! Does it take a persons DEATH just to make you realize “maybe I should have been kinder to them”!!! Oh yeah and another one of my friends is atheist. I am NEVER getting on this site again! And really cussing people out cuz they aren’t like you, talk about childish. I hope some of you learn a lesson from this and treat others how God has said to, with kindness and compassion! No one is above OR below anyone else, and this sight just seems to be about making people feel low for being who they are!! I hope you all have a nice day, BYE!!!
Jajajaja this is some nonsense bull shit jajajja ok im going back to play some final fantasy
You sir…are a moron…
I mean… I can’t tell if they’re serious or not…
What the hell is that post supposed to mean?It’s a game, it’s not trying to steal the children’s soul or anything it’s simply a video game with women in it that have their legs exposed