Satan Enters Kings of Leon At Live Performance

It is sad to see when a Christian band sells their souls to the devil to become famous. The band Kings of Leon use to be a quite Christian rock band in Oklahoma, until they wrote their first “hit” called “Sex in Fire” which is a song about having sex in hell with a orgy of large milk sac’d devil whores. They knew if they channeled Satan, they would become popular with the kids. Since then, it has been nothing but drinking, having sex out of wed lock and writing more filth music. The blackening of the souls from selling it to the devil is catching up as you can see in this video. What is even sadder, is that the crowd is so brain washed by the bands devil must, they continue to cheer even when the music starts to mess up. The band is fumbling to find the right notes and the sassy lead singer’s voice is cracking like a 14 year old chorus boy. I feel bad for that young man, because he has a very chiseled look and would of been a great preacher.

96 thoughts on “Satan Enters Kings of Leon At Live Performance

    1. Steve

      Morality is doing right, no matter what you are told.
      Religion is doing what you are told, no matter what is right.

      H L Mencken

      Truth is my co-pilot!

      1. I heart Jesus

        That budding tree is truth, free will is gods wish and should be encouraged. Live your own life, be kind and stop preaching judgement

      2. Me

        If you knew the true God, you will find peace, joy and freedom. Come to know Jesus! He will show you the right moral way to live. ;’)

      3. Brenden

        Christianity isn’t a religion and you are never told what to do in christianity but then again u probably havent read the new testament at all before you throw out comments like that…dont beleive everything you hear actually go find out for yourself…if only u had a brain lol

      1. Me

        No joke…the music industry is full of those who sell their souls to the devil to gain the world’s riches. In return, they suffer an eternity of torment from demons. This is truth – and yes, many celebrities now admit they do this, including Jay Z, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Eminem…actually, most of the mainstream successful artists have done this. This is the sad reality. I pray that more would come to know the truth in Jesus, to stop being blinded by the media. Katy Perry was once a Christian artist, but it didn’t make her rich, so she sold her soul to the devil. She openly admitted this! But as God says, you cannot serve two masters, God AND money. But these artists want money as their god. That’s no way to live. Jesus is the only freedom!

      1. Me

        Are you serious?? These celebrities openly admit selling their soul – this stuff is REALITY! This is called truth! Something that happens is also known as truth! Stop denying God, and find out the truth of God instead of assuming He doesn’t exist! The proof is so obvious – please, don’t be blinded/brainwashed by the media…come to know what really happens in this world. The media is purposely designed to fool you, so the real truth is hidden. The devil is in control of the world system, to deceive and destroy people. Please, listen. Come to know Jesus – He will show you truth and freedom.

    2. Cele

      This video is altered. I was there, and their performance went perfectly fine. This site is a perfect example of extremists doctoring things for their own cause.

      …sad really. Put your bull horns down and live your own life according to whatever beliefs you’d like.
      …and let others lead theirs the same way.

    3. George Woolliss

      Wow i was at this concert, you have lied and deceived by editing this video which is a sin. Take a long hard look at your sad little life.

  1. Anon

    Hahahaha, very nice. I can’t tell whether this site is a joke or not, but either way, good job, made me laugh 😛

    Kings of Leon was never a christian band, ever. And that video is obviously fake, a joke. And Sex on Fire has nothing to do with hell or demons or an orgy.

  2. Herb Shallott

    They are from a religious family. And what on earth are “Molly’s Chambers” anyhow? And if it’s what I think they’re referring to, they should stick to just one chamber or risk the fires of hell.

    1. Tyson Bowers IIITyson Bowers III Post author

      herb, their song titles barf me as well. I even asked some of our interns about them, to see if it was street talk and they had no idea as well.

      1. Ty Bowers IV

        Geez dad, do those song titles “barf” you as bad as all that 4 Loko and Reeses Peanut Butter Cups did last night? Because that was pretty disgusting! Our maid, Consuela was cursing you something awful in Spanish. You’re lucky she can’t speak any more English other than “Yes Meester Tyson”, or else she’d report you and your “busy little hands” to the cops.

          1. Consuela

            Señor Tyson Bowers Tres, usted es un hombre muy malo! He sido su criada durante años. Te veo con tener relaciones homosexuales con todos los otros hombres. Te gusta especialmente los grandes hombres peludos negro con los penes gigantescos. Veo todo lo que haces en tu casa. Usted tiene un pene muy pequeño. A continuación, se intoxican y tratar de agarrar mis maletas leche. Un día voy a llamar a la policía en usted. No me importa si deciden que me deportan.

      2. Tyson Bowers III

        I’m sorry. I lied. I made this all up. We manipulated there performance.

        Here is there real performance:

        1. sligg

          I spent entirely too much time here.

          TBIII, you need to work on your literacy. Spanish AND English.

          Plus: full-grown adults running around looking for spooks! It would be funny if it weren’t so shameful.

          god: there’s nothing there! (except what’s in your mind).

      3. I heart Jesus

        Your life must really suck, being pissed off about music is comedy! Go take a walk, god might be waiting in that pile of winter debris or budding flower

        1. Me

          Why do you find it so hard to believe this is also a spiritual world? Please, open your ears and eyes to what is happening in the world. Everything God says is truth – because it happens. There is only one way to find true life and truth – Jesus. The world system is corrupt – influenced by the devil to deceive people into not believing in God. The world is getting more and more evil – and it is all predicted in Gods Word, that mockers will come in the last day. That is exactly what is happening now, when it never has been so bad before as it is now.

  3. Nancy

    You are all brainwashed & lead by a cult of sick minupulators that believe in is a false bedtime story to scare kinds to behave & a name that is misused daily to supposedly “spread goodness. You spread hate & ugliness by judging & degrading the name of success! The kings of leon NEVER claimed to be a CHRISTIAN band! If you were a true fan or ever listened to their other work you would know that. Do research & now facts before you smear someone’s name.

  4. chuck

    The Followill’s didn’t become a real band until they moved to Nashville with their mother,and the song Caleb wrote was called Sex ON Fire,he wrote it in hopes that a female he was dating in L.A. would think it was about her,so all the BS the writer put in the above piece is just that-BS!!get your facts before you write;as for Calebs voice is concerned,if I sang every night or so for two hours I would be speechless,it’s a hard job and nobody can do better.rock on KOL!!!

  5. Jerzzz

    Dude, I’m getting sick of all of these articles, you are making horrible assumptions based on genre, as i have said in previous comments, not all rock music is bad. Yes, I do agree that Sex On Fire is inappropriate, but not “evil” as you say. I do not believe Satan entered anyone’s hearts at all. And that song is just saying that he had a great time with his girl, not that they did it in hell!

    1. jlane

      this is def a joke site but they got us pretty fucking bad. everything on this is HILARIOUS and just is like those baptists/orwhateverchristianbranch that’s all like ‘god hates faggots’ and what not. great shit. the best part is the ppl that agree with this shit and dont know its a joke site..the biggest joke is on them lol

  6. Pingback: Coachella is a Festival of Disease and Sin. Your Children Most Likely Will Die. | ChristWire

  7. Darren

    This HAS to be a joke. It is so funny- I am literally belly laughing! Please someone confirm this is a joke. There’s no way that the author can actually be this stupid.

    Of course the Kings of Leon vid is a hilarious “shreds” fake- one of many. I’m still laughing! (Maybe Satan is laughing through me. HAHAHA)

    1. Me

      Why do you find it so hard to believe this is also a spiritual world? Please, open your ears and eyes to what is happening in the world. Everything God says is truth – because it happens. There is only one way to find true life and truth – Jesus. The world system is corrupt – influenced by the devil to deceive people into not believing in God. The world is getting more and more evil – and it is all predicted in Gods Word, that mockers will come in the last day. That is exactly what is happening now, when it never has been so bad before as it is now.

  8. Darren

    On another note, if this is real, then Mr. Tyson Bowers III, you’re just not a very bright person. I’d go as far as saying you’re on a level of ignorance that I have a hard time believing exists. My goodness, wake up already. You’re not getting any younger.

  9. Red

    The video you posted is called a “shred video”. It’s a video where the audio has been removed and replaced with someone recording terrible performances intentionally, or augmenting the original audio to make it sound like a very bad performance. It’s totally fake.

    So congratulations. You based your whole condemnation on a video that is not real. Just out there for entertainment, and all the while you, as other people have stated, spread not the gospel of salvation, but the gospel of hatred. Your blatant attempts to show the world how righteous you are, each and every time, makes you not appear righteous and closer to God than anyone else, but more and more like a babbling moron, both completely corrupt and morally bankrupt, as well as lacking an understanding of any aspect of the teachings of the Bible, as you’ve displayed time and time again that you aren’t just willing to judge everyone, but will judge outrageously in both frequency and extent.

    I’m tired of people like you. People like you are the reason we can not progress as a human race. Why scores of people ruin other people with indignant discrimination. People like you are the reason why more and more people, good people, are increasingly disillusioned with religion, and subsequently removing all forms of even spirituality from their lives, and becoming the people you are claiming you want to “save”. Based on the outlandish manure I’ve irrevocably consumed the last few hours reading, the last thing this world needs is your prescription of salvation.

    Because of people like you, I’ve been further and further removed from God. If he was really here, why would he spread this gospel, only for people like you to bastardize it? Why would he allow people like you to exist in the first place? I think it may be to test a different kind of temptation: the temptation to hate in the name of God. Well, I’d rather just remove myself from it, because people like you will never go away. And because of people like you, I swear on everything and anything sacred, people like YOU are the reason there are atheists, and why day to day it seems more logical and more right to be a good, moral upstanding person with absolutely no belief in any of your God. Good luck when your life ends. It should be interesting to see what happens.

  10. G. Colson

    your attempt at lying and brainwashing people is a little comical, reminds me of early WWII propaganda, good job you have ruined the chance of quite a few people ever turning to Christ, in the words ghandi – I like you’re Christ, not you’re christian they are not like you’re Christ at all.

    you guys are pathetic

  11. sligg

    I found the link to this website and the video on a craigslist forum. Of course I had to watch to see ‘what’s all the hub-bub?’
    There was a time when I was a christian. I spent an unhealthy amount of my life running around seeking out the demons and other satanic influences in the world, and I found ’em too. all over the place! ‘i got demons running all through me!’

    What did I learn?

    I learned that my mind created every bit of it!

    Just like your mind is doing now.

    jesus said ‘…seek and ye shall find…'(mat7:7). And he was right: you look hard enough, your mind can find any hobgoblin you want it to.

    There is no god… except in your mind.

    1. Me

      GOD IS REAL! Research and see what celebrities say…they openly admit selling their souls! Check it all out. The truth is what is in existence – God is reality, because what He says always comes true. All the Bible prophecies are proven facts (a fact is something that happens (recorded) and is reality in the world). Stop denying God with your own opinions, and find out the truth of God, instead of assuming He doesn’t exist!

      1. Jon

        Hey man, listen…I’m a fellow believer. I love Christ and He’s my everything, but you and I need to be careful in our presentation of the Gospel. If we are too overbearing then all we are accomplishing is giving people more reasons to hate God and all that we stand for. I appreciate what you’re initial heart desire was, but we all have to make sure we keep collected when we’re sharing what we know to be true. Think of how we react when people attack our beliefs and bombard us, we get defensive and don’t even want to think about a responsible debate. That’s how others are going to feel if you lay it on too thick, saying that most of secular musicians and celebrities are followers of Satan is not going to win hearts, it going to turn them away, if this is a topic God has truly laid upon your heart then by all means preach it, but you must be sure that your tone and words say to each reader “I am not your enemy” and must reflect the love and open arms that Christ showed to us for that is exactly what Christ wants of us, to love our neighbors as ourselves

  12. Ahlea

    LOL, is this a joke? All of this information is not only incorrect but the grammar is horrific. I’m sorry but this article makes Christians look really ignorant.

    1. Me

      No joke…the music industry is full of those who sell their souls to the devil to gain the world’s riches. In return, they suffer an eternity of torment from demons. This is truth – and yes, many celebrities now admit they do this, including Jay Z, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Eminem…actually, most of the mainstream successful artists have done this. This is the sad reality. I pray that more would come to know the truth in Jesus, to stop being blinded by the media. Katy Perry was once a Christian artist, but it didn’t make her rich, so she sold her soul to the devil. She openly admitted this! But as God says, you cannot serve two masters, God AND money. But these artists want money as their god. That’s no way to live. Jesus is the only freedom!

  13. DemonJesus

    Ok so a friend posted this sh!tbag’s article on Facebook and I’m SOOO glad she did! I haven’t had such a hardy laugh in a long time. I actually had to calm myself and dry up my tears before I could even get started on reading the many eloquently written posts made by others who found this as entertaining yet horrific as me.

    The funniest thing is the lack of participation from the writer. I guess when you’re really just full of it you know it and it makes this type of thing very difficult to defend.

    More on something previously posted… our minds are indeed the most powerful tool of creation ever conceived. The ability to reason allows us to find anything we want, to believe and “prove” anything, to be anything, to allow ourselves to feel good about anything. If you seek it you will always find it. If you believe it, it will be true.

    If all you do is look for sh!t you will live in a world of nothing but sh!t.

    I would like to express my most sincere thanks to the writer of this article as you have brought me a great laugh. At the same time, I feel for you and others like you… what a sad existence you reside in.

  14. DemonJesus

    Another thing…

    Attention Everyone! Yes, this is a joke, only Tyson Bowers III is not aware of it.

    Yes… this does indeed make it even more funny!

  15. Ray

    It is very sad people make up stuff like this, hereby the reason why people hate christians because of religious sick people… Deffenetly not what Jesus intended. So dissapointig…
    Being a Christ follower in not about religion but showing people what he came to earth and gave his life as the greatest show of LOVE not to waiste time on crap lime this when there’s actually people out there dying without knowing there’s actually someone who loves them just the way they are

    1. sligg

      Nope. Not quite.
      As long as you number yourself among the believers, YOU are just as dumb as the moron running this website.

      god exists only in your mind, and when you latch on to the concept, your mind generates the same mumbo-jumbo as we see here.

      There is no god.

      1. Jon

        hey man, easy goes it, let me explain to you what keeps me believing in God when I have nothing left. The universe got here somehow, two options: a tiny particle smaller than atom called a cosmic egg exploded and somehow managed to create the ENTIRE UNIVERSE, or God did. Now let me give you an analogy what if i told you that the Mona Lisa was not painted by Da vinci but that what actually happened was that i went back in time (please ignore the time travel piece and hear out the moral of the analogy, don’t be that guy), built a wearhouse, filled it up with every shade of color i would need for the mona lisa, put an eisle in there and then tossed a frag grenade in there and then somehow the explosion made each color land where it needed to be in the perfect shade, and place and thats how the mona lisa was created. You would say i was out of my mind( once again ignore the time travel piece and stick with me here lol:)) and that there is such a minute chance of that happening that it was nearly impossible. and so after explaining my little spiel i ask you what do you think created the mona lisa, a grenade or an artist who took time to carefully perfect his masterpiece? i would hope you would respond the artist;) if not maybe there are some other things we need to discuss haha. now think of the universe, it is INFINITELY more complicated than a painting could EVER be, and yet so many of us choose to believe that by some happy coincidence a cosmic “frag grenade”, if you’ll accept the jargon, created the universe. A

        1. Jon

          grenade, mind you, that no one was even around to pull the pin on, it just exploded on its own. in addition, the materials or “paints” weren’t even there. So i’ll ask you again, what makes more sense to you, a grenade or an artist? we as humans know that pieces of work and projects always have a creator, a house needs a carpenter, etc. etc. why is the universe any different? why should the universe, the most complicated creation of all not have a creator? Either choice takes faith, faith is believing what cannot be 100% proven, i will not lie to you and say that God can be 100% proven, but then again, what can be proven 100%? Heck, our history books for own country which is only a little over 2 centuries old gets revised constantly, so we definately cannot speak for what definately did or did not happen however many years ago at the universe’s beginning. Its all of matter of choice my friend, its your life, and i won’t force this down your or anybody’s throat cuz that wont make a difference anyways, for forced belief isnt belief at all. It’s your choice, Artist or grenade? think about it

  16. annee

    First of all your facts are not straight. Caleb Followill is a devout christian and doesn’t want to have sex until married, he says it himself, the song was about his needs and what he imagines it to be like. Secondly Nathan Followill is married and has sex when ever he pleases with his WIFE. Thirdly, your preaching is not going to help those ears that may be deaf, you are using God as a sword and not as a shield. Besides that YOU ARE JUST PLAIN WRONG, the bible states: Who are you to judge someone else’s servant? To their own master, servants stand or fall. And they will stand, for the Lord is able to make them stand. Romans 14:4. You are judging him dear sir, and not helping him.

    1. Tyson Bowers IIIIce Van Winkle Post author

      “Nathan Followill is married and has sex when ever he pleases with his WIFE.”

      Exactly, probably a fine god fearing woman who keeps her mans needs satisfied no matter what her own personal selfish desires are. Good for you Anne!

  17. Steve

    Morality is doing right, no matter what you are told.
    Religion is doing what you are told, no matter what is right.

    H L Mencken

    TRUTH is my co-pilot!

  18. Avalon

    Wow? Kings of Leon bein possessed in this video?

    YOU ARE so POSSESSED with your own ideas and religion that you FAIL to see what is REAL and what is just a joke..

    Heres a link to the official video:

    There you will find that this act never did fail.

    1. Kari

      I KNEW it!!! Beyond the fact that the author can’t spell for heck, I watched this video and my first reaction was “FAAAAAAKEEEE”! Thanks for posting the real video! I LOVE Kings of Leon.

      By the way, Tyson Bowers, the name of the song is “Sex ON Fire” as in, “Man, that sex was really good! You were on fire in there! Good job!” LMAO!

      This site is ridiculous. Written, edited, and moderated by uneducated hicks.

  19. Callum

    This is just hilarious. You have actually lost your mind to the point where all your words from this day forth have been considered stupid before you say them.
    You obviously know nothing about the band, or anything in particular so best to keep your dumbass opinions to yourself…
    Can someone shut this Judas website down…

  20. Pingback: Coachella is a Festival of Disease and Sin. Your Children Most Likely Will Die. « CanadasRock 95.1 – 100.7

  21. Satan

    You know, before I used to believe in God, but it’s people like this that bring me to see it’s foolishness and seriously, a preacher?
    Do the world a favor, and shut the fuck up, you are so stupid.

  22. Laffy-Taffy

    Wow – I don’t know what was worse, the poorly written article or the incompetence of the musicians. Are you guys sure this isn’t

  23. Dog Wars

    you guys know that the video of kings of leon is a “shreds” video. IE- not actually them playing, right?

  24. Chani

    Uh dude, it’s “Sex On Fire” not “In”
    Also, god doesn’t exist, you’re wasting your time and nobody cares about you or anything you’ll ever do. Ok?

    1. Me

      This stuff is considered normal to celebrities – selling their soul for fame. And yes, it is real. Do your research, and be open to find out truth. Stop assuming ‘it’s a lie…God doesn’t exist’ attitude and find out what really happens in this world. Don’t be fooled by the media. Everything God says in His Holy Word is proven fact – because all He says actually happens. This is called truth. The Bible is like a full reference to life. That is what makes the Bible stand out, and what makes it different from other religions. There is only one truth and one way – His name is Jesus Christ. He will show you the truth, and you will find freedom in the truth, because then, your eyes will be opened ;’)


    Mexicanos sucios? VETE A LA VERGA PINCHE SACERDOTE TU ERES EL QUE TE VAS AL DIABLO, estupido ignorante imbecil eres malvado y el mundo seria mejor si te matarias.

      1. DamareKonoYaro~!

        I don’t really care about Kings of Leon, so I won’t say anything about that. What I want to know is:

        What have you got against Mexicans? I don’t get it.

  26. Tony Ryany8ib

    All i have to say is why do you find it necessary to degrade a band for enjoying the “god given” right of playing music…

    You are pathetic for splicing a clip like this..

    All i got

  27. Pingback: Οι Φάλτσοι Kings Of Leon, να καούνε στα καζάνια της κολάσεως! |

  28. Jenny

    This post is hilarious. I’ve never done drugs, was at Coachella this weekend, and saw this performance. This video was clearly doctored. That is not what they sounded like.

  29. Melissa

    It’s pretty pathetic that you have to lie to your “followers” about the truth….as the post before me states, it is CLEAR that the KOL video was doctored.

    I’ve been to Coachella FOUR, count that FOUR times and am still alive to tell the tale. SERIOUSLYYYYYY, get a life or burn in hell for your lies.

  30. mike

    I don’t see how or where the devil is present in this band. All I see are performers who messed up. So to Christ Wire (being my first time visiting the site), I have to side with those who say this site is satire. There is nothing praiseworthy to the name of Jesus here, nor any evidence of Satan.

    To the rest of us, look more closely at the chain of comments. This article looks like news, but really it is only accusatory. That said, there are far more comments of personal attack on one another than there are about the invalidity of this article.

    If any of us are taking the time to read articles here or spend time at this website, why not spend a few minutes investigating the presence of the Holy Spirit within the lives of the people who created this site. Test them to see if there is a genuine desire to honor the Living God whose story is told in the Bible. Then determine for yourselves if the information present here is of value or as you claim, hate.

  31. anon

    mr.tyson bowers, your a blind senile ignorant old man. if you had the lord in you, you would not be so quick to judge (festivals or hard working bands) can you play intruments in front of thousands of people flawlessly? no. thats why your a lowly bitter “pastor” i wouldnt trust you to lead anyone.

    and what man of god responds to someone saying “Mexicanos sucios” aka dirty mexicans. choke on a scripture prick.

  32. justin

    Ahahah. Oy my gawd. Um your link to the video and the devil possesing him. Isnt even real. Thats not the real audio. HAHAHAHAHA.

  33. Lilian Mary

    I agree. This band does sound satanistic these days. It is really disgusting to see what they are doing in order to make money. I seriously doubt they have a soul left after what they did. So yes, they have sold their souls to the devil. It is awful to see men vitimize women in such a hateful and satanistic way. The whole thing is sick. Of course young people who have no social issues are unlikely to be inclined to listen to that kind of garbage. But people who have no more values anyway will love to acquire the sick content of this band´s message. Certainly lots of women will want to use men too, having listened to that kind of music. And yet I more worried about endless amounts of unwanted children that will be caused by raping males, who listened to that kind of hateful, sick satanistic music and “ravished” “devil whores”, or in other words confused girls and women, who also listen to satanistic music. I am also worried about endless amounts of girls and women who are hopelessly drunk or drugged at such parties and “used” (as these songs tell men to act that way) by fans of that sick music. Of course many of them will be pregnant. Again unwanted children will be the outcome. This music is ruining so many people´s lives. So many women and girls will end up being sexually abused and raped. So many unwanted children will be the outcome of it. So many girls and women will be morally deprived to an extent that they themselves will be unable to have sexual intercourse with anybody else but a stranger who makes them drunk or drugs them. And lots of these women and girls will have “drug babies”. Have you ever heard drug babies cry? It sounds like sounds from hell – I can assure you of that. These satanistic bustards really are causing hell on earth.

  34. Ryan

    This thread, post, and web site is ignorance at its worst. First off, there were no orgies at Coachella this year, nor rapes. Sure there was drugs but what concerts or raves doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the music and have fun. People were loving, caring, and had compassion. Satan entering the lead singe, come one. I’m pretty sure Satan has better thing to do. that what demons are for. If he did enter the lead singer you think the performance would of been better considering him selling his soul. There were honest people there at Coachella that returned wallets with money still in it. So much for you degradation of hell theory. Leave your naive rants to yourself next time you try to destroy the music scene.

  35. Pete

    1. This is complete bullshit, they’re still Christian.
    2. Sex on Fire is a whole lot of different then Sex in Fire, because in Fire can refer to hell, but on Fire just means it is good. He has saved himself for marriage, so he wrote it of other reasons.
    3. Your video is a fake one man. People messed with it. To put this online is really tragic.

  36. tattudechick

    I actually don’t know where to start, you’re a very small minded disgusting person who has a site dedicated to hating people for no other reason than they are different or have different beliefs to you. I can’t actually believe how happy I am to say I don’t believe anything near what you believe. You’re a racist, a woeful excuse for a human. It’s true that if you can’t respect others then you can’t respect yourself. What could possibly have happened to you to make you so hateful and aweful a person.

    Kings of Leon are one of if not the best band of our generation, so what’s your problem with them? I’d say you’re just a jealous pr**ck from some backwater who has nothing better to do than spout evil words and try to disguise it as the word of the lord!!! If there was a lord up there watching down he wouldn’t have petty little men like you spreading his word, come on like, be honest with yourself.

    Yeah you’re right the whole band make great preachers, their music has touched the souls of millions of people and made them happy. I saw them at Oxegen in Ireland and it was one of the best gigs of my life. I’d rather listen them make me happy than you try to make me like you a shameless soulless person.

    Oh yeah and I’m sure there are a million copyright laws being broken here……..

  37. Pingback: Coachella is a Festival of Disease and Sin. Your Children Most Likely Will Die. | Memoirs of Tyson Bowers III

  38. Me

    No joke…the music industry is full of those who sell their souls to the devil to gain the world’s riches. In return, they suffer an eternity of torment from demons. This is truth – and yes, many celebrities now admit they do this, including Jay Z, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Eminem…actually, most of the mainstream successful artists have done this. This is the sad reality. I pray that more would come to know the truth in Jesus, to stop being blinded by the media. Katy Perry was once a Christian artist, but it didn’t make her rich, so she sold her soul to the devil. She openly admitted this! But as God says, you cannot serve two masters, God AND money. But these artists want money as their god. That’s no way to live. Jesus is the only freedom!


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