Parents Put 16 Year Old Daughter Up For Adoption After Learning She is Gay

Mr. and Mrs. Chadwell ponder the hard choice of giving their gay daughter up for adoption.

Mr. and Mrs. Chadwell ponder the hard choice of giving their gay daughter up for adoption.

A Southern Carolina couple have made national news by being the first parents to put their child up for adoption due to their sexuality. Usually parents give up their children because they can’t raise them due to finances or because they are young and don’t have the mental ability to bring up a child. Kids are also usually given up for adoption at a young age, but April Chadwell is barely 16 years old and has been listed as legally adoptable by the state of Southern Carolina. Mrs. Chadwell released a statement saying “It was a tough choice to give up our daughter to the state, but we don’t know how to handle someone who decides to live a lifestyle that we do not agree with”. The Chadwells said they had help from their local church, who prayed for weeks seeking guidance for the couple and came to the conclusion that it would be best to let the child go in hopes of being adopted by a gay friendly family.

1,410 thoughts on “Parents Put 16 Year Old Daughter Up For Adoption After Learning She is Gay

        1. Halzel

          Actually, it’s not true. Prayer has never proven to be effective for anything, except perhaps stress relief.

          1. Barefoot Skeptic

            Halzel-100% with you! And these people were praying for the wrong reason anyway….they should have been praying that their imaginary man in the sky would still let them into the imaginary floating land even though they are such DOUCHEBAGS!!!

          2. Z. Straiter

            Apparently your brain isn’t very effective for anything, either. Take your hate on peoples’ beliefs elsewhere.

          3. Matt

            Umm.. actually, prayer has been scientifically proven to be VERY effective for many things… why would you spread lies about something you know nothing about, just because your mind can’t fathom the possibility of prayer being effective? .. is it because it doesn’t come in pill form or can’t be smoked? .. or is it simply because the educator of your JR. College “World Religions” class told you it wasn’t effective? (..I see this a lot, so don’t feel bad .. its not your fault. Well, never mind, it kinda’ is, since you believed it lol).

            Back to this couple though, they didn’t pray and actually seek truth through prayer, because the results would have been enlightenment to the fact that God knew they were going to have her as a daughter before they were even born and has been waiting for them to actually LIVE as Christians and seek Him for the answers they are looking for. I doubt they asked for love and understanding, because they would have gotten it. Sad sad sad …

          4. Susanne Cheekyface

            This is insane! How can 2 supposedly sane parents believe the brainwashing of a church ? So what if the daughter is gay…she’s still their daughter, they made her….. so what the hell gives ANY church the right to judge a child by its sexuality…and who says its permanent anyway? We all know that there are many young ppl who go through an age of discovery and eventually find out what works for them…and many of them are straight in the end anyway. Yes, you are right…Prayers only work for stress relief. People are so stupid!

          5. Matt

            ..I just realized that this guy (Deacon Bowers) is BS .. none of these stories are true on his website … its his own version of The Onion news blogs ..ugh, we’ve all been had .. darn you internet! lol … oh well, it made for an interesting topic at least…

          6. Jules

            I look forward to reading your peer reviewed evidence of successful prayer. You must be the only person on earth to have such evidence. Please…share!

          7. Amanda Hug'n'Kiss

            One person talking to an invisible man is a lunatic, a whole group is a religion.

          8. Jacob Fargon

            “Take your hate on peoples’ beliefs elsewhere.”

            Funny, the parents are hating on the daughter’s beliefs enough to throw her out of the family–so why can’t we be like good Christians and hate too?

          9. Joebbowers

            That’s why he said it’s never too soon to stop praying. In other words, stop praying. You misunderstood him.

          10. Julia

            I noticed that a reply: Z. Straiter APRIL 6, 2013 AT 9:27 PM
            said “Take your hate on peoples’ beliefs elsewhere.”, yet the parents of this girl, the ones Z seems to be defending, did not do that. It enrages me that so many Christians get very defensive about this whining about people not “respecting” their beliefs and calling them “haters” all the while “hating on” those whose beliefs and lifestyle they themselves do not agree with. What utter hypocrisy and ignorance. I choose the word ignorance because it comes from the word “ignore”, to refuse to take notice of. People like this refuse to take notice of their own shadow projections. It reminds me of the adage “You spot it, You got it!”

          11. Peter Ross

            Actually, study after study has proven conclusively that prayer is not only useless in EVERY situation, but that it actually does more harm than any perceived “good”.
            People in hospital who are being prayed for, consistently do worse than people who are not being prayed for.

            And, after all, the simple and undeniable fact is that prayer is talking to someone that does not exist. It is a waste of time, effort and calories.

          12. Jonas

            Its called the placebo effect , dumb-asses. Sugar pills are about as effective sky daddy’s benevolent intervention.

          13. sherry

            Hey Halzel, You don’t know what you are talking about,prayer does work you idiot,I know cause I have been in Gods favor all my life and i am pretty darn happy in my life, can you say the same honestly? I don’t know what church these freaks are from but it can’t be a christain church and if it is then they are all abunch of heathens and they better pray for themselves and I think you also should hit your knees and repent,NO GOD NO HOPE!! looking at this story Id say that there is no God in the church or in these people’s lives.

          14. Jules

            What absolute babble. You need to look up the word ‘proof’ and then come back and apologise for wasting our time. Unless you do have proof that prayer works, in which case, congratulations on your impending Nobel prize.

          15. alwaysright

            Just why would prayer even be considered? Praying is just talking to oneself anyway. Pray? Pray? What a bunch of nonsense is THAT??

          16. Claudia

            I am not Christian, however I am a holistic health provider, and I do believe that prayer brings people peace and healing. For those of you who do not believe in the healing power of prayer, please check out the book “Spirituality, Health, and Healing An Integrative Approach by Caroline Young and Cyndie Koopsen. On pages 69-70, in chapter 3 (entitled Spiritual Rituals), they go into the effects of prayer on people’s health. And I quote, “People throughout the ages perceived a relationship between spiritual practices and health and healing long before modern science began. Although the power of prayer in health and healing cannot be underestimated, it has only recently been acknowledged by modern science (Carson & Koenig, 2008; Dossey, 1993, 1999, 2001; Koenig, 1999; Matthews & Clark, 1998). Today, healthcare professionals are beginning to look beyond traditional ethics and science to better understand the power of prayer and the health effects of spirituality (Silva & DeLashmutt, 1998). Research has demonstrated that regular prayer, scripture reading, or study provides health benefits (Koenig, 1999; Matthews, 2000). Research on the biological effects of prayer and spiritual healing is constantly growing and includes studies on microorganisms, plants, cancer cells, animals, and humans (Brown-Saltzman, 1997; Dossery, 1993, Matthews, 2000)”. The book goes on to discuss types of prayer, including meditation, and the healing effects they have on humans.

          17. Kayla

            You’re wrong, prayer does help. You have to have faith for it to work. My dad had a bad tooth infection and nearly died. The doctors said it might be too late for anything real effective to be done. My family and I prayed and prayed to God. It did not happen overnight, but our prayers were answered, my dad’s infection just went away, like disappeared. The doctors did not know how to explain it.

            About this poor girl, the parents should not have put her up for adoption. One, she is probably confused, scared, and needed guidance and asked her family for help. If anything they should have sought counseling and figured how they should help and understand one another better.
            Another thing I personally do not care if you’re straight, gay, or bi. You may be with whom you want, just because I’m straight does not mean I’m going to judge you because you are not. As long as you are a good person, believe and trust in God, He will always help you find a way.

          18. Wiser

            Actually, Halzel isn’t “hating”, he’s simply telling the truth. I know the truth sucks, but you have to grow up and deal with it.

            Thanks for being brave enough to tell the truth, Halzel.

          19. shelley

            Should these parents not have been praying for guidance to help THEM understand & be tolerant of how their daughter was born. To help them understand the difficulty she will have with acceptance from strangers & how THEY could learn to help her by giving her a safe & supportive place to come to…..shame, shame, shame on them & any church or pastor that suggested adoption was the RIGHT way!!!

          20. mike

            Prayer has worked for many people for many years. I am not sure what proof you’re looking for. I do not agree with the way these people feel but I do think the girl is better off to be away from such ignorant parents. I hope she finds someone who will love her like a parent should.

          21. John

            Actually, studies suggest that people that are island know they are being prayed for have a worse chance of recovery vs. those that don’t know.

          22. ricsteve9

            there priest was probably guay himself and probably he was the one that abuse the teen himself hahaha

          23. Patsy Roberts

            They are your children. Love them for just being your children. They are a gift from the Lord. We all as children have done things that our parents didn’t approve of but did they turn their backs on us? NO (well some did) I as a mom and grandmother don’t see how you can walk away from your child like this. I am a ministers daughter and we don’t support gays but i have lots of friends that are gay.That does not make me any better than they R. They all know how I feel about it but if that’s what turns em on that’s their life. And all my life my mom and dad taught me to believe and pray and to never rise myself above anyone else. I know God has NOT told you two to turn your backs on your child. If it makes you feel better to convince yourselves he has then go for it. I just feel for the daughter. She deserves better.

          24. Kit

            Can’t get over the fact these so called parents would give up there child just because she is gay…! She is still there daughter no matter what her sexuality is she should be made to feel bad about something that she can’t help it’s who she is and if God is such a good person why would you give your own daughter up for a god that thinks like that in the first place wheres the compassion! I don’t agree with the comments that praying helps I use to believe that if you prayed you would find comfort all I ever found was NOTHING! if it helps someone then good luck to them. But from what I know it’s more important to believe in your self. Having the right people around you that care is so much more important than anything else friends and family should always come first!

          25. Bonnie Snodgrass

            I am reading all these post and I can’t believe your point of views, we have enough stupidity in the world , without arguing about the validity of prayer. I am shocked at some of the responses. I do feel that people should be more understanding when it comes to the choices their children make, but, to put down religion, faith and prayer? I don’t get it, all this hate coming from such liberal minded people. I am a Christian but I feel it is not my place to judge others. I can only love people right where they are. I don’t feel these parent’s church would have excepted Jesus either, he associated with all walks of life, and was excepting of everyone. He never cared what what people had done, he just loved them, right were they are. A big part of integrity is standing up for what is right, but it is also being respectful of the opinions of others. Show integrity, jump off this bandwagon of hate, you are all better than this!

          26. Mike Flack

            Faith has nothing to do with logic, right or wrong, or anything of this world. Study under a mentor. Prayer works. Period. I’ve been there and seen it. It has happened in my life over and over again. God likes intercessory prayers. We are only humans. We do not need to build walls up between us and God. That only hinders his good grace from being part of our lives. And, neither you or I need to isolate ourselves from God. He is the only answer to help us through this fragile life leading to eternity.

          27. Kryz

            Halzel: you didn’t read properly. Mark said: It’s never too soon to STOP praying. Get it?

          28. Genise Howard

            Prayer has been proven to be more effective than medicine, for people in the hospital. There have been a lot of scientific research studies done that prove that prayer is effective in many ways. It is directed mental energy to a positive goal. There is evidence of positive effects for people who pray for others too! Do some research before making such claims. I think the parents that gave their daughter up because she was gay, are very wrong and I don’t believe that God supports their unfair judgement. But maybe it is best for their daughter to live with parents who can accept her for who she is, and that she did not choose, but was born with her sexuality already decided for her.

          29. Danielle

            In a way, the health benefits of prayer are true, but they’re also untrue. If someone where ill in a hospital and family and friends were praying for them, there’s a bigger chance of said patients condition worsening. On the other hand, the power of positive thought (be it prayer, or just thinking “I’m going to get better” over and over again) has been proven to aid in the recovery process. One sources is here ->

            I am not a religious person, so personally I don’t feel that praying will do anything, but I have nothing against anyone that is religious that feels praying will help them recover from accidents or illnesses. As I said earlier, it all boils down to the power of positive thought, or mind over matter. If you believe in something enough, and never loose hope, it will come true.

          30. Cat

            All those advocating for the power of prayer, please tell me you’re joking. Please tell me you don’t actually believe that bullshit. Also, I like how apparently we were taught that in our ”junior college religions class.” Oh, yes, because no one can think for themselves and must only form opinions as a result of indoctrination.

            Do any of you idiots realize this is a joke site?

          31. Lobo3458020

            Barefoot skeptic – All you just did is replace Christianty with LGBT , you bred hate for hate, lies for lies. You don’t have to BE christian but you don’t have to hate christians either, you dont have to BE LGBT but you don’t have to hate. For someone trying to profess against hate, you sound pretty hateful.

          32. Migui

            Of course it cannot be proven scientifically that prayer is effective, but there are many cases where people have been prayed for and their disease or conditions have simply disappeared. Luke 4:12 tells us that “Jesus answered, “It is said: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'” I have reason to believe if we try to prove something religious in scientific manners, of course we won’t see results.

          33. Rosary

            Matt – You can’t say something is scientifically proven and not cite the source. Your comment is invalid because you have nothing to back up your claim.

            This pathetic bigoted SC couple will spend eternity in damnation and keep wondering how they ended up where they are. But the girl is probably better off without monsters like that in their lives.

        2. Joyce

          I do not see where you get off thinking that you can answer for God or for that matter call yourself by his name.

          Do not bother to reply to me. Because, your email will be deleted, without being read. I do not open email from a false prophet.

          1. Jen Jen

            Umm.. email from a false prophet… have you ever gotten email from a real prophet? Cuz like.. if God has email.. I’ll pray from my computer desk more often……

        3. Choppa White

          Praying is talking to God, Meditating is listening. There are more answers out there than have been noted in the Bible. Which is just a guide written many years ago. To be with God fully, accept and allow people to make their own way. Allow the space to grow and to learn from their own mistakes. Be there when they cry for you and give yourself to Love when it shows itself it its many ways. To be in Heaven you must accept. Its not accepting others, its accepting yourself. Peace

        1. wtf

          uh.. praying would imply something was wrong with the girl in the first place. Gay is not a disease or an affliction. The sooner people realize this, the quicker we can evolve as a race. Any religion that dictates who we can love and who we can’t is a religion I want no part of.

          1. kayla

            parying doesnt mean that there was something wrong with the child. it could mean that the parents saw something wrong with themselves (i.e. their inability to accept her for who she is) and needed the prayer and introspection to grow. now i am not saying prayer is for everyone. or that is it the answer here. and i sure dont think giving up your 16 y/o because she is homosexual is the right thing to do. but parying helps a lot of people deal with and process things that maybe hard for them at first.
            also, i am pagan but believe that prayer can be healthy, the same way research, or magic, or focused thought can be.

          2. clare

            It’s a shame that these Christian people can’t love the beautiful daughter God gave them as a gift. They are not living up to what God expects of them, to nurture, protect and love her unconditionally. If she was raised in a Christian home then she knows that the Bible teaches that homosexuality is a sin. I can tell you it tears some homosexuals apart to live this way. But I truly believe that God has a plan for these individuals whether it be to teach Christians to become more understanding and caring for them or to teach them humility. Humans are sinful beings no matter what your sexual orientation. Shame on the Chadwell’s for not standing up for their daughter. She is God’s child and she deserves love, kindness and understanding. My heart breaks for you Miss Chadwell. May God bless you with a family that has God’s unconditional love and open hearts to love you no matter the circumstances. I have a close friend that is homosexual and when the realization of being homosexual came, it was an emotional roller coaster for the whole family. The parents stand up for their child and now a young adult, the parents still love their child no matter the circumstances. God wants his children to love one another unconditionally. God forgives the sinner and his love is unconditional. Only He knows the hearts of His people. Let Him be the judge.

          3. jeony

            Of course ther is something terribly wrong with her, She eats pussy!!!….That’s just as bad as a pedophile or a man that’s fallen in lust with his billygoat…It’s not natural!!

          4. iamglory

            Oh Jeony, what a delightfully written piece that you parrot there. Pedophilia is nothing like this as there aren’t any consenting adults in the situation. Same thing with beastiality. If you want to use the argument of consent, when is the last time a cow told you, “please kill me and eat me.” I don’t think a single one has actually agreed to it. If you want to equate something to pedophilia or beastiality…let’s call killing animals for food murder…because the issue of consent is also involved there.

      1. msbpodcast

        Pardon the pun Mark, but AMEN TO THAT…

        Tell the kid that the ‘rents were total enema bags and anybody’s be surely better off without ’em…

      2. GlowingCosmoNiggers

        heheheheheheehhe im just laughing at you stupid religious cunts arguing between yourselves eheheheheheheheeh

      3. Pen15

        Their god made their daughter gay. They have no right nor authority to question that if it is their god’s will.

      4. Marie

        Can’t believe how many people are against something as beautiful and meditative as a prayer…Take a look at what you are fighting against… What a sad state the world is in, that even a prayer can be looked at as negative…when there is so much more to be fighting against. If you do not pray, fine. But honestly to look down upon it is so disgusting

        1. Sam

          you’re saying that we shouldn’t be fighting something associated with the biggest scam in the history of the planet? imbecile

      5. Izlude Hyral

        The first time you pray, you’ve already prayed too much. Instead of praying, try thinking. You’ll find the answers come easier.

      6. R .Schippers

        Praying ??????????? we live in 21th century ,are you all insane …….Probably Americans …….i think a lot of persons in the USA are still living in the middle ages. How stupid can a man be ……………

        1. Kristen

          Um, excuse me? Could you possibly stop being stereotypical, and maybe work on your grammar? Some people pray and others don’t, that doesn’t mean you call a majority of the 314,000,000 people living in the US stupid.

          1. Nikki

            AGREED Kristen!!! Schippers, the grammar DEFINITELY needs work, and also, I think a history lesson on the “middle ages” would be appropriate.

          2. SpaceNiggers

            Why not?
            I’m pretty sure that’s it when you start believing in a beardy asshole trying to feed lies to people using a book full of bullshit.

      7. mary

        It’s never SOON ENOUGH to stop praying. Prayer is usless – I wasted a good part of my precious time with it for years. Absolutely no one is listening!

      8. ET

        It’s never too late to stop poking yourself in the eye with pointy things either. At least that will produce a result.

      9. Jsi

        Prayer isn’t JUST stress believer Prayer works because people believe it will work Its just like taking the sugar pill thinking its the real drug You want something to work bad enough it will work point blank period… And in terms of this couple and this church I don’t see the Christian like behavior to their actions I hope they all burn in hell for breaking that little girls heart she is going to be fucked up mentally emotionally and spiritually for a loooooooooong ass time smdh

      10. Kenny Smith

        I grew up in church so I prayed every night to turn str8 and asked for forgiveness but nothing happened. Fck that. The bible states that god is all know in gang that he created us in his image. So he new that the gays were going to turn out gay. And were created in HIS image so he must be a homo too!!

      1. Ken

        I agree. There is nothing wrong with being gay. There is plenty wrong with turning your back on your child for being gay.

        1. robin fletcher

          Totally agree with you, Ken and teri. These parents deserve the eeeternal heyullfire that G. Zeus will lovingly give them.

        2. nikki

          There was a reason for prayer. They should have been praying for understanding and acceptance of their daughters decision.

          1. Deb

            It isnt a decision. Do people seriously think that a person chooses to be bullied and treated like an outcast? Why on earth would ANYONE CHOOSE a life like that. By the way, when did you choose your sexual orientation?

        3. babigurl

          i agree their god did make their daughter that way. they should have thought about that before they gave their daughter up for adoption…..SOME PEOPLE SHOULD USE THEIR HEADS. not directed right at you

      2. Jean

        Maybe they prayed for the wrong reason, instead of trying to turn their kid straight, they should have prayed to change themselves into real parents who love their children.

        1. Faith

          Jean has it right. Their church obviously preaches hate and intolerance. These people should have gone to another church the minute anyone suggested they turn their backs on their child. It’s easy to be angry and wish the parents in a special kind of hell but I’m praying instead that God finds a way to reach out and touch their hearts and make them realize that being gay is not a matter of choice. Their hearts are lacking in humility and love and I pray that God gives them those things. I’m praying their rash decision is reversed during the emotional upheaval through which this sad family is living and they learn to love their child more than themselves and their pride.

          1. Mathieson

            For those asking why people would dare question prayer – why is it that God is needed to turn the hearts of these parents to simple decency? And, please ask yourselves this, why don’t you see non praying families shunning their own children over ideology like this?

      3. Sharon

        This is truth. They should be praying for forgiveness for their hate which is the true original sin. I would adopt this girl in a heartbeat.

      4. Rei

        They needed to pray for themselves. Pray for understanding, pray for enlightenment, pray for the strength to put their child’s well-being over their own biases. Instead, they dump her on the state, which at her age means they’ll keep her in some place that’s basically a shelter for maybe 2 years and then turn her out on the street. I guess they couldn’t be bothered to see if a friend of hers had parents who would be willing to let her stay if her own parents paid her expenses for staying there.

      5. Proud Christian

        I hope they were praying for guidance for themselves rather than what it sounds like they actually did and that was, what to do with their daughter. I wish I had the money she’d be welcome to live with my family any day and receive love and acceptance here. Guess the parents and their church don’t practice, “Judge not lest ye be judged” or let he who has not sinned cast the first stone. Those parents should be ashamed of themselves.

    1. chris

      I guess they better go back to church and really get into their bible reading. Judgement is for GOD alone. Jesus commanded his people to love one another. How could a parent just ditch a kid for being gay? What is next? Are we going to someday be able to choose whether to abort a child just because of their perceived homosexuality? This is a travesty, and by the looks of them hanging their heads down, they know they have done wrong.

      1. gg

        Screw the parents. Think of this 16 year old child. I don’t usually pray to God. However, just incase, i’m going to pray that this child gets the most excellent family for him/her. A family that supports and loves and teaches this child to be proud and excel. Crazy ass parents.,,

    2. anonymous

      The funny thing is is that you are all morons praying for no damn reason. It’s satire…the entire website satire and parody and the ridiculousness of religion!!!

    3. Tigress33

      It shouldn’t matter that she’s gay. Yeah, it isn’t a lifestyle I would ever pick but for some people, they just arn’t attracted to anything else. I’m praying, but for the parents since they don’t deserve to have a child if this is how they’re going to react to one of HER choices.

    4. Capable of Googling

      I’m going to assume that all of you, excluding the actually religious people, know that this is sattire and 100% fiction, right? I just assume the religious people assume it to be true, because, well…

      1. Rei

        Sadly, this is better than what most families do. They usually just throw them out on the street. Fiction or not, it’s pretty much the kind of shit you expect from people like that.

      2. leann

        what if we tie it all together? some people are born gay or “different” but then again isn’t every one connected to EACH OTHER since the sexes share ribs?… and 1 more thought, god knows your life before you do so he already knows your going to be that way

    5. Angela Ambler

      Seems odd to me that the parents are taking things so personal – a challenging time for them I would agree. Getting their heads around something which is against all their beliefs, is difficult, but isn’t the parents job to ensure that their children are happy, lawful and fulfil their full potential, but most of all, to love their children not matter what? Now if the headlines were ‘massacre at the local school’ I could understand the parents sadness and need to pray, but nobody has been killed, nobody hurt, but the parents beliefs! As a parent myself, I would say spent time with your child, try to understand how they feel, love them and be there for them as a parent should be. After all isn’t homophobia a sin too? The biggest sin here, I think is the parents giving up on their child!

      1. Phyllis Fee

        Actually, and sadly, it is more common for people to banish those we disagree with sexually, religiously and so forth from our lives (at least those who are closed minded pricks). For example some middle eastern parents have been known to preform ‘mercy killings’ when they find their child is of a diffrent faith or sexuality. Its believed that it will save their soul. Some parents kick their childern out on the streets and tell them that they are dead to them when they find out theyre gay. Its a sickening thing. But not unheard of.

    6. Godhi Dagr Gyldir

      This is the most awful self conceded load of malarkey I have ever seen in my life I feel that these are the kinds of people I would like to see shunned from a community. Love of a parent is supposed to be unconditional not as long as you live by our dogmatic rules. And for those in the church who assisted in this travesty I hope that some parents do adopt her and then give her the means to sue everyone involve on discrimination and any other charge that can be tacked on.

    7. What

      Maybe if they hadn’t spent their time praying they would have gotten to know their daughter and realised how disgusting it is they would disown their own child because of something as meaningless as their sexuality. Y’all some closed minded people, it saddens me to know people would condone such abhorrent behaviour. I’m sure the bible says something about disowning your children being some kind of sin.

    8. really?

      Prayers do work – I prayed for 30 minutes last night that the news would finish on the TV


    9. milou

      God is unconditional love to me. It is not up to people to judge. So if a child is gay let God judge and the parents love. It is hard enough already not being fully accepted by the ones who matter most.

      1. Jennie

        I totally agree with you. My family is full of church going people and even some who have their own churches as well and I have never been cast out by my family! It tells you right there in the bible to judge not so how is their decision the right one when they are going against the very god they say they follow. Well in the end it is their decision and only they can make it we can all get mad and vent about it but its apparent that they have made it and will have to live with it but it is a shame for sure. Prayers for that little girl that she will not hold the hate im sure she has for them in her heart forever. i pray that she will forgive them of this and be able to live her life to the fullest.

    10. Tracy

      Actually known as power of suggestion, while prayer my make the person who is praying feel better, if it actually worked the Earth would be over populated with people others did not want to die, or that died to soon. And I was is it hateful to say prayer doesn’t work. You may believe in a God that believes it is OK to give up a child because of their sexual orientation. Not my God, my God loves everyone, except for the child molesting catholic priests, and the ones who turn a blind eye.

    11. Anon

      “it would be best to let the child go in hopes of being adopted by a gay friendly family.”

      Eh, it’s not too bad.

    12. Freida

      Again – they can have children no matter who they are- abuse, kill, or now put them up for adoption- but its all okay because its one man and one woman. And not all heterosexual parents would do this- because they’re not all the same- like US.
      The problem is the never ending focus on sex. As if sex is the only part of anyones life or relationship.
      If she had supportive parents- this is what her life might look like- she’d finish school- go on to college or job- move out- possibly find the love of her life- might have children might not- go to work in the morning- go grocery shopping- do the laundry- have friends or family over-watch tv. and then like most other people in relationships- be too tired for sex. This is what most of our lives look like- I have a lot of heterosexual friends- or maybe they’re closeted- and what they do in their daily lives doesnt really differ from mine.
      Although they can marry anyone they want no matter how many times they want- and have as many children as they want-without any question- while my life is continuously questioned and voted on by heterosexuals that dont know me- because of that one small part of my life-sexual preference.
      I am so tired of people that are not LGBT telling us what our lives are like- telling us what we can and cannot do- judging us all as one. Telling us we’ve chosen or not chosen to be LGBT-what difference does it make? Although at 50 I’ve never met anyone whos chosen to be LGBT.
      What benefits are there?
      Unfortunately this girl will no doubt be better off without her parents-has already been abused- and will be traumatised for good.

      1. Nikki (Female)

        Freida, I am 22 years old, and I choose to be gay. (Not trying to sound conceited but) I’m a decent-looking girl, nice body, intelligent, kind-hearted, loving…. and gay also. I completely agree with the fact that “sexual preference” does not make me who I am. I am Nikki, the reader. Nikki, the dreamer. Nikki, the musician. Nikki, the customer service specialist. Nikki, the girl on the step team. Nikki, the female. Nikki, who graduated with a 3.7 GPA. But I am not Nikki, the “gay”. Sexual preference has absolutely no impact on my life, except in the bedroom, where no one else should be involved anyway. You have now spoken (or typed with, haha) someone who has CHOSEN to be gay. I am sexually attracted to men (but still lesbian), think they are intelligent beings (mostly), and believe they are capable of inciting happiness in someone else… just not me. I CHOOSE to be with females because of the emotional relationship that I am able to develop with them. You ask what benefits there would be to CHOOSE to be LGBT… the benefits are a happy life! You might try to convince me that I was “born this way”, but deep in my heart, I know this is a choice that I’ve made. A choice I’m completely happy with.

        1. Reverend Louis Sphere

          to hell with you, you perverting incubus!!! the purity of women just disturbs your demonical being, doesn’t it, you foul corrupter? you have to use that devilish tongue to taint and foul what was made perfect by god – go back to the pits of hell,where thou belongsts!!!! HALLELUJAH!!!!

          1. Father Redemption

            AMEN, Reverend! this FILTH needs to know it’s rightful place: underneath the scepter of the prince of darkness!!! God have mercy on her soul, ’cause lord knows i won’t…

    13. Kevin

      All this talk about God and praying misses the point. Could care less about the parents, their church, etc. this young woman and her feelings, future life and need for respect, dignity and love might be a better focus. I say the parents should be forced to hand over enough money to cover future educational, recreational, housing and secruity needs this child requires for her future and the state should if necessary take them to court to get it from them. This child will hopefully find another home that will give her the support and nurturing she requires in order to become a healthy, productive and contributing member of society (as a proud lesbian) and hopefully even, she and her first family can work things out in the future.

      1. Bryan

        To say that prayer and god and church aren’t part of the issue is wrong.

        It is religion that breeds this intolerance and if it were still legal they probably would’ve stoned her to death instead of giving her up for adoption.

        Religion poisons everything.

    14. matt

      this is a perfect example of how closed minded christians are. You’d rather give up your daughter then love her for who she is. You’d rather abandon a family member then love and accept. Prayer only works when you want it to work and blocks your outlook on life. All because of a book… why are you so afraid to look past the book when you know jesus loves you anyway?

    15. T Allen

      I’d say that the prayer worked fairly well; I mean, they’re using the Bible as their moral compass, and Leviticus 18:22 clearly states that homosexuality is an abomination that cannot be condoned… they could very well have followed Exodus 21:7 which allows for the selling of one’s daughter into slavery. They were kind enough to adopt her out, at least.

    16. Adel

      Instead of praying what to do with her, they should have prayed for peace, understanding and guidance. We have children and then feel like if they don’t meet our standards that they are no good and useless. I am a proud mother of 5 and will support them throughout their life time and never judge or be prejudice against them or their choices. I will voice concerns but will never turn my back. They are blood of your blood, your genes are in them and they are a product of their parents, hmm wonders… I hope that this 16 yr old grows up to forgive them and show them by example how to love unconditionally, whether she loves a woman or a man.

    17. cathy

      I wouldn’t give up my children for what ever reason. what kind of GODS people do they call them self? really people like them make me want to run out and join a church. now that I wont when god asked you . how many people did you lead to me. you can say for sure I don’t know , but I did make one ruin. straight mother from texas.. ps I raise your daughter…

    18. Dottie

      I agree with you Roy . yes no parent wants that life style for there child but she does not deserve to be abandon either by people who said they love her. the parents better get there bible out and read it some more . As parents you Just don’t do this. Please send her to me Mr. and Mrs Caldwell. I will take her gay or not. For God sake she is 16 and just learning about life outside your home and church. Same on you for being the kind of parents you are . I know this wrong for me to say but I hope God doesn’t bless you any more children he only knows what you would do with them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    19. SeanCC

      Excellent example of how fake “church people” are. Modern Christianity, in practice, is anti-Christ. They call themselves “Christian” but live by the Old Testament. They turn their back on Christ’s teachings. They follow false prophets who know they cannot control people living by Christ’s example so they choose the same parts of the Bible used by the Muslim and the Jew to control their flock. These Christians are an abomination.

    20. Christine Goodwin

      If they took the time to understand it’s not a choice but a part of who they are, they might not be in this situation. I feel extremely sad for the girl. By doing this, they are implying she is not good or a child of God. I just don’t understand people who claim to be religious, don’t follow the teaching and examples of Jesus. I don’t like it when people hide behind the cross. This is just plain crazy.

    21. matty

      well that 16 child will be lucky to finally experience true love with people who will love her unconditionally. hurts to think her parents are out there ruining lives. That is child abuse if you ask me……

      when people ask me if it is a choice, my comment back is how did you know you were going to left handed or right handed…. food for your thought

    22. Martin

      Praying has never solved anything, and never can, as you are talking to yourself in your head, nothing more.

    23. Crystal Young

      I can’t leave a comment because the bottom of this page won’t load. 

      Number one- would god have given up on the parents as his children just because he didn’t approve of what they chose to believe, or be? NO. I don’t think ANY god would ever condone two people he brought together in marriage, giving up their daughter for such ignorant reasons. A CHILD IS A GIFT FROM GOD, AND HE MAKES NO MISTAKES. So what gives any parent the right to do away with that gift because he didn’t create it into their ideal child?! I wish the girl much love and happiness in life. Her being put up for adoption is most likely the best thing that could ever happen to her. This kind of thing is EXACTALY what makes people question if there is a god to begin with! If there is,  why would he give the gift of life to someone who wouldn’t appreciate it?! If there is a god why did the parents stop praying? I thought all things are possible through Christ?  I’d like to know…if there is a god, what will the parents do if they discover he has given up on them for not being his “ideal children”? If we were made in gods image, this couple brings disgrace to him!

      Number two- what kind of church is this? They just tell someone “well praying isn’t getting through to god that were not happy with the way he has made his child. Give the kid up so you can save face to the rest of us.” What the hell kind of church does that?!?! This sounds more like a CULT. What if they had ask for the couple to sacrifice the girl? Would they have done that? I’m proud to say that I won’t be going to hell with that congregation. Maybe on my own, but at least I’m not being blinded by stupidity and following a “Christian leader” and led to hell like an idiotic ass.

      And number 3- Who is this author? He promotes no sex? What is he? A gay man in this congregation who remains celibate so they don’t toss him away too?! God didn’t say sex was bad or unholy. And this ~CRAPTASTIC~  book your promoting? How to save yourself from “mouth sex”, “vegetarians”, and “children’s cartoons”?! Geeze, you guys are the exact reason so many people stray away from Christianity altogether. This is why there’s so many atheists. You are all ignorant, retarded, and blind fools. 

      Once again, much love and luck to this girl. GOD HAS MADE A WAY FOR HER TO GET AWAY FROM SOMETHING HE OBVIOUSLY HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH. He has given her a chance to be free from a large cult mass of hellion sinners. She was his gift. You guys apparently don’t deserve her, and just guessing here, but if your prayers weren’t getting you anywhere, he apparently believes you don’t deserve him anymore either.

    24. Hinde

      There is NO such state as “Southern Carolina.” This article and the people in it are totally made up – satire.

    25. Angel

      Shame on them. This is the worst excuse possible. This is their flesh and blood and they don’t want her because of this! Are you serious!?! Shallow, heartless, self-centered people!!
      There are plenty of people that would die to have kids and because of a medical reason they can’t. And these bigots don’t even care what happens to their own child. They don’t deserve her. She is better off without them in her life.
      The sad things is, she will feel unloved for the rest of her life. Shame on them.

    26. fiona

      surely if they believe in god then they should think of it this way : god made ALL creatures great and small, therefore god made the daughter and therefore they should love and accept her. not just because she has been made by this god they speak so highly of, but because she is their daughter! if god hates gay people then why did god create them????(seeing as he is the creator of all???) answer me that, please!!!!!!!

    27. Jay

      They should have prayed for the strength to be better people instead of praying for permission to throw away their child because they don’t want to deal with it.

    28. Lish

      I think they absolutely made the right decision. Now she has a chance to find people who really love her. She’s far better off without them. Douchebags.

    29. Jay

      They are not fit to raise a hamster, never mind a child. It’s too bad they think so little of their own flesh and blood. I’m only happy that they will have to live with this decision for the rest of their lives and will think about it every day. I feel really bad for this poor girl. Hopefully she will be adopted by someone who loves and understands that there is nothing wrong with her.

    30. Elza A.

      Jesus said love one another. He also said shoot at the first stone if you are free of sin. He said again that you will be judged as you judge. What most parents are not love these …

    31. Tanya

      This is disgusting and is also a glaring example of whAt is wrong with religion… You don’t put your child up for adoption because she is gay, and if that’s the way you look at life, why have any children at all? Jesus taught us to love everyone, and you all who th ink that this is okay are not living up to what Jesus law if out for you all to do. You should all be ashamed of yourselves, and I’ll be praying for the poor girl who obviously needs better people to love her

    32. Tiffany Courier

      This story is completely made up. I think it’s appalling that anyone would print such a story when LGBT youth are in fact turned away from their homes all the time when their ‘loving families’ find out about their sexuality. The ironic thing is about these situations is that the child has not changed. They are exactly the same as they were – the child that was loved and cherished and wanted – right before their families found out. The ONLY difference is the family now knows a bit more about them. Unfortunately, even straight children face the same type of fear should they fall in love with someone of a different race or ethnicity, depending on the views of the family they are in. To love someone unconditionally means that you love them no matter what. That includes loving them no matter who they love. I am a mother of 2 fabulous teenagers, foster mom to 2 more amazing teenagers. My love for them is not dependent upon them having the same religious beliefs or lifestyle preferences. Casting a child or family member or friend aside because of their sexual preference is as ridiculous as doing so because they are attracted to redheads only and you think redheads are ugly. Casting anyone aside because their sexuality does not match yours is a huge flaw in the person who casts a loved one away. It shows the black of their soul.

    33. Marjorie

      I will adopt her right now. I live in northern Wisconsin and have a gay son whom I love unconditionally. Send her to me. 1-715-224-3017

    34. veronique

      qu’elle honte qu’ils aillent en enfer pourrirent comme des chiens , satan sera la pour les acceuillir


      Ya’ll got off the main subject. Really people !!!! If you believe and stay positive of the prayer to have good results it can happen. My point is the parents of April had to make a very hard decision today, yeah, they turned to God for answers. Give them some slake, what would you do if you were in there shoes. I am not saying I agree with the choice they made….they have to live with the choices they made regarding their daughter. I wish the parents and April the best.

    36. Barbara

      OBVIOUSLY, this “couple” can’t lay in their bed after they MADE IT. What an unloving couple of parents. This is one of the most unloving things I have ever heard of about parents. I hope they read this and think about HOW VERY SICK THEY ARE. If I met them on the street, I would want to SPIT in their face, because that is exactly what they did to their daughter.

    37. Thomas

      This couple are both sick. If I ever meet them, I will personally SPIT in their face. That is how they treated their own daughter.

    38. jose van zeller

      what does praying have to do with it? And these people consider themselves Christians? The entire thing is just discusting. The only good thing in this entire affair is that the daughter gets rid of these ”parents”!

    39. lisa

      everyone has a right to there own choice and in the bible it states not to judge one another and i cant see how you would give your child up based on there sexuality alone what great parents she had she is better off maybe she will find happiness with a family that excepts her for who she is.

    40. Annette

      I am a Christian, I have very difficult and heartbreaking issues with my children. While I do not support same sex, I would not put my child out if they did. I would love them and raise them to the best of my ability as their Loving Mother as that is my responsibility the day we are blessed with that child regardless. . “Let no man judge, lest he himself be judged.”

      Many share their ignorance and/or intolerance of others that it is not limited to sexuality, religion. Judge yourself where you are without condemning others.

    41. W.Freer

      I think they need to pray for forgiveness, for judging their daughter. That is not their job, that is up to the lord and him alone. ‘Judge not lest ye be judged yourself’

    42. Asnath

      The most high does not judge anyone. Whether she is gay or not all sins are considered equal. Everyone sin so that means everyone will be judge according to their deeds. She is gay because that is how she feels comfortable, yes it’s wrong in the eyes of the most high, but with prayer comes answers thanks.

    43. Douglas Helvie

      At the risk of sounding as though I am agreeing with the parents-I am not, if they are that fanatical she would probably have a better life with someone else. And yes I already know it is tough for kids to get adopted-but what should happen should the parents be forced to finish raising a child that they do not love because of her sexual preference.

    44. Nick

      I find it hilarious when clearly these moronic parents are doing what they are doing because of religion, and yet most comments are supporting religion further. This girl didn’t choose to be gay, she just is. And there’s nothing wrong with it.

    1. Cecil

      Can’t argue with that. I hope you people come to accept the fact one day that homosexuality is an irreversible, biological circumstance of a small number of every species of animals. Science used to contradict with the idea that the sun revolved around the earth. But eventually people had to give into evidence. This isn’t a choice. Ask yourselves if you could have ever had chosen to have sex with the same sex at any point in your lifetime and the answer is almost certainly no (unless you’re gay). That should tell you something. Secondly, if you claim to be Christian and go off god’s new law (the new testament) then you should know that by only reverting to the old testament as far as homosexuality goes, you are committing a fundamental hypocrisy. If you don’t follow every other law of the old testament then you’re not being truly righteous. You are picking and choosing the parts that conform to your own prejudices. Kevin, you are completely right. They (like everyone else) are making these judgments. Not god. If this is god’s law, if it is a transcendental law, what right do we have to place judgment, guilt, and punishment on those who do not follow it? Didn’t god choose to give us free will for a reason? Or did he only give us free will as to be constantly policed by those who see themselves as more righteous than others?

      1. John

        Cecil, I see no one responded to you. Probably because they can’t refute what you posted. Once again, hypocrites picking and choosing what they choose to interact with.

        1. Erik

          John, keep in mind one thing. Religion should have no effect on this. What they did what FUCKING WRONG. What Cecil is saying is not better. You wanted a reply? You got one. I’m so glad religion isn’t mandatory -_-

          1. Sean Serfrost

            What do you mean what Cecil is saying is no better? Cecil is saying what these idiot parents have done is entirely wrong, and that if these people are saying it’s against their beliefs, then they’re hypocrites to their own religion and beliefs, which is indeed true.

            Most intelligent people I have ever met do not conform to a religion just because they understand how unrealistic the circumstances are, and the fact there is no solid evidence or any evidence at all of one religion or the other having a predominant effect on any society.

            All it does is give people fake hope, and a fake reason to keep living.

            However, there are a lot of people who require this fake reason to continue forward. Typically weak people, or those who don’t understand the meaning of living for yourself and learning from your own experiences.

            This is typically why (mostly,) all highly religious folk only believe what their church pastors have presented them. Along with their parents as they went through childhood.

            People refuse to learn and teach themselves. They demand other people show them.

          2. Dave

            Wow how dare you, like truly how dare pass such scathing judgement on people you have never met and from the sounds of it have never even attempted to get to know. I know so many smart, intelligent, self thinking christians who believe gay marriage is fine, gay people are lovely, love is better than hate, evolution controlled by a God is the reason for life and we can eat whatever we damn well want.

            To decide that believing there is something after death and that we should try to be good people but know that we are not but are still accepted is stupid and a sign of non logical thinking shows how backward you are in your views. I know many atheists and some of them accept I’m a christian and treat me with respect and dignity which I return in type. Others are like you and thank God that I don’t have too many people like you in my life because honestly I’d lose faith in humanity.

            Treat people as individuals and don’t tar us all with the same brush, otherwise I’d believe all Atheists were like Richard Dawkins and wouldn’t that be a crying shame. Treat others the way you want to be treated, oh and that’s in the bible.

        1. Dave

          Wow how dare you, like truly how dare pass such scathing judgement on people you have never met and from the sounds of it have never even attempted to get to know. I know so many smart, intelligent, self thinking christians who believe gay marriage is fine, gay people are lovely, love is better than hate, evolution controlled by a God is the reason for life and we can eat whatever we damn well want.

          To decide that believing there is something after death and that we should try to be good people but know that we are not but are still accepted is stupid and a sign of non logical thinking shows how backward you are in your views. I know many atheists and some of them accept I’m a christian and treat me with respect and dignity which I return in type. Others are like you and thank God that I don’t have too many people like you in my life because honestly I’d lose faith in humanity.

          Treat people as individuals and don’t tar us all with the same brush, otherwise I’d believe all Atheists were like Richard Dawkins and wouldn’t that be a crying shame. Treat others the way you want to be treated, oh and that’s in the bible.

          1. Dave

            Apologies, this was intended for the comment above yours. Yours is correct and I heartily agree with it. Stupid layout.

      2. Matt


        I just read your comment and agree with you… to a point. Christians are called to hold one another accountable and we see this country, unlike any other country, as one nation under God .. which means we will hold you to some moral boundaries. Lets not confuse the difference between holding people accountable and judging.. there is a huge difference. judgment is a final decision on something with no room for correction .. a done deal. Holding your fellow man accountable and an act of support with its main purpose to help make one another better for themselves, our society and the world. You are correct that as Christians we are no longer “under” the law of the old testament, but that’s a largely-spiritual concept, in that our new laws are in relation to our personal salvation and how regular man (like you and I) can get to Heaven after these physical bodies die, but we continue to reference old testament standards of behavior because they too were God-inspired and no where in the NEW testament does it say to abandon them.
        Anyway, I appreciate your stance on Homosexuality as well. I see it as something of a paradox in that one CAN either be born that way ORr can grow to choose homosexuality as a lifestyle (typically arrived to through early inflicted confusion & misidentify brought on by abuse and trauma), and NOT one or the other, soley. So yes, technically, one can be born gay, or even born as a female or male in the body of the opposite (due to natural or medically introduced hormones and improper times of fetal development), but they can ALSO not be. Because of this cross-section of homosexuals that are merely psychologically-gay (my term, meaning they were not born this way but were brought to this conclusion, unnaturally) and have chosen lifestyles that are an expression of their damaged psyches due to early physical, sexual and emotional abuse, & live the more extreme and deviant & often destructive lifestyle (including transvestites) and similar that are the biggest “problem”. (examples would be organizations such as NAMBLA who try to justify and even legitimize unnatural forms of homosexuality and deviant behavior between men and young boys). On a more tamed-down note, It reminds me of the illegal-immigrant debate, in a way. People in general are mostly OK with Mexican (or wherever) families who love America and want to live and work here and contribute but came here illegally for one reason or another but there are so few of them compared to the masses (especially in border-states) who only want to MILK the system, sending their money back to Mexico, not supporting the economy they live in, don’t pay taxes to cover the costs of the systems they abuse, WAY over-crowed our schools and emergency rooms and have filled up our jails… these are also the types that will claim that America didn’t get the western states legally and they still belong to Mexico etc… so they don’t accept this as American soil, etc… Those are the ones NO ONE wants here because they are like a cancer to civilized society (yet they are all the same in regards to being “illegal-immigrants”… so what do you do legislatively?). Same goes for “normal” naturally-born homosexuals which, even though are a small minority, are plagued by those extreme non-naturally-born gays that want the same rights and want blanket-acceptance of their deviant, destructive lifestyles to ALSO be taught as normal in the media and in schools.. this is also a pill no one should have to, much less wants to swallow. -what are your thoughts on this-?

        1. Lauren G.

          Hi Matt,

          Holding your fellow man accountable implies that you know what is best for him or her, which you do not. Only God does. That is why we are not here to judge. We are here to love.

          When God commanded us to love our neighbor, He did not say “unless he or she is psychologically gay or a transvestite”.

          I’m taking a guess here, but I’m pretty sure you would consider yourself to be a heterosexual. With that being true, you are making statements about things with which you have no personal experience. It is ignorant of you to say that there are psychologically gay individuals and biologically gay individuals – and then to imply that one is “better” than the other. Like most things in life, it’s never that black and white. Furthermore, if that were the case, how does one determine if he or she is psychologically or biologically gay? Is there a questionnaire? Blood test? And if there is a concrete way of determining this, do we then condemn one and accept the other?

          Just like there are deviant, rebellious heterosexuals who may or may not have damaged psyches – there are also deviant, rebellious homosexuals who may or may not have damaged psyches. The point is God has commanded us to love every single one. No ifs, ands, or buts.


  1. Kate Frey

    So in the name of Christianity parents will abandon their teenage daughter because they don’t like her sexual orientation.In all the prayer and “guidance” they got from their church, apparently love, acceptance, and growth were not part of the deal. The Chadwells lost a great opportunity to foster their own growth and of course gave up what would have been a life long relationship with their daughter.

    Probably long range this will be better for their daughter, who at least can have parental figures who are not blighted by the same degree of mental illness as her biological parents. Separation anxiety can go deep and there will be live long scarring.

  2. Buddy

    I think they made a choice that was right. I firmly DO NOT believe people are born gay. I believe they choose it. She made her choice and they made there’s.

    1. JCK

      WOW… Were you born getting a full Hard-on to girls? Did you choose to appreciate the female form on your own merits? You REALLY need to rethink your perspective dude… Seriously. What an idiot.

      1. Gloria

        Not even coming from a religious stand point.. from a scientific stand point there is no gay gene… it has not been proven.. so you can not say for sure if someone is born gay … you simply can not prove it… so all you atheist on here who love to have tangible evidence.. there is none …
        If you were born gay then you would not be twice likely as a male to contract a disease through anal sex… you would not need to add extra lubrication it would do it on its own… Even my obgyn’s have told me that anal sex is no healthy … ( some women now a days partake in it also.. certainly not me) .. it is not healthy …
        It is one thing to live and let live.. but please stop this junk science that has no proof ..
        Almost any gay person you approach will probably tell you they were either raped.. molested or turned out … sex is a very powerful thing and sometimes people will try things out of curiosity and like it and continue it …. I have never met one gay person ( and I live here in L.A so I know many) .. who was not molested or raped…
        Until you get proof spare us with the junk science… there is more proof that God is real then proof that we all evolved over years … I do not care what you call your God.. but to deny his existence is soooo stupid … and just because you do not want to live the way he would like you to will not make him go away …
        I personally could care less who people go to bed with .. I do not want to hear about my straight friends or gay … but please there is no proof at all about being born gay only theory …
        And trust me if there was no God people would have given up on that idea a long time ago … Mankind is so self serving anyway

        1. Bailey

          There is also no gene for race, so by taking your argument to its logical conclusion people choose their race.
          Also the rest of this is just nonsense. The reason why gay men are more likely to have STIs is because they cannot get pregnant and therefore don’t use condoms which offer protection from such infections and disease. This is why most statistics show gay men twice as likely to contract disease. This also explains why this statistic is not true of lesbian couples- so by your logic is being lesbian genetic since they contract STIs at a lower rate than straight couples?

        2. Tasha

          Do you really THINK that a young girl would choose to be Lesbian (Homosexual) unless she really has no attraction what so ever to guys? What would possess anyone to choose a sexuality that would have you ostrasized by her parents, her friends, other family members, her Church (which was probably part of her support system). What kind of idiot would choose to have everything and everyone who you care about reject you if you had a choice. I guess you never though what she is probably going though. A 16 year old girl being told that she isn’t part of the family.

          Hell, if Her state would allow a Lesbian couple to Adopt her. I would in a heartbeat just to give her the support that she is obviously missing from her Biological family. I wish her well and hope she can someday forgive her parents for doing this to her.

        3. Eline

          Rape has nothing to do with being gay. I’m a lesbian, and I have never been raped. None of my other gay friends have either.
          There is something seriously wrong with the way you think about sexuality.

          And no, people would not have given up on the idea of God, even though he’s not real. Apperently, humans need to believe in something bigger than us, as we have done for many thousand years. Doesn’t make i t any less stupid.

        4. Zed

          I’m Bisexual and I was never raped or molested into not being attracted to men. I didn’t make a choice in who I have an attraction for. The only choice(s) that is(are) ever made on sexuality and someone’s orientation is whether or not the person acts on it and is comfortable about letting people know about it.
          There may be no Gay Gene or the science behind it wasn’t strong enough then, but as someone stated, there is no gene for race. The color of the skin is passed down by generation through genes that modulate the color of the skin. That doesn’t mean it is a race gene. It is just simply a gene that controls skin, which I quite imagine there is plenty of genes that cover the skin in total.
          I know plenty of people who are gay and lesbian as well as bisexual who were not molested or raped and they have the attraction because they always have. When I was young, I knew I had attraction to other girls in my class, but not every girl as the same with boys.

        5. Jess

          Good for you, but I AM gay so chances are I know a lot more gay people than you. Most gay people I know have not been sexually assaulted in their lives and certainly not at higher rates than straight people. Significantly fewer lesbians I know have experienced sexual assault compared to my straight female friends. Also, if sexual assault had any bearing on turning a person gay a HUGE percentage of the female population would be gay, and this is clearly not the case. I am a gold star lesbian, I’ve never been sexually assaulted by anyone. So your argument is pretty much as junk science as it can get.

          Also, you clearly have no conception of how genetics work – as if there would be one little Mendelian gene that in the “on” stage would create a gay person and in the “off” stage would create a straight person. Most human traits are not created by a single gene, they’re created by multiple genes acting ing various ways to various developmental stimuli. We don’t exactly understand the genetic component of MOST of the things we consider to be genetic.

          There’s far more scientific evidence for homosexuality being a naturally occurring phenomenon (for example, homosexuality in nature), than for your all powerful cloud daddy.

        6. Fritz

          Gloria – Really. There’s proof that God is real? Other than the ranting of those participating in The World’s Biggest Business, what would you categorize of “proof of God”. You are correct there is no “gay gene”. Back to religion…these people, the parents inquestion, profess to be “Christians”, yes. If you believe in the teachings of “Jesus Christ”, that would mandate love and tolerance for “all of God’s creatures”…it was only in the Old Testament that the lessons allowed for such judgemental behavior. Do I have to go through Leviticus, or any of the other books of the Old Testament, to outline the absurdity of the whole thing?

    2. Josh Newmark

      And what exactly makes you ‘firmly believe’ that people are born gay? Do you actively choose to be heterosexual? How would you feel if somebody told you that part of your entrenched personality is your ‘life choice’, and that you ought to have chosen to be different?

      What a ridiculously irrational and outdated way to live your life…

    3. Snufkin

      You made your choice to be a backwards dick
      and i made my choice to think you need a punch in the face

    4. Preston M.

      Buddy, what planet do you live on? The girl comes out as gay, and you have the unmitigated gall to agree with their decision to put her up for adoption? I shudder to think what that girl will have to go through in terms of emotional trauma thanks to this sleazy move, and your post only makes me hope to God that you do not have children. Shame on you!

      1. CDaniel

        So you Do know that this is a parody/satire site, and you’ve taken on some serious troll bait? Why are you getting upset about a FICTIONAL story. The owner of this website is a fictional character, and you got hurt because you didn’t bother to do ANY research. I don’t know which is worse-uninformed homophobes or uninformed LGBT Americans and their allies.

    5. Aaron Anderson

      Amen, brother Buddy. It’s good to see that there are still parents out there that are looking out for their children’s well-being. There is NO room in The Lord God’s kingdom for silly children who insist upon making silly decisions. There is nothing “silly” about Heaven. I have faith that this couple made the right choice by sending their little heathen out from their home. My wife and I have made it VERY clear to each of our nine children that in THIS house, it’s The Lord’s way, or the highway! Golly, if it wasn’t for the amazing tax credits that our supreme master leader Barack Obama has blessed us with for each of these kids for the past couple of years, a couple of them might be out on their tushes whether they were gay or not! There most certainly are a couple of the little guys, bless their hearts, that I could do without seeing, (or hearing) at 7 am. I hope that there are more of God’s soldiers out there that will also be willing to “do the right thing,” and teach their children that there is NO room for compromise in the eyes of our Lord God. Amen, Buddy. Amen. ——John 3:16

      1. Richard F

        Aaron, I shutter to think that you can be so close minded and lack of heart and compassion for any of your children regardless of their lifestyle. Your post really shows a lack of love and compassion.

        1. Aaron Anderson

          I guess that I should have stated that there may be discrepancies as to whether or not some of these little buggers are mine. There are at least three or four that I can most definitely prove ownership of. The rest are “iffy” at best.

          1. kourtm123

            Aaron, soooooo many things are wrong and disgusting that you have said. Your poor children, wife and anyone that knows you. You know in the BIBLE adultery is a SIN! So, if several of those children are not yours then obviously sin has been committed………hmmmm. i guess the way of the Lord has not been followed; as is the house rules. May I also add the fact of Jesus telling his people only those without sin may throw the first stone. So, your awful words, thoughts and judgements about your children and other’s are really not at all of how THE LORD intended. No one, makes a choice to be gay or straight, bisexual or anything of the sort no more than you get to choice the color of your skin at birth or your heritage. What is it that truly bothers you about homosexuals? Is it the sexual part or the mental and emotional relationship? Because the only thing that as different of a gay relationship from that of a straight one is the body; mind, heart,emotions and souls have no specific gender, just personality and chemicals. Love is love. I hope god and the universe shed some light on your ignorance and help you become a better person, because if you treat your neighbors like shit i hope you don’t believe you deserve any better. Karma will find you and your children if they decide to call you there dad in the future will hopefully block out your negativity and grow up to be accepting, loving and intelligent people. Because whom ever brain washed you was wrong and your children don’t deserve to be as ignorant as you are or anyone like you.

          2. Jill

            The question is why anyone would believe everything you just wrote.

            Though the answer may be because the person who read it and believed it is the type of person who would do it.

      2. Sinnerviewer

        I hope that when your children are in charge of wiping your ass when you’re too old to care for yourself, they force you to live by their house rules. It’ll be there way or the highway and they’ll see you (rather your social security check) as their meal ticket. When you piss on yourself, they’ll see you as too much of a burden and toss you out on your tushie. Perhaps dump you at the doors of some random E.R. with a note pinned on your shirt warning everyone that you are a judgmental asshole. What comes around goes around. As for this poor child, I would gladly take her and show the love of Christ to her by allowing her to be exactly who God created her to be.

        1. anonymous

          I know…maybe you’re a moron and can’t figure out that this is a satirical website pointing out the ridiculousness of religion. Ever think of that??

        1. Kat Bos

          Christians are the whole reason I left Christianity…..there doesn’t seem to be a middle anymore…they’re so extreme, hateful, judgemental…..Jesus wouldn’t even recognize His teachings…by watching Christians now days.

          1. Julie

            Christians are still better… compared to islams.
            They kill their own child just because their child talked to a white.

      3. Susan

        So how is that God’s way? Sounds like your wife cheats on you, or you on her, or both… last time I checked that’s on the list of absolute no-no… Hypocrite maybe??

      4. Buddy

        I really don’t give a shit about these people or there fucking kid. I just like saying shit to piss people off. Haha.

          1. Zeus

            The god of thunder has put internet on Olympus for the sole purpose of this

            “You got SCHOOLED by Buddah!”

            -Zeus, God of Thunder, Master of Olympus


        And guess what Aaron, your children will grow up to be drug addicts, self mutilators, self haters, brain washed, mentally f’d up gay adults…trust me…and you will be to blame. I pray to my LOVING GOD that the state rips those children out of your home before you and your wife (whom is most likely terrified to speak against you, so she just goes along with your BS) can continue to do more damage to those children who didn’t ask to be brought into this world…and given the choice, would have NEVER chose you as their “FATHER”. Even Jesus forgave those whom YOU would find don’t deserve that forgiveness..leaving me to believe that your god must be the god of HATE…Satan himself. I have pity on your children.

          1. Aaron Anderson

            Yeah, you looked it up, didn’t you? Not so smart now, are you? The Lord God is pleased with your silence. Also, He says to tell you to send Him some money.

          2. Nikie

            Mark 12:31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”
            1 Corinthians 13:13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
            1 John 4:7 Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.
            Luke 6:31 Do to others as you would have them do to you. Does God not command you to love others? Does God not tell you that judgement is reserved for Him and Him alone? John 8:7 And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.” You could learn a thing or two if you took some time to really see what the Bible is all about. It is about love, the love God has for us, the love we have for Him, and sharing that love with others in a way that will make them receptive of the message. Your duty as a Christian is to bring your brothers and sisters to the love and forgiveness of Christ. Not to shun them or make them feel unworthy of such love. May God help you to open your heart to the true message.

          3. anonymous

            All you morons pointing out bible verses and prayers etc are totally clueless that this is a satirical website mean to poke fun at morons just like you!!! That is the funny thing about this entire discussion!!!! lol

        1. Tricia

          100% NOT with you! And these people were praying for the wrong reason anyway….they should have been praying that their imaginary man in the sky would still let them into the imaginary floating land even though they are such DOUCHEBAGS!!! Lets be real here God is just another Form of Light not a being… or spirit. The Bible is the first book of Law.. Nothing to do with God. Should really Check out the Big Bang we have had this Shoved down our throats for far to long God this and God that.. well I’m Pegan and Darn Proud of it. This Family is in total Crisis over what she perfers to be with a Woman big deal

      6. Stuart

        If there is no room in heaven for people who are imperfect, then you yourself will be the first not to enter. Your first and foremost imperfection is thinking you can play god and pass judgement on others, quoting biblical phrases to support your judgements.

        1. Angelnznz

          Um….if you read what Aaron wrote without the outrage, you’ll realise he was very cleverly taking the piss (New Zealand speak for joking)

      7. JeffK627

        Well, Aaron, your kids would be better off on the highway than being raised by an asshole like you.

      8. Zoe

        “John 3:16 – For God so loved the world, he gave his only son and whomever shall believe in him will have eternal life.”
        This caption is completely irrelevant and if you find it relevant then you have taken it out of context and you are a buffoon, Aaron.

        I am an atheist, but i was raised in a Catholic school, I went to church on Sundays, Easter and Christmas, I went to bible-camp almost every school holiday and i have read the bible from cover to cover. Hatred spiralling from religion is one of the most ridiculous concepts i have ever heard of –

        God preaches love. That is the most simple way to put it. LOVE YOUR FELLOW MAN.

        Matthew 19:16
        And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?
        17 – And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.
        18 – He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness,
        19 – Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

        Casting your daughter aside for something that was out of her control is EVIL.
        Doing something EVIL in the name of God does not make it any less EVIL.

        Just because you have interpreted God’s word as “Gay people should burn in hell” does not mean that is what he was saying.

        Burning someone in Hell begs the question to me – How can such a supposedly peaceful and loving being be so cruel and evil as to have a person burning for eternity? And if God is the bully that his religion has made him out to be, then why do people follow him? Fear?? Acceptance?? NO.


        Christ is not evil, his followers are.

        fuck you, Buddy & Aaron.

        1. Nikie

          Not all of His followers are intolerant asshats Zoe. Tho I have for a long time refused to call myself a Christian and instead am a Christ follower. These morons give us all a bad name and i wont be associated with them.

          1. Buddy

            Yes you will I’m gonna tell everybody we are best friends. And we go to the same church and your more of a bigot then I am.

        2. sabeaniebaby

          Luke 14:25: “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters–yes, even their own life–such a person cannot be my disciple.

        3. anonymous

          All you morons pointing out bible verses and prayers etc are totally clueless that this is a satirical website mean to poke fun at morons just like you!!! That is the funny thing about this entire discussion!!!! lol

      9. Mike

        errr guys. You probably are buying into this too much. Judging by the way it’s written, “Aaron” is a troll. The entire thing he wrote was to make you all mad, so he can get off and laugh about it. Pretty well written, but also I’m pretty sure he’s just a troll. Don’t take him seriously.

        1. Angelnznz

          Mike. Troll he is not. He is mocking the two faced attitude of religious fanatics and how hypocritical they can be. By the time you get to the end of his post his comments ludicrous. Just like the parents of this poor child.

      10. Jessica

        You so-called “Christians” need to stop thumping on the old testament and read the Beatitudes in the new testament. There IS room for the children of God, especially those whose parents have turned them away for something that they can not control. Jesus ate with tax collectors, healed the sick servants of soldiers who would later have to kill him, healed a man’s ear as he was being arrested, he was first to appear to a “prostitute” after his resurrection. Yet you all act like the “high priests” who paid his follower to have him killed because he was a “menace”. I hope all of you and these “parishioners” and sorry excuses for parents all beg the LORD for forgiveness, because your hearts and minds are closed. Hypocrites, I’m tellin’ ya! My prayers are with this child, hoping she finds a loving home with people who will actually love her instead of fearing and hating her.

        1. jess

          wow, I’m dumb. fake story and I’m from “Southern Carolina”…maybe that explains it…or the world is just so horrible we’ve all been waiting for a story like this. I hope to God this never happens for real!

        2. anonymous

          All you morons pointing out bible verses and prayers etc are totally clueless that this is a satirical website mean to poke fun at morons just like you!!! That is the funny thing about this entire discussion!!!! lol

        3. Jessica

          My heart is just broken for this child, I also lost many babies and prayed for over 8 years to have children and I ended up with 4 in a years time. I am so honored and blessed to have them in my life. My son has shown me a lot that there is a huge chance he will be gay, and I have family and friends that are gay and I love them all and it does not bother me at all who they are. I am not their judge nor will I even try to be. I was taught to love unconditionally and treat others how I want to be treated. I would adopt April in a heartbeat and show her that she is loved no matter what she chooses to do in life for I am not her judge nor will I try to change who she is. I am sure she is a beautiful child of god no matter what lifestyle she chose. Isn’t that supposed to be the whole point in being on this planet is to make choices and make our own paths in life? I hope she finds a loving family who believes in unconditional non-judgemental love.

      11. Cathy

        Aaron, it is “good” Stepford Christians like you that make me proud to be a “heathen”. Nine children? You obviously like making children more than you love, honor, and appreciate their exsistence. You are as crappy a parent as you are a Christian or a decent human being. God has to look down on you with a heavy heart and shaking his/her head in total shock and disgust. A self-centered bully who hides behind Christ. Wow. If the Chadwells are anything like you, their daughter is better off far, far, away.

      12. JD

        I truly feel sorry for your children. I have know kids from dictatorial families such as yours, and they are, without doubt, some of the most messed up and mal-adjusted individuals I have EVER known.

        Sexuality is NOT EVER a choice. It is, was, and always will be the way one is born. Religion is a choice; sexuality is not. I pray your children have more compassion, understanding, and common sense than their parents do.

        And btw, I’m a Presbyterian and a parent. And I would NEVER EVER treat my child with such disrespect.

      13. Nicole


        You end a post with John 3:16 yet never in my life have I heard a comment with such blatant disregard for John 3:16. If Jesus were here he’d slap you in the face.

      14. Amber B

        You do not have to agree with your families lifestyles but you should still love them regardless of their sexual orientation plus isn’t that what the bible states “hate the sin but love the sinner”. How does giving your gay child up for adoption showing them love? If my grandmother would have done that with my dad I would have never known her or her love for her son. By the way, people are born gay the same way that people are born straight. Also, there are over 1,000 species who have homosexual tendencies so what does that say about GOD?

      15. Andi

        To put it very simply Aaron…..God told me last night that you are destined to burn in hell fire for eternity. You don’t get a choice…..He told me you are a real Asshole and he won’t let your kind past the pearly gates.

      16. Chris

        You are fucking hilarious! You sir, are witty. I realized as soon as you said master Barack Obama you were just fucking around. No way you’d vote Obama if you were a die hard Christian. Kudos to you for trolling and causing an uproar. If people actually used their brains they would see how ridiculous you sounded and things didn’t add up. They are about as dumb as the people giving their child up for adoption.

      17. John Chisom

        This guy (douche) named Aaron has to be the most closed minded tard that I have come across this week. The scariest part of it all is that they were allowed to father 9 kids and infect them with their outdated and single mindedness. All I see are 9 more potientialy fucked up people in the world that it doesn’t need. Some people just need to be sterilized so maybe one day the madness will stop.

        1. Aaron Anderson

          Myself and my wife, bless her heart, are creating an army of children for Jesus, and we’re just getting started! I hope to have at least three more little soldiers before we’re done. Thank you, have a blessed day. -John 3:16

          1. Brother Monte

            Keep up the good work, Brother Aaron. Fill the world with your soldiers, and make The Lord proud. Homosexuality IS hatred, and God hates hatred.

      18. Natural

        The problem with churches/Christians is this: everyone says they “care” but before you are going to convince anyone, you better show it. MAYBE, just MAYBE you are right. But if you are, you are going to change people by love and acceptance, not by dunking them in tanks of water until they recant their “evil” ways. Churches have become nothing more than orgies of stuck up, hateful, hypocritical Christians, when all along I thought the second greatest commandment was to love your neighbor as your self…not just if they are straight – all of them. If, as most Christians believe, that God does not weigh sin, why is it that churches think that somehow sexual sin in the crux of all sins? As Jesus said, let him who is without sin cast the first stone. Christians job is to love and accept, not judge, scorn, and – as if you somehow sit on the right hand of God and have the power to make such decisions – deny people entrance into church or heaven or whatever. This is why I quit going to church a long time ago. I’m a Christian, but I have no desire to hang out with your kind of Christians.

      19. JMacPhee

        Your a pathetic excuse for a human being. To agree with parents giving up a child whether the child is 1 or 16 for a reason such a homosexuality. What if your parents had put you up for adoption for being an insensitive piece of crap. If you think for one second that the fake man in the sky is going to save you for believing in this kind of garbage, then you’ve got another thing coming. Someone should take away your right to chose who you love and see how you feel about it. Sad pathetic excuse for what society is today. Look at the pattern. How many years ago were people fighting to separate african american people as less than they really were. That battle has come and gone. Now they’ve chosen to move on to sexual preference. The catholic church, the most hypocritical group there is condones this kind of behaviour but will protect the sickest men after they rape and molest young children and even pay out the ass to keep their little secrets… Grow a brain Adam and any of you who agree with this. Your turn will come when your views will be nothing to anyone. The church is going out the door. Wake up and notice you ridiculous close minded savages.

      20. P-Dub

        Buddy, thank you so much for STANDING on what is right and correct. I don’t know that I could EVER do what these parents have done by throwing their own child out because they disagree with her lifestyle choices. BUT, I definitely do not NOT blame the parents, either. I’ve said this once before—and it saddens me that people still go around and around with believers of God and those who are STRAIGHT OUT HATERS of God, too: So, either you believe the Word of God, that would be the Bible, people…Or you simply do not. If you don’t, then that’s your choice. But don’t be drinking straight “haterrade” for people who truly BELIEVE they are doing what they should be. I don’t need a pastor to tell me what’s in the bible because I can read and interpret things for myself. Pastors are not to TELL Christians how to live, they are merely to be the VOICE of what is “already” in the bible that we, as Christians believe. No, I do not believe that people are actually “born” gay. WHAT THE …??? How would a God that even those of you “claim” is supposed to be loving and accepting create his creation (umm, that’s all of us, including the gay, bi, transgendered and questioning,) to be born in total opposition against him? Y’all are the crazy ones. Don’t pick and choose scriptures from the bible that you do not read, understand or comprehend to throw back in someone’s face how you see fit. The ultimate question is: DO YOU BELIEVE? If not, then the conversation is over. You have nothing for me, and I have nothing for you. But straight out BASHING folks who are different, think differently, act differently than what “you” would do just means that you are two different people with two different views and thought processes–plain and simple. This CRAP gets on my last nerve. Get a clue!

      21. AfellowGay

        Huh, I find Aaron’s wit and humor rather arousing! I pray to God you’re being torllish and snarky! *continues with elaborate gay fantasy involving Aaron Anderson in nothing but an apron, holding a can of whipped cream*

          1. AfellowGay

            I know my way around a kitchen babe! I’d use heavy whipping cream….and a special ingredient of my own….mmmm

      22. Patrick

        Your comment is so absurd as to make me think it was written by a staff writer at the Onion. You judge others daily, yet you fail to see the irony in that. You live a life of lies if you continue to cast stones like this. You are truly an abomination.

      23. Xirque Z'dataan

        Gods…and I meen gods and not god…you are so full of shit that I just have to ask how many times you have been fucked in your ass lately? Cause this shit doe’t stink like normal man-shit…
        I’m sure happy that I’m not a cristian ssss like yourself…on the contrary
        , I’m a LHP Psionic mage and healer that prforms predatory leaching of vital energy from asses like you on basisdaily
        I have a theory that homophobes like you really are unshure of your sexuality and hides your gayness behind a mask of a gayhater

      24. Chelsea

        …Wow, I never actually thought I would ever come into contact wit someone as closed minded as this… Aaron, you post as really angered me.. A benighted dolt is an understatement for what you are Sir..
        I suppose you also believe murder, rape, and slavery is okay too? Cause ALL that is in the Bible and Ya know, What ‘God’ Says goes in your house! Right!?
        I am so glad i have So many Gay and Lesbian Best friends!! They are some of the nicest people you will ever come across! And if i have children and they turn out to be Homosexual or not I will be Very Proud of them Either way!!
        I hope your children, Gay or not, Grow up to fucking hate you and your God!
        I hope they don’t grow up to be as Retarded as you!!!

        1. Dazha

          If you are so religious why do you choose to swear and hate? Isn’t it in the bible to forgive and to love one another?
          A friendly Christan lesbian that knows she didn’t choose to be gay. Also I know God WILL except me into his kingdom with open arms because I am his child and he DOES NOT discriminate.

          1. AfellowGay

            Am I the only one who thinks Buddy is a hoot and a half? Like, seriously, I love you man.

    6. Jen

      So, Buddy, if being “gay” is a choice, then did you choose to be straight? And if it is such a choice, please, go ahead and “choose” to be gay for a week.

    7. Driver

      Ok let’s say it’s a choice. That means you are a attracted to guys but choose to be with girls because that is the right thing to do. If you aren’t attracted to guys then you know it’s not a choice. Use your head.

    8. Dandru

      Then you’re just as horrible, un-caring, un-loving, evil and decidedly un-Christian as her parents are, you unfeeling and hate-fueled asshole.

      Incidentally, your post illustrates why bigots and homophobes are so often such poor writers: It’s because they both stem from the same problem: ignorance.

      1. Buddy

        I bet your touching yourself thinking your hurting someone feeling in a Internet post huh? Giving yourself a dirty Sanchez and thinking oooooo I just owned this guy.

    9. Heather

      And I fully believe you are an idiot. Why would someone chose to have close-minded jerks ridicule and hurt them? No God would tell his followers to hurtful to others. If your God did, then you should seriously reconsider your life choices.

    10. Eddie

      You chose to be straight? You really have not clue how the world works, and for so called “Christians” to behave this way…typical…no wonder many people are turning against the church and Christian so called people..

    11. Lynda

      Buddy, you are so ignorant, so misinformed. Do you honestly believe that Gay people would choose to be shunned, ridiculed and berated because of their sexual preferences. Good God, that is the most ridiculous statement I have read in a long time. Buddy you, and people like you are better off not posting anything on these sites, unless of course you enjoy being openly stupid.

    12. Judi

      Aaron and Buddy, you make me feel sad. God loves all of us. To think you adopt a child and then throw them away because you don’t like something about them? Pathetic. So, just to make sure I have it straight, gay people choose to be gay? They choose a lifestyle that could expose them to ridicule and abomination by their parents and people like you? Then the rest of us chose to be straight? More pity for you and people like you; you don’t know the meaning of unconditional love. Oh, wait, God loves US ALL unconditionally, doesn’t He? Judge ye not, least ye be judged. I judge no one; I will wait for OUR maker to do that. BUT I do think statements like you made are based in ignorance-lack of real knowledge and insight. May God have pity on you and mercy on your soul.

      Oh, and to judge others and you broke the adultery commandment??!! I don’t remember a commandment about our sexuality!!! Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Pretty convenient to not think about that, isn’t it?

      PS if you want to try to trash me, I am an Irish Catholic, who went from grade school to 2 Masters from a Catholic University. Fire away… But I haven’t broken the commandments.

      1. April Chadwell

        Hi guys, it’s me. I’m really sorry that I caused so much commotion with this. My mommy and daddy are just trying to do the right thing :) I should have never gone against their wishes. I just hope that they can forgive me someday :(

      2. Aaron Anderson

        Thank you, Judi, for having the courage to help us to stand up for what is right! Homosexuality IS hatred, and God hates hatred. If more people like you would help us in this struggle, Judi, we could have every gay child in the country out on the street in less than a year. Then they would all find the help that they need to try and become normal, and possibly even let back into their families!

        1. Vern Fonk

          Wow! You said it, Aaron! These kids NEED to learn the hard way. These parents deserve a medal for standing up for what they believe in, and for doing God’s work.

        2. Reverend Louis Sphere

          Hear hear, Aaron. Good to see sensible decent folks here – this gurl needs PUNISHMENT from the lord for choosing to be a demonic forked tongued temptress! what she needs is HUNGER and COLD from the good lord to teach her a good lesson! i bet when she’s hungry and cold and miserable, she won’t want to be gay lesbian no more. PRAISE THE LORD IN AAAALL HIS WISDOM!!!!

    13. kat

      So you believe that in countries where homosexuality is punishable by death people choose to be gay cause it is such a joy to be stoned to death? Seriously?

    14. Micky

      Why don’t you tell all of us about the day you decided to be heterosexual? I’m sure everyone would just LOVE to hear that story. Unless, of course, there is no story to tell….

    15. Chris

      He can’t even spell correctly, how can he process serious thought and understand anything else but what’s been drilled into the head? *scary*

    16. YeahRight

      So you admit that you are equally attracted to guys as you are girls? If it is a choice, then that would mean that your god made us all to be bisexual with equal attraction to men and women.

      Personally, I am straight. I did not choose to be straight but I am straight. The same goes with my gay friends. None chose to be gay (especially the ones from my very small hometown in the Buckle of the Bible Belt).

    17. Halzel

      buddy, you’re an ignorant simpleton. It’s people like you that fuel my atheism with a burning quest for all things truthful and reasoned.

    18. Andi

      Well Buddy, I’ll just say a prayer tonight to thank GOD you are NOT my parent. You and this couple are pitiful examples of human beings existence. You and they are no different than some 3rd World parent who would choose to stone his daughter to death for some transgression their RELIGION believes is wrong. Or some parent in a tribal community who believes their child has been taken over by a demon and banish her or him to the forest. Your ignorance and this couples is disgraceful and unforgivable. Thank GOD there are people who will love and accept this child unconditionally. The saddest part is she will learn even deeper how F’ed up some people do remain, despite their ages, and in the name of some hypocritical religious doctrine. You truly disgust me and that’s pretty hard to do.

    19. bex


      It’s hard to accept your argument when you can’t even use your own language correctly.

      I believe you are a dickhead, and that is a lifestyle choice by you. What would make her ‘choose’ this life? Her outlandish parents? Who would choose this level of betrayal and rejection if they had a choice?

    20. Jodi D,

      You learn ignorance. You do not learn how to be gay. I barely knew what gay was when I first realized that I was attracted to women. Then I had to accept that is who I was and to love myself. Do you think this girl said to her parents she was gay to piss them off? Are you that stupid?

    21. Jason

      I find it so hard to grasp that there are still so many backward thinking people in this world. Buddy, even if it were a choice, giving up their child is a horrid way to react! Oh my god, my daughter colored her hair blonde and I hate blondes! Up for adoption she goes!!!

      For the record, as someone who is homosexual. It is not a choice. We were made the way we were made by the same creator that made you, whoever he or she is.

      Why in hell would anyone choose to give bigots (like you) the opportunity to pass judgement, harass, belittle, degrade and discriminate against us? I have to say in retrospect, if it was a choice, it’s the choice that is best for me, but that’s because it’s part of who I am, just like the color of my eyes, my hair and my freckles.

    22. Zunicorns

      Good thing you’re just some ignorant a-hole and not someone of importance. I mean this way, your uneducated, moronic opinion means nothing. I hope this poor girl is scooped up by caring individuals, and her parents someday realize how ignorant and wrong they are.

    23. Kate

      Whether it’s by choice or you are born gay. Who the hell cares. As long as two people love each other that’s all that matters.

    24. Z. Straiter

      I agree that people aren’t born gay, Buddy. It’s a choice. I’m not so sure about the parents’ decision, though… there’s two sides to the story on that one. To the other people who responded to your comment: stop being shitheads and learn to respect the opinions of others.

    25. Arienette

      Sexuality is not like a Unicorn, you don’t have to BELIEVE in one’s sexuality, for it to be what it is.

    26. belgianchic

      This choice was horrible and awful to the daughter, I cannot even imagine the pain she must be going through. However, maybe its for the best? I don’t know what it would be like at all, so disregard this, but I would not want to be raised by people who were so hateful. People do not choose to be gay- not that there’s anything wrong with it, and her own parents rejected her.

    27. tom b

      Buddy you are a moron and I truly wish there were a HELL to send sluggards such as yourself ! I gave 323+ yrs of my Life for this Country in the USN ! I DID NOT FIGHT TO PROTECT PEOPLE THAT CAN NOT REASON ! When do you think this GOD you claim to serve would have abandoned one of his children ! NEVER NO MATTER WHAT ! DO YOU NOT SEE THESE PARENTS WERE SENT THIS TEST OF LOVE ??? !! LOVE by it’s very definition has NO ZERO NADA NOTHING NONE NIL CONDITIONS ! DO NOT TELL ME THEY LOVE THIS GIRL ! YOU NEVER ABANDON YOUR CHILDREN FOR ANY REASON EVER !!
      You are a perfect example why those of US that have put up with Sorry sons of Bitches and mean DOGS your mama was a dog if We are beginning to really HATEA all RELIGIONS and you sumbitches keep it up and we will burn em down until you can prove you deserve to live in MY MFING COUNTRY !!! You no more have choice to be GAy THEN YOU HAVE TO HAVING THAT LILIY WHITE SKIN !! You know what is a choice wearing that KKK suit and being a bigot and a racist !! You know there is NO SECOND COMING all of you Christians SUCK !! WHY WOULDHE ??? LOOK HOW YOU TREAT HIS CHILDREN !!! you suck !

      1. Father Redemption

        tom, my son… and you think, because you shot a couple of camel jockeys (probably when they were drunk), that you can ‘give opinions’ abou matters that are greater than you could ever aspire to be???? who do you claim to have been protecting all this time, my son? because the LORD protects me from all harm!!! for he knows i am truthful and have no blood of infidels on my calloused praying hands!!!

    28. jessie

      These people basically just threw their child out into the street. It is likely that no one will adopt her considering her age and the state will boot her out of foster care at 18 leaving her homeless if she doesn’t have a scholarship to college somewhere. Why is this ok? In Anderson SC the parents of a 2 yr old left their child on someones door step and they are facing child neglect charges. In my humble opinion this couple should be treated no different. You raised her, this is how she turned out,, it’s YOUR problem, you deal with it. Basically now the tax payers have an extra burden because of two bigots.

  3. kate frey

    I strongly suspect this is a satire site kind of like the Onion only designed to wind up liberals.

  4. Rachel

    What ever happened to unconditional love???? Shame on you, parents! God bless you, daughter! God will at least show you unconditional love, even if your parents are not christian enough to do so.

  5. John

    Guys guys this is a joke from a satire site (thank the goddess). Oh, and Buddy who agrees with the parents, you really are a piece of work.

  6. Jay

    This is the most sickening thing i have ever read THSES PARENTS R STUPID By the way you are born gay look it up its in your genetic genes you have to be a complete itdiot not to know that OPEN YOUR EYES IT’S 2013 AND MORE AND MORE PEOPLE ARE ECOMING OUT TO BE GAY LESBIAN BI AND TRANSGENDER I AM SO SICK OF READING PATHETIC COMMENTS BY HOMOPHOBIC ASS HOLES

  7. Jay


    1. Aaron Anderson

      Our supreme Lord and God also said, “Thou shalt not spelleth like a dipshit.” Read your scriptures, brother Jay, it’s in there. It’s somewhere in about the middle of The Book.

      1. Aaron Anderson

        also, my sweet, sweet, brother Jay…” …its in your genetic genes you have to be a complete itdiot…,” really? Heavens to Betsie, my young, and delicious child of God….you are a gem.

        1. Tony

          Aaron, you made me laugh so many times… Your sarcasm is brilliant, but sadly wasted on this forum, where so many people seem to take your words literally, and then respond with so much anger that they even feel it’s necessary to type in all caps… still laughing…

          1. AfellowGay

            Aaron, you can enter my heavenly gates! But seriously, you are a diamond in a sea of pearls. Keep up the sarcasm you tasty little tart!

        2. B

          Aaron, just FYI: I get your sarcasm and you are cracking me up. Especially “Thanks, I think I peed a little during it. -John 3:16″ LOL! Priceless. Too bad folks are not grasping your sarcasm, tho.

      2. Andi

        Aaron….God told me last night that you will not be entering into the Gates of Heaven. He said you will shall burn in Hell for Eternity. Sorry dude. His words.

  8. Skulander

    This is satire, right? RIGHT?????? I hope so. Otherwise this nation is even sicker than I thought it was.

  9. Aaron Anderson

    Finally, a husband and wife with the strong, decent and moral fortitude to stand up for what is right in the eyes of our Lord. As a dutiful and dedicated Catholic I fully agree with their decision. Children NEED to be taught a lesson, even if that lesson involves being cast from their home, and utterly forgotten in the eyes of their mother and father. I am a father of nine children, that I know of :), and I stand by the righteous and glorified mother and father from this hard-hitting, in your face piece of heroic journalism. Not since the days of the gr-“eight immortals” have I seen such such fearless dedication. I believe that it was the great hero, Chairman Mao Zedong that stated it most clearly when He said,” Be resolute, fear no sacrifice and surmount every difficulty to win victory.” In this instance, the fearless husband and wife from the great state of Southern Carolina, (champions of The Faith) have sacrificed their ignorant child in order to remain faithful to GOD, and to insure His victory over the gays. Praise and victory! —-John 3:16

    1. Lenina Braunschweiger

      @Aaron Anderson,

      Beware those who wave the red flag in order to defeat the red flag.Don’t be fooled by “pastor” Tyler Bowles III. By failing to cite the strictures of Leviticus 20, in their entirety, on the punishment to be meted out to disobedient children, this false pastor is playing into the homophile agenda of Satan.NOWHERE in the Bible does it say that such children, who have made the decision to trod the path of filth, be put up for adoption.Does Tyler Bowles call for the destruction of Amerikkka by fire as the Lord requires?

      1. Aaron Anderson

        I know not of this Pastor Tyler Bowles that you speak of. I have been blessed by the teachings of Pastor Tyler The Creator though, and His word is bond. Keep the faith, and thanks!

    2. Melissa

      There we have again folks, the bigot minds of the Christians that only follow the old testament. Before you go vomiting at the mouth your judgmental bigot bullshit, take that whole bible of yours and read the whole damn book, don’t just pick and choose parts to follow.

      1. Jodi D,

        Not to mention the Old testament says you’re not supposed to wear mixed clothing, eat pork, women that are raped are supposed to marry their rapist, women are bought and sold as property, you are not supposed to have premarital sex, women that cheat are supposed to be stoned to death, and children that disobey their parents are supposed to be stoned to death. Also men are supposed to have long beards.

        1. Father Redemption

          which is why i follow these holy scriptures to the letter, being a true man of God. in fact i’m proud to say i raped my wife countless times for God to bless me with his light and presence. praise be!

    3. Andi

      Aaron, May you be blessed with many incestuous Children and Grandchildren; just as Adam and Eve were. GOD

    4. amy

      Look, I am devote christian myself. And the bible says “hate the sin but love the sinner” jesus would never have done what these parents did. It is not my place@e to judge but Gods. And I truly believe according to his doctrine of love he will be VERY dissapointed!

    5. andy

      Aaron Anderson
      9 Children? Is so sad that people like you are the ones reproducing like rabbits, while people that actually have a brain don’t (YES they do the sinful thing of using contraceptive methods).. I fear for the future of the world!
      Please, all of you, be educated and stop saying bullshit around, this story is a hoax! instead of proving that Catholics aren’t that bad all some of you guys did is prove that YES they are!

  10. Scott KS

    I know it is very hard for some people to accept the nature of others. Human sexuality, the base of who we love through the natural attraction we feel, and form relationships is astoundingly diverse. I had my moments when I was a teenager, when it was apparent that I was gay, and that was a shocking eruptive understanding in a world that demonizes people for who they are. Hard to accept, but full of a deep hope that I would continue to be loved by those that love me. Fear is terrible.

    This decision… I can’t think of anything less than morally bankrupt. loveless.

  11. Daisy

    Honestly, I think this is a great idea. This girl deserves a family who will love her for who she is and good riddance to the parents who can’t. It’s a whole lot better than what happens to a lot of other unstraight kids who just get kicked out without the chance of gaining a better family.

  12. Shane

    Oh, uh uh. This is the sickest thing I have ever seen. They will regret this on their death beds. And they deserve every miserable moment.

    1. Gary

      If this page is for real, and not a satire, I hope and pray that the couple face a very sad and lonely old age – they’ve earned it.

        1. Scott KS

          The illuminating fact about what you just said is that this is actually how real websites read, the humor is making dun of the real idiocy that it is.

  13. Lexi

    I cant even believe the comments that are being made on this board. First of all to give up your child at 16 years old is extremely devastating to the child. How can you bring up someone for 16 years and decide to give them away because they don’t agree with your lifestyle choice whatever it may be. What if I decided to give my child away because they supposedly choose to be STRAIGHT, would that make me a good parent?

    Also who in their right minds would choose to be GAY oh sure I want to be gay so I can be outcasted, tormented, rights taken away, stereotyped, bullied yeah I’m consciously making this decision right!

    As parents you make me sick, I will gladly adopt you daughter and bring her to New York but in your case it may be too free for you but what do you care you’re giving up on your child so you might as well just let her go on her way..ugh disgusting and you think GOD is telling you to do this to give up on a HUMAN BEING especially your own child..yeah thats what god is telling you…

  14. Annie

    Absolutely disgraceful. This is disgusting and they don’t deserve to be parents. When you take on children your obligation is to love them, support them, and always be there for them. Comments like Aaron Anderson are shameful. How dare anyone even begin to say they believe in God and stand on the Bible as their foundation. I left the Catholic church because of the hatred and hypocrisy. Jesus loved EVERYONE, he supported, embraced and LOVED all. It is man who sits in judgement and not God. No wonder the church is losing people! Thankfully I was raised to love others. More than anything to love my children and support their decisions.

    1. Aaron Anderson

      I appreciate your support, and know that it is strong, Catholic soldiers like you and I that can really make a difference in this world! Keep fighting the good fight, and again, thank you for having the moral fortitude to stand behind my statements, and shout praise in His name!—-John 3:16

      1. AfellowGay

        I have made a vow to reply to every one of your comments in the hopes that the universe will somehow unite us. Meet me in front of the Verizon Center in DC at 12 pm on Monday April 8th. I’ll be wearing a white rose in my vest pocket!

  15. Susie Bright

    I think it’s a hoax, if not, her parents are the ones to suffer. There must be thousands of loving homes where she would be welcome. I’d take her if gay people were allowed to adopt.

    The kid is better off with loving parents.

    As the for moron bible bashers commenting, have you ever considered that you are in HELL now? You know HELL…where there is hate? Christians don’t realize when they tell us gay people that we are going to hell, that they are already in hell. Not that i believe in hell LOL

      1. Julie

        Homophobes are not elitist fucks. They are not the elite of society by any means. They are the bain of society. They want to stay in the dark ages. They will be shocked when Jesus sends them to Hell for their treatment and hatred of their fellow man.

  16. Dustin

    Well she either gets put up for adoption or she lives with parents that won’t love her or treat her like a human being. They made the right choice because they don’t deserve her. I just hope she finds a wonderful family that will love her for who she is!

    1. Father Redemption

      it’s a trap!!! she’s gay lezzie too!!! run April, RUN! don’t trust all these homossexouls!

  17. Kimberly

    I can’t believe this, and some of the posts I have read. I am a born again Christian… I have walked in the lifestyle and walked right out of it. I have been forgiven and am blessed and highly favored. My opinion is, Your children are your children, no matter what choices they make. The Bible clearly says ‘He who is without sin, throw the first stone’. Seems these parents and others are doing just that. Also says, that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ. And who is to say that within 6 months or a year she won’t turn away from that choice and walk according to the word. I pray for healing and restoration in this family. I also pray for those who are being judgemental. If You are in agreement with the parents choice to put her up for adoption because of her choice, then You are walking in judgement and condemnation. I pray for you…. Geez!

    1. Aaron Anderson

      Kimberly, while I do appreciate your support in this matter, must you use our Lord’s name in vain? The term “geez” is derived from the word Jesus, and it is the crummiest form of slang! I’m not sure that He wants you to just be throwing it around like that! :) Remember, and clean mouth and a clean mind are the surest way into Heaven! Again, thanks for your support in this ongoing battle against The Gays!

      1. Bitch

        You are the biggest idiot of all! A hypocrite! Preach God’s word and then treat his children so awful! You are one lucky ass son of a bitch that I don’t know where you live because I would put an end to your tax fraud!

      2. AfellowGay

        I will make you homemade pasta, and serve it to you wearing nothing but my oven mits. Maybe it’s the hour of night doing it, but you have me in heat! The Gays are the worst! I myself appreciate male genitalia, but I’m definitely not one of them queerosexuals.

      3. Thomas

        First off all, calm down. It’s not the word, it’s the context. It’s the meaning and intent. It’s the spirit in which it’s said. I guess you never say crap, dang, heck, shoot, darn, etc. And, “jeez” is a derivation of Jesus? Well, was Jesus’ name really “Jesus” or is that the English name? For example, was it John or Juan? Peter or Pedro? Mary or Maria? Did Jesus’ disciples actually speak the word “Jesus?”

        Secondly, and more importantly, the Christian battle is NOT “against The Gays.” Our battle is against the SIN of homosexuality. Jesus (as we call Him in English) said to love God and then love others. Do you think “The Gays” feel your Christ-like love when you are engaged in a battle with them?

        Do I believe that homosexuality is a sin? Yes. Do I believe that looking at someone of the opposite sex with lust in your heart is a sin? Yes. Have you ever been guilty of that? Is homosexuality more of a sin than having lust in your heart for someone of the opposite sex?

      4. Thomas

        Oh yeah, one other thing: “Remember, and clean mouth and a clean mind are the surest way into Heaven!” Really??? I thought it was faith in Jesus, accepting his payment for your sins, believing in Him, confessing your sins, and asking Him to be your Lord and Savior. Please give me the verse in the Romans Road that says that a clean mouth and mind are the way to Heaven. As a Christian, yes, we should have a clean mind and mouth, but that isn’t what gets us into Heaven. I anxiously await your responses. And, please give Bible verses to back up your “clean mouth and mind” path to Heaven.

        Also, back to your battle against the gays. What other group of sinners are you battling? The gluttons? The liars? The proud? The boastful? The covetous? There are lots of groups of sinners out there. And, if you aren’t battling these other groups of sinners, then why not?

    2. P-Dub

      Kimberly, I too, am a Christian. The bible says a whole LOT of things, but it also says to also remove the evil from among you. As I stated earlier, I do not know that I could be that “strong” in my faith to do this to one of my (now,) grown up children. But I do not find fault for parents who truly believe that they ARE doing the right thing. Their daughter could very well turn away from her beliefs and choose God. These parents are just that: Parents. They are not judging their daughter, they are merely stating (and acting accordingly,) on what they can, will or not tolerate as Christians, FIRST and as Christian parents SECOND. People believe that God “loves” us the way that WE love, or should love. But even in God’s wrath or anger, He is being loving. And he is being loving in an unconditional way–contrary to what others who have no “real” idea of who God is because they’ve never wanted to find out. When folks talk about the “fear” of being “gay” for “fear” of not being accepted…That is not where the fear is coming from. It’s coming from their conscious that God gives to EVERY single person who knows right from wrong. That fear is from knowing that they are living in the way that God has created them to live. Do they/you believe in the Bible? If they/you/we do, then we will walk in it, and believe it. If we don’t believe—then the conversation needs to stop right there. You can’t explain light to darkness. Period.

      1. Thomas

        I’m guessing their daughter is guilty of many sins. Why do they disown her for the sin of homosexuality but not other sins? Oh, and I’m pretty sure her parents are sinners too. Are their sins not as bad as homosexuality? God is our example? After we become Christians and children of God, does he disown us because we sin? I am a Christian. I am a child of God. Oooops, I just had a sinful thought. Oh no, now I’m not a child of God anymore. Luckily, that’s not how MY God works.

    1. bex

      All this says to me is that if they believe she has made the wrong ‘choice’ her parents and church community are unwilling to help her, or unable. So either their faith is not strong enough, or they do not truly follow the Word of God.

      You may need to look at your leadership skills if you think this is appropriate. The only reason I support this child being taken from the parents is to prevent her from their poison.

    2. Bekah

      you do realize that most of the comments are about how stupid all this is. for one thing because being gay is not a choice. Actually i think she should be only because it is apparent that those people can’t seem to follow the Bible. Does the Bible not say ” love thy neighbor as thyself” well if your straight and your neighbor is gay, guess what , you still have to love them . Do us all a favor Tyson, get off your high horse, get your head out of your ass, and THINK! If God did not want gays to exist he wouldn’t let them be here in the first place.

    3. Tysonno Brains

      You are part of what’s wrong in this world. This is actually better for the child, a family that is willing to accept her for who she is. Why can’t you understand these simple concepts?

      Someone says “it’s not a choice”. Why would you think it is? You are not them. You don’t understand them. Why not take their word as they say it?

      Does it conflict with your book? Maybe the book needs some revision/updating.

    4. isis

      cant wait for that day they caught u molesting boys GO GET A REAL JOB PEDOPHILE!!!!! u pervert getting money from people using ur horrible biblical hatred….GET A JOB OLD MAN!!!

      1. Ryan

        As a “youth leader,” Tyson, I hope you want to embrace love, too. And if that’s so, I find it so ignorant and quite nauseating that you support this.
        Really, this is disgusting.

        1. Rob Banks

          “Youth Leader” is another word for “Let’s brainwash these kids to believe an imaginary friend is watchign over them OH LOOK the collection plate!”

      2. Irate South Carolinian

        Aaaaaannnd here is the reason I have completely abandoned Christian organised religion. People like yourself are so busy screaming ‘Jesus’ that you forget that he preached tolerance, love and acceptance, especially with families. You are more Pre-Damascus Paul than Jesus, my friend. If these parents decided to stone their child for her sins, you’d be the ones holding their coats. I think you’re going to be in for a rude awakening when you meet your maker. I wouldn’t be all that surprised if his first words were, “Tyson, why hast thou forsaken me?”

        I think that poor 16-year-old lesbian’s got a much greater chance at being seated at his right hand than a bigoted, intolerant, misogynistic hate-monger like you. The entire Christian religion should be ashamed of what these people have done, not condoning them. You are the most un-Christian people I’ve ever heard of.

  18. Luke

    I cannot imagine the emotional pain that girl is suffering. Not only did she trust her parents enough to divulge her sexuality at such a young age and in such an anti-gay state, but she now has to has reevaluate herself after being “loved unconditionally” by her parents for 16 years, only to have them through a 2000 year old book in her face & tell her to get out. Unbelievable. I’m sure these parents will regret their decision for the rest of their lives. Best of luck to the child. I hope she becomes a successful young woman & finds the woman of her dreams to marry.

  19. Luke

    Also, she’s welcome in my home just the way she is. Come on over to gay-friendly Washington state. I got the heck out of the south when I could. Best decision of my life.

  20. Sandra

    I would verbally rip these ‘parents’ a new asshole, then ask the daughter if I could be her mom from now on. As the mother of two children, I am appalled at these ‘parents’ would do this to their child. SHAME SHAME SHAME on you! If your religion means more than your child, then your religion is wrong.

    Claiming to be Christians? Fine, you go find something Jesus said against homosexuals. I could save you some time because the total is ZERO.

  21. Bobbi T.

    Yet another example of the hate some religion breed. This is foul. Just because one creates a life, it does not make them a parent. These people are not parents. A parent knows there are far too many things that define a person, sexuality is just one of them. The rocky road through Teenagedom is such a rough terrain as it is let alone adding in this nonsense. I hate to say it but this gal is so much better off without people and a religion and a church and a congregation that seethes such bigotry and hatefulness. The girl is more than welcome in my home. I’ve two teenagers and a little girl. And they are loved…without conditions.

  22. Julie Totsch

    I’ll take her in. She can come live with me and my wife. We’ll raise her to understand God’s love for her. However; I don’t believe this is real, since I can’t find the story on a national news site. I think this is fake. I pray that it is. And, to the haters, Good Lord, people! Do you really think this is what Jesus wants us to do? To turn our backs on our children? When you’re all sitting in eternity’s smoking section, don’t blame me. I’m pretty sure I’m going to be saving a lot of seats for you.

  23. Katharine Royal

    My husband just shared this with me. He and I are both pastors of an all inclusive Christian church. I’m searching feverishly to figure out how to find April. We’d do about anything it takes to adopt her. She would be very loved and accepted just as she is. What she is been through is horrible. She deserves unconditional love. Anyone with any information at all please contact me at

    1. April C.

      It’s okay, I am getting by. I do appreciate everyone’s support though, (and am a little weirded out by some of the responses.) My mother and father are only trying to do what they believe is right, and really, I kind of had it coming :) I knew better than to go against their wishes, and better judgement, and I hope that someday they can forgive me. Thanks, everyone for all of your positive feedback! -April

  24. Casey

    AMEN!! You both don’t deserve to be parents, your child is flash and blood. No children should ever have to go though the hell you are putting her though. She is a nomal little girl. I am a gay Christian and I was taught “that we are suppose to LOVE our sisters and brothers” but I have this couple does read the same book I did. Learn to love your child. WHO GIVES THE RIGHT TO JUDGE ANYONE!! You turn your back on her and you will regret it. This is shameless!!

  25. Msskwesq

    This is unbelievably ignorant. To allow a church or religious belief spur a parent to abandon their child like this is just insane. Shameful. Homosexuality is NOT a lifestyle choice. Allowing bigotry to come before love for you child is wrong. Just sickening.

  26. Emily H.





    Look at the “coverage” on the right-hand side. It’s all related to “ChristWire” which is kind of like the Onion. All fake “news”.

    1. Julie Totsch

      I knew this was fake. I just couldn’t prove it. I’ve never heard of ChristWire! Still, it brought out a lot of sickos.

  27. Billy Hilly

    I’m a Christian, and it pains me to hear stories like this. If anything, Christianity teaches against what these parents are doing. The best example I can think of to reaffirm this latter point is in the life of the historical Jesus Christ. He came not for the healthy, but for the sick, for the poor, for the broken. He dined amongst individuals who, at the time in their social hierarchy, were considered the filthiest of all individuals – and why? He did it out of genuine love because these were the people who recognized their problems and recognized their need for a savior – namingly Jesus Christ.

    That being said, its really sad that ‘Christians’ nowadays focus so much on ‘homosexuality’. It is no more a sin, than lying, or covetousness, or jealousy is – yet such a great emphasis is placed on it. And the very thing we are called not to do – judging – we do way too much with homosexuality. Homosexuality is a problem, and according to the Bible it is wrong, but thats an entirely different topic, and one that I’ve seen even other nonchristian homosexuals agree upon.

    Please don’t get the illusion that Christianity is a faith that inspires a ‘holier than thou’ sort of attitude or a mindset of superiority – its the very opposite. Again and again in the BIble, we are called to humble ourselves, because we are but screwed up, helpless, self-centered people who were redeemed by a God who had no reason to love us, but still did, and ultimately came down as Jesus Christ and purchased our freedom and liberated us from the weight and punishment of sin.

  28. laycie harding

    That is horrible. there is a problem to there” Jesus” he had two fathers and he is related to god himself so how is this such a problem to be gay or not

  29. Elena

    I hope that someone steps up and adopts this child. She will most leikely end up living in foster care until she is 18. Which is not a way to live. However, it seems she will be better off not having such close minded, judgmental hypocritical parents. I hate these types who people who want to call themselves christians. Your daughter is Gid’s child and God loves all of us and people are not going to go to hell for loving someone of their same gender. I believe these parents will be judged. They better pray their God is a forgiving God.

  30. Stax

    These parents should be charged with abuse/neglect and thrown in prison. They do not deserve to call themselves parents or Christians. No one who has heard the teachings of Christ would treat another human being this way, NO MATTER WHAT. End of conversation.

  31. Phil

    These pieces of human filth who wrongly call themselves parents should be sterilized to prevent them from ever having another kid.

  32. Stephanie Vergara

    We have 3 babies who’ve died during pregnancy and no living children. I would be honored to adopt your daughter. She needs unconditional love and she is clearly not getting that right now.

    1. Brother Monte

      Three strikes and you’re out, Stephanie. You can’t for a moment think that someone would actually give you their child after knowing that you’ve killed three of your own already, right? You’re sick, and you need help. You should rot in jail for the rest of your life for your crimes against your poor babies, and God will see that you rot in Hell for eternity. Killing your own babies? You’re as bad as these parents that gave their child up for adoption,( at least their daughter is still alive!) if I knew where you lived I would call the police!

      1. Elizabeth

        WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE she said three babies dies during pregnancy these are called miscarriages, she did not KILL THEM – I have had a miscarriage it is TERRIBLE pain. You do not CHOOSE a miscarriage. I lost my baby because of physical complications. YOU PEOPLE ARE SICK.

        1. Reverend Louis Sphere

          it took 3 of the almightys sheep to perish, and you can’t SEE this woman is CURSED???? The lord sends us signs, they are not to be ignored!!! it is his will, praise be!!!!

  33. Stephanie Vergara

    I’m not joking. I’m seriously making this offer. It pains me to think of this poor girl.

    1. Bianca




  34. rebecca

    So, all of their praying led them to believe putting up the child god gave to them was a mistake and she
    should now belong to another family? There Is not a single thing wrong with her. The parents, this church, there is something severely wrong with them. Poor child.

  35. joy

    Arron you and buddy must really be in the closet..come out its ok to admit your homophobia comes from your attraction to each other….its ok…god will still love you..he loves all his children…As far as parents or lack there of,their daughter is way better off without them..they would just drive her to suicide….their sick……she at least stands a chance of happiness with a real loving family who accepts who she is………oh Arron n buddy good luck on your marriage cause soon it will be kegal in every state….swallow that….u guys are a pathetic joke….Hahahahaha…hows it feel bible thumpers…..

  36. Melinda M

    Wow. Dumb bigots congregating. Scary world. Jesus will surely burn all the hateful bigots perverting his words.

  37. brodee

    Who gives a fuck what god says, these parents are pathetic. when i have a kid im gonna love them whether there gay or not :) im catholic but i don’t believe in god because he was never there when i need him. this couple shouldn’t even be parents :) go back to ya church u bible study ppl nd get out of normal people like
    this girl didn’t choose to love another girl she was born that wa
    these parents need a bullet to the head

    1. TDG

      How sad,that people have to get their 2 cents worth of insite, to merit this story-whether “REAL” or not-it’s pathetic!!! Whether you believe in GOD-or don’t, whether you believe in gay at birth,by situations or circumstances or choice, whether you agree or disagree with these parents—calling each other names,putting people down,and the parents,church,people, and GOD or lack thereof, is plain childish, immature, and plain-so far off the subject of this child being given up for adoption-that this looks like a place to trash others or let your own views on various issues, just to be heard-period. Why not try to make a difference for good-of earth,animals,fellow mankind(or womankind)or any number of other things, that allow positive changes within the community you can do the most good? Instead of wasting space,time,energy, and lack of maturity and kindness. May GOD bless us all, whether you believe or not. Have a good day!

  38. Lesa

    Folks, I think they are doing the right thing! If their hearts are so cold and shriveled that they cannot accept their own child, they do not deserve to be parents!!! I hope that if they have other children that the siblings stand by their sister and make this hate filled couple childless!!!!

    1. Kaira

      I agree with this. She doesn’t deserve their sorry asses. As much of a pain it is, she does deserve a better family who will lover her all the better….

  39. Melinda M

    These sorry excuses for parents should die a slow painful death. Jesus hates assholes and these losers are sick assholes.

    1. Cat

      And what does your so-called Jesus think of petty people who wish not love and forgiveness on others, but instead petty revenge and death? You are a sorry excuse of a Christian.

  40. Matt Newkirk

    Fuck religion thats all i have to say. its the very poison that plagues man kind and is an enemy of human reason and makes people weak minded. A world without religion would be great to be honest

  41. Celine Signoret W

    This is so sad. Some people do not deserve to have children and this couple is one of them. If you truly love your children you will accept them the way they are. You don’t put your children up for adoption just because you disagree with them.

  42. Dan

    South Carolina. There is no “southern Carolina.”

    I make this rather semantic point to make this, less semantic point: it’s obvious the author is of severely diminished mental capacity, as are the “parents” of this poor kid. Being lesbian (or, for that matter, anything other than plain white straight male with an IQ between 60 and 90) in South Carolina is hard enough in and of itself, without having her parents not only reject her but do so in the most inhumane and humiliating manner possible. Coming out at that age took a pair of balls far larger than mine, she deserves love and compassion and, I dunno, maybe an actual family.

    Hopefully a real family steps up to the plate and demonstrates just what family and compassion really mean.

  43. Kaira

    I’m assuming that they are a part of the pro-life, anti-abortion….in what way is this not “abortion” in itself? People need to get over themselves and realize that all sexual orientations have been around since the beginning of humankind and need to accept that it is what it is. this is a revolution. This is nothing silly. So stop trolling, get over your fucking personal issues and accept your child. If your soooo prolife and “Christian” then do what it says, accept everyone. Be hospitable. Be kind, be an honorable parent and if you make a commitment to give birth and keep the child, then at least have the decency to follow through with it.
    Why is it that everyone generalizes Christians? Not all of us hate gays, okay? And not all of us use our religion to justify our decisions. I accepted gays before church, okay? And everyone else needs to accept it too.
    Either accept it, or take your sorry ass to the desert and stay out of those world because no one needs you. It was proven that people were born into their sexuality. It wasn’t decided. This poor girl could have lied to herself, stayed “straight”, had a husband to make her parents happy, and children and then one day out of the blue throw herself off a bridge or something of the same nature. Do her parents, the so “very good Christians that they are” allow that? What. Fucking. World. Whoever agrees with this needs to get their head check and reevaluate human rigs, morals, and reform what their idea of ” a good Christian” is. Seriously.

  44. Melinda M

    The child is lucky. May she find a home without soul less pigs like her incubator and sperm donor. Her future is better leaving the sick pervert assholes behind her.

  45. Chris

    This is sickening… I am seriously ill with grief for this child. I wish her the best and hope she does not have to live with her mentally ill parents going forward.

  46. Cathy

    I am going to Google/Snopes this story. No real loving parents could or would do this. And if so, why would the state put up with it? This can’t be real….

  47. Kittypig

    wow, thats fucked up. however this may end up being an overall blessing for the chick, she gets out of a undoubtedly batshit crazy family!

  48. Amy

    Melinda M,
    You said it. I couldn’t even begin to express what poor excuses for human beings those two people are.

  49. Max

    Pretty sure this is made up, that photo is just a stock photo. I don’t think it is that easy to put a kid up for adoption.

  50. Jorge

    So god decided to make this girl gay, so that her parents put her up for adoption? These people need to get their head out of their ass! PRAYING WILL NOT DO S#*%*!

  51. Brad

    We would adopt her in a heart beat…no child should have parents like that. And for a church to agree and even encourage such a vile act is beyond any sense of morality. Can’t believe this country has such backwards thinkers still! We have roughly 60 -100 years to live, and ya worry about someone else’s rights to love who they want…really? I bet they are not perfect, in fact, this act proves it!

  52. Ben

    This goes directly against the teachings of Jesus. A pity the parents and their church do not take the gospels or messiah more seriously. I hope the girl recovers from the damage these false Christians are inflicting on her.

    1. Ben

      For the record, responding so earnestly to a satire sight might be the most humiliating thing i’ve done in years. Not that i’d take back the sentiment, but still! Well played.

  53. Amy

    I believe these people made the right choice.
    Why? Because it is better than them trying to force their misguided beliefs onto others.
    Are these people horrible?
    You damn right.

    I say she is getting a good bargain by being put up for adoption. It shows that her parents are idiots and she doesn’t NEED these idiots. I say good for the poor girl. These people who judge someone for something they cannot help is terrible!

  54. Michael Airhart

    This story is a re-post of an old satire. I wonder how many commenters on this page are part of the joke — and how many believe everything they see on Facebook.

  55. Ernest

    God bless this couple with a child, and they rejected God’s gift! Every one is God’s wonderful creation. Psalm 139:14 – I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

  56. Donovan Snyder

    Go ahead quote Leviticus but ignore that it also calls “unscalled, unfinned sea creatures” abominations… and that wearing mixed fabrics is a sin…
    “But it was written in a time when morals needed to be upheld”
    So your just going to ignore all the other verse and plant seeds of two crops, wear mixed fabrics, eat shell-fish, and not hate the unscalled/unfinned sea creatures because they seem odd to you. Odd, well they are ridiculous upholding that homosexuality is bad by trying to stand by one verse in a book that the church admits is dated and a little silly is like citing Mein Kamf for Humanitarian concerns… Grow up and stop being blind sheep to false prophets… Read the bible for yourself… They will build lies over single verse… single things and forget that Jesus Christ (who you see as your very Lord and savior) never once said anything about homosexuality… Huh… trust the most obscure bible book and don’t recognize Jesus’s words… They are warping you… God isn’t hate… Hate is mankind…

  57. Dani

    WOW i think this is crazy!! Im 28 years old and ive been gay since the second grade. My first crush wasnt a boy… was in fact the same sex as me A GIRL!! You do choose to be either straight or gay……but if youre choosing to be straight to fit in to society and make your parents happy……youre living no life at all for yourself!! It took my father a very long time to come around and accept it……poor man thought he did something wrong when in fact i was choosing to live my own life!! I feel for.this girl amd.what she is going through but more i feel for her parents cause they will be judge at the gate not her!! If GOD didnt want us to be this way he wouldnt of gave us the urge!! This is 2013 how long ago was the bible made??? He accepts ALL HIS CHILDREN!! I go to church God knows not like i should bit i believe in him……im going to heaven and not a soul can tell me otherwise!! For the parents of this this child………you dont have a right to call yall selfs parents!! A parent is supposed to have unconditional love and acceptance of their child……

    1. Melissa

      It is a proven fact that it is not a choice though. For one to be prosecuted for something that is out of their control is BS.

    2. Reverend Louis Sphere

      LIES!!!! it’s obvious you have chosen the path of the dark lord – may god have pity on your soul, you foul fork tongued WITCH licker!!!! REPENT AND YOU SHALL BE SAVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! persevere and you will be raped by satan himself upon entering his realm – you have been warned!!!!!!!!!!!

  58. Frank

    This not only pisses me off, but makes me sick to my stomach. I am in tears for this child. I came from this kind of church. I want to go off on this big time. I am so sick and disgusted over the Church’s behavior to justify, God told me… I am sick of the name of Jesus being used to vomit over human beings.

    I know there are going to be some offend by this..but I can not stay silent and seeing God being used and misrepresented, as to he is.

    And yet, the church, will go to their grave saying, God told me to do this, we prayed about it…and so on. Enough is enough.

    I get some flax, just a small group, from the LGBT community, because, not only am a gay man, I am a Christian. And have been told I couldn’t be that…guess what, you are wrong.

    We know not all churches behave in this manner, yet those churches get beat up from other churches, making accusations, you are not under the will of God, you are misleading people and misinterpreting the scriptures…trust me, the list goes on.

    I hope one day, those who have used the bible, teachings, the justification to treat people so cruel, will one day see who Jesus really is.

  59. christine

    idc if u are for or against gay rights. u disown ur child based on sexuality u are a horrible person and human being. plain and simple god created everything therefore he put them on this earth and wants them here. the fact they gave up their child over this boils my blood. u obviously hold no love for your child! what terrible parents you are!

  60. Ryan Kingston

    I agree this young girl should be put up for adoption. After the State of SC charges the parents with neglect of a minor and puts them in prison. And have their parental rights completely stripped. This is sick. And anyone who agrees with these people needs serious psychological help.

  61. YeahRight

    Appears to be satire.

    To the author (though I doubt he’ll read it). Remember Poe’s Law which is defined as:
    “an observation that it’s difficult, if not impossible, to distinguish between parodies of religious or other fundamentalism and its genuine proponents, since they both seem equally insane.”

  62. Jasmine

    When i told my mom that i was gay, she was actually really proud of me couse i finally trusted her, and told me she loved me more than ever
    When i told my dad, he told me that it didn’t matter to him if im with a boy or a girl, as long as they’re not a lazy ass lol xD im glad i have open minded parents :) I love them <3

    1. MikeDMyers

      I love that! When I came out to my mom, she said,”Boy, I already knew that…” My dad on the other hand was pretty pissed and told me to stick my fist in my eyesocket and said that’s what it’s like to have gay sex. I laughed in his face and said “I’m a top!” or “penetrator” for you people who don’t know the lingo).. Once he realized that his first-born son wasn’t getting his proverbial fudge packed, he just left me alone. Now that I’m 24, and out of “his house” since 16, we have much better relationship thanks to his wife and God, we just don’t speak about it. I still love my dad, even though he’s dumb as fuck. When I left I knew I was going to be ok and that God loved me regardless because he made me, and he made me in his image. That 16 year old girl SHOULDN’T let her ignorant parents affect her. I would be happy, like “yes! I get gay parents!” For some, that would be a dream come true, especially for any gay youth living in any conservative Christian family. The new generation of breeders need to teach their children to love unconditionally.

  63. ProfesorE

    …and this is why not all people are meant to be parents. God loves that child. How can you two do any less?

    1. This is funniest fucking thing I've seen all year. Thank you ... Oh and John 3:16

      Hey Professor Dip shit…It’s satire.

  64. Alexia

    that was too stupid, come on! is his own daughter, have the same blood, and that disappointment is sad that there are people as well as those parents, or parents should to call them, a real father does not leave, supports!
    People ignorant, stupid people …
    But surely the girl find a family that can love of truth, no matter their sexuality, their mentality, their way of life, she is a person and has a heart, … everyone is equal, everyone is equal, what was their sin?

  65. aly

    This is why I hate really really religious humans. WHO IN THEIR FUCKING MIND PUTS THEIR CHILD UP FOR ADOPTION JUST BECAUSE SHE IS A LESBIAN!? Fucking dumbass parents -_-

  66. Donovan Snyder

    Quoting scripture doesn’t make you a good person; how you treat people determines if you a good/bad individual.

  67. Melissa

    Goes to show how bad parents operate and choose a religion over their own child. This girl is by far better off away from all this hatred and place with lovely individuals that will love her unconditionally.

  68. -Rev. H.P., Richard J. Treitner

    These people should be taken out and horsewhipped until some sense returns to them. if their chosen religious path trumps their compassion and love for their child, then they never should have been given the privilege of having children. they should have been sterilized as the unloving monsters that they are. No true spiritual person of any path would do something so cruel, heartless, and selfish to their own flesh and blood. That is not God’s will. Love is. Compassion is. Hate and intolerance are the Devil’s realm. They need to get off their high horse, see through the lies and illusions, and realize that God is love, not this turning away of their own child nonsense.

  69. teri

    I think its absolute insanity!!! The two of them(the “parents”) need to get some sort of help for there condition!!!!!

  70. Tracy

    What about a hermaphrodite. That is someone born with both male and female reproductive organs. Doctors usually give parents the choice as to which sex they want the child. Then then remove the unwanted organs, reconstruct the outward appearance of the child and declare them a boy or girl. They are then given hormones throughout their life once puberty starts in order for them to become an adult male or female. They are always sterile and may need more reconstruction as an adult to look like a normal adult of whatever sex their parents decided they wanted at the time. Tell me what you would do with a child you, not God, chose to be female and she finds she is sexually attracted to women? Is that her choice? Should you make her a man now that she made a choice? Would you have told the child they were an abomination because, no matter who they chose to love, some part of their original self would be gay? I don’t know how people can state, with certainty, that sexuality is a choice if they cannot recall the day the were attracted to the same sex yet, consciously stated to themself that homosexuality was wrong and chose to not be gay. Until someone can, resonably explain how this can be dealt with but homo/hetero sexuality is choice. I will decide to follow to only 2 commandments Jesus ever uttered. “Love one another.” and “Love God with all your heart.”?

    1. Ituri

      It is actually NOT common procedure to let the parents “pick” their herm-childs gender, as they often pick “wrong.” These are now left to develop naturally, and the child at age 16-18 can choose to go through constructive surgery then. This way they need no hormones, because their “dominant” gender of choice is their natural state. But yeah, there are kids still coming of age that were forced into the “wrong” gender, so…

  71. Michael

    These are the sort of parents that give human kind a bad name!
    Someone please put these parents onto a platform and beam them into outer space!
    I have never read anything so ludicrous in my life! The one saving grace is that the teenager will be away from those horrible, narrow minded deluded parents forever.
    And as for praying, since we all already know that neither god nor Jesus exist, praying just doesn’t do anything, except making sheople feel better about themselves.

  72. Kerry

    These parents should never have had children. Disgusting. People with views such as this are rotting the world. This child would be welcome to stay with me for as long as she wanted!

  73. hero

    if God didn’t want us to be gay, then how come he made gay people? Checkmate, homophobes.
    You people don’t understand that god made us within his own hands. Being Gay isn’t a choice of lifestyle, there are homosexual men out there who pray everyday to be straight.Your sexuality is like your race, its how God made you, and it’s nothing that you can change. Being homophobic is just like being racist.
    There are people who are born gay, but no one is born homophobic.

  74. Disgusted

    These are NOT CHRISTIAN PEOPLE THEY’RE THE WORK OF THE DEVIL! God says love and do no judge to hate the sin NOT the sinner!!! These are the type if people who give good Christians real.Christians bad names!

    1. Ituri

      Stop copping out of what your religion breeds. They ARE Christians. Deal with what you bred and stop trying to blame everyone and Satan himself for your failure to preach decent human standards in your religion. You are in a religion of hate, and we sure as H will hate the sinner when they are abandoning their daughter for petty reasons.

  75. Vicki

    What the heck kind of church is this?!!! That poor kid! She’s better off & I hope these parents pray for forgiveness from God because this isn’t something he would be for!!!! I hope this girl gets into a good home. Kids should be able to go to their parents with anything without fear. Shame on these people. I hope they don’t have any other kids.

  76. Kelvis

    I think these people are missing the general message of Jesus.. Love, love thy neighbor. Mary was a prostitute and Jesus loved and forgave her, he even forgave Judas so.. Why are these parents better than Jesus? They are showing hate and no forgiveness. They don’t deserve their Daughter!

    1. Ituri

      Kelvis, if you hadn’t noticed, religion is not about Jesus. It’s about social control, about Them VS Us mentality, about vilifying people for innocent and innate behaviors that make us human. These people are only the exception in that they are “getting rid of” their daughter legally. Most simply kick them out and say “don’t come back,” and it is done with surprising normalcy.

      Your religion has been about hate for a long time. It may be time for religious people to stop making excuses for the people who exhibit that hate, and start questioning why you support a religion of hate in the first place.

  77. Bryan W.

    I have a daughter who is 25 years old. I struggled to be a good parent because it’s a hard job and I was a very young father, but I ultimately figured out that what my daughter needed was my unconditional love and we could work through any circumstances that arose and it made me a much better parent and I think my daughter, a much better kid. If my daughter killed 30 people, i would be unbelievably sad and disappointed, but my love for her would not diminish in any way. She is my daughter, we will work through the things in life that are tough, things I may not understand, and I will start every discussion with the strength of my love for her at the very forefront. Much like kids can’t pick their parents, we can’t control every aspect of our children’s lives, but we can most assuredly love them even in the face of difference in beliefs. I find this story to be tragic. It’s ok to disagree with your kids, it’s ok to hope for something different, but it’s never ok to decide you are incapable of letting your love override any situation that may arise. And in this particular instance, be happy your child isn’t a drug addict or a criminal, she’s simply gay, from this parent I wish that girl nothing but happiness in her future life, I hope she finds new parents who will love her unconditionally and I hope she finds a person to love that makes the rest of her days full of joy and happiness. Hopefully she can overcome the misguided attempt at ‘help’ by these horribly helpless parents.

    1. Elizabeth King

      Thank you for your words from the heart. I think what you are saying is the closest thing to what I imagine Jesus would say if faced with this social situation. The powerful image that comes to mind is that of Jesus going out in the wilderness to seek out one last lamb. I hope and pray this poor girl may heal from the hurt of being abandoned by her parents. I have a 15 year old daughter and I love her unconditionally, she is God’s gift to our family, I am grateful for her and her brother. It is a humbling experience being a parent because you learn how to truly sacrifice and live every day as if Jesus could knock at your door at any time.

  78. Plibby

    Dear God SAVE ME FROM YOUR FOLLOWERS OMG these parents need to be put on a sinking boat in the middle of the ocean with only their prayers to save them.


    this is the narrow minded ignorance that gives true Chrisians a bad name! They “prayed about it”??? amazing totally amazine!! A parent is supose to love their child ‘UNCONDITIONALLY”
    I hope these people never have the blessing of another child in their life EVER!!!

  80. MrB

    Gay or Straight, Fat or Thin, Black or White.
    We all bleed the same fucking colour..
    I belive the bible also state…. DO NOT JUDGE LEST YOU BE JUDGED…..
    So to Aaron and buddy you cunts are fucked come judgement day mother fuckers

  81. Ituri

    I have no response to this… I simply cannot fathom how irresponsible, arrogant, selfish, and punitive these parents are.

    They deserve nothing but our ridicule. They have failed in their only valuable station in life as parents. They are utter, complete failures as human beings, and their poor daughter will suffer for their failure to know real love. They can’t even love themselves. Nobody who knows love in ANY form could possibly do this to their own daughter.

    I simply cannot fathom how much hate must be dwelling inside them. I’m sure their God must be very proud of them.

  82. anon_fundy

    I was raised in Fundamentalist Christianity and I can say this:

    Raising your child in Fundamentalist or right-wing Evangelical Christianity is absolutely an act of child abuse.

    And this story is yet another example.

    I hope that some good, decent, kind, gay-friendly people come along and adopt this young lady. She deserves a loving home with parents who will support her no matter her orientation.

    I read stuff like this and I want to leave this backward, bigoted, flag-waving, free market-loving country forever.

    1. Ituri

      They are not “so called Christians.” They ARE Christians. Being raised in the Bible Belt myself, this is pretty standard for evangelicals or near-evangelicals. The only difference is that most won’t do the legal step of giving up a child, they’ll just privately tell them never to come home again, so they won’t face the ridicule of society for abandoning their kids for petty reasons.

  83. Ariel W.

    The child is better off away from their ignorance and intolerance, and raised in a family that will love and respect her for who she is. It’s their loss.

  84. Emily

    This makes me sick to my stomach. I hate God. I hate him. Why would he do this to that girl. Why would he create parents as awful as those sorry excuses for human beings.

    This world isn’t for me. Maybe it is time to go. Good bye.

  85. Donna Henson

    They are UNWORTHY of her. Shame on those ignorant parents. If I lived there, I would adopt her in a minute. Wish I could. I’m a REAL mother and my husband is a REAL father. We know how to love children… telling them that whom they are is bad is just plain EVIL. Shame on them.

    1. Donna Henson

      STUPID ME!! My friend just told me this website is satire. DUH! I feel pretty stupid. But I get a chance to feel that way pretty much every day. Great topic for satire.

  86. amanda

    They definitely made the right choice. There’s no way they should all be living together as a family. How disgusting! This young woman is better off as a ward of the state than living with such detestable “parents.”

    1. Ituri

      I think perhaps, though I agree with you on the detestable parent part 100%, that you don’t know much about being a state ward. Being in a stable home raised by idiots is far preferable to being a ward of the state.

      1. amanda

        You may very well be right. I have several friends who have been in the system and I volunteer with county services- this is where I drew my original conclusion from. I don’t, however, have first hand knowledge.

        But honestly, I hope you’re wrong and this poor girl has found some solace in escaping her evil parents and can continue to grow into the strong woman she must be. If she was strong enough to pursue her desires despite her disgusting parents, she has to be a strong, competent person.

  87. Logan Wolfrhamn

    I think it will be best for the child. Her parents are clearly RETARDED and incapable of raising a happy healthy person.

  88. Leo

    The only consolation is that the girl will probably be better off not being raised by religious lunatics. Those people are seriously messed up if they’re giving their kid up for adoption because of that. The girl deserves better.

  89. Adam

    What a crock of shit! If these people are such good church going people then they need to read the bible again. They are suppose be mature enough to raise a child, in my view they are selfish, boarish and immature! Grow the fuck you hypocrites, your are responsible for your daughter! My wish is that the girl gets to a very good home and she never talks to or see their again. Did they stop to think this thru, no. What if it just a phase she’s going thru and later finds herself and meets a man, falls in love and has children. They not going to see them. What puzzles me the most, be a father of 2 boys and one son is bi-sexual, how do you just give away something that is the most precious gift god could give to parents? Wasn’t she conceived out of love? I’m horrified and pissed that this fuckers could give away their own child f over something like this! What the fuck are they, thinking, oh what they aren’t thinking about their own flesh and blood, just their immature and selfish selves.When judgement day comes for those parents I hope God gives then a one way ticket to hell, that’s where they belong! Best wish to their daughter and I pray she never forgives or see them again!

  90. Pam

    Good for them. At least they put the child up for adoption. Most of their kind have the child incarcerated in “reparative therapy” or just throw her out into the street. This is less irresponsible.

  91. ShutDaFuckUpI'mTalkingHereAndYouGottaListenDude!

    Your Stupid homosexuality is not a bad thing you ignorant idiot of a godless preacher

  92. Joshua Mackrill

    You two, Mr.& Mrs. Chadwell are disgusting people. I think very little of you, losing your daughter, your flesh and blood, the girl, you helped raise. This isn’t a lifestyle, we are born this way. I think what is happening to that girl is sad. I hope she become a lot happier than with terrible family like yours.

  93. Robin Fiedler

    This “story” was originally published in July 2012. I have been scouring the internet trying to find any truth to this story and have come up empty-handed. IF this is true, can someone please tell me where April is? I would take her in in a heartbeat. But that is just the foul, immoral, satan-worshipping atheist in me talking.

  94. Samantha Koenig

    Solution, don’t have kids if you aren’t open minded or can’t provide unconditional love
    People In this world are disgusting

  95. MatthewDesalome

    It was a hoax a year ago published by a satirical author. Not very funny but it seems there is not truth to this article.

  96. Emily

    Im a girl and im bisexual. I had a girlfriend. She finally told her parents she was Bi. Her parents disowned her. This week on 4/5/13 my best friend told me she was in the hostpital and wasn’t going to make it. I prayed and prayed. Apparently God didn’t want to listen to this one. On that day my girlfriend died. It has been 2 days and I think about her 24/7.

    1. amanda

      Oh sweetie, I’m so sorry for your loss and I’m so sorry there are so many screwed up people in the world. You’ll never forget her, but I promise things will get better.

    2. Ryan

      Please believe me when I say I’m trying to be uplifting when I say this… but as an Atheist, I think she’s in a better place right now – nowhere – than she was in this world, living this life. Experiencing nothing (in death) is better than a life of misery, having to deal with hate, even if she’d had the privilege of dealing with this with you.
      But she wouldn’t want you to be miserable on her account, Emily. If you truly want to remember, or even avenge her death… we need to all join forces to end this hate.

  97. Chad Sherwood

    These people should have never been blessed with a child. Their GOD blessed them with a child that they have cast aside! Shame on them and only GOD will JUDGE them in the end! Hope they keep this in mind!

  98. Krystal

    So horribly sad for this young girl. Thrown away by her parents. Shame on them. I don’t believe in god but if they do surely their god would want them to love their children, protect her, no matter what.

  99. RayahRay

    Looks to me like the child’s prayers were answered instead. Relieving her of having to live with such unaccepting and kind parents. This is truly sad. You will not always agree with your childrens decision, don’t have them if you’re not prepared to love them despite your differences.

  100. ItsLife

    obviously they didn’t really care for their daughter because if they did they wouldn’t have done something like this. Its just like saying it your child likes or soda and you hate it then your going to give them up for adoption because its just not something you agree with. Those parents are retarded because your not going to agree with everything a person does. And because she was their child they should have accepted her.

  101. TkalynC

    I’ve been raised in church my
    Entire life (only 17 years) and still do .
    Go to church and try to be Christ like.
    I have definitely come
    in contact with people like this. I have
    Heard it all, from “God accepts everyone”
    To “Gay people are going to hell.” Honestly,
    I think that it is not our place to judge people.
    I have several friends that are gay and they
    Are great people! Do I understand homosexuality
    Myself? No… But I’m straight as an arrow. That
    Doesn’t mean that I’m going to shun every gay
    Person I come in contact with! How is that
    Christ-like? I’m just a kid myself, but I can’t imagine
    Growing up and turning away my baby that I’d
    Loved for 16 years just because they were gay
    And doing that in the name of God. It hurts me just
    To think of how that must make her feel. I’m so
    Sorry to you, baby girl. And I do hope you find
    Someone who loves you like a parent should.
    I will pray for you.

  102. Dave

    I am afraid this is only an example of how THEY failed as parents. All religion aside, they should take care of what they brought to this earth. do you EVER see this kind of treatment in the “animal” world ??? NO!!! they take care of what belongs to them…PERIOD! We may be the smartest mammal, yet we are consistently proven that we are the dumbest.

  103. mc

    Recent polls show that 18 to 29 year old Americans support homosexuality and gay marriage at overwhelming rates, from 70-80%. I don’t care what you believe. This is an overwhelming demographic trend and in twenty years gay will be the new normal, as it should be. So hey, you fuckers in the bowels of Christ… If you can’t give up on this whole hatred thing? NOBODY IS GOING TO WANT TO COME TO YOUR STUPID CHURCH. Your older members are going to die off and no one is going to replace them. If American Christianity wants to survive into the next century, it will adapt. Or it will die. Shame and pity on these heartless, ignorant, heart-dead excuses for parents. The bones of the church are breaking and it’s breaking because of shit like this.

  104. Samantha

    This is disgusting. I am absolutely repulsed. These parents gave up their CHILD. And this is okay because she loves someone who happens to also be a woman? Bullshit. Worst parents of the year. I can NOT believe there are people in our country that are this stone hearted.

  105. Kayden

    These two are the most pathetic excuses for parents. In fact they’re not even parents, they’re not human. These two are soulless monsters who need to be shot for abandoning their child just because she LOVES different. The bible is the biggest piece of fiction since Harry Potter. Go to hell you assholes, get run over by a bus. Don’t ever call yourselves Christians cause you don’t know the bible or Jesus Christ at all. Fuck you both with a white hot iron

  106. Sara

    This is incredibly sad. I feel so bad for that girl. Those parents are awful. She’s going to be so emotionally scarred, and it is literally all their fault. People like this don’t deserve the right to create something as beautiful as a life.

  107. Michael

    Religious people are people that are to stupid to comprehend science and trust a book that was made 6000 years ago.

  108. Cathi

    These parents are ignorant. The blindly follow somebody’s made up rules of how the world is suppose to work and give up their child over it. The girl is better off without them and with someone who accepts her for who she is. I hope she finds what she needs in life along with the therapy she will need to undo the damage her parents have already done to her.

  109. Robert Plumlee

    It is obvious these two consider themselves to be “Christian”. Well, God sent them a gift of a child and they are rejecting God’s Gift because His creation does not meet their standards. I would love to be a fly on the wall when these two have to stand in front of God and explain this.

  110. Danny

    My father is christian, strong hard and willed christian. I’m gay. I like girls, I like their smiles, their hair their everything. My dad accepts me for that– He doesn’t think its right, but he accepts me. Want to know why? He’s putting my happiness and life before rules of religion.

    It’s horribly sickening to see a young girl, my age be sent away because she likes someone who has the same body parts as her.

    Thats all it is people, theres no hard mathematical scientific explanation to homosexuality– All it is is loving someone who has the same body parts as you. Is that so wrong?

    I hope this family wakes up and realizes that what they’re doing is wrong. I was in foster care for a year and a half as a child and it ruined me, I had nightmares, I cried, I sobbed, I grew up faster than I had to. Even out of foster care I couldn’t trust adults– Imagine that as a teenager?


    You sickening, Sickening people. You won’t know what you’ve lost until its gone.

  111. Dave

    As a gay man i really have to say kudos to the parents to realize that they are unable to raise their daughter. Their daughter will be better off without them in her life. I dont really like hearing about putting your child up for adoption because of their sexuality, however these parents…. as dumb as they may be in my own opinion have chosen what is best for their daughter, and they are not that. They did everything they think they were able to do for their daughters well being , in their minds was praying. It didnt work , and the only thing to do after that is to part ways. I hope the daughter is doing ok after this horrible news and doesnt suffer too much stress, regret , and heartache from it. Now the only thing these parents need is time to live with their decision and maybe some education on LGBT ways. There really is no sense on taking this any further , the decision has been made. Knocking the parents for doing this isnt going to do anything, its time to focus on the daughter and making sure that she is shown the real way a family works.

  112. christo

    Praise Jesus. Without him we would be nothing. Let the detractors scream their ruinous poison at full voice let those who judge filk who bring the word be judged themselves. JESUS is awesome. He cuts my lawn perfect. Praise Jesus for trimming my bushes and garsen. Jesus is tbhe leader of my lawn crew and without i would suffer

  113. Danny


    Religion is like a dick, it’s okay to have one, its okay to be proud of it–
    But don’t go wiggling it around in public and shoving it down peoples throats.

  114. Cecilia

    This is shocking, they give up a child, well, personally glad they did she deserves better parents, and I hope she finds ones that really know what love is and love her. I’m glad she is going to better people and maybe they should go to jail for mental abuse, she should sue them.

  115. Concerned

    This is disgusting, parents putting their teenage daughter up for adoption because they are gay. I cannot believe how ludicrous these people are, this ought be considered child abandoment and they should not be allowed to fufil their wishes just because they “prayed” for a solution and came up with the most sickening ill-concieved idiotic and downright hateful solution to their daughter’s “lifestyle choices”. On the other hand, maybe if her parents are this awful, she should be raised by someone else where she can finish high-shcool being loved. This is not at all what christianity teaches, they are illiterate hicks!

  116. tyler

    I thought the story was ridiculous until I read some of the comments. I for one say a god that will accept a child molester into his kingdom, but not someone who loves their same sex, is fucking stupid.Homophobic hhypocrites. Welcome to ‘murica.

  117. Tom

    This is absolutely disgusting and horrific. The parents should be so ashamed of themselves. They are monsters

  118. bob kelly

    What else would you expect from redneck trailer trash who are stupid enough to follow an asshole like Tyson Bowers III ?

  119. Dominique

    I’ll take her in. I’d be proud to have her in my home. We will commune with Spirit in an inclusive way, and pray for her parents. Please email me. I know of 100’s … literally 100’s … of families who would love her!

  120. Max mckinnie

    This is ridiculous, “they made the hard choice whether or not to keep their gay DAUGHTER” key word is daughter. It should never be a hard decision whether or not to keep your child regardless of sexual orientation, or anything like that. These are a pathetic excuse for human beings.

  121. Joe Auger

    These people are disgusting and the daughter should have no more to do with them. She’ll be better off in the long run especially if she wants to have children with her partner. These people really better pray their asses off cuz they ain’t going to any heaven that they have envisioned.

  122. Tahlia

    This is a disgusting violation of duty of care by these horrible parents. They should have never had a child in the first place if they care so much about an irrelevant fact like sexuality. This poor girl lived and trusted her parents enough to confide her sexuality in them and they have more than thrown it in her face. I’m sorry but people like this should be put down.

  123. Gary Foster

    I am glad that this girl will get the chance to finish growing up with a family that accepts her and loves her the way she is. I can’t wish bad on anyone, but Karma kicks in and I want to see what happens to these parents for disowning their child. I have three beautiful children. Two are straight and one is gay and I love all three the same. They know that they are always welcome in the family home with their significant others anytime. I just can’t imagine giving up a child like this. I know parents whose children have murdered people yet they are still loving them. This is unforgivable and I hope the parents never get to see their child again.

  124. Ann

    Yet another ‘awesome’ example of today’s right wing Christian sheep. If I could afford it…I would adopt or foster this girl and show her what acceptance is. Christians these days have absolutely NO love in their hearts unless it’s for people just like them (brainwashed and deluded).

  125. John

    Personally, I think the mothers comment that they do not know how to handle someone that decides to live a lifestyle they do not agree with says it all. I’m sure there are many things in these peoples lives they don’t agree with…so why don’t they just kill themselves! At least then the world would be better by having two less idiots to deal with!

  126. Brandon

    these parents are fucked up human beings, and the kid is MUCH better off without them. hope these parents rot in hell

  127. bob kelly

    Sleep well tonight Tyson Bowers III

    The most astounding finding from the newly discovered lead codices is that Jesus Christ was unambiguously and openly gay. He and his disciples formed a same-sex coterie, bound by feelings of love and mutual support. There are recorded instances of same-sex activity – the “beloved disciple” plays a significant role – and there is affirmation of the joys of friendship and of living and loving together.

    A whole new complexion is given to that rather puzzling passage where Jesus exhorts his followers to break family ties: “If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.” (Luke 14, 26). It seems clear now that this is less a negative repudiation of family and more a positive exhortation to join in affirmation of a gay lifestyle and love.

    There is at least one new parable, that of the two young men. There are clear echoes of the relationship between David and Jonathan, for Jesus speaks of one young man having his soul “knit with the soul” of the other, and loving him “as his own soul”. Intriguing is evidence that the Catholics might be closer to the truth about the status of Mary, the mother of Jesus, than are the Protestants. She has a much bigger role in the life of Jesus than many hitherto expected, with Jesus frequently returning home and making much of her.

    Conversely, there is at least one incident when Jesus quarrels violently with Joseph, who shows great hostility and makes wild claims about “manliness”. Before, one might have thought that, given Mary’s virginity, Joseph’s attitude was reflecting the ambiguities of his status in the family; but now it seems more probable that we have here a classic example of the Freudian triangle: over-possessive mother, hostile father, gay son.

    Why have we known so little about all of this before? A newly discovered Pauline epistle, appropriately to the Athenians, suggests a major Platonic influence, particularly of the Republic. The classically educated Paul, who was himself gay, saw that same-sex activity was inimical to the success of Christianity in the highly homophobic societies in which he lived. Hence, same-sex affections and activity were concealed, to be known to and practiced by only the leaders in secret – the guardians of Christianity as one might say. Obviously, this is a tradition that has flourished and lasted. It is not by chance that John Henry Newman is being made a saint.

    Finally, the most important news is that nothing in the newly discovered codices challenges in any way the essential message of Christianity. Jesus was the messiah; he died on the cross for our sins; and through his death and resurrection made possible our eternal salvation. Our overriding obligation is to love God and we do this by loving our neighbors as ourselves. Christianity will never be the same again. Christianity will go on completely unchanged.

    1. Donna Henson

      Gosh, Bob – you put a lot into that. Very interesting. This piece actually is satire – I TOTALLY got sucked in by it. It hooked a lot of us, it seems!

  128. Kintekla

    I wonder if all those American Christians who beat, raped, tortured, killed, bought, & sold slaves are heaven right now. What do you guys think? I mean, a good portion of them were very devout but they did a lot of horrific things so I just wonder where their souls are right now.

    Any thoughts?

    1. Donna Henson

      Kintekla – this story is satire. I got sucked into it, too. I was outraged! Hehehe… I get a chance to feel stupid EVERY DAY. Sometimes more than once.

      Be well!

  129. Samantha

    I believe people can be born “gay”.. If something can go wrong chemically in the womb to cause other birth defects of all and any type why couldn’t something chemically happen to cause a difference in sexual preference?? I have a couple of gay relatives who are younger than me and from the time they could walk and talk we all knew they would be gay and sure enough now that they are older they have announced it…. In some cases people choose to explore their sexuality as they age and make a choice at that point on what they are most comfortable with and who are we to tell them they can’t do what they wish to do… I think what seems to bother most people is seeing these relationships on display,,, unfortunately it is not something we as a society are used to but it is our own fault because we have never excepted it and judge them in a way to make them feel uncomfortable about it that when we do see it we are put off. I for one feel like it is not anyone’s place to judge people on what they choose to do in their lives. This world needs to worry about much greater things that are happening and stop prying into others lives. Let people live and be happy.

  130. Dawn

    Well I honestly can say I did not go and read all the 300+ messages above. I want to speak from my own heart. I WILL GLADLY TAKE HER IN AND LOVE HER UNCONDITIONALLY. She is an individual and does not need to be molded or controlled into being something/someone she is NOT..
    I will love her, care for her, make sure she holds her head high with self respect and self love for herself. I will guide her to understand the the world is CRUEL, JUDGEMENTAL AND MEAN and that she must stand tall no matter what. If she has any questions, I will answer them openly and honestly–and if I dont have the answer I will find it. I am ashamed to see that two people created this life beautiful gift of life and raised her for 16 years, then completely turned thier back on thier child. (but I supppose there is no bible verse for that RIGHT???) TOTAL BULLSHIT!!!! MY GOD LOVES ALL OF HIS CHILDREN AND HIS CREATIONS–NO MATTER WHAT COLOR-SHAPE-SIZE-RELIGION AND YES SEXUAL ORIENTATION… GOD DOES NOT MAKE MISTAKES AND THIS LIFE WE ARE LIVING IS “OUR INDIVIDUAL LEARNING EXPERIENCE”. Love thy neighbor-thy parents- CHILD??? I will take her——– SHAME SHAME SHAME ON YOU PARENTS!!!
    Blessings. love, guidance and strenght sent this this courageous young lady…

  131. Jesus Christ

    Let’s be real you guys, if these people are so committed to giving up their daughter because they’ve mis-interpreted my teachings so extremely, and because they still don’t understand the scientific evidence showing that homosexuality isn’t a choice, and because they forgot that the first thing that me and Pops wrote in our book of parables (that is, stories that are designed to inspire principles and integrity,) about loving one another they obviously do not have the mental ability to raise a child. My heart goes out too the young girl, April, for having to realize how completely hateful and ignorant her parents are, but thank the Father that she’s not going to have to live with such wicked people. Obviously they are not good Christians since it is very clearly written in Timothy 5:8, “But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” Not to mention how sinister and malicious they and they’re congregation must be, especially since they supported this decision and the Bible also says “Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” in Corinthians 13:7, and their so called love for their daughter does none of these. I mean, seriously you guys, what if I was gay and Dad through me out for it! Where would you all be?! Fucked is where you’d be, and no absolution would be available to you through my sacrifice! Not to mention how indignant you’re being to my dear old Dad since he gave this family and this community the greatest gift in his power, after all in Psalm 127 is it not written, “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.”

    In all seriousness though, this family disgusts me, your congregation that supported casting one out of your community as opposed to supporting her with the love of God disgusts me, and the fact that you hypocritical, polarized, anti-Christ ‘christians’ still think this is an acceptable way to help families through adversity disgusts me. Over all, the takeaway from all this for you guys is that it’s two-faced, hypocritical, hate-filled, would be zealots like you that make Christians like me ashamed of my faith. Blasphemers, biggots, and absolute Morons; the lot of you.

    1. Dragonflower

      You are so right! These Theocrats need to be fed to lions again. Why the hell did we ever stop doing that? These monsters are shitting all over the Constitution and trying to turn America into a Theocracy … which is an act of treason. Don’t we still shoot people for doing that?? In any case …
      Bring on the lions!

  132. claudia

    This is all crazy….love for a child shouldn’t end because of what church or synagogue dictates. Religion is all a big hoax.Prayer never scientifically helped anyone except with their own brought on stress. Just follow the Golden Rule and that is the best & only kind of religion that makes sense.Bible is nothing more than a collection of Grimm’s fairy tales or Aesop’s fables..Stories like Hansel & Gretel or Snow White handed down from one generation to the next as the gospel truth..My ass,the truth!!Send me to the best medical specialist when I’m sick & refrain from your ineffective prayers for my recovery,I want medicine & science,cutting edge technology,not a thought sent to some imaginary man in the skies….

  133. erica from dallas

    This story is a hoax. You can not give up a kid because you don’t like something about them.

  134. Mr. Mason

    The majority of you people are useless, intolerant, subconscious ants. To discuss the placement of a human being for homosexuality, you have stolen her face, her name, and replaced it with a number. The number that was given to your irrelevant beast. You think you protect the world from this girl but there are many more who will protect her from you.

  135. cricket

    Any religion that shuns any type or breed of person makes me sick. These people are throwing away their own blood because she’s different, and at such an important age in the building locks of a person’s life. I hope when they get old that they realize their error and know that they took ignorance to a new level in our history. What happened to basic human understanding? They say “we’re all god’s children” but throw away the ones who dont fit perfectly in. If thats how their religion works, id never want to be a child of god. Hardest choice of their life, my ass. The hardest choice of their life will be to show their faces in public because they gave away their own flesh and blood because some invisible man in the sky says that different is wrong.

  136. Jesus Christ

    Hey y’all, Obviously I’m a little biased being half the inspiration and all, but let me just say; I don’t think that we need to tear down Christianity to make our point. In fact, I would wager that if you spent less time just generically attacking a philosophy that many people benefit from, and more time arguing with contemporary evidence and examples from the logic that these people accept, we’d move a lot further towards an actual real religious and social understanding. Hopefully, in that kind of a world, families like this wouldn’t be allowed to feel any support or love for making such a hateful and malicious decision. They do not deserve God’s love just the same as they do not deserve Man’s love, but only when you can prove that both God and Man would disapprove will such extremists understand the emptiness they have created for themselves.

  137. Val Hopkins

    You Jesus freaks are THE most fucked up assholes on the planet! The “danger” lies in being hypocrites, boasting about how God loves his children….unless they’re gay or liberal? Go fuck yourselves!

    1. Ur parents hated u

      They are #2 worst parents second to your shitty parents who unfortunately raised you to be a trailor trash ass hole on websites. Guarantee ur at home in your trailor drunk posting random comments on here cuz u have a shitty life. keep it to yourself Trailor Bob

      1. Donna Henson

        Wow… no need to be mean. Um… you mean “trailer trash.” There is no such thing as a “trailor.”

        This story is satire. It’s not true. No reason to be upset with that chap for expressing his opinion.

    2. Dragonflower

      Val you are 110% correct. These lunatic christian are the biggest hypocrites in the world. Hateful, Misogynistic, Bigoted Monsters! Bring on the hungry lions …. couldn’t happen soon enough to a more evil bunch of pigs!

  138. Me

    The problem is people think praying is going to fix or solve your problems. You need to get off your ass and create your own solutions and excepting your child for who they’re would be priority number one.

  139. Hornstein

    If there is a real god, he would want everyone to be HAPPY — gay or straight. The Chadwells will burn in hell for taking away someones ability to be happy. Then again, fuck the Chadwells. Maybe their daughter will be happier elsewhere.

    Buncha cotton-headed ninny muggins if you ask me. Putting the Chad in Chadwell, very well.

  140. km

    What dismally stupid Adoption Agency decided to go along with this? This is cruel amd (technically) child abandonment which falls within the legal definitions of child abuse.

  141. Haters

    Its funny how its cool for people to bash and criticize Christians all day and they will be ok with it. But say anything about Gays and Booooom everyone is all over them. Im a christian and no i dont agree with giving your gay daughter up for adoption. I would shower her with love and let her know i was here for her, and let her know that Jesus loves her just as much as i did. But u cant bash christians for believing homosexuality is a sin, cause they dont believe the same way u do. Will you go about bashing and tearing down everyone that doesnt share your beliefs for the rest of your lives???

    1. Old Greg

      Great point. However, Christians are haters too as they disagree with other beliefs as well. Does God want that?

  142. Franky

    What’s with the photo of them looking so sad and everything. “Oh it was so hard but we can’t grasp the fact that our daughter likes girls instead of boys”.

    Oh grow up. Feeling sorry for yourselves instead of supporting your daughter is more of a “sin” than anything else.

    You ditched your own daughter. You fucking suck as parents.

    I hope this girl gets strong from this and goes her own way in life rather than listening to her parents. Fucking disown them is what I hope she does.

  143. Leareth

    *raises his voice in into an echoing scream of hate* May they die forgotten, may their grandchildren, by blood or adoption, not know their names. May they grow old and grey and die alone!

    I have compassion for those who deserve it, ; for parents who have raised their child for 16 years only to abandon them for such a small thing, I have nothing but pitying contempt.

    May they lie in paupers graves!

  144. Samuel

    I am able to adopt. I think having a lesbian daughter would be an excellent way to gather ingredients for my latest masterpiece.

  145. A christian

    I could never have given her up for adoption:( but i would love her to deatttth! But no way could i keep from telling her that per the Bible homosexuality is a sin. But would work on this together, not give her up for adoption

  146. Gay

    to all you fucking maniacs saying prayer can actually help or heal or do anything in the real world: i dare you to try to cure someone with cancer or heart disease with prayer alone.

  147. Adam

    I read this story on the same day that I read about the passing of Pastor Rick Warren’s son. I have a feeling he would rather his son be in his life and something he didn’t accept than dead.

  148. Eamon

    A delightful example how faith changes anyone to do reprehensible things. The poison of faith demonstrates itself in these two monstrosities masquerading as humans. This is a perfect example of the dangers of theistic beliefs. It is a shame there is not a hell for these two individuals to go to.

  149. Kathie

    I thought a parent’s love was mean’t to be unconditional?! They need to pull up their big parent undies, and be thankful they have a healthy child who is capable of showing affection and being loved. I have an 18 year old son who suffered a brain injury at birth who is incapable of showing affection, and probably will never find love. How would they have handled having a child with special needs where every thing is difficult? Would they have thrown in the towel then because it did not suit them, and expect someone else to raise the child they had created? I just wish my son knew what sexuality was! As for their distraught photo above, they should take a minute to think about how their daughter is feeling right now – I am sure she has battled her own emotions for long enough without these two ostracising her. To be honest she is probably better off without them. Shame on them!

  150. OMG

    OMG THIS IS DISGUSTING!! Think how that young lady feels! To suddenly be rejected by her own parents because she’s gay?? I feel so bad for her!! I hope if they read this, WAKE UP AND LOVE YOUR BABY GIRL. Who gives a @(*#%& what she is, she is from you and you should love your daughter!! Hell I’d take her in if I was able!!
    And to this I say, screw religion, forget that damn imaginary deity, and the bible….if it teaches to HATE people, it’s a sin in itself! LOVE everyone, DOWN with hate! I’m so sick of hate, people hate each other. I thought the bible teaches love…well, it’s hard to believe that with people like this. I hope the young lady finds REAL people to adopt her!!!

  151. Eddy

    Just think of the damage that these ‘parents’ have done to thier child by giving her up for adoption. She is better out of their life and into the life of someone who is going to care about and accept her for whatever she is.
    I think if religion makes you a better person, then its not up for question whether we believe or not.
    But in this case the ‘parents’ are a gisgrace and should be ashamed of themselves.

  152. Lilli

    Man this is sort of really depressing. under no circumstance… at that age, and everything? How would she cope with that, you know? Argh. People make me sick.

  153. Brolo

    Funny how much hate they are getting, they are following their beliefs and giving their child the best option. Most parents would just disown their child straight up if it offends them and goes against what they believe in, these parents on the other hand have took into consideration everything – Even keeping her living with them, but as the article says they would find it too hard to live with her (Would make everyone unhappy and uncomfortable at their house).

    Stick to your feminist rights and fat acceptance shitposters, or at the very least go out and experience the cruel world for yourself.

  154. Man with a brain

    Oh dear me!

    The young lady in question has the strength and tenacity to stand up and be honest about her sexuality and the two people she should get the most support from are too weak to give her what she deserves; their love and understanding. They obviously love their prejudices more than they do their own flesh and blood.

    It saddens me greatly that much of the human races still blindly follows the human construct of bigoted religious beliefs created over the past two thousand or so years. None of the ‘great books’ are factual, they were written by people who had limited knowledge of the world around them and little understanding of chemistry, physics and biology. As far as I can see, the only glimmers of light in the bible and the Qur’an are the parts where they advocate human understanding and tolerance. Unfortunately, these parts are far too often forgotten in the blind pursuance of the absolute God/Allah hit.

    All that this couple and their beloved church have done is to show how futile religion is and how cherry picking the bits they want to believe does only harm.

    There is no God / Allah. There is no afterlife. There is only the here and now, the chemistry of our bodies and brains. But, in that chemistry we have the capacity and the responsibility to show kindness, understanding and humanity to our fellow travellers.

    In conclusion; forget God / Allah, look after your family.

    Mr & Mrs Chadwell; grow up! Your daughter is more mature than you are. At least she has the conviction of her beliefs, beliefs that are true… beliefs that honesty and openness is the best policy . So, rejoice in her maturity and show her the love and support she as an adolescent needs.

    Rant over
    Non-religious humanist.

  155. Dragonflower

    Hateful bigots should never have been allowed to have a child in the first place. These “parents” should be shot point blank in the face. Who wonders why christians are hated? They are animals who don’t deserve anything. Pigs! Hypocrites! Death would be to good for them and the people who support this purely evil act. They will ALL burn in their hell for all eternity. I hope the ALL go to hell soon.

  156. Vaughne

    My prayers goes out to the child. I’m sure she is having a hard time enough going through what so many do not understand or desire to do so. To have your parents put you up for adoption and essentially telling you they no longer want you because you do not fit the mold of which they believe you should, have to be devastating. This child is going to be damaged beyond words. I hope in time that she finds a Faith that will steady her in her life, no matter what it is she affirms about herself. The parents don’t have to like or agree with their child’s orientation and have the right to condone what goes on under their roof. However, to turn a child to strangers or out on the streets simply due to her sexual orientation I cannot fathom.
    If she was unruly, disrespectful, violent, dangerous to her siblings, combative to the point where she out of control and they could not handle her, I can see them taking some type of measure to have her removed. This story does not goes into enough depth to shed light this is the case. As I said before I hope she gathers the Faith and have support of those who love and wants to be in her corner to help her in the years to come.

  157. hardphonix

    While this is a great piece on satire. Similar to an “Onion” Story. Its kind of.double edged because when lots of can see why something like this would be terrible if it happened.. there are many out there who are christian and actually think this is real.. so Its like justifying this type of behaviour to actually take place. Pretty hard article to laugh at when I know what’s going to happen to the minds of the religious nuts..

  158. Pingback: Newslyne - News » Parents Put 16 Year Old Daughter Up For Adoption After Learning She is Gay

  159. Bobbi

    Is this story a joke? I can find no corroborating ‘national story’ they allegedly made. Or is this a satire site.

  160. clemdane

    Whatever “church” they belong to certainly doesn’t follow the teachings of one Jesus H. Christ. Must be some other kind of “church.”

  161. atheist prick

    you know what the saddest part is that I don’t doubt that people would stoop to this. it’s sad that people could be so bigoted as too disown their own daughter. what happened to supporting your kids remember you can do w what ever you want and be whoever you want? I will blame it conservatism and religion. both huge problems for the future of mankind. try thinking for yourself. trying actually loving your offspring and stop being dicks!

  162. Grendel

    First of all… Earth is overcrowded, so, to every person who voluntarily takes him/herself out of the procreation race and ultimately from the gene pool, i shall give a very, very BIG THANK YOU! As for her’s ‘Christian parents’, well… That’s some Christianity, Ladies ad Gentlemen :). Religion of love, forgiveness… Yeah, right…

  163. Devon Hadeshthket

    As a gay man and a Christian, I am incredibly torn about this article. Obviously, my sincere hope would be that EVERY child, gay, str8, trans, bi, queer etc… would be loved and cherished as perfect in the eyes of God. Praying over the situation is fine, but getting family counseling would have been a good adjunct step too. Part of me think that this beautiful young girl will be better off outside of an environment that refuses to accept her fully for who she is. That her parents know themselves well enough, misguided that I may think them to be, that they would rather give up their own flesh and blood than change narrow misinterpretations of the bible is a sign of their faith. Again, I disagree with them, but they have the right to live their faith. I can only hope that an amazing family sees this story and welcomes this perfect child of God into their home with open arms and open hearts. It sounds like that is EXACTLY what she needs, not hate-seeded hypocrisy that would allow this kind of disgrace to happen in the first place. My prayers are with this child AND her parents that everyone ends up in the right situation to learn and grow from this experience.

  164. Ogre

    If I were still married I would offer to take this kid into my home. Unfortunately, society frowns upon a single middle aged guy adopting a teenage girl. The parents should be publicly flogged.

    Why are so many people who call themselves Christian so unchristian-like?

  165. zee

    Although they put her up for adoption for entirely the wrong reason and they are seriously fucked up, perhaps it’s actually in the girls best interest to be adopted as I’m sure she doesn’t deserve parents like these

  166. Glenn

    Wow…………… It’s a shame that these parents chose to do what they did. Unfortunately, these people made the worst choice ever. I am a christian and I have my beliefs, but I would NEVER abandon my child because of my beliefs. We as parents are here to teach our children the best we can, support them the best we can and be there for them!!! It makes me absolutely sick to see something like this happen. God teaches us to love one another and if he loves us unconditionaly then why is it that we cant do the same for others, including our children. It is clear that this couple does not understand this point. You dont have to agree with the decision your child makes about their sexuality but you shouldn’t abandon them either.

    I am against homosexuality because of my beliefs but I am not a hater and I dont judge but I have to say that this couple gave a cripling blow to anyone thinking about becoming a christian. That is not what it is about. I pray that the girl here can forgive her parents for being ignorant assholes and can recover mentally from this. And I wish her luck in everything she does. She has got to be hurting right now. Lots of people are thinking about you girl, keep your chin up!!!!!

  167. Viktoria Michaelis

    These parents cared for and raised their daughter for fifteen years before discovering that she is gay. For fifteen years they learned absolutely nothing about her, about her character, her desires, her life. That, for me, says that they are exceptionally bad parents, regardless of whether they hide behind religion or not.

    Sexuality – homosexuality of heterosexuality – are God given attributes and, if you claim to believe the Bible where it states that Man (as in all humans) was created in God’s image, then you must also accept that homosexuals are as much a part of God’s plan as anyone else. They did not choose to be homosexual, just the same as others do not choose to be heterosexual, they were born that way.

    This family is wrong to give their child up for adoption just because she is gay, but right to give her up for adoption because they have proven themselves totally incapable of raising a child properly, with care, love and understanding.

  168. Gemini Miller

    This is an outrage, Tyson Bowers should be ashamed of himself. What kind of “church” would tell parents to give up their child because she is gay? They will answer to GOD for their actions. I pray for this young lady for her life to be blessed more now that she is away from the evils of her parents and the “church” they follow. I am in tears for this child, she is almost an adult and her parents have abandoned her. They were never parents to start. They must have never loved her to so easily throw her away.

  169. Tara

    How can you even call these MONSTERS parents? They are not parents. Parents, REAL parents, love their children. Our kids don’t always make the choices we would like them to make, but we love them anyway.
    This right here is a GREAT example of why I think religion is a JOKE. If you want to believe in God, believe in him/her….that’s your choice. However, using your GOD as a reason to disown your child has go to be the most idiotic thing I’ve ever heard. At least this is America… some countries she would have been stoned (in the name of their God) for such a thing. All done in the name of a God……..anyone see a pattern???
    I hope this child finds love in her next home, as she sure as hell didn’t have it in her previous home.
    These parents…..I hope their “Father” disapproves of their choice to and doesn’t let them into his “home” when their judgement day comes……

    1. Glenn

      I read your post and just saw this on another website and wanted to share this quote with you:

      Religion is like a penis, It’s fine to have one and be proud of it, but when you take it out and wave it in my face, thats when we have a problem!!!!!

      Thought you might like that!!!

      1. Tara

        LOL Thanks Glenn. I’m just glad I did a google search and realized this was satire. LOL

        Bad thing is… really did seem like something some parents WOULD do…. Guess that’s part of living in the bible belt, I see folks like that every day……

  170. Xander

    low life bastards I hope this child find a family that luvs and cares for her and she never has to see these 2 assholes ever again, I pray one day they need her and I hope even if its a matter life/death she turns her back on them, and the nerve of the mother she looks like a lesbian in the picture!

  171. AfellowGay

    Despite the fact that this is a parody, it sure did stir up some mighty entertaining commentary!

    All I know is, whether homosexuality is something you’re born with or something that arrives through epigenetics, there are clearly homosexuals! I knew from a young age that I liked dat vitamin D! If I were exclusively heterosexual, I would not want the D.

    If any one wants to look at the sexuality axis, created by Michael Storm, which theorizes that sexuality is fluid, you would see that those who “choose” to be homosexual later in life were either forcing the gay away, or are merely bisexual!

    I don’t have a stance on abortion, cause, hey, I’m not a woman! Therefore, if you know nothing about being gay, then you don’t deserve to preach about it. What is it with bigoted people’s entitlement to meddling in everyone else’s lives?

    Why does anyone have to explain anymore characteristics of themselves that are unchangeable? Why do I have an arm? Well, Jesus, I don’t know, I just do! I have a penis too, and I sure do know what makes it erect!

  172. James Hawks

    What do you expect from the Southern States where a bunch of rednecks and Christan extremists lives? Do not forget, South Carolina is the same state that executed a 14 YEAR OLD innocent black kid in 1944 and it was also the same place that the American Civil War begins in 1861. I believe it’s better that we kick the South out of the Union because they are nothing but a major embarrassment to the rest of the non-Southern States and the eyes of the world.

    Except I would keep Florida, it is a lovely place there. The rest of the South can kiss me A$$.

  173. marcwolf

    Prayer does have a PSYCHOLOGICAL benifit to the individual and yes many forms of meditation will help the body rest and promote healing.
    But prayer for the sake of trying to change something that is not under your control is to put it eloquently “Pissing into the Wind”
    If these people put a child up for adoption becuse they did not like the color of her eyes, hair, skin, or even sex then there would be an outcry. The fact that the girl is gay and this realisation has mainly come about post puberty should generate the same level of outrage and disgust against these parents for their limited viewpoint.
    Atleast with Gay parents the fact that the child grows up to be hetro/bi/gay or any other sexuality would not make any difference at all because the child is loved first.

  174. ian


  175. Dave

    that is absolutely disgusting they need to be HORSE WHIPPED who does that to there own child and religion is all bullshit its from a fairytale Wake up and smell 2013 idiots

  176. Jeff

    These people and their churches attitudes are atrocious, I have two beautiful children and I love them so much, and my children are mixed race as well. I have a cousin who is openly gay and while I don’t know him all that well I don’t care if he is gay or not. This young girl would be welcome in my home any day, and I would give her the understanding she needs, rather than the judgement she got.
    This IS NOT parenting, this is a narrow minded form of control

  177. God

    Wait, you mean their imaginary friend agreed with their self-centered, self-involved and greedy choice to find a way to not pay for their child’s college? Wow, that’s shocking.

  178. Nixi

    I thought when you had a child, you love them unconditionally? Not give up when something gets a little bit tough!!! People like these two should not be able to have kids. Religious or not. Disgusting parenting and I hope that girl goes to an amazing family who loves her for exactly who she is!

  179. E.a.

    This is very good news for the 16 year old. Maybe it will be a fresh start for her into a family where she will be loved and accepted for who she is, and not what her sexual orientation is. People like Mr. and Mrs. Chadwell should not be allowed to reproduce.

  180. Kris

    How sickening. These people don’t deserve to be parents. Bless that little girl and the emotional trauma she will have to overcome because the same people who should love her unconditionally are too selfish and narrow minded to understand how cruel they are. They’re to busy thinking about themselves to concern themselves with their own flesh and blood. I hope their daughter comes to realize quickly there is nothing wrong with her and everything wrong with the people who don’t deserve to call themselves “parents.”

  181. April

    I’m having a hard time believing that their daughter’s homosexuality is THE one and only reason for them to give her up. I’m not a parent myself, but I know that the bond a parent feels for their child is quite strong. I just feel like there must be something else that they’re not sharing.

  182. Jen

    You guys DO know that this originated on Daily Bleach, in July of 2012, right? It’s not real, it’s satire. Yeesh.

  183. Art Bell

    What could possibly go wrong with living your life by following ancient laws written in dead languages by ignorant, racist, sexist, superstitious barbarians who believed everything they couldn’t explain in the world was magical?

  184. april

    HELLO!!! The state of Southern Carolina? Seriously? This story isn’t real folks. The egomaniac that writes this crap gets off on the drama that insues from such a controversial story.

  185. Christian Ticey

    Because their daughter loves differently than they do, is no reason to just give her away. I have no nice words to say except, may God have mercy on their soul.

  186. Chris


  187. M Lanosa

    This is the most appalling thing I have read in a very long time. Prayers should be for the girl in this case that she is able to get past this indignity and rejection (after 16 years mind you), and find a LOVING FAMILY who are not judgemental, mean and cruel as these idiots are. Girl, let me say this to you. If your family made this kind of decision just because they don’t agree with your sexuality, then you DON’T need them, you need someone who doesn’t judge you for being just you. Life will get better and your parents will suffer the end result of making such a hateful decision. God accepts you just as you are, don’t let them use the bible on you, it’s hypocritical and just plain wrong.

  188. JP

    So the Persecuted have become the Persecutors. WWJD springs to mind – especially about the company he chose to keep. Truly, I’m saddened. So it’s ok to have a child who may break the 10 commandments, but if they’re gay – abandon them. You and your church need a serious lesson in Humility.

  189. Lesley Stafford

    The child might thrive better in another home; the parents are obviously unfit to care for a child.

  190. Jesus the jew

    Us your head people! I am absolutly stunned that someone as a parent would look towards church for advice on raising a homosexual teen. I’m not Christian I do not agree with any religion but I’m not atheist. I can’t understand how people can put so much faith into something that literally has no evidence of bring real not a shred. Faith can be good but in love is more important. This is your daughter your own flesh and blood. There is not a person in this world that knows your child better then you and absolutely noone that can raise her better then you. If your daughter was straight and sexually active you would have no ifea. What’s the difference? You don’t understand/ agree? Well you couldn’t be more selfish happiness is all the matters and your destroying that. by abandoning her and notexcepting her

  191. hannah

    God is love, there is NO where in the bible that says you cant be gay, lesbian, pink, green, have two heads etc. It talks about love and how there is no boundaries to love and these people have the nerve to pray for love to be changed cos they dont disagree with who the love is going to…. pathetic.

  192. Skepticat_UK

    These people are a perfect example of the evil that is religion: Christians who can’t love their own child enough to accept her for who she is and how their God made her. For shame!

  193. Thor

    This story is fake. It originated from a satirical news website called DailyBleach. All stories on the website are fictional and are written purely for entertainment purposes. It got passed around by people who took it on face value without any research and the end result is what you see here.

    1. Thor

      The original “article’ on DailyBleach was also posted on the 14th of July, 2012. It’s old hat. Research your stories people.

  194. Willem

    I think that the girl is lucky to have the chance of being adopted and raised by better parents who DO understand the meaning of the word love. I think these parents are completely deranged and should be committed to a mental home. Religion is fine, but when it turns ugly like this it should be forbidden.

  195. Tekmonkey

    This story is satire and not even true. People, stop getting your news from blogs and also, stop being so damn gullible….jeez.

  196. Sal

    Yeah… Really Christ-like. Pretty sure he wouldn’t have advocated giving up a child. Someone call CPS immediately.

  197. Glenn

    Only in Idiot America…! Goddamn moronic parents don’t deserve to have a child. Hope she grows up to be famous.

  198. Daniel

    You carried a child (GOD choice for you to bring into this life), and you gave her away b/c you didn’t agree with the lifestyle she choice to live. How dare you. God doesn’t judge, HE made her in HIS image and yet you throw away HIS image by given her up like she’s nothing but say the church prayed for you and came up with this. Was your church telling you to open up your legs 16 years ago, and help create her. This decision you both made will have lasting effects for the rest of your life. Maybe God have mercy on both your souls but then again where is the mercy you showed for your child.

  199. Paige Smith

    This is purely disgusting and this is not love. God loves all and that church has led that couple in the wrong direction and towards the path of giving up their daughter who will have to face the pain of this situation for the rest of her life. She will always carry around that sense of rejection. This couple will regret their decision, it’s fact. This girl is their daughter, their blood. How could they not regret such a decision? THey’ll be lucky if she ever lets them back into her lives ever again. It must have been so hard for her to tell them she was gay and they totally shut her down. Absolutely disgusting. The world needs to wake up and smell the roses, and realise that being gay is not a life choice and is nothing to be ashamed of. We aren’t living in the 60’s any more, we need to adapt to the future and promote equality.

  200. Vic

    To those of you who insist that homosexuality is a choice: So what you are saying, in effect, is that if you tried really, really hard, you too could become gay? If this is your belief, it would lead anyone with an ounce of common sense, to conclude that you are now, in fact, at least riding the fence.

  201. Tom

    These parents are digusting and should never have kids again.
    This girl will be better off with adoptive parents who will love and support her no matter what.

  202. Louise

    If you can read this story and still harp on about the “glory” of god, then you are as despicable a person as these parents are. When did you “choose” to be straight? Homosexuality exists in almost 500 different species. It’s really ti,e religious nutbags stopped hiding behind the bible to excuse spreading hatred. Get your head out of that outdated book of fairytales and start actually loving others, the way YOUR Jesus would have wanted. People that would excuse the blatant cruelty of parents disowning a family member in this way are the exact reason why religion should be a thing of the past.

  203. tmtwolf

    -Good Luck Both You Mom & Dad…..-Like pin ball You play as a game….Hope Your Heart will BE totally PURE for doing this…..-I HOPE the damange What You have done and The Way of thinkin You have won the case by lettin someone 16 Year Old Daughter Up For Adoption After Learning She is Gay…-This bullets will be shot back at YOU and Your conscience so is clean. -Happy Endin?!-

  204. Viktoria Michaelis

    I’d just like to say Thank-you.

    As anyone can see from my comment – above – this article spoke to my heart and my mind. It is totally believable because this is just the sort of reaction we expect from certain quarters in the USA today. From that point of view it achieved it’s aim perfectly, absolutely accurate, to the heart and that is possibly the highest praise one can give to a work of satire.

  205. Rowenah

    This is absolute RUBBISH!!! People believe in something because they’re too small minded and scared and mixed up to believe anything else. Something is mentally wrong with them it’s pathetic. Tell someone not to touch something cos it’s hot and they don’t believe you and still have to test it, tell someone there’s an imaginary person in the sky and they believe it with no proof – on that basis tooth fairies, goblins, father Xmas etc exists!!! Get a grip!!! Religion is one of the BIGGEST causes for war and disagreement – really??? Mentally deranged – some people have to believe in something bigger because they’re incapable of their own conclusions. To give up your own flesh and blood – yeah I really think that’s what “god” intended!!!! RUBBISH!!!!!!! How many priests/vicars are paedophiles again???? Yeah ok……….

  206. flashopen

    I wouldn’t be surprise if such kind of news were originally from a muslim country! If this is true then please be more civilized and fix it. If not, then, the author of this blog should get a life!

    1. john

      Stop blaming everything on Muslims. One could say ‘Oh I wish you’d let that ‘souhthern ‘ redneck mentality go(since you don’t know any Muslims – obviously) Read about the Muslim faith – when you learn to read.

  207. john

    The daughter is much better off. If you tell your parents your gay and they want to ‘give up’ that does not make them better. It’s an acknowledgement that they are not only unfit parents but the daughter should seek independence by divorcing her parents. in either event the parents want no more financial responsibility. That works out because later when mom and pop could use core strength from family they can focus in on the ‘folks’ that brainwashed them into legal recourse to abandon their child because ‘it’ wasn’t right for them. And they look sad now. Wait till they are in need and they get what they deserve..abandonment. Their actions wont earn them a decent afterlife but recognized and earned regret, from which they will never recover.

  208. Paul

    A bunch of people condemned to death for their own sin are going to sit in judgment and tell others about theirs? For real?!? Guess they didnt read that part about, ‘and be ready to revenge all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled’. If your obedience had been fulfilled you would radiate love not hate…

  209. Tom

    Idiots everywhere, I’m so freaking glad I don’t live in such a stupid country as America… I hope they will die in pain, all of you who disagree with such natural thing as is homosexuality. Church is BAD! It’s so fucking bad! Wake up!

  210. Mattthew

    If this is what being a good christian is all about. the fuck christianity. JESUS TOOK IN ALL THE SINNERS AND HELPED THEM OUT!!!! IF SOMEONE WAS GAY BACK THEN, I GUARUNTEE THAT HE’D OF BEEN A DISCIPLE UNDER JESUS!!!! THIS IS MORALLY WRONG. GIVING A CHILD EVERYTHING AND ALL THE LOVE IN YOUR HEART AND THEN AFTER LEARNING ONE QUALITY ABOUT HER THAT SHE CANNOT CHANGE, THEY THROW HER OUT LIKE A PIECE OF LAST SEASON’S PRADA BAG!!!!! THIS IS FUCKED UP ON SO MANY LEVELS!!!!!!!! This is just so fucked up. My heart and my prayers go out for the 16 year old April. And for the Parent’s, there’s a special place in hell waiting for them.

  211. Melissa

    Jules, I get the impression you’re not interested, but if you are you could put “prayer” and “Fincham” in googlescholar. If you have access to other academic search engines, such as Web of Science or PsycInfo, that would be even better ways to find peer-reviewed research on prayer. I’m not sure if others beside Fincham have done work in this area, but maybe.

  212. Candi Kane

    They were praying for the wrong thing & stopped too soon. They ahould have prayed for their god to eliminatate hate & bigotry, for him to open their minds, & for the acceptance of theifthe if child the way she is.

  213. Tom

    These parents are sick. Guy people are born that way. Shame on them. They are wicked and nasty parents who believe in a wicked and nasty God

  214. Nina

    What kind of parent does this? If you ask me THEY are SICK not the kid. I support EVERYONE, gay,lez,bi,etc. And I could NEVER do this to my kid!!!!!!! Some people don’t deserve to breed! In fact, I’d gladly beat the hell out of this 2. Karma is a bitch, they should keep that in mind.

    1. Nina

      P.S. I’m Christian, so not all Christians think like this 2 pieces of shit. Please take that in consideration. <3

  215. Antonio

    This is a sad sad thing to see.
    I cannot believe that just because their child has chosen to walk her own path in life that her parents have decided to cast her out.
    It’s barbaric, people like this do not deserve kids at all. We are all allowed our to choose who we love, love is love no matter what sex the person you love is.
    Seeing stuff like this makes me sick to my stomach, if your god or chosen religious icon/leader, can’t help you come to terms with the fact that your child chooses to live her life true.
    Then I have news for you it’s not your child you should be throwing out its your bogus religion.
    I really hope that this child is adopted by a family that will love her for who she is. As these parents do not deserve a child.

  216. Jana

    How came you make God responsable for this BAD BAD BAD desition ???? God give you he joy of being parent, you have a life in your hand and you give it away. God take EVERYONE in his home.
    DO NOT !!!!use my God for excuse, be honest with your self and take responsabilitie. THE ONES WHO DONT WANT THE KID IS YOU AND NOT GOD !!!
    God give that kid freedom from the hell of his parents! AMEN

  217. Shane

    To the guy who travels the world talking crap your a joke mate. Those parents just sent their child to heaven by doing what they did because it would be hell to have parents like them. Still not fair they can’t just accept their own flesh and blood. Should be ashamed of them selves. These comments may hurt but sorry your child’s hurt is much worse because of your actions!!!

  218. Hunk o burnin' love

    Um people! This is satire! Not real. READ the story! Southern Carolina?! SOUTHERN? It’s South Carolina.

    And for the record…homosexuality isn’t a choice and any nitwit thinking otherwise hasn’t stepped outside to discover the diversity of God’s creation. Trust, once you realize that there are parts of the creation that ‘just don’t make sense’, you will see the awesomeness that is God.

    “…that WHOSOEVER believes in him…” Whosoever – ANYBODY!

  219. Joanne

    I child of 16 is going through alot even discovering there own sexuality, Sorry but they just signed this girls Death warrant, by being not only rejected for her sexuality but as a person and by her parents is enough to make any child wish suicide.

  220. christi myers

    Christians have ALWAYS harmed humans in Gods name and as a repressed society WE HAVE/ARE ALOWING it to continue

  221. norsewyk

    Honestly, i have to say that if this is the depth and demonstration of their godfulness, the young lady is better off without them. I have never heard such a sad excuse for parents in my life, save those perhaps that abuse their children in other ways. This is clearly a form of abuse of its own and the fact that these peoples understanding of divinity and love shows so little depth, speaks volumes about their character. That they should embrace such ignorance and evil speaks volumes as well. Clearly, they never knew any God that demonstrated love of any sort, for they have fallen so far short of that standard that I can only call their actions evil!

  222. Lori...a supportive Mom

    This is so sad…and so many are argueing about ‘prayer’….the only thing that matters in this whole that April is okay. She needs support….she needs to know she isn’t wrong….her so-called Mom & Dad…are so very wrong on so many levels!! I want to send out big hugs and lots of support for April…and if she’s willing to relocate into Vermont…we are more then happy to have her join our family…..please everyone….if you want to take the time to pray…pray for April….she needs us all now…as far as I’m concerned…Mr & Mrs Loser, can go hide in their church…the same church that said ‘go ahead, give up your daughter….do what’s best for you’…..and people wonder why some…hate church and prayer!!!!! April….you’re welcome here…whenever you need us!! <3

  223. Shara

    I am a Christian, and what these parents did was WRONG. Satan has his hand all over this, and this is intolerance and hate, which does not come from The Lord. I am ashamed of these parents. Our church recently had a series that had a conversation about our gay brothers and sisters. I’ve included the link here. I’m sickened by those parents, and my heart cries for April. I pray that God still lets her know how much she is LOVED.

  224. Graham Pearson

    It’s time they changed churches – perhaps they should try one that teaches and practises Christianity!

  225. zapper45701

    I’ll take her. I’m not gay, but that doesn’t matter to me. What matters to me is that a 16 year old child needs a home with someone who isn’t worried about such nonsense as not being the same orientation. If these “parents” have any other children, they should be removed from the home, too, as I’m sure they will have something “wrong” with them, too. What jerks.

  226. Tom

    What they prayed for, God did not answer the way they wanted because that was not the prayer they should have been praying for. They should have been praying for understanding and acceptance for one of God’s beautiful people. God would have probably answered that. Now their daughter is hurt and I am sure doesn’t understand how her parents whom she thought loved her, don’t love enough to share their life with them. God will place this person in a loving home who will accept her if they don’t accept her, but they should not expect someone else to take care of a teenager they have brought into this world to “LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY”.

    1. Elizabeth Massie

      This is not real. It is a parody. Tyson Bowers III is the pen name of Byran Butvidas. This just goes to prove how we should always check sources and embrace our inner skeptic before letting something outrageous get us tied up in furious knots.

  227. Brent

    It’s a shame that these disgusting, emotionally shallow, and morally crippled excuses for parents didn’t realize how inept they were as human beings long before the girl became a teenager. She could have been raised by decent people if she was adopted out long ago. They deserve to rot.

  228. soizic

    these filthy sorryexcuses for human beings…let alone parents…….She will be better off without them BAN RELIGION…..just look at thier picture… hoo feel sorry for us we got a gay daugher…..dontthey realise that thier actions will do more harm than good? They deserve more than a good slap….and they dont deserve to be parents!!

  229. Josh

    What intolerant homophobes they clearly didnt love her that much not to accept her for who she is in the age we live and its disgusting that so many others think the same. To be hounest im happy for this girl maybe she go to a family that will show her acceptance.

  230. Elizabeth Massie

    Um, HELLO??? This is a parody. Tyson Bowers III is the pen name of Byran Butvidas. This just goes to prove how we should always check sources and embrace our inner skeptic before letting something outrageous get us tied up in furious knots.

    1. Elizabeth Massie

      This is not real. It is a parody. Tyson Bowers III is the pen name of Byran Butvidas. This just goes to prove how we should always check sources and embrace our inner skeptic before letting something outrageous get us tied up in furious knots.

  231. Rainie

    While I do not in anyway agree with their decision, I would gladly be the one who agreed to adopt their daughter. Regardless of her sexuality she is just a child. A child that deserves a loving and supportive home. Surrounded by people who will love and support her throughout life.

  232. Tim

    Oh, so this is why the “Institution or Marriage” needs to be protected.
    What fine upstanding examples of a pile of SHIT!!! All of their PRAYING just bought them two tickets to HELL! – Worthless pieces of White Trash Souther CHRISTIAN hicks… I am sure that God will Bless this young girl and she will grow to great things, while her worthless parents suffer greating for the rest of their lives!!!! I am proud of you April… The old saying, “you can’t pick your parents”… well, it’s looks like you WILL have that chance, and you will get the parents you deserve.

    1. Elizabeth Massie

      This is not real. It is a parody. Tyson Bowers III is the pen name of Byran Butvidas. This just goes to prove how we should always check sources and embrace our inner skeptic before letting something outrageous get us tied up in furious knots.

  233. David

    The parents are fucking nuts & do not deserve to have the honour & blessing of a child!
    Their daughter is well shot of them… These Christians UnChristians make me sick!

  234. sexylife

    “The joys of a sexless life”? All the words that just entered my eyeballs from this article make me queasy.

    1. Elizabeth Massie

      This is not real. It is a parody. Tyson Bowers III is the pen name of Byran Butvidas. This just goes to prove how we should always check sources and embrace our inner skeptic before letting something outrageous get us tied up in furious knots.

  235. Ashley

    I had to commit on This. This is one of the worse things ever… If April is reading this find me and I will adopt you. This is nuts. I’m a Christian and a lesbian. I don hate religion or people who are religious but what I do hate is people who make it seem like god told them to do horrible hateful things. This is horrible and hateful. The bible says we are suppose to love one another. I just can’t believe this parents actions. In no way is this right. I pray the April can make the best out of this situation and not turn her back on god like her parents turned her back on her. Despite what people say being truly gay isn’t a choice just like bring straight isn’t a choice. I hoped and prayed it was but it isn’t. April
    I pray you find happiness, love, and acceptance.

    1. Elizabeth Massie

      This is not real. It is a parody. Tyson Bowers III is the pen name of Byran Butvidas. This just goes to prove how we should always check sources and embrace our inner skeptic before letting something outrageous get us tied up in furious knots.

  236. Elizabeth Massie

    I repeat. This article is NOT REAL. It is a fabrication, a parody. It is satire. Check out “ChristWire” to see what I mean.

  237. ltleredwtch

    I hope that they are praying to God for forgiveness of giving up their child over some stupid ass reason.

  238. 777

    Prayers are always heard and this is a mystery. When you pretend to be christian, you accept this mystery without an explanation. Homosexuality is not scientifically explained and has been present on earth since the beginning. The only prayer that makes sense to me is the Serenity Prayer. The acceptance of things that we can’t change…things we would change just because it

  239. Gayle Davis

    I’ll take her! I am a Christian, a liberal, a married hetero, and I believe that God doesn’t make mistakes. I also believe people should be allowed to believe in God or not, to choose their own lifestyle, and follow their own conscience. I only have two rules: Listen to your conscience, and do no harm–to yourself, others, or anything else on the planet. I suspect her parents have been brainwashed by those like the author who are teaching them to ignore their own conscience and do what others have decided is God’s will. They fear whatever challenges them to open their hearts and hear the voice of God for themselves.

    1. Elizabeth Massie

      This is not real. It is a parody. Tyson Bowers III is the pen name of Byran Butvidas. This just goes to prove how we should always check sources and embrace our inner skeptic before letting something outrageous get us tied up in furious knots.

  240. Joey

    If parents give up on their child for adoption because he/she is gay, then GOD will give up on these parents for adoption to Satan!!

  241. JoAnne

    What the Hell, does god have to do with it? Why is it that people are always putting faith and church and god into everything? It is just good parenting and simple love for your children. Thats it, God has nothing to do with it. This world with eat you up and spit you out if you arent not conformed to what society wants you to be. There is hate in everything we do. I would hate to hear one of my kids tell me they were gay just for the simple fact that people are so unaccepting of difference. It would hurt me more for them to experience intollerance from people then for them to be gay. But thats where good parenting comes in, I have raised my kids to have strong back bones and that everyone is different, even the GOD worshiping people. I have taught them that there will always be someone around the corner who will not accept them, but there is 20 or more who will. There is still hate for our African American community, our Jewish community, wether people choose to believe it or not. Its everywhere, and in everything we do, GOD has nothing to do with that…That is just people!!These parents should be ashamed of thier selfs for the simple fact that they have raised a daughter with hate for others in their hearts, not because of their beliefs that the church has given them. They have brought another human being into this world and showed her how to be unaccepting of others people values and way of life. Thats in itself is a the issue, not GOD or that that she is gay.

  242. Andre

    How is it that this turns into a conversation about prayer, when no one is speaking about the unconditional love that parents should have for their children. These parents are evil people, and everyone seems to ignor this fact. How does a parent not love their shild unconditionally? God commands it…. these parents should have any remaining children them may have taken away from them….. Is this what Jesus teaches??? I think not. With parents like this and a church that supports them, I’m embarassed to call myself a Christian

  243. Denica

    Religious nuts need NOT to have children. This is child abuse and the man who wrote this is insane. More evidence of why we need to teach poor women about choices in life instead of having children too early. Simply disgusting.

    1. Satan

      Awww, but I love when religious people reproduce!

      The look on their face is so delightful when they burn, they never suspected a thing.

  244. Pingback: So Called Parents Put Barely 16 Year Old Girl up for Adotpion for being Gay …..! | ...Truth... Something To Die For...

  245. louise

    Let’s take a look at the bigger picture to see what’s wrong with our society. There is such a strong divide put up in our country – the right (conservative) and the left (liberal). Our society teaches us to lean strongly one way or the other….so strongly to the point that it even destroys families. maybe we should check our culture and all the societal pressures along with .

  246. Allison

    The girl is better off with people who actually love her unconditionally and who will fully support her and encourage her to be everything she is and wants to be.

    These jokes of “christians” have no clue on how to be real parents or real christians. They will burn in hell for all eternity for what they did. You NEVER abandon a child for any reason, especially if they’re gay. As for prayers, they’re done only by the weak and stupid. Everyone knows that prayers are useless as god has given you everything you need to take charge of a situation and learn from it.

    I hope the members of that stupid church lose everything they’ve ever worked for and never know happiness. None of them deserve it.

  247. Paul F. Wilson

    Nice try, kiddo, but . . . no.

    “Southern Carolina”?

    If you get the simplest details wrong, we begin to doubt the rest of the story. And we begin to wonder what family court judge in his right mind would accept that as a legal basis for granting the parents’ petition.

    I don’t buy it.

    1. Elizabeth Massie

      We’re supposed to doubt this. It’s intentional satire in the same vein as The Onion articles.

  248. cyndi

    Too bad thses people did not trust God enough to accept HIS CHILD as HE created her. The church and parents should be praying for themselves, their intolerance and inability to love. I am not Christian, refuse to associate w these type people. But, I have studied the word of the great teacher, Jesus. I’m never sure who these groups are talking about because he clearly taught love, love of children, living with an open heart, not judging. Their decision goes against every teaching of their spiritual master

  249. Cärbon

    If you fools would take a moment and look at this site, you’d realize its a hoax. The poster is a troll.

    Click the “Buy” button to see the redonculous Onion-like books he’s written. Its crap like this that rustles people’s jimmies, and they start talking like-a bunch-a lunatics, when they never really did their research.

  250. christina

    Some people think they failed as parents with a homosexual child… you fail as parents by disowning them. They were undoubtedly praying for the wrong thing; they should start with themselves. Ignorant, judgemental, bigots.

  251. Steve D

    What a wonderful advertisement for unbelief you all are. You can’t recognize satire when you see it. Look at the ad links. Look at the bio sketch. Click the memoirs link and check out the other stories. Atheists are SO much more intellectually sophisticated than believers.

    1. Elizabeth Massie

      I’m a believer and immediately knew this article was suspect. Healthy skepticism and the ability to observe and reason are qualities that don’t just belong to atheists. Realize there are shades of gray lying between the stereotypical black and white in any segment of society (religion, age, culture, economic standing, or other.)

  252. Marissa

    you know regardless about the religion upon this matter, and etc. its just a sad thing .1 this child is going to more damaged in certain aspects of her life due to her parents behavior, abandonment issues that most of us already struggle with just because, and then on top of that this story is going to affect children all over the world whom are scared to tell their parents they are gay. If children cannot trust that their parents can have some kind of understanding or at least radically accept their decisions then who can they trust.

  253. Dwight Fontenot

    What amazes me is that their actions are not even supported by scripture. Jesus never says anything against homosexuals. Why are they treating this one sin (and, I don’t even think it’s really a sin) so worse than the rest. The Bible says that the only unforgivable sin is blasphemy of the holy spirit. I imagine they wouldn’t put her up for adoption if she were an atheist. What a bunch of idiots!

  254. diana



    1. art

      Nobody is born gay. Anyone that thinks people are born gay is only trying to dismiss the fact that homosexualality is a sin. I would never turn my child away for being gay and a do not judge anyone. HATE THE SIN…LOVE THE SINNER.

      1. Mae Ward

        I was born gay, I know I was. I liked tits from the moment I knew what they were. I don’t believe in God, so I’m not going to Hell for this. even if I was, I would embrace it because repenting for the sake of people who think it’s wrong is a waste of time. I don’t like religion, in fact, i can say that I hate it. And people like you saying it’s sinful is making me hate it even more. If “God” made me this way, why would he want me to change?

  255. Nanette

    I would adore being the mother of this amazing 16 year old child. Imagine the strength and courage to endure being raised in a household like that!

    Need someone to adopt her? I live in Michigan—- Michigan will welcome her with open hearts, moinds, and arms!

    1. Elizabeth Massie

      This article is a hoax…it is satire. Always a good idea to investigate and question, to embrace your inner skeptic and find out if something is true or not. I suspect that was the *real* purpose of this article.

  256. keith

    these parents are LOSERS. this is one of the most ludicrous thing i ever heard of. this is almost as bad as a parent raping or abusing their kid.

  257. Penny

    The Christian parents should love her but NOT CONDONE their daughter’s lifestyle. If they don’t model their beliefs, why should she?

  258. helpermonkey

    This very well could be the best thing for this girl. Perhaps her prayers were answered. Hopefully in time she can forgive her parents and come to a healthy understanding. In the meantime, I’m sure she’ll be flooded with offers of wonderful homes to be welcomed into.

  259. Meghan

    These two people brought this person into the world and after 16 years they decide to give up because its just too hard? Looks to me like they prayed for the wrong thing. They should have been praying for the strength to go against what they believe in so that they could continue to love and support the person that they created. I am 100% sure that whatever higher power exists would be okay with that.

  260. Rave — From the stance of our community, we feel these parents should have released this for adoption long ago. At birth.


    Simply due to the fact these people did not love this child enough enough to care for it unconditionally. You should love your child, no matter what their lifestyle may be. We sympathize for the youngster and we hope her local community can lift her up to her feet.

    May the gods blow wind under her wings, now that she is not oppressed by the ethics of a religious culture that predate anything becoming. Good riddance to crappy parents!

  261. Thereisnogod

    Only in in the USA.. I can’t believe you people still believe in a fairytale and the discussion is about religion while a child just got abandoned by her parents. you Americans disgust me.

    1. Elizabeth Massie

      No, *not* in the USA. This article is fake. I can’t believe so many people fell for this without checking any farther.

  262. stronglyopposedtothesehorridparents

    How do you call yourself a parent if you only love your child under conditions? Parental love is unconditional! Being gay is not a choice! These “people” will face Karma! I am disgusted!

  263. Mae Ward

    After reading through this thread of comments, I’ve realized, I hate everyone. If you don’t beleive in something as abstract as a theory, such as the one that there is a God, then it doesn’t exist. If you do beleive in it, it does exist. In my opinion, these parents were wrong to give up their child because she is gay, but it’s a good thing she doesn’t have to live with judgemental pricks. Even still, Christians are suppose to love everyone, ESPECIALLY their children, but honestly, the Bible is corrupt and contradicts itself. So, with that said, I believe religion is a waste of time and to recisit my statement earlier, I hate everyone.

  264. amber

    I’m speechless. Fucking put up their daughter for adoption because she’s gay?! This world is getting worse. And honestly, they were wrong in every way possible. I’m gay, I’ve lost some amazing friends because I am gay. It sucks. But, it’s their choice. I don’t understand how a family can be broken up because of who their child wants to love. Friends are one thing, but a family. It sickens me to the core. Everyone on here saying that it’s right, and good, and they shouldve kept praying. I pray one of your kids is gay. Better yet, all of them. Because gay people are BETTER children and future parents than you EVER WERE OR WILL BE.

    1. Elizabeth Massie

      This article is a fake. I’m guessing to see how many people will accept it at face value without doing any additional checking.

    1. Elizabeth Massie

      This article is a fake. I’m guessing to see how many people will accept it at face value without doing any additional checking.

  265. Shon inTn

    God does not make junk! God is perfect, He knew he was making gay people! What will these Pathetic parents do in the elderly years? Who will they turn to for fulltime care? Narrow minded Ignorant parents, look up Unconditional love sometime. The truth is you don’t deserve her…

  266. Crys

    Oh man, lol way to give your kid issues while they are young. And they say gay people will make bad parents. You would never see this happening to a gay family. Love is more important than a bigoted dark age belief system.

  267. cinghoa

    This is just more proof of the harm religion can cause. This girl has been just fine in their eyes for 16 years, now that she has told them that she isn’t their perfect image of a 16 year old good xtian girl, they banish her? What a feeble-minded, inbred, impressionable, hateful couple these people have proven to be. I sincerely hope this girl makes her mark on this world, be it becoming rich, famous, whatever; and I would love to see this same hateful couple on national news a few years down the road bemoaning the fact that she will not let them slither their way into her spotlight.

  268. Robert Amsel

    I think this teenager has had quite enough of toxic parents and their bigoted influence on her life. The one good thing they are doing is giving her up for adoption, hopefully to a gay couple who can try to rebuild her damaged self-esteem.

    In Old Testament times, by the way, women were considered chattel and what they did among themselves wasn’t relevant as long as they were dutiful wives and mothers. Thus, you will not find a single reference toward lesbian activities under Mosaic Law, as you will those nasty Leviticus laws regarding “men lying with men.” Also, evangelicals love to cherry-pick their way through the Old Testament, with its 613 Mosaic Laws, almost all of which they completely ignore except for about 13 they can use to scapegoat others. What a pathetic, hate-filled group!

  269. Robert Amsel

    I think this teenager has had quite enough of toxic parents and their bigoted influence on her life. The one good thing they are doing is giving her up for adoption, hopefully to a gay couple who can try to rebuild her damaged self-esteem.

    In Old Testament times, by the way, women were considered chattel and what they did among themselves wasn’t relevant as long as they were dutiful wives and mothers. Thus, you will not find a single reference toward lesbian activities under Mosaic Law, as you will those nasty Leviticus laws regarding “men lying with men.” Also, evangelicals love to cherrypick their way through the Old Testament, with its 613 Mosaic Laws, almost all of which they completely ignore except for about 13 they can use to scapegoat others. What a pathetic, hate-filled group!

  270. Trish

    Wow there are some dumb people out there right!?!?! If parents can’t handle the challenges that comes with kids they should n

  271. Anon

    Where exactly is Southern Carolina. I’ve only ever seen South Carolina. Southern Carolina must be further south or somethin’.

  272. Trish

    Grrrr iPhone sent thru

    Anyways. I meant they should not be reproducing.

    Also it’s South Carolina. Not Southern Carolina. Come on!

  273. Jason Preston


  274. Ramon Casha

    Goes to show how dangerous religion is to society and to families. Although I’m glad this girl has been separated from such evil parents it will still be very difficult for her.

  275. AmericanWoman

    This transcends her sexual preference. These parents never should have been able to breed. All children will go on to live their own lives and much of that will be in contrast to what their parents have led. This can be both positive and negative. However, that’s the whole point to parenting. Raising an individual that will take from us what is useful and expound on it. This is just so disgusting. Not one Christian tenet teaches this. April, you are invited to come up to New Hampshire and be a part of our large and loving family that doesn’t discriminate for your lifestyle choices.

  276. Jeremy

    It’s sad you are all giving this guys so much feedback on his hoax of a column. This article is fake. Have you looked at all of his other stories?? Most of them revolved around a penis shaped planet, or a “Gay” Penis shaped resort. He is making up ridiculous headlines to draw people into his blog and get people from both sides of a hit topics enraged and fighting, all the while he sits back and laughs at all of us for fighting over rubbish, and cashing in on every click!

  277. Jeremy

    STOP READING AND BICKERING ON THIS GUY’S WEBSITE. It’s a HOAX and simply a way for him to cash in on people’s hate!

  278. mcferstuff

    This is why i do not beleive in god or religion who cares what you are why does it matter if you live differently it is your life not theirs people like this make me sick

  279. Cecile

    How sad for that young girl. What those parents and that congregation should have been praying for is the strength and understanding to deal with this issue. Not to change the child.

  280. Rich

    If this were actually real, I’m sure law enforcement would be all over this family. I’m sure the daughter could sue for millions. What a stupid news article.

  281. Voodoo

    @ Matt,

    How ironic that a Christian would use scientific research as proof that prayer works. What about the scientific research that denotes the entire religion of Christianity? Ironic…

  282. Juliette Inconnue

    I pity people who have to justify their hatred of others with their religion. The dangers of homosexuality? Really? You’re no better than Fred Phelps, and you deserve to be condemned to your hell just as much as Mr. Phelps and his hateful little cult. If your hell actually exists, it’s for losers like you, Mr. Bowers, and the people who choose to abide by your immature hatred of people who are different from you. If your god exists, and there is a day of judgement, you will be one of the people that he will say he never knew. You are a worker of iniquity, and if my memory serves, god hates the workers of iniquity. You’re a joke, with a really lousy punchline. One wonders if your mother wishes she had swallowed you when she had the chance.

  283. how ignorant

    People are so ignorant. You should be able to love anyway you want to. How sad for these parents to not try to understand their own child. To believe what other people do and not think for themselves. A child is a gift, to just give them away because you don’t believe their gay is wrong. I have parents whom might have done the same thing, well maybe not to the point of giving me away. The wouhave made me see a phycologist to figure out why I thought I was gay. My point is I’m a parent of an adopted child and would do anything for him regardless of his beliefs. People can do what they want, pray if you believe that is what works for you. I’m just saying be a nice kind caring person and treat people with respect. Try to understand someone before you judge them they may just surprise you or even better you may just surprise yourself and become a better person. I hope this girl find a loving family someday, and can forgive her parents for what they have done.

  284. carol

    Who the hell cares if they prayed or didn’t or what their beliefs are. The fact is she laid on her back with her legs in the air and he stuck it in. Their child is their responsibility not mine to pay taxes to take care of her while she’s in the custody of the state. If you don’t plan on raising your child no matter what then you shouldn’t have sex. I hope this poor girl can make it past this and find a good women who loves her unconditionally the way that whatever higher being you believe in wants it

    1. Elizabeth Massie

      “The fact is she laid on her back with her legs in the air and he stuck it in.” No, the FACT is the entire article is a hoax…it is satire. Most likely to see how many people would fall for it and get indignant without checking any farther.

  285. Aaron HOYT

    As a Christian and a personal of sound mind and spirit, as well as a minister, this abuse to this young lady who didnt choose but is what god made her baffles me.

    Her parents are not with god, they are with the devil himself for their cruelty…. hopefully she will find peace and happiness and not be turned off by the only evil which is plaguing all of Christianity, ignorance.

    Remember science shows evidence of god, doesnt contradict it.

  286. Eddie

    Church or our daughter? Sad day in hell for these parents, choosing a brick building over blood. It’s time to start taxing these churches that don’t except change. Sure they will all change their minds if the church had to start paying taxes

  287. Godfrey

    You never give up on your child. It is not the child, it is the spirit inside of your child. You must pray to God to remove that wicked spirit from your child. That spirit is a abomination to God .Love your child but hate that wicked spirit.

    1. ANNA

      absolutely agree…they should rather pray for God gives them strenght to go trough this hard time, but never give up on their child

    2. mike

      What a tool. The only thething the girl can be accused of is being born to a family of Biggots.

      and all this talk of prayer. People should be praying for her parents to develop a few IQ points if god answered and provided them that would truly be a miracle!

  288. Juliette Inconnue

    But hey, this is about a beautiful young girl being given up by weak parents who didn’t deserve her in the first place. These people should never have been given the opportunity to be parents, since they can’t do the job. This is just one more reason why I believe that if a god actually exists, it doesn’t care about what goes on here on earth. If a god could turn its back like this and allow hateful and hurtful things to take place, then said god is a sick and sadistic bastard who isn’t worthy of worship or honor. The best thing that this young girl will learn from her deadbeat parents, is what love does not do. I even quote the bible when I say that love “Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.” (1 Corinthians 13: 5-7) Love beareth all things, and it endures all things. Clearly these people never loved their little girl, who has done nothing but love them her entire life. One thing that does make me smile, is that these people have just robbed themselves over her future. When she reaches a point in her life where she is a loving and compassionate person who helps those less fortunate, they will have no right to be proud of the kind of person she has grown to be. But, the rest of us, who have poured out our support of her will be able to hold our heads up high, knowing that we cheered her on when she was abandoned by those who claimed to love her, but obviously never did. April, you are loved and accepted by those of us with the capacity to do so. Think on that, instead of the betrayal you now face from the people who pretended to be your parents for almost 16 years.

  289. nancy


  290. Lady Macbeth

    Thou knowest this is satire, do you not?
    ‘Twould help if the author had made this clear.
    Unfortunately, this satirical site
    Is so close to the truth, readers believe
    And easily so, no matter how silly
    The headline may be. Dear author, you failed
    And this illogical “news” is spreading
    From pillar to post where e’er I turn.

  291. Jose

    fuck this. its not about prayers or anything. these parents are such complete assholes. this may be one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. they will regret every moment of it, and I hope I never bump into them. Stop hating on sexuality. the parents were fine with her up until then. yet im sure she knew she was gay long before the age of 16. to change the way you treat someone just because 16 years later you know they are gay… so completely absurd.

  292. Aaron Carlin

    Both these people are my nomination for the most PATHETIC so-called “parents” of the century!!! Try putting yourselves in the child’s place. How would YOU feel if your daughter (whether gay or not) shunned you making YOU feel lower than the belly of an ant. I’m sure you would feel like crap, too! Taking this kind of attitude toward anyone let alone YOUR OWN DAUGHTER is one of the worst things that anyone can do to another person. GROW UP AND SEE WHAT YOU ARE ACTUALLY DOING TO BOTH YOURSELVES AND YOUR DAUGHTER…. and then pray that she wants to take you back into her life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  293. Elena

    Well…truthfully, like the article had started, they didn’t have the mental capability to raise their child. Feasible. Weird decision, but I guess it’s better than throwing her out into the street or beating her

  294. Satan

    Wake up people! I am coming and going to bring hell on earth. This daughter will sit at my right hand and punish her parents and all other god fanatics that believe as these parents do! Wait for my sign.

  295. Leslie Zee

    This whole story just makes me sick at heart. These parents deserve each other and their so-called ‘church’. The daughter would be better off on the streets than with them. Ten years from now when this child is living successfully and happily without them, they will deeply regret this and it will be too late for them to repair the damage they have caused by their actions. Being Gay is NOT an abomination, anti-Christian actions like these are the sin.

  296. Julianne

    SOUTHERN CAROLINA? Is there a Southern Carolina in the United States? I live is SOUTH CAROLINA but I’ve never heard of SOUTHERN CAROLINA. What was your first clue that this was fake BS??

  297. sarah

    I hope this parent burn in hell for what they did. This poor child looked up to her parent for support and all they could do was throw her away like apiece of trash to the street. This teenager is going to have to have years of therapy just for being adanadoned by her family.

  298. brittany

    There is something wrong with these parents putting your child up for adoption because they are homosexual is completely crazy you should love your children no matter what life style they have their child came to them looking for comfort and guidance and the child got rejecyed i pray gos has mercy on these so called “parents” and i pray that their child will forgive them

  299. josh

    How can any intelligent person still believe in god. And why is everyone so into this gay debate….. I like chocolate …. You like vanilla … I like ice tea… You like water….. I like different sex…. You like same sex….. Liking different things makes us who we are….. Saying an imaginary being that “watches out for us” is having problems with this issue is just saying you your self can’t put aside your homophobic ideas and just see people as people……. Didn’t we just go through judging people 60 yes ago… color isn’t an issue anymore… So why should sex… Not like gays can procreate…

  300. Jim in Hayward

    I can’t believe you people…are you all that lonely that you have to post these things about a story that is totally false? That fact they called their state Southern Carolina instead of South Carolina should be clue enough.

    What a bunch of gullible people. I think you all just like to stir stuff up and love to argue. What a sad state of affairs!

  301. Christine

    I love my child no matter what!!!!! You can’t turn to God for all of your answers. Don’t they realize that God is the one that gave them their daughter, this was their test. They failed!!!! So Hell here they come. Their daughter is the lucky one, she will get a family that loves her for who she is no matter what!!!!! Don’t forget people life is your test and you have to pass that test in order to get through those so called “Pearly Gates”.

  302. Harry

    Y’all are all fuckin crazy. Homosexuality is not a choice. And this dude that wrote the article is a fuckin freak. All you bible hugging psychos need to wake up to reality. If you’re really going to give your 16 yr old up bc she happens to find love and happiness w the same sex, you’re going to hell. And since you all believe in hell so much, I think you should be scared of that. All you westboro type people make me wanna throw up. Fuck off

  303. LavaLump

    Please tell me this is a hoax.. and if not, could someone tell me where these people live so I can pay them a visit and show them what the Lord as instructed me to do to them.

  304. Tommy Gunn

    The parents are doing the kid a favor. Maybe now the kid will grow up with a loving family who doesn’t resent their children for their orientation.

  305. Gina King

    They are not the first parents to shirk their duties as parents of a child who’s GLBT.
    They won’t be the last to toss their child like yesterdays smelly trash.
    I hope a very caring and loving married lesbian couple adopts her, to give her a safe accepting home and family.
    Her parents can and will rot.

  306. Kamranos

    Obviously none of them actually read the Bible…It is not their place to judge their child, but it is their duty to raise them. Their child is the way God intended, so they are denying God’s will and casting out the one thing they should never abandon. Homosexuality cannot be preyed away, it is who they are and cannot be forcibly changed. If they “can not handle it” then they should be ashamed of themselves.

  307. Satan

    I wholeheartedly approve of the way these parents are raising their daughter. Makes me smile to know that some people think the way I do.

    Kudos parents, fuck fags. Send them to me in Hell, because I get two people instead of one.

  308. Sarah Byng

    These are not parents…… They are useless pieces of shit, prayer led them to this answer? yes im sure……. Fucking idoits. God should strike them both down for even debating on this, she is your child, you both should be hung, and i would gladly do it.

  309. Colton

    This is horrible. There is NOTHING closer then blood. These parents are serious going to give up on their child because they simply decide to listen to a book(the bible) that was rewritten over and over a million times by an unknown author. If spider man were written in the book would they believe that? Your daughter came out in hopes of you understanding, this sick. Personally the fact that they made this decision I would hate them forever. You love who you love it isn’t a choice.

  310. Robyn Matthis

    I would take this child in a nanosecond!!!! Her parents should be prosecuted for child abuse, and what ever cockamamy church their going to should be held responsible for punitive damages in a court of law!!!

  311. Kim

    What kind of freakin’ idiotic church do they go too. Hope the parents live a life of shame obviously they have no love for their daughter, they should be charged for child abuse on abanding their child. I would love to give that Minister a phone call.

  312. Cristian

    There is one thing that I will never understand with straight family’s. That gay people comes from straight family’s and they will never understand it or accept it. If you’re one of thous family’s and is reading this.
    Do us all a favor and to god, if you so must bring hen, to all you’re lame excuses and defenses.


    If you guys really hate us that much, stop making thous damn babys.
    You guys have the power to make more gay people.

    Just a friendly reminder. (:

  313. Coral

    This is ridiculous. This couple is a disgrace to humanity. Who is to deny love to another based off who they love? That poor girl. I am praying for her that she finds a safe home and she makes it through this hell her horrible parents have put her through. Bigoted and damned human beings.

  314. sbslabradors

    I am a single, financially secure, straight, women in Los Angeles. I will adopt her. No child should have to go through this trauma of being denied the love and support of their parents. This will scare her for the rest of her life.

  315. Lula B

    Everyone, please do not mistake these people for true Christians. They are not. Someone who has Christ in their hearts would never do such a thing. Never.

  316. Brad W.

    Maybe they should pray that God will forgive them for their bigotry and hatred toward their own daughter. What disgusting people they are. She is your child. How much hatred do you parents have inside you?

    It’s truly sad that the message of Christianity has become twisted and perverted by money, greed, hatred and a belief of superiority.

  317. Lisa Belmares

    I would love to adopt her.. And I’m completely serious! My partner and I already have a 16 yr old female child and I’m sure she would love a sister her own age. Our daughter has been raised by us.. 2 lesbian parents.. She’s got one of the highest IQ’s in our state. Got elected to go to Washington. To the capital for the Youth Leadership conference, which she did. Has the top 3 highest score in the SAT’s in the state.. Oh yeah.. And she’s straight! She loves us and is one of the most well rounded people I know! We’d love to have April in our home!

  318. unknown

    My God, I'[m disgusted that people would think this is okay and even support the parents in this. I’m a catholic, I go to church every Sunday and never could I ever think of doing anything other than loving my child for who she is and supporting her in every way I could. These parents are horrible people and will come to regret this choice in time I just hope that this girl has family and friends to help her through this abandonment and who will love her for who she really is.

  319. Sarah

    I don’t think this story is even true. It is designed to take some kind of unofficial poll to see what people would say about such a ridiculous story, and to start a fight between gay supporters and those who think gay people are an abomination, and to see the hatred between Christians and those who are atheists. (BTW, Muslims are not exactly gay friendly either. I wouldn’t want to be gay in Iraq)
    As for my 2 cents, I separate God from Religion because to me, God is love, and many religions preach hate and fear. Any time you hear intolerance, hate, and fear, God is not in the room!

  320. Javcub

    The Parents are the first ones going to hell and be punish for rejecting the give of their daughter giving to them by God to love and care for. They should have never been parents. Shame on them.

  321. OSQ

    It’s my understanding this story is a hoax. It should be removed.
    From Blue Street Journal:
    IMPORTANT: The news story about the South Carolina couple that put their daughter up for adoption after they found out she was gay is a HOAX. It is not a true story. It was originally written as a satire piece on but has since been removed. Please do not share this story, as it is absolutely not true.

  322. Brenda N

    These parents should be praying to God for forgiveness and understanding. Homosexuality is not something that someone chooses. It is something one is born with. Would they abandon her if she had been born missing a limb? These people need to develop awareness that not everyone fits into a nice little box filled with all the ‘sugar and spice’ attributes of, in this case, little girls. They also need to educate themselves.

  323. Leslie Zee

    Sorry, knee jerk reaction. This story is not true. This is some sickos idea of a joke. I’m not laughing.

  324. Norma

    So sad! Maybe the prayer they seeked was answered… not for them but for the child. The answer could have been this child deserving better parents and better life than what she has been living for the past 16 years. WIshing the best for this child.

  325. rich

    I thought god taught forgiveness, love, peace. These parents can’t accept the kid id gay. Does this change anything the kid did up to this time in any ones eyes, no. same kid. stop listening to a church who hides criminals and shuffles priests around to prevent the law catching pedophiles. They have their own burden of guilt to carry on their cross. what Christians don’t understand is a lot of their religion has beliefs based in pagen gods and ritual. it was only added to get the pagens to convert easier to being christian. Cristmas, Easter, all based on pagen holidays……wake up people.

  326. Katie

    Anyone with their panties in a bunch over “hate on their belief” – how about you just don’t even act like you’re not privileged as f*** to be able to say that. How about the hate on the LIVES of millions of people for the sole reason that they love freely. I’m 99% sure that if there is a god, he is not so petty as to care who anyone is humping or marrying. I’m pretty sure you’re all tooting your own horn that he has nothing more to do that worry about those gays.
    “Oh man, look at all this war and starvation… OH S*** ANOTHER SPECIES WITH HOMOSEXUALITY? WHERE DID I GO WRONG.” Said god, never.

  327. Michael

    Well, hopefully she will goto better parents. Sounds like those two need to pray in order to tie their shoe laces let alone raise a daughter. Maybe she will goto gay parents and she will learn real love, real acceptance, real humility and hopefully her new parents will be able to help her nurture a relationship with God that doesn’t involve hate, judgement, FEAR or misunderstanding. Gay is God’s creation. The parents should be put in prison for their crazy religious beliefs. It’s not Christian. It’s WRONG.

  328. Otowner

    Mr. and Mrs. Chadwell should be praying for their own souls, which are completely LOST. By the way, has either of THEM ever eaten bacon, shellfish or rabbit, worked on a Sunday, or worn clothing of mixed fibers? I ask because Leviticus states that those are “sins” that are equal to homosexuality, and are punishable by death. If you are going to behave viciously and unethically because of one idiotic statement by a backwater desert dwelling middle eastern primitive, you need to adhere to all of the insane “rules” he dreamed up while eating moldy rye bread.You don’t get to pick and choose folks!
    And Tyson Bowers III is a closeted self hating gay man who would be so much happier if he would finally allow himself to get laid. Instead, he’s on a mission to make young people as miserable as he is. Sexuality is essential to good health, both mental and physical. Connecting to the person you love physically is one of the most profound and meaningful things humans experience, and denying yourself that natural connection to another will make you sick, twisted, and hateful. Just stop the madness already!

  329. T.C.

    And you thought North Koreans were stupid for accepting the Onion’s satire about Kim Jung Un being the most eligible bachelor in the world as fact! This article is satire by Christwire, a parody group. I wasn’t aware of that fact at first, but wondered why they kept referring to “Southern” Carolina repeatedly. A quick search revealed the author’s name is a byline used for satirical parody. Excellent “gotcha”.

  330. lissyloveslucy

    This is really sad. I will adopt her! I am a Christian Lesbian and God said in his word we are created in the image and likeness of him and no human can override that!

  331. Joseph Colehour

    See, at first I read this article and I thought, “WHO DOES THIS???!!” Then I read the last line again and now I see what the problem is……..The Chadwells said they had help from their local church, who prayed for weeks seeking guidance for the couple and came to the conclusion that it would be best to let the child go in hopes of being adopted by a gay friendly family.

    I am not surprised. That’s what happens when you let organized mental illness over 2,000 years old dictate what you decide to do with and for you child’s best interests. Seeking guidance from imaginary sky beings should be considered a mental illness, especially if your hallucinations tell you to give up your child for adoption because of “who they are.”

  332. Gay

    There is one key factor. This is NOT a choice! NO ONE would choose to be hated, to be put up for adoption. I’m 100% sure if it it was a choice a girl would choose her parents and a normal NON HATED BY BIGOTS life.

    You can believe what you choose however without experience or knowledge your “life choice” comment is only a means for you to justify the evils you cast down upon the gay people. Your hatred will be seen by god.

  333. Meg

    Dear child,
    It’s not your fault. God does not make any mistakes my grandmother used to say…He knit you in your mothers womb so your orientation is no surprise to him. I have been in a committed same sex marriage with my Wife for 8 years now (in Canada) & have helped raise her children. I am a strong Christian and I know that Jesus loves me. He loves you too. God made you the way you are for a reason…perhaps to teach tolerance for all people. Don’t let others change who you are…you are more than your orientation or gender…Jesus knows your heart. I would take you in if I could. I’ll keep you and your family in my prayers.

  334. A. Hugandkiss

    Yep, worlds worst parents. Also the state is South Carolina not ‘Southern Carolina’. As in, South Carolina parents are the worst parents you could ever have the misfortune to be born to. Poor them! I wonder how their abandoned kid feels? It should be criminal to have children if you’re this stupid.

  335. Artemis

    My partner and I will take her in. We’re a lesbian couple with 4 happy, well-adjusted kids; we have a very happy family life and we’re ridiculously proud of our kids. Our third is leaving for college this year, so we have room. We live in a great coastal CA town with really good schools.

    Raising teenagers, especially girls, is really hard in every way imaginable. I’m saying this having been a teenaged girl myself! I was raised by a “Christian” family that rejected me as well, so I have a pretty good idea how scarred this poor kid is. She needs unconditional love, support, a stable safe environment, and counseling. Is she in the system now? What kind of environment is she trapped in right now?

    You can argue back and forth about religion endlessly, but who takes care of the children who are so badly hurt by your beliefs?

  336. Satan

    And this is why religion shouldn’t exist…it just puts shit into people’s head and make them think everything that isn’t in the bible is wrong and Satan’s work… Imagine the girl, probably hid this secret for a while, and thought it was time to tell her parents the truth, thought they would understand…then this fucktards who should be decapitated that can’t accept their own motherfucking daughter as she is just decides to put her up for adoption after 16 years…and then people say christians (and all this shit) are better people…

  337. Eve Applebaum

    I hope these people create a country of their own and go and live in it. Their world is one that consists of “lecturing” and preaching to young minds the art of “Hate” and bigotry. I feel sad for this child but I hope a gay friendly family who has the means and a lot of love will step forward to care for her and show her what a world of love and acceptance can be like. I forsake these people and in my life, I pay no attention to them and their plight for hate thinly veiled by a devotion to religion.

    If Jesus Christ could see what has come from his plight he’d weep for days.

  338. Seriously?!

    I love how the comments have turned into a debate about prayer. Hello, a child had been abandoned due to sexual preference, how very Christian, not! How absolutely sickening is this, that this family’s resolution it to give their daughter up for adoption? How is that not the main topic to be debated right now?? I don’t give a damn about who thinks prayer works or not, what is disgusting is how a family thinks that this is the correct solution. Prayer or not, this is messed up, and all people are talking about is whether prayer is valid. What a dumb debate, prayer is not the issue here, lets wake up a bit people!

  339. Me

    What happened to “God does not give you any more than you can handle”? They let society choose fate, they must have never loved their daughter to begin with, and yes…..scold me I have passed judgement, but I can live with that! I will love my children not matter what they bring me, I will never disown them, they are mine and I will protect them till I die. God bless this child and help her live without this scar her parents have given her. I am Catholic, I am a mother, and I am human and I am not ashamed of any of it.

  340. S LaRue

    am absolutely disgusted by all of these comments. it is an abomination that people who claim to be adults cannot take the time to step back and see just how hard it is that their crank is being yanked. like really yanked. over and over, in a way that some might even find to be a bit pleasurable.

    to say you are all retards is to do a disservice to our brothers and sisters, be they straight or gay, who have some mental or physical challenges getting through our world. i pray for their forgiveness.

  341. Melissa

    guys… this isn’t real. chill. and “southern carolina” is not a state. genius man who wrote this. and nice picture strait from google.

  342. R

    At least they didn’t completely kick her to the streets and want her to go somewhere safe, but this is still very disappointing. Needs to be more love in the world.

  343. Jennifer K.

    That is beyond “retarded”!! I would offer my home open arms to her if I were closer! I am not gay/lesbian, but I have friends who are. They do not push me to be this way or the other. They are not hurting anyone. So why treat them any different because they choose to love the same sex? Those parents should be ashamed, and the 16 year old shouldn’t feel down because her parents are stupid. They obviously don’t deserve her!

  344. Carl Strange

    There is no such couple, just as there is no state of Southern Carolina. What city is it? What church? There can be no saying, because it is all bogus, a prod to cause dissension. Isn’t there enough reality to discuss without bogus nonsense like this?

  345. Smarter Than You All

    The fact that each of you has bought into the obviously “FAKE” story speaks volumes. I know the majority of people are dumb, but didn’t realize it was such a huge majority. Do the world a favor and hold your collective breath until you meet your maker. Morons!

  346. Gay

    The worst thing in a gay person’s life is not just coming to terms with their sexuality but the fear and scorn of the people closest to you. Your family friends and colleagues. To have a gap between all the people you love is agonizing, to know they will look at you like you are “ill” or “sick” is painful and to know you are a disappointment is ‘the nail in the coffin’ so to speak.

    These parents have destroyed their daughter’s life. Love and caring and understanding would have helped her through an already hard time… They chose to do the worst, abandon their child.

  347. Jane Crain

    At first I thought this story was from the Onion, because it’s so unbelievable. Simply put, these parents are despicable, and if there really is a place called hell, that is where they both belong!

  348. Casey

    It never fails … A 16 year old girls life has been crushed, she has been abandoned by the people she needs most at this time in her life … yet once again, like always, the issue has been turned into some stupid religious debate. I will never understand how people that claim they are so religious are the ones constantly spreading HATE … smdh. Sounds like she will be better off.
    And to all you Dbags using this as an excuse to shove you bible thumping beliefs down peoples throats … The bible also says you shouldn’t get tattoos, get a divorce, wear any fabric blends, partake in any type of fortune telling, wear gold, eat shellfish, ect. ect … I bet every single one of you hypocrites have broken many of the bibles so called “rules” so why don’t you go preach your BS at red lobster, a tattoo shop, or a department store!

  349. Meve

    Wow, how can parents act like the most important thing about their daughter is her sexuality. These people are obsessed about sex, if you make such a huge deal out of it then yeah, sure – people will start focusing on it more and more. This is wrong on so many levels, I feel so sorry for the girl. She was born this way, it’s like her parents were like “oh sorry, you are not naturally blonde or weren’t born a math genius, we are giving you up for adoption”.

  350. Hardke

    She can come and live with me and my wife… We are lesbian. We go to church, we are hardworking members of our community and grandparents to 6 kids… At one point I had CHOSEN to be straight,and I was miserable because it wasn’t what I wanted and we were both miserable.. I did live up to my end of the biblical deal and had three wonderful sons out of that union.they have married 3 wonderful girls and have given us the most beautiful grand kids on the planet..we Are the cross- section of what gay America really looks like.. We are really pretty normal!! SHAME ON YOU PEOPLE FOR DISREGARDING YOUR OWN CHILD AND THROWING HER AWAY!! GOD GAVE HER TO YOU TO KEEP AND LOVE AND CHERISH AND TO TEACH YOU THINGS…AND YOU ARE GIVING GOD THE BIG OLD MIDDLE FINGER AND TELLING HIM SCREW YOU!!! Nice … NOT!!

  351. Christina

    This has to be the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. These parents don’t deserve to have this beautiful girl & I hope she can find a family that will love her for the person that she is. I will never understand how people can be so cruel & hurtful & evil to each other. I hope this girl knows just how special she is, regardless of what her heartless parents have done.

  352. umberto orefice

    Uh.. Sorry I did not read all posts, they’re too many, and i do not have all that time, but I can’t keep from say my opinion.. I have read one post that says that this post may be a fake, and I definitely hope it is a fake. But, assuming it is true… I read also several posts defending that decision.. Sorry for my english , is not my mother tongue, so I miss words enough strong to express my opinion, definitely four letters words.. Someone Said “bring your hate elsewhere”, and your what is, love? Bring in unknown hands the flesh of your flesh because she think in a different way from you? You must be mad, and, if do you think that hell exist, is better that you think to your next destination after death a bit worried.. I think your hell will be here, from now on, you may has been brainwashed as you want, but I’m sure you cant keep from understand, deep in you, how much you’ve been stupid, and how evil you have been because of your stupidity, the worst, the one that make bleed rhinking they’re right, with god on their side, unknowing the pain you’re causing to that innocent. No words for the other integralists, i’m afraid soon or late we will have to blame them for constrict us , willing or not, to use other arguments. I don’t admit to be the first to use such arguments, as I agree that violence is the last idiot’s shelter, but with such idiots around, is just a question of time

  353. Mary

    wow! she is your child you’ve raised her for 16 years and now that! atleast you have the brain to want her to be with poeple who will love her. she wants to be with you not with another family but atleast now she can learn what it means to have a family who will love her for who she is. sick sick people! im 16 and gay and my dad aint puttin me up for adoption! i wish i could tell this girl that there is hope and she will be loved. she was born this way you idiots and she will still love you after this. grow up and be a parent!

  354. Diana

    I am Christian and I am straight and I am horrified and angered any parent or church would turn a child out for being who God made her! This is not how God or Jesus would have you act! Jesus says NOTHING of being gay but He was VERY clear we are to love one another and to treat all as if we were serving angels and God Himself. And the few passages in the Old Testament that seem to talk of homosexuality have very specific cultural issues. Y’all are just wrong. I pray this sweet child finds a loving family who helps her fully find herself and embrace this joyful person God has made in her. Being gay is of God. God has made her. Being away from this group is probably the best thing for her although I’m sure it rips her heart apart and will forever. What a travesty. There ARE churches and Christians out here who are not such hard hearted mean spirited bigots.

  355. Tabatha

    This is crazy! I can’t believe parents would actually do this. It makes me sick. What’s worse is the stateof South Carolina even allowed it. And who are the people of the church to even tell these parents its the best thing to do with their child? GOD is the only one to judge who cares what people of the church think in the end its about GOD and his judgement. The man that wrote this article teaches the dangers of homosexuality.. lol that makes me laugh because of the fact wiether you are straight or gay THERE ARE THE SAME RISK FACTORS AND DANGERS.

  356. Wonderpoof

    This site is satire, which means the article above is not true. Was this intended to be funny? I knew guys who, after telling their parents they were gay, were beaten and thrown out on the street. They became homeless, some turned to prostitution to survive, some died homeless and unloved. I can’t figure out why anyone thinks the subject is amusing.

  357. FeedMySheep

    Proof that a Bible in the wrong hands is a “Tool for a Fool”.

    No where in the Bible does it leave one to think this is okay. If you claim that God wanted this than you pick out what suits you. That is NOT being led by God. That is you being full of yourself.

    The self righteous can easily be pulled out by just scanning over the comments.

  358. Debra

    This is DISGUSTING of them! What bunch of horrible people. They should have never had children if they aren’t going to love and care for them unconditionally. Yeah, I’m totally sure Jesus would applaud them. Oh wait. I kinda wish Hell existed just so these dicks could go there.

  359. Lorrie

    I am a 48 year old, heterosexual female, with no thoughts ever, to be with another woman. I also do not practice a religion, but believe there is a God. With that being said, my best friend is a woman who happens to be a lesbian. I think what these parents did is unforgivable by any God that exists. If people truly believe that there is a God, and we were made in “His image”, then they should also believe that this is Gods Will, for children to be BORN homosexual, not “choosing” to be, and should love that child unconditionally. After all……isn’t Gods love unconditional to each and every one of us ?

  360. April Chadwell

    Tyson Bowers III is a faggot that is hiding it by by preaching homosexuality is the worst thing in the world! I bet he takes acolytes and has sex with them when no one is looking.

  361. MT Kelsi

    This is horse shit! These parents should be cast out of their church for being ignorant, unforgiving, judgmental, weak, parents and abandoning their child. Those who say that sexuality is a choice only believe that because they have been scared into doing so. When I was just 8 yrs old, I already knew my best friend Kevin was gay. It was in how he talked, walked, acted, and felt. HE was just a child. He had no interest in the horrible persecution he would receive as he grew older.. he just was who he was. And for me, I was, and am bisexual. I still maintain a very successful and positive relationship with a man but I am attracted to women as well. This is not a choice, it just IS. Not every person is the same, and this is what creates our beautiful and diverse world. GOD IS LOVE and God would be so disappointed with the way things have become.

  362. Maxine

    Prayer or not, Whatever happened to the teachings of love?? Love your neighbor, your family, your friends. To surrender this young lady to the state for adoption is telling her she’s no good in this world. That she is not loved by her parents. That she is worthless because of who she is. Prayer??? They should have been praying more for God’s forgiveness for what they’ve done, rejection of their own child. Prayer?? Pray for God’s guidance, not some idiot that claims to know God’s words. Prayer?? To help bring their family closer, not farther apart. Yes, prayer could have helped, IF they really knew how to pray and what to pray for from the real God!!

  363. Karen Ann

    The problem is they were praying for the wrong thing. They should have been praying for the ability to accept their child with unconditional love and support. God made all of us in his image and likeness, not some of us. They will regret their choice to do this someday. There is nothing my children could do to make me shun them. Not what I signed up for when I became a parent.

  364. Beth

    They sound like two ignorant, bigoted, utterly useless human beings. Considering that all of our mental and emotional problems in life can be traced back to how our parents treat us, they are doing their best to doom this poor girl into a life of feeling unloved and unwanted. I hope this girl realizes later in life that she now has this second chance to surround herself with people who truly love her for who she is. These parents are monsters.

  365. Jacqui

    Sick, sick people. I’m glad they put their child up for adoption as they do not deserve children. I hope she finds a loving, deserving family who give her the attention she needs. If praying were real, i would pray for the world to be stripped of disgusting people like this.

  366. DS Bakker

    I only skimmed the comments here. I had no idea the Good Lord in Heaven really does create a sucker ever minute. But it’s true, as God is my witness (see above ^), it’s true.

  367. Martin

    These parents are absolutely terrible. They should be imprisoned. And their daughter should be given grievance councelling, and all their money/house and belongings. They are unfit parents, unfit human beings.

    Praying has never achieved anything, and it never will. Accepting homosexuality as a natural phenomenon is the only logical and intelligent choice. All intelligent mammals exhibit homosexuality.

    1. Martin

      That’s really the crux of the situation, right. Adhering to a rediculous arbitrary law that does not take the inconsistency and variation in developmental rate of a human child into account. Maybe her partner is younger. In most of Europe, age for consent is 14-16. Barbaric no?…

      1. Chris F.

        I’ll go you one better than that. Mary, mother of Jesus, would have been *AT MOST* 14 years old when she gave birth. At that time, girls were married off when they hit puberty. Not when they finished it, when they started it. The blessed virgin Mary was barely even a teenager.

        1. Martin

          Mary got knocked up by a Roman Solider. More likely than ‘God impregnated her. Plus, if she did at that age, what a little slut!

    2. Chris F.

      1) No they aren’t, pedophilia means sexual attraction to pre-pubescent children. 16 is well after puberty, so it by definition cannot be pedophilia.

      2) It is not considered a crime or in any way “wrong” when both people are the same age. Two 16 year olds dating is not considered to be deviant.

      3) If you think the only way to know if you’re gay or straight is to have sex with people until you see which one you like more, you’re an idiot. Most people can tell if they like men or women more long before they have sex with them.

  368. TomM

    Suffer the little children to come unto me ?unless I reject them? What a horrid example of incompetent parenting. Before anyone dares condemn me for passing judgement and hurting the feelings of these pathetic useless turds, remember the real and immediate damage they have done to their own daughter by depriving her of food, shelter, clothing, and the nurturing which a family provides. That damage will last the life times of all of them.

    The Christian thing to do would have been to put her to death for disobeying her parents. If that seems too harsh, the bible also allows them to sell their daughter in to slavery. At least she would be fed as a slave. So It is no surprise that those people silly enough to take direction from a collection of bronze age myths are living lives of horror, shame and pain. They could not obey the tenets of their faith, but can not find the love in their own hearts to care for their own child.

    It is so easy to love one’s own children. Consider Proverbs 10:12 “Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins.” It seems these folks haven’t read Proverbs. What a shame.

    This sorry news article is perfect proof that Christopher Hitchens was right: Religion Poisons Everything.

  369. Jamie

    this girl is so much better off if she has such horrible parents that they’d give her up for adoption on something she has no choice over. DOES THIS NOT FURTHER PROVE TO PEOPLE THAT BEING GAY ISN’T AN OPTION? this girl grew up in an anti-gay family and is still a lesbian! she did not decide this, it’s a genetic per-disposition! -_-

  370. Jenni

    Their prayers were not answered because they prayed for the wrong things. You can’t pray away gay. You can only pray that you can that you are stronger and not judgmental. One can only pray for inner strength. If their church never taught them not to hate the sinner, then they all need a lesson in Christianity. Besides, where is Southern Carolina? I have heard of SOUTH CAROLINA.

  371. Juana C. Felix

    Obviously, some people did not get it. The prayer might have been for a change in the child; but it probably was mainly as to what to do about the child. They came up with a solution. They got part of their prayer answered by coming up with a solution. However; they did not think this through; Sometimes prayers are answered immediately and sometimes they take time. Why would anyone want to adopt a 16 year old child (Gay or not) its beyond me. I am pretty sure they know this. It sounds mainly like a scare tactic that may or may not work. The repercussions could be humongous. For the non-believers: If prayer does not work; why would there be so many more people that believe in higher Being,(by whatever name they call Him) since the beginning of time, than not?

  372. Chris F.

    Having a gay child does not mean you failed as a parent.

    Abandoning your child means you failed as a parent.

  373. Worstparentsever

    If this story is true this is the epitome of hypocrisy…the whole argument against homosexuality is that it destroys families. WTF do these “parents” think THEY are doing? Destroying a family and their own flesh and blood’s sense of self worth. Even IF being gay were a choice (don’t get me started on who in their right mind would CHOOSE a life of oppression, hatred, bullying, shame, etc) how many people have teenagers whose lifestyle is not one they would prefer their child not follow? This is the age when your children need your guidance the most. Giving up on your child for being who they are, what happened to unconditional love? THIS is the abomination, people. Right here. If this is what LOVE means according to their religion, I want NO part of it. Eff these “parents” and their twisted sense of morality.

  374. Teresa

    People sit here and talk about the praying….. What about the 16 year old girl that is going threw this…. It’s stupid on my book….. She is a person that is going threw a hard time in her life and what do the parents do the just throw her away like it’s nothing…. If they believe in God so much then they wouldn’t do this to their child…. It makes me so mad when people like these parents do something like this… All I can say is they better hope God will love them after this…. Shame on them…. At least the girl will find someone that will love her on matter what….. This just pisses me off that there are people out there that think of them self and about what others will think of them… To me their pride and how that their daughter is Gay is going to hurt them as others look at them is just plain stupid….

    1. M Lindsay

      Just what I was thinking Theresa. Most of you sound totally un-Christian or uncaring, as you criticize and label others harshly for disagreeing with you. The point here is not the prayer – it is the incredibly hurtful conclusion the parents came to! If a church influenced this, then they are NOT Christian in my books, and should be run out of town. But if the parents are so mindless as to follow such stupid counsel, and basically throw away their young daughter, when she most needs support , then they should be investigated by child services or something – and “re-educated/un-brainwashed” until they can get a clue, and realize what they’re doing – presumably just for THEIR convenience or reputations.
      But what about other relatives, grandparents, etc. – are they all complete idiots? It’s obviously true that the girl would be better off without parents like this, but why wouldn’t some of her other relatives offer guardianship to the girl, rather than let her be taken by the authorities? A lot of strange things going on here – I hope this poor girl can get some love & support, and not let it ruin her life completely – or worse, cause her to end it.

  375. Havoc

    Food for thought: (Not my words but those of someone with extensive research and knowledge) We find 1,000 deserving cancer patients. We split them into two groups of 500. We pray for the people in the first group, and we touch the people in the second group with a lucky horseshoe. What do you suppose will happen? Will God reach down and cure all the people in the first group? Of course not. Statistically, the two groups will be identical. Praying for people has no effect on disease. The reason is simple. Prayer has exactly the same effect as a horseshoe. You might be thinking “Now wait a minute, I know lots of people who have been cured by prayer.”
    Here’s what is happening.

    Let’s say that there is a form of brain cancer that has a 10% survival rate. When people get this form of cancer, 1 person lives and 9 people die. They all pray. The one who survives shouts, “I prayed to God and he saved me!” But you never hear from the nine who died, because they are dead. So it sounds like prayer works, when it fact prayer has no effect. Why would this supposed God pick and choose what grandfathers will survive based on his grandchildren needing him anyway?

    The “answered prayer” is a coincidence, nothing more. Believe what you want though, but it would be good if you tried to understand why others believe much more in the power of love or positivity….and science than religious claims about prayer!! No offense intended, but non-believers, skeptics, agnostics, atheists, humanists etc. have good reason to be skeptical of or unbelieving of religious claims when evidence does not support the claim.

  376. Heidi Hup

    Oh gee thanks retards, thanks for making the rest of us christian and southerners look bad… How about you make some fake news feed that make you look bad instead eh? On the slight chance it is real, apparently no one teaches the part where it says to love and tolerate EVERYONE…..sigh.

    1. Daniel Craig

      Is calling people retards your way of showing tolerance ? If that’s your faith, I want no part of it!

    2. DSB

      The point of this project is that people will believe pretty much anything. And, no, there’s is not even a slight chance this piece is real. Which makes you slightly retarded?

  377. Corina

    This is FUCKED up and the church these people all go to are all F’d Up too..
    This poor girl needs to emancipate herself- NOT at this age be playing with the Foster-Home State Game- she needs to get a job, and emancipate herself-
    God Bless this poor young girl, just when she needs her church and family- they turn their backs on her…way to go assholes- you better hope she doesn’t turn to drugs or alcohol or worse prostitution-
    Because the need to feel loved- isn’t there anymore and to not be wanted by your family is the WORST feeling EVER.
    Hope you all feel proud of yourselves
    The god These people believe in…IS NOT a GOD-

  378. Gays for Jesus

    Jesus had two dads and he turned out okay.

    not sure what the problem is here … if this is all part of Gods ineffable plan it was his decision for their daughter to be this way so for them to second guess his will is surely a sin

  379. Cody

    These parents were never meant to be parents if they can’t except something as small as sexual preference. What happened if they were born with a disability or any kind of syndrome? The fact that they are praying for a solution and are still putting her up for adoption is absolutely crazy. These 2 are not right in the head. This poor girl had to be brave enough to tell 2 people she loves her deepest secret and this is what she gets? It’s your CHILD!! You support her through thick and think no matter what. This story is disappointing. It’s 2013…this should not still be an issue anymore…

  380. Robert

    I pray for the daughter to get kind and loving parents instead of the hate mongering bigots she was raised by. After all if they don’t believe in loving their child then the values they teaching are unhealthy for any child.

  381. Willow Wytch

    They created a child and for them to “Throw her away” to the system is deplorable at best.
    They claim to be christians but as I remember from my sunday school days, their God is supposed to love all his creations.
    These people make me sick to my stomach. I had to fight the state of SC for taking my kid away because of my witchy beliefs. So the child will be treated shitty by the system as well for her sexuality.
    My heartgoes out to this girl and my animosity goes out to her disgusting “parents”.
    My 2 cents and now I am broke!

  382. Diane M

    I cannot get over this…I am a parent who has had to bury one of her children., My son was 3 yrs old and died of complications following a heart transplant 16 years ago. What I would give to have Thomas back….gay , straight., striped or polka dot, doesn’t matter. I would adopt her in a heartbeat…I cannot get over parents turning their backs on their flesh and blood , and doing it in the name of GOD! God’s first lesson to us is to love thy brother. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!

  383. DSB

    What is really sad is the number of people who have no BS detector at all. The gullibility on display here is astonishing.

  384. Maria

    You people are all missing the point here. Everyone has turned it into a religious debate. Bottom line: this poor girl’s parents are terrible parents and human beings. Wether you believe in God or not is irrelevant.
    And for the record, I believe in God and I am gay. I don’t try to shove my beliefs down other people’s throats, that’s your choice to make. Speaking of choices, being gay IS NOT a choice. I was never molested, I had an amazing childhood with a loving and supportive family, I was simply born this way. Being gay is not a choice I would have made if it was possible. However, it is something that I must accept and all I can do is pursue a happy and fulfilling life being the person I am.

    1. galen

      i agree with you they are the worst parents i have heard of in a long time hope she realizes that and see it is thier loss and not hers

  385. David Peterson Harvey

    It’s interesting how many posts end up being religion hating posts from anti-theists and religion favoring posts from those defending religion. People tend to push their own emotional values on situations like this. I think it’s hardly appropriate. I’ve read these same types of posts, including the argument about prayer, on countless other subjects and it never seems to resolve. Let’s abandon that as useless and move on with our lives and the subject at hand.

    The real issue isn’t about whether religion is good or bad; it’s about whether these people are making the best decision. At face value, this looks pretty harsh. However, it’s a pretty normal reaction when people are faced with something that flies in the face of their long-term beliefs. I’ve seen this type of disowning happen in other types of situations, too.

    Usually, there’s a period of disowning like this, followed by a gradual acceptance. It takes time for the parents to wade through their emotional response to something they never envisioned for their child. The way the parents have internally organized their beliefs must go through changes, a growth process that will lead them to accept a change that is fundamentally a big trauma to their egos and their perception of the world and their place in it. Over time, it usually involves a questioning and gradual change of their beliefs to accommodate their daughter’s place in their lives.

    In all likelihood, the parents will eventually make peace with the situation. I certainly hope they are able to do that.

  386. Kitty Blake

    This story and writer is totally bogus and presented in sarcasm… poking fun at the idiotic and hypocritical christian right thought process presented here…. couple things to consider this case would be a child protection case because no one can “give” their child to “the state” … no state in the nation wants your child unless you are 1. Abandoning (which this story is about), 2. Neglecting or 3. Abusing your child… actually this fake family would be considered for all three child protection categories (PS I am a child protection social worker). Names of minors involved in a child protection case are confidential… this fake writer would be run up a legal flagpole in court for this ethics violation. Check out the site Daily Bleach for a good laugh… maybe not my cup of tea for humor but none the less it is an out there yank on the chain of conservative, hypocritical, small minds. Yank hard I hope it pulls their heads out of their butts.

  387. Henry

    the love for their lifestyle was bigger than the love for their daughter, with god’s love everything is possible to overcome.

  388. Scott


    This is possibly THE single most non-christian act I have ever had the displeasure to read of.

    Not sure which bible you guys follow, but seriously, you need to get out more.

    People like you in this world cause death and suffering. OUR lord loves me for me and I hope that when you are called to judgement that you can say you have lived a ‘loving’ existence. I know my conscience is clear.


  389. Steve

    Terrible story cutting a 16 year old out of the only family she has known. As for Prayer I do it daily and it does help, It’s helped me many times.

  390. Jay

    Guess what? There is no God. Why? Because God would never give a child to parents like this. Know what else? The Bible that you religious zealots like to quote when you’re telling others how to live their lives says that divorce is just as bad as being gay. So is wearing a fabric blend. Do any Christians here put their kids in polyester clothes? Well you better put them up for adoption because they’re going to hell! Religion makes people dumb. Learn to THINK, question what you’ve been told all your life. It’s false. There is no God. If you want to believe there is, go for it, but where in the hell do you get the right to tell non-believers how to live their lives?

  391. ellies dad

    ok so the church us saying turn your back on your daughter becasue she is gay ,,,,,,but it wont do the same to pedophilic priests …….double standards again form the good old church

  392. natalie

    You are by far the worst parents I have ever read about. I hope you see this. I cannot wrap my mind around this. How can a mother give up a child that she birthed and cared for and raised and supposedly loved just because she found out her daughter has a different sexuality? How? A mothers love is supposed to be without prejudice. Your daughter is going through one of the hardest times in her life, something a MOTHER or FATHER is supposed to help her through. It makes it even worse that the two people a child is supposed to trust with everything turns their back on her. You better believe I am a Christian as well, and god loves every single one of his children. Your church should have taught you that.

  393. Kerry Welch

    My faimly would love to give her a home. We are in the UK, We are a married couple with two kids (9 and 7) and would welcome a gay or non gay teenager into our home.

  394. Steve

    I’d say the daughters’ prayers were answered. Rejection by your parents is certainly scarring, but I have faith that the girl will be much better off the further these two cretins are from her life. And if these two specimens have any other children, the State should preemptively remove them from the home; obviously these two are unfit not only as parents but as humans.

  395. MarcP

    This story just doesn’t ring true. Everything about it sounds phony. IF, by some perverse chance it is real, I hope it’s not too late for the daughter to finally find happiness and stable, loving parents who are less selfish and self-centered.

  396. Jim Elliott

    Tyson has just reposted an article from the Daily Bleach from July 2012 (without attribution I might add). The Daily Bleach was (no longer around) a SATIRE SITE. There is NOTHING TRUE in this story!

  397. Brian M

    I started reading this article, due to the fact that in this day and age religion aside I could not believe that two parents who have raised a perfectly healthy child to the age of 16, that child has then had the courage to admit to those that she loves and cares about that she is attracted to members of her own gender, that these parents have decided to give there daughter up for adoption…….a few posts in it has become a debate about religion and prayer etc etc etc What about the Daughter ? ( admmitedly I have not read the entire post this would take all night ) if her parents believe heavily in religion nobody has the right to question this or what they obtain from it what does need to be discussed is the states allowance of such an adoption of a child of this age. This poor girl is being rejecte by the people she cares most about in this world simply because she is gay. When being gay in this day and age is accepted by so many and also by Some religious organisations.

  398. Mark

    My father was a minister for 39 years, and neither he or mom approve of homosexuality, but they still love me unconditionally even after I came out at the age of 22. I can’t believe this family would be so hateful to their child…I don’t believe there is any excuse for what they have chosen to do whether they agree with her “choice” or not…may God flood this young one with His love, compassion, and healing…

  399. food for thought....

    I was raised in the Church and taught that Our Lord gave himself to absolve us of our sins and ensure we no longer had to follow the rules stated in the Old Testament.

    Jesus never said a word about homosexuality – He preached His love, and how we should extend that love to each other rather than pass judgement on them. After all, that’s God’s job, not ours.

    Don’t you get it? When you quote Leviticus, you’re saying that He died in vain!

  400. Steve

    And people wonder why I have NO USE for bible thumpers…some of the most meanest people are know have “found god”…and these parents should be ashamed of themselves on so many levels…

  401. Scoundrel

    Disgusting, grotesque people who never should have been able to procreate in the first place. These people are NOT christians. They’re revolting.

  402. martin

    I thought children make their own choices in life and should not be controlled by their parents, at least they did not murder her, Like they would have done in Africa or The Middle East, but it just goes to show that religion is not about, love, tolerance and forgiveness, it’s far more sinister than that, Lets hope one day we will live in a world without religion, or that a new one is invented that does not lure so many evil and hateful people under its banner. My thoughts are with this poor girl, but she is better off without parents like this.

  403. Jon X

    If ever there was proof of vile nature of Christians, this is it. Oh how I miss the days of Christians and Lions…….good times.

  404. Jon X

    If ever there was proof of vile nature of Christians, this is it. Oh how I miss the days of Christians and Lions…….good times.

  405. Evolution

    I couldn’t be happier for that young girl! Getting away from those ignorant heartless people is the best thing that could happen to her. At least now she will have a more NORMAL chance in life.

  406. Natasha

    I think these people are not worthy to be parents. Full stop. If they loved their child ‘unconditionally’ they would NEVER do such a thing. You love them no matter who they are, if they happen to fall in love with the same sex, so be it. It happens. I hope this girl finds a better, more loving family that won’t take advice from the church. Don’t get me started on religion…

  407. Keith Francis Farrell

    These people do not deserve to be parents, they failed the test. They ave been brainwashed by their church. Religion is hateful. I stopped believeing in imaginary friends when I was a little child. The bible shares the same stories with other older religions. I think these people (I will not call them parents) should take their gun and kill themselves, they are going to hell anywa, so why delay the trip. take it now

  408. Marion Nelson

    You know there is absolutely no scriptural basis for it BUT the older I get the more convinced I become that Dante was right. There are divisions in hell and special places for POS’s like these people

  409. Pingback: Parents Put 16 Year Old Daughter Up For Adoption After Learning She is Gay | Memoirs of Tyson Bowers III | The Company of the Eudaimon

  410. your all stupid

    THIS IS BULLSHIT now stfu ppl and do your research. Its a HOAX site. I pray you morons get a brain.

  411. John The Not Gay Guy

    This is obviously a troll story and all of you Christian nut jobs just got super Rick Rolled. Dont worry though, gay marriage will be legal soon because the majority of the US is not as close minded and stupid as you ignorants. Jesus and God is supposed to be about love and inclusion, not discrimination, hate and exclusion. Read your bible and for every anti-gay passage (there are only 2 or 3 and none said by Jesus) you will find 100x more that talk about love tolerance and acceptance. These facts are the very reason many have left the hypocrisy that is the christian faith.

  412. Gordon

    “In reality, the piece was written by a Daily Bleach who calls himself Tyson Bowers III. For those of you who don’t know, the Bleach is a website that’s sort of like the poor man’s Onion- in other words, it’s cooked up by a clever comic. “Tyson Bowers” is their anti-sex superconservative character. His pieces take stabs at the racist, sexist, and homophobic views of those on the Christian right. In other words, the articles and the Chadwell family are 100% fiction.”

  413. john clubb

    I will adopt her and rescue her from these douchebag idiots. She deserves better than this as a human being and should thank her worthless parents for releasing her from their backwards country fuck standards and lifestyle. Some o the meanest assholes I’ve ever met have been sitting in church pews holding a bible. God is embarrassed by you.

  414. Shel

    That is one of the reasons why I hate religion. Stupid! My 16 year old daughter is a lesbian and I would NEVER give her up for adoption for that reason. Religion is just awful.

  415. Emma

    It’s not about praying, it’s not about believing in God or anything else. The only question is about love and devotion. Not for an untouchable God but for their own child… it’s a real Shame and it’s a crime angainst their daughter.

    hey should be juged for that. Poor girl.

  416. scorpio

    Religion is crap, its fiction and a load of bull, thoses parents should never had kids , i thought this so called god loved everyone, homosexuality was happening when fucking jesus was around

  417. Ronno

    Parents should support and help their children in some circumstances. The only thing this case prove, it’s they aren’t either able nor prepared to be parents. I’m sorry for the girl who has to face adolescence problems, the reject of society for being gay and such a dumbass parents.

  418. Adrian

    This is ridiculous and so far from God that its almost devilish. So they’re child is something they don’t understand and so they decided to give her up. I am so thankful these two parents aren’t God. That’s the thing I don’t understand about “Christians” and I use that word loosely. They use the name of God to spread messages of hatred, intolerance, and bigotry; instead of exalting him by trying to be more understanding and accepting, because if God did what these two “parents” again using a word loosely did then we’d all be in trouble.
    And that poor, poor girl will always remember that her parents whom after God is suppose to love you most and best always . . . always said to her “YOUR NOT GOOD ENOUGH, YOUR NOT WHAT WE WANTED!”

  419. Nevermind

    I’d rather be gay and die of AIDS than be religious if these are the evil views that religion has. These parents should be stoned to death.

  420. doreen

    I would love to meet this young lady who had the courage to come out to her parents. I would also consider adopting her if we are compatible. My husband and I are not gay but we would lovingly care for this young lady.

  421. Me

    I understand how someone can not agree with homosexuality or christianity or anything. But the question is does it matter? Really? Does it? I have catholic and protestant friends as well as homosexual ones and I really haven´t come to a point where that would change anything or really matter. Being an asshole on the other hand is what could cause problems, and that´s what they are….nothing more than two assholes that´s all. Poor girl really

  422. "Northern" Carolina

    Where is this mystical place of ‘Southern Carolina’? I don’t think I want to go there. Ever. Shame on these people. I am disgusted by Mr and Mrs Chadwell.

  423. Danny Perry

    I find it very sad that the parents who brought this child into the world can just throw her away. To have the most amazing gift given to them and just toss it away, I think this is the real sin. I was born and raised Roman Catholic and I was always tought that you should love and respect everyone, and if there is a God that he loves each and every one of us. And this brings me to the point of marriage, saying it should be between a woman and a man, I can tell you that a gay couple would never throw their children away. But who am I to judge these people, if there is a God he will be the one judging them. May he have mercy on their souls…

  424. A Mom of 2 Beautiful girls.

    I was raised in a Christian home, firmly believing in God, the Bible and all that it stands for. I still do and raise my girls in a Christian home. They are only 4 and 6 yet, so I have a lot to face in the years to come. Their daddy is a Pastor’s kid and their grandpa is a Pentecostal Pastor. I said all of that to say this, Mr. and Mrs. Chadwell, I do not know where you attend church or what is being taught, so God only can judge you for the actions you have taken. However, the Bible that I read teaches me all about the Grace that God provides and the love that we should have for our family and the protection that we are to give our children. I’m so glad that no matter what I have done wrong, the God that I serve, did not put me up for adoption and call me, or make me to look like I am unworthy to be called His child. If my girls grow up to live a gay lifestyle, I will Love them and their partner unconditionally. I may not like the lifestyle that they choose, but I am still their mom. With the weight of being called mom, there is a responsibility. To love, nurture and accept our children, no matter what. For me to turn them away, or cast them aside because of their preference of partner, what “Christ-like” example would we be. To the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Chadwell, Sweet, sweet girl, don’t let the actions of your parents be the determining factor of what Christianity and church is all about. God still loves you, no matter what. I wish I could be near her and wrap my arms around her and say, “you are safe here”. So sad, my heart breaks for the daughter.

  425. Ricardo

    It is a no win situation really. It is not easy for parents to come to terms with a situation where their child may be in a situation which they believe (based on their belief structure) which puts them in danger of eternal suffering. They are also in a situation where to ‘love’ and support that person may be going against what your King desires.
    However one of the fundamental principle of this King is love not fear. I believe if they could have removed themselves for their fear and trust their creator that He has everything under control (even though they cannot see the answer), trust that He is able to support them both child and parents through this ‘dark valley’ they would have been able to say to their child we cannot agree with where you are right now but we are still here to love you until you reach a place of grace or we reach a place of understanding through the Holy Spirit.

  426. Mister

    They have VERY WEAK SPINES. Shame on these hypocrites, and hateful people. They should NEVER have been able to procreate…….another reason to strike down DOMA, et al.

  427. Livia

    Are you Fuck8ing kidding me?? I have two daughters. Even they were gay, and blew bubble gum out of their ass for a job, I would still be their mom and love them no matter what.. These two douchebags obviously don’t have a clue what it means to Love.

  428. Dana

    I feel so sorry for the girl who’s parents cannot accept her for who she is. God loves everyone no matter race or gender.

    I hope she finds the love of a family and a great support system to help her learn, grow, and love the way she wants to.

    I have 4 adopted children I could never imagine giving any of them up for just because of her sexuality choices.

  429. Erika Moureau

    Very sad for the close-minded parents who are acting as non-Christian as I’ve ever seen. Also sad for all the nasty and non-Christian comments left about this story.
    Prayer does work, but you have to pray sincerely….and not for yourself. It is not an imaginary man in the sky, it it JESUS CHRIST IN YOUR HEART!

  430. mateopbj

    About 200,000,000 people have visited Lourdes to pray for themselves or others to be healed of illness since 1860. The Catholic Church has confirmed 67 miracles there. The odds seem more in your favor if you stay home and drink orange juice. Avoid all those stressful crowds and trip-planning nightmares.

  431. Mike

    WOW, that is one abusive pair of parents, the fact that she has an opportunity to get away from those two is in her best interest.

  432. Queen

    This is sad. we are never going to agree with that our childern do.. sending her away did not show her anything postive. she trusted her parents enough to express her feelings and this is what happends, bet she wont trust again… poor girl.. they will regreat it.

  433. Patrick From Australia

    They call themselves christians?

    They are as bad as muslims! We all know what should be done about muslims!

  434. Ginger

    I’ve said it a million times and I’ll say it again..Some people just shouldn’t be able to have kids, and this couple is one of them.

  435. Alexander Konnoff

    These are some sad people. If christ is their savior and role model, these parents don’t know a thing about the teachings of christ. One word: Tolerance

    Being gay is not behavioral issue. It is a character/personality trait and deep seeded in the same part of the brain that drives us to seek out mates and reproduce.

    These parents should have never had kids if they couldn’t deal with a gay, tranny, or mentally ill child. That being said, they had a child, and now they are giving up their lifeblood to prejudice and intolerance.

    There is nothing wrong with being gay, and like I’ve heard before: If you are against gay marriage, don’t have one.

    I think that the child is better off without these brainwashed and impatient with annoyances.
    A person needs to have support during every stage of their growth, and these parents must think that their personal predispositions exempt them from being a support.

    If they prayed waiting for answers, they definitely had ear plugs in.

  436. Schnick McNoople

    The parents should talk. Mom’s not exactly the picture of femininity. She looks like a dyke. What a pair of useless examples of why some people should just not breed.

    1. Doogie McJesus

      I agree with you Schnick! Breeder scum should just rot and die. They are truly an abomdimnation in the eyes of the Lord.

    2. Micky McMickerson

      That’s exactly what I thought when I saw her. She’s probably a lesbian who was brainwashed by church to be straight. Or she could e just an insanely butch straight woman.

  437. Martha L Nangalama

    Just send me that kid and get over with this. I will do all the paper work to get that teen into Canad. We have bigger problems in the world right now. In Canada, that young girl will have a great education, medicare, a loving family,…oh I might put her in sports and music but she is old enough to decide. Seriously this is news? I thought North Korea was attacking the USA and now we have to listen to some Bible thumping parents and entire church kicking this kid out of their lives. I am so glad I rejected that University Scholarship to the USA.

    Come to Canada child… For all you internet trolls, I am a committed Christian but cannot stand the self righteousness that is shoved down people’s throats by some Christians who throw religion around and forget that Jesus never did give permission to any of us to hate. MLN

  438. CP247MARK

    These parents should be stopped from ever having more children. Castrate the father and sterilize that mother. Raising children to hate should be tantamount to child abuse and subject to harsh penalties. If these parents attacked and injured their daughter physically they woudl be charged. Why can’t they be charged for emotional abuse.

  439. Sue Leporati

    I am a great mother of two children – and I will adopt this young girl. Seriously – I live in California – if anyone wants to contact me from whatever agency is handling this adoption – my family will give this young girl a wonderful life where she will only know love and acceptance for who she is.

  440. Sheta Kaey

    This is very well done. I haven’t seen a troll page of such subtle skill in a long, long time. Kudos!

    For those in doubt — check out the book cover in the sidebar, for ex.

  441. Tom Robinson

    My wife and I would be happy to adopt this young woman into our family. We have a lovely daughter of 28, and two sons who are in their early 20s along with my mother-in-law living here, but we’d make room for a child who needs a family who would accept and love her for who she has been created to be by God. My church is accepting and affirming of God’s children and interprets the Scripture through the lens of Christ whose love and compassion and acceptance of all those who seek him is lived out daily. And please do not start quoting Scripture to me. I can so easily refute your narrow interpretations and so won’t be convinced. Just agree that we disagree.

  442. Susan

    I wish I knew more. I’d adopt her in a heartbeat. Because that is what Good Christians do. They spread the love of Jesus. They don’t throw children away. It’s a good thing Jesus loves us, and died for our sins. Those parents will face him someday, and face that sin of not loving their own child enough to stand With her.
    Can anyone tell me where to find this girl? I need a number so I can go get her.

    1. Godwina Winnerpore

      For those who don’t know, this is a troll site. This incident never happened. I feel bad about all the good, well meaning people who are offering to adopt this girl. She doesn’t exist.,

  443. Betharoo

    As a Christian reading this article I am disgusted. The God that I believe in and trust would never be ok with them just abandoning their child like this. I am appalled that they even call themselves Christian. They need more than just prayer, they need a proverbial slap in the face.

  444. Bea

    You are the very ones that made this child, What ya gonna do now, give each other up? If you learned that shit in church, then surely you know that you will be judged also …………..Just sayin!

  445. Nancy

    Sorry if I’m repeating what others have said as don’t have time to go through them all, but my thought is how these parents go to a church and think they’re good “christians” by turning out their child. It’s absolutely asinine, but we know they’re out there, and they love to say the U.S. is a “christian nation.” that’s why so many countries think we’re pretty stupid.

  446. meg

    they are wrong and just stupid, being gay is not a sin, it is who you are and you cant help who you are or who you love. God forgives everyone and anyone who has called upon him to save them and cleanse them. GOD DOES LOVE GAY AND LEZBIENS AND TRANSSEXUALS AND STRAIGHT AND WHATEVER YOU ARE. these parents are horrible and i hope that girl finds a better family that loves her for who she is and not what they want her to be. SHAME ON YOU PARENTS!!!!!!!

  447. Kathleen

    Sorry but this is completely reprehensible in my eyes. They do not deserve the title of parents other than perhaps UNFIT parents. Given the emotional abuse this child (and any possible siblings) endured they should not be permitted to have any children in their care!!

    Also, not sure how such a tragic event somehow got turned into a discussion about prayer. Religious fanaticism tends to do nothing more than promote discrimination and prejudice in our society. So unfortunate as the real issue seems to have gotten lost! A child experienced extreme emotional abuse at the hands of those persons who were supposed to be her protectors. As a parent we do not have to agree with the choices our children make but we still love them unconditionally.. Such action can in no way be constituted as love or even humane. Hopefully there is a hell because that is where they should be.

    I am obviously not a fan of religion. How so many can actually trust ancient documents written by men of millennia past is beyond me. Abrahamic Religions have been the cause of most war in the middle east since over 2000 years ago, which continues to this day. It is also the cause of many acts of violence perpetrated throughout the world. It is actually the root of most evil!!

  448. Anonymous

    Thank Google they put her up for adoption. I don’t know how she could live with people who choose to live that lifestyle.

  449. Amy

    These parents are so stupid!! Believe me,they aren’t as perfect as they seem to be,who in the hell would give their daughter away just because she’s different from them?? Your her parents for fuck sake!! You are suppose to be there for your children to support them, not condemn them!!!

  450. Matt

    I don’t know who I hate more. The idiots who think this is real, or the idiots who are defending their actions.

    god damnit.

  451. Fraser

    For those who don’t know, this is a troll site. This incident never happened. I feel bad about all the good, well meaning people who are offering to adopt this girl. She doesn’t exist.

  452. Janis Booth

    Having a child that is gay does not make one a failure as a parent; abandoning your child when they most need your love and support makes you a failure as a parent!

  453. Lesley

    Way to teach the unconditional love of God by rejecting your child bc they come to you with something going

  454. Ann White

    My husband and I live in Maryland, a state that believes in equal rights for GLBT people. We would be more than happy to welcome this young woman into our home. We have no children ourselves, but we would gladly open our home to any GLBT youth. As long as they stayed out of trouble and didn’t get into drugs, we don’t care who they’re interested in!

  455. nero sparda

    can we please stop talking about prayer and stay on the subject of how these monsters would rather erase there daughter from there life then let her be who she is….these people deserve to be put in an insane asylum.

  456. Rebecca

    We will gladly give this child a loving and supportive home in Northern CA. Please contact me if this is possible!

  457. James

    Honestly, if its something they know they can’t accept… at least they had it in them to admit there’d be a better place for her.

  458. adam

    wow what the hell. There is nothing wrong with being gay, and you damage people trying to say joy of sexless life. Sex is one of our main urges as humans. What the hell is wrong with you people? I really fear for the future of mankind with people like this tyson bowers.

  459. lee ann

    What a mighty Christian act that was. She is the same little girl who you hugged when she cried, fed when she was hungry. People like you should not be allowed to breed. Oh, and don’t be all crying and looking for sympathy. You deserve to have this eat away at you and suffer just as that beautiful girl of yours is suffering right now. Poor thing still wants you sick, sad people as her parents. Hopefully she will find new parents that love HER!!

  460. melissa

    i think its a shame that it came to the point that the parents had to give up there child because the child is gay .like are you serious . im sure there kid HATES them . they have lost the best gift GOD ever gave you A CHILD . that child is old enough to understand all of what is going on . the child is GAY no out killing people .robbing banks . its not the end of the world . i think the parents need ALOT of help . . i hope that child knows they did nothing wrong ..and that they find someone that loves them unconditionaly . to the parents get urself some help after all you are the sick ones NOT the kids your in the wrongg

  461. Kim

    This couple should be ashamed of themselves. They are trying to control a child who is trying to be independent. They will regret their decision. The church that is encouraging this decision should consider their own salvation. This is a child of God, that needs to be loved, not disowned. Her sexual preference and weather it is honoring of God is between her and God, but by making God the reason her parents disown her will send her running from God…..Its churches like this one that cause people to run from God…They should be ashamed of themselves!

  462. Angela

    As a mother of 3 boys between the age of 23 & 17, one of whom is gay, I understand the stress these parents are going thru. But instead of standing beside you daughter & being a parent to her, you have taught her nothing more than to give up in life. Now at a time in her life when she needs you, you do nothing more than abandon her. It takes a stronger parent to stand beside her, than one to run away from her. Is this what you really want to teach you children?? I for one will stand beside my child. I may not approve or understand his every decision, but I will not oust him for it. We all are different, we have different dreams & different desires, who is to say that yours is the right one? Send this precious child my way & I will stand with her!!

  463. Nekal

    Um, that is disgusting. Points for humanity have gone way down because of this. Hopefully their child will become something great and they will have to look at how successful she became in life and know they had nothing to do with it.

  464. Allie

    LMAO – 1000 comments on a fake article, and I bet 99% of you have no idea that the Fed is screwing you out of your money and decimating your children’s’ future. Can we have a lil focus, sheeple? BTW, for those of you in the “prayer really works” camp, have you seen the tragedy in this world? Can you possibly defend that if all you really had to do is click your heels together 3 times and wish upon an imaginary old man? Goddamit, we’re screwed.

  465. Amanda

    I’m not a religious person but… if I were, I’d pray that I would love my child. I’d pray for myself to realize that she was still my baby girl and I would pray that I would be granted tolerance. Then again, I’m not religious, I’m a heathen by christian view. And I have nothing against anyone for their sexuality. I’m ashamed for this couple and I feel sorry for their daughter that they have forsaken her, outcast her from their family because they can’t handle gay. Pray to your god for forgiveness for casting away your child for that is surely a greater sin than what she has ever committed.

  466. Jordan

    Honestly, here are the facts.

    First off, What April’s parents did was wrong. It’s as simple as that.

    Secondly, Religion shouldn’t be a factor whatsoever when raising a child and a true parent should love and accept their child no matter what life choices (when referring to sexuality) they make.

    Third, All this talk about rape and other non-topic things needs to stop. It’s all stupid.

    Fourth, The fact that a Church basically went COMPLETELY against their ideals of what “God” made her out to be.

    Fifth, I’m not going to try to influence anyone to have my beliefs or ideals. But this is exactly why I hate ALL RELIGION (Atheism and Wicken included)There are always stupid things such as this that cause me to hate the world even more than I already do. This is COMPLETELY and Utterly disgusting. I don’t think anyone should give up their CHILD just because of their sexual preference. Honestly, I wish those parents regret their choice for the rest of their lives. Then, I hope April has a happy life past whatever scars this will have, and I hope she grows to resent her parents. Because I believe that is a fate worse than death for the parents. And That ladies and gentlemen is what they deserve.

    They never deserved a child in the first place. I hope they read these.

  467. G. K.

    How has a single one of you not yet realized that this entire website is full of satire and that this story is not in any way true?

    Blind hatred, from both sides, over total bullsh*t. Amazing. Idiocracy has a chance yet.

  468. Katie

    That poor girl…this is the most disgusting thing I have ever heard. Regardless of how her parents feel about any of her life decisions, nothing can change the fact that she will ALWAYS be their daughter first. I can’t believe they would throw all the love they have for their little girl like that. She is too young to have to experience such blind ignorance and unacceptance.

  469. mea culpa

    This young lady is better off being adopted by loving parents who accept her for who she is. She spent the last 16 years of her life living with “sick” individuals who should have never procreated. Who gives a rats ass if prayer works or not. We all have our opinions so let’s remember what’s important here. Our youth is our future.

  470. Yankee

    These people are NOT Christians at all.
    The love of a child is supposed to be unconditional.

    The church who, so called, helped them should be torn down because they have defiled it beyond repair.

    I may not know these people but i hope they die soon & go straight to Hell.

  471. Gale Thoman

    Reading these comments, I saw about five people mention the fact that this article is BS…the guy who wrote it writes a blog for Funny or Die. His mission is to see how far he can go and how many people would believe what he wrote. Apparently, thousands. What is incredibly sad about this is that this country has gotten so bad that even the most ridiculous stuff (satire, people) is instantly swallowed up as gospel truth. Pun intended.

    Oh, and to comment on one of the arguments I saw- prayer DOES help- but only because our brains are wired in such a way that we literally can effect our bodies just with the power of thought. And also we are programmed to see things in hindsight; people believe prayer works when they pray, and then something happens. They see it as cause and effect- the prayer caused the effect, when in actuality the effect happened in tandem with the prayer. That’s psychology. But what is also psychology is this: belief is a powerful thing. If someone believes something strongly enough, they will look for ways to justify the continuation of that belief. Nothing so much as religion, in fact. Marx said that religion was the opiate of the masses. He was right. But there isn’t anything inherently wrong with that. We’re humans, with an expiration date, and that terrifies most of us so much that without the belief in something we couldn’t function. So I have no problem with people who have faith, people who believe, or people who believe in prayer. What I have a problem with are the people who foist that belief onto others, because that is not something anyone should or can do. Hundreds of millions of people have been killed, or have killed, in the name of your God. Not one person has died in the name of mine. So everyone has the right here to believe what they want, but the road of forced belief is paved in blood. Too many people forget that fact.

  472. Jessica

    Wish I knew what adoption agency is taking care of their daughter’s case. My husband and I would be more than happy to adopt her. We have a current homestudy and have our home open for foster care and adoption.

  473. Morgan B.

    Ummm… guys… you do realize there is no such place as “the state of Southern Carolina,” right?

  474. kaulana

    I would gladly take this child into my home and adopt her as my own…..because my god has taught me to be loving and caring to all people, not just the ones like me.

  475. Rex

    Wow…how heartless can you get?!?!? Your daughter never gave up on the two of you!! I’m not sure what church they attend, but my God never turned his back on anyone!!! I hope this young woman is adopted by a good family who will appreciate her for who she is and will shower her with unconditional love, just like our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

    1. Gale Thoman

      Please, oh PLEASE read the comments before yours before posting. This isn’t real. There is no 16 year old girl. This is SATIRE. Written by a man who is doing an experiment on how many people he can get to believe him. Kinda like L.Ron Hubbard. For the love of everything holy.

  476. Dranazon

    What kind of heartless, ignorant, narrow-minded piece of SHIT parents would give up their own flesh & blood just because that person has a sexual orientation that they don’t agree with?!? Is this even legal?? THIS is why the looks to the U.S. as having more serial killers per population that ANY other nation on earth. How could they even THINK about doing something so senseless?!?

  477. Proud Mo

    What kind of fucked up bull shit is this?? This a pile of garbage. Fuck all of you. Prayer is load of shit. You can’t change a person by praying for them. Especially what they are born as. It’s not a fucking choice ass hats. When did you decide to be straight? Biggest load of shot I’ve ever read. There’s a special place in hell for parents like them.

  478. Leslie

    As a homosexual in a loving homosexual (and Godless) relationship here in the great state of Wisconsin, I would just like to announce that if Terry and I’s newly adopted asian child doesn’t turn out gay by age 16, we will put him up for adoption in South Carolina since that’s a thing.

    Thank you for listening.

  479. Keri

    What ever happened to loving your children unconditionally. I didn’t realize that we the human race to pick and choose who we bring in the world or who we are allowed to love. Most of all… what happened to the passage in the bible( 1 Corinthians 13:4-19) where it speaks about love being patient and kind, not rude, and Faith, peace and love being the greatest of these being love. I am not in a position to judge another person. I feel for the parents but i mainly feel for the child who has been abandoned and because they do want to learn how to live with a child who is different.
    Incredible. This truely is not something a child needs to because she is different.

  480. M.

    You all realize that this did not happen. This guy simply made the whole thing up. No credible media is following this story.

  481. el polacko

    ummm… this is SATIRE folks. i guess part of the humor is in all the comments from jokesters who believe in this nonsense. not sure if it’s funny enough to compensate for the horror though.

  482. Marie

    On the surface, this sounds heartless, but it may be the best thing for April. I wonder, if April had Tourettes or Down’s Syndrome, or mania, and because of this showed behavior that did not meet Tyson Bowers III moral standards, would the result be the same? Would these be reasons to give up on one’s own child? Your child cannot make her problems go away. Our children are who they are, because of and despite us. They are who they are. Prayers for this family. The tragedy here is that a twisted belief system has replaced the love that Jesus Christ himself would show to this child and family.

    1. Marie

      and now that I know this is a HOAX, my reply is the same. Also, in the hypothetical, would it even be legal to give up one’s child because of their sexual orientation?

  483. vicki

    pray or no pray these people are CRAZY!!! How can you raise a child and watch them grow and clam to be a loving mother and father then turn your back because of this? To do this you have no heart and never loved your child. I am a Christian and I WOULD NEVER turn my back on my child over something so petty. They don’t care about the child they care about what people will think of them, its 2013 some things have changed and you can disagree with your childs love life without turning your back on them.

  484. Gene Lattanzi

    People continue to depress me. Billions of years and this is as evolved as we’ve become. Stupid, fucking, brainwashed, redneck,hill-billy, bumpkins.

  485. Son of Satan

    HAHAHAHA,Now when Hollywood don´t produce as many good comedies as before, we can all have our laughs at RETARDED CHRISTIANS. How F***ed up can 2 persons be, they should recieve the death sentence for stupidity.

  486. yvonne

    If you should pray for someone, pray for the chich and the parents so that they can accept the doughter – that is created in the image of god. No one is not, no matter what their sexuality is. I truly hope that love overcomes fear and that the limiting beliefsystems that makes something like this happend are overcome by the love for their doughter and not from listening to the fearbased beliefs of the chirch. Love is not about changing a person to fit our beliefs, love is loving them the way they are. If a chich does not build bridges between people instead of buildiing walls between people- then we do not need chiches.

  487. Sun Ae

    Dear April Chadwell,
    I will happily adopt you, love you as a parent should, and support you in every way possible.

  488. Josh

    Another example of reprehensible behaviour by religious fanatics. They would rather sacrifice their daughter than question their own hate filled beliefs. I only hope this girl finds some friends who will love and support her and will learn that she is worthy of respect. These vile people don’t deserve her! In a few years time they will look back on this in absolute shame and regret but its too late. These people should be charged with child abuse.

  489. melissa

    I am a Jesus follower. This entire story is heartbreaking and appalling to me! Reading the comments made by some of you “Christians”, breaks my heart to see and know how lost you are even though you claim to be in the light while others are in the darkness. Of course no one wants to find out that their child has chosen this path, just as no parent wants to find out that their Child tells lie’s, steels, has impure thoughts or a sexual addiction. Yet, so many of you are siding with these Parents, so Un-Loving of you. I am not the judge, nor are any of you! Only GOD will judge. Jesus called for us to LOVE, to show grace and kindness. We are certainly not called to abandon our Children in a time when they need our Love the most! I can’t even imagine how this poor young girl must be feeling right about now. She is a Teen, perhaps she was exploring who she is perhaps that’s who she is. I am not saying that I condone her lifestyle choice, but I don’t condone any sin for they are all equal in the eye’s of God, but isn’t that why Jesus Died on the Cross?? YES for our Sins! And don’t we ALL Sin???? YES, to say that you do not is Sinning too because you are Lying! I saw someone in this thread say that we are called to turn our backs on evil, I do believe that is in the OLD Testaments before Jesus changed all of that! We no longer live by those words, we can learn from them but they are no longer part of the Christian practice so don’t take the Old Testaments so literally! The only example this is showing to Non-believers is that you are not loving people and why in the world would they ever want to be a part of that! How sad, because if you are in the light, don’t have a veil over your eye’s then you should know that we are to Let HIS LIGHT SHINE THROUGH so that others may see!!!! The light is not shinning in this situation :( it saddens my heart and I’m certain is breaking Jesus’s heart too! If you want to backlash at me I will not be responding to you so probably best to not waste your energy!

  490. Mary lords

    Okay for all the ridiculous people saying pray and God will heal your child, its assholes such as tour
    Selves that causes such hate in the world, God made gays bc they are unique. Reli gous figurest or ppl
    Are actually going against the word of god, we ar all equals and thou shalt not judge ever think you mjght be a sin? I warn my kids ABOUT YOU PEOPLE not homosexuals. I am not a homosexual im a human being but church goers are a creation of Satan themselves ironic huh

  491. NiteRabbit

    I do not blame this religion for its the people that say they follow it yet lack the empathy to be human. Most do not understand that the tangible change was brought on by them, not an intangible force. They tangibly gave away their daughter because they did not wish to accept a change, a small change of knowledge that she thought her parents should have understood and loved her more then a book. We separate one another through taboos, sexism, racism, sexuality, etc.. To me, nature decided for me when I was sexually mature, nature decided early on my ancestors traits, and I have always been bisexual. I was a young child when I first experimented without any word for it. I knew what homosexuality was before it was a human problem i.e. categorized and labeled. My truest core belief is consent is the key and harm only leads to destruction. Do not harm always be mindful of all things and consent only if you are willing and only act if the other is willing and has consented. Men wrote the bible a story of morals to guide people just as any religion is. Some hide behind their interpretation but as I recall only man has said anything on such taboos and made such taboos. Nature has what we still deem savage yet the only the savage animal is the falsely identified civilized man. Man is not anything other then another form of an animal. Who are we but animals dressed in suits. In my closing it is not the religion but the people blinded by their own lack of empathy or ignorance that allows people like Stalin, Hitler, Bush Jr., etc. to arise and amass others to their blind foolish and inhuman nature. We are all better then the ignorance that corrupts us or the greedy men that control us. It is time man who has lost himself understood that taboos, sexism, etc. are human and can only be repaired through human hands that do not hold hate over another’s religion, sex, sexuality, skin color etc. These parents acted without empathy and humanity in their hearts. May these blind parents see beyond their own incompetence someday soon although I fear from experience that the damage they have caused may be irreparable. I am proud of their daughter and may she live happily from the unempathetic home she was in.



  492. stan satan

    you should all burn in hell.

    ill keep aborting hetero fetuses until im lucky enough to have a gay one JUST to contribute to having one less christian psycho asshole in the world.

  493. Cookie


    A child they brought into the world, she didn’t ask to be born, she didn’t ask for the gene that makes you what you are, she is ONLY gay and if there is a God – surely he would want her to be happy, life is tough enough – perhaps they would have preferred that their child was a murderer – would they have given her away then!.

    There are so many childless couples in the world, this couple have been the greatest gift and yet they throw it away – their actions will change this girls life for good, I only hope that she has the strength to realise that THEY DONT DESERVE HER!! SHOCKING!!!!

  494. Samantha

    This is absoloutly ridiculous! wow shes gay so what! gay people are still humans. they should be treated the same way as everyone else!

  495. Teddy Bear

    Did I just read that right? The CHURCH is the one that told them to let her go?
    And this is why I refuse to be a “Christian.” I’m pretty sure that Christians are based on the principles that were laid out in the Bible, and their rules are the 10 commandments. But, then again, maybe they took the whole “Honor Thy Mother and Thy Father” a little too far.
    I think this is ridiculous. No human should EVER be given up for adoption based off of a judgement… I wanna slap the hell out of these parents.

  496. Michael

    I know this may not be a popular opinion; but if this child’s parent’s are this intolerant than the girl is better off with a family who will love and accept her. To the parents of this child: you should be ASHAMED of yourselves that the act of cruelty. This is your DAUGHTER; it shouldn’t matter if she gay, straight, white black, sick, healthy…. she is your flesh and blood. For SIXTEEN years she was good enough to be your child, now that she is gay she isn’t. I truly feel sorry for you. To the church you belong; if you think god is shining down on you in support; think again. You wonder why Jesus hasn’t returned? Perhaps it is because of behavior like this; seeing people like these parents do such horrific things; I wouldn’t want to come back either. As a church you have an obligation to your community and members who are looking for spiritual enrichment. You disgrace this trust and decree by supporting, encouraging, and assisting the parents in doing this to their daughter.

  497. arrghgarry youtube

    Too many people seem to focusing on whether or not the prayer was answered or not praying hard enough,when people should be thinking of the pain this girl is going thru that her parents after 16 years gave her away.And all because they were brainwashed by their parents,shame on them shame on the church, shame on this and other religions shame on their Pastor that knew attention would be brought to his church by the wrong decision.This child will recover I hope and make her parents pay for their decision on their deathbeds when they are crying out for her.SHAME on you both just how many young kids are fearing now in telling their bigoted parents that they are gay,sadly some suicides may ensue.So if you are a parent you had better not make the same mistake,tell your child no matter what, you love them and will keep and protect them until the day you die.

  498. Myles

    They choose an imaginary Sky-Wizard over their own blood, those fucks deserve to burn to death, fucking retards. Anyone who believes that much in religion is a fucking cunt, stupid 2000 year old bullshit.

  499. donkey kong


  500. The Kitty Channel

    So “Honour your father and mother” doesn’t have a reciprocal, “honour your children”? Maybe it was so obvious that it didn’t need to be said. Shame on these inadequate parents, treating their own flesh as if she were a weed in their garden.

  501. JF

    At what point is satire so deadpan and plausible that it becomes a scurrilous lie? Many of us are incensed that organizations like Faux News just make stuff up and keep repeating it until people believe it’s true. This article, presumably an attempt to help the cause of gay marriage, is exactly the same and does the cause a disservice.

  502. The Kitty Channel

    So “honour your father and mother” has no reciprocal? What about “honour your children”? Or was that maybe too obvious to need saying? A dreadful decision by deluded and inadequate parents. And all you good Christians, can you please explain to me how YOU, faced with an attractive and lovable person of the same sex, CHOSE not to be attracted, but CHOSE to be attracted to someone of the opposite sex?

  503. Appalled

    JF – Too difficult to read the author’s bio, I gather? Given that this asshat travels the country preaching his bigotry to impressionable minds (why that isn’t a crime I don’t know) I am guessing this isn’t a pro-gay marriage article.

  504. GayAtheistLH

    These people are disgusting pieces of shit and should be prosecuted for child neglect. Whether the girl realizes it or not she’s better off without this humann garabage in her life.

  505. Megan

    How about this….. You ALL are wrong. Prayer does NOT help anything, BUT having faith in a solution, whatever that solution may be, WILL. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE RELIGIOUS TO HAVE FAITH. Faith can be as simple as having a good feeling about something. Having faith means that you will fight; you will fight with everything that you have inside you until the solution you seek occurs or until whatever it is literally kills you. Religious or not, God or not, everyone needs faith. Everyone needs that faith, that fight inside them, even if they are wrong, fight anyway, until it literally kills you. Being openly gay, this story, even though this actual story is false, is very saddening. And even though you don’t hear about it everyday, it happens everyday. There are homeless teens out there now who are homeless because they’re gay. They sleep on friends’ couches and park benches, drainage tunnels and public transportation. They eat whatever they can find, hiding out in restaurants to get the leftover that others have left behind. Imagine eating a burger that a complete stranger ate the first half of. And then, being asked to leave the restaurant. There’s not enough shelters and not enough beds and most people don’t do their kid the kindness to put them up for adoption to give someone worthy of their child, their miracle a chance to legally love and adopt them. It’s easy to take a child in and care for them as your own until it comes to enrolling them in school or an unfortunate trip to the ER. And being pulled over with someone’s kid in your car without parental consent?…. Legally that’s kidnapping… 25 to life. People hang for doing good deeds everyday. Not only do we need to instill faith in our children, our future, so when faced with adversity, they will fight. Fight hard and fight long, whether it be in the boardroom, or courtroom, or in the streets with signs. We also need to instill it in ourselves. So there are parents out there that don’t want their gay kid? We must FIGHT!!!!!! There is enough people in this country for EVERY SINGLE HOMELESS CHILD to have a warm bed and meal every single morning. And people who love them, whether they are gay or not. STEP UP OR SHUT UP PEOPLE!!!!!

  506. mike

    Just to say that if they spent more time being better parents and less time praying they might not have had to deal with her daughter being gay in the first place. I find it hillarious that all these stupid religeous types arguing about other people spred hate about their beliefs whilst totally ignoring the fact that these particular “religeous fanatics” spread hate and abandonment through their beliefs. What is good for the goose is good for the gander I think.

  507. Rose Norton

    I would adopt her. I could not imagine giving my children up for any reason – I would sooner give up my right hand! I do not believe in a god who would ask or want this of a parent.

  508. Megan

    Hanging the parents won’t solve anything. They will do what they want to do no matter what. Talking religion out of some people is like talking a needle out of a heroine addict’s hand, pointless and disappointing. You can’t make someone parent someone. That’s why adoption exists in the first place. At the end of the day, this hypothetical girl will still be homeless. Prosecution of the parents will do nothing. They legally do not have to keep her. And let’s face it, with parents like that, CPS coming in and putting her in a home may be the best thing that ever happened to her.

  509. LIZA


  510. sWalker

    Fuck you and your shitty church. People like these poor excuses for parents shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce.

  511. Thomas

    it’s your kids u conceive her GOD has given u a blessing now u want hem 2 take her back & pray that she get the right people that can handle her life style. sorry that’s not how it works he all ready gave her 2 the right people u don’t want the gift now so u re-gifting her what if your parent did the same thing 2 u how would you feel

  512. Patty

    What they need to pray for is for FORGIVENESS. Your kids is your kids regardless of their sexual preference..being gay doesnt make them less of a person. What an ignorant couple…sad to see that there are people like them in this world.

  513. Crystal

    You guys are terrible people. You never give up on your children. She is young and impressionable and you guys took away the two people she should be able to trust and go to. Regardless of her sexuality as parents we set the rules. NO sex no people spending the night whatever. Your genes made her and now you you want to drop your responsibility on the state. You are horrible people. No better than the drug addicted parent who abandoned there child.

  514. max

    This is absurd. These “parents” don’t deserve the title. I’d say that the only people missing something here are the awful mom and dad who can’t accept the daughter they were given. They should be ashamed of themselves for literally, LITERALLY abandoning their daughter because of something they read in a book.


    1. Eve

      Abandoning their daughter with their church’s blessing, no less. Do these folks consider themselves good Christians?

      Church is not a house of saints. It’s a hospital for sinners.

  515. Eve

    “We don’t know how to handle someone who decides to live a lifestyle that we do not agree with.” Please tell me this is a belated April Fool’s prank.

    I’m sure these folks interact daily with people they don’t agree with. This is their daughter. I thought Christ preached unconditional love, and died for ALL our sins. I don’t think there were any stipulations in that.

    On that note, I’m proud to be a heathen and grateful that I was never subjected to this kind of absurd collective opinion that disowns children when they need their families more than ever. My mother is a Christian with Buddhist tendencies (her philosophy was, “Leave the world in better condition than it was when you get here.”), and for that, I was raised to be tolerant and loving of people. The hypocrisy within large-scale religions is maddening.

  516. Margaret-Ann McKee

    If you believed in the sovereignty of God then you would believe that he gave you this child and that it is your responsibility to take care of her. Abysmal and wrong and and sinful this is what you are doing! I hope your daughter does find a family who will love her for who she is and not try to put her in a box. Poor thing I hope she has a great group of friends and other sane family members and loved ones to help her through being completely abandoned by her. Her biological parents do not deserve her!

  517. jaysfo

    They should have prayed not for their daughter, but for themselves: to accept the idea of COMPASSION into their lives.

    I hope their daughter gets into a decent home with a family who will show her the unconditional love that she obviously did not receive from her heartless egg and sperm donors who were known as her parents.

  518. Maverick

    So sad! Maybe GOD has a plan for that young woman, finding her a place she can grow and become someone great rather than be cooped up in a home where her true value is not appreciated. To the parents Jesus died for your sins and the lord forgives why can’t you?

  519. Rachel

    This is perhaps one of the saddest things I have read in a very long time. Being a born again conservative Christian, I believe that homosexuality is a sin but you want to know whjat else is a sin? Putting your child upmfor adoption because she is gay. These people may have been praying but maybe they should have been listening too. My God has commanded me to love everyone as I love mysellf. This includes gay, straight, black, white, rich, poor, everyone. God did not say love everyone but gay people. The fact that these people are committing this heinous sin just shows that they are not worshipping the right God, the only God. My heart is truly huirtng over this. I pray that they see their mistake and turn vrom this. That por child muist feel so hurt and alone right now.

  520. Courtney

    If she lived a few hundred years ago, she would have been stoned. She’s lucky to get away from such idiots. I hope she finds a nice family and I hope she’s happy. Her parents do not deserve her.

  521. Andy Owen

    Ah, how Christ-like of them to not love her once they disagree with her. I’m sure the guy who loved us enough to DIE for us would completely understand how hard it is to love someone when you think that what they do is icky. If Christians are right, and there’s a heaven, I hope I’m within earshot when you try explaining this horrible, hateful, spiteful, bigoted decision to not love your daughter to the maker, who entrusted you with her life.

  522. Gray

    Thank goodness that girl is now free of those awful, small minded, hateful, gullible clueless parents! Too bad she had to spend 16 years under these stupid unfit parents’ care!

    And what the hell is “Southern Carolina”?

  523. butterfly

    I they should be accepting and love their children uncondotionally. Not sure what type of church they are going to,but God loves His children unconditionally. I think theybest choice would have been to talk to her, pray about it,and then just accept her as she is. Prayer does work,because all things are possible with God,but it has to be for the right motives. Everything happens in God’s timing and the parents should have known that.

  524. Alesia Nickerson

    This is deeply saddening. My prayer would be that this girl find a loving family. Whatever happened to loving your child through anything?! It is outrageous! Would they have given her up for a real crime? Parents are suppose to stick by their children through everything. These people are not parents and I hope their daughter knows that someday! I can imagine the confusion and pain she is going through just being a child raised in such a religiously intolerant home and discovering she is gay and then to be thrown away because she dares to voice it?! It is an outrage!

  525. Kristy Delgado

    I can’t find adequate words to express. My heart is grieving tremendously over this. As a woman of God and someone who moves in His ministries, I cannot bring myself to understand how anyone would honestly believe that the Lord would call them to abandon their child. The child HE gave to them and entrusted to love her and to teach her His ways. To instruct Her in the Word and to walk with her through both light days and dark days to be the voice of the Father in her life. To speak His truths into her. To show her unconditional love as He would. He would NEVER give upon her no matter what sin she walks into knowingly or unknowingly. Where is Christ in this situation? I am not in any way bashing you as parents. Parenting is hard. There are many heartbreaking decisions but you are given this responsibility for a reason. God has entrusted her into YOUR CARE. If you believe that the Father has called you to this decision, you are deceived. I pray that the Lord begins to overwhelm you with his knowledge and His truth. She is a child. She has to be loved and taught through love in action. Your hopes are that she is adopted by gay parents?? So you are telling her that her lifestyle is wrong but you are sending her a mixed message by sending her into an environment that promotes what you say is wrong. Can you imagine what that speaks to her about the church? What that speaks to her about Christ? Christ would never take a child and tell them they are walking in sin and then when she is unwilling or cannot see that for herself, turn and hand her over to those in that very sin. He would continue to love her. He would continue to pour into her. Despite the sin…He would NOT give up on her. She would still be beautiful in His eyes. She would still be worthy in His eyes. She would still be worth fighting for in HIs eyes and He would NOT stop or pass her on because it’s easier. I implore of you….consider your actions. I view all sin as bondage. Bondage that sometimes is VERY difficult to rise out from under without Christ in your life. That is the revelation God has given me. The bondage (or chains) have come from something much deeper in her life. I sense a spirit of rejection. She rejects herself. She feels rejected by others and now…you are going to instill in her mind that she is rejected by GOD..the very one who gave her life and purpose. You are going to place her under a bondage of abandonment. This leads to many damaging symptoms: unforgiveness, bitterness, murderous thoughts, suicidal thoughts, sexually risky behavior out of the need to feel wanted and in control. You are taking this amazing, and beautiful girl…this child that God looks at and does NOT see homosexuality but rather a warrior for HIM. Intelligent, special and chosen and you are going to tear her down. You are going to teach her that Christ has walked out on her. You are going to teach her that she is not worthy of God’s love. You are teaching her that God gives up on us when we don’t do things His ways. This is unbiblical. This is WRONG. Father God, I ask that you infect this family with REVELATION. I speak against this spirit of confusion in the name of Jesus. I ask that you rise up these people to see the TRUTH of your Word and that you stop this from taking place. You do not give up on ANYONE. You love ALL of your children regardless of sin or mistakes or anything else that they have in their life. You have called these parents to shepherd their daughter. I ask protection over this precious child. Lord, I pray she knows her Christ Identity and that you begin to lavish her with the awareness of your presence. Give her dreams and vision of you. Speak into her life. Breathe into her. Give her the ability to see who you truly are…not the false reflection that is being represented by those she loves and trusts. Guard her heart concerning the church, that she would see your temples as a place of judgement or hatred. Guard her heart towards You, that she would not feel abandonment. I pray you intervene in this situation and that you would bring light into the darkness. Do not allow your people to display a false image of who You are to our nations. God give them all wisdom. Give them all love and allow that love to become a revelation of how unconditional love truly is. I pray YOU work miracles in this family and I claim this precious child FOR YOU! In Jesus name, AMEN….

  526. Michael Davis

    What would Jesus say? It’ probably the best thing for the child. I’m sure that someone with compassion and understanding will adopt her, allowing her to live her truth. I personally think it shameful to take such a drastic action. God forgive you.

  527. Annette Gross

    All I can say is that they don’t know what it really means to be parents……..and…….they should rot in hell.

  528. yourviewsareoutdated.jpg

    Wow, look at all of these idiots. If you honestly believe that what this family did was the right thing to do, or that you can “pray the gay away”, you are daft. I’m so sick of people using religion as an excuse to justify their hateful agendas.

  529. marty

    FYI—love has no boundries.
    lt does not matter if u are green, pink or orange.
    lt does not matter if u are tall, small, round or square.
    If u really and truly love someone or something their are no rules or boundries.
    The real point here is that the parents are selfish and stupid , they only care about their own image, and how they will look among their peers.
    The parents should be put up for adoption.
    Shame on them.

  530. Katrina Gosnell

    Southern Carolina is not a state….It’s either North or South Carolina. I can’t help but to feel that this error was made on behalf of “Southern bias”. Just because we are from the south, doesn’t mean that we approve of this message!

  531. Shocked

    You know I miscarried with twins last year and I would give anything to have them back even though I lost them at 12wks. EVEN IF THEY WERE BOTH GAY I WOULD DEAL WITH IT AT LEAST I’D HAVE MY CHILDREN!! THESE PEOPLE MAKE ME SICK AND ARE A DISGRACE TO THE HUMAN RACE!!! Seriously if you can’t handle your daughter being gay the world would be a better place with you people dead. So please I’m begging you both off yourself now. I pray for your daughter and the hard life you just put her in. Who know’s what kind of home she will end up in or the choices she will make because she is hurting. I pray she finds strength and rises above it.

  532. Digger

    Funny how many people think this is a real news story despite the terrible grammar and word choices. Where the hell is Southern Carolina?

  533. Zizi

    It seems to me that whenever the Chirch or politicians get involved in decisions that should be made by “consenting” adults, the outcome is invariably mired in mumbo jumbo, superstition and all too often extreme beliefs or positions. To think that in this day and age, people are incapable of accepting their own child for who he/she is, can only be described as a tragedy. Given the circumstances, I would say this girl may be better off with a loving and accepting family than one that needs to ask their preacher what to do…since they have apparently lost all sense of reason, compassion or love! Like the anti-abortionists who think it’s OK to kill someone who believes differently from them, and carries out a perfectly legal procedure. Good Christians, eh? I wonder what Jesus would have had to say!

  534. Dad

    All those posts about god and prayer. wow. This is why I hate people. I live in SC and this is the first time I have been embarrassed to say so. and all you people that decided to keep the fantasy that religion even matter in this case. The truth is, a poor girl has been forsaken by her family. I agree with Zizi on this. She may be better off without them, but good luck convincing her of that. And I wish there were criminal charges that could be levied againts the parents. at the very least.

    And Susan? They are not shitty parents. They are shitty human beings. And I for one would LOVE to meet them. People like them make me sick to my stomach.

  535. Eddie Harshaw

    These parents I will say are the worst kind of hypocrite. Their book preaches against judging people & they are judging their daughter for who she actually is. But then again that these parents go by as holy writ is filled with massive amounts of contradictions & UTTER BULLSHIT I can’t see how anybody can take it seriously. Though people have ave for centuries. These parents are really FUCKED.

  536. kory chatelain

    How very christian of them. I thought your parents were supposed to love you unconditionally. Typical hypocritical christians……….instead of loving thier daughter for who she is, they throw her away.

  537. Steve

    This is more than enough evidence of the insanity of religion. Seeing the posts here, I’m thankful the idiot parents and their church didn’t burn the poor kid at the stake. Which would have happened by “jesus loving christians” not long ago at all!

  538. Khris Tobin

    The parents of the 16 year old girl make me sick! Shame on you for turning your back on your own flesh and blood. Don’t know how to deal with the situation my ass, you learn, you try to understand, and you encourage.

  539. Todd

    Seems these so called Christians have lost the real meaning of being a Christian. God and Jesus NEVER promoted hate, only love. HATE is NOT a Christian value. Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these. Hmmm.. Can’t even love your daughter much less your neighbor. THANK YOU Lord for my church that loves me even though I am gay. This story makes me sick!!

    1. Mary

      Amen, VERY well said……. my son is gay,I love him equally and unconditionally as much as my other two children. This is soooo sad and I feel frustrated that this blog is even happening. This is a non issue, why is it being debated ? The sun shines, babies are born, snow is cold, facts just facts.
      Some people are gay some are not, the end.


  540. gfrown

    Well if anyone just bought a free ticket to hell these are the people! Horrible parents. They dont deserve thier daughter and she deserves love and people around her who will love her no matter what.

  541. ME

    It’s sad how many of you started going off about if pray works or not instead of realizing what the real issue was here. It’s not prayer, it’s the terrible decision that these parents made. They don’t deserve the have children if they will not be able to love them for who they are. Just b/c you don’t agree with how someone lives their life doesn’t mean you dis-own them. Come on, enough ppl. This is so sad

  542. Laurie Bennett-Cook

    Hello ~

    I work for an LGBTQ+ center in Northern CA. I am in charge of out reach and education, as well as run our PFLAG chapter. I am also a former foster parent, having adopted the last child that was placed with us. If this young lady needs a home we can offer one to her. We are open, loving and welcoming of all who identify anywhere on the rainbow. PLEASE let me know if there is still a need for placement. We would be happy to provide her with a home.

    ~ LBC

    Laurie Bennett-Cook

  543. Sarah

    I would gladly take this poor child in to my home and family and raise her with the unconditional love that every child deserves. This story sickens me and breaks my heart.

  544. Kabuto

    I swear, this country is disgusting, filled with hateful people. I hope those scumbags get alot of hateful phone calls and emails.

  545. Charlie

    These parents were praying for the wrong reasons. They were praying that their child would make better choices in life or to “PRAY THE GAY AWAY”. When they actually wake up and realize that GOD MADE THEIR CHILD JUST THE WAY SHE IS then and only then will their prayers be answered for guidance through a difficult time in their own and their child’s life. SHAME ON YOU PROPLE!!

  546. Humberto

    How sad as I read some of these comment, almost everyone forgot what the issue was, a young teenager who is suffering at the hands of evil people, as a gay father I raised two teenagers on my own they are now 20 and 22 straight boys even if they were gay I would love them unconditionally. I hope she finds strength to survive this horrible injustice, and one day those parents will regret about their decision.

  547. WWJD

    I doubt that Jesus would do this. I hope a family will take her in that will love her for who she is to the fullest extent.

  548. Shellybean

    Since when did this become a discussion on religion? I think we should focus on that poor girl and the trauma she must be going through instead of shoving your beliefs in others faces. This poor girl came out to her parents hoping they would accept her for who she is, I highly doubt she thought her parents putting her up for adoption was even possible. And it’s not just because the parents are Christian that they are doing this. There are many Christian families and communities that are very accepting of the gay community. Some just use their religion to try and mask their homophobia for what it really is. I don’t believe that God would ask you to cast out your own child. Christianity teaches to accept people not to “cast the first stone” at something we don’t understand.

  549. Todd

    I would give this bitch up to . The nerve of some children growing up to be different!! Hell, I am surprised they did not kill her. They are all better off being separated. I hope their daughter gets pregnant soon.

  550. Cynthia McCollum

    That poor child. Send her to me. I have similar parents and managed to grow up alright with no help from anyone. It’s time I give back to the universe.

  551. M4tt

    The worst parents, 2nd to drug addicts who sell their child’s body for more drugs. How do they think this will affect the daughters view on parenting? If she ever has a child (chances are slimmer than they were before) will she treasure him/her more cause she knows how it feels to be neglected or will she treat the child worse after losing interest for family values?

    If you ask me think the parents were just looking for an excuse to make their lives easier.
    In this case I really don’t think “if you love something, let it go…” thing applies.

  552. tracy

    That is the stupidest thing I have ever read. What kind of parents give up their 16 year old daughter because she is gay. They prayed about it..I believe in God.. doesn’t he love every man ,woman and child. But praying isn’t the point of this article. The point is that these people are homophobic morons. this is 2013 people not 1913. Everyone should be loved no matter their sexuality,race, religion,etc.

  553. normnick


  554. Queer Basher

    The parents should have kept beating their mentally-deranged daughter until she was cured of her disease. I wish more people would beat on homosexuals to shame them into normalcy.

    1. God is gay

      What an absolute retard. Someone should get their fist and bash you so hard up the arse that it comes out your mouth. Small minded little dick. I would bash your face in.

      1. Queer Basher

        No, you wouldn’t, because you’re a frail little faggot-lover and I’m a REAL MAN. Keep your perverted fetishes to yourself next time.

  555. A non

    What stupid idiots! Well if Karma Slaps them in the face with a painful stick I’ll hold NO sympathy for them! I hope that every day from now on they have personal HELL to live though for being such bad parents that they can’t cope with their child being a person with her own views and own sexuality. They should NEVER of had any kids to begin with, and if they have others, those children should be removed as well as its Obvious they are better off away from these two stupid morons.

  556. Don

    I work in Child Welfare- I counsel kids of all ages on self esteem issues, depression, anger management, etc.- I can’t imagine how devastated this young girl must feel, and how low her self esteem must at this point. Adolescence is difficult enough- and one should feel they can rely on their parents for emotional support in difficult times. To be GIVEN AWAY because of a difficult time in her life- can only plunge this girl into all kinds of questions about her self worth. Those people don’t; deserve to be parents, and sure, the girl *is* lucky to get away from them now while she has the opportunity—BUT statistics show that teens are harder to place. I fear she will become another foster child bounced from foster home to foster home, as she struggles to find herself.

  557. Jesus

    Hey guys,

    Just thought I’d weigh in on the topic after the big guy and myself had a talk about this one. We’re okay with it. Probably for the best right? The way I see it, these people had a tough decision to make, almost as tough as the one my dad is going to have to make at the gates in a few years when they show up. He may be inclined to put them up for adoption because they didn’t follow the King James Bible, because we all know that is the word of GeetotheOhtotheDee, Hallelujah! Anywho, gotta get back to my cribbage game with Mother Teresa or as she likes to be called “MoMo the Queen of Yolo”.

  558. Anonymous

    It’s hate the SIN not the SINNER. The fact these parents are putting their teenager up for adoption is not only the biggest hypocrisy, but they’re practically hating on their daughter. Even if they claim they love her….BULLSHIT. I’m a Christian myself, but its Christians like these that are SO BLINDED by their “way of thinking” that it makes me want to puke. “For there is a way that seems right to a man, but his way is the END OF DEATH.” People get these stupid ideas in their heads and run with them without thinking or pulling out scriptures that actually GO AGAINST THEIR DECISION. You go out preaching how God hates gays when in reality he hates THE SIN…not the sinner. You people are so shameful. Go on…continue preaching your FALSE PREACHINGS and false guidance. You are no better sinner than that girl that got put up for adoption.

  559. tommy dembinsky

    my only question is when did we get our 51st state of Southern Carolina and where is it………..

  560. spacecamp

    I can’t believe how many people have commented this article and not bothered to look at the rest of the site. Seriously people?


    All the stories on this guy’s website are FAKE. 100% BS. Go and look at his other snippets of crap:


    I bet you’re feeling pretty stupid right about now. Don’t worry, over 1200 other dumb asses did the same thing.

    1. Gale Thoman

      Me and and about ten sane other people have repeatedly told everyone that this is a piece from a satirist, that this girl and her parents don’t exist, and that they are living proof that people will now believe absolutely anything that is put on the internet. I even offered up proof that the guy who wrote this writes for Funny or Die, is NOT named Tyson Bowers III and is NOT a pastor of any kind. No one bothers to read the comments before weighing in- well, actually, they scan until they find something they can be morally outraged about and then proceed to spew forth some of the most vile hate-filled crap I have ever seen. And this is on both sides of the metaphorical aisle. They’re moronic sheep, every one. Thanks for trying to spread some sense, but you might as well give up and admit the country is doomed if these are the people we have to live in it with.

  561. Glenda Chapman

    What happened to love the sinner and hate their sins and the story of the prodigal son who loved money and left to live in sin? The prodigal son was welcomed back with open arms and served the best and shown that he was loved and welcomed home. What happened to train up a child? Does God give up on us if things don’t work out? No. These parents are not with out sin. No one is, Not even the leaders of their church, who guided them to make such a choice. Should we throw away all of our children who don’t suit or compare? Do we all just give up and pack it in. Shame. I know I am not one to judge these parents or this young lady but I am making a judgment on the situation. What choice should be made? Grace and forgiveness. No commandment says you have to give up or give up on your child if they do not abide. If you live by law then sin has power over you but if you live by grace then you can walk away from your sins. They should give their troubles over to god and let gods will be done…..and pray pray pray. I do not believe in same sex relationships but I believe in people. God gives us all free will to make a choice. It does not mean we will not suffer from our choices. If Jesus said go among the sinners and be fishers of men then why let one of your fish go into the sea? I don’t know what will become of this young lady but I will pray for her and her family. God bless.

  562. Thomas McCain

    Sad, just sad. To give up their child merely for being homosexual… Honestly, they do not deserve the child. She will go on to live a happy life, full of love and joy; while they are left in the dust with their unquenchable hatred for something that should not be hated. So to the two parents, acting like they are the victims to the tragedy, I hope your daughter never speaks to you again, because you do not deserve such love, or any sort of kindness of heart. I want to feel sorry for you, but the thought of it makes my stomach churn in disgust.

  563. chrissy

    Are you serious? Why did they even have a kid if they couldn’t accept them for who they are? This makes me sick.
    Even if your kid is not who you want them to be, you should NEVER give them up for adoption just because they’re gay.
    They don’t even deserve to be parents.

  564. Apfel

    Wow, Mr. and Mrs. Chadwell. You both should be ashamed of yourselves, giving up your daughter at age 16 because of who she finds attractive. Just to let you know, when she does get adopted, she is going to be way better off with someone else. And by the time you realize the mistake you made, do you think she’s going to come back and be your child again? No.

    I hope you’re happy now.

  565. Jadzia

    I would adopt her in a heartbeat. She probably feels so unloved and unwanted…It’s the child who suffers most from this. Hopefully someone will adopt her and show her the love she deserves. <3 My heart goes out to you, little one.

  566. Peter

    Umm.. all you fine people commenting on this article… you DO get, don’t you, that this whole article is SATIRE, not factual reporting?

  567. Sakura

    “It was a tough choice to give up our daughter to the state, but we don’t know how to handle someone who decides to live a lifestyle that we do not agree with” Man, you christians are fucking stupid. Close minded pieces of shit.

  568. Kome

    So… if this is a lifestyle they don’t agree with… they’d give up their daughter for pretty much anything that wasn’t to their standard. This is ridiculous. If they think they are going to heaven they are in for a big surprise.

  569. Rob

    This is religion at it’s best! All religions come with three things attached: Judgments, Fear and guilt. Get a grip people! She is your daughter for heavens sake! Your own flesh and blood! How can you expect to find happiness living in that box?

  570. Jon

    This is what their faith guided them to? Really? That means their faith and their church are both completely worthless.

  571. Erdman West III

    I hope they realize their appalling SIN, fall on their knees and beg her and their God forgiveness and spend the rest of their lives fighting the venomous teachings which led them to this. This is NOT ANY RELIGION BUT SICKNESS AND HATE!

  572. A name

    I think this couple is so fucking stupid. Being gay isn’t a disease and if you think so then you’re going full retard

  573. Jennifer

    so disturbing. Its fucked up. Love your kids unconditionally. Itz not like she is abusing drugs or a teenage parent….but something is amiss. The author of this article teaches middle school and college students “the joys of a sexless life” and the “dangers” of homosexuality and liberals. People like him indirectly teach hate towards the LGBT community. have you noticed that being gay is a “fad” now and since the LGBT community successfully fought for equal rights – people all of a sudden wanna jump the homophobic bandwagon and find different waysi to attack them. Its insane and utterly dispicable. I pray for the young woman and i hope she can find peace. There’s heterosexual kids goin thru hell too because their parents give them up for whatever reason. Smh.

  574. Realthoughts

    All the members of their church and the parents are the ones that should be prayed for. Sickens me

  575. Hana

    I think it’s really poor judgment. It’s not a matter of whether or not they believe in her lifestyle. What kind of “lifestyle” are they even referring to considering she is not even 16. I think it’s sad that they think that all their parenting is useless because they don’t know how to confront someone with a differing view point than them. It’s just yet another bad example of Christianity. Maybe this adoption will be beneficial for her, because clearly they are in no position to be raising a child. You know, as a parent, that your children will grow up and take on ideas of their own. You don’t have to agree with them, there is certain balance of holding on and letting go. Letting her know that they have a different view point than her is fine, but treating her like she is “less” than them in value is clearly not that answer.

  576. Angie Dunn

    Wow, I really hope this article is false. I would sincerely hope and pray that no parents would just “get rid of” their child just because of their sexual orientation. God does not send us our children to dispose of them. He sends us our children to love them unconditionally and support them. This story is no better than murder or abortion.

  577. Keith Bailey

    These people are despicable. Quite frankly their daughter will be better off without such disgusting people as parents. Hopefully she can find decent people who will love her for the way God created her. These so called parents deserve the pain they are inflicting on themselves. God hasn’t told them to do this, their own ignorance has and I doubt God who never abandons his own children will be very sympathetic to them for this, although I am sure that He in his infinite mercy will forgive them for it, because that is what a GOOD parent does.

  578. Holly

    You are supposed to love your child UNCONDITIONALLY. These parents only love their daughter based on if she follows THEIR conditions. She is better off without them. They are narrow-minded, ignorant, primitive, idiotic, & cruel. They do NOT LOVE their child unconditionally. If they did they wouldn’t care if she was straight or gay. They are sending a strong, clear message…they do not accept all of “God’s children” as they say. It sounds like they need a big dose of reality & a big slap upside the head! Nothing is wrong with their daughter. They are the defective ones.

  579. Siobhan

    How hard do you think children in the Holocaust were praying before they were murdered? How hard do you think third world children are praying right now as they starve in thousands? You may think prayer works to make sure an almost insignificant member of your rich, first world family is okay after a minor operation but I could never believe that an interventionist god could be so cruel to the people who actually need it.

  580. Derrick

    The religious aspect of this aside, all that can be said is that these are two incredibly ignorant and unintelligent people. You love and cherish your child no matter what happens, and if you aren’t able to do that, then you shouldn’t have children in the first place. God isn’t smiling upon this couple, and God isn’t smiling upon the people saying that this was the “Christian thing to do.” God is smiling upon the people who would be willing to take this young lady in and give unto her the love and affection of which she was robbed.

  581. Matthew

    This decision these “parents” made wasn’t very Christian. I am a believer in God, but I do not follow the Christian religion anymore, for the so-called “Christian followers of God” have turned this religion into something filled with hate. I hope these “parents” rot for this horrible decision they made. How can you raise a child for so many years, just to give them up for adoption when they are thisclose to adult-hood? If anything, this child needs her parent’s support at this time of her life! Her parents had to choose between their daughter & religion. They could have done the right thing and chose both. They could have worked with her and loved her no matter what. Instead, they chose only their religion. Sad.

  582. Malinda

    I’m sure they were praying and I’m also sure they weren’t listening when God tried giving them an answer. God and Jesus Christ loves all of their children. Also Jesus says to turn the other cheek and to forgive. He didn’t say to judge and turn your back on them! Shame on these parents!

  583. Mont

    For such a caring family, they really don`t give a shit about their daughter. “In hopes that she be sent to a loving gay family”. With the stop in marriage still, it seems more likely she’d be put into a freak’s custody.

  584. Helena

    I’m nearly in tears reading this. A parent’s love should be unconditional. Shame on those so-called ‘parents’.

  585. lisa

    one doesnt desert your child over something like this… one stands by your child… thats how it is… and one doesnt stop praying or abandon god, god gave that child to them to love… any excuse just not to be a parent…

  586. Courtney

    All this proves to me, my own family, horrible upbringing that gave me a few mental disorders and the comments with this article, is that most Christians are batshit insane. End of story.

    My face when I bet they’ll all reply with their stupid, robotic “Don’t hate on someone else’s beliefs” bullshit, too.

  587. Raewynne

    God does NOT judge! If everyone and everything was perfect in the world, we would not have anything to learn, or to teach, or to overcome. Having a gay child is not a crime, nor is it evil. If my child was to tell me she was a lesbian, I would love her even more, for having the courage to tell me. She is still MY child, MY flesh and blood. I would not turn away from her or disown her; THAT, is a crime.

    Mr. and Mrs. Chadwell, your daughter is a blessing. Her choice, was your test to overcome. You failed…

    1. Kathy

      Has anyone stopped to think how this 16 year old child feels.Her parents and I use that term loosely have just tossed away their gift from God.She didn’t wake up one morning and say Oh I think I want to be gay.She was born with it.

  588. Just Wondering

    Just wondering where the state of Southern Carolina is? Never heard of that one in History class.

  589. Monica

    WTH? I guess its best for this young girl. I feel shame for the parents and for this supposed church. She is gay – deal with it. It’s NOT a CHOSEN lifestyle. There is NOTHING wrong with being gay. I hope the despicable church and these despicable parents figure this out soon. Sadden and disgusted.

  590. Kathleen Reyburn-Michael

    I couldn’t read all the comments, as this appears to have denigrated into a religious argument. My only comment here would be that my wife and I would adopt this poor kid in a minute. I left my parent’s house at 16 – and it’s tough. We at least could give her a good ACCEPTING home until she comes of legal age. I wish there some way we could help.

  591. god

    hy you say your christian yet you for get the greatest of these is love
    you are not my children you are satans unholy and as such are dammed for abandoning one of my creations …i have no mercy on you soul
    do not pretend to pray to me ever again unholy one

  592. Sierra

    How do you “handle” a gay daughter (or gay child)? You love her … then love her MORE!

    This couple’s actions is a perfect example of why not everyone should be allowed to make babies.

  593. kate

    wow-this is just like every Christian site I go to..people tearing each other down–and it seems like the ones doing it the worst ARE the Christians, which makes me sad. I struggle enough with my religion and dont need to see a bunch of grown children arguing about whether prayer works and whether it is scientifically proven…

    If you believe it works, GOOD ON YOU..if you don’t GOOD ON YOU..

    it is a choice..and the comment by Matt about it not coming in a pill or smoked substance..that was low, rude, and crass. Don’t assume just because someone doesn’t pray, or believe in God that they are a drug addict. I bet you are one of those who believes that a homeless person caused the situation for themselves because THEY are addicts too, aren’t you…see I just assumed there..assumption hurts people..

    Matthew 7:1 “Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged”

    as to everyone else, regardless of whether this story is true, it sucks. Pray for the family, in case it is true, pray for the girl in case it is true. Stop bickering and just do it. For pagans here..send good energies…everyone can use good energies…

  594. Kathi Chapman

    These people are despicable and the worst kind of Christians. I hope a loving family, straight or gay takes this child in and I hope these so-called parents pay the price when they reach their judgement day. While I don’t believe in a higher power but in the beauty and strength of humans, the God I was taught about as a child loved everyone.

  595. Rosary

    What gets me so mad is that someone really did put up their for adoption because they couldn’t handle her lifestyle. Did they even bother trying?! Those parents have basically ruined that girl’s life because she has to go through life, feeling that kind of loneness and isolation from her own parents! What is wrong with them! God loves everyone unconditionally and accepts us for who we are, and I just can’t believe people like them can be so heartless. She is their daughter! Her mother gave birth to her! Her father loved her from the first moment they met as an infant! Yet, they have some nerve to do something like this. I’m happy she can get away from these sad lowly people who can’t even understand what it will feel like knowing that your own parents gave you up, not because they couldn’t support you financially or they were too young, no it was because of who you are and what you stand for. So what if she’s gay, who cares! I personally believe that everyone in this world is unique and has their own different path, but there’s just always that exception of people that I just wish would just shut up. I really do hope she finds a better family who will appreciate her for her uniqueness and support her throughout life. Hope she knows that there are people who are willing to stand by her, even when her own family won’t.

  596. Samael Wolf

    These people are scum, anyone that dares to agree with these thoughtless cretins is also scum. PRAYER ? 99.9 % of you boobs have no idea who to pray to ! You are truly the damned !

  597. Lee

    Has anyone noticed that the self professed Christians on this thread dont use real names “I believe one used the name “GOD”,,, Something one would experience from a member of a cult

  598. roberta

    pray???? u think prayer is going to make this girl straight…lol….now that’s funny……shame on her parents for doing this…just shame….u love ur kids..unconditionally….please…..I will adopt this girl….right now!!!!

  599. Alicia

    They should not be praying …. THEY SHOULD GO TO PSYCHOLOGICAL HELP!!! what kind of parents rater gave up a daughter than accept her for who she is ???? they should go to therapy to learn how to deal with the situation instead of doing some crazy thing like that!!!! they do’nt realize the damage that they’re doing to the kid!!!

  600. ChelleBean

    Ya’ll can argue over religion and prayer all ya’ll want, the simple fact is that any good, loving parent would never give their child away just because they don’t agree with their lifestyle. “Parents do it all they time.” you say? Well, those aren’t real parents. I know the difference because I have real parents. They don’t judge me or try to change me… they love me exactly the way I am. And, for those of you out there getting upset because people are questioning or denouncing your religion because, you claim, they don’t or wont understand it… Don’t you realize that this is exactly the same type of situation?! These parents judged and tossed their own daughter to the side because she was gay… They automatically assumed that, since it was something they didn’t agree with or understand, there must be something wrong with it. This is one of the main reasons so many people (gay, straight, bi, pan and trans) have a problem with religion now a days. Why should they accept and respect your religious preferences, when you can’t accept or respect their way of life? Their sexual orientation makes no difference in your life… just like your religious preference makes no difference in theirs. Your religious preference was more of a choice than their sexual orientation. You can choose what God(s) or Goddess(s) you believe in…. you can’t choose who you are attracted to. And, even if it was a choice… FREE WILL, BABY… FREE WILL!!!

    1. ChelleBean

      BTW… All that “Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve” crap is BS!!! Adam and Eve didn’t choose to be together. In fact, in you want to get technical, it was an arranged marraige. And I bet none you ever thought about the fact that there was no one else for them to choose from, as they were the only 2 humans in existance at that point. And, if we are all decendants of Adam and Eve, wouldn’t we all have the same skin color, the same blood type? Wouldn’t this also mean that we are actually sleeping with and marrying our own relatives? That would be incest… which would be a sin according to Christianity. Remember people, the Bible was written by man…. Man is fallible, God is not. These stories are simply that… stories. Religion should be based on faithin something greater than yourself, not a book written by a man.

  601. Nikki

    This is 100% disgusting. How dare you give your child up for adoption due to sexual orientation. I can understand confusion and possibly distance from child while you learn to accept. but that is your child. what are you teaching your precious daughter. learn some tolerance. she never asked either of you to be gay. such a childish reaction. you may not accept her sexuality thats fine DONT TALK ABOUT IT. she is still your child. im completely disgusted with the human race anymore.

  602. A. Reed

    I can’t believe these ppl would let the imaginary dude in the sky dictate that they give up their child. This is the most horrible thing I have ever heard. I can’t believe so many ppl have fallen victim to religion. Is there anyone out there in the world w any common sense left? I just can’t believe this. These ppl do not deserve their daughter. I would adpot her in a heartbeat.

  603. A. Reed

    And abstinence is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of. We are human and we are meant to have sex or we wouldn’t have been built w all the parts need to for sex. That is just teaching ignorance.

  604. Macarena

    As a parent you are to love your child… where is their Christian heart and ways ? We are to love… and our Child , a gift from God,,,

    1. Queer Basher

      Their child broke her covenant with God when she chose to flaunt her deviant lifestyle and mock His teachings.

      1. Teea

        Acceptance is what GOD does. We, as humans. tend to judge. Decisions on her beliefs are up to GOD, not you,me,or any other human being. Period.

  605. Tanya

    You know what breaks my heart? You people actually believe this happened. It’s a hoax, and ignorance, hatred, bigotry and all that nasty stuff continues to be perpetuated when people post this stuff like it’s true.

  606. ComaAlpha

    Tyson Bowers instead of telling the youth of our planet to have sexless lives, learn about moderation and then teach that. Learn about condoms and then teach that. Learn about stable relationships and their impact on bringing decent children into the world (not the ones just popping out their next Welfare check) and then teach that. You tell the youth to not have sex and ignore any and all inquiries that they have about their own bodies, you’re going to raise up an entire generation of confused sex-freaks.

    Now, on to the mother and father that put up their daughter for adoption. WHAT THE #@&$ IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?!?!?!?! That is your daughter! She didn’t ask to be here, 17 years ago you made her into existence. (as a direct childish insult) So in a way, you two are both half gay to make a whole gay child. (I know that’s wrong, but let me have my fun) So at least have the common decency to love her unconditionally and stand by her side even when you don’t agree with her. These two are the perfect example as to why I denounce gOd every chance I get. Have your own mind and for pete’s sake, LOVE YOUR CHILDREN UNCONDITIONALLY!

  607. davesmithy

    i think the most disturbing part isnt the fact that the parents realized they couldnt properly raise the kid, its the complete lack of understanding by the readers which is disgusting. All these people trying to tell the world how life ‘should be’ and condemning the parents for making the most difficult decision to releae their child is ludicrous and hypocritical. Yea its a shame these 3 related human beings are so different that they cant live together, but it would have been way worse for the kid to live in a home ill-suited to her interests. At least now the kid can grow up in a healthy environment where shes loved for who she really is. screw all these people with nothing else to do that judge the tough decisions of others. What a narcissistic country we live in where people literally go crazy over others’ choices because its “not what theyd do”. If both the family and the kid are better off in seperate households then so be it. Itd be considered neglect oherwise to affirm straight ideals when their daughter is gay anyway. So this is a practical question for pro-gay activists. Whats more important, being freely gay or being neglected because your gay? Doesnt she have a chance at a fair life with fair parents? No one thinks anymore in this world. I am movng underground until hell freezes over.

  608. klove

    I hope that 15 year old daughter never talks to those parents again. How sad it is for parents to not be able to coupe with their daughter being gay. Then again, I come from a country where you are truly free. Free to make your own decisions, free to live a life of whatever it is you want, without your own kin shutting you down. How utterly sad.

  609. Stephanie

    The fact that they are even pondering it tells the story right there.They are not fit to be parents!! Their daughters life has probably been pure hell having parents like them. I am sure she will be better off joining a real family with unconditional love. Yep as parents our love is unconditional…..GOD doesn’t make mistakes but some parents sure the hell do!!!! If they have any other children I hope the state they are in wakes up and labels them unfit and removes all children from their care. If they are allowed to raise any other children I am sure they will be much worse off than if they were taken from these ignorant people.

  610. steve

    Some “Christian “ family has placed their 16 yr old daughter up for adoption because they discovered she is gay. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?????? Have they bothered reading the scriptures? What makes them think they don’t have an obligation to th…is child? In the Old Testament a women was to stay at her home unless she got married. Maybe it is the best, to have to live in a house; I don’t call it a home because obviously it is not, with parents that could even THINK of giving you up because of your orientation is beyond my comprehension. I think when these parents stand before G-d on judgment day they are going to have one big surprise on what G-d says about what they did.

  611. Adrien

    You know, for a homophobe, Mrs. Chadwell’s haircut is certainly deceptive.

    But in all seriousness, I commend the daughter. Coming out can be terrifying, and for her to do so to such intolerant parents shows serious courage. My heart goes out to her, but I know she will be better off in the long run and will live a much happier life where she will find love and acceptance. And to her parents: if there is a hell, I hope you burn in it eternally, where you can’t ruin any more lives.

  612. Susan Pederson

    I will adopt her and raise her in a church where she will be accepted!! Send her to me in Norfolk VA

  613. CJ

    Being at the bottom of a long comment string, doubt anyone will read this. Not really sure how i feel about the. As the child of parents who simply kicked me out and left me homeless as a gay teen, i can almost respect these parents for admitting their failure as parents and human beings and allowing their daughter the chance to have a real family. She will be better off for it, and i would be thrilled for the opportunity to adopt her. Sad how clear it is that those parents are just media-whores trying to grab some attention for the dying cause of fundamentalist bigotry!

  614. Ronnie Mickle

    You may think this is outrageous. There’s a large argument here concerning abandonment. Obviously they love their daughter to spend time praying. The problem lies within their faith, which they’ve probably had longer than their daughter. Christianity can really screw up a persons mind about right and wrong a head of a church is not preaching correctly. And it conditions people to be obsessive about their beliefs. How can you blame people who are trying to do the right thing and they’ve been taught this would be right their whole lives?

    The article does say, they are seeking a gay-friendly family. I’m certain in my heart of hearts that taking a child out of a family that isn’t supportive of the lifestyle and putting it into a family that is- could mean the world of difference. That is love in a nutshell. I can’t love you so I’m going to let you go to be loved. It doesn’t exactly sound like hatred. In fact, it sounds like they are choosing to not hate their daughter and simply put her in a place where they can not hate her at all.

    I do hope they’ll invest in therapy for the child in transition and that a good family will step forward who will love, nurture, and educate the child about why this had to happen (without placing hatred on the family giving her up). Hating this family for this choice is wrong- they are really doing the right thing. Even if they simply wanted out they are doing the right thing. The child needs to be somewhere with a good family. I only believe they should be mandated to purchase therapy for the child by a very expensive well respected therapist.

    I think right now people need to see they are doing the best thing they can do for their daughter by sending her to a family who doesn’t hate.

  615. Rich

    Prayer was never a solution to anything… If they want their daughter to go straight, they should give her 2 boys at the same time. This is more effective than all the prayers in the world combined.

  616. sassyjawn

    This is sickening. Both of them are out of their minds. I feel sorry for the girl and definitely not for these people who call themselves parents… What about unconditional love??? EVER HEARD OF IT? There are people who hate that their kid turned out to be gay that’s not a big deal really but NO ONE SHOULD EVER GIVE THEM UP, not because of this, or because they are criminals, strippers, or are with Dawn syndrome, not on ANY account! For fuck’s sake this girl is only sixteen! Hearing this from her own parents is like a death-sentence for her! It must have been really tough to come out like this while she knew her parents’s view on this matter and now she’s alone in the world at a very troublesome age. Seriously, aren’t they afraid that she will become severely depressed and hurt herself or even commit suicide..?? Now how would God think of that? Abandoning your child like that and let her think she’s unworthy even for her own parents so she thinks there can’t be hope for her anyway so why bother living…? I hope her parents will never ever have any children again. Any kind of children. Not adopted, not blood-related. I seriously don’t think you deserve to be parents. God, sometimes the world just sucks.. One moment it seems alright and then in the next – BOOM! something like this comes along and aaaaargh. Somebody shake up these people thoroughly and show them what real love looks and feels like! Stupid, fanatic, brainwashed people… Great, now I’m really worked up.

  617. Dahni

    Wow, this actually made me feel sick to my stomach. Religion does nothing but instil fear, divide people, cause wars and allows others to hate someone SIMPLY because they are different and it doesn’t align with what they’ve been brainwashed to think. All for what? Just so people have something to believe in? Something to occupy their otherwise ordinary lives? These parents should be arrested.

    “You shall love your neighbor as yourself*.”

    *Except if he is gay or of different faith

    Pure Hypocrisy!

  618. Dallas NP

    Peter, I disagree with you regarding prayer … And your suggestion that it has a negative effect on the ill. As a nurse with nearly 17 years of experience and a soon to be masters prepared nurse practitioner, time and time again I have seen miracles performed through God, not to mention the therapeutic relationship prayer has on the ill. The problem is that people tend to pray for specifics, namely good outcomes in health. And that’s fine … As you have to have hope and faith that health will be restored, but more importantly, you have to pray for acceptance for whatever the outcome is … Which means accepting increase morbidity and even mortality. Just because someone passes on, doesn’t mean prayer is useless … Because if you are praying correctly, namely for acceptance, even death is a okay … Because it is part of God’s plan for us. Earth is merely just a layover.
    Anyway, sorry, I just wanted to give my experience on prayer … I do respect everyone’s ideas on prayer and your right to believe in it or not.
    But back to the subject of this article, as a human being and a gay man, it truly saddens me to see what this girl’s parents and church have inflicted on not only this child but other teenagers struggling with their sexuality and God. Not all gays, but many, especially the gay youth that have been raised in a home where religion and God are present, sincerely struggle with this component of their sexuality. In my early 20’s I use to wish I didn’t believe in God … As I knew it would be much easier to accept being gay. But I couldn’t throw out my upbringing and what I was taught to believe. And yes, I did say taught to believe. I was spoon fed religion. And while I was Episcopalian, I did not grow up in one of the Episcopal churches that accepted. But here’s the great thing about my struggle, I started over … Still believing in the same God I was taught, but with my restart, I realized that God was truly okay with me on the presumption that this certainly wasn’t a choice, thus I must have been born this way. Certainly my understanding was much deeper than just this one realization. Never have I studied the Bible more … And with the help of friends (mainly a nurse colleague who was in seminary), my accepting church, and a few classes through the theology department at SMU, I was able to comprehend historical perspectives instead of the literal approaches most religious institutions use. That being said, I’m now comfortable with being gay, as well as confidently and proudly stating that I’m a man of God.

    Oh, and here is some more good news: grace is a wonderful thing. Thank God these parents (and their church) will receive it … For their sake. Not that I offer it to them very willingly, but I also have to remember my own struggles with being gay and being Christian. I have to remind myself that once upon a time, I was very hard on myself regarding this subject … So why should I expect these parents to be any different. The disclaimer here is, it’s their child. I’m only an uncle to beautiful nieces and nephews, not a parent. But I would expect that if I was a parent that I may not be down with every aspect of my child’s life, but I doubt that there is anything my child could do to make me put them on the market. That is the truest form of emotional and physical abandonment I can imagine in a child’s eyes. Sad. Prayers for this girl and the rest of our young homosexual population … To whatever higher power you subscribe to. And if you don’t have a higher power, simply keeping them in your thoughts will suffice. And don’t forget to suit up and show up each day when it comes to this cruelty. Be on the right side of history … If by grace alone.

  619. Concerned Parent

    Wow! I am horrified that anyone who claims to be “Christian and God Like” would turn their backs on the child that they created… They created this life, and should love her no matter what. Homosexuality is not a choice of lifestyle. This 16 year old child is better off with out parents like this. How do you bring a child into this world and not support her? I don’t get it… God teaches love thy neighbor… he doesn’t teach hate.. This is pure ignorance and anyone who disagrees is just as ignorant… I am straight but I would love my daughter no matter what…Why can’t these parents celebrate their daughters successes and support her when she is probably going one of the most confusing times in her life… Wow way to go parents add more pressure to your daughters life… being a teenager trying to spread your wings into adulthood is hard enough. Imagine waking up one morning and coming to terms about who the real you is and being shunned and thrown away when you take big steps of bravery to tell the people you should be able to trust the most in your life to be supportive of you; and than they aren’t… What a horrible horrible feeling that must have been for this 16 year old child… Wow! I hope some loving family who deserves the love of a this uniquely beautiful young woman takes her in. She is Gods child no matter what… What a shame… missing out on the most important last years of her childhood…

  620. sara

    If this teenager is not good enough for her parents, then her parents are not good enough for god. God loves everybody and he chose these two people to have this child. Therefore, denying there daughter is an insult to god. Bottom line: these “parents” should be ashamed of themselves.

  621. Sarascara

    Those people aren’t good enough for their biological child. I don’t understand – it’s not a CHOICE. Being gay, bisexual, asexual, or pansexual is just how you’re born – just like being heterosexual. Down with hetero-normative culture. As long as any and all activity are between persons of legal consenting age, consent is given, protection is used, and said activities are safe/sane – no one but the parties involved has ANY BUSINESS commenting.

    Support education. Be open minded. LOVE. Judge not lest ye be judged yourself.

  622. Bridgette Perdue

    I will gladly take her and raise her as my own.

    Matthew 7:1-5

    New King James Version (NKJV)
    Do Not Judge

    7 “Judge not, that you be not judged. 2 For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. 3 And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? 4 Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me remove the speck from your eye’; and look, a plank is in your own eye? 5 Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

  623. Shyla

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but are we not meant love our children UNCONDITIONALLY? And, what ever happened to “Thou shalt not judge”? Hypocrites! That’s why when people use religion to excuse their pathetic inability to cope through the tough times, they end up portraying themselves as hypocrites! You either belive in all of the word of the Bible or you don’t, but picking and choosing the tidbits that you feel like following is acting as a judge. Hard to believe someone would choose a belief over their very own child. Sad world we live in.

  624. Pingback: Five things I am frustrated about today | tolerantpeople

  625. Dbl Jay

    These are the people that scare me in society, this isn’t a question of prayer or faith, this is a question of belief and how far you are willing to go for that belief, and these people have proven with out a doubt that they are radicals, no different than suicide bombers, when I was growing up we were taught to have unconditional love for our family, no matter what that was your flesh and blood, always.
    To give your child away because of the choices that they made is wrong, there is no other word for it but wrong. That is my opinion.

  626. gudtavosky

    “Actually, it’s not true. Prayer has never proven to be effective for anything, except perhaps stress relief.”

    So true and simple to understand, put in a way it doesnt offend anyone, and still, full of haters saying “stop offending other people’s beliefs!”. The religious community sure makes me sick (hate me, not Halzel)

    1. Teea

      How people can say prayer doesn’t help anyone, except,MAYBE, to relieve stress, is a joke within their own world. So sad that the one thing some people have to hold on to, you belittle. How sad!

  627. Gregg

    Gos does not exist, and neither does any prayer get answered. These so called parents are using the church to pass of their pathetic excuses, and to abandon their child. If I was the child I would sue the church and the parent for abandonment, and failure to provide. The lunatics should be jailed. Religion and especially churches make we want to throw up.

    1. Teea

      There’s a GOD, in my opinion. I believe in God, but I do NOT push anything as fact, as people do in saying there is not a GOD. Watch what you say, and to who, as you do not have facts to support your OPINION. For some people, GOD is all they have to hang on to. In your world, they’d have nothing.

    1. Teea

      You have a right to YOUR OPINION, but not a right to tell me there is no GOD! Who make you all knowledgeable? Definentely no one upon this earth, nor in the Heavens. So please refrain from telling people was is or is not,as fact. And merely state it as your opinion, fr in fact, that is all it is or can be.

      1. Cat

        So, would you say that there is a God? Who made you all-knowledgeable? You can’t say that there is. . .

        The burden of proof lies on those who construct these lies.

  628. jr

    Ridiculous that people are fighting over if prayer works or not. Who Cares! The more important issue is the parents are disowning their daughter over her sexuality. People who are gay are NOT in the least bad or disgusting people. Relgion is where the abonimation is, they should be ashamed for choosing some ridiculous words in a book over their daughter. My youngest sister who has an amazing well paying job and a wonderful home in vancouver is a lesbian and I am not ashamed to admit she turned out to be a much more successful and adventurous person than me or my other sister. I hope this girl gets the chance to thrive and achieve the goals she wants to prove to her pathetic parents that she is amazing just the way she is!

  629. Mau

    How awful! That poor girl! What horrible parents would give up their child over something like this! Parents are supposed to love their child unconditionally, and in this case, they have not succeeded. What a selfish act.

  630. Adam McLean

    absolutely disgusting, people like this shouldn’t have kids in the first place. my thoughts and prays go out to the poor girl, be gay and proud and NEVER be ashamed of who you love!!!!

  631. I am pissed

    They are not parents, they are not Christians and they are not the People of God. They are deluded bigots who find religion as a means of warping society into their own heretical form. It is a great disease plaguing the minds of people the disease which has somehow seeped to deep into the society. They feel so high above that the Lord has blessed them with knowledge and grace to dictate the world as they please. These people make me sick, if you really believe in Jesus and his teachings you would see that he never shunned another person out of his life, he never judged, in fact he attracted social outcasts, the tax collectors, the prostitutes, the blind and the deaf, these were people shunned by society and Jesus accepted them and loved them. Christians think it is God’s will to cleanse the world of all ignorance of his existence, but they their thoughts on this are perverse, like the couple above, who find it necessary to rid themselves of the “bad,” but in all honesty they have become the one’s who Jesus was fighting, these Christians, priests, bishops, the believers they have all become the pharisees, the pagans who think that they are true and just.

    And it is time for us to rid ourselves of this disease which has plagued the minds of the world, this article is the epitome of ignorance and elitism which has ruined our society and created rifts in humanity. I hope these “parents” see this article and read everyone’s comments of their ignorance and stupidity into thinking that their prayers were heard by God and feel that letting their own blood, the person who they should love unconditionally, go. They aren’t parents, they aren’t even man and wife, because they have forsaken the most sacred component of their marriage, their daughter.

    To Mr and Mrs. Chadwell God has answered your prayers and given you his answer, through this article, to show both of you how Unchristian your actions have been, may you realize that God loves every single person on this planet, regardless of race, gender or religion, because we are all his people and we must love each other all as God loved us.

  632. Hannah

    this poor girl. She has done nothing wrong and she is being punished by these stupid, self richeous biggots. God made her this way! My God, Her parenys God! Its this kind of insensitive ignorance rhat is making me lose faifth in humanity.

  633. Tyler

    I’m sorry, but who the fuck cares about what the parents believe? This poor girl was just rejected by the two people in the world who should love her unconditionally. Personally, I’m atheist and that’s my choice. If you choose to be religious in any manner whether christian, muslim, jewish, whatever that is your right to do so. But the real problem here is that these parents have said this human being that they created is of no concern to them anymore merely because of her sexual preferences. How heartless can someone be? Ultimately your God should be ashamed that you cast out your own CHILD. Fucking depressing to think this is where we, as the dominate lifeforms on planet Earth have arrived.

  634. Jerald A. Rowlett

    You guys could stop fighting long enough to look up the word ” satire”. Some people will fall for anything I guess.

  635. janny

    God Bless this girl. May she find a wonderful family who will embrace her for the beautiful, wonderful, courageous and authentic l child that she is. In my opinion she will be better off without these two as her parents.

  636. a nameless ghoul

    Parents of this poor child, I dont think you’ll read this but I hope you do because you are the worst scum of the earth I’ve ever encountered you are pieces of shit who should be shot, set ablaze, hung, and fed to rabid dogs for what you’ve done she is YOUR DAUGHTER, YOUR OWN FLESH AND BLOOD that you raised for 16 years and you cast her out for something as trivial as sexuality? DESPICABLE

    you aren’t parents you’re garbage and I hope for your daughters sake she is adopted by compassionate human beings who will love and care for her rather than scum masquerading as parents who will just shun the second they encounter something different from themselves

    you dont have to agree
    you dont have to accept
    you dont have to believe in it

    1. a nameless ghoul

      you dont have to agree
      you dont have to accept
      you dont have to believe in it

      but you DO have to tolerate it
      homosexuality has always been and always will be

  637. Olivier

    I guess I’m not the only one but it seems few people actually check the info and this very site before commenting this. It’s a joke, people.

  638. John Barelli

    1. The story here is not true. This is a humor website, with outrageous stories.

    2. While the story here is false, it actually doesn’t go far enough. The fictitious parents here are actually being kinder and better than the real parents of many LGBT youth. In the story, these fictitious parents are trying to find another home for their daughter. What happens in real life is they just shove the kid out the door to live on the streets, often calling friends and other family to make sure she doesn’t have anywhere else to go.

    Sorry, Mr. Bowers. The satire fails when real life is more extreme than the story.

  639. Loki

    As an adopted child myself, I know the pains of being abandoned by those whom I thought loved me, of being ostracized for who I was even though I could not control it, of being labeled as a freak because of who/what I decided to have sexual intercourse with.

    But hear me, Midgardians, one and all; if such a parody as this can be mistaken for truth, then certainly it must speak volumes about what you mere mortals think of love and compassion, two things that cannot be restricted or limited.

    Indeed, this article is more than worthy of the Liesmith’s approval! Eheheheheheh!

  640. olivia

    okay thank you you people who did their research and know that this is fake. THANK YOU. onto the next category of my frustration… all of you people saying that this fake girl had the freedom to be homosexual and then say its christianity is wrong: you know what? a TON of people would say they have the freedom to belive in a “superman in the sky” as alot of you called it (or god, whom people have believed in from the beginning of time…) and that homosexuality is wrong. those people have JUST as much say in things as you do and putting down christianity is just as bad as putting down homosexuality if not worst because it’s a religion (yes im saying religion could be more important. people die because of religion, give their lives for religion, and make all of their decisions in life because of religion. dont tell me that homosexuality is a bigger part of the average person’s life than religion. ) so while you’re putting one thing down for putting another down, think about what it means to be a hypocrite…

  641. Jason M.

    I think that is ridiculous. I am a baptist and I go to church with a guy who just found out that his son is gay. His son is 15. He is not giving him up for adoption. He is trying to show him the way. I dont think that they will ever see this girl again. Even if they knew where she lived I dont believe she will want anything to do with them.

  642. Jay

    What the hell kind of church is this and what kind of parenting? I don’t care what sexuality you’re child is, how can you just give them up at all and so easily? I wonder what she thinks of you two.

  643. Kira

    Just to clear things up: There is no god, prayer is just a placebo to help you feel better, and this article is FAKE!

    Now that that is sorted out…

  644. Missy

    The thing that is sad about this is that if they really believed in God they would know that what they have done is so very wrong. God is the only judge and who do they think they are judging her for her beliefs but they want the rest of the world to respect theirs… I am a parent and could never imagine turning my back on my child I feel sorry for them when they finally meet their maker and what he will tell them about their decision. God loves all of his children REGARDLESS that is how parents are supposed to be as well…. to bad there are so many bad parents out there. I hope their daughter finds a wonderful family that will accept her for her and not judge her. She will be so much better off without parents like that!!!

  645. Blue

    You people are absolutely disgusting. Instead of trying to understand your child and why they are gay and the science that allows that understanding, let’s just give her up! Pro family?! Christians and Mormons are absolute bogus organizations in that regard! Garbage!!! Total and absolute trash!

    You people make my brain hurt stomach crawl!

    Let me get this straight… Abortion = wrong
    Getting rid of child that you have had and are supposedly loving and nurturing and understanding… AT AGE 16!!! = right???!!

    Absolutely unacceptable! Jesus sure teaches you how to love a family, understand one another and be peaceful, right?!

    You people don’t deserve to live.

    Thankfully, there is a silver lining: In 15yrs studies have shown that over 80% of people between the age of 10 and 30 in the U.S. will no longer believe in Jesus and we will no longer be shackled and hateful towards one another on the basis of a Bible that not only has about 9128754987529387485 contradictions, but is a book that only teaches hate and mis-understanding, instead of love and true compassion, which is what parents are suppose to have.

    You know what Jesus would do? Would he just give up on his gay child? If so, why are we believing in a god that just gives up on his creations?

    Don’t kill them when they haven’t even formed a sex or sexuality in the womb, but get rid of them when they are 16 years old and talk to the imaginary man in the sky about it and justify your absolutely mentally lazy and gross transgressions with said cloud man. Wow. Genius.





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  648. BB

    This is total crap. All this is is two shit parents who can’t (won’t bother to) find balance between their beliefs and their blood, to do what all parents should do; love, and try to support your child, because this is going to be a difficult time for them. All it will do is mess this child up. This is selfish, and that’s all it is. People like this should be sterilized, because they don’t deserve children.

  649. Guilherme Gonçalves

    Who is their God? Mine would not told them to do that. Instead, my God would tell them to love her daughter even more, altough they don’t agree with her :(

  650. AJ Clark

    These parents should be ashamed of themselves. Not only am I an only child, I’m a male and I’m gay. I came out to my parents when I was 14. My parents made it clear that they didn’t understand why, and didn’t agree with it, but that they would always love me because I was their son. Homosexuality is not a choice. They only choice is how you decide to deal with it. You can live your life lying to yourself about it, or be yourself and let those who choose to be your friend and support you do so.

    1. Kathy

      Bravo. Your parents are better people then the parents in this article. Those parents are ignorant fools to disown their daughter because she is gay. Jesus teaches to love first, and refrain from judgement. Even in the story of the prodigal son, the father always loves his child firstly and unconditionally. The parents in this article will be judged severely in the end..

  651. Pingback: Shocking News: “Parents Put 16 Year Old Daughter Up For Adoption After Learning She is Gay” « Skeptical Science

  652. Ben Cooper Stevens

    How ridiculous and foolish can these parents be? Gay men and women have all the same rights and priviledges as hetero people in society today. How can any true loving parent do such a thing? I will bet that there is something else going on here. You don’t have to be gay to raise a gay child. How stupid. You just have to LOVE your child, just like any other parent. Unfortunately, in this particular case, the parents need more therapy than the child. Fifty years ago, homosexuals were considered sexual deviants. However, in 2013, homosexuality is considered acceptable behavior, and merely means one is attracted to the same sex, as opposed to the opposite sex. I doubt seriously, that the church, or anyone else is supporting the parents behavior. Any psychologist, psychiatrist or mental health professional, would not support what these parents are doing. If they do, something is radically wrong with them too.The only thing these parents got right, is that their child deserves more understanding and love,. These parents should seek psychological help for themselves for being so close minded, ignorant and uneducated. Any educated loving parent would never do what they are doing, because they understand and love their child. They would want their child to be happy, well adjusted and comfortable in society. They would support their child, no matter what. And most of all, they would love that child and help that child to be a loving, successful, happy, well-adjusted part of society. I honestly feel sorry for this child who has such small minded, uneducated parents. The child definitely deserves better.

  653. trisha46

    It’s too bad the most intolerable are the Bible thumpers… shame on them… What happened to the Golden Rule?? and Love Thy Neighbor… pathetic excuse for human beings….

  654. Cori

    worthless parents, atleast since this went public she will be snatched up soon, probably by a homosexual couple and given the love and acceptance she deserves. I hope she realizes she had parents but not a mom, and not a dad a true parent loves unconditionally and any person who would dissown their child for any reason, especially this, they should have never had children in the first place because if true love is unconditional than they dont have the capacity to love at all by adding the condition “as long as they are not gay”.

  655. Chris

    Hey, it’s a fake story. So go debate prayer in your college class and stop using this story as a reference to why you think prayer is harmful.

  656. wifebeater

    It is South Carolina not southern carolina, it is a known redneck state full of insane bible thumpers and cults, it is of no suprise that the girls parents do not love their children unconditionally, all they care about is money and what kind of car people drive.

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  658. pepe

    damn hypocrites, are very distressed and seek guidance in the church, they are “” very Christians”” but they do not hesitate to give or take off his daughter for her sexuality, that church is shit like these two wretches, the truth that daughter will be much better in another family that with this pair of shit, and that crap church if have moral values ​​ expelled these pair of scum from the community for being so miserable, I hope they rot in hell.


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