Has your wife been spending a lot of time on The Internet lately? Has she all of a sudden started wearing items she ordered from stores on “etsy”? Does she now try and bake cupcakes or chicken enchilada soup? Does she frantically take photos on her cellphone when she is at the store? If so, your wife has been exposed to a high level of Internet whoreness, called “Pinterest.com“. Pinterest is a website devoted to turning obedient servant housewives into picture sharing prostitutes, who spend houses a day having fun with the girls, while you work hard to pay the house mortgage.
For hours a day, your wife is yucking it up with pools of whoring devil whores, who tickle her sin cravings with thoughts of deep sex climactic adventures. This type of activity is called “Pinning” and the more “Pinning” you do, the higher your slutness level is on this website of demonic orgasmic pleasure. “Pinning” is the equivalent of digitally “moist figuring” other members on the site, so be assured your wife has stuck her finger in multiple members by the time you arrive home from work. Also be warned, you wife is most likely dancing in the musky gayness side of Pinterest and making friendships will gay male users, who will tempt her with thoughts of leaving her kids and living a “Sex in the City” lifestyle.
Facts about Pinterest:
- Women who use Pinterest are more likely to give out mouth sex acts to large lines of men in back alleys.
- Women who use Pinterest try to trick their husbands into games of sexual rectal recon.
- The “P” in Pinterest, stands for penis.
- The average Pinterest user has been charged with child neglect, at least twice.
- Women who use Pinterest are guilty of sexually rubbing their Satan’s doorbell, while their husbands are at work.
- More than 80% of Pinterest users now fantasy about lesbian sex relations.
- 2 out of 3 Pinterest users have been fired from their jobs, do to “pinning” at work.
- Women who use Pinterest are more likely to invite sin snakes into their fecal cavern.
Look at all this sinful horseplay, no wonder men have reverted to violence, it is the only way to keep their wife from digitally whoring.
Examples of what your wife is exposed to on Pinterest:
Their sex driven homepage

Sex infused items

Introduction to whoring type books

Do it yourself “How To” abortion dolls

Alien sex toys

All those graphs are made by you. Every single time. Try backing your stuff up with real facts.
I guess real facts are hard to get it’s not like you can Google them ore something.
I accidentally clicked a thumbs down for you leroy. Sorry!!
So Tyson, you are saying its ok for 33% of husbands to beat their spouses because they have the audacity to leave their constant work for 5 minutes so they can share photos they’re proud of with their friends. Those wretches, while we’re at it, why do women need to vote anyway. God forbid they have the slightest shred of individuality left. Wait, what’s that? The “lord” told you to, carry on then!
Great story Tyson I had not heard of Pinterest before so thanks for getting the word out there. One never knows where evil lurks these days, in our neighborhoods, schools, the Internet and much more. Its shocking to see this sort of thing going on.
Eat a big steamy pile of SHIT or better yet….Eat that old crow pussy of Susan’, Brother Johnathan!!
your a fucking idiot. who ever writes the articles or agrees with them are fucking stupid assholes who think their top shit, all humans have the same right. get you head out the popes ass hole!
congratulations christwire you have created something which is 100% undebateably a lie. You made those graphs it even says so, you never took any surveys or did actual studies.
I was invited to Pinterest by my gay neighbors. I am now aware of its predatorial tendencies and will swiftly reprimand those sinners! Great article as always, Tyson!
i don’t think predatorial is the right word.
What other word can be used to describe a website that lures otherwise innocent housewives into lives of depravity, self gratification, and general whore-ness? I will take to my knees the only way a God fearing Heterosexual male ever should: Alone in my bedroom praying to our Lord and Savior Jesus H Christ that your tiny black heart shall be changed “anonymous atheist” and that you will see the error of your ways and embrace the only real path to salvation, radical Fundamentalist Christianity. Praise be Brother Tyson for alerting concerned TRUE believers like myself to this travesty, so that I can keep an eye out for signs of this depravity in my otherwise subservient wife.
The internet is all about choices. It’s not the website. It’s the wife. And you’re behaviour is embarrassing and I myself am a Christian woman. What you say does not come from a loving God. You are too busy being self righteous to be a respected Christian man. It’s this verbal diarreah you spill out of your mouth that gives true Christians a bad name. It’s always been about choices since the beginning. You sound like a scary control freak who I would rather not know. I certainly wouldn’t come to you for prayer or comfort or sanctuary or to learn about Christ. You need to read your bible MR!!!
1) No one can make you abuse your wife, that you do youself out of your own free will.
2) All these graphs and statistics are obviously fake, a toddler could realize that.
Praise be Tyson for this wonderful information. I had never heard of this demonic website but after reading your well thought out and spiritually guided article I must tell you I took to my knees the only way a man should, alone in my bedroom to give praise to Jesus Christ for you warning us of this horrific heathen driven orgy of self-gratification. I am blessed by the Lord that I have seen no signs on Pinterest use by my loving and submissive spouse, but thanks to your article know I know the signs to look for. Keep spreading the good word Brothers!
You know those graphs were fake right?
Of course you would say that, as an atheist you have no moral core and are therefore willing to say anything to try and support your twisted world view. Yes of course, the graphs are “fake” and I’m sure you would also have us believe the earth is more than 6,000 years old. You likely believe in “science” and other such nonsense like the “big bang”. Well I have news for you. The only BANG that you will ever hear is the banging sound of God smacking your worthless soul into the bowels of Hell come judgement day. At that point as you burn forever in Satan’s Napalm Hilton you will look back and wish you had embraced the true path to salvation rather than listening to your gay, democrat, abortion loving heathen friends. And we true believers will be up in heaven, looking down on you and laughing in righteous humor at your eternal suffering.
1) Of course the earth is more than 6000 years old you moron.
2)No one ever said anything about the big bang theroy. I personally think it is stupid.
3) If people like you are going to be in heaven, I’ll take hell.
4) Oh, since I’m athiest I have no moral core? What the fuck kind of logic is that? I have standards just as the next guy does. I don’t have a twisted world veiw- the world is twisted and corrupt by itself.
5) Get a life.
Oh, and Im against abortion.
And who cares if I have a few friends that are gay.
All you atheists are the same, always wanting to use “logic” to support your flawed belief structure. I would pray for your wasted, sick, twisted soul were it not so obvious that you are a lost cause. You say as much yourself when you mention you WANT to go to the eternal BBQ down below. Well I have news for you, Satan doesn’t believe in medium-rare. You’re going to be roasted past well-done for all eternity. Now I have to get my children and wife ready to head back to Church for our evening service, where all decent people find themselves on Sunday.
You don’t seem to be having so much fun here, Suki. I thought you enjoyed it so much because you thought it was hilarious?
It is hillarious. c:
It’s hillarious that some one thinks the earth is only 6000 years old LMFAO.
As a “Christian” shouldn’t you be practicing what you preach? Love and acceptance? Embracing others with the love God has shown you? I don’t feel like the atheists in this situation are the deluded or vile ones. You’re bigoted, ruthless, and hateful. Anything you don’t agree with must be morally wrong. I mean have your own opinions on things, but really at least try to be real. I honestly think we’ll be the ones looking down on you in hell. At least we can love our neighbors. You OBVIOUSLY know nothing about that.
If I remember right the big bang theory was introduced by a cristian.
Suki, In a last ditch effort to save your seemingly worthless soul, I have some recommended reading for you. First and foremost is The Good Book, the King James Bible. The second is Infinite Jest by heathen David Foster Wallace. While at first glance the two might seem to have no correlation if you will open your closed atheist mind you will find many similarities. Both books are long and don’t make much sense at first glance. Both are written by dead people (The Holy Bible because it is the inspired word of the One True God written thousands of years ago, Infinite Jest because Wallace killed himself and guaranteed his place in hell). No matter that Wallace will toast for eternity, you can walk away from Infinite Jest with a few lessons in life. I’m not going to do the work for your heathen soul, but I’ll give you a hint for what to look for. It starts with the letter S.
May God have mercy on your soul, should he choose to.
Please note I am NOT recommending this heathen deranged gay loving book for God fearing Christians, but in this case I don’t think a little more exposure to the whorestyle of earthly things is going to much harm.
Ever tried reading the bible yourself?
I have.
Shut up.
I read the Holy Bible cover to cover, at least twice a year. You however, failed to answer the second part of my post concerning homo-atheist David Foster Wallace’s heathen novel Infinite Jest. In addition to being a homo-atheist novelist, Wallace taught writing classes at secular universities. Writing classes fall within the “Liberal Arts” department of said Universities. Could they be more blatant in their God hating, homo loving ways than to actually included the word “liberal” in the course description? This just proves that all secular university professors are god hating homosexuals bent on luring our young people into a life of depravity and sodomy. You need to a) re-read The Good Book for the sake of your lost soul and b) learn to coherently respond to a point asked by a God fearing Christian.
So based on one man, ONE, all university professors are “God hating homosexuals bent on luring our young people into a life of depravity and sodomy.” Even though I doubt he was luring ANYONE into something like that.
Do us all a favor and shut up.
I don’t want to save my ‘lost soul’.
Stop spending so much time on your computer fighting with little children and get a life.
Wrong reply? :p
I’m happy that you’re trying to keep up Leroy, but I’m afraid you missed the point. The point wasn’t just that Wallace is a heathen homo-atheist, but rather any professor who teaches “liberal” arts is. Secular Universities are so blatant in their left wing, abortion loving, God hating agenda that they use the word “liberal” even in course descriptions. In effect they are shoving the good God fearing American’s nose in their sodomy loving liberal ideology.
Religion should just die off. All it has done is cause countless wars and millions of deaths.
Leroy, if I may interject. While I’m not trying to be rude, I can’t agree with your statement as a whole.
Without a belief in a god, people must believe that their rights come from man, but if man giveth us rights he can taketh them.
While I have nothing against the beliefs of Atheists, the statement above is why I can be an Atheist.
What I can agree with you though, is that organized religion should go. I believe that people should have faith whether it be a faith in nothing or a faith in a deity. There is no need to for these mass groups of religion.
I hope you do not take this the wrong way for I mean absolutely no disrespect to you or any atheist.
That would be called Agnosticism.
The beliefe that something may or may not be out there, but you hold faith in that of your person.
if ever you read the entire bible ( and I mean it the entire bible not the small one we have at home ) but the BIG bible of over 10 000 pages
you will
1. Not be able to type anymore speak or write
2. you will be emprisoned in assylum for insanity
why because you will lose sanity after the firs 1000 page and started to go on rampage killing
people have found a lot of these case about sane people becoming Crazy over a Bible
You claim: that because someone committed suicide then they will go to hell, that only decent people go to church, and that you should obviously abuse your wife because its what God has taught.
Hmmmmm, I think there is something wrong here? I would waste my time finding bible references to shove down your throat- as you do with your extreme views, but I have better things to do with my time.
I have been to Christian schools and churches, and I have realised not only are your views wrong but they are also those of the people that your so-called God will condemn to hell.
I really do hope you are happy with your views as I am not trying to get you to change them.
If you would like to argue with this comment your only points in your defence will be that I am a satan worshipper, I will go to hell, you will pray for me, that I believe in the big bang theory, that I should follow your religion and believe your views or that I am simply supporting the homosexual/feministic and satanic “problems” you see in society.
So here is a quote from your holy book the bible, i am sure (as a christian whom reads the bible twice a year from cover to cover) you obviously know the Golden Rule “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”
Please take this teaching and force yourself to acknowledge its meaning and stop TELLING those who oppose your views that they are wrong, your God entitled everyone to freedom of speech- as there wouldnt be such thing as NO.
PeopleTheseDays, thankyou. I have been trying to say such for a while now. They haven’t listened to me untill I translated a BVB song Savior. It’s interesting that they close their minds off. They don’t listen. If you prove them wrong, they insult you. I don’t understand why they must do so. I told them, you teach me what you know, I’ll teach you what I do. They have never taken me up on the offer. They are passing up the chance to possibly indoctrinate me into their “flock.” I mean why not? They convinced an Atheist. Why not try me? Right? lol
Thank you.
You sound more of a heathen and closed minded than the people like Suki and I. At least we have the desency to TRY and understand other people and their beliefes than jsut assuming and bashing another.
Is that aimed at me?/ Who?
BiAgnostic, ummm Heathen is actually another term for pagan. It didn’t have it’s other definition untill much much later. Calling them heathen is actually insulting me.
Luvs ya but please correct this.
At long last, scientific proof (as if it were needed) that women are evil do-ers. And probably left wing fag hags too.
Scientific proof? All those graphs were made by the person. They didn’t do any research.
Scientific proof, my ass.
Leroy you are showing your ignorance here. Of course the graphs were made by a person. The only graphs not made by man aren’t graphs at all. You won’t find any graphs in the Holy Bible because Bill “The Anti-Christ” Gates had not yet stolen the ideas to create Powerpoint when the Word of the Bible were handed down from Almighty God to be transcribed by man and recorded for all time. And please share how you know these noble and God fearing men didn’t do any research. You heathen homo-atheists love to show your own “facts” so why don’t you come forward with some? In the meantime I will pray to the Lord Almighty that my hands may somehow be turned into binary code, that they may travel through the internet so that I may lay hands on you, not in the homosexual way that depraved atheists like yourself crave, but so that I may pray to our Lord and Savior for your worthless heathen soul. The proof is in the pudding, as the saying goes. And your pudding is nothing more than instant atheist hate pudding, which is even worse than some of that garbage the British try to pass off to God fearing Americans as pudding.
Yes, all graphs are made by man, but in this case the graphs are made by an ignorant fool who hasn’t a clue of what he speaks.
When someone’s actually does research to back up their argument, they are willing to share their research to prove their point. Ask any of the Christwire folk for evidence to back their articles and they’ll just make up excuses to try and cover their ignorance.
I didn’t say “a person”. I said “the person” meaning the owner of the article. That person made up these graphs, and did it many times before in other articles. These people never research anything. Many articles if not all articles made by Christians on this website are always wrong. Saying so and so have died yet they didn’t. Saying so and so game has anal sex in it yet they don’t. You people don’t research, you people blatantly lie. You haven’t been here long enough to see it but you will I hope. And I’m just going to ignore the other part of your rambling rant.
A typical homo-atheist, trying to hide behind semantics and choosing to ignore the points to which your depraved brain cannot answer. I will pray for your lost, heathen, homo-atheist soul.
Ignore what points? The other part of your rant was about praying for me. Don’t point in talking about it. What do you want me to answer? I’ll start by saying that I’m not homosexual.
Leroy “Don’t point in talking about it” makes about as much grammatical sense as the rest of your flawed argument makes common sense. Just go eat your instant homo-atheist hate pudding while I pray for your soul. And denial is a classic symptom of the homosexual disease which is running rampant in America today.
Looks as though you’re the one ignoring the points. It was a typo. “No point in talking about it” is what I said. And wtf is “instant homo-atheist hate pudding”? And once again, not homosexual. And it’s not a disease.
Kay, your cool bro. An idiot, too. If we’re ‘typical homo-athiests’ then why doesn’t Leroy like boys? He doesn’t. So then he’s obviously NOT homosexual.
And whats up with all this ‘homo-athiest pudding’ shit?
If you’re so smart ‘denial’ is something you’ve been doing too…. A classic symtom of homo-athiest pudding deseise! 0: OMG YOU’VE BEEN INFECTED BY AN IMAGINARY DESIESE EVERY ONE RUN AWAY!!
I have an imaginary disease, I call it faith.
I don’t know where I caught, but it sure is difficult to get rid of. Don’t even get me started on the symptoms.
The only “diseases” I’ve been infected with are a)Salvation provided by the Lord Almighty and b)the ability to form a coherent, grammatically correct sentence complete with proper spelling and punctuation.
May God have mercy on your unwashed souls (likely not the only bits about you unwashed I’d wager).
Oh! Now he’s calling us dirty! Very Christian of you to insult others based on absolutely nothing!
I didn’t refer to you as “dirty” but rather “unwashed” as in “washed by the blood of the Lamb”. I did, however, imply uncleanliness in my ending aside, so I will partially cede this to you Leroy. God bless your heathen soul.
i think i can’t post anymore.
The only proof here, is that you are a complete moron.
Fred…..Your still holding a grudge because you couldn’t get laid in High School…..Have you ever had a really good BLOW JOB????? No….That’s what I thought…HAPPY SELF ABUSE TO YOU!!
Bravo Brother Bowers.
One of the great benefits of living in a small, like-minded community is we can limit what can be accessed on the internet & television. Which has proven to work very well with proper monitoring. But, as you point out, & as I have experienced, some of the things on the internet that seem normal in appearance, are far more dastardly than one would expect. Well done.
Bless you Brother.
ignorance is bliss. this site has me ROTF lulz
Still FUCKING that EWE Stuart or have you moved up to PONY PUSSY???
The only thing I liked about this entire article was the picture of Cherie Curie.
pinterest is a simple hobby sharing site. its also a thing that your “servants” can go to, to get ideas for common household work…
btw… your “servants” are actually called your wives… and desirve more respect then what you’re giving them… you say you love them… prove it.
Respect is earned, not handed out like high fructose corn syrup laden candy at the most evil of “holidays” Halloween bisexual. I’ll start respecting YOU when you learn to respect the English language enough to spell correctly. It wouldn’t hurt to learn the proper use of ellipsis while you’re at it.
Je n’ai pas de respecter la langue anglaise. Je méprise la langue que je ne l’utiliser que si vous êtes des idiots me comprendre. Je vous suggère d’apprendre à parler, et de respecter la langue française avant que vous baisez avec moi. Ignorant piqûre….
Permettez-moi de dire que je suis désolé si mon français n’est pas très bon, il a été un moment depuis longtemps, j’ai eu à utiliser cette langue horrible. Vous êtes une excuse impie et indigne pour un être humain et va pourrir en enfer pour l’éternité. J’ai même mis claviers de taper dans cette façon horrible.
votre français est inquiétant horrible. et aussi … si vous étiez la personne craignant Dieu vous les gars disent que vous êtes .. vous faites votre travail à domicile … et je sais que Jésus n’avait pas de problème avec les homosexuels. la chose à propos des gays était dans la vieille testimate ce qui signifie Jésus ne dit rien à ce sujet. aussi, il ne va dans les deux sens quand il s’agit de respecter. dieu a créé les femmes, simplement parce que “Eve a été faite à partir d’Adam” ne veut pas dire les hommes ont le pouvoir de les manquer de respect. nous nous chargeons de vos enfants dégoûtants et de passer par plus de douleur que jamais d’être marié à unloving compositeurs comme vous. si vous ne respectez pas votre femme comment voulez-vous qu’elle vous respecte? ce qui est arrivé à la règle d’or? “traiter les autres comme vous voulez être traité.” il ne dit pas «traiter les autres hommes la façon dont vous voulez être traité.” et vous me direz pour apprendre l’anglais vous bâtard païens. vous êtes celui qui va brûler en enfer … i pleinement et malheureusement comprendre la Bible, même si c’est un tas de merde. je suis allé à l’école chrétienne.
aha also…
why should women give you respect… if you dont give them respect… idiot… it goes both ways.
Parce que le Seigneur Dieu lui commande, vous païens fille. .
Une dernière chose, votre syntaxe et la structure faire croire que si vous êtes simplement traduire comme vous allez. Je ne serais pas surpris.
You realize that Halloween was started by Irish Catholics in order to ward off evil spirits, right?
A very good point CelestialDeth, and more proof that the Catholic Church is just as guilty as the heathens. From evil holidays to molesting young boys, these freaks in dresses know no limits to their depravity. A true Fundamentalist Christian American knows right from wrong, and the Catholic Church is wrong!
Christianity is the same thing as Catholic.
Also, holla mother fucker, I’m a Christian Catholic. BOTH Baby. BOTH. The reason why I mention I’m Catholic before I’m Christian is because Catholic means, ‘As a Whole,’ meaning everything in general to do with the Catholic religion, including Christianity.
Also, how is the holiday ‘evil’ when it’s about GETTING RID OF EVIL SPIRITS. They put on scary masks, go to Evil Spirits, and yell, ‘Go away!’ How on earth can you conceive that to be evil? Are you mentally deficient?
Umm dude in the beginning of Christianity there was Catholism… and btw technically they are your siblings seeing as how Catholism, Judaism, Baptism, Luthernism and the others are ALL branches of CHRISTIANITY.
Go back to school.
They went off the path and became Satanists. And they are certified pederasts, the most powerful network of pedophiles in the world; I don’t know why we don’t just kick the lot of them out of our country.
Yes, it is a heathen custom. The Irish are too close to their forest fairy ancestors to be Christians, their souls are lost in the dark forever. That’s why most of them are alcoholics.
No it’s not!! They actually like their alcohol. Don’t try to make a point on something you don’t know anything about.
Nothing good can come from liking any alcohol. It was giving up on God-sanctioned marriage between a man and a woman, and wine that led the Catholic priest to the innocent fleshpots of altar boys.
Irish here…and have been sober my entire life.
So, I’m an Irish who has never had alcohol.
Blow your mind?
Well, it will take just one drink for you to fall of the wagon. Or the alcoholized breath of a Catholic priest.
One drink? How do you know? Where the fuck is your proof?
That’s kinda why I won’t drink, I figure one will start me off…Not because I’m Irish though, because it’s alcohol…People get addicted easily…
Not Catholic…So not going to be near any priests anytime soon…
Sex_emo_eXpagan, you protest too much. I am sorry alcoholism is such a sensitive subject for you personally, but now now at least I know what to pray for, for God to turn your wine back into water.
“Sex_emo_eXpagan, you protest too much. I am sorry alcoholism is such a sensitive subject for you personally, but now now at least I know what to pray for, for God to turn your wine back into water.”
number one, my name is Emo_Pagan. Emo because that’s what everyone calls me and Pagan because that’s my way of life.
Number two, I dont’ protest too much. I actually dont’ protest enough.
Number three, Alcohol is not my cup of tea. STFU
I see you try to shut down dialogue when you’re in a corner. Why don’t you ask your local church for help? We are equipped to deal with all kinds of sinners.
oh btw… a picture i just saw on that site..
it sayssssss some good shit about gayu marriage you guys should really try and look for it.
but basically my over all argument about this article… it seems like whenever your spouse finds something they like… and find something other then facebook to interact with friends…you dumb “christian” conservative closed minded idiotic pricks freak the fuck out and think “omg my wife is a whore! she’s having NORMAL FUN WITH FRIENDS!!!!”
My apologies had I known you were Catholic I would have dumbed down my response so you could understand. Protestant Christians know that Halloween is an evil holiday, while you alter boy raping Catholic heretics don’t know any better. I’ll pray for your worthless Catholic soul while you violate another pre-teen boy. Go light a candle and repent your sins to God, not some pedophile in a dress.
My apologies had I known you were Catholic I would have dumbed down my response so you could understand. Protestant Christians know that Halloween is an evil holiday, while you alter boy raping Catholic heretics don’t know any better. I’ll pray for your worthless Catholic soul while you violate another pre-teen boy. Go repent your sins to God, not some pedophile in a dress.
All True Christians know that the Catholic church is the Whore of Babylon and that the “pope” is in fact the Antichrist.
You think that’s funny? It’s not a laughing matter at all.
Honestly, this is why we need sites like Christwire to educate people like you who don’t even realise that their souls are at risk of eternal damnation.
why am I laughing?
Because my dear I know where I’m going when I die and that catholism is christian.
By the way change your icon. You sit here and preach and judge like you know everything and are perfect yet you have a My Little Pony icon of Twilight Sparkle the says “I gonna tolerate and love the SHIT out of you”
How about you actually watch the shows and learn a thing or two from the friendship lessons. Otherwise you are just, in my opinion, unworthy.
And only I and GOD, in your beliefe, can judge my soul so take a lesson from your BIBLE too and shut your trap.
BiAgnostic, the bible tells us to speak up when we see injustice, and your very being is an injustice to your immortal soul. REPENT!
Absolutely. They even have a special chair to roll the balls of fresh popes. Disgusting European trash.
For you Catholic heretics, mea culpa I repeated myself. Well, it’s been fun but I have an early day tomorrow. Enjoy your ignorance.
You talk to us about ignorance, you actually believe the earth is 6,000 years old, i bet you don’t even know how stars are formed, or even what stars are.
Well anonymous atheist I’m sure you’d say something about the universe being anywhere from 12 to 14 million years old. And I’m sure you’d ramble on about molecular gasses and the fusion of converting hydrogen to helium (or helium to hydrogen)in regards to “stars”. Lucky for me I have The Good Book to tell me all I need to know about God’s great universe. The one thing The Holy Bible doesn’t teach me that I need to know, I’ve learned from The Oxford English Dictionary. If I told you what that is, it would spoil all the fun, so I’ll just leave it be. Cheers.
And that is why you are a idiot with a large vocabulary.
And one more mea culpa, be so kind as to replace “million” with “billion” and I shall humbly wait for the derogatory remarks to rain down upon me as fire rained down upon Sodom and Gomorrah. It takes a big man to admit his mistakes, it takes a bigger man to cry, and it takes a bigger man still to laugh at those men.
Please. Just tell me where the hell dinosaurs came from if there is no such thing as “science.” Where in this “Good Book” does it say anything about dinosaurs? What page, exactly, what quotes? Give me a good explanation. Oh, and I must disagree with your use of the word “logic.” You use it as if it’s a derogatory word when really it’s simple common sense. These people clearly know better than to believe the word of a single book said to be written by God, which was actually written by Man under the “influence” of God. Also, if the world is not over 6,000 years old, then what about this Adam and Eve of yours? If the world didn’t properly exist without Jesus, then were they only created 6,000 years ago? Is your only evidence in the first actual manuscripts that were “preserved”? If you’re going to make an arguement, at least make sense and use “logic.” But of course, this will be your response: “You hobbit-humping heathen, until your soul is saved you just won’t understand the workings and ways of God and you will burn in hell” and who knows what else. Why can’t you just let people live and be happy? Why create such strange fictional illusions without fact and then force it down people’s throats?
God put the dinosaurs there to test our faith! This is a well written article. I couldn’t agree more.
While my Chris†wire filter will not allow me to access this website, I am convinced that it is evil. after all, the word “penis” is contained within.
My Chris†wire internet filter prevents me from accessing this site but I can already tell it’s heathenish because the word “penis” is contained within.
Repeating devil bugs have infiltrated my cpu.
Curses to all emosexual witch spells.
Witchcraft or magic isn’t real. And emosexual isn’t a word.
Alas, I myself have succumbed to a harlot named Abigail Williams, and I am to hang for it. You my good sir, are the only man in the whole town of Salem it seems, to agree with me. Witchcraft is a lie, yet I have to die for it! At what cause? Because I made love to a harlot!?
Good day to you sir!
Alas, I myself have succumbed to a harlot named Abigail Williams, and I am to hang for it. You my good sir, are the only man in the whole town of Salem it seems, to agree with me. Witchcraft is a lie, yet I have to die for it! At what cause? Because I made love to a harlot!?
Good day to you sir! You speak the truth of God!
Brb, gonna go fuck my wife.
Emosexual witches must have cast a repeating spell on my laptop.
witches aren’t real
witches arent real.
i have discovered gravity
How is it that more that 80% of women who go on pintrest will start having lesbian fantasies and then turn right around and start giving out oral sex to men? Not unless you are saying that 80% of women are bisexual which I kinda doubt.
Oh and just for everyone’s information King James, the one who translated the bible to English, was bisexual.
King James also removed alot of books from the Bible and added his own wording to a good bit of it. So how much of it can we really trust, huh?
You rock EndTheHate!!! 😀
hahahaha how do you guys think of this bullshit, number 8 on your list is hilarious btw, and good graphs, how long did they take to make?
America doesn’t have a sate religion stop syaing it is American to be christian
Then get out of our country, heathen.
STFU Bitch.
Here’s a history lesson Lurlene. Heathen was actually used as another term for pagans back in the day. It didn’t gain it’s newest definition untill much later.
This is the definition it used to have. This doesn’t mean that we are evil though.
an unconverted individual of a people that do not acknowledge the God of the Bible; a person who is neither a Jew, Christian, nor Muslim; pagan.
Poor wayward emosexual girl, I will pray for you.
I can see from your profile picture that you have trouble with your identity. God bless!
What trouble. My identity is what it is.
1. I am not disobedient. I know what’s right and wrong. I do what’s right.
2.Emosexual is not a real word. Stop using it. It’s either Emo or nothing at all.
You can go ahead and pray for me. I will dance and chant around a bonfire for you. I mean surely you meant praying for me as a kindness. I will return that with mine.
What I wonder is: are you old enough to drink? Where are your parents?
I have a friend who uses Pintrest and she’s not offered me a blow job nor has she asked me to have anal sex with her… maybe she isn’t using the site properly or she may just be immune from its evil ungodly influences… How can I help her to change this and get full benefit from the site?
By the vegetable gods it’s SCP-051!
Wow, amazing. The stupidity is amazing.
All this is very confusing. I’ve used Pintrest and Skillrex for foot fungus. I always read the enclosed drug warnings, but completely missed the homosexual side effects. I did have a little blurred vision and joint pain, but I haven’t had the desire to run around without a bra or let my under arm hair grow to its natural length.
Since I’ve finished the entire tube of Pintrest, I think I’m in the clear. May have to ask Adam Nelson for advice on this one.
Woman, just what exactly are you talking about?
She doesn’t even know, so don’t ask.
(possibly that Pinterest is a drug with unhealthy side effects she is scared of catching)
Point is try not to engage with the main supporters/authors of this Cultwire.
Pinterest is a website, skrillex is a musician. Could you please once again stop posting on articles, the last week on this website was much better.
Blanche….Your lapping up too much of that smelly cooter juice from old Susan’s crotch!!
The fact that you even had foot fungus is disgusting.
As a professing Christian, I would like to aizoogple for what happened This should never have happened. Nowhere in the Bible does it say we should attack others (verbally or otherwise) because they believe something different.We are called to help them and show them the way through compassion and faith, not by bullying them until something horrible like this happens.While I do not personally believe the same way you do, I could never bring myself to to torment another human being in such a way (or at all for that matter) as to cause them to do something this drastic.I think you’ll find that most true Christians are not like the rather callous individuals that were so heartless towards this little girl. We get a lot of flack for our beliefs similar to the way that the Wiccan faith does we are now the butt of many a joke and even now I get harassed at college because I’m a Christian []
I was utterly shocked to discover this evil website when I searched the history of the computer my wife uses. I have now changed the settings on the browser to block this dreadful filth for ever from my home. She has claimed it was just a once off but I’m not sure if I can trust her anymore.
Your wife is a human being you know?
“God” made everyone equal- so I don’t see why most extremist christian men on this website treat them as beneath you.
It is not up to you whether you can restrict anything she does, it is not up to you to think she is a liar, it is not up to you to support and insult this pinterest website because of misleading information. It is up to your God.
Best not to leave the apple of in her path …
You make no sense sugarplum…
It’s not evil, you’re a moron, this post is NOT real, do your freaking research, this was made to see reactions and is false. It’s your wife who shouldn’t trust you. Filth bag.
They don’t call it “social media” for nothing. It’s the social from socialist, socialist sex orgies like the one Strauss-Kahn engages in with impunity in France and provinces. No wonder it is full of Mormon “sister wives”, we all know what their “scrap-booking sororities” stand for. MUFF DIVING!
Praise Jesus, down with pinboard!
The “social” in “social media” has nothing to do with socialists…
Social Media: Social media are media for social interaction, using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques.
Socialist interaction, we are a Christian community, we don’t need “socializing” and “socialites”, that way lies sodomy and abominations before God.
You do relize you are “socializing” right now by just typing and talking with people on here…
The word “social” itself dosen’t have anything to do with “socialism”
You can call it that way, Leprechaun. I call it doing the work of the church.
How do you know what “Muff Diving” is? I had to google it…. hmmmm makes one wonder.
Do your research, this is a “reaction” getting post and isn’t real.
How do you know what “Muff Diving” is? I had to google it…. hmmmm makes one wonder.
Do your research, this is a “reaction” getting post and isn’t real, it was conducted to see how many truly believe what they read as well as peoples opinions on a post MADE to be purposely offensive. If you don’t know what you’re speaking of shut your trap.
So I was wondering if the creator of this post was some kind of want to be hidden sicko. First off any TRUE Christian does NOT judge others sins, because they know that is NOT their place as humans, and to go as far as condoning punishment buy spousal beating wouldn’t be suggested. These acts are PLAYING GOD (judgment & punishment.) That’s worse sin than said “whores”, remember when a certain angel tried to challenge God and wanted to play God himself? He was shot down to hell and now goes by Lucifer. So keep playing that game, you’ll be giving him company. If your wife is doing things you do not like encourage her to pray for guidance, because only God can tell her she’s wrong, only he can tell her how to live, not you, that wasn’t in your vows of marriage recited before God. Keep testing him, you’ll see what happens. I was also wondering if “Tyson” was a hidden chili-mo, aka child molester. I say this because, if the site Pintrest, was so bad, why would someone so “pure” want to investigate it so closely? DUH hidden agenda! Perve in the shadows. Exactly the person you WOULDN’T want leading youth groups. Growing up with my mother as a Correction Officer in CA, she has taught me traits offenders hold and this Tyson guy, total perv, sex addict, child molesting douche. Sadly churches, non profit organizations, ect. are the highest rated hiding places for these offenders. (True Story), and someone with this profound interest in sex, sends up the red flags. On the Pintrest topic, if you believed this you’re a moron. You don’t belong on the net at all if this one site is so offense. Sure there’s some perves that pin their nasty fetishes, SO DON’T SEARCH THEM! The greatest majority of the site is about healthy, cooking, books, inspirational quotes, jokes, fashion, and all things non whore related. If this one site was so bad due to a few “sour apples” then the entire internet should be off limits for every true Christian, (including all you in here getting your rocks off on this crap) being that almost ever other site known to man is 10x more offending. BY the way, as long as I’ve had a Pintrest account I’ve never once seen a sexual “pin”, I don’t go searching it. All sites are as bad as the person’s mind behind the keyboard, so if you’re nasty, you’ll go for nasty things, not the site’s fault. For those worried they’d lose their wives to this, how’s about you man up and keep here interested in you and don’t push her away with your crazy self. Sure it’s her sin in the end but who’s the real reason that sin even became an idea? Maybe the loser husband who can’t love her right, treat her right and make her happy in her marriage. (not just physical but spiritually and emotionally.) in the end you’re the man right so MAN UP and be a good man, a loser doesn’t deserve a good woman so you’ll never get one, even if you had one, she will change after time being worn down from your filth. That being said I find it interesting so many find this to be a real post and even more interesting how sick some people are unless they’re joking also. This site is made to see reactions, not as a true statement. It shows how sick and twisted some Christians minds are and some of you… just wow, have fun in hell. People like these jerks are who steer others away from God because they’re afraid to end up like that. God doesn’t miss anything, not only are you a prude sick twisted whack job, you’re preventing his children from coming to him. God help you on your judgment day… (pun intended).
The link below proves this is a hoax by the way.
Excuse me, can we say “sexist”!! “Obedient servant housewives”!!!!!????? Man now you REALLY pissed me off. And what’s that about a man working to pay off the mortgage? My dad is a good for nothing drop out! My mom works 8 hours a day at the crappiest job EVER, then goes to college nursing classes for another two hours, then spends as much time as possible studying while trying to cook dinner and run the house!!!!!!!!! You’ve got your facts wrong, in fact if any woman ever saw this they would slap you across the face faster that you could say “Amen”!!
LOL! the most hysterical website going! Thanks!!