Blink-182 is an emo pop punk band consisting of three bi-sexual southern California natives. You have vocalist and bass guitarist Mark Hipphoppus, vocalist and guitarist Thomas DeLonge, and gluttonously tattooed drummer Travis Baker. They have mind raped and brainwashed a slue of young teenagers with their over 27 million albums worldwide since forming in the upper white class city of Poway, California in 1992. That means their album sells have destroyed more souls than Hitler could ever do. With original drummer Scott Raynor, who left the band after Mark and Tom started to push homosexual messages in their music, they released their debut album Cheshire Cat in 1994 and followed-up with a more raunchy and gay driven album, 1997’s Dude’s Ranch, which sold around a million copies. Raynor was replaced by Baker during their 1998 tour, due to the fact the band wanted a more “Hot Topic” like marketing look to their band.
The band achieved greater success with 1999’s multi-platinum selling Enema of the State, which reached #9 on the Billboard 200 pop charts on the strength of the singles “What’s My Age Again” (a song about having sex with underage girls) and “All the Small Things” (a song about comparing your flesh sword size with other homosexual males). Blink-182 gained popularity for their gay antics, and the follow-up album Take Off Your Pants and Jacket reached #1 on the pop charts in the United States, Canada, Brazil, Cuba, China, France and Germany. The eponymously-titled Blink-182 followed in 2003 and was a stylistic shift for the group, infusing experimental elements into their usual pop punk formula which resulted in a more mature sound.
DeLonge left Blink-182 in early 2005, to start a new and more emo like band. The band broken up until now, they are old and looking to relieve their 20’s by putting out a new album in hopes to resurrect their bi-sexual backstage orgies and continue to push their violent gay message.
Who Are The Members of the Boy Band?
Thomas is your typical modern emo “genderqueer” who screams for attention by painting his finger nails and caking his face with eye-liner and foundation. He also does this to make the modern emo kids thing that he is just like them. How these kids think they have something in common with a 40 something year old who sings with a 2 year old lisp and still sings about high school girl problems?
Thomas is famous for being the bank member who walks around with his manhood hanging out, while he chases his band members on stage and also is known to walk around in public with his pants down. You see, Thomas is one of those whinny homosexual people who thinks they should be the center of attention and will do anything to push their gayness and make sure they are being watched by everyone around them. Little does DeLonge know, no one is looking at him with any respect. They look at him like a drunken village idiots and wish it was the 1400’s, so they could throw tomatoes at him or tar and feather him.
Thomas has even tried his hand at his own record label, Atticus , which failed to produce any stars. One the list of botches – Get Well Soon, Yellow Card, Box Car Racer and Angels & Airwaves.
With his golden boy looks and Vidal Sassoon meterosexual haircuts, Mark is maybe the least dangerous member of the band. Yes, Mark is known for backstage homosexual antics like his long time “Poke Buddy” Thomas and also known for his dressing room orgies, but Mark was the only member to actually try to force the band to stop pushing devil messages in their music. But like all weak minded people in Hollywood, Mark succomed to greed and his dark urges for tween flesh snakes and his undeniable lust for untouched sewer hole.
Mark was also the band member who forced DeLonge to quit and just like DeLonge, Mark tried to dabble with another form of music, he formed a electronic pop punk band named +44. The band named stood for the number of young girls he would have in his dressing room during his Blink days and the “+” stood for positive, which he is positive for many STDs.
Go and pick up the latest Hot Topic or even Delias catalog and open it up to any page. Notice how all the kids all look like Baker? They all have the same tattoos, bad hair cuts and cut off sleeve shirts. That is because Hot Topic runs the music marketing campaigns and Baker was their prototype. I would say that it is a success, as you can’t walk down the street without seeing a pierced lipped rich kid walking around trying to act like they came from the black ghettos of America.
Baker’s ultimate goal is to turn every upper middle class kid into a pop punking deviant. He wants to make sure you kids forget how to properly wear a hat and teach them that belts never existed. Baker also wants your children to mutilate their bodies with Cadillac tattoos and gangsta style writings across their chest. These writings usually has some type of emo saying like, “Fallen From Above”, “My Heart Burns For Attention”, “I Bleed For Love” or even gay saying written in Latin like “Meus Tergum Exuro Pro Men”.
What Does Blink 182 Mean?
Blink – Is an acronym for Bestowing, Lust, Incest, Necrophilia and Kool-aid. Why Kool-aid? You may ask. Well, Blink 182 promotes a alcoholic drink mixed with black street crack and grape Kool-aid. This type of drink was first invented in the urban streets of Brooklyn and allowed black youth to sneak in Satan nectar juice into the schools without detection. Now Blink is teaching young white children how to get devil dizzy while in math class.
1 – This is the universal hacker symbol for the male flesh rod. This was first used on Myspace for kids to talk about porn in elite speak, while downloading large amounts of band widths of naught animated .gif demon whacking materials.
8 – The 8 represents the two female holes, that are ravaged backstage at pop punk concerts. Girls are forced to allow multiple parents forceful enter not only their salava lubed baby holes, but are drugged with fruit cocktails to make them more susceptible to anal intrusions.
2 – Again a reference to the human waste hole. In cyber culture, a “number 2″ means to defecate, but in this form of using the number, they are telling kids to release chocolaty waste sticks onto another person.
Do Their Albums Have Satanic or Sexual Conduct?
Like all pop punk emo bands, their songs are scented with sexual secretions and sprinkle with dark wizard spells.
This was Blink’s demo album and you can tell just by looking at the poorly designed cover art, that this album is about pushing kids from a Christian lifestyle into Hollywood Buddish Satanic worship.
The sound quality of this album is absolutely horrible and is laced with off pitched prepubescent vocals and untuned bass and guitar riffs. Anyone should be embarrassed to release such a piece of musical garbage. I rather listen to a full days worth of Backstreet Boys or New Found Glory, before having to listen to this album again.
The band’s second attempt at trying to play something that resembles music was nothing but a stones throw away to camel fecal piles on top of a rotting body. Even with the quality of the sound being increased the album lack all things musical.
Not only was the music bad, you also had tracks like “M&M’s” which is a song about performs self sexing one’s twiddle rompus, while looking at pornographic images of their own mother. Hence why the song was entitled “M&M’s”, “Masturbation and Mothers”. You also have a song named “Ben Wah Balls”, which is a dangerous sexual play toy that homosexuals use during their fecal frenzy spouts of rear end start fish stuffing.
This was the band’s first album with new Hot Topic boy, Travis Baker and was the first album to be sprinkled with gay clumps of rainbow sugar and sex nectar. The name of the album alone tells you that this will be jam packed with lyrical praises to the homo gay agenda.
The album name refers to an annual gay event in San Francisco. This event is called “Dude’s Ranch” and it is a weekend of male sodomy and homosexual gymnastic like events.
You also get the bands first taste of turning into an emo band. They even title one of the tracks “Emo” and have another track called “Josie”, which is the name emo kids call a female emo.
Hey I got an idea, let’s put a gang bang recorded porn star on the cover of our album, so we can expose our 12 year old fans to the dark lord’s pornographic internet movie theater. This was the thought that ran through the minds of the band members when they decided to release their most popular album. Not only do they feature a ink covered devil whore, whose milk sacs are exposed in a slutty red laced bra, but they band also made sure to name the album after a gay sex game.
This album features the famous single “What’s My Age Again”, which promotes underage sexual parties and let’s not forget it’s follow up single “All the Small Things”, which tells kids to go out and compare their dna squirt guns with the local neighborhood gays.
Take Off Your Pants and Jacket
With their fame growing, so did their bluntness about their homosexual messages. You don’t even need to listen to this album to know that it is clearly pushing a sex type hopscotch web of sticky gay romances.
This album also features a song called “Stay Together For the Kids”, which is a song about a devil worshiping emo kid whose drug use and demonic ways cause issues for his parent’s marriage and then uses Satan to call upon spirits to force his parents back together.
There is also a song called “First Date”, which teaches boys how to intoxicate their female date and force them into a back seat sexual tryst.
Before going off and creating a long list of failed musical projects, clothing companies and record labels, Blink decided to make on last album. They needed all the money they could get before calling it quits and they knew 13 year olds would be lining up to pick up their latest pile of steam fried crap.
With this album, they produced such violent gay anthems, such as “Feeling This”, which is about Thomas’ experience with man on man sin docking. In this song Thomas is exposing your children to lyrical pornography, while he sings in detail about his male stranger fondling and his love for reverse defecate sex pleasures.
To top it all over, they also created a tune called “Violence”, in which they promote the hate for Christians. They pretty much tell their listeners to use violence towards any Christians they know at school.
If these guys aren’t concocting devilish homo rock, they are basking in each other’s man love holes. The only solution is to raid our children’s Zunes and social networking accounts and delete any downloaded band widths of this bands horrid music!
ok sooooo wtf? now ur hatin on my first fav band?!?! {still is btw} oh well rock music forever mutha fuckas!!!!
Psh, whatever. At least you’re not trying to call it punk.
first of all…Blink 182 is by far my favourite band- i’m not going to swear at you(even though i really want to) but i’m not going to pretend i’m any better than anyone else due to their lifestyle choices…
let me correct you on a few things in this article:
1. Blink-182 is not gay. They all have wives and children. Yes, they joke constantly about being gay- and many other indecent things but thats what they’re known for, their sick sense of humour. last time i checked, joking wasnt a crime…so condemn them for being immature, because they are not gay.
2. its Travis baRker not baker, and mark HOPPUS.
3. Tom isnt 40 something. He’s in his mid 30’s
4.Travis’s mom died when he was 13 or so from cancer and he had what most would call a “tough life”.
5.Their earlier albums are classic teenage grunge punk, a GENRE of MUSIC. People have different tastes in music and just because you don’t enjoy this particular genre doesn’t mean its satanic, their are many punk/rock bands that carry a christian message in their music- Such as Skillet etc. Do you have any idea how hard it is to play some punk riffs on guitar? so yes, it still counts as music brother
6.Enema is a medical term, not a gay sex game. and just adds to their controversial sense of humour portrayed in earlier albums.
7.”all the small things” was written for Tom’s wife, explaining how he loves her for all the small things that make her, her. “What’s my age again” was written by mark because he would act like a 10 year old on tour and everyone would ask “seriously dude, how old are you?” and people have already explained the meanings behind other songs
8. i would like to point out that one of the songs on their last album before breaking up called “Not Now” has the stanza “come here, please hold my hand Lord Now. help me, i’m scared please show me how to fight this. God has a master plan and i guess i am in his demand ” … does that sound satanic?
and in Tom’s band, angels and airwaves, they have a song called “secret crowds”. One stanza reads “if i had my own world, i’d build you an empire, from here to the far lands, to spread love like violence. let me feel you, carry you higher, watch your words spread hope like fire” – this is a religious song with a christian message – clearly.
9. +44 is the international dialing code for the UK. the UK is where mark and travis first discussed starting another band- hence the name. it has no sexual or derogatory connotation
10.Violence is my favorite song. The meaning behind it is from letters written to tom’s grand mother from his grandfather during WWII. Not violent acts towards christian- the developed world is no longer that barbaric.
11. Comparing sales of this band’s record to the holocaust is disgusting. millions of jews died and being from jewish heritage myself, i’m highly offended.
if this was meant to be a humorous article, it really was far from funny. Your derogatory use of phrases such as “milk sacks” and “baby holes” was out of line and unnecessary. Posting this article, especially on this sight, was just looking for attack.
if it was serious, then i pity you. i pity you for your naive understanding of the world, music and youth today. As a christian, you need to remember that we are not here to judge and degrade those around us. Blink 182 is band with ideals that differ from yours, granted…but some of these accusations are disgusting and you are no better than the ‘genderqueers’ you refer to in this article.
Only God can judge. So realize when you point a finger, three point back at you. That goes to anyone posting hurtful comments on this article and especially to the author himself.
i’m ashamed to be associated with this site if this is the behavior it condones.
Oh, and steve, how does it feel to be owned by a girl in 10th grade? Because based on what i’ve read, i think i have better understanding on the world than you ever will
As soon as the Blink-180 fans hear about this they will fucking kill u! I mean I love the band and all but seriously, u people need to find jobs and hobbies besides pissing normal sane people off
182, my bad! X)
is this a comedy site???
it sure seems like it
no actually they talk shit on wat they call satanic…example:blink 182..and they shudnt judge gay people,its not a decision,its in their genes
i so agree with u dave lol nd their just PUSSY BICTCHES WHO DONT HAVE LIVES! Nd think EVERYTHING in this idiotic site are satanic when they know nothing of the crap their talkin bout nd get their LIES from wikapedia nd stupid search sites!
yeah i know
first falling in reverse
then BVB and MCR
and now Blink-182
its our choice whether we like them or not
not theirs
so true omg…best way to describe me……sympathy for the devil…rolling stones look at it if ya want
Don’t forget BOTDF they bitched about them too
And Tokio Hotel, it was to be expected that the antichrist will come from a part of Germany formerly part of the Soviet Union. Michelle Bachman warned us, but no, you teenage wildlife need your pop music and your anal sex, as if that will save you from the rapture, tsk tsk.
I’ve seen a few bands they’ve bitched about, but I’m just finding out they’ve bitched about MCR, Blink-182, NFG, AND Blood on The dance floor? Shit’s goin’ downnn.
Its actually not in there genes
this website has to be a joke, i read things here that i honestly believe cannot be the real thinkings of real live people but must be some satyrical play on a christian website.
it is a joke, but still, there are some people who actually believe this shit
if it was a joke , would they go through the trouble of having a book ???? i personally think theyre just looking for something to do with the rest of their days tbh
Dude, I do not know where you received any of your information, but you are so wrong its almost pathetic. Tom Delonge, Mark HOPPUS, and travis baRker, not baker. The only reason I’m even saying anything is because I read your entire bull shit entry and I don’t want people who are new to blink to get the wrong idea because some jesus loving christ preaching church jerking douche bag has Gods dick up his ass. Blink is just 3 dudes who love to make music and make people laugh, and they do that at their own expense. If you honestly believe that they really “fuck dogs in the ass” “fuck each other” “support satanic ideals” then you’re a fucking moron. The song “Stay Together For the Kids” is a song Tom wrote about one day when he was 18 years old and his parents got divorce, thus making his entire family break in that one day. There was never a drug problem, and he isn’t calling out to Satan, he’s singing about a painful time in his life, that many kids today can relate to, you stupid fuck. “First Date” is a song about teen angst and nervousness before you take the girl you really like out for the first time, and hoping the night never ends and you can get lost in that moment forever, it isn’t a guide for young boys on how to rape young girls. I really would like to go into further detail, but I’m not even going to waste my time, people like you are the reason why I struggle with faith, cause of brainwashed cock suckers like yourself.
Oh and for the record, Scott Raynor was the drummer on “Dude Ranch” Travis Barker didn’t start drumming for Blink until “Enema Of The State”
Makes me wonder of the gang rapper enema man has any ties to this druggie band.
It’s good to see that sarcasm is completely lost on some people. You sir, are a retard.
Thank you Tyson, I’ll make sure my kids can never lay their hands on a tape cassette by this awful band of homos.
Tape cassette? What era are you living in? xD
why, maybe if they pick it up they wont end up like you, and they will be normal
I am just upset that another of these home sexual bands is flushed from the underbrush. When will it end? Like a ogy Hydra of homosexuality, one head is removed and another penetrates our cultural holes.
Thank goodness we have you and ChristWire as a lighthouse of hope.
Kind regards,
It’s like a plague of gay, Blanche. It’s as if Satan has opened up the Earth’s anus and is spitting forth a brown tide of gay bands, people, cats, and toys.
How do we close it back up? Dare I say we need some sort of God buttplug to fend of this assault? Do we find such a thing in the Bible? Is it through prayer?
I quite agree, Blanche. My cultural holes are stretched beyond repair.
what the fuck is wrong with you. have you ever met a gay dude. there fuckin awesome. you think of them as these people always fuckin in the ass and being gross and horrible. number one who cares how they get it on. secondly they are human. they are just like you and me, only they are totally sweet people. i dont judge people by their sexuality. I am mature enough to treat other humans equally, and gayness is not a Plague, its amazing. i am a boy, and i love guys. and I go to church every week! eh the research here in this site is all wrong.
P.s Jesus loves queers<3 he told meh
This can’t be serious. I just read this entire thing again and I am beside myself. Please Mr. Tyson, enlighten us and tell us where you found TRUTH or FACT behind any of the information you have imposed. I honestly believe in my heart that as a child you were an Alter Boy and some priest put the fear of gods loving shaft, I mean wrath in your ass. If you don’t like blink, thats fine, but don’t bash them or try and taint their name as musicians and individuals solely because your a psychotic douche bag. Does the word fuck offend you?
I strongly dislike you, and anyone who agrees with you, I might even go as far as saying I fucking hate you. Blink-182 is a band that has been there throughout my entire life, from my early teen years, to my current early adult-hood, their music has helped me get through a lot of rough times, from nasty break-ups, to losing loved ones. Blink is a band that can be enjoyed universally by everyone. I said it once and I’ll say it again, Blink is all about having fun and making people laugh, and they will do whatever they have to, to make someone smile, and EVERY single time they will do it at their own expense.
You have a skewed, misguided view on a band that does nothing but positive things. You god dam fucking christian ass holes take things entirely too seriously, why don’t you try to lighten up and take the dildo out of your ass and realize it is all in good fun.
They are people just like you and me. Your interpretation of their band name, and meanings behind their songs is, to put it simply, scary. All i’m saying is that you would have to be completely fucking retarded to hear their music and interpret the way you do.
lol blanche…go away i dnt think u have many friends..after all ur trashing a band tht evry1 likes…and roger delco gtfoh its not a cassete comes on a cd
Real original, dumbass. Like we’ve never seen that around here before. Go read the Bible and come back when you’re making some sense.
I just had to step by and comment, and I will try to keep this comment as clean as possible considering that you Christians seem to think badly of the use of “crude” language. Although calling somebody “Gay Pants” seem to be appropriate, so I’m sort of confused… Anyway, it’s sort of ridicilous how you can sit here and write all this fictional bullsh*t without even doing a slight research of the subject you are writing about. Or, maybe I’m wrong and you did your research but just ignored the facts and wrote some fake sh*t like you always seem to do. I just don’t see how spreading lies about an ordinary band is Christian in any way. I thought Christian extremists had some sort of moral, but I guess not. PS. I am sure you’ll never make it to heaven.
This just made my day. Absolutely hilarious! 😀
ikr! old ppl these dayzzzzz and steve…go get slammed in prison,its were u belong for writing sooo much crap…my mother nd father love blink 182,and my father can also preach in the old christian language….he doesnt dislike all the bands u “christians” call satanic…so yea steve get slammed in the shower…delco…seriously,who brought this guy,gtfoh,no one likes you,or,well any of u christwire members,u are all fake as fuck and nelson,u need to get help.ok?
So many children in this country are getting swept up in this homo-emo fad. A good parent is going to step in and say “no way buster are you going to listen to this trash.”
Kids can find all of the joy that they need in the bible, they don’t need to get anal raped by some emo to find happiness in life.
“anal raped by some emo to find happiness in life”….I don’t think any SANE person would find any sort of happiness in being raped.
oh deffs imma go get raped and smile the whole time:) howabout you old people stop judging teens for what they see in their old decrepit eyes and get to know one. p.s I LOVE MEN!
Please search your keyboard for the caps lock key.
hey he doesnt need 2 u little bitch nd thats my bro ur talkin bout so if u say more crap bout him i will find u nd punch u in the face u prick!
Also, please both consult a dictionary or 3rd grade spelling book for the proper way to spell words such as “and”, “you” and “talking”.
Thanks, God Bless
Liberals and Emos are violent – always.
I’m pretty sure that the troll’s caps lock key is stuck from a combination of saliva and flesh tube seed spillage.
It is clear from your syntax, and a bunch of other things they didn’t teach you in Bible school, that you are possessed by demons. Please get an exorcism.
Let us pray for the poor damned souls trapped in twink 182’s evil clutches, let’s!
Do you even know what you are saying? Do you even know what “bile” is?
You’ve done a good job in supporting everything brother Tyson has written about in this excellent expose’ on a cruel gay rock-like band.
actually I hey please dont be hating. you make me sad.
hmm thanks for the advice but nope i meant to say nd,u,talkin the way i wanna so screw u to u prick nd i love that song from BvB
also u dont need 2 be tellin me how write
Somebody should have taught you how to write. I blame the liberal public school system.
Christians always want to control what people do. Go sit on a crucifix if you want to be anal. The internet doesn’t care.
No one has any idea what you are even saying JessBVD. It is completely unintelligible.
i know exactly what she is saying. ok so i am christian, but you people always make me lose hope in religion, because you are crazy. anything that you think to be true has to be the truth to you. if anybody has anything to say about them you pull an excuse out, YOU GAY FAG YOU CANT SPELL yada yada. you dont get the point. there are other people with other opinions who may just be right
I’m going to be honest… I got about half way through and I had to stop reading… Only because I was sore from laughing SO hard!
What are you on!? Is it a chemical thing or are you actually physically brain damaged?
Did the thought ever occur to you that these boys have a sense of humour and have employed shock value as a very successful marketing strategy?
I’m only going to briefly touch on your ridiculous homophobic statements because otherwise I’ll be here all day! I can’t help but wonder if you maybe have some strong latent homosexual tendancies because you seem to be seeing the ‘gay’ in everything! You might want to see someone about that… You’re going to need a PSYCHIATRIST… Not a psychologist… You’re going to need someone who can prescribe strong anti-psychotic medication…
But you’re fear of your own homosexual urges aside, comparing a BAND who plays MUSIC to one of the most evil, mass murdering, genocidal, psychopaths of the last century is absolutely DISGUSTING! I’m sure the 6 MILLION murdered Jews would be absolutely horrified to hear some MORON like you, comparing HITLER to Blink 182! You are scum! But worst of all you are completely delusional and ignorant to a point of it being a disability! May God have mercy on your pathetic soul!
aha gramps im sure u dont even know the meaning of ’emo’ so dont be talkin
also ’emos’ so to say arent violent nd thats what u dont get about outcasts u get lies nd make stupid articals so get ur asses off wikipedia
you just got burned dude…
but seriously, are you looking for the homo in everything or just blink 182?
i know for a fact that the 182 is how many times Al Paccino says F*%k in the movie scarface…
do some research you bigot
Actually when blink-182 started out it was just called Blink, and Mark said in an interview recently that the label called him – way back in the day – and told them they need to change their band name because there was another band called Blink. For weeks they kept saying they would talk and phone the label back, but they never did, and in the end the label basically told them to choose right then and there or they would choose a new name for them and they were just like ‘Uh, okay, blink one eighty two?’ and that’s how they got the name.
Just saying. They made up other stories too, like Mark counted how many times Tom blinked in 3 minutes.
also i know how to write but ur to idiotic nd old u dont even know txting language so shove that up ur ass nd why dont u fuck off (not Jenna)
Text language is for when you are sending a “text” message, not when commenting on a well researched and factual article. If you use “text talk” in a College Thesis paper, you will fail, but judging on your mental capabilities, I doubt you will go to any accredited University in America (probably ending up at DeVry Institute or Mt. Ida Community College University College or something like that). Good luck in your “future” “Laughing Out Loud and Shaking My Head”
no shit dill wad ur probually lets say hmm 30-45 cuz ur such a prick who doesnt know wht the HELL ur talkin bout nd i talk in txting when typing on the internet nd i am goin 2 go 2 a great college someday but i have years till i need 2 go also thanks for the luck asshole i can see my future is brighter than urs
nd im also laughing at how idiotic u are 
I really do hope that you go to a great College someday. I know you will grow out of this childish phase of your life, just like I did. I now make over $300,000 a year(even in this awful economy). I hope you will gain the knowledge of good University instructors. I harbor no ill will towards any of you types of kids. I believe everybody can make something of themselves, once they give up childish behaviors like “text talk” and believing a band actually cares about them. I have become “friends” with a few others like you on this site, and I respect your opinion, but you will find that by not using “text talk” when commenting, people will be nicer and actually listen to your comments. Try it, It makes you seem more intelligent to us “30-45″ year olds.
aww thanks
but i will always be a child at heart when im as old as u nd these ‘chrisians’ are nd also im younger than u nd have life ahead of me so put that in ur pipe nd smoke it + whats so bad bout txt talk?
Text talk makes you seem illiterate. Look at my new friend Alison Manson’s comments lately, they are well written and coherent comments. When she first came here, nobody understood her, but she is now a welcome visitor to this site. We accept everybody’s opinions, but we need to be able to understand what you are talking about. It is simple, think of writing a book report in 5th grade, then write your comment like that(unless you haven’t reached 5th grade yet, which makes more sense)
ehh bla bla bla i really dont care,i dont need 2 change i am proud to be me instead of a fake so why try to change me i really dont care if u say ‘im goin 2 hell’ or ‘satans goin 2 come nd get me’ etc. cuz if im ment for hell then so be it i would rater go 2 hell nd be who i am then go 2 heaven nd be a fake
oh nd if i am not in 5th grade im in 8th grade so screw u!
Jessica, I never said you were in 5th grade, I said try typing your comments like a 5th grade book report. People will take you more seriously and your message may get through to others, but when you use “text talk”, nobody thinks you have enough brains to spell correctly, let alone form an actual opinion.
aha funny but u did nd also i dont want to sound like a 5th grade report or whever nd i have my own opinion nd if u cant see it then ur stupid cuz another 1 of my opinions are that this site is full of lies nd is for ppl who think their christian but arent praising god so dont be telling me about my opinion!
nd also i really dont care about my spelling errors so shove it!
Jessica, I think your reading comprehension is as horrible as your typing. Please re-read my last comment to you. #1. I never said you were in 5th grade, yet you keep saying that I did say that. #2. How hard is it to add an “A” to the word “AND”, why do you kids feel the need to abbrieviate 3 letter words like “and” or “you”. Choose bigger words, 3 letters is not hard to type.
aha tanks 4 da compliments assbite :)! ND how bout no i dnt do wat u say cuz ur a poopin ninny :p also i cud do watever the HELLLLL i wnt so u can jst suck it u fart face! ur such u freakin prick who trolls around trying to spread christianity but if its this type of crap ur tryin 2 spread i dont want it! ur so fuckin fuckd up tryin 2 change ppl im not sure if its a sin or not but i think it is so shame shame mr.bruised anus muhahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!
also i mnt to put it in txt language
Jessica, I was trying to reach out to you and listen to your “beliefs”, then you decided to yell at me and make fun of my name. Does this not seem to be what you children are fighting against? You are being a “bully” to me, while you “cry” about people bullying you. I’m sorry you get bullied for dressing different, but if you come on this site and tell us that we are wrong, you are doing what you hate. Emosexuals need to stop bullying Christians!!!
aha 1st off no u weren’t trying 2 2nd off ur name sounds like bruised anus nd its funny 3rd off idc if i get bullied anymore cuz BvB taught me that it’ll get better later nd also i dont cry about that crap u dont even know me nd ur tryin 2 tell me what to do nd who the fuck said i was bullying? Cuz im not fightin against it nothings goin 2 change it nd u ppl arent true christians u are fakes u are sayin u luv god when u are just using him as an excuse to hate on ppl so dont tell me that bullshit!
Well. I’ll give you this JessBVD: you are a true craftsman at run-on sentences. And undecipherable ones to boot!
yada yada yada idc what u say nd idc means i dont care for ur oldy minds
nd my wifey said ‘FUCK U ASSHOLES ND SUCK MY BIG OL DICK U MOTHA FOS!’ ur welcome tammy,bruised anus,susan,etc.
Christwire officials, could we possibly hire a translator for some of these non-English posts?
Jessica, this just proves my point: YOU ARE A BULLY. Maybe you should rethink you lifestyle choices and start loving other humans instead of hating them for being different than you.
wow TAMMY ur so freakin stupid haha nd bruised anus i REALLY dont give a shit if im a bully
nd wifey says ‘shes goin 2 shove her dick down ur throats’ u bitches
So your favorite band, BVD, tells you to not worry about bullies and stand up to them, yet you are not ashamed of being something that even that band hates? You are a very confused young man.
Excellent rebuttal…. From a 5th grader.
aha i know rite
but its 8th i keep tellin u *sigh* but ur to stupid -_-
BVB nd im not a bully i can sound like a bully but i dont push ppl around nd all that shit im not confused + u know im a girl u stupid dildo
wifey wants to know if u know what an Alabama hot pocket is
Well, you certainly spell like a 5th grader. Do you know the difference between “rite” and “right”? Using the incorrect word entirely changes the meaning of what you might be trying to get across. Of course, no one can tell for sure because so many of your words are incorrect.
ugh u talk to much + its summer so i dont care how i spell cuz im not in skool yet so idgaf nd since im sure u dont know what that means it means ‘i dont give a fuck’ also answer the god damn question do u know what an alabama hot pocket is?
and what bout a frosty walrus?
Sorry, I could make neither heads nor tails of that gibberish.
You children and your “urban dictionary” are just making yourselves seem stupid. Please come back when you have finished puberty, and are not completely mentally handicapped by your new found sexual urges. Also, those urges you feel in your “loins” will never be quenched until you shower, cut your hair and get rid of your awful makeup. That will also prepare you for a job in “Adult” life.
aha it means alabama hot pocket:a guy takes a shit on a chicks vagina nd uses it for lubricant. frosty walrus:when a guys getting head nd cums in the chicks mouth nd hits her neck in a certain spot so when she breathes the cum comes out her nose xD aret they wonderful terms hahahahaha!
bruised anus u mean nothing nd bla bla bla that exactly what ur sayin rite now -_-
Grow up Jessica. Religion aside, you’re making an idiot of yourself AND the generation you’re trying so desperately to defend. You cannot expect people to take you seriously typing the way you do. I don’t know how Bruce kept his cool with your ignorant responses, but I applaud him. You’re a pathetic excuse of a child and I hope you grow out of that as soon as humanly possible.
There’s a difference between standing up for what you believe in, and making a complete ass out of yourself.
With that, I’m embarrassed to be the same species as you.
aha ur so funny xD nd no i shall not grow out of my childness being a child rules instead of being an old wrinkly thing that cant have sex cuz the wind will blow you away with the dust nd it’ll be full of cob webs nd dust down there when ppl look nd i would love to be another species maybe an alien! then i can probe u nd open u up >:)
i know rite lol
Which city is this? Sad Fagcisco?
nah bitch lol i aint tellin i jst realized u might turn our city into wat u ppl call good christians
oh wow way to pull some gay shit from your ass bruce. how lond did it take you to think that one up?
This one too is clearly possessed by demons!
Let’s reach out and pray, for his poor damned soul to be delivered from the Satanic clutches of twink 102!
hush u old hag,dont fuckin pray for me! i dont need you pathetic prayers to “save” me,i dont need to be saved! i reside in the bvb army and i shall never disband from with that being said,i am also possessed by demons,the demons of rock and roll!
dave calm down sheesh i know how to fight nd talk,argue,etc. so its fine :p
I was in 5th grade too once. But eventually, I can promise, you will grow up and mature. Whether or not you will become a good, Christian, individual I cannot say. I, as do all the other good people on Christwire, certainly hope so and pray for your illiteracy to be overcome.
hey bruised anus, this is in no way factual or well researched.
why dont you actually go listen to the music first…
instead of taking this ludites advice?
haha ikr! oh nd for the oldies here ‘ikr’ means i know rite
This Emo-lution is scaring the #2 out of me. I read their words on here and I fear that Satan has already won over the US of A.
aha nd also its called ‘scared the shit’ k? nd actually satan? wtf is up with that crap also its usa not ‘us of a’ get it straight gramps sheesh i would expect u to already know this stuff
Ha ha ha! That made me laugh, JessBVD! You of all people attempting to correct someone on their writing. And still failing at it! Truly a wonder of Satan’s ability to corrupt.
its jessicaBvB!!!!!!! get it straight dildo i decided to talk in txting u fucker nd says the person prob. hmmm lets say 30-50 year old cunt saying im corrupt when u dont know me wow ur pathetic
Huh? Do you no speak-um English?
Umm, by the way, you don’t know me either!
Oh lordy, I just looked at the time. Isn’t it far past your bedtime? 5th graders should be in bed by 7pm.
yes i do nd i speak japanese to
nd who the fuck says ‘oh lordy’ wow ur old nd i can stay up however late i want whenever bet u couldnd do that when u were an 8TH GRADER!
hahaha timmay needs his alabama hot pocket,a golden shower,a pink sock and a cleveland steamer >XD
Get thee behind me, Satan! Your sexually deviant pornographic terms belong not on Christwire! Choose the path of God, turn away from your sinful thoughts, and love Jesus in all his glory!
ahahahahahahaha u freakin crack me up! satan? sinful? wow damn who the fuck lit the fuse on ur tampon? nd its not pornography its sex terms pornography is with pictures dildo :p
Another Tokio Hotel fan. We won’t be defeated! The Lord is by our side! Repent, Satanist!
hush,satan can hear you,besides,if i go to hell,ill go,knowing that my life was a good one,listening to which ever band i please,id rather go to hel listening to bvb then to go to heaven,listening to the gospel music,tht u people call holy,fck tht shit,and fck u
oh and thanks for the condem,satan thanks u for your service
Arrrr! How do I ‘un-condem!?’ sorry, Jessica! I meant praise not condem! It wont undo!
haha its ok
😛 it tht dust farter susan,i meant to click condem…oh well shit happens
I don’t know how anyone who has named themselves ‘Bruised Anus’ can comment on this post and claim to be anti gay/ music/ the real world!? How’d you bruise your anus, Bruce? We can all guess… And I’m sure it had absolutely NOTHING to do with praising Jesus!
I’m sorry Jenna. I didn’t mean to use my real name on this site. I should have come up with a fake name so that people like you wouldn’t bully me. You emosexual kids are so ridiculous. First you yell about being made fun of for the awful fashion that you have. Second you make fun of/bully anybody who doesn’t like what you like.
Pick one… Do you want to be an outcast/loner or are you going to make fun of people who don’t like your lifestyle? Choose one please and stop “bullying” people that are just trying to help. You emosexual kids are worse than the preppies because you think that your favorite band cares about you, while the preppies know that nobody over 25 cares about any high school student period. (if they do, call the police immediately because nobody over 25 cares about you at all)
I don’t care for the band all that much. My point is, “Bruce” that they shouldn’t be compared to, Hitler. I don’t go around saying Jesus hung around with 12 dudes and a prostitute so logically he must have been a queer!? There’s more proof of that than of the bullshit this post is claiming as fact. I am not an “EMO” or a “KID”. I have listened to Blink’s music and despite this posts claims I am not an anal sex mad, raving, devil worshipper. I am not disgusted because of what the author has said specifically about the band blink 182, I am appalled anyone can throw around such unfounded and absolutely ridiculous lies. I am a married mother of 2 and 26 years old so don’t call me a, kid or I’ll call you a paedophile. You presume because I commented that I am a child? Well, then I presume with a name like Bruce Danus that you are a pervert and a rapist… See how that works? Do you like it?
All you so called ‘Christians’ are completely obsessed with anal sex. It’s all you talk about. You’re all sick and you are the ones who are bullying people… You want us to see your warped minorities point of view. It ‘aint gunna happen, BRUISED ANUS, if you honestly believe all the crap in this post then YOU HAVE ALREADY LOST! THANK GOD!!!!!
I am so bored of all of this. GOOD BYE!
tru…maybe being the high priestess in prison? 0_o
hahahah i realized this just now…they have their hand up every1s ass,and everything is gay,satanic,emosexual….look guys mind ur own fuckin business
Lets get a few things straight: Mark HOPPUS and Travis BARKER.
All the Small things isn’t about men comparing the size of their dicks. If you even listened to the song you would know this.
What’s my age again has NOTHING to do about sex with underage girls.
Seriously, this site needs to learn their shit before they post it.
If you even listened to Blink-182 (Which isn’t an acronym for anything) You would know that their songs run a lot deeper than you could ever imagine. Stay together for the kids for example, was created by Tom after his parents got divorced and tore his family about.
First Date is about the Awkwardness when a boy first goes out on a date with a girl he likes. Not this Raping bullshit.
One final note- I DARE you to call Travis a ‘Hot Topic Kid.’ The next thing you see might just be the ‘gates of hell.’
Learn how to analyze lyrics before you post this crap up. Got it?
“their songs run a lot deeper than you could ever imagine”
Or, more appropriately, their songs run a lot deeper anally than anyone on Christwire would *want* to imagine, sicko. It’s time to close your mouth/anus and open your eyes, see the devilry in this demonic emosexual band, and accept Jesus the Christ as your savior!
And just to show the power in His Divineness: Travis, a Hot Topic gay kid. You see, nothing bad happened. The Lord protects.
lol shut up,u think like a homo
I’ll be sure to pray for you and especially your children.
lol shut the fuck up grandpa no1 cares wat the fuq u pray for
Here’s an idea! How about you DON’T pray for me and you DO go and fuck yourself!? Yeah! Great idea!
YOU ARE GUYS ARE HILARIOUS!!! I LOVE THIS SITE. Im coming here everyday. The Onion couldnt come up with better material. This is probably where republicunts go when they’re finished masturbating to FOX.
Disgusting. I can’t believe the poison from the unbelelievers. We need to arm ourselves and deal with these folks. I will comment again after I have taken my medicines…
ahahahahaha ur probually crazy thats why u take pills nd what i dont get is wtf is ur supposed ‘christians’ wow i bet ur parents dont or DIDNT care about u so u take it out one ppl here haha u assbite
Do you ever think before you type?
“Hmm I think saying this will piss people off let’s type it! let’s string together some cussing to make myself look even dumber! some abbreviations will make it look cool to even though I’m sure this is a full keyboard right here in front of me!”
Gosh, there isn’t any need to be so hateful and ignorant. I think you said you’re in the 8th grade right? All I can think to say is please, for the love of God or whatever Deity you worship, get some extra brain cells in your life, and may the world have mercy on you in the future when you “grow up”
I understand that you like to abbreviate things, but you still need to write things that are intelligible and can be read by the general populace. You clearly don’t have a solid grasp on sentence structure, as you seem to believe that several consecutive thoughts can be appropriately organized into one paragraph, without pause. I mean, if you don’t know how to separate your thoughts into sentences, at least put some commas in there so we know where to start and stop.
ehh bla bla bla i read like 7 words nd stopped reading cuz i knew ur crap is nonscence or whatever nd useless to even read
I can’t say that I listen to Blink 182’s music or ever have really. But even I can see that this is purely a work of fiction, and the fact that a lot of people are getting so bent out of shape about it is ridiculous. I’m not a “well practiced” Christian so I can’t say much of that aspect either. What I can say though, as an open minded american individual, is that a good many of you really do need to get your goose heads out of the clouds and stop being so rude and ignorant.
This whole thing is completely childish and largely out of control and the fact that there isn’t any sane minded adult here to moderate this “Discussion” is just a bad thing all together.
At the young age of 18 I can honestly say that I’m embarrassed of my generation and the way that they’ve acted here with their language, poor English skills, and lack of care as to how other’s view them. Because really, the way that you all project yourself here is why no one trusts us with the future. Good job on royally screwing over the rest of us.
First of all my name is josie so shut up!! second off all quit bashing on bands its annoying to everyone
Don’t you fucking dare! I don’t want any of you nutters putting in a ‘good’ word, to the lord for me or my babies! You’re all psychotic! Seek medical help!
I’ll put in a good word to the Lord for you.
eww ur picture looks so gross it looks like someone farted u smelled it nd u tryed not laughing/shitting ur self hahaha nd ur not a true christian so ur goin 2 hell remember that
Ah yes, the Ad Hominem attack… Can you really do no better? Being in 5th grade you should know these things by now.
correction im not in 5th grade im in 8TH u stupid ass
stfu thts my sister u fuckin cock sucker,u little pig rapin testicle tickler,ill chop ur dick off and feed it to u for breakfast!will “god”protect you? AHA U WISH! u dont love a god,u love your comfort,to feel like there is a god,which there isnt,besides,if u wanna talk sum shit,u litte bitch,me and you,not u and my sister,
oh and they forgot to give you balls wen you had a sex change timmay,u shoulda stayed the whiny little hoebag that your “god” made you to be
smoke that after u smoke this!!!!
i hope it tastes good!
Funny how a simple articulate statement of fact results in a torrent of profanity.
Even more intelligent conversation from the “BVD” fan club who say they get “bullied because they are different, yet they make death threats and call us names for being different from them. I hope they grow out of this phase before they go to High School, or the will have some major problems.
8th grade? Good lord! From your writing, I was sure you were in 5th grade. Regardless, Christwire has logged your IP address and will be contacting your parents’ ISP so that your notes can be forwarded to your parents.
aye,fuck u im in 10th grade and ys it goes for profanity cuz ur talkin shit about my sister,and i dnt like that,so make fun of sum1,thts me
aha kool u think thats goin 2 do crap 2 me ahh im so scared of my parents haha thanks for the laugh
and btw,logg my ip adress as well so my parents can make fun of u as well,they think u guys are fuckin stupid
nd what do u think my parents would do hmm? i think they wouldnt care
Yeah, based on the way you are acting, sadly, it seems that your parents don’t care. I’m sorry. I’ll pray for you, and for them.
they do care they just dont care about u nd dont be prayin 4 me or then cuz whats prayin goin 2 do hmm nothing
nd how r u goin 2 send it to my parents hmm? cuz i doubt they will recieve crap
I didn’t know that “text lingo” meant you just can’t use vowels. I understand and have learned some of the “txt tlk”, like “U” is “you” and “2” is three different versions of the actual word, to, two and too.
Stop abbrieviating 3 letter words. How lazy are you kids???
really really lazy!
You do that… and I’ll go listen to death metal and masturbate while smoking some pot and invoking a demon to arse rape you particularly hard! MORON! Mind, your own business and don’t offer to pray for people who think you look like a child molester!
Ok Jenna, let me reply to you in “text talk”.
Dnt knw wh0 ch00se th3 n3xt c00l band, nd its ill bee “Adelitas Way”, mke none bad cmmts abt they.
Did I catch the Text talk properly?
What are you talking about? I didn’t once talk in text… Just another way for you all to avoid legitimate questions.
I shall too. brother Hank. She has clearly strayed from the path, no doubt by some temptation from Satan.
You can shut up too Timmay! We’ve already established that you are indeed an active sinner and masturbation enthusiast!
hush u little bitch,or satan will hear you >:)
besides u dont need to pray for her,she obviously doesnt like u
Hmm, the first photo in this article. The thing in the middle. Its body looks disturbingly like that of an ant. Is it an ant/human hybrid? That might explain the homoemosexuality and communism.
dont change the subject,u little bitch,dont pray for sum1 who obviously doesnt like you
Umm, I was just beginning an additional thread. Hence the thread organization.
And shouldn’t you be in bed asleep? Doesn’t 5th, 8th, 10th, whatever yarn you spin, class begin early in the morning?
nope i think it passed ur bedtime in the nursing home tisk tisk tisk
Satan’s gonna eat you up
god is not real…
Oh, really? Man, we really should have looked that one up before we started this whole Christian website thing!
Were you hoping to accomplish something by posting that or is it just in your nature to be inane and obnoxious?
I’m not exactly a huge fan of blink 182 but its fucking ridiculous how bible humpers like you write crap like this its just pathetic. Don’t judge a book by its cover asshole, learn to fucking spell you shouldn’t have been home schooled, and also i can almost swear to you that god himself would think this is total bullshit
people you’ve got to be kidding me YOU”RE BEING TROLLED
Shhhh! The replies are always funnier than the articles, don’t fuck with it!
Please Google “blink 182 beach”, and you will be shown the truth about these homogays. Praises to brother Bowers for enlightening us.
hahahaha. could care less bout blink 182. this iz funny. prolly could write just as much about the pissed off douchebag who hates his life and sitz online allday talking about how gay EVERYTHING is, right now hez prolly eating burger king , beating up his blow up girlfriend, and watching gay porn so he can be pissed off about how gay it is.
Ive lost all hope in christians…….
His name is Travis BARKER, not BAKER. And all I have to say about this is in the song “Feeling This”, he says “I want to take off her clothes.” How can that be about a gay experience?
You’re pretty much right about the other stuff, though. Blink definitely promotes equality between straight people and gay people. Not as though that’s a bad thing, though.
I am buddhist… u are complete bastards and sectareists. that is worst than hilter
Ok so you guys are seriously getting on my nerves and everyband on here you bash on is freakin awsome and panic at the disco, black veil brides, fall out boy, and more especially blood on the dance floor can beat you any day so just shut up with your hating and go back to doing watever u did before because i dont really care
Are American Christians really this stupid?!
Now I’m not a huge Blink 182 fan, nor am I a christian, I just came across this article through a friend and I can honestly say that anyone with any sense will know that Hitler actually destroyed “souls”, Blink 182 does nothing to the soul.
Seriously, most of these “facts” are bollocks! They are exadgurations thought up by the writer so he/she can “try” to get their point across! For example, +44 is what you have to dial before you enter a U.K. phone number from another country! Nothing to do with STDs! Maybe I know that because I’m English, maybe it’s because I don’t have the general knowledge of an ape, I’ll let you decide that!
Maybe you should look at yourselves and think about who is “brainwashed” and who just likes good music regardless of the messages behind the music!
Pingback: Christian Website Calls Blink 182 a "Gay Sex Triangle" | pop one
this is a joke right? i mean… seriously? games over guys… haha… yeah they were just kidding… right? heh… no? you werent? okaaaaayyyyy….idiot.
Wow. Just…wow. I lol’d.
BTW, before Mr. McClosky writes an article about something he doesn’t know about, Mr. McClosky should do more research about it and not just skim over a Wikipedia page.
This was WAY funnier than any gay dick joke Blink made onstage or on record.
They left out the part about the bonus tracks on take of your pants and jacket that deal with fucking your grandpa, your mom, and dogs. I’m pretty sure mark tom and travis would laugh at this article!
you know nothing you fucking idiot! blink 182 are not gay all the members are happily married to women and have kids! they ain’t emo either they sing about life and hope so you are totally wrong dickhead! Tom delonge is also a Christian btw so you can cut the devil shite asshole and angels and airwaves another great band are not emo there the opposite have you even listened to them? there songs are about life happiness and love and the songs heaven and a littles enough are about god so your article is wrong your a dick and you can go fuck yourself as you clearly have no clue!
and btw angels and airwaves ain’t a failed band there still going strong!
I really think you should try re-do your research. Maybe also look at the fact that the religious community has more petifiles and perverts than any other community in the world. Just because you do not understand them does not give you the right to judge them in a hateful manner.
Matthew 7:1
King James Bible
Judge not, that ye be not judged.
Your own rule book maybe you need to re-read it and learn.
Honestly, I have never laughed at such a ridiculous article before. Like seriously? I grew up listening to Blink-182 and I don’t worship the devil or bring some alcoholic drink from Brooklyn to school? This is just a big amount of bullshit coming from those who have been so brainwashed that they can’t get their head out of their ass to see the big picture. All this talk of “gay this” and “satanic that” is pointless. WAKE UP! you are living in a society that is starting to accept homosexuals, maybe you should think about that before you run your ignorant mouths about them. For your own sake, I pray that for every single one of you homophobes, that one of your kids turns out Gay. That way you can keep an open mind, instead of picturing some “perfect world” that will NEVER exist. The sad part? I’m a 15 year old christian girl, and even I see how messed up all of this is. I have many friends that are Gay, and you know what? They are the best friends I have ever had. They are all christian, we all attend the same church, believe in basicly the same things. It is you people that are going to screw up our generation, aren’t parents supposed to teach their kids right from wrong? Well, maybe you should be teaching your children to accept people for who they are, no matter if they are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transvestite, white, black, asian, mexican, russian, english, disabled, mentally ill, blind, deaf, etc. In the bible, doesn’t it say that you shouldn’t judge others? Maybe you should look a little deeper into your religion before you spout off at the mouth about things that should or should not be done.
Hey Imma let you finish but christwire has written the ultimate fail blog OF ALLLL TIME!
This article doesn’t have very good research. I grew up to Blink from Buddah on..I love God and everything, but it’s music and everyone should have humor. If you people think this music is bad..well, you should hear some of the other stuff that’s put out.
Just so you know it’s Hoppus and Barker. And +44 is European area code from what I hear.
Oh and his name is travis BARKER not travis baker. fuk hed
Travis Barker was not on the album Dude Ranch.
Don’t be chatting shit about blink!!! blink-182 life. for life.
it’s called spell check bitches. There is more errors in the article than in the author’s family tree. by the way, you may wanna check your facts about the bands you effing talk about before writing slander. You have a law suit on your hands here my friend. I hope one of these bands sue the shit out of you. I’ll leave you with this you are no fucking christian in the bible it says not you point out the splinter in one mans eye you have a plank in your own.
P.S. see your fake christian ass in hell
Wow…..even if this article wasnt filled with stupid lies….ITS SO POORLY Written!!!! im a high school freshman and i pointed out 5 mistakes….IN YOUR FIRST PARAGRAPH!!….Not to even mention the blatant plagiarism at the end of the second paragraph….
GOd is not real.. Fuck that guy you pretend is God. Blink is God. Not some faggy bearded douche bag. Fuck yea Blink!
Wow… i never really understood Blink-182’s message until now. I always thought that they were just catchy pop punk songs but now I see the truth. Strangely after attending one of their concerts, i was beginning to feel a little bi-curious and didn’t know why. but now that i see them for the devil-worshippers they are and am trying to rid myself of those urges. I’m currently reading the bible cover to cover (i’m on the book of Job now) and i’m on the road to recovery. Thank you so much for warning me and everyone else about these sorts of “musicians” Tyson. I’ll be sure to tell all my friends.
I think the author of this is severely disabled, cos he can’t write for shit. Either that or he’s just really stupid.
Also believing the bible is like beliveing Lord of the Rings, get real faggot.
Sounding a bit much like the Westboro Baptist Church? I’m a huge Blink fan, Jesus is my Lord. I’m going to Heaven. End of story.
The Chris†Wire staff is in almost total agreement that while the Reverend Phelps does provide for some inspiration and creates many interesting points for discussion, the views of his church are just a tad too liberal for us. He’s a little too Anti-American and Anti-Military.
Funny, I wasn’t aware that The Onion had a “Christian” section on their website.
But seriously though, this is a pile of steaming garbage and you people need a reality check. Don’t bother praying for me because I’m perfectly happy with my life. Goodbye.
It is your afterlife that myself and the staff of the Chris†Wire re concerned with.
You shouldn’t be. There are people with real problems in the world and I’m not one of them. Kindly fuck off.
Whoever wrote this article should be ASHAMED. Fuck off. Your a foolish idiot that doesn’t know how to spell and believes in a magical man that lives in the sky. Blink 182 is an incredible band – they’ve changed my life for the better. I don’t care how many condemns I get, Blink is amazing, “god” doesn’t exist, stop believing in a fairy tale, and MOST OF ALL, don’t bash on blink!
everything in this article is false. horrible, horrible article. blink is a great band…stfu haters!
wow, how can you call yourself a christian, while you are calling blink gay. I believe as Christians we aren’t supposed to judge, I believe the author is very prejudice against blink-182 and what he describes as “emo homosexual” bands, you guys are so stupid!!! May God have mercy on you. STUPID PIECE OF CRAP:)
Regardless if this whole page is a joke or not you are obviously homophobic which probably means your hiding your homosexuality. You need to see a therapist buddy.
1. Gonna throw this at you real quick. God doesn’t fucking exist, there is no god, nor devil, nor an afterlife. You die, they put you in a fucking hole. Black.
2. Why the hell are you trying to call blink-182 gay at least 4-7 times in each fucking paragraph? Just because your “god” frowns upon homosexuals everything that you don’t like is gay? Real mature.
3. Quit thinking you are so high and all-fucking-mighty. You’re not. You’re a delusional old prick who’s scared to die so he “repents” to their “god” for forgiveness. Not happenin bro.
4. Give “morte et dabo
The things people say in the name of God. It actually makes me laugh this article. It makes me laugh how ingorant and really close minded a person can be. Open your eyes, man. The world’s changing. Same with the music, the styles, and the people. Be more accepting with it, and move out of the stone age. This is the now. Who knows what the scene will be like in the future, but this is this generations style and music. Also, are all of oyu writers on here sex deprived or something? because there’s ALOT of sexual references on this site. Actually, all of these articles are just plain vulgar.
Okay this is the best blink-182 spoof article I have ever read so I don’t get it why are we all fighting about God and shit and not laughing at how horrible this is? People take shit too seriously.
First of all two of these men are married to women.. Honestly Blink-182 is a wonderful band. They have gotten me through so much and I cannot believe you honestly think this about them. When your supposed ‘God’ wasn’t there for me Mark, Tom and Travis were. They are my saviors and I love them so much. Also, even if they are gay, SO WHAT? Gay people should be embraced and tolerated not hurt, abused and teased. THE BIBLE SAYS TO LOVE EVERYONE, EVEN THE SINNERS. So by hating gay people you are being a bad Christian. How can you claim to be a Christian if there is so much hate within you? I truly hope you rot in hell for posting such a disgusting article.