The Dangers Of Dating A Communist Yellow

Foreign invaders are trying to penetrate our beautiful God given land by way of promises of a submissive and obedient house wife. You see, modern American women have been brainwashed into thinking they are equals to males and they think they can leave the house and pursue careers. While doing this they leave the American household empty and cold. No dishes are done, dinner is made in a microwave, children grow up without mother figures and the common wife is now known to be 87% more likely to have cheating affairs.

The communist Chinese have caught onto this disruption of the American home and are now showboating their unwanted female population at American men. They promise if they pay for their green card they in return will be perfect house wifes. They promise they will fulfill any needs the man wants and will keep their mouths shut and kitchens clean.

Here is the danger my friends. Commies and especially their female breed are vile creators. They all plot the destruction of American from within. As Abe Lincoln said, America can only be destroyed from within and the Chinese know this, as they failed to take over America in the 1940′s, when they attacked Pearl Harbor. So instead of sending death gliders over, they want to send death concubines to take over the role of the American housewife. They want them to raise your children learning their high pitched ugly language and teach them to hate anything Red, White and Blue.

So before you are sucked into sites that promise “American love for 5 dorrah”, remember, you could be importing a possible terrorist and by doing so, you yourself are a part of the downfall of America.

Don’t be tempted by blogs or dating sites that show off plump breasted, model typed oriental females, Yes, their skin is smooth and their almond eyes are quite alluring. But, the knife they want to wield into the back of America is not worth it and your soul will burn in hell for all of eternity if you fiddle around with these yellow, American hating prostitutes.

26 thoughts on “The Dangers Of Dating A Communist Yellow

  1. Tyson Bowers IIIAlex Keating Post author

    Excellent expose, Tyson.

    I would like to add that Russian brides are still common in the US. They paved the way for these red Chinese. Caution should be used when dealing with any foreigner.

    1. jo323

      alex keating….”caution should be used when dealing with any foreigner.”

      xenophobic much? not everyone is out to get you….except american communists. sorry but our love for humanity and equality may be a bit foreign to you, but trust me. we aren’t going anywhere. communism will come to this nation. and the people will praise society for finally deciding to take a step forward in helping each other in this great country. we need to stop focusing on ourselves and focus as a collective, only then will this nation be strengthened.

  2. RD

    “….the common wife is now known to be 87% more likely to have cheating affairs.”


    Oh, and my stepmother, who has been my mother since I was 5 years old, has never cheated on my father, despite being a firm feminist and one of the strongest women I’ve ever known. She even has a job outside of the house. Your “fact” is nothing more than an unfounded claim.

    “The communist Chinese have caught onto this disruption of the American home and are now showboating their unwanted female population at American men. They promise if they pay for their green card they in return will be perfect house wifes. They promise they will fulfill any needs the man wants and will keep their mouths shut and kitchens clean.”

    Source? Oh, and I see plenty of immigrants from a variety of countries coming to America. Stuff happens.

    “As Abe Lincoln said, America can only be destroyed from within and the Chinese know this, as they failed to take over America in the 1940′s, when they attacked Pearl Harbor.”

    Any child who’s been through an American history class knows that the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, not the Chinese. If anything, we considered the Chinese our ALLIES during World War II, simply because they WEREN’T against us, and they weren’t even taking part in the war, save to protect their own country.

    “So instead of sending death gliders over, they want to send death concubines to take over the role of the American housewife. They want them to raise your children learning their high pitched ugly language and teach them to hate anything Red, White and Blue.”

    Um, no. I’ve studied Chinese; it’s a remarkably difficult language to learn, but it’s rather pretty, especially since the meanings of a single word change based on the tone used when speaking. I’ve also known a number of immigrants from Asia, especially from China. My Chinese professors were both immigrants; one was from Taiwan, the other from China. Both were about as pro-America as could be, and only respected the culture of China, rather than its political alignment.

    “But, the knife they want to wield into the back of America is not worth it and your soul will burn in hell for all of eternity if you fiddle around with these yellow, American hating prostitutes.”

    . . . Are you trying to say that all female immigrants are prostitutes? What kind of bullshit is that? You know that, in order to legally immigrate to America, you have to HAVE your green card first, right? And even to travel to America, you need to have a valid passport.

    1. Tyson Bowers IIIAugust Weisz Post author

      “….the common wife is now known to be 87% more likely to have cheating affairs.”
      Oh, and my stepmother, who has been my mother since I was 5 years old, has never cheated on my father, despite being a firm feminist and one of the strongest women I’ve ever known. She even has a job outside of the house. Your “fact” is nothing more than an unfounded claim.”

      He did not say 100 percent. It is very likely your stepmother is in the 13 percent. Also I would imagine people who have cheating affairs don’t often tell their step kids about it.

      1. RD

        Tyson fails to cite a source for his 87% claim, ergo, it is false.

        My stepmother has treated me and my sisters as her own daughters since she met my father; she is, for all intents and purposes, my mother. Her first husband had an affair during a difficult time in their marriage (due to the health of their first child, my stepbrother), and my stepmother has never been anything if not loyal to my father. How dare you insinuate that she has had an affair since their marriage.

  3. Billybob Biblebanger

    “As Abe Lincoln said, America can only be destroyed from within and the Chinese know this, as they failed to take over America in the 1940′s, when they attacked Pearl Harbor.”

    This is incredible news!!! We must contact those who have the power to reanimate our other great leaders so that they can lead us away from those who would try to destroy us. Let’s bring back true Americans, like Joe McCarthy, Ronald Reagan and the greatest president of all, George W. Bush, so that we may be saved.

  4. Millennium

    hahahaha … PUHAHAHAHA

    since you failed in history class it’s not even worth commenting on it neither

    also china never wanted to be at war with USA (cold war were started by USA by the way)

    Also Chinese women are more romantic than Many many american woman ( and more pretty as well)

    what I see is blatant racism (calling them yellow ?) and cowardly

    since you think every chinese women are communist because their politic is the same thing seriously you live in what years ???

    oh and George Bush and Ronald reagan is well Not the best exemple both were puppet of Big corporation and their vice president as well

    Joe Mcarthy is a threat to any freedom or pseudo freedom you have but I guess it’s not my country so I should “shut up” like many said

    Anyway we don’t need USA to survive and you know that

    1. Brian Fellow

      Those yellow witches have brain washed you. That is, unless you are a yellow devil. And if you are, we’ll find out.

      By the way, do you know a good dim-sum restaurant?

  5. Daniel

    Yes china is communist that’s exactly why they support free trade agreements and the World Trade Organization and actively bust unions. Oh and it was they Japanese who attacked pearl harbor you know the country that designs all of the video games, got recently his by a tsunami, and has been our ally’s since we rebuilt they’re economy after WWII.

  6. Sam Watson

    For people who claim to be American, I’m surprised at how little you know about your own basic history.

    Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, not China. In fact, I believe they did so to prevent America to assist some of the other Asian countries who were trying to defend themselves from Japan at that time, namely China.

    And don’t use Lincoln in your article. He doesn’t deserve to be insulted by having his quotes misused by someone who will rot in hell for intolerance. Funny how white extremist Christians are the ones who are the most off course when it comes to following the message of God. I hope you’re prepared when your time comes, because you’ll be burning in the fires of hell if you stick to your off-based values.

  7. JuggaloinMendo

    Asians are beautiful, as is their language. The Chinese may be Commies, but many are trying to escape prostitution, death, and rape. How dare you call refugees backstabbers when all they are trying to do is lead normal lives. It’s racist bigots like you who should be lynch mobbed. Hell, I’ll lead the party.

    1. Brian Fellow

      Sounds like something a yellow devil would say. And a very dangerous one. Just like the dangerous yellow threat discussed in this fine article, which you probably couldn’t read because of your slanty eyes.

  8. Brittany

    I am half asian? Will I go to Hell? I sure hope so if heaven is filled with assholes like you. If God is so loving only to white people then why are Asians and other races living among us.

  9. Rick

    I don’t know where you get your facts from, 87%? No source mentioned, and btw, it was the Japanese that attacked Perl Harbor, not the Chinese, and America, has a communist party here already. Further more, America, during the Bolshivik revolution, sent troops to Siberia, known as the Polar Bear regiment, in hopes of conguering and dividing Russia, among Germany, UK, China and keeping most of it for ourselves.

  10. ben



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