6 thoughts on “Tyson’s Comics – How To Count Illegals

  1. Millenium

    errr what ?? by the way why you change Juan by Jaun ???

    and you came saying I don,t even know how to spell after that ?

      1. Millenium

        yeah since I’m not “american” ( hell I’m from North american so technically I AM american”

        I’m a heathen yet I don’t wages wars I don,t kill people for greediness or angriness

        I’m not racist not sexist not Homophobic yet I’m not in the “righteousness”

        seriously you should stop this Joke because it’s not even funny anymore the repercussion could be Bigger than you think

  2. TeamFortress2 ForEver

    Wait, is this comic supposed to be about MEXICANS?

    I thought those guys were U.S. citizens, they sure look like it!


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