Christwire's 13 Worst New Bands of the New Millenium

1. Black Veil Brides

Black Veal Brides are yet another emo pop band to be spawned from the evil loins of Ohio. Just like Devil Wears Prada, and Falling On Reverse before them. The band, if you can call it that, was created by Andrew Beersack (vocals), Johnny Harold (guitar), and Phil Sinadella (bass) in Delhi, Ohio. They were all young emosexuals that were dating satanic wiccans, where they met at a coven blood letting sacrifice. While not being bleed by the witches the discussed they’re appreciation for the demonic band KISS. Read more

2. New Found Glory AKA Never Follow God

Just when you thought Shakira was the most dangerous threat to your daughter, we found a “Emo-Trip-Pop-Punk” band called New Found Glory, or as their numb minded female followers call them, “NFG” (which also stands for “Never Follow God”), New Found Glory was just their “parent friendly” name.
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3. Foster The People

Foster the People is an emo pop punk band from Canada who have illegally crossed the borders into Los Angeles to spread their Peter Pan, homo induced diddies. Their music is full of electro BPMs that any drugged out welfare living hipster could tap their $300 shoe covered toes to.
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4. The Drums

Masquerading in drug cut Doo Wap hairstyles that a San Francisco street whore transgenetic wouldn’t be caught dead fashioning, a new age of homosexual hipsters are flooding the shorelines of America with tantalizing guitar riffs of anal tingles and gaudy digital BMP drum beats of homosexuality. Armed with pawn shop instruments and dancing like a pot smoking induced Michael J Fox, a new band called “The Drums” has hijacked the Beach Boys and turned them into a mess of musky man sweat and dark alleyway rub and tugs. Bands like these need to realized the only thing good that came out of the 80′s was Reagan and the end of Communist Russia, not faggy feathered locks of Morrissey haircuts and toe tapping hopscotch dancing, with a mix of flailing homosexual hand gestures.
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5. My Chemical Romance

Glenn Beck labeled the My Chemical Romance’s music as Propaganda after it appeared on the TV show Glee. Glee is about a homosexual woman teacher that leads a group of singing high school students. They often sing popular songs from the devil’s repertoire of modern pop artists. This show is very popular with teens and young homosexual adults. The show itself is seen by many groups as a recruiting tool of the liberal homogay agenda. Mr. Beck acknowledged the act of the homogay agenda using My Chemical Romances music to recruit into the teen emosexual subgroup. As this group is already well in danger of permanent soul loss to the devil, Mr. Beck had to speak up. As usual the response from emos and MCR was hollow threats of violence and a mighty round of “F**k You’s“.
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6. Ke$ha

There is only one person in the world that would make Mary Kate and Ashley’s drug problems look like a happy morning episode of “Jesus and Friends” and that Satanic spunk of whorness is no other than ghetto rap, slut demon Ke$ha. This woman is covered in Satan nectar and radiates promiscuous interracial sex from her vodka and crystal meth clogged pores. The harlot of whorness, also spreads her “alternative lifestyle” like a African outbreak with with lyrics in her music. This music is played all over radio shows like Ryan Seacreast and other gay hosted top 40 stations.
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7. Blood on the Dancefloor

Any attempts to accurately describe how nauseously blasphemous this Blood on the Dance Floor music is will fail, for it simply redefines evil in America. Their beats are stolen from black rapping in the most lazy of ways, as if tuned to the sound of that policeman beating on Dahvie’s door. Their abuse of rhyme and meter is such a crime it’s surprising that other members of the pop rock community have not stepped in to shut them down. Dahvie’s singing itself is not singing, but rather that grating and pretentious type of “loud speaking” that you might hear in a brawl between mealy-mouthed drunks. It has that childish affectation of a white suburban hipster mimicking the black people he has seen on Law & Order with its “Yo yo yo!” and “Whaddup!” type of speak, shouted in rhythms that never rise above the complexity of “Ba Ba Black Sheep.” Maybe this is coincidental, as the man himself still acts like a child. Or maybe it’s intentional, as the allegations of child rape continue to pile up against him.
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8. Cobra Starship

Sex, drugs and muscle relaxant saturated Hi-C fruit drinks would be the quickest way to describe this sex filled glazed eyed, acid laced cigarette smoking, freak show of a band. This band is nothing more than a black plague of hipsters, who dress in neon colored jump suits and raver meth glasses.
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9. Blink 182

Blink-182 is an emo pop punk band consisting of three bi-sexual southern California natives. You have vocalist and bass guitarist Mark Hipphoppus, vocalist and guitarist Thomas DeLonge, and gluttonously tattooed drummer Travis Baker. They have mind raped and brainwashed a slue of young teenagers with their over 27 million albums worldwide since forming in the upper white class city of Poway, California in 1992. That means their album sells have destroyed more souls than Hitler could ever do. With original drummer Scott Raynor, who left the band after Mark and Tom started to push homosexual messages in their music, they released their debut album Cheshire Cat in 1994 and followed-up with a more raunchy and gay driven album, 1997′s Dude’s Ranch, which sold around a million copies. Raynor was replaced by Baker during their 1998 tour, due to the fact the band wanted a more “Hot Topic” like marketing look to their band.
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10. Lady Antebellum

As a result of this newfound popularity, many parents are now taking a closer look at Lady Antebellum and wondering if their message is appropriate for today’s teens. Of particular concern is singer Charles Kelley. The other members of this trio are delightful and impressively edifying as role models for children. Beautiful lead singer Hillary Scott is perky and wholesome, as should be expected of a woman from Tennessee. Her voice soars to inspiring heights one moment and then lulls us to depths of introspection the next. In their videos, Hillary is outfitted in delicately-printed cotton dresses that billow between her legs as she reclines into bales of hay, the sun stroking her expanses of innocent, smooth skin. Keyboardist Dave Haywood, surely the moral compass of this group, is always close by like a playful, younger sibling. He is the handsome, all-American boy with his plaid shirts and adorable vests. Seeing him on that piano bench is just truly heartwarming. There is a yearning innocence to his eyes. One imagines him walking down a farm road in his Levi jeans with the fresh country air tickling the nape of his neck, as he smiles that full-lipped smile that betrays the remarkable virility that makes him saunter so.
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11. Falling in Reverse

It seems that the lead singer, a Ms. Ronnie Radke. was a young transgendered bi-sexual that was previously in the band Escape the Fate, which you have probably never heard of either. In the mid 2000′s Radke was living the hard life of a low level rock star, living it up with sex, drugs, and rock & Roll. That is if you can call this trash Rock & Roll. At night he would sing his songs on stage and then have fornicative sex orgies. Like most emosexuals it did not matter what he stuck his sin stick in, man woman child or beast, it didn’t matter to him as his drug fueled rage made him oblivious to the wrongs that he was committing.
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12. Cake

Show me a NYU student who doesn’t know who Cake is and I will show your a heterosexual Lady Gaga fan. Cake is a college targeted band that is highly heterosexuality motivated and cover rainbow kissed sound waves throughout the American campuses. First invading colleges, high schools and middle schools, within their hometown of “Sac” a “man “toe in the early 90′s, Cake has become one of the biggest underground, unknown named bands among the 11 to 25 age range or also known as the “Mtv” demographic. Also we must remind you that the average age of the band members is 43. This band is full of no name, talentless musicians that try to copy The Phish sound but also incorporate Mexican trumpet loops over dubstep techno beats.
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13. 30 Seconds to Mars

To an unaware parent, 30 Seconds to Mars is a pop grunge band who is lead by 80′s teen heart throb Jerad Lettoe. But if you ask any gay man in the back alley of a S&M gay bar, he will tell you it is the the name of the most homo erotic fetish known to the homo gay underground. This band is killing the innocents of children with their sinful rainbow gum drops of emo ruckus.
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131 thoughts on “Christwire's 13 Worst New Bands of the New Millenium

  1. ThisOneIsGood

    Well I hate this website. All you guys fucking do is Rant/Rage/Say How ‘Gay’ They are…… You guys call your selves adults? Pfft You make me wanna die.

    1. Alisonmanson

      the 13 bands that get more ass than any of u idiots!!!! seriously i mean BVB and BOTDF? leave the guys alone! BOTDF starts the “ALL THE RAGE” TOUR on friday, and BVB are gonna go to the “Berlin Bash!!!!” They have millions of fans and people who love them!!!! seriously you all have nothing else to do besides bitch about other peoples fame and fortune?
      I mean come on dudes!
      DEATH TO UR HEART!!!!!
      YO HO!!!!


      We are the unholy
      We are the bastard sons of your media culture
      Our minds, eyes and bodies were born of your exclusion
      An illusion you hide behind
      You don’t love a God, you love your comfort
      To you we are filth, we are dirty, so be it
      We are dirty and unclean, a congregation of the unseen
      Together we will set this world on fire!
      This is the New Religion!

        1. Stop Blocking Me Jackass, The Jew

          So, my little brother (15 years old) likes MCR and loves the Beatles. So, your argument is invalid.

        2. JesusIsASin

          That is idiotic, just because she has dyed hair that isn’t a natural color she can’t like the Beatles? This is why I’m not religious, because of stupid Jesus freaks. -_- I believe in A God, but I don’t know about all the other crap.

      1. FuckIfEyeKnow

        All these bands suck, why can’t you bash on some good bands for once? Check out the lyrics to Cannibal Corpse’s “Necropedophile” if you want some hard shit. This Alisonmanson chick is clearly just as psychotic as the fucks who wrote this article, too. You’re probably ugly in real life.

  2. Damien Blade Spring, Jew

    I know this will not be posted, but I feel like I need to say something. Blink 182, not from the new millennium. Cake, not from the new millennium. 30STM, not from the new millennium. New Found Glory (a.k.a. New Found Glory), not from the new millennium. You fail once more.

        1. Damien Blade Spring, Jew

          Actually, if you noticed, I haven’t been posting for the last couple of days. That’s because all of my posts were being censored. They are still moderating some of my ones from earlier. So….yea, you fail on the inner workings of your own site. Good Job.

          Also, Steve, it’s Damien. If you want to be called by your name, call others by theirs.

          1. Tyson Bowers III

            Not censored. Don’t come here acting like we have been blocking your comments. According to Askmet, your IP was banned due to spam. So please don’t try and act like a victim, when you need to actually talk to your internet provider.

          2. Tyson Bowers III

            Askmet is not our site policies you cry baby. Askmet is a international spam filter. If your IP is flagged for spam or vicious activity on any site, you get flagged by all sites using the system. Now stop crying. Next time it happens, we won’t take the time into looking at the problem and fixing it. You’re even lucky we had IT spend 30 minutes fiddling around trying to allow you to post your twaddle. A thank you would be nice.

          3. Stephenson Billings

            Damon, if you comment too much too quickly, the technological stuff behind the site sends your post to moderation. Unfortunately, we don’t have the staff to regulate that area of the site so those comments tend to disappear. This also happens if you post links in your comment. Believe me, it’s not a human decision but a widescale effort by many sites to cut down on spam. It happens to me often.

          4. Tyson Bowers III

            Billings, his comments didn’t even make it to moderation status. His first ever comment was marked spam and we had to contact Askmet to have his IP unbanned from their system.

          5. L.N

            So Tyson calls speech that he doesn’t agree with spam? That’s how you’re going to bypass the freedom of speech for the people?

          6. Claire

            Whoa, Tyson called Billings by his last name, like I do! Usually he’s calling him “Buddy” or some other shit, but he actually called him “Billings”! You must’ve really had your thong in a twist, eh Ty?

          7. Claire

            Why would I need to ask my parents if I could use the phone (I’m 21, by the way, so I no longer need to ask) when I’m in Newton?

          8. Return of the Troll King, The Jew

            So, you have actually BAN HAMMERED my old account. I had to make this one so that I could post again. And don’t say you didn’t, since I have proof that the ban hammer has been brought down on me.

          1. Tyson Bowers III

            Not all uReports are posted. If they include spam, violence against CW members or blatant vulgarity, they are ignored.

          2. TheRavenlord

            it had none of those in fact the last one i tried had a way for jobs to be brought back and what caused some to be lost

          3. Tyson Bowers III

            Try resending. We get over 200 submissions a day and only post the ones that make the non spam filter.

        2. basementgorgon

          Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. [Matthew 5:9] Resist
          not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. [Matthew 5:39] I say unto you, Love your
          enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despite-fully use you, and persecute
          you; [Matthew 5:44]

          Your Jesus was a Liberal by every meaning of the word. You are blind with hate, the very same hate that led to him being prosecuted. I think if your Jesus was here today, he would be saddened by what his words have led to.

  3. Stephenson Billings

    It really goes to show how far American music has come from the days of big bands and wholesome performers. I don’t know why it’s necessary for all these boy bands to cover themselves in goth clothing and bad makeup. Is that what the marketers who put this garbage together really believe our children are looking for?

    It’s also rather shocking when you listen to this nonsense. What person of intelligence would call all this screaming and half-naked posturing actual music? You can barely understand their lyrics, there is neither rhythm or harmonic instrumentation and it’s all about presenting a video with flashy images. Take a bunch of sickly teens in black, have them take off their shirts and scream, and you’ve got a top 40 hit these days.

    How does this type of evil sexual promotion glorify God in any way?

    1. TheRavenlord

      i prefer lesser known people from newgrounds. but stephenson it has a beat and not everything has to glorify your deity

    2. Erin

      Haha Thanks for this useless info! And you’re saying their dressed like a writting style on wordpress? And I listen to most of these ‘satanic’ bands and guess what? I’m a ‘christian’ and not one of those posing ones like you. So stop claiming you’re a christian. Pick up a REAL bible and not a fake one, m’kay? And I can understand their lyrics perfectly. And Andy ‘Beersack’? He went to a catholic school. He went to a catholic church. Black ‘Veal’ Brides is a catholic term referring to when a nun marries into a church. I SURE think he is satanic and sold his soul to the devil for SURE, even knowing more about christ than you do.

    3. Aubrey

      Stevie Bills, That is exactly what your parents said about the music you listened to. It’s also known as music advancing with the decades. Obviously the older generations are not going to like the types of music we listen to. Thirty years from now we are going to be complaining about the music our children listen to. I don’t think it’s right to badmouth these bands. If you are a Christian, then simply stick to what you know. Spread God’s love. God loves these bands. Not necessarily what they do, but them as people. So, to end this. Shut the fuck up.

        1. Aubrey

          I call BULLSHIT.

          Hey, that could be like your middle name or something. It suits you.

    4. haters can burn in hell (yeah i said it!)

      yes mr billings….this is just what many of us search for in a band, if you can not understand the lyrics, i simply look them up because the screaming can emphsize the meaning of the line. when your angery you shout because you want to get your emotions across, this is just what screaming allows.there is plenty of ‘instrumentation’ in this music becaise they actually play INSTRUMENTS, unlike the majority of pop, hip hop and other sorts of music that is apparently ‘god worthy’. you have no idea how much pain alot of the people in these bands are put through, and it is not because of the way they dress, it is purely because they couldnt fit in, in a place where being yourself is a sin. i mean serously who would want to live a robotic life where thinking and the freedom of speech is ‘wrong’?

    5. Hugh Jass

      All your people are ignorant assholes, if your truly a christan you should learn to acept anyone in everyone no matter how they dress or what they listen to and you dont understand the music at all obviously its a diffrent art and frankly you dont know what music, is i mean are you kidding me right now? “theres neither rhytm or harmonic instrumentation” stop througing out big words to make you sound like you know what your talking about becasue you dont and are you kidding me stop finding bullshit conpisory theorys evil sexual promotion? there just doing what they love makeing music and not careing what anyone think anways not all music has to be christan music theres many other topics so get your had out of your ass bro

    6. Vincent

      You know what I think? I think you guys are a bunch of intolerant bastards who use religion to bash on anything you don’t like. I have no problem with people worshipping god (deist here) but when you guys try and control everyone and use religon as a cover-up, it’s just pathetic

  4. Sormie Manson

    While I am working on a few images for this particular article, here is something from our good friend Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart)

  5. Sormie Manson

    While I am working on a few images for this particular article, here is something from our good friend Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart)


  6. Erin

    What the actually bloody hell? Whats wrong with ANY of these bands? I don’t listen to BOTDF because they don’t fit my style. And FIR, MCR, BvB, ETF, 30STM, etc.? I love them. Back the hell off of these bands. Oh, and you call yourself a christian? You’re as much of a ‘christian’ as satan himself. Back off. Everyone I know knows I listen to these bands. EVEN my pastor, and you know what? Their FINE with it. I don’t see HOW listening to ANY of these bands is a bad thing. Also, BvB’s lead singer is Andy Biersack, not Beersack, he’s not a beer brand. And Veal? It’s Veil you moron. Did you drop out of Pre-K or something?

  7. charlotte

    All of them bands are amazingly awesome and the bands/singers you should be putting up there are chav bands/singers !!!!!!!!!

  8. L.N

    So let me get this straight: Tyson can’t find any actual information about why these bands are so bad, so he has to resort to digging up bullshit that was made by other idiots in order to make any kind of point here, even though those pieces of shit were shot down before.

    Tyson, you’re an idiot.

      1. L.N

        No they aren’t Clownboy. If they were, they would be vastly different.

        Actually, if there was any research that went into that bullshit, they wouldn’t even be here in the first place. Christwire writers hate the truth.

  9. Aubrey

    1. They are pretty much a porn sight. But legalized some how.
    2. They are pretty much the anti-christ.
    3. They use vulgar language I would never let my child read.
    4. They talk about molesting your children.
    5. The above reasons should give you an idea why this sight is complete bullshit. But if you must continue reading then carry on.
    6. They do not even use biblical quotes.
    7. They have fake ass people running it.
    8. The fake ass people who run it have no fucking jobs, obviously.
    9. It is just scads of apparently “old” people who are here to prey on your children’s minds
    10. There is an “old” lady named Susan who has no fucking clue what she is talking about.
    11. A guy named Stevo Ballsings who has a pedophile type picture for his profile is trying to seduce your children
    12. They are completely ass-backwards in what they talk about. For instance, saying that legitimate satanic bands are an a-ok Christian band. While CHRISTIAN bands like The Devil Wears Prada get hate.
    13. This site has no editor or mind filter what so ever. Made up words and 3rd grade grammar are excellent examples.

    This sight is as fake as it really seems.


    1. Stephenson Billings

      Trust the bible, it’s been scientifically accurate for 1000’s of years, it’s better to trust the Bible than your hormonal feelings. According to the Bible you’re saved by faith alone (in God’s word) not by attacking your fellow Christians for sharing love. Trust God by faith to be saved.

      1. L.N

        Bullshit it’s been accurate. If it’s so ‘scientifically accurate’, then why is it that there are no mention of dinosaurs or other forms of ancient life, or why the bible’s been edited so many times, hm? Oh, no answer except some nonsensical reply? How typical.

      2. Jonny

        Not scientifically accurate at all. You should trust a book more than hormonal feelings otherwise known as instincts? Instincts that, by the way, are in place to insure your personal survival and the survival of a species. I think I shall trust instinct thanks very much. Instinct has been around far longer than any religious texts.

      3. Alison Manson

        nah, but the myan calander, 2012!!!!!!!!!!!! lol jk but yea when my son wants to hear a fairy tale i pull out the bible and when im done he says to me “Damn the fucker who wrote this must have been high of his ass!!” no shit thats what he says

        1. RebelAshRunner

          xD that kid is AWESOME. Sometimes, I think that people are just so fucked up. I may be christian, but these people are dumbasses.

  10. haters can burn in hell (yeah i said it!)

    this site has once again posted an artical with one sided stroies and fuck all information. Black Veil Brides vocalist is Andrew Biersack, spelt
    B-I-E-R-S-A-C-K get thatinto your thick heads!

  11. haters can burn in hell (yeah i said it!)

    alot of these bands dont actually participate in ‘orgies’ or what ever the fuck u think they do……i guess u guys just wont understand that the entire band knowen as black veil brides stands for the kids that are bullied and hated of no reason. and i dont understand why u always blame everything on black veil brides one of your ‘articals’ said that black veil brides have caused its fans to have a muffin fettish (who the fuck doesnt love muffins?)when in fact Craig Mabbit isnt even in black veil brides. u fuck whits NEED to get your act together and actually put some work into finding realiable infomation rather than just writting what u hear

  12. bobby_antichrist

    you’re so full of shit, you will believe anything to cause attention. all this shit you’re saying is your fucking oppinion cuz i actually know them quite well and yet you’re going to keep talking shit. i should fucking report this site, and to hell with your ‘god’ you don’t even know what you’re saying. did ‘he’ put the words on the computer for you as well? fuckass monkeys -.-

  13. Black Rose

    You guys really are pathetic. It’s laughable. It truly is. So many facts are wrong and so many words are used that aren’t even in the dictionary. Op, don’t start a fucking argument about the words that you use. Google is sin so you guys basically live under a rock with some computer that has internet connection. First of all, my friend is wiccan and they only believe in gods. They don’t have a “Satan” and they don’t have a Hell. How many artists do you have to diss to make the FBI come after you? You guys obviously hate music, hate the arts, hate everything. Like what the hell do you have against cats? The only thing I would agree with you on is if you dissed Bieber. I would have a pinch of respect for you guys. Anyways, fucking leave them alone. What did they do to you? Nothing. I met Andy Biersack, he’s amazingly nice and caring. He’s the kind of guy that would take a bullet for his fans. The nice ones anyways. I met My Chemical Romance. They’re amazing. They are just normal guys. Their lyrics speak out to many. Even adults that are both gay and straight. They love comic books and Star Wars. They’re just loveable. Ronnie Radke? He’s not bisexual. See “The Drug in Me is You” music video? He kisses a GIRL! All there is in the video is him, his awesome band, and fucking girls. I don’t really care how slutty they are, I came there for the fucking music. He’s amazing. He loves art and he loves his fans. At least he’s not a douche like……wait, I’m not even going to mention it. Stop judging music. If you hate it, just fucking leave. You call yourselves the “Children of God” well what did he preach? Love. What’s on this fucking site? Hate. Lies. More hate. Cheap shots. Fuckers. The list can go on and on. But I’m not going to waste another breath on you guys. Goodbye.

  14. Rachel

    Okay, I could go into a huge thing talking about how great all these bands are, how incredible their fan base is, etc… But I won’t, because it’s clearly expressed in all the other comments.
    So here’s my issue:
    I noticed that in some of the comments degrading the bands, you keep calling us “you liberals”. And it’s not just in this article that have these comments; it’s in all of them. So I’d like to make this clear: I am not a liberal. I am not a conservative. I hate politics, I believe in Anarchy.
    So, please, if you are going to try to insult me, whether it’s my taste in music, political stand point, or anything else, then at least know what you’re talking about instead of assuming you know who I am. Thanks.

    1. Captain Obvious

      Hellz, yeah, anarchy!

      Why vote when you can bitch about other people voting and the system being screwed?
      Also, it can’t be worse than what we have now.
      (That is my actual viewpoint, not just trolling)

  15. BVBs Shadow

    Fuck you haters! My 3 favourite bands (MCR, BVB and 30STM) are all on here, and yet not one of justin bieber’s songs are? thats just wrong >:(

  16. emmi

    Isn’t it a bit mean, to actually judge these bands?
    In honest opinion, I like these.
    “0MG U AR SUCH A NEWB!!1″
    -.- Please people, may we be abit more mature?

  17. Paige :P and damn proud


  18. BVB,BOTDF, and FIR are my saviours!

    I am proud to say I love and listen to all of these bands! FYI, all of your facts are wrong, but so what! They are still being mentioned. Anything that christwire hates, I love. I definetly plan on emailing this link to Blood On The Dance Floor. They will be extremely honored. “Stop the hate, congratulate. You know my name, so eat some cake.” “My name must taste so good, cause it’s always in somebodys mouth.” “You can talk your shit, your only making me famous”- Dahvie Vanity and Jayy Von Monroe aka: BOTDF.
    “What if the devil was a lie? What if god did not exist?” – Falling In Reverse Guess what? I posted that just to have you talk shit lol.

    “I won’t believe this lie, I know there’s something more inside. When darkness is all you see, this is Our Sweet Blasphemy”- Black Veil Brides

    Talk your shit, you’re only making us “emosexuals” and our bands famous. Haters hate, bitches talk.

    Toodles :”)
    Rose Von Vanity

  19. Amanda_BVB

    All these bands are amazing, if you actually listened to the music with your head out of your ass then you’ll hear it. BOTDF, BVB, MCR, FIR forever!

  20. Falling Angel


  21. JesusIsASin

    I swear, these god freaks are getting on my nerves. What the fucks wrong with BVB? At least they aren’t singing about raping hoes and doing drugs. -__-

          1. RebelAshRunner

            August and Chuck:
            Here’s a message for you two. I may be a so-called”emo” but I am the furthest thing from racist besides being JESUS himself, or a young child who knows nothing of the world’s horrors. My best friends are of all races, be they asian, african-american, hispanic of all sorts, arabic, or caucasian like myself. Who are you, oh pious ones, to call US racist, when you all are clearly wish everything that you disagree with to be destroyed, instead of LOVING each person for who they are. If there is one surefire reason that we “emosexuals” on this site might be going to Heaven and you might not, it is because we love other people and do not judge them for who they are.

  22. ChristWireLikesDildos

    The person who wrote this needs to get out of the 60’s, I mean really? Have you ever listened to any of there music? Andy Biersack, the lead singer from Black Vain Brides is religious. So does it say in the bible love thy’ brother? Go can only judge people, so why are you guys judging these bands?

  23. Skye

    I bet you haven’t even listened to these bands! They are all really good bands and for most of them there is a clear postive message in their music especially My Chemical Romance and Black Veil Brides. For both bands their message is to carry on no matter what and not to take shit from anyone and stand up for yourself! They are saving lives with their music! Just because they’re not christian and don’t play hymns doesn’t make them sinful!

    You lot are actually pathetic I bet if you actually met the bands you wouldn’t dare say any of this to they’re faces even though they probably wouldn’t care what some stupid jesus freak has to say

    I used to be catholic and the reason I’m not now is because of the people who hate everyone who isn’t catholic and is different. God is suppose to be all-loving but according to people like you jesus freaks he hates anyone who isn’t christian. Anyone else see the major flaw there. Get yourselves sorted out first before criticising other people. Dickhead

  24. Nun Ya Dang Bidness

    Hahahaa Idiots X)

  25. Riva Loves Gorillaz

    Funniest thing? I love all of these bands.
    And you forgot Green Day (the sagging-pants emosexuals) and Gorillaz (the cartoon rockers with the Satanist, Buddhist, and Atheists and Blur’s drug-pumping Damon Albarn)AKA, two more awesome bands. Why can’t you get it through your heads? The music IS god.

    BTW, I’m twelve, but I can name tons of Beatles songs from the first thirty seconds of them. I love some of the not new stuff, like Pixies, Cake, Green Day, Beatles, and others, yet I still adore BVB, MGMT, and a lot of the new bands. Just because we’re young doesn’t mean we can’t actually like some older music. My second favorite song is more than twenty years older than I am. :/

  26. Valary

    You tell people like me to grow up. When you are the ones, who really need to grow up, so what if people like bands that you do not like? it’s there life. Yes I am a christian, I do go to church every sunday and youth group, I have a very pretty cross necklace on and I love Black veil brides, falling in reverse, and many more “emosexual” bands. Just becasue I love them doesnt make me satanic, “gay”, or an “emo”. In the consitution everyone has the right to thre happiness as long as it doesnt infringe on others and just like the have religious freedom. This page really makes me see how real christians are. they hate everything that doesnt have to with god. A kid that like rock music, and still loves jesus, Whats wrong with that. You really need to get off the computer stop shoving your hatful thoughts down peoples throats and stop infieryating them. We all have our likings and our diliking Grow up and stop hating, and go back to ignoring people who like this music, life would a WHOLE lot better if you just let people do there own things, and dont worry about someone elses life. And when you call people rasist, when you clearly called blacks evil. how does that make any sense. Also, you should really do better research on these bands. I hope you take what i say in consiteration.

  27. hot asian bride

    hi!,I really like your writing so so much! share we keep in touch extra about your article on AOL? I require an expert in this space to resolve my problem. Maybe that’s you! Looking forward to look you.

  28. lithiumnightmare


    Most of these bands are amazing.

    BOTDF I have now seen live 4 times and met them 3/4 times and they are the sweetest fucking guys alive at the last show Jayy even did an autograph for my best friend who couldn’t be there in which he wrote “Love you Jellybean” without being asked too. They always make time for the fans. I haven’t seen the other bands live, BUT I have met Ronnie Radke while he was in Escape the Fate. He was a total sweetheart.

    All these bands have so much talent and obviously you are just jealous that you don’t. If you don’t like a band don’t listen to them and you don’t need to bash on them either.

    You ignorant Christian bastards are part of why I’m Wiccan. I usually have no probably with other religions, but when they are being ignorant assholes about things they don’t even know then I start to get defensive and you REALLY don’t want me to go full on with my defensiveness. Just so you know.

    Blessed Be (:

  29. alison579

    “Black Veal Brides are yet another emo pop band to be spawned from the evil loins of Ohio. Just like Devil Wears Prada, and Falling On Reverse before them. The band, if you can call it that, was created by Andrew Beersack (vocals), Johnny Harold (guitar), and Phil Sinadella (bass) in Delhi, Ohio. They were all young emosexuals that were dating satanic wiccans, where they met at a coven blood letting sacrifice. While not being bleed by the witches the discussed they’re appreciation for the demonic band KISS.”

    The next time you want your arguments against a perfectly good band to appear credible, you should use correct spelling and grammar.
    *Metalcore or rock, not pop
    “Just like Devil Wears Prada, and Falling On Reverse before them.”
    *The above sentence is a fragment
    *no comma after Prada
    *Falling IN Reverse, not Falling ON Reverse
    *Satanic is capitalized
    *Wiccan is capitalized
    *comma after witches
    *their (I find it depressing you can’t differentiate between their and they’re)

    “Any attempts to accurately describe how nauseously blasphemous this Blood on the Dance Floor music is will fail, for it simply redefines evil in America. Their beats are stolen from black rapping in the most lazy of ways, as if tuned to the sound of that policeman beating on Dahvie’s door. Their abuse of rhyme and meter is such a crime it’s surprising that other members of the pop rock community have not stepped in to shut them down. Dahvie’s singing itself is not singing, but rather that grating and pretentious type of “loud speaking” that you might hear in a brawl between mealy-mouthed drunks. It has that childish affectation of a white suburban hipster mimicking the black people he has seen on Law & Order with its “Yo yo yo!” and “Whaddup!” type of speak, shouted in rhythms that never rise above the complexity of “Ba Ba Black Sheep.” Maybe this is coincidental, as the man himself still acts like a child. Or maybe it’s intentional, as the allegations of child rape continue to pile up against him.”

    *”It has that childish affectation of a white suburban hipster mimicking the black people he has seen on Law & Order with its “Yo yo yo!” and “Whaddup!” type of speak, shouted in rhythms that never rise above the complexity of “Ba Ba Black Sheep.”

    Don’t you know how racist that sounds? Races don’t matter; we are all human, and God created all of us. Just because someone says ‘Yo!’ or ‘What’s up?’ doesn’t make that person bad, and generalizing that type of speech to only black people and “white suburban hipster[s]” is racist.

    *”Or maybe it’s intentional, as the allegations of child rape continue to pile up against him.”

    There was an accusation made by a Blood On The Dance Floor fan that Dahvie Vanity raped her. It wasn’t true. Here’s a video of her apologizing for it and admitting that it was a lie:

    Not to mention the fact that you, as the author of this article, are obligated to give us SOURCES from which you found your information. I looked at the ‘Read More’ links only to find links to other articles from this site, and they had no sources present either.

    So tell me, Mr. Bowers, where do you the other people who write articles on this site get this information from?

  30. fuckyouall

    For the record most of these bands are some of the only reasons im alive…. i was suicidal and tried to find god and had no help and the only thing that kept me from sying was blood on the dance floor…. Believe by BOTDF it is an amazingly helpful song that kept me along look it up

  31. Kurai Wameku Hito

    ._. Seriously? Do you guys have nothing better to do than rant on popular bands with loving & supporting fans, flame on others because they don`t support your religion or fucking troll people? You guys have dedicated your lives, and a good website domain into `Holy` trash like this. Racist, homophobic, bias tripe. So, stop ranting on about things you mightn`t like & try to convert others to your opinion.

  32. daniibvbbotdf

    Hmm this was interesting. Some of my favorite bands are apparently the worst. Oh well judgmental pricks will be judgmental pricks.

  33. RebelAshRunner

    If you think emos are going to hell, what do you think will happen to this kitten?

  34. RaisedByAshesAndArchers66

    Dear Idiotwire,
    Please consider acting your age. Not my age. Not your shoe size. YOUR AGE!
    And in order for you to present an viable arguement you should probably have correct spelling, so I, and possibly many others, have constructed a list and I’d advise you to consult this list:
    *Metalcore or rock, not pop
    “Just like Devil Wears Prada, and Falling On Reverse before them.”
    *The above sentence is a fragment
    *no comma after Prada
    *Falling IN Reverse, not Falling ON Reverse
    *Satanic is capitalized
    *Wiccan is capitalized
    *comma after witches
    I would also like to add “Emosexuality” does not exist and most of those band members from those bands in that list are religious. You are not God. So quit acting like you are. Most of the bands listed in this list are very devoted to their fans and a very devoted to their music. All of these bands take time out of their days to sign autographs and talk to fans. Many of them even bring fans onto the stage with them and have their fans sing with them.
    And as the wonderful Sherlock Holmes once said, “Put that in your blog – or better still, stop inflicting your opinions on the world!”

  35. Kaitlyn

    How dumb can you be? Last time I checked all these bands are loved by many and are far from the worst. Not to mention they will always be more successful then you could dream of! MCRmy for life

  36. alister

    What the hell is wrong with you Christwire people for one you need to learn how to spell and two do your research ronnie radke is not a miss Dahvie Vanity (one of my biggest heros) is not a pedophile jessi slaughter apologized saying she made it all up and black veil brides didnt date wiccans like are you fucking serious sick sad world by botdf fits this theme dont you people know that these bands have millions of fans and these bands and helped my through my darkest times you people are so ignorant do your reseach and learn how to spell~alister

  37. alister

    We are the unholy we are the bastard sons of your media culture our minds eyes bodies were born in your exclusion an illusion you hide behind you dont love a god you love your culture to you we are filth we are dirty so be it we are dirty and unclean a congregation of the unseen together we will set this world on fire this is the new religion amen -new religion bvb

    Build yourself a damn bridge and get the fuck over yourself-botdf


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