29 thoughts on “Bryan Blake’s Guide to Common Teen Internet Sex Slang – #-B

  1. Blanche Beecham

    This teen slang has just become too much like Ebonics.

    I’d like to bounce a Rosetta Stone of the person that invented this slanguage.

      1. Kristoffer

        Looks like Bryan missed one. I’ll have to research this “swag” on my own time, but I’m afraid of what I’ll find.

      2. The Franchise

        You should try making your bed or making good grades instead of making these gross and disgusting slang terms you kids think are cool…you are not fooling anyone with this anime_luver.

      1. Kristoffer

        That’s what you liberals want us to think, but this article is a handy guide to your debauchery!

        “:-* is a kiss”. A kiss to what part of the body, might I ask? Bryan revealed that it was “a male offering oral sex to a female.” Clearly, that can be described as a “kiss” to the female genitalia!


        1. Pebrocks The Atheist

          No, it’s a kiss. A regular kiss. But you Christians always want to make some innocent into something homosexual or in this case: sexual.

  2. Pebrocks The Atheist

    I have only heard of one or 2 of thoses, and BRB does not mean that. It means “be right back”.

  3. Stephenson Billings

    I can’t tell you how exciting this is. It’s so well produced and has that great sepia antique look which gives it an air of authenticity and authority. Bryan is truly fully involved in this effort. I love how he throws himself into work. I hope this spreads all over Youtube. It really is that powerful.

  4. jesuschristsalvationmagic

    I just checked my son’s phone today and I saw that he had used the term “Brb” multiple times in conversations with his friends, church mates, and even cousins. I am disgusted as his homosexual behavior to say the least. I confronted him and he assures me that he is straight and that this is a misunderstanding. What should I do?

    1. Tom

      What should you do? Well here are some suggestions.

      Take your head and boil it.
      Learn what these acronyms actually mean.
      Listen to your son, didn’t you raise him better than to lie? If not, shame on you.
      Learn that the whole world does not revolve around a person’s sexuality.
      Kill yourself.

      There you go. Five helpful suggestions.

    2. The Franchise

      You may want to start him an account here at Christwire so he can see we are aware of the things these confused children do and also he can learn about other perils that the writers here make us all aware of.

      1. NeutralChristian

        What is it with these ‘journalists’ or whatever you want to call them. Why do you all have to make everything have a gay or racist undertone, harshly rebuke the person, than three days later you include something more dimwitted and offensive than what you condemned the original poster for.

  5. Not goth, just quiet

    Man you’re all idiots not the smart ones using the brains god gave you but the idiots who follow Tyson and drool over every lie he gives. My MOM uses those, so does my aunt, my uncle, my grandma, and nearly everyone else I know. Tyson, I say this because you’re and idiot, get your facts straight. BRB!!!


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