Many American traditions and values are being attacked by fecal smear homogay campaigns that try to turn happy values into sin ridden festivals of sexual orgy pleasure fiascos and deep penile penetration parties. The latest tradtion under attack is Christmas or as the would want us to spell it, XMas, the X meaning “XPLICT MASS”, which in gay talk means a massive celebration of explicit acts of gayness and interracial homo erotic daddly dipping. Below are a few examples of how at the feces flavored hands of homosexuals, our holidays are turning into homodays.
Caroling use to be fun event that friendly American loving neighbors use to do to spread Christmas cheer to one’s town. Now caroling has been turned into a door to door shopping extravaganza for gays to be able to peek into your homes and count how many untouched children live inside their neighbor’s homes. Homos will now insert themselves into the local caroling squads and take notes of the child’s eye color, hair color and cut, height, smell and if they have a soft or rough skin tone.
Ah, the fat old man who brings lovely gifts to non sinning children is now being turned into a hunk of fire burning homogayness who is now decking the halls with bounds of sugar plummed anal sin and jolly homo ecstasy laced candy canes. The gays are slowly trying to convert the image of Santa from a happy Grandpa, to a sin cave docking jellybean so your children will be more comfortable when a strange man with iron pecks and chiseled jaw lines comes up to them and asks if they want to come the workshop and play with the North Pole. The gays are hoping this new marketing strategy will increase the child to man love success rate in suburban America.
Stocking Stuffing
This use to be my favorite part of Christmas morning. Before mom would allow us to open presents, we got to see what kind of nick nacks and goody treats laid waiting for us in our stockings that hung above the fireplace. Now the gays have turned this term of “stocking stuffing” into their own form of holiday sex games. Now on Christmas mornings, gays decorate their anal caverns with glittery decor and insert toys up their sewer holes. Once packed with sinful joyness, they invite their friends to insert their hands into their sparkly designed turd tunnel and grab for a gift.

credit: "Mistletoe Madness" by Paul Richmond
Gays will find any excuse to lick the musky candy sac of another man, so now the gays are openly walking around with mistletoe strategically placed above their holly jollies in hopes that trains of suckling street homos will line up to give their package a peck under their zipper’s mistletoe.
Another Christmas favorite of mine that is now being turned into a bottom burrower sex game. Now the gays have turned eggnog into what is called a “Swap and drink” party game. The gays will invite a group of mumble anus’ over for what they call a “eggnog party” and they all demon whack each other until they each product devil DNA. They fill up glasses with each person’s devil juice (gay eggnog) and pass the cups around and they try and guess which gay nectar belongs to who. The loser ends up having to be the power bottom for the night.
Fuck. You.
You’re the one ruining MY christmas.
the truth can sometimes ruin holidays, can’t it?
Wtf? Are you also a susanlover too?
He’s another member of the Christwire Crazy Army…Pay no mind to him.
Everything on this site is ludicrous, any sane perople can see that.
How about the this, christianity is not the first religion, infact it’s one of the youngest. And all the triditions and superstitions were copied from other religions, now known as myths, and in the next few years (hopefully) christianity will be seen for the fairy tales that it really is.
Young or old is no matter. It is the only TRUE religion. That is why we must NUKE to SAVE.
Have you read my article, friend?
HAHAHA you know using nukes will only give you a taste of the flames you’re headed for, but it would be nice to see ya squirm
maybe we should blow up your own little house with you Inside of it so you fanatic asshole could simply shut up ?
Albert, did you turn to the Lord after getting gang-raped in prison for pedophiling at birthday parties in your Ronald getup?
wouldn’t nukes cause eternal hellfire
of course it is. Have you noticed how the majority of comments on any article are by people taking the piss out of this shit. I’m on here cause I find it funny how sad the article writers are.
Hey Jim, sexy photo! How about you and I…oh, wait, for a minute there, I thought I logged into Grindr. But at least you have lovely hair. Truth hurts, huh?
religious assholes ruin everything, can’t we just have christmas?
Excuse me but I’m gay and have NEVER done any of these things at Christmas time. As a matter of fact, anyone that could come up with these quite discriptive and “well thought out” lies must himself, be a raging homosexual who is the kinikiest mother f*cker I think I have ever experienced. I can just imagine what he does to his wife or girlfriend.
Christmas was originally a pagan holiday that christianity copied. Jesus wasn’t even born on christmas.
He’s actually born in the summer..
Wtf? He WAS born in the summer. Check your fucking facts old man.
Just checked. He was born on Christmas Eve. Dec 24
(American Calendar)
You really are delusional, you can’t believe everything you pedo pastor tells you.
And you don’t even get the calender name right… It’s called the Gregorian calendar. It was started by Pope Gregory the Whateverth.
There’s even MORE fail, if Christmas is supposed to be the day Jesus was born, why is August claiming it’s on the 24th, which is Christmas EVE?
The so called ‘fact’ that Jesus was born in the summer is nothing more than a lie fabricated by emosexual pagans in the 1960s. And before any of you psuedo-intellectual liberals try to argue my truth I am a teacher of history and a college graduate. Check mate heathens!
Like you were there. Hum-bugger.
Hey Fatty, just because you call yourself something doesn’t make it true. How could Jesus have been born in those conditions, and why does it just so happen that there’s a MUCH older holiday that was celebrated roughly around the same time?
a history teacher you BUAHAHAHAHA make me laugh Old man You know nothing about history
let’s me geuss why did Japanese started the attack of pearl harbour ?
‘Lucifer’s Nasties’, I’ll have you know that i am a high school history teacher and have been for 6 years now. Don’t envy those who have been blessed by God with a job just because you spend all your time occupying wall street looking for the dope with other sewer-spout plunging sodomites.
We wanna go all historical ok where is the proof? There is none there is no historical evidence any where the bible doesn’t count cause it’s not even historical seeing how it changes every 3 years by a group of old guys in a room.
No one knows for sure when Jesus was born. His birth date is mere conjecture. Also, as for history, modern books written by Christian authors teach Creationism as fact which is unsubstantiated as there is no scientific proof (The Scientific Method), only FAITH in words which were passed down as stories from one generation of ancient civilizations to another until scribes wrote the oral traditions down on stone tablets or papyrus. When the Jews were slaves in Egypt they adopted many of the religious traditions of that society which was ruled by the Ptolemy dynasty (Greeks) for many generations. Cleopatra was from this lineage. The Jews were slaves who were, NOT Christians and did not/do not believe Jesus was the “savior” , but only a prophet. The Romans were PAGANS and when Romans adopted Christianity they incorporated their pagan dates and rituals into their “new” religion. The Romans went on to try to wipe out the Jews and Muslims (Constantine’s Crusades) and of course here we are in 2011 with all the religions started by ABRAHAM (Jews, Muslims, Christians) at war, arguing over Christmas, killing each other and doing so in the name of GOD! I can only ask…if you truly believe in Jesus, WWJD??? Do you think for one moment he would approve of the vitriol you spew from your mouth? Do you think he would approve of people going to war and killing each other in the name of God? One can only wonder!! It really does not matter when Jesus was born. What matters is what is in one’s heart. The spirit of Christmas is about LOVE and FORGIVENESS. Be a nice Christian and stop being a HATER! MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Susan is right August!
First, we know that shepherds were in the fields watching their flocks at the time of Jesus’ birth (Luke:2:7-8[7]And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.[8]And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.). Shepherds were not in the fields during December. According to Celebrations: The Complete Book of American Holidays, Luke’s account “suggests that Jesus may have been born in summer or early fall. Since December is cold and rainy in Judea, it is likely the shepherds would have sought shelter for their flocks at night” (p. 309).
Similarly, The Interpreter’s One-Volume Commentary says this passage argues “against the birth [of Christ] occurring on Dec. 25 since the weather would not have permitted” shepherds watching over their flocks in the fields at night.
Second, Jesus’ parents came to Bethlehem to register in a Roman census (Luke:2:1-4[1]And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed.[2](And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.)[3]And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city.[4]And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:)). Such censuses were not taken in winter, when temperatures often dropped below freezing and roads were in poor condition. Taking a census under such conditions would have been self-defeating.
It’s all in the bible August. Do some research about shepparding in Israel and you will discover that sheppards do not tend to sheep in fields in December my friend.
depending on where you are summer is different times of the year. Here in Australia summer is December through February though I know what you mean
Not only do the MAJORITY of Christians agree Jesus wasn’t born December 25, most historians verify that point.
I love how “Christians” think they are so much like the Lord, when they don’t practice what he taught!!!
Last Christians were killed in early AD so they came up with some codes the “fish” for example. X “in caps” means Christ.
I pray the Lord opens the eyes of this site.
Tyson Tyson Tyson…Your an idiot.
Caroling: Once again you’re getting Gays and Pedophiles mixed up.
Santa: Who’s to say that picture of Santa isn’t meant for women? And also, I feel like posting this right now: Merry Christmas indeed!
Stocking Stuffers: How the fuck did you come up with this? Is this your very own Christmas fantasy?
Mistletoe: Straight men also do this with the intention of women doing you-know-what…It’s a harmless, slightly perverted joke
Eggnog: Another one of your Christmas fantasies Tyson?
on you first point, I wasn’t aware of any difference.
Then you sir are an idiot. Shall I educate you?
Pedophile: A person who is sexually attracted to children.
Homosexual: Sexually attracted to people of one’s own sex
Learn the difference
Another differents,
Pedohile = wrong
Homosexuality = genetic
Awesome response OddAtheist. Great photo included. I approve. Tyson does seem to know an awful lot about what goes on behind closed doors in homosexual households doesn’t he? He may be trying to tell us something.
I don’t find her all that attractive, she isn’t digging lines of blood in my skin and calling me derogatory names.
Awesome. Love your insight Atheist. Is this site a joke? Sounds to me those bad jokes, anyhow can only be sexual fantasy. And where did you boys find a pic of the actor and straight Ryan Phillippe as Santa Clauss. People you need to expand your crowd. The gays you hang out must be str8 red necks. We would never look into people house. And caroling!!! Stop I am peeing in my pants. Girls, I mean, boys if we peak inside your houses is to laugh at the bad decoration
I Like christmas, but not the gays.
I like everyone, just not you and your motherfucking crew!
What did gay people do to you? They’re not hurting you… You’re the one hurting them!
They are homophobes, they just won’t admit that they hate everything different.
if you are not afraid of gays then i think it is you who has the problem
YOURE A LOSER. . A heartless loser.
If you ARE afraid of Gays, than you sir have a problem
See : Jerry Sandusky
People should be afraid.
As I said to you in another article August:
A few examples does not represent the group as a whole.
Sandusky is a creepy pervert who deserves jail time.
I wish gay people would rape you.
But they won’t. SO I’LL DO IT
Don’t do it, you’ll catch something.
Probably moronitis.
I was thinking she’d catch Dipshit Fever
The gay ruined christmas, and you susanne have been brainwashed by the liberal media
you should be praying more if you dont agree, jesus will show you the way
and its scientific fact, homogays hate jesus
No, homogays are normal, they should have a right to walk down the street hand in hand, they shouldn’t have to go through cyberbullying and normal bullying every day, even from people they don’t know.
They should be adopt kids too.
They shouldnt rape kids!!!!
To August:
Ahem, glad to get that out of my system.
Youre disgusting Augusta. Why the heck would they rape their kids?
Homosexuals don’t rape childeren, that is a pedophile, gay and pedo are Not the same thing.
Get your head out of whatever unholy book you read and get a proper education.
No, they shouldn’t rape kids. There’s no problem in adoption, though.
august RAPE kids and everyone on christwire RAPES KIDS
as a gay person i think you are correct we are still people who deserve equal rights
And you Tulsa have been brainwashed by the bible freaks.
NOWHERE does it say that Gays hate Jesus and DON’T post a link to another article on this stupid site to try and prove me wrong. It’ll only make you look stupid.
SUSANHATER: I might not be Gay, but I believe my Gay Best Friend should have the rights you stated. Your a good person
P.S. “Homogay” isn’t a freaking word.
If you’re a Christian, you should be forgiving, loving and not judging. Only GOD can judge. You sir are a mere man.
Ever hear the phrase, “Hate the sin; not the sinner?” You should never HATE anyone.
Happy Winter Solstice, everyone!
I mean, really, where did “Stocking Stuffing” come from, your perverted gay fantasies? Also, mistletoe can also involve a boy and girl, or even two girls. And who doesn’t enjoy a good eggnog?
Btw, Tyson! Where did you find these photos you dirty old pervert ??
they mostly found picture on funny picture site and other stuff like that in other word oit’s proven to be satire and indeed not real
also I need to point that some of these people seems “elgit” in other word we don’t know if they are Joking or not
Wow. This is retarded. Gays didnt/don’t ruin anything. Christwire is ruining christmas
They are even ruining christianity. I hope their stupidity doesn’t spread any further.
Ok, I’ll be the first one to say it. That second picture: HOT DAMN.
If he had longer hair, I’d tap that.
HEARD! agreed
And maybe grow a beard.
You know what, make him into a viking and be happier then a pig in mud.
*I’ll be happier then a pig in mud.
Haha I’m not so sure about the beard, but longer hair would be great 😀
Those are some pretty perverted sexual fantasies you have going on there *points at stocking stuffing and eggnog sections*. Someone really needs to get laid.
And they keep saying we are perverted.
I have no problem with gays or bi’s, but these ‘christians’ are just … I really have no words to discribe their fantasies that they think is reality. I mean, they think up more homosexuality then a homosexual.
They do! And i support gays, bi’s, lesbians, and transgenders.
They’re bashing on them when they’re more lgbt then they are.
And honestly, i don’t know one person, gay or otherwise, who would even think of doing the shit the people who post this shit on this website.
I’ve met a transgender person, he use to be a girl who always felt like a male inside a female body. He now lives in my home town with his girlfriend(bi), and seems pretty happy about life, he was a good guy, I can not see him doing anything that these nutjobs say people like him would do.
I straight and I support gay rights.
That’s amazing, in all honestly i’d rather be a boy. But not enough to be a transgender really.
And you have just become one of my favorite people 😀
Yeah, it’s a shame really that some people can’t be more open-minded.
Blood Wolf is a really good person. From the time I’ve been on here, guy (and others) is the only one that posts truth.
Serious question here Tyson. How many drugs does a person have to do in order to become as mentally deficient as you?
I believe enough to cover Russia.
I think that might be a conservative estimate for the amount he’s actually done.
I think the author of this article is gay, I don’t have a problem with gays, I think that the author posted this in hope that someone could fulfill his dirty perverted fantasies with him cuz he doesn’t get laid and is too old to actually get laid. And dude, how long were you up looking through google for these fine young men pics, you probably jerked off looking at the pictures.
Happy winter solstice
Happy winter solstice! 😀
Happy Winter Solstice to everyone! 😀
Wow, I need a moist towel after that!
So Billings is gay, raise your hand if you’re surprised.
Why would Billings choose to be Gay? He works with kids for gosh sakes. You crossed a line L.N.
Of course Billings isn’t gay…He’s just a pedophile, thats all.
All gays are pedophiles. Dr. Billings is neither. He is the All-American Male, Heterosexual. Get real.
You’re thinking of priests Clownboy, THEY are the pedophiles.
You’re a loon.
Says the man who covers himself in make up to ‘entertain’ little children.
Gays and Pedophiles are NOT the same thing Creeper Clown.
The sooner you realize this the sooner you can realize you are a pedophile clown
A good clown is a dead clown.
He’s born gay dumbfuck. It isn’t his choice. YOU crossed the line when you read the article and agreed with it, you sick judgemental pervert.
He’s born gay dumbfuck. YOU crossed the line when you read the article and agreed with it, you sick judgemental pervert.
My hand is not raised. I am not surprised. He seemed to know too much about apparent sex acts. Like most other “writers” on this website. Raises a number of suspicions
Im confused.. why would you need a moist towel after that? Did that turn you on or something?
Gays only celebrate XXXmas with Butt Buddies.
You would know that, wouldn’t you?
What’s that supposed to mean? I am 5000% heterosexual. I’m not in the mood for your slander tonight, you gnat.
What’s that supposed to mean? It means you take up the ass, and who says that they’re ‘5000%’ heterosexual? When your lover is a man, you can’t call yourself a heterosexual, and we ALL know you’d suck Billings’ cock the moment you could.
It means he likes orgies, 5k% would be 50 times hetero. That must mean he likes to do it with 50 people at once, all female. His harem must be huge…
This is Clownboy we’re talking about though, he wouldn’t go near a vagina even if somehow he was the last male on Earth.
hahaha you know your mouth is in the perfect position so these HOMOGAYS can play
More proof to suggest that Christianity is for idiots. you can’t be 1000% something unless you’re 50 people you retard!
I’m gay Albert.. and Nope you’re wrong Albert…. I celebrated Christmas with my family. No XXmas or butt buddies.. slept alone..
HAHAHA Albert why are you in a clown costume??? you planning on going to a little boys B-day party you twit
DEAR Christwire crew, fans, and followers
May all your children, grandchildren and well for Susan- great great great great grandchildren be gay and live the life style as just
atleast they will be somewhat normal
Where will these gays stop? They want special rights, and they want to rape our precious white children. Now they want to spread AIDS and anal contamination via the chimneys in our homes. I am rounding up the kids and we are sleeping in the same room on the eve of the birth of our Christ, just in case a homoSanta tries to invade our sacred abode.
oh, so you want to sleep not only gonna sleep with 1 kid, your’re gonna round up lots of kids too? oh you naughty naughty winkle you. ;P
When will you stop, this page fucking frightens me, and so does you picture old man.
good riddance to a pedophile like you.
Oh Ice Van Idiot! We don’t want “special” rights anymore than you want “special” children. I can’t believe that you people “whackos” and notice I don’t say Christians; that’s because I don’t believe that true Christians are bad people! They are the ones that don’t buy into this ridiculous vitriol spewed by your religious zealots, however, “you people” actually believe that we “gays” are just waiting to jump your children and do disgusting things to them. WOW ARE YOU OUT OF TOUCH!! We actually advocate for children’s rights against so-called “Christian” men who have raped innocent boys and girls.. If any man touches a child they should have their penis cut off!! and I don’t care if they’re old men either!If you took the time to find out why most men and women are gay… you can find SEXUAL ABUSE in most if not all of our pasts by men and women we “trusted”…and I can guarantee you that a number will be “so-called” Christian men.. Because the culprits are NEITHER!! So don’t sit there and spew your hatred and fear of your children being raped by us.. you should worry about men you “trust” to be around your children…..
I could make no sense of the above. Are you suggesting we should worry less about the gay men who have already raped our young boys than we should about the straight men who won’t?
“Precious WHITE children.”
You do realize that Jesus wasn’t white, don’t you? He couldn’t have been. Anyone who thinks he was needs to gain a few IQ points.
Please see to learn more about the immaculate whiteness of Jesus.
No one knows for sure when Jesus was born. His birth date is mere conjecture. Also, as for history, modern books written by Christian authors teach Creationism as fact which is unsubstantiated as there is no scientific proof (The Scientific Method), only FAITH in words which were passed down as stories from one generation of ancient civilizations to another until scribes wrote the oral traditions down on stone tablets or papyrus. When the Jews were slaves in Egypt they adopted many of the religious traditions of that society which was ruled by the Ptolemy dynasty (Greeks) for many generations. Cleopatra was from this lineage. The Jews were slaves who were, NOT Christians and did not/do not believe Jesus was the “savior” , but only a prophet. The Romans were PAGANS and when Romans adopted Christianity they incorporated their pagan dates and rituals into their “new” religion. The Romans went on to try to wipe out the Jews and Muslims (Constantine’s Crusades) and of course here we are in 2011 with all the religions started by ABRAHAM (Jews, Muslims, Christians) at war, arguing over Christmas, killing each other and doing so in the name of GOD! I can only ask…if you truly believe in Jesus, WWJD??? Do you think for one moment he would approve of the vitriol you spew from your mouth? Do you think he would approve of people going to war and killing each other in the name of God? One can only wonder!! It really does not matter when Jesus was born. What matters is what is in one’s heart. The spirit of Christmas is about LOVE and FORGIVENESS. Be a nice Christians and stop being HATERS! MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Nothing you have said is true. The homosexual community are not attacking any traditions at all. Paranoid and homophobic, I see. Not a pleasant combination.
Xmas does not mean what you think it does. It is just another way of spelling Christmas. It is still said Christmas, just used by people who don’t want to spell out Christmas. The X doesn’t stand for anything. Even if it did it wouldn’t stand for “Xplicit Mass”. If it did it would mean Xmas meant explicit mass mass which would just be stupid. It would just be explicit rather than explicit mass.
Homosexual doesn’t mean paedophile. Stop suggesting it does. No one is knocking on doors to get a perverted view of children. Carol singing is done by homosexuals and heterosexuals for the same reason. To spread cheer.
Again homosexual doesn’t mean paedophile. No one is being Santa to make kids easier prey for paedophiles. They are actually doing it to spread holiday cheer if anything. Although personally I found the idea of a old man creeping into my room whilst I slept a little creepy as a kid.
Stocking Stuffing
No they really don’t do this at all. It is not a practice I believe anyone does. However the detail you go into describing this obviously made up sex act is a tad suspicious if you ask me.
Again no one is doing this. Not in public anyway. Homosexual AND heterosexual couples might in the privacy of their own homes do this as a bit of a joke. However, no one is doing it to make random people on the street do this.
Never heard of a swap and drink to be honest. No idea what that means. Had a quick google search to check and found nothing of value. For all I know it could be a name for the drinking game where people swap their drinks. A perfectly innocent drinking game and the name fits.
Another point where you describe, in detail, a apparent homosexual act. You seem very knowledgeable about what goes on behind closed doors in the homosexual community. Billings is there something you want to tell us?
Well done for picking out 5 Christmas traditions that have not been ruined at all and attempting to put a homophobic spin on them. You failed miserably in proving that a single of these innocent traditions have any modern day homosexual agenda.
Nothing you have said is true. The homosexual community are not attacking any traditions at all. Paranoid and homophobic, I see. Not a pleasant combination.
Xmas does not mean what you think it does. It is just another way of spelling Christmas. It is still said Christmas, just used by people who don’t want to spell out Christmas. The X doesn’t stand for anything. Even if it did it wouldn’t stand for “Xplicit Mass”. If it did it would mean Xmas meant explicit mass mass which would just be stupid. It would just be explicit rather than explicit mass.
Homosexual doesn’t mean paedophile. Stop suggesting it does. No one is knocking on doors to get a perverted view of children. Carol singing is done by homosexuals and heterosexuals for the same reason. To spread cheer.
Again homosexual doesn’t mean paedophile. No one is being Santa to make kids easier prey for paedophiles. They are actually doing it to spread holiday cheer if anything. Although personally I found the idea of a old man creeping into my room whilst I slept a little creepy as a kid.
Stocking Stuffing
No they really don’t do this at all. It is not a practice I believe anyone does. However the detail you go into describing this obviously made up sex act is a tad suspicious if you ask me.
Again no one is doing this. Not in public anyway. Homosexual AND heterosexual couples might in the privacy of their own homes do this as a bit of a joke. However, no one is doing it to make random people on the street do this.
Never heard of a swap and drink to be honest. No idea what that means. Had a quick google search to check and found nothing of value. For all I know it could be a name for the drinking game where people swap their drinks. A perfectly innocent drinking game and the name fits.
Another point where you describe, in detail, a apparent homosexual act. You seem very knowledgeable about what goes on behind closed doors in the homosexual community. Billings is there something you want to tell us?
Nothing you have said is true. The homosexual community are not attacking any traditions at all. Paranoid and homophobic, I see. Not a pleasant combination.
Xmas does not mean what you think it does. It is just another way of spelling Christmas. It is still said Christmas, just used by people who don’t want to spell out Christmas. The X doesn’t stand for anything. Even if it did it wouldn’t stand for “Xplicit Mass”. If it did it would mean Xmas meant explicit mass mass which would just be stupid. It would just be explicit rather than explicit mass.
Xmas does not mean what you think it does. It is just another way of spelling Christmas. It is still said Christmas, just used by people who don’t want to spell out Christmas. The X doesn’t stand for anything.
Homosexual doesn’t mean paedophile. Stop suggesting it does. No one is knocking on doors to get a perverted view of children. Carol singing is done by homosexuals and heterosexuals for the same reason. To spread cheer.
Again homosexual doesn’t mean paedophile. No one is being Santa to make kids easier prey for paedophiles. They are actually doing it to spread holiday cheer if anything. Although personally I found the idea of a old man creeping into my room whilst I slept a little creepy as a kid.
Stocking Stuffing
No they really don’t do this at all. It is not a practice I believe anyone does. However the detail you go into describing this obviously made up sex act is a tad suspicious if you ask me.
Again no one is doing this. Not in public anyway. Homosexual AND heterosexual couples might in the privacy of their own homes do this as a bit of a joke. However, no one is doing it to make random people on the street do this.
Never heard of a swap and drink to be honest. No idea what that means. Had a quick google search to check and found nothing of value. For all I know it could be a name for the drinking game where people swap their drinks. A perfectly innocent drinking game and the name fits.
Another point where you describe, in detail, a apparent homosexual act. You seem very knowledgeable about what goes on behind closed doors in the homosexual community. Billings is there something you want to tell us?
Well done for picking out 5 Christmas traditions that have not been ruined at all and attempting to put a homophobic spin on them. You failed miserably in proving that a single of these innocent traditions have any modern day homosexual agenda.
Xmas does not mean what you think it does. It is just another way of spelling Christmas. It is still said Christmas, just used by people who don’t want to spell out Christmas.
Homosexual doesn’t mean paedophile. Stop suggesting it does. No one is knocking on doors to get a perverted view of children. Carol singing is done by homosexuals and heterosexuals for the same reason. To spread cheer.
No one is being Santa to make kids easier prey for paedophiles. They are actually doing it to spread holiday cheer if anything. Although personally I found the idea of a old man creeping into my room whilst I slept a little creepy as a kid.
Stocking Stuffing
No they really don’t do this at all. It is not a practice I believe anyone does. However the detail you go into describing this obviously made up sex act is a tad suspicious if you ask me.
Again no one is doing this. Not in public anyway. Homosexual AND heterosexual couples might in the privacy of their own homes do this as a bit of a joke. However, no one is doing it to make random people on the street do this.
Never heard of a swap and drink to be honest. No idea what that means. Had a quick google search to check and found nothing of value. For all I know it could be a name for the drinking game where people swap their drinks. A perfectly innocent drinking game and the name fits.
Another point where you describe, in detail, a apparent homosexual act. You seem very knowledgeable about what goes on behind closed doors in the homosexual community.
Xmas does not mean what you think it does. It is just another way of spelling Christmas. It is still said Christmas, just used by people who don’t want to spell out Christmas.
Homosexual doesn’t mean paedophile. Stop suggesting it does. No one is knocking on doors to get a perverted view of children. Carol singing is done by homosexuals and heterosexuals for the same reason. To spread cheer.
Again homosexual doesn’t mean paedophile. They are actually doing it to spread holiday cheer if anything. Although personally I found the idea of a old man creeping into my room whilst I slept a little creepy as a kid.
Stocking Stuffing
No they really don’t do this at all. It is not a practice I believe anyone does. However the detail you go into describing this obviously made up sex act is a tad suspicious if you ask me.
Again no one is doing this. Not in public anyway. Homosexual AND heterosexual couples might in the privacy of their own homes do this as a bit of a joke. However, no one is doing it to make random people on the street do this.
Never heard of a swap and drink to be honest. No idea what that means. For all I know it could be a name for the drinking game where people swap their drinks. A perfectly innocent drinking game and the name fits. Another point where you describe, in detail, a apparent homosexual act. You seem very knowledgeable about what goes on behind closed doors in the homosexual community.
Xmas does not mean what you think it does. It is just another way of spelling Christmas. It is still said Christmas, just used by people who don’t want to spell out Christmas.
Homosexual doesn’t mean paedophile. Stop suggesting it does. No one is knocking on doors to get a perverted view of children. Carol singing is done by homosexuals and heterosexuals for the same reason. To spread cheer.
First of all, this is one of the most disgusting sites I have ever seen..and you call yourselves pias..what a FUCKING JOKE!!!
Jim, your hatred is truly vile. You, sir, have NO RIGHT to call yourself anything except a bigot.
The violent, truly hateful crap I see on this site makes me bummed out on the whole human experience.
You homophobes are sick bastards. You really have to belittle and lie about other people? You are narrow minded and pathetic! And don’t you realize almost nobody supports your views? The world has moved on, and no longer cares about your beliefs!
Its sad that the homogays have transformed items meant for the joy of children into objects of eros.
You’re taking his words as if they are facts. Everything Tyson posted is fake things he made up to make it as if homosexuals have ruin them. No where does he state proof for his words.
seriously? are you people really that dumb? Pembrooke you give us the living proof right there, its funny in a way and sad in another.
What living proof? Proof of what? Are you trying to call me gay?
I just read this lovely article that taught me a lot. Just a question : Why nobody told me when i came out ?? now once more i’m packing to visit my family instead of preaparing an “Eggnog party” !
PS : an other question, what do lesbians do for XXXmass
Well, again here is another post – thats is so far from the truth. That Gays having sex with ET is more believeable.
Really guys, stop playing with the little boys and farm animals and your parents.
If all of this was true, the end of the world would have occured. And even you guys would have been turned into sex craved zombies.
ok, first of all it sounds like you’re talking mostly about pedo’s (you) than gay people and seriously? are you making stuff up? and i thought that christians didn’t have such filthy minds 😉 I guess I was wrong. and don’t you dare insult gay people, I have a gay friend and he is really nice. so before you go saying crap shit about gays why don’t you look in the mirror? because i think you are the gay person to think of such things.
god is fake, you are a bully, racist and needs to be pushed down a cliff; hit by a bud and eated by wolves then tormented for eternity in hell (which I will help with)
hellhound; the sworn protector of the gates to hell 3:)
What is so wrong about being gay? We live in 21st century, so being gay is really not a big deal. Big deal is that you are homophobic. Seriously, gays are also humans, they are not beasts that will rape every man they see.
can I point out if you rearrange the letters in Santa you get Satan
This is hilarious
What a very spot on article. We don’t put multi colored lights on the tree because they remind us of the satanic gay flag. We switched to all white lights years a go’ bright the white light of our beloved white Jesus. And just thinking of what those homos do with candy canes? disgusting.
Is this ironic or sincere?