Gay Man, Lance Bass, Releases First Emo Boy Band, Heart2Heart

Former Backstreet boy and current homosexual sinner, Lance Bass, has hired members from Black Veiled Brides, Falling in Reverse and Blood on the Dance Floor to form super emo boy band, Heart2Heart. Dancing to black pop BPMs and dressed up in flashly GAP cut off shirts and LEE skinny jeans, this new boy band threatens not only your daughter’s vaginal virginity, but also is vigorously attacking your son’s manhood and ability to not becoming a sissy pretty boy, schoolyard bully target.

Now, These boys may wear more make up than a three dollar French whore eating a Nancy Grace and Joan Rivers sandwich, but make no mistake that their homo fashions and haircuts are dangerous to the mind of America’s youth. Using their soft skin and Mtv styled dress, these boys will have no problems tempting your females around the world to open u p their baby holes to some one night stand penetration or even trick your son into thinking they can have sexual urges towards other men, as long as they are caked in Revlon.

In their new popular viral video called “Facebook Official”, these hip hopping homo hobbits talk about stalking your daughter or son on Facebook to force them into a sexual fling or a homosexual daddle dee. They also talk about spamming their profile page with hearts and other gay symbols. This is also called “Gay Cyber Bullying” and they are teaching all the little gayagers how to use digital terrorist techniques. Gay cyber bullying is when a homosexual is denied by someone of the same sex and instead of dealing with the rejection like a normal minded human, they spam their victims Facebook or Hi5 profile with homo erotica in hopes to embarrass them digital.

Also notice in the video that they have hired whorelet L.A. models to pretend to be little love stricken devil whores. These types of subliminal marketing make girls think they need to dress like cheap Coachella fest hipsters, flaunting their flesh candies around and also makes boys think if they dress like a modern day Disney Channel David Bowie, that girls will like them.

The only good news is that according to their YouTube stats, 15,917 have disliked their new age techno homo pop and only 1,942 likes to support their attempt at a full frontal tween gay invasion.

Besides trying to use homo gay agenda materials to corrupt children into a sinful world of gaydom, they are also spreading naughty sex materials on their web to older gay pedophiles. Their website is a lexicon of Photoshopped images of the youngins in sexual poses just sitting there ready for Sneaky Steve or Fondling Fred to play tug of war with his exposed danger rod, while he frantically clicks to the next image. Think of this website like a deep dish pizza that is jam packed with homosexuality and sinful gayness and it is being delivered hot and fresh to homo gays across the world.

33 thoughts on “Gay Man, Lance Bass, Releases First Emo Boy Band, Heart2Heart

  1. L.N

    You know, I want to say something about how wrong Tyson is. I want to say how dumb he is, and how he got almost nothing right in this.

    But then I saw that video. There’s no fucking way I’m going to defend that video.

      1. Cassidy Pen

        I’ve a good mind to write to the Dean of students at that colleg you go to and tell them about the kind of entertainment the student body is indulging. They should ban pornographs from college campuses.

        1. Stop Blocking Me Jackass, The Jew

          What’s a pornograph? I have heard of, and watched, a lot of pornography, but never heard of pornograph.

          1. Cassidy Pen

            I’m not all up on what new lingos the youngsters talk today but you’re a vile enough emosexual omen boy for me to believe you watch pornography on quite a routine basis.

          2. Stop Blocking Me Jackass, The Jew

            Well, its not current lingo. Hell, its not even lingo. Its the English language. Learn it, bitch.

  2. Timmay

    Dear LN, you seem like an intelligent person (although strayed from the path of God and albeit of questionable gender), and full of feisty banter. I am glad to see you are open minded enough to agree some with brother Tyson on this matter.

    Could it be that if you look beyond some of your reactions to other articles, and examine them through the eyes of the Lord you may find some more acceptance in them? I think you may have a chance for salvation!

  3. Albert Toppers

    Fantastic article, Pastor Tyson!

    Unfortunately, I don’t think we’re going to get too much objection for this one – the band does not have any fans. So, we likely won’t get many hearts to render to Christ, but what you wrote in the article had to be said regardless. Top-notch!

  4. Kyle

    The opening line is incorrect… Not of of those guys are from any of those bands… I find this site as a whole offensive and ignorant… as a straight African American I’m ashamed to be considered the same “Straight” as the people who have created this horrendous article/site. While, I do agree that the song/video itself is an offense to the art of music… this article/site has baffled me… ABOS? Is P90X making america gay? DOCTOR WHO COMES FROM BRITAIN TO INVADE MINDS AND BACKSINDES!?!?!?!?!?! GOD HATES MARK ZUCKERBERG!!!!! GOD hates no man or woman… he loves us all equally isn’t that written in the CHRISTIAN bible? and it called him a murderer because people’s facebooks were deleted… some of the reasons “GOD” Hates him is because he’s rich???? HAHAHAHAHAHA And because he’s colorblind… MR. Rogers was colorblind! Did god hate him? Only men can be born colorblind… so does god not hate women?There is a bar graph showing the rates of STDs in youths that listen to the band Black Veil Brides… since 1996… so that graph is crap because BVB was formed in 2006…

  5. Lost and Found

    Good Lord! I can only hope that The Rapture comes soon so that I do not have to watch my daughter be taken in by this effeminate glee club(real bands play instruments).

    This sort of thing should be banned. The only instruments that I can these anal pirates playing is the flesh oboe.

    Jesus come now and take me and my family away from this world of wickedness!

    Praising His Holy Name,


  6. Beth Rebello

    Hey shithead, I hope some of these guys hunt you and butt rape you like you all seem like you want. I think YOU are the homo devil stick loving gay emo fuckers…Just sayin.

    1. Stop BlockingMe Jackass, The Jew

      What is wrong with French kissing? It is awesome. Kissing with tongues, swapping spit, what could be more fun? Aside from sex of course.

      1. Cassidy Pen

        I’m glad you think being gay is a negative thing but you still have to work on your vileness and respect before we can be reasonably assured that your life is back on the right track, omen boy.

        1. Seriously? Again? The Jew

          With that said Cassy, what are you talking about? How, from what I said, do you get that I think being gay is a bad thing? Seriously?

        2. Seriously? Again? The Jew

          Sorry Cassy, this was supposed to be before the paragraph there. [img][/img]


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