In the land of social networks like 4chan and Google Plus Sign, there is no firewall strong enough to keep your children safe from cyber sex lords. A group of “eleet” hackers from the group “Digital H8″ have developed a strong coded php website dedicated to harm your children and feed copious amounts of digital skin material to the digital homo gay underground.
The website is called “Is Anyone Up” or “” for those who are tech savvy. The name refers to the nasty area of a homosexual and is asking them the question “Is your sin snake aroused from digital child fantasies?, cause if not we got the poison for your dagger.” The band widths of this site oozes sin, as it delivers thousands of fresh and fancy new photos of your children to the gay masses.
The purpose of this website is to allow pedophiles to submit images of girls or boys they stock on Facebook and then the creators of “IAU” take those submissions and Photoshop their victims face’s onto some explicit images they found of Bing images. Once the Photoshop hacking is completed, they upload the images and make it seem like they are anonymously naked submissions of that person. These Photoshop images are called “gnargs”. After band width upload, they send out emails to their newsletter subscribers to let them know a new tasty treat of sinful child candy has been updated to their WordPress coded Tumblr blog. It is almost like a digital buffet for sick minded homosexuals and bi-curious hipsters. I can just see a lip pierced New Found Glory fan surfing the site while self sexing himself and thinking “I’d like a order of 16 year old emo twink with a side of half naked!”
Even the Christian version of Net Nanny, “God Patrol”, lists this site as “Pornographically Chunky” and we had to call our IT department to open up a protected IP proxy to allow us safe access to this site. The amount of pornographic gigibites is uncountable and we for sure got at least one or two trojan mal-viruses on our computers.
They have the typical self serving fetish categories like “Guy”, “Girl”, “Bands”, “Events”, “Contact” and “Advertise”, which seem like typical html links, but all open up a doorway to Internet twink-like sex gluttony.
Here are some examples of their Photoshopping experiments.
Please remove all children and women out of the room. Satanic imagery is to follow. These images are pure homosexual sin treats
not for nothing, but the daily gnargoyle has helped me save time chatting with some of NJs…more “homely” girls. i think it’s a life saver!
not for nothing, but the daily gnargoyle has helped me save time chatting with some of NJs…more “homely” girls. i think it’s a life saver!
Those Photochops are terrifying! I can’t even tell which is the real picture and which is the Photochop. I hope no one ever Photochops my head onto any pornos.
i have to admit the Barak obama one was insanely hilarious.
For once I agree with you about that website its stupid.
Stupid does not mean satanic, and theres nothing saying you have to go to the site it’s just funny people actually giv a crap
The images are terrible…
They even LOOK fake!
One can easily tell that they are fake.
They look just like the ones on the site. I think christwire is on to something.
Wow you didn’t research this at all… there is no child porn, no Photoshop, most viewers are straight and it’s actually a lesson learned not to take nude photos. I don’t like the website for what it is but even Hunter seems more intelligent than you.
You call him “Hunter”? Is that because he hunts down children on Facebook???????
His name is Hunter, it’s not a nickname. And anyone who sends in underage illegal material is reported to the authorities. He has a watermark on the photos so people don’t copy and repost them as their own. One last thing, it’s ignorant sites like this christwire that make people hate christians, you ruin the religion for us all.
And it’s people like you, who can’t recognize satire, that make this site SO much fun for the rest of us! Bwahahaha.
And it’s people like you who get shot first by a rampaging gunman because you think you’re better than everyone else and pick on people when they made a simple mistake and didn’t realize there was a whole site dedicated to making fun of people’s beliefs. Sorry I thought people were better then that.
U MAD BRO? Looks like you’re all butthurt because you got owned by this site.
Right there with ya, GOM. Perhaps we should team up and make an anti-trolling satire site? oh, wait…not possible. nevermind. although i am open to a devil worshiping site. nothing like a good dose of hell to make your day.
whoa, mike rotch, simmer down with the anger. this is just a silly spoof. no need to talk about taking people down via gunfire love! just sit back and laugh, because it’s funny as all hell. and also mildly addicting, like when facebook first came out.
What. The. Fuck. Did you know that my 13 year old cousin looks at this site? >.<
you are a stupid fucking piece of shit, there is no proof for this, you are the reasons christians are seen as bad people across the world and prosecuted, but i tell you you will get whats coming to you in this life or the next. The masses will rise against you and soon you will find yourself very much alone and scared, Mr. Tyson i cannot wait until the day you die for i have no doubt in my mind that the deepest and most terrible part of hell awaits you and i laugh because there is no way you can ever be a christian its just not possible, may god have pity on your soul
the pictures shown here are not on the site, All pictures on the site are real from the person sent to a love interest who then betrayed that person by submitting them to hunter of IAU
Why is their watermark there then????
do you notice how the fatty’s face in the second pic is over the watermark? its altered
no original, full watermark and all
‘My god, actual evidence, RUN!’
ní bheidh siad á reáchtáil beidh siad i bhfolach agus é a dhiúltú
you sir are a retard
truly I think you fucked with them to make them look “photo-shopped”. Ive seen the website more than a few times. Personally its fucking funny as fuck.Its not just gays n lez on this site. Its simple make sure u trust the person your sending your nudes to. You never know hunter moore’s sexc ass may have you up there next. So beware bitch hes out for that butthole. NBHNC<3 enough said.
Tina Fey?
Well, you can’t tell the difference between Ron Pearlman or Will Ferrell and you had to actually look around for pictures of the latter, so I’m not surprised you can’t tell people apart anymore.
Camedien why is it that you are never funny?
I have personally submitted pictures of(not my girlfriend) but random sluts I’ve fucked at parties. Shit’s hilarious to see.
No pedophiles here, just horny fucks that like to laugh at other peoples dumb ideas of taking nude photos of themselves(or letting others do so).
Fuck all you christians. You have no god. If you did, pretty sure he would have prevented that Tsunami in Japan.
And the Holocaust.
Is that Arab looking boy Amir from College Humor?
This site is just horrible – nothing morale or Christ centered about this. What dangerous traps the devil has place along the information super highway.
i do naked modeling on the internet. was i sent here by the devil to smite you all?
Iceman – I’m a little late with the comment, but I just wanted to send “props” your way. Solid comment, my man.
Not one thing in this post is correct, except in the comments section from those who have actually been to IAU.
Anyone who believed these pictures are photoshopped aren’t even worth arguing with.#NBHNC
Is this a joke? or are you really that ignorant?
You all are clearly idiots and need something better to do with your time.
does anyone know what satire means?
What someone wears.
attire, satire, to-may-toe, to-mah-toe. let’s call the whole thing off (the thing being people taking this shit seriously and getting their knickers in a twist over fake graphs and charts and silly articles).
i love this site. i knew people were dumb, but i wasn’t quite sure how much. now i know – really fucking dumb.
whats funny is that im pretty sure half the comments are scripted by the creators of the site
i’m not pretty sure. i’m definitely sure. his name is actually Hunter. The ignorance of people like you these days is terrifying.
“The purpose of this website is to allow pedophiles to submit images of girls or boys they stock on Facebook..” Pedophiles do what to boys and girls? stock them? You are just as ignorant as you are Illiterate. Learn the difference between stalk, and stock. Jesus hates you.
I suppose pedophiles could stock children. After stalking them, of course, which would be a necessary precursor to being able to stock them (PS these grammatical errors are on purpose to discredit the article even more to see what people will actually buy as “journalism.”)
Only the great pedophiles learn the art of Stocking children.
I hope that not one of you agree with this article…… I really hope.
I agree 100% with this great article.
You also are in need of mental help, but I think the two are connected.
It isn’t really a question of agreeing or disagreeing. It’s acknowledging the facts or wallowing in ignorance. You have chosen the latter, I see.
problem is they can only see pictures other then our profile pictures if they are in our friends list and if you add people you don’t know your s o l also the fact that none of the photos on there have photoshopped heads on them
Apparently you choose ignorance. I hope your daughter ends up on this site
I’m so glad to find that this site is satirical. *facepalm* SO GLAD. You have no idea.
This is the most ignorant thing I’ve ever seen. This is why people hate Christians. There is no underage content. That is reported and the site would be shut down immediately if that’s what they were doing. There is nothing homosexual in any nature about this site. If you look the sections are male and female. They do not photo shop a single photo. Whoever got these photos is a retard and did it themselves, probably for this article. You all should look for yourself cos it really isn’t that bad. its nudity. Like you’ve never seen someone naked.
Oh. Also. None of us are pedophiles. And his name really is hunter. Retards.
fuck yo couch!
féachaint ar do theanga féin go bhfuil páistí seo a léamh go
Ummm … thank you for that … contribution … ?
Christ will understand and forgive you.
I’d like to shit on your chest abby.
I hope some of your christ following retards of age teenage daughters end up on that sight after they send me naked pictures, or pictures of me sodomizing them.
Jason, if you’re attempting to make a point here, allow me to inform you that you’ve only succeeded in demonstrating the depths of moral decrepitude that one falls to when Christ is absent in their life.
My point, although not given in that comment is that you people are condemning a site as something it isn’t. This report is complete nonsense when it comes to the truth in the subject. Those pictures up there with a face pasted on another body have never shown up on the website. The pictures on the website do not come from people STALKING the photographed person, they are sent to the submitter by free will of the photos subject. No one who is under age 18 is on the site in a photo, there is legal action taken upon people who submit underage material. The term “gnargs” on the site is referring to obese, ugly, and utterly gross people who either submit photos of themselves or have pictures submitted by someone that they sent the photos too. The writer of this literary piece of shit should have paid more attention when doing his research and gotten his facts straight on an intelligent level instead of a close minded religious stone thrower with terrible grammar. People who write things such as this, or agree, are the people who are causing human evolution to stay at a standstill and are tearing our country and world apart with religious ignorance.
Well, broken recors as I may be, this site is 100% satire. However, I just took a first glance an Is Anyone Up? That website is just fucking retarded! I don’t care if you are Christian, black, white, muslim, green, spotted or a member of Hare Krishna – like the people who think this site is real, IAU proves even further how the human race is just declining further and further into the depths of stupidity.
I want typewriters and pre cell phone pre internet days back. Even if people were that dumb back then, at least it wasn’t thrown in your face every time you powered up your PC. Or your gay Macbook, of course.
I find that as I grow older, I come to resent all forms of telephone. It’s an involuntary intrusion into my life, that’s how I feel!
I sorta want to fuck your wife and put her on IAU.
NBHNC stands for “Need Bad Homosex Now Cokehead”. These are not pretty people.
ur fucking stupid. NBHNC stands for NO BUTTHOLE NO CARE
Mike, that would be “NBNC” due to “butthole” being a single word. It clearly stands for what Brother Iceman says it does. His actually makes sense.
Ice ice baby your back i missed you. did you click on the link too??
wow i can not believe your ignorance its incredible “HUNTER MOORE” is the mans name running the website. you people are stupid assholes sites like “christwire” are the reason why i wanna kill all christens. none of this is true its all lies you just scare people into believing you piece of shit “religion” i hope all you of assholes running christwire burn in hell!
rules of the CENSORED
#3 we are anonymous
#4 anonymous is legion
#5 anonymous never forgives
#6 anonymous can be a horrible, senseless, uncaring monster
#8 anonymous is still able to deliver
#12 anything you say can and will be used against you
#18 everything that can be labeled can be hated
#34 there is porn of it, no exceptions
#35 if no porn is found at the moment, it will be made
#42 nothing is sacred
#43 the more beautiful and pure a thing is – the more satisfying it is to corrupt it
#46 there is furry porn of it
I want to know the rules!
what’s rule number one? Shouldn’t that be an important one?!
You forgot #9 we’re all faggots
O_O *dies*
Lololol. IAU isn’t child porn. You have to be 18 to be nude on the site. And nothing is even photoshopped? Like really? Plus it isn’t even for gay people. Everybody gets on it, gay or straight. It’s fun to make fun of the sluts. Nothing Hunter Moore has created is illegal, or illogical even. It really just sends the message to stop being such a slut and quit sending out your noods. You’re an idiot for this article, and all of the spelling errors in it. This is why everyone hates christians. #NBHNC mother fucker <3
This has to be the most ignorant, retarded Shit, people like whoever runs this site and posted this about iau makes Christianity and religion a fucking joke! Do something with yourself instead of posting this dumb shit. I hope your daughter is sending her nudes out while you’re bible humping at church and ends up on Isanyoneup!
Shot me now if idiots like this dude walk the earth.
I lol’d so hard when I read this. This has got to be a fucking joke. Seriously calling IAU a place for gay pedophiles makes me laugh so much. Hunter Moore is completely against putting up anybody who is under 18, and just the fact that somebody could think that he would put up a 16 year old girl’s/boy’s nudes on there and not be arrested, and the site not taken down is absolutely ridiculous.
Whoever wrote this article is an idiot.
And a note to the author of this article: You need to learn how to proof read anything you write and actually do research on the subject you’re writing on, before you make yourself look like more of a twat.
how does a homo know what a twat looks like?
Homo says twat?
whoever wrote this article is going to hell.
The pictures are real, maybe you should raise your children to not be sluts.
Uh, so basically… homosexuals have nothing to do with this. It’s people who obviously just want to get back at someone, or laugh about a “gnarg”. its totally legal, and its no ones fault but the people who sent the pictures out. So don’t even mention homosexuals. I hope a christian didn’t post this, because most are hypocritcal, condescending, and judgemental assholes. so don’t you fucking dare say you represent god and the beliefs, because apparantely god loves everyone right? bullshit.
Thanx for the fap material.
fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap
You religious fucks are stupid. The pictures on the site are submitted in to the website. Oh and your photoshop skills are terrible. Pull the bible out of your ass and learn to use a damn computer
Is this a joke? Are Christians really this ignorant? This is why I’m a satanist.
I’ll just keep doing blow and sucking dick guys
This is why i hate ignorant old ass bible thumpers, the book was written so long ago, ever hear of things being out of date? You think being gay is wrong, well you sir, mis or lady gaga are a closed minded fuck, and the website is used to show people not to do it cause people show those pictures off to others, so when you relize your just stuiped and cant comprehend the fact that the book you live for is dead, that shall you be saved from the sad truth that you sir have lived a life of lies, kbye
Out of date? What? So you mean this milk I purchased back in 1982 probably shouldn’t be used? I call bullshit. Nothing is out of date.
You guys are fucking retarded. IAU is not illegal, It’s perfectly okay.
1) You have to be 18 to send IN a picture of someone else
and 2) The picture of the person you are sending in has to be 18 as well. and you have to prove it. If not, Hunter will report you and he will not put it up on the website.
and 3) The naked picture of the person has to be taken when they are 18. Just because they are 18, doesnt mean you can send in a picture of them when they were 17 or 16 or whatever age.
and I bet A LOT of the people on IAU are christian. Look at some of the pictures, and they will have crosses on their fucking necks.
Honestly? The “Author” of this fucking story is BULLSHIT. and you dont know shit. Learn how to spell, learn how to use proper grammar, don’t be so judgemental.
We were born naked. Let us show it.
Oh. Their is no God.
k i cant even get past the first half of this article…if you gonna post shit. post it w facts. not some stupid shit u drummed up over night that isnt true. the pictures that are submitted on IAU are real (get over it people dont give a fuck that theyre seen naked and i appreciate that). im not going to even bother going into detail on all the other stuff thats wrong.
It’s funny…just did a little research…technically…the fake photoshopping the author did on this article make this entire website illegal..trolololol
is this a joke? people like you are what is wrong with the world. know jesus, no peace. no jesus, know peace.
Wow you have got to be the most close minded piece of shit I have ever heard of. You sit there and create lies about a forum you don’t agree with trying to give the administrators a bad name. Why don’t you actually look at the site and stop with your Christian bullshit. Facebook is harmful then IAU. Your a fucking joke and your among many that push me to believe your religion that is filled with judgmental hypocritical bastards is a joke considering Jesus was apperantly the most understanding none judgemental person ever to live. Ad yet look at you. You get yourself off by lying about everything you don’t agree with to turn everyone against it because you have nothing better to do with yourself. Get a fucking life and try to start being honest because lying is a sin and your a big fucking liar at this point.
Nothing in this post was researched at all! This whole article is based on lies!
Really?!? Talking about the LBGT community as if they are sick pedophiles. This article is ridiculous and please just stop, because obviously your a shit journalist!
You spelled “stalk” wrong. You don’t “stock” someone on Facebook, you stalk them.
okay well first off. gay people arent the only ones who use this. you are very incorrect on that. to be honest thats a very unrashinal and quick thing to come to.
if you look at the website it has females as well. so look up information on the topic before you are to speak. for you to even assume that it is only used by gay people is beyound reasonable. you do not know every homosexual in the world so there for you are being ignorant cause you are talking about that which you dont know obiviously anything about.
honestly i dont even feel like finshing this..
OMG dude eww why put a fucking link in it you idiot i clicked on that thinking it was another article or something thats fucking gross shit you idiot!
God isnt real. You’re a propaganda spreading piece of shit. Exposing the youth to your bullshit lies is more of a threat than some teenage boy jerking off to VOLUNTARY NUDITY, YOU FUCK. If you took 10 minutes of your life-maybe that you spend fucking your wife missionary style with your socks still on, as well as that cross you hang so ARROGANTLY around your neck- You could find the time to educate yourself about an article you are trying so blindly to impose on the corrupted minds that take a lying prick like you seriously! Shouldn’t you be blowing up a Muslim temple, or protesting the rights of gay men having families?! EAT A DICK YOU HOMOPHOBIC BULLY.
It’s a fake website it’s supposed to be funny Like the onion chill out
I like cheese burgers.
It is sites like these that make me hate the christian religion
Oh man I feel so dumb now. Apparently this is a satirical christian news site sort of like the onion. I was taking it all serious and what not LOL
Wow another Christian website that lies, first of all this is not a “GAY” website, secondly the guy who runs the website doesn’t submit people who are underage if someone does submit someone who is underage they are put on “blasts”. Secondly none of those images are photshopped (save for the reaction pictures) I am a graphic designer and have been using photoshop since I was a preteen so I have ALOT of experience in it, and who ever did those photo’s in this picture is an amateur. Wow you’re just another christian that gives others a bad name.
congrats on making yourself look like an idiot. you really are the reason people make fun of christians. not only are spitting out a bunch of nonsense… photoshopped over images that are already suppose to be photoshopped in your words. the heads are over the watermarks good job on that one dumbass. also you went to the website so thanks for giving hunter another hit on his website 😀
It Looks like Tyson Bowers took a peak at the website cause we sure made him shut the fuck up..
I’m not particularly fond of the website, but seriously don’t go off on them like they did in Red State.
Mmmm I love fap-achinos. So tasty they almost make me believe in God.
Niiice. Let’s post porn on a “family friendly” christian site. Yeah.
Anyone who uses “III” after their name is a fucking douche. What are you fucking Thurston Howell the Turd?
Whoever the fuck reads articles like this and agrees, seriously needs to mature, get their own mind and thought process, and gtfo.
Obviously, in order to judge the site, you’d need to go see it for yourself. I can understand not agreeing with it, not wanting your kid on there, or whatever- but what’s with all these lies about it being sin candy and for homosexuals?
Seriously, you and your Christian propaganda can fuck off.
Go. To. Hell.
Yeah, by the retarded Author.
OMG is my favorite website! Its a great conversation starter at parties and other social gatherings!
This article is so rediculous.
Tyson Bowers, how horribly stupid can you be?
What is wrong with people today?
You mention “homosexuality” “gay” you actually USE terrible language here against these people.
You are completely incorrect.
Hunters website is not entirely for “homosexuals”, it is for anyone. Gay, Straight, Bisexual. (Note I said, Bisexual.. not “Bi-curious” as you put it.)
Also, to the “pedophile” part.
I seriously advise you to Research what you are writing about before you go and slander, sir.
Hunter Moore never admits photos of underage people on the website.
If anyone tries to submit underage content he sends their IP address to the submitters’ local police station.
And those photos you have displayed, wow..
This makes you a terrible person, you’re not fooling anyone, you did those pictures yourself. How does that make you feel? Does it make you feel sick? It should.
“I can just see a lip pierced New Found Glory fan surfing the site while self sexing himself and thinking ‘I’d like a order of 16 year old emo twink with a side of half naked!’,”.
No.. I believe you’re the one who thought of that all on your own.
You’re a disgusting person.
(Also you need to spell check, it’s AN Order, not “a order”).
The pencil eraser could be used to cleanupf the read/write head on the cassette player
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