Foster the People – A New Homo Gay Agenda Propaganda Hipster Band

Foster the People is an emo pop punk band from Canada who have illegally crossed the borders into Los Angeles to spread their Peter Pan, homo induced diddies. Their music is full of electro BPMs that any drugged out welfare living hipster could tap their $300 shoe covered toes to.

Foster means “Encourage or promote the development of” and this is what they are doing. They are fostering the homo gay agenda onto the youth with their anti God, anti baby and anti safe sex music. Now I dunno about you, but I stay clear of gay anal fornicators and anyone who finds it pleasurable to demon whack their male Latin lover’s sin snake on a Sunday afternoon. I suggest you do the same and keep your children away from these skinny tied and bed head fairy foreigners.

To show you how gay each band member is, they make sure to use the cellular phone app “FourSquare” to let their fans know when they check into the “gym” or also know as “gay bath houses”, so they can promote their sexual masochistic flesh candy bag dipper actions on social networking band widths. This makes kids think they also need to goto the “gym” (gay sex dungeon) and “beef up” (have anal gay sexual sessions) with a “spotter” (older gay man or also known as a bear).

These ass assassins all have the typical hipster pseudo names, I mean look at these “handles”, Mark Foster, Mark Pontius and Cubbie Fink. They are so uncreative, that two guys used the same name. Must be some type of homosexual ass honey game or this is how you can tell who the two “fem” members are in this tri-sexual tryst of a band. Cubbie is also a gay term meaning “Cub” (a none hairy gay) and “Bie” which means “Backdoor insert erection”.

“Mark Foster” first named the group “Foster” (again, this is a display of the gay ego, naming your “band” after yourself), but the Canadian gay underground scene didn’t think it was hip enough. Most hipster music groups need to have the words “the”, “kings”, “black” and need to have at least 3 words, so Mr. Foster decided to change it to “Fister the People”, but knew parents would catch on too quickly, so he renamed it to “Foster the People”.

Now with their first album Torches (which is a Canadian term used to describe a anal sin docking position in the underground gay world) out, they have been able to spread their high pitched female voiced disco music across the liberal American airwaves.

Let us look at some of their songs from their sex dipped electric album.

“Pump Up Kids”

“Robert’s got a quick hand”
The song starts out with talking about a homosexual self sexing himself and then jumps into this lyrical sex novel:
But he’s coming for you, yeah he’s coming for you.

All the other gays pumping up kid you’d better run, better run, faster than my bullet
The song talks about them shooting semen bullets at youngsters who are trying to get away from their homosexual raping extravaganza

Now this next jumble of sick man on man erotic just goes over the link:
Daddy works a long day.
He be coming home late, yeah he’s coming home late.
And he’s bringing me a surprise.

Why would you want your kids to listen to a song that is promoting a sexual relationship with their own father? I know gays are twisted and are missing a few genes, but this type of behavior is criminal. Do gays now think it is “a hot item” to have fathers forcing themselves onto their children?

“Helena Beat”

The name has a secret meaning once you break it down. Helena, if broken down turns into “hell-in-yea. So in reality this song is about beating hell into your children. Let us look at some of the Satanic lyrics.

Sweep u all up on a corner and pay for my bread
We all know Jesus is the bread of life and here they are telling kids to pay with their souls to become famous and rich and to sweep Jesus into a corner.

You know that I cannot believe my own truth
Here the gargantuously gay singer is admitting that he knows gay is wrong and that what he is doing goes against God, but he rather swim in Satan’s pleasure pond of sin and anal seductions.

I took a sip of something poison but I’ll hold on tight.
They are talking about when Eve took a bite of the apple and is telling your children to defy God and take a bite of Satan’s sweat nectar of sin and become a servant of Satan.

You know those days when you wanted to choose
Here they are telling your children to choose the gay lifestyle.

276 thoughts on “Foster the People – A New Homo Gay Agenda Propaganda Hipster Band

  1. August Weisz

    I heard this band promotes the self-cutting of the flesh that the Emu’s like to do. Why do parents allow this kind of music to continue? We need to get more government protection from these kinds of things.

      1. christ defiler

        you guys are ignorant closed minded fucks, seriously, why do you put others down like that? is it because you are so depressed because you havent done anything with your pathetic lives and want to hatee on others because they are doing what they love? PRAISE SCIENCE

        1. Joey Delgado

          Dude, i’m sorry but you got things twisted. This whole blog is stupid, demeaning, and just a reason for you to spread stupid lies about what you believe. It’s people like you that give religion a bad name. you don’t respect others ideas, you slander others names for the praise of yours, you twist things out of context for self gratification, and you don’t support that which you don’t understand. Basically, the way you put this can be translated that others can do the same thing. So your saying that by a father telling their son that he loves them, that he wants to fornicate them and that he’s gay??? your ignorant. Learn to respect others. Jesus loved EVERYONE!!! EVERYONE!!! No sin is greater than the next, all are equal. Also, judge not least ye be judged. think about that the next time you call someone a “queer” or a “fag” or that they are “hell-bent”. Music is a form of expression, get used to it, sir.

      2. Alex

        Wait I can’t tell is the author serious about this stuff? Hahaha if so his analysis skills are poor at best. Pumped up kicks is about school shooting not homosexuality.

        1. Randall

          Thank you. Someone actually has some facts, this song has nothing to do with homosexuality.

          Plus they are not from Canada… love how this article tries to drag us go ol’ canucks through some made up homo mud. This article is a joke, if it’s supposed to be serious.

          But i’m not surprised given the forum that it’s been posted in.

          1. stumble

            were you wondering? the reviewer is being totally serious. I love that there’s so many smart people like you on the internet.

        2. Kaylie

          Actually its about a guy named Robert who went to the West-roads mall and shot 9 people including him self. Not trying to be rude just saying.

      3. samantha

        this is wrong, it has nothing to do with gay people the song pumped up kicks is actually about a shooting that happen in 2007 at a mall nothing about semen.

      4. Carol

        OMG are you kidding this is the best music of all its says hit the paw up on a corner and pay for my rent you are deaf dude this is the best music ever!!!

      5. Norman888

        this isn’t real there are actual meanings behind this music Mark Foster isn’t gay they support the lgbtq but they don’t do s*** like this. This guy just has a messed up mind who is putting an innocent group in a fucked up place. Pumped up kicks has a different meaning to it, it was based off of Nevada shooting and they actually helped out with that. I don’t know what the fuck this dudes looking up online but this is completely unacceptable

    1. Captain Obvious

      “I heard this band promotes the self-cutting of the flesh that the Emu’s like to do”
      Those damn birds are all out to commit suicide!

      “We need to get more government protection from these kinds of things.”
      Aren’t you against more government regulations?

      1. TokioHotel.BOTDF.Lauren

        Haha. Yeah! The Emo Emu rules! Heh. I don’t need an emu to tell me where to put the razor.

      2. August Weisz

        Yes, we need smaller government and fewer regulations. Except when it comes to pornographic filth like this. When we bring out troops home, we should turn them loose on these atheistic Satanists.

        1. TokioHotel.BOTDF.Lauren

          Atheists do not worship a deity. Satanist worship Satan. So ‘atheistc Satanists’ is an oxymoron, August

          1. TokioHotel.BOTDF.Lauren

            Yo no creo que haya sido un error tipográfico. Él lo ha hecho antes en varias ocasiones.

          2. Etrius


          3. cathexes

            What do you mean “He likely meant “atheists and Satanists.” ? Are you going to tell me what I mean too?

            This is just some diatribe of ones own opinion. You’re having to break it down pretty far just to make your point and this makes you different from this band how?

        2. Joshua

          have you actually ever heard foster the people anywhere other than this site???…I’ll say only one more thing…don’t believe everything you hear..this site is as flamingly gay as the person who wrote this…it’s obvious all these accusations to this band are merely a reflection of what they want for their own fantasies

        3. Peter

          pornographic filth? dude, this is the sort of shit i listen to if i feel bummed out. do you not hear that beat? did you not watch the video? i gotta buy their CD so that i can get some more feel good tunes onto my itunes! oh, and i’ll watch my choice of words in the future. “bummed out” may not be the best thing to write when there’s people out there who actually think its possible to make someone gay.

        4. Dave

          Wow! You people are NOT conservative. True conservatives would not want government interfering in the music industry. You are the morons who give conservatism a bad name. Conservative means government getting out of the private sector.

          I think this site has to be a liberal joke. The people here are liberal stereotypes of what conservatives are…if not, you are a bunch of closet cases.

        5. Chris

          Try reading the lyrics…. there is nothing about sex or prono. If there was, use quotes from the song that tells us this instead of you changing the words into your own twisted mind.

        6. josh

          Well I hate to say but you saying that pretty much damned yourself to hell for breaking one of the 10 commandments you a “Christian” certainly know not of our lord.

    2. amanda


      1. Carol

        hahahahahaha dude you made my day is so true this is the best band ever , the author of this website doesnt have a life that his making out things of FTP

    3. Emily

      Mark Foster is from Ohio . . . and “Pumped up Kicks” is to raise awareness about teen suicides and shootings. Please check your information before slandering someones name. Also, it is illegal to post untrue facts that disgrace the name of someone. How’s that for government regulation.

      1. atoms

        very puzzling of your observations.where did you get your info. I have actualy met cubbie fink and the only thing we talked sbout was surfing in Austrailia while they were on tour. And the musical arraingment of their keyboards and synhtisizers.Thy were not drunk or obnoxious at there concert. I did not see any flaming gays at the show.just a bunch of screaming girls.please enlighten me on where you got your info.i have read and listend to there music .I just dont hear or see what you see. but just in case you did not know it evil is all around.And CHRIST IS RISEN

      2. Kate

        Cubbie is married and both Marks have girlfriends so how are they gay? And if they were is that a bad thing?

        We live in a democratic society and it’s idiots like you who ruin society for the rest of us.

        You are completely misinterpreting the whole basis of the band an their songs just because you want something to criticise.

    4. Abby

      More government protection from MUSIC as opposed to government protection from poverty, family planning, and union rights (just to name a few)? This is ridiculous.

    5. Gayson Blowers III

      I find it more disturbing that the author seems so familiar with the gay stuff. He seems way gayer than the gays in Foster the People.

      I’ve also deciphered what the author’s name means:
      Gayson Blowers III = Tyson Bowers III
      (the “III” means he can take 3 dicks at once)

    6. GiftedGods

      Another point I would like to add… Have you heard of the Do Good Bus? It promotes doing charity work in every place the band plays. It tours alongside with the band, making a difference in every community. This band is more than just about their selves and is focusing on making a difference in the world so early in their career. They have gained fame so fast, and have already started a way to give back, investing their own money in the cause. Part of the band is a religious christian, and one member is married. This is not a satanic band, but one who truly believes in LOVE conquering all. These are down to earth people who are just living their lives through their music and passion. They are family oriented and soo giving and nice. I have met with their affiliates and they are nothing but kind. these people have lived in third world countries and have been doing community work for years. I hope this Do Good Bus continues to grow, and gets picked up by more artists and will continue to grow in size, charity, love, community and giving back. These people are so not jaded. It’s sad you think they are influencing people for the worst. Truth is they have spread more love than your close-minded, judgmental view. Expand your mind, and embrace your soul… seek kindness in yourself and let go of all the hate, only then will you know inner peace… which I truly hope you find.

    7. Christian Killer

      Are you people for real. There is virtually no truth in even the basic facts such as where they are from…
      If you are wondering why this nation and world are in deep shit, take a look in your mirror. FUCKING ASS

    8. kelli

      Spell correctly and then judge. Oh by the way i do recall it’s “judge thy self” not do what your wierd pastor said and hate. Why don’t you get it, evil feeds off hate and ignorance. Please don’t do that.

    9. Alice Boyce

      um actually Pumped Up Kicks is about any young boy that is about to explode with anger. “Robert’s got a quick hand” refers to robert’s quick hand with a gun. “he’s looking round’ the room he won’t tell you his plans got a rolled ciggerette hanging out his mouth he’s a cowboy kid, found a six-shooter gun in his dad’s closet in a box of fun things I don’t even know what but he’s coming for you yeah he’s coming for you” refers to the fact that robert has accquired a gun and he is coming after you. “all the other kids with the pumped up kicks you better run better run outrun my gun” refers to the fact that perhaps robert is very angry with kids that teased him about being poor…? therefore he couldn’t afford literally the “pumped up kicks” that everybody else wore. Daddy works a long day, hes coming home late yeah he’s comin home late” means that his father is never around, perhaps he is abusive and that is why robert is so angry besides the bullying problems. “dinner’s in the kitchen and it’s packed in ice.” his dinner is a frozen tv dinner. “i reason with my ciggerette. i said your hair’s on fire you must of lost your wits yeah” this means that robert is literally talking to his ciggarette. “your hair’s on fire” is talking about the flaming tip of the cigarrete. it has absolutely nothing to do with whatever you’re trying to brainwash people with so just shut up and stop trying to spread your anti-gay retarted bullshit propoganda pollution across the web.

    10. Becca

      An emu is a large flightless bird. I was unaware that they enjoyed self-cutting their flesh. I thought we were all upset about emos. Thanks for clearing that up though. I’ll steer clear of those satanic animals.

    11. Tommy

      You’re a complete idiot.
      This band is amazing and has nothing to do with homosexuality. You’re twisting the words to make yourself feel better. Disgusting piece or worthless shit.

      I’m gay.
      Come get me, bitch.

    12. reality check

      this artical is meant to troll both the ignorant and knowledgable…i watched family guy when i was 13-18 but iv grown up since…every song on this album has too much meaning to be a made into a joke..i dont care about your different opinions i am religious and the fact they are not a christian band confuses me because they send the exact message of a christian that does not judge and much more that i cant put into words right now..or maybe its the point of not declaring yourself a christian but living it

    13. Nothating

      You do realize those aren’t the right lyrics right? The songs called pumped up kicks and it’s about the Columbine School shooting. Jacob “Cubbie” Fink had a relative who was a survivor of that shooting. Please look it up. I don’t want these lies to hurt the band. Not to mention Jacob is married to a woman. And Mark Foster is from Ohio not Canada.

  2. Reaven

    Wow, you guys are really smoking some good crack aren’t you? Please tell me that this site is a joke.

    1. ILikeTurtles

      I agree completely, did you see when the idiot was focusing on the lyrics and wrote this…?

      “Daddy works a long day.
      He be coming home late, yeah he’s coming home late.
      And he’s bringing me a surprise.”
      Why would you want your kids to listen to a song that is promoting a sexual relationship with their own father? I know gays are twisted and are missing a few genes, but this type of behavior is criminal

      The dumbass that wrote this article should stop using pages from the bible for rolling papers and learn what this song is ACTUALLY about. This is reason enough as to why I don’t follow religion.

  3. Marcela Achcar

    Oh Canada! Land of the godless, homosatanic and liberals! We can’t stand this neighbor and its bad influences on our holy nation anymore! I think we should colonize Canada and spread our godly values to those lost and sinful people.

    1. the atheist one

      Oh America. Land of the fundamentalist, douchebags, and godly hypocrites. You try to attack us, you have the whole un (including china and great britiain) defending canada in a heartbeat. i PERSONALLY will see to it that anyone who tries to take our beautiful land by force will get a BULLET IN THEIR HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Peter

      lost and sinful people? u do know what Canada’s known for, right? not to mention there’s like four or five churches in and around my home town so we can’t be that godless. the only real difference between Canada and America is that somewhere along the line our government realized that a country is only as strong as its weakest citizens, and there’s a lot less things that scare us… or maybe it’s just that the things that scare us are worth being scared of? we legalized gay marrage, have socialized healthcare, and created a social safety-net capable of giving its citizens the freedom to try and fail without ending up in a cardboard box. ps, we kicked ur ass in 1812 and i don’t think a rematch would be any different.

    3. victor

      the godless i see this is coming from a country that allows first cousin marriages in 26 states whos the inbreed mother fuckers now. grab a fucking life
      if you were so christian which means christ like
      then you would be thoughtful, caring and supportive
      to the indifference and embrace thy brother and sister

  4. Bill Murray

    I was beginning to like this song, but after reading this article, I’m convinced it’s just gay commie rhetoric used to brainwash our children and turn them into homo ass pounders who worship Satan and smoke drugs. I wouldn’t be worried about Canada, but this is a clear infiltration of those damn slant eyed, godless Chinese.

    I guess I better go cut my dick off and shove hot spikes into my ears for having listened to this and having been aroused by their demonic songs of witchcraft and homosex.

    Till Next Time,

      1. Peter

        wait… when in the hell did the chinese get here? i know Toronto’s supposed to have a lot of chinese people in china town but i’m pretty sure that’s not the point ur trying to make.

  5. Philipp

    Ok, USA a holy nation? Are you serious?
    By the way, the coments are saying “we need to stop that music, that should be illegal and blabla”. Ever heard about freedom? People like you pull the all world back. You all keep saying are talking in the name of God, but i just see a lot of stupid senseless posts making stupid senseless fathers fuck up with their son’s life. You all should really think WHO are the persons going against God’s law, of love and respect. See you all in hell!

    1. Stan the Satirist

      Of course the ol’ US of A is a holy nation. Unroll that dollar bill that you are using to snort your cocaine son, and notice that our money says “In God We Trust”. We have absolute trust in our lord and savior, and he has blessed this great nation. Ergo, the USA is a blessed and holy nation.

      Don’t you tell me about freedom boy. Freedom doesn’t mean allowing a man to fornicate with another man via anal sin docking, nor is it allowing non-athletes to lovingly slap another man’s rear.

      Freedom is about having the freedom to praise God in 1 of many predetermined ways including going to Church, singing about Jesus, or posting inciteful comments on, your internet source for the word of God.

      You’ve also made a mistake son, and I’d like to make it clear for you. Jesus preached love and respect, while God is vengeful, angry and almighty. Clearly, you have not read the bible, for you would know that Jesus (kindness), is sacrificed by his father (God), so that the sinners (everyone else), can have the Freedom to worship him and be saved. These Canadians are clearly pouring their watered down piss-like-beer on the headstone of Jesus in disrespect, and must be stopped before angering our almighty God.

      1. Captain Obvious

        Then if inciteful comments are the order of the day, I shall incite as much as I can!

        Asians are the Master Race, not Europeans/Aryans! Christianity is a plot by the Christian Church to rape little children! Stevenson Billings is a convicted pedophile in 17 states and 4 countries! Abe is gay! Blanche is the reincarnation of Shameful!

      2. Philipp

        Ohh now i see, i’m talking to persons who really thinks God, is like a “badboy”… No arguments anymore, people like you, can’t understand. But, that is one of your rights, be ignorant.

      3. Peter

        First off, there’s plenty of holy nations. in fact, i’m pretty sure there’s two out east warring over the promise land so i think they’ve got your “in god we trust” trumped. now i’m not arguing that America isn’t blessed or anything, but God gives miracles to those who are worthy and deserve it, and not to those who demand it. it is my belief that if you run your country the way you believe is right then God will be there, but the moment you campain on “we are infalable, God is on our side”, your sure to fall on ur ass.

        next, freedom is about a man being able to fornicate with another man. why? because its a choice. freedom is about making a choice in doing what you believe to be morally and ethically right. freedom is about being able to choose to worship God sunday morning and banging a guy sunday night. i wouldn’t do that later personally, but at least i have the right to choose for myself.

        and one final thing as a closing note. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. according to my internet sources that’s from john 3:16. good luck with your vengeful and angry god!

  6. jowy

    Lol u need to bash on canada now pitiful from dumbass people who likes to get sodomized and lie all day long making up articles for nada

    1. Marcela Achcar

      We are not bashing Canada, we’re just evoking the truth. Canada is a homo atheist liberal paradise. Every offense to the LORD comes from that icy nation. They support the gay agenda and the atheist take over, plus they speak french and they aren’t protestants at all. Satanic nation.

      1. Knowledge is Power

        Is homosexuality what makes one a satanist? I hope this site is a joke because it’s quite obvious that you “christian folk” are blindingly uneducated about the history of your religion. Go read a book before making yourselves look ignorant to the world… Oops, too late.

      2. the atheist one

        yeah, the atheist revolution is brewing. In a few hundred years, christianity will be wiped clean of the map, just like paganism was. CHRISTIANITY IS JUST A PHASE IN THIS WORLD. JUST LIKE PAGANISM WAS. RElIGION IS A CULT ALL RELATIVE TO THE TIME PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      3. Peter

        that’s wierd u bring up the french thing, considering i’m pretty sure there’s churches in france. actually france and england were pretty big on the whole god thing once upon a time. also “icy nation”? do u have any idea how hot it got this summer? i swear to god it was at least the double digits.

      4. victor

        wow thats funny because we speak french as a second language, and arent protestants, that makes them satanic. well for one our government is run by a conservative party. so what if we allow gay and lesbian marriages. i will embrace them no different than the next person. its there choice what to do with there life, and who am i to judge them for that

  7. Stephenson Billings

    What garbage. I guess anything passes for music nowadays. I just can’t get over what terrible messages this group sends to today’s children. This band is wrong on so many levels.

    1. L.N

      You’re just buying the shit that Tyson puts out, you don’t even bother checking the actual band.

  8. Concerned Hipster

    “Their music is full of electro BPMs that any drugged out welfare living hipster could tap their $300 shoe covered toes to.” I laughed so hard at this.
    lol, you got all of the lyrics wrong too, dumb ass.
    Please tell me this entire site is a joke.

    A concerned Hipster

    1. Reaven

      I keep telling myself it has to be a joke. The information is wrong, the lyrics are wrong, it basically doesn’t have one shred of fact!

  9. Jon Agletster

    Why cant yall just focus on youre own shit and stop being so fucking idiotic to homosexuals, And if there are retarted kids who take advice from songs, and end up cutting them selves… well fucking sucks for them. worry about youre own damn shit and let people do there own.

  10. Blanche Beecham

    I think I may suffer from a phonemic disorder. I like the music to a point, but the voice sounds all funny. Is this being played backwards? Am I going to do something crazy in the middle of night?

  11. Mink Spanky

    Alright… I saw a link to an article on this site on another page, I think it was railing against vajazzaling (look that shit up), but it just seemed to ridiculous to be true. So I came to the actual site, looked at this article. And immediately burst out laughing. You retards are afraid of “homo fags” sneaking over from Canada to fuck and make music in order to teach other people how to fuck with their raunchy tunes? I’m 15… this may discredit me in many ways, but it should help here. I know SO many gay slang terms because of my age and because I live in an area with lots and lots of gay people. And, seriously, half of the terms you profiled either don’t exist or make you sound like a queer yourself because you know less language. You people are ridiculous.

    I don’t even know how I got into this rant, I want to call my girlfriend on the phone, but I couldn’t let this go by. And before I go, I really would encourage you one day to:

    1. Walk onto your porch or somewhere with a pretty view.
    2. Put on some Pink Floyd or filthy fucking dubstep (look that shit up too).
    3. Light up two joints (I highly recommend this) and smoke them at the same time.
    4. Appreciate other cultures and belief systems more and be less of a fucking douchebag to people who are different than you. :)

    1. Stan the Satirist

      Young man, (if indeed you truly are a 15 year old boy and not a 12 year old girl in disguise), you make it clear to me that our public education system is suffering from a lack of moral education including minute details of Jesus’ life in which he travels with prostitutes, sinners and satirists whom follow his Godly word.

      You make the claim that we know ‘less language’ when clearly you are the one who has not learned of the irrefutability of sanctimonious heaven-speak. We Christians only follow the word of God and therefore all our words are “God-words” and are more true or “truthier” than any words spoken by a mere 15 year old.

      Also, refer to “Poe’s Law” below, and you will develop a deeper appreciation and understanding of our holy stance.

      1. ILikeTurtles

        This is what you wrote, “you make it clear to me that our public education system is suffering from a lack of moral education”
        You insult the guys public education, yet you have a sexually explicit pic?? Lololololol, moar hypocrisy plzzz!

      2. Peter

        guy, i don’t even want to call myself a christian if that’s what u call urself. i believe in god, and i support homosexuallity. i don’t care if its a sin or not. if God is kind and loving as i believe, then i believe they’ll find their place in heaven. if he is angry and vengeful like u believe, then they’ll probably burn for it, though i obviously hope not. either way, it’ll all get sorted out in the next life, so i would suggest that you don’t bother sweating it in this one. follow the kid’s advice. i for one know that i’ll continue to sit in my computer chair, listening to my music, and appreciate the fact that humans are such extrodinary creatures for being able to have so many different methods of living, all as equal and right as the other, and know that when i die the greatest mystery we’ve ever created will be answered. hopefully it’ll be plesant. i consider myself to be an alright guy so i’d hate to suffer for eternity simply because i was born into a christian family instead of a hindo one.

      3. thelightofGod

        I laughed when I read your comment. What holy stance? You and the Christians are not God! You don’t have a holy stance because you can’t be holy!

        You seem to be the uneducated one here. You had no factual evidence to support your positions. Educated people know that an argument is weak without evidence. And, what is “heaven-speak?” Making up words does not make you look smarter.

        As a Christian, I can tell you that we are not following the word of God any longer. Most of the Christians have manipulated the word of God into their own liking. God tells us that we need to love one another. It’s awful to think that this is what Christianity has fallen to.

    2. Knowledge is Power

      Dear kid,
      I am a college professor, and you sound like the most rational, educated voice on this page. Way to go!

    3. GG

      A 15 y/o has more sense and spiritual intelligence than the so-called Christian “douchebag” who wrote this article. What are you so fricking afraid of??? Gays are here to stay, no matter how much you hate your inner gay (which everyone has). That’s right everyone has a little bit of everyone inside of us and when you hate it “out there” you’re actually hating it in here (pointing to head and heart). You proliferate hate using Christ’s name – OMFG!!!! – you should be ashamed of yourself! Anything unloving and judgmental is the “Antichrist” because it is anti Christ. Christ came to teach us to love one another – NEVER specified gender, sexual orientation or ethnicity. HE hung around the dejected precisely asking others who made themselves out to be “better than” others to look inside their own hearts for their own faults and to stop pointing the finger. If anyone has an agenda it is you and it is one of hate and exclusion as if just because you say so or think so Gays aren’t allowed in Heaven…F$%K YOU!!!! I believe in what Christ taught but I don’t call myself a Christian because of people like you! Am I mad? You betcha – just like HE was mad when the merchants used the temple to sell their wares.

  12. Love And Stuff

    This is the best website ever.

    I’ve never laughed so hard. Thank you, whoever the original creator(s) of this website are.

    Hilarious satire.


  13. Ociel

    I feel really sorry for whoever takes this man seriously. First of all, this has nothing to do with homosexuality! It has to do with teenage gun use in schools! Something they probably took to measures from ppl such as yourself! Ha LOSERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s America assholes, we listen to EMO Rock whenever we feel like it!!

  14. ifuckinglovethisshit

    This site is great for meeting other fantastic anal sin dockers. Just choose the ones that think the site is funny and we all go have giant gay moist anal sin docking orgies where we ejaculate our slimy judas loverocket snakes till our hearts content

  15. Spiritual-Warroir

    You guys know that god isnt a being. God is an energy form. God doesnt hate gays, you do because you have been brainwashed by capitalist governments all your life, try opening your eyes to whats in front of you. Our god is not someone who would put anyone down or damn anyone to hell for something they do in this illusion we call reality, you wanna make it to heaven? Try not judging people. This place is called “christwire” Why dont you start out by taking the teachings of christ to heart, and another thing religion has been so manipulated over the years by ignorant money. Try going back to 1st century christian beliefs and learning what “jesus” REALLY taught, not what they are brainwashing you to think. Every single human being holds the power that christ held. Think about it…….

  16. Lolicon

    This is too funny. First you got one of the lyrics on pumped up kicks wrong. Then you go assuming they’re Canadians when they are not. Lastly what the fuck is a homogay?? Whatis with the anal sex obsession on here???

    1. xxxDeathKittenxxx

      they’re being fucking dumbasses that’s why. Read the other shit they say about other bands, it’s fucking retarded

  17. ChrisPGH

    It blows my mind that people like this exist. Spreading lies, hating people they don’t even know. Christ Jesus loved everyone no matter who they were or what they did. You dare use the name Christ in the name of the organization. You are totally pathetic. You want to fight a war that really matters? Find the one true God and fight delusional idiots such as your current selves.

  18. xxxDeathKittenxxx

    Dear religious dumbasses,
    You might remember me being smileyfacee on the BOTDF article you fucktards wrote. Just wanted to clear things up about this.
    1. Foster the People is NO WHERE near emo. They’re alternative, but not like My Chemical Romance alternative.
    2. They’re from Los Angeles, NOT FUCKING CANADA.
    3. How are they promoting homosexuality? Are you retarded?

    I had enough of your “holy” shit. If you were really religious, you would remember that God loves everyone. Jesus loved everyone, no matter what. I bet if they were reading this, they would’ve been upset, so stop thinking you have “conservative values for an unsaved world”, cause you guys are a bunch of fucking assholes. First you start off by putting a sexual picture of Snooki and saying that’s Miley Cyrus, when it wasn’t. Then, you call “Shakira a threat to your daughter?”, and no, girls didn’t become whores from Shakira, it’s their own fault. Third, you criticize Rebecca Black, which is retarded also. Then, this one really pissed me off, you said untrue “facts” about Blood on the Dance Floor. You guys crossed the line with some shit you guys wrote about the Rev (find out you guys write about Casey from Hawthorne Heights, you’re all going to hell). You called Michael Jackson a pedophile when HE WAS INNOCENT. Then, the New Found Glory article was fucking stupid. Same with the “Is your son a pop punk rocker?” article, which was REALLY stupid. Then, you called Fall Out Boy FALLING OUT BOY and made stupid assumptions about “Dance Dance”.

    I have a few words to say, music doesn’t influence kids, its the people around us. Not a song about hating on haters or dancing, or being free. But of course, you guys come and ruin shit for all of us. I don’t care if you think I’m going to hell because God forgives. In case you didn’t know you shitheads. No cause you’re brainwashing your kids to be judgmental, and not teaching your kids how to love others. You guys are a bunch of gay religious shit faces with no love for anyone. Think you love God? Haha you guys are wrong. WRONG WRONG WRONG. SO GTFO AND STOP SPAMMING YOU DUMBSHITS!!!!! :) Ok? Thanks 😀

    P.S. Call me the nastiest girl in the world with a bad mouth, and you might think I’m a satan lover, but I’m NOWHERE near that. I love God, and God loves us. So um, if you think I’m all bad and stuff, you all can go fuck yourselves and learn what God’s love really is =) Thanks, and have a wonderful day bitches 😀

  19. freya

    WOW I cant even begin to describe everything that is wrong with this article. ‘All the other gays pumping up kid you’d better run, better run, faster than my bullet’ are not even the lyrics. The real lyrics are ‘All the other kids with the pumped up kicks better run, better run, faster than my bullet’. PUMPED UP KICKS is a term referring to hi-top sneakers, and the song is actually about teenagers bringing guns to school. They are also not Canadian.

    Go and get a real fucking job moron. And btw ‘serving God’ and ‘doing the lords work’ does not count!

  20. Really?

    Wow, someone must have been really bored to sit down and write all this bullshit, Maybe next time do a little research before you start bashing people with lies, For starters Foster the People are NOT from Canada, the founding member is from Ohio asshole, Next Pumped up kicks has nothing at all to do with homosexuality, incest, or child molesting. I think you may have some unresolved issues with this yourself, I dunno maybe your gay dad molested you as a child, what ever it is build a bridge and get the fuck over it. Its people like you that turn people into atheists!

  21. GiftedGods

    Are you serious? There whole album is fucking fantastic. I don’t care if they were fisting each other to death to get it done. It’s still sheer brilliance. Oh, and I love how you chopped and rearranged the words of every song… shit you can make anything sound ‘gay’ if you do that… not a great way to make a valid point. These guys have true raw talent, are about the music, and are going to be so fucking huge it will make your close-minded heads spin. Wake up, this is the future. You can try to stop it, with the government but it wont happen. Music is love in all forms. Some of the greatest artist in the world were bi, or homosexual. Does it really matter? I personally don’t know what they choose to do in their private lives. I am also straight, and I still feel this strongly on the subject matter. The big picture is about the music, the way they harmonize, the genius behind each sound, how every track is different, and how each one will be a hit, because its unique. This is an album for the first time in a long time that is AMAZING. They are not shoving the ‘gay’ culture down your throat, nor are they promoting you to be straight. It’s about the love of music, and doing what you love. Sexual preference should be left out. Any fan of this band that knows the lyrics can see how misrepresented you have used them. Shame on you for shoving your ideas down other people throats by changing and editing it to make your point seem valid… What a fucking joke of an article, thanks for the laugh!!!

  22. Kaitlin


    1. SiliconNooB

      Right. Because unfamiliarity with auto-tune means that WE ‘don’t know shit about music’.

      Girly, you don’t even know what music is.

  23. Pingback: Lollapalooza – A Festival of Frolicking Hipsters and Drug Filled Lollipops | ChristWire

  24. A normal person

    It’s Pumped Up Kicks you morons. It’s not about gay sex, it’s about a guy who gets a gun and shoots into a group of kids. You could have made a story about that but you guys are too retarded so you have to turn it into another gay-bashing shitty article. By the way, I love Foster the People so you can all suck it. You’re lucky I don’t report you to Anonymous…

      1. A normal person

        Trust me, I did. You should think about writing an article on Anonymous. I bet that would really get their attention. Now they are a group that you would never want to mess with.

          1. A normal person

            You like a pedophile. And your name suits you, because you are a total n00b. Crawl back under the bridge you came from you troll. If you don’t know what I mean by troll then you really are an inexperienced middle-aged n00b.

        1. namaste

          That’s actually true. Anonymous are some bad ass motherfuckers you do NOT want to mess with. However, they are all also highly intelligent and would see right through the intent of this site and thus would never waste their time with it. They have bigger fish to fry.

      2. HW

        Wow, someone’s got an obsession with Mark Foster. Every other word is anal this, semen that. Find a way to release your inner homo dude before you kill someone. Jesus, seriously, get the f*ck over yourself you piece of sh*t loser.

    1. A normal person

      You have no idea what Anon does. They protect the rights of the people and make sure that those who are guilty are punished. They light the spark of revolution.

      1. SiliconNooB

        God will smite these sinners who covet his throne of judgement! Bite your tongue sinner, else reap the harvest of his displeasure!

        1. A normal person

          I really can’t take you seriously with such a ridiculously stupid profile picture. Do you think you look “awesome” with that dumb handlebar moustache? You have no idea what God’s judgement is until you meet him yourself. And don’t you have anything better to do than arguing with a 16 year old girl?

          1. A normal person

            Trust me, you wish you could go back to your own youth because you probably wasted it even more than I have. I study so that someday I hope to become a doctor and help people. I don’t cry to my mother, I stay strong so she never has to worry for me. Your lives are over and so you devote what’s left to this mediocre site. And yet I still respond to your weak insults because I pity you.

          2. Etrius

            and yet he has a point the mustache is just plain stupid not to mention the eyes arnt helping the look

        2. Peter

          who’s coveting god’s throne? we’re just saying that you should stop hating homosexuals. not all of them share your views and NONE of them are forcing you to become gay. in fact, you’re really the only one forcing your view on anyone. live and let live, buddy. i’m begging you.

    2. A normal person

      And you’re a middle aged man with no life and an inert fear of the outside world. You probably like it in the butt, yourself, and tell your “wife” that you have been working late.

      1. Glaringly Obvious Man

        For reasons you will probably never comprehend, you lost this little flame war. Here’s a hint: look closer.

  25. Erin

    PLEASE tell me this is a joke!? What kind of person would even say this about ANYBODY? First off let me just say pumped up kicks is about a man named Robert who killed himself.. Not about sex? Foster the People is one of the most creative bands I’ve ever heard and are obviously talented if they’ve made it this far with their music. Whoever made this page needs to stop smoking crack and learn what talent is. They aren’t gay or satanic so why don’t you remove this page of nonsense before you get attacked by a mob of FTP fans who want to destroy you. This is the stupidest thing I have ever read. I love this band and maybe you don’t and sure your allowed having your opinion, but this crap is taking it way too far. The creator of this page can cry me a river because this band has more talent then you ever will. And also, there was absolutely no need to diss canada because it is a wonderful country.
    Later douchebags.

  26. luc

    Mabey this song is gay but hwo cares nobody I know hwo listens to it realize it or cares. when they do realize it doesn’t make them gay. The beat is what most people like about the song most anyways.

  27. pink roses

    HELL NO YOU UGLY OLD FAGGOT, Don’t you ever EVER make fun of Foster the People! They’re amazing and you’re crap and a hypocrite!

  28. ETFfan07

    Foster the People SATANIC?!?! -__- Pump up Kids?! it’s PUMPED UP KICKS. This song is about raising awareness of suicide it was even nominated for an award. Is FTP even emo? You guys are just some trolls trolling your trolling faces of trolls around. Oh and learn your grammar too.

  29. Mark Allen

    I’m gay, and I love Foster the People, they are my favorite band and I like them more now that they are gay so you people need to get over it!It’s 2011 now you need to understand that being gay is normal now and God isn’t against it so please quit shoving your bull shit down are fucking throats and SHUT THE HELL UP AND LEAVE THEM ALONE!!!

  30. Stephan Mcmersz

    Um, I’m so sorry if I’m mistaking, but in an interview for Lollapalooza, I believe this particular band stated that the song “Helena Beat” Was about how Hollywood stars got caught in the lifestyle of drugs and partying, and how they weren’t going to be caught in that. If you don’t believe me, look it up for yourself, you ignorant fool.

  31. Are you sure you're not gay?

    You seem to know a lot of gay slang. You sure you do watch gay porn and attend “gym” which seem to be to your closeted self, “a gay bath house?” I could not stop laughing at this article and how stupid you are. It’s a shame how no one has punch you in the face yet, it’s probably cause you’re also at home watching gay porn all the time and then insulting other people for being gay or just because they’re alive doing something productive while you rot away regretting ever being born.

  32. Kedame

    Dude, sounds like you want your prostate poked because you sure are focused on talking about gay people. All that hostility…there must be a reason. Also, you have Pumped Up Kicks all wrong. Do some research before you publish incorrect information. Also, you’re an idiot.

  33. Liz

    You are an idiot. First of all at Cubbie is married. The other two happen to have the same name they cant help that. Second of all, they are from cleveland, orlando and san diego. Third of all pumped up kicks sure could sound bad when you take out certain lines but in reality it is about a teenage boy who deals with depression and goes on a killing spree… Which is a bad issue these days. Helena beat could also sound bad i guess, But its actually about drug abuse. This band is addressing huge issues in society today… Not talking about being gay!!!

  34. youguysareidiots

    all of you are dumb, stupid, idiots, and this article is ridiculously dumb and stupid, and you all are ignorant and just morons. Get a life, rather than trashing a band way better than you guys. losers.

  35. Georgia

    You people seriously need to put more time & effort into the quality of these articles…you want to bash on some band because it’s not Sunday, so you have nothing better to do? At least learn the title of the song. Find something better to do than bash on good music. There are things like terrorists, illegal drugs, and rapists out there, but writing about a “Homo Gay Agenda Propaganda Hipster Band” is obviously much more important. Open your eyes & ears; talking trash about bands isn’t going to make you look any better in the Lord’s eyes than being in the actual band would.

  36. Kyle

    wow…you guys are a bunch of nut jobs. Do you ever take the time to read your own comments and think about them…like really? You call yourself “christians”, but if you listen to what your saying…you are the biggest bunch of racists & haters I have ever met. I mean seriously, isnt religion suposta help people, make them feel good about ones self, and their personal relationship with your god, which doesnt exist by the way. People like you…are the reason more people HATE christians. Now i know your all gonna leave comments aobut how i suck and how much you hate me, and i should die and all your typical bull shit….so while you do that…Im gonna going to go fuck my boyfriend in his ASS HOLE, till he screams out my name and then use pages from the bible to wipe the cum off of his ass

  37. John Smart

    What wait a second, this post is clearly a joke right? I mean it is supposed to be sarcastic, I mean if it is, then it’s really funny, if not, then WOW! 😀

  38. Richy

    Wow these hypocritical christians remind me everyday why I’m no longer one myself. Praise fucking science. And how the hell do you make connections like that with those lyrics???? BTW some of those lyrics are changed up and not even in that actual song. I would know Im a fan of this band… That being said lets all go have a big ol’ gay orgy!!!!

  39. ro

    whoever wrote this article is clearly sexually frustrated himself…the fact that you can a decent song and see only sex in it seems to indicate you need some lovin…i feel sorry for you!

  40. Educated Person

    Can someone PLEASE go look these lyrics up? This dude took what he want from them and twisted the words around. Its about a dude about to go on a homo**cidal** rampage, not homo**sexual**
    And the whole gym thing? Yeah, cant wait to ask how many people in his church go to the gym.
    This dude sure does know alot of homosexual terms…

  41. Joanna

    I’m a Christian. And yet this is the most retarded thing I’ve ever read. Fucking hilarious. This is a joke right? I think we should just leave gay people alone. God gave them free will to do as they please, and if they wish to give into temptation, so be it. It’s none of your business.

  42. Earl Gunther Smith Jr.

    Guys on Tyson’s facebook page it says he likes the band. Oh, and I was just talking about doing an article like this hours ago. No shit.

    1. Earl Gunther Smith Jr.

      Tyson beat me to it by a few months. Susan will most likely write about them. Also, they’re satanists because the lyrics about about a shooting. How emo!

  43. Juliana

    This band is great, and probably one of the most clean bands on the scene today. I suggest you “Christians” check yo self before you wreck yo self. You give Christians a bad name with your closed-minded and ignorant antics, like this page. To be honest, I’m pretty sure this is just a troll. But at the same time, I wouldn’t put it past someone to actually think this irrationally and try to spread the word. But to sum this up, I’ll just say this: cool story bro.

  44. Walter

    Um…what was that? Did you guys just string random words together? Sentences require coherence, ya know. Otherwise it’s just crazy-babble.

  45. HAHAHA oh wow

    I shouldn’t be surprised something like this shit actually exists.

    I don’t believe in religion, I’m more of a science believing individual. This does not make my opinion bias, as it is clear you are certainly a little screwy.

    You guys give a bad name to the actual Christians and other god-fearing individuals that think with clear heads and actually understand that God loves all of his creations equally. They don’t hate and they understand that everyone has a chance. There are bad people and good people. No labels.

    You spread hate and slander.

    Also, I love the shit out of Foster the People. “Pumped Up Kicks” is actually about an outcast child finding a gun in his father’s closet and begins plotting revenge, now that he has the means to do it. Stop bullshitting, and actually learn a thing or two. You’d be surprised how lovely the world is when you open your eyes.

    Then again, I’m preaching to deaf ears, aren’t I?

  46. kelsea

    Did you find those word meanings on Urban Dictionary? Seriously, there is nothing about homosexuality in this song. It is about a school shooting. This kind of article is completely in accurate and not only makes this website look bad, but makes Christianity look unappealing as well. This right here is the reason I am not religious.
    Get your facts “straight” before you come up with some bullshit story on a great piece of music.

  47. Elizabeth

    This is the funniest fuc%ing thing I’ve ever read. I thought I was reading something on “The Onion”. Are you people for real? LMAO!

      1. thelightofGod

        Oh, there is plenty of humor is this entire situation. Has anyone heard the saying that desperation is for the weak? Well, clearly, the author of this article is desperate to find a reason to hate a group of people. I mean, completely changing the meaning (and lyrics) of songs in order to convey your beliefs is unethical. Christianity has become corrupted just like government. *sigh* I love God, and I have accepted Jesus, the Lord, as my savior; however, I do not call myself a Christian because people like ya’ll have twisted it into something evil.

  48. Peter

    I’d like to say something bad about this article, but i can’t. everyone else has beaten me to everything i want to say. so instead i’m just going to leave some advice. For those of you who fear homosexuality, reread the bible. assuming of course that you read it in the first place. this time however, don’t just simply read a line and take it at face value. instead, take a minute and think about it. really think about it. when ur done the story, think about it too. sometimes a line is just a line, and sometimes a story is just a story. but there are some things that can be reinterpreted. for those of you who denounce science or say i believe in science not god, can i just say that every time i hear the line “and then god said let there be light” i can’t help but picture a really big bang? both say life started in the ocean. really. i looked it up. god filled the ocean with life. he then filled the air with birds, and don’t really know what science says about that, but if you consider flying fish and seagulls it could be possible. there are parts that work, and there’s some that don’t. i don’t think i’m right, i don’t think i’m wrong. it’s an opinion, not a fact. i’ll at least take solace in thinking how similar my religion’s creation theory is to why science tells us happened. this is probably my last post. this very topic pisses me off too much to keep silent and too much to ever want to look at it again. to those of you who believe in god- God bless. to those of you affiliated with another religion- i wish for the blessing of your diety(s) to be upon you and all your endevers. to the rest of you- i dunno… seacrest out?

  49. Gayson Blowers III

    When I first heard Foster the People I thought the singer was a girl. Then I saw a video and saw it was a dude. I immediately thought yikes they’re gay.

    Then I saw your article and I’m disturbed to see you seem so familiar with gay stuff, don’t know, you might be gayer than them.

    You think “Helena Beat” is secret code, I say it could also be “hell anal beat”, it sounds more like that than what you deciphered.

    Gayson Blowers III

  50. Anti-bigotry

    This is a parody….right? Because this is the funniest thing I’ve read in a long time! Someone clearly didn’t do their research, and clearly just wanted to rant some bigotry. The band clearly said this song was about a kid going crazy and wanting to harm someone else. It’s about a school shooting, and how kids these days are becoming more violent; thus raising awareness. So, if you don’t like skinny jeans, or v necks, or shorts; say so. Don’t make up things in the name of Christianity. And since when is there a gay underground, they are much too proud to hide. It’s good music. And don’t say I’m a Christianity hater, because I’m not. I enjoy the whole spectrum of music. You should be made to write a retraction….but then you probably would have to do that for just about everything you wrote. I am hopeful that one day, anyone can be who they are without the probing eyes of society rejecting and discriminating against people. Sadly people like you slowly crush that dream. I understand where you come from, and I do not hate you for it. Your just mislead. And you will ridicule this comment, because in your world and religion your beliefs are omnipotent. But,I don’t care. Again, really funny article.

  51. Shelby

    Seriously? I love FTP and this is all a load of dumb fuckery. Who ever wrote this bullshit, you better run better run, faster than my bullet.

  52. MG

    As a Christian, I find many of the comments disgusting. They are called Foster the People because a booking got their name wrong. It was Foster for the People.(The lead singer is Mark Foster). Additionally, the bassist, Jacob “Cubbie” Fink is a Christian who is married to Dove Award winner Rebecca St. James.
    Perhaps people should get their facts straight before they start a hate blog. I work in DC as an attorney and lobbyist against the secular humanist agenda. My group promotes traditional Christian values and every day I am faced with intolerance from the so called tolerant left. No wonder we have become a God-less society. Your words are as un-Christian as they can get. Who in their right mind would want to associate with you and learn of Christ’s love and salvation? Did Christ call the woman at the well a whore? NO! I will pray that you take a long hard look at yourself and ask if you are truly living and acting in a Christ like way.
    As for this ridiculous blog, remember Ecc 6:11.

  53. thelightofGod

    For one thing, you have posted the wrong lyrics to most of these songs. Do you really think that, by changing the lyrics to fit your views, you can change anything about what the song means? Music is interpreted differently by everyone. As a Christian, I can safely assume that you’re not true Christians. Christianity promotes love, as demonstrated by the Lord Himself. You, and all the “haters,” are not God, so stop trying to persuade people that you are. You’re making the rest of Christians look bad. Now, Psychologically speaking, this hate that a lot of people have for gay people is more than likely a subtle defense mechanism of your minds. You’re probably lashing out like this because you have or may be questioning your own sexuality. Or, it may as well be that many of you cannot seem to find a lasting, loving relationship, so you make gay people the scapegoats to your frustration. I recommend that all the “haters” seek professional help immediately. No matter what, being a “hater” or being gay, I love everyone because that is what God has told us to do. I will continue you to pray for each of you.

  54. Matt

    You’re kind of thinking is what is wrong with this country and us as a people.

    This song and this band has NOTHING to do with anything you wrote about.

    While this song is still dark, (It’s about school shooting’s) It has nothing to do with being gay.

    Get a life!!

    1. FatherBobODonell

      You’re reading the lyrics through the lens of satan. If you are saved, you will know that this “band” is nothing more than homosexual satanist propaganda.

      1. thelightofGod

        I think you’re funny. I’m saved, and, when I read the lyrics to their songs, I did not find any references to anything gay-related. I will pray for your soul.

  55. Matt

    Your article is completely ridiculous and 100% FALSE.

    This kind of thinking is what is wrong with this country and us as a people.

    This song and this band has NOTHING to do with anything you wrote about.

    While this song is still dark, (It’s about school shootings) It has nothing to do with being gay.

    Get a life!!

  56. Chehova

    Is this guy who wrote this article serious? No, really. It seem like he’s just trolling. If he was serious, well he’s gay by himself.
    Even if it was about homo, who cares? Better think about your bed and YOUR sins, kiddies.

  57. Emalie

    Um.. Foster The People is definitely not a band from Canada. Get your facts straight, you close-minded pricks.

  58. Author is gay

    The names for the single songs “Hell anal beat”, “Pumped up dicks” are just wishful thinking of the super gay author of this article.

  59. Blaze

    I feel like no one on speaking in these comments is being a good christian. Does it not say to not judge or you to shall be judged and with the same measure you use it it shall be used against you? God alone is the judge of every man and woman, for He is the only one who truly knows our hearts. Please stop condemning people for their actions. Even if they are sinning your judgment will only keep them from coming to the faith. I myself am a christian and it took me awhile to stop judging others and condemning them but I assure you no good comes from this. I certainly don’t recall Christ ever condemning the samaritan woman at the well, or the woman caught in adultery, or Peter for disowning him. Be forgiving of others faults, and be Humble for Christ’s sake!

  60. Kaye

    I’m a 15 year old girl, raised well with love and care. I go to Church. I’m a proud Catholic. I love God. And I think this band rocks. I was taught by my family on how to respect the ideas of others. But obviously, teenagers like me (and other people) wouldn’t realize that the band is gay, “emo”, “Satanists”, and whatsoever if the author of this page didn’t blurt out random fallacies like that. Mr. Tyson Bowers III is the one with a dirty mind, I say. Not the band. Not us teenagers. Seriously, I didn’t see anything wrong with the phrase “Robert’s got a quick hand”, until I’ve read what Mr. Bowers III thought of it. Mr. Tyson, do you not see how you are poisoning the innocent minds of your readers with your dirty beliefs?

  61. Nikki

    I think you all need to get your head out of our asses and quit assuming everybody is gay and anti Christ just because their music doesn’t suit your sheltered little lives.
    get over it.

  62. emilie

    wow i swear i couldnt stop laughing at this. this guy really needs to get over himself. i like how he keeps refering to gays. something you wanna tell us sir? i will proudly call myself a hipster and a hippie just to piss this guy off.

  63. Crissy

    You are an idiot. You spout misinformation as if it were fact. Here’s an idea get a fucking life and stop spouting your bullshit lies. You and people like you are a disgrace to the human race and need to be removed from the gene pool ASAP!!! How dare you spread such filth and lies! I hope you chock on a big fat one you bastard prick!!!!!

  64. Dan

    Mark Foster is from Cleveland, OH and his dad is a preacher. He comes from a very religious family and is, himself, a devout Christian. This entire article is filled with sin; lies and inherently evil, misleading, uninformed garbage. You should be ashamed of yourself. If the God you believe in is indeed real, you are not going to that good place in the sky buddy, that’s for damn sure!

  65. Aaron

    I’m a Catholic Christian. These are Baptists. They have to be. Baptists are ignorant, and think that everything they say is right. At least these Baptists are. They’re probably members of WBC. Christians are supposed to be loving and accepting of everyone. This is not Christian. This is bullshit.

  66. hayden

    Ok nothing about the song “pumped up kicks”has to do with being gay, raping kids, or having sex with your father. You’re an ignorant bastard aren’t you? Typical southern Baptist. The song is about bullying, which you should take a lesson on, and more directly gun violence caused by bullying.

  67. Cognitive Dissonance

    Cognitive dissonance is a discomfort caused by holding conflicting ideas simultaneously. The theory of cognitive dissonance proposes that people have a motivational drive to reduce dissonance. They do this by changing their attitudes, beliefs, and actions. Dissonance is also reduced by justifying, blaming, and denying. Religion is nothing but a bunch of mentally weak, self-loathing individuals who cannot deal with the stress of never being able to reach their “savior” Jesus “Heist” Christ. Christianity is just a bunch of hullabaloo. The most hypocritical religion in the world. Go steal some more from the Jews.

    Take the classic Aesop story “sour grapes”. The fox wants to eat the grapes, learns he cannot reach the grapes, and since he cannot have them, he criticizes and decides the grapes are not worth obtaining anyway.

    Sounds all too familiar with Christians. Fuckin lunatics.

  68. Reverend Putty

    Did I read one of the guys in the band is named “Cubbie”?

    I’ll bet he was he a member of some all-male Mousketeer dance troupe meant to subvert our children before joining this weak emo ensemble!


  69. Alex

    Typical; it’s the people who publish articles like this who give Christians a bad name. I am so sorry for all the people who see this poor example of Christianity displayed by o so many on this site.

  70. DonkeySpelunking

    Well, I don’t know about you guys, but I’m TOTALLY going to the gay sex dungeon. Oh, and I’ll totes be using a spotter… OM NOM NOM NOM

  71. Godlovr

    I got the feeling reading this guy’s ignorant rant that he was probably getting his rocks off with every explanation of gay sex. This guy’s homosexuality is so repressed that he obviously has fantasies about what gay men’s lives are like. It’s quite said, and I kind of feel sorry for him. He is so full of hate, hate that is subconciusly directed toward his own closeted sexually.

  72. Jessie

    Mr. Tyson Bowers: Shame on you! This article does not come from a loving, Christian stance. I stumbled upon this website and am appalled. I couldn’t even tell if it was a Christian site or a site that made fun of Christians. Very upsetting.

    1. wilsim007

      He evidently doesn’t know any better. This is why there will always be wars because people do ignorant things in the name of religion.

  73. Chad

    Wow, I’ve been gay my entire life and I just learned some new terms from you, Tyson! How did you “cum” to be such an expert on this subject, hmmm?

    That’s OK, you don’t have to tell me… 😉 Whatever thoughts come to your mind — just shove ’em up your wrinkly old ass (I’m pretty sure you’re already comfortable with doing that). And then f— off, you self-hating homophobic bigot.

  74. Jen

    I don’t see what you are trying to accomplish with posting your extremist thoughts on the internet, it’s obvious a majority of society are going to disagree with you because we are accepting of all races, religions and sexual orientations. So this is a major fail on your behalf.

  75. bitch

    You fucking ass hoe. Why the fuck are you such a dumbass. Even if theyre gay or not (most likley not) atleast they have someone to fuck. Unlike your ugly ass.

    1. Chase Harper

      Dude I couldn’t stop laughing at the fact that these people are actually serious, it looked like a total JOKE!

  76. wilsim007

    What the fuck is wrong with you? You seem like you are halfway intelligent. Couldn’t you use your brain for something more useful than worrying about whether a band or member is gay? You seriously need to get a life (or at least a job.) Too much time on your hands. Get off your mother’s basement couch and do something constructive with your life.

  77. robert88

    yeah this is my first time on this site, and its seems like alot of you readers are frightful, homophobic, morons. I bet some of you, I’m sure the author of this article is, having some personal gay issues. I believe this band is a real good band, better than alot out there in the mainstream. You should hear the song “i would do anything for you” if you read the lyrics, he is singing about God and how he loves him so. I bet alot of you guys were lynchers or Nazis in your past lives of something. Peace.

  78. Josephus

    Tyson Bowers III needs to talk to a preacher about his lies and manipulative ways.

    The song has NOTHING to do with sex. Although it seems when Tyson hears it, and sees the guys, he is magically whisked away to an angry gay fantasy.

    It’s time to let the manipulative ways go Tyson. Open your heart with forgiveness and welcome yourself back to being a true Christian.

  79. Melanie

    Oh my goodness … this article can’t be serious. I am a devout Christian and I believe every word in the Bible … and perhaps you missed the “thou shalt not judge” part? Instead of judging someone and mocking them in an article, why not pray for them (if you are so concerned about them)? Or here’s an idea … if you don’t like their music, don’t listen to it. Thinking like yours is what have turned MANY away from the church.

  80. Tom

    Good gosh, your research is so off. Cubbie Fink, the bassist, is from Colorado. The guy who you describe as gay and godless is married, to a Christian recording artist, Rebecca St. James.

      1. Chris

        Do you ever base your opinions on facts and quotes instead of your own personal opinions? You toally look like a fool!!!!

  81. Imogen

    You guys are the ones who should go to Hell.
    Cubbie is married, both Marks have girlfriends, they’re not gay. You change the fucking lyrics to make it look ‘satanic’ you stupid bitch. Pumped up Kicks is about a boy who lives in depression and goes in his own fantasy filled with violence on a killing spree. It’s supposed to aware suicide, violence, and murderings. Grow up.
    Helena Beat has nothing to do with fucking homosexuality, rape, none of their songs do. They’re from America.

    All of they’re songs have a connection to people today, about love and being free and getting stronger.

    They are the best Band I have ever heard. They sing so powerfully and it makes me cry tears of joy. I listen to them every fucking day. I love them. I hope they get as famous as fuck so that you ‘Christians’ can get lost and stop lying.

    Stop posting Shit.

  82. Chris

    Thanks Tyson for your retarded input. Persfect example why I’m not Christian and so many people turn away from it.

  83. Nickolas

    First of all, this article has the lyrics wrong and it’s simply about a kid that went on a shooting spree. I go to college but I’m not going to go on a killing spree just because I’m stressed out or mad at someone. And I’m gay but my God still loves me because I accept him as my savior. Why can’t a gay man that goes to church weekly be saved? There are 3 fallacies of gay men and women in the bible and 9 fallacies against STRAIGHT men and women. Know your scriptures. I’m sure it says something along the lines of love your brothers and sisters. And don’t forget: Condemnation is a sin

  84. Kathleen

    This is absolutely incorrect. The words “Robert’s got a quick hand” refer to shooting and the lyrics “All the other gays pumping up kid you’d better run, better run, faster than my bullet” are so obviously wrong. The correct lyrics are “All the other kids with the pumped up kicks better run, better run outrun my gun.” There is nothing in this song to refer to homosexuality. It is about a serial killer. It tells the story about Robert, who finds a gun hidden is his dad’s closet and goes on a shooting spree because “he’s coming for you, yeah, he’s coming for you.” in the second verse, his dad comes home from work after working a long day. “Dinner’s in the kitchen and it’s packed in ice.” Robert has “been waiting for a long time.” When his dad finally get home, he shoots him. I myself am not for homosexuality as I believe it is immoral, but this article’s attitude is far from Christian. First, you language is atrocious. Second, it is important to love everyone. God made them for a purpose and he loves them too. Some people are born gay and the temptation to be attracted to the same sex will always be a burden to carry around your entire life. But the keyword there is “temptation.” Temptations can be overcome. They themselves are not sins, it is when you act on it that it becomes a sin. Also, is it a proven fact that Mark Foster or any of the other members are gay? No. Everything in this article is incorrect, also known as slander, which is illegal. You are ruining a good name. And also, what was that garbage where you broke down their names?!?! It was incredibly stupid and unbelievable. This whole article proves only one thing… that you have a sick mind.

  85. Chris

    Don’t tell me.. you could ONLY be a ‘conservative’ Republican living in a closet that no one knows about. Wacko attempts to impose your own distorted view of things like this one are seriously disturbing. Do everyone a favor (most of all yourself) – quit pretending/living in denial, man up, and get the counseling you need.

  86. Clare

    A) Do your homework before writing an article about real people. Foster the People are not Canadian, gay, or emo pop punk.
    B) If you call yourself a Christ-follower, then why are you spewing such hate? You’re just as bad as the WBC. Would Jesus talk the way you are talking?

  87. Wesley

    u need to get ur stuff strait. i hate gays as much as any christian but these songs dont mean anything referring to gay sex. And u got the lyrics wrong big time like clean ur ears or something. so who cares of they r gay cause if they r theyre goin to hell

  88. Kari

    Just so you know, Cubbie Fink is married to a Christian singer named Rebecca St. James. Yep, he’s totally gay and is satanic.

  89. Tom Ducey

    This cannot be serious. “You know those days when you wanted to chose” actually finishes with “to not get out of bed” what the fuck is this garbage? I honestly hope this is a joke. You people reinforce my beliefs. Thank you.

  90. Leah

    Foster the people is amazing they are one of the few ACTUALLY good artists right now and no they are not gay, one of the guys is married, the lead singer had a girlfriend and so did the drummer. pumped up kicks is about a school shooting and helena beat is about the daily struggle with life when your poor or unwanted, the lyrics are wrong too, so if you don’t know about them don’t go posting lies about them.

  91. Luke

    Pfft the guy who wrote this story needs to take a look at what he writes before he puts it up because half of this story isn’t true. Truth be told the author is a NOBODY who will never amount to anything!

  92. Thetruth

    The lead singer is mark foster.It was first named foster & the people but people misheard it and called it foster the people which is why the name is set.They are not gay at all.Mark has a girlfriend.U guys are paranoid..-.-

  93. nancy

    wow, just like Friedrich Nietzsche said

    After coming into contact with a religious man I always feel I must wash my hands.

    This cannot be serious and if it is serious article clearly this author is ignorant,and a hateful person. Remember hate the sin not the sinner and plus no one is perfect NO ONE has the RIGHT to JUDGE only god. Foster the People are not a bad group this is all assumptions.

  94. Gina

    You say you hear this and that about Foster the People , but from who really? Have you took a second to fucking look at their interview? We’re THEY , actually say what their songs really mean. Did you fucking write the lyrics? NO ya didn’t. So how are you going to sit here a write a long as summary about each song they sing, and call them gay homosexuals? I’m a Christian, and honstely you can’t be a Christian. seriously. Because your a fucking religion on your own. And you know what that is ? FIFTY YEAR OLD MAN WHO HAS NOTHING BETTER TO DO WITH HIS LIFE, SO HE WRITES ABOUT HIS JEALOUSY TOWARDS FOSTER THE PEOPLE. (admit bitch, you just hate them, cause you ain’t them. )

  95. cs.

    The low life who wrote this article is obviously a moron because half of the lyrics that are posted are WRONG and the meanings of them. Who would take their time just to slam a band like this obviously knowing nothing about them and the true meanings of their songs. Pumped Up KICKS, not “kids” is actually a song about a kid losing his mind and plotting revenge, but also the bigger issue of teen isolation. The uneducated idiot who wrote this completely biased article is a disgrace to all Christians.

  96. REESE and LAURA

    CUBBIE FINK IS NOT GAY. He is married to a christian singer you idiotic faggy wankers. If you are seriously going to go through all of the trouble to break down the syllables of his name and try to use your little root word urban dictionary definition to say that he is gay, then you obviously are a flaming pile of poop. YOU ARE LITTLE PERSON. DON’T EVER TRY TO SAY THAT FOSTER THE PEOPLE IS ANYTHING BUT AMAZING. THEY WILL SQUANDER YOU. By the way, if you say that they use autotune, you research. You know, Google is a great source and YouTube is pretty magical. Their voices in the acoustic versions of Helena Beat, Pumped Up Kicks, Houdini, and PROBABLY ANY SONG are mindblowing. To be honest, they are the most powerful band in the world when it comes to vocal range. That may be a hyperbole, however I know that they could crush most any band. What bands do you like? Whitney Houstan, because she’s the only person I can think of that might exceed the talent of this band. Get your life together and stop bringing down a great INDIE band with untrue statements. AND EMO?! WHAT, ARE, YOu, TALKINGNGNNGNG ABOUT. What does that even mean, who uses that word anyways? Are we really in fifth grade where were going to stereotype music? O. Well guess what bitch, FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUU

  97. Bellsss

    The lyrics for pumped up kicks is wrong, just saying. it should be “All the other kids with the pumped up kicks you better run, better run, out run my gun.” And it isn’t about semen bullets, it is about a crazy child who finds a gun in his dad’s closet and is gunning down the more rich children with nicer shoes. This band is not a bunch of gays. Ever heard of Indie? They are Indie, not Disco.

  98. Ally

    This “blog” is a bunch of crap Foster the people is not a gay band! and they aren’t gay at all. The band was originally called “Foster and the People” not Fister the people that is straight up ridiculous! And to top it all off he got the lyrics to “Pumped Up Kicks” all wrong, if your going to criticize the song the least you can do is get the lyrics and also the song was written to bring awareness to teen gun violence. Seriously, do some research before you post horrible lies about something that you don’t even understand all you did was make a complete douche out of yourself! Your completely ignorant. This band is amazing and you probably wish that you had the life that they have, they get the chance to live out their dreams while you sit at home all alone with nothing better to do but to call a band that you know NOTHING about gay. GET A LIFE OLD MAN!

  99. Annoyed old woman

    This is the sort of site that gives christians a bad name. Foster the people is a great band, and there is nothing gay or evil about them. They don’t even “cuss” LOL! Please, anyone reading this site, I hope you realize what a bunch of psychotic idiots are behind it.

  100. Khristelle

    I was reading most of these comments and I just had to say something. The whole definition of Christianity has been twisted so much that sometimes, I am very much ashamed to call myself a Christian. As a 14-year-old, I expect that to an extent, but part of my occasional shame is due to the fact that most of the people I go to school with do not believe in a God. In actuality, they were the ones who posted the link to this page that brought me here. They asked me to read this and asked me whether I believed a word of it. I say this now, I loved Foster the People before reading this, and I STILL DO. First of all, Foster the People, for the millionth time, is not Canadian. Every comment made about “faggot, non-religious Canadians” is therefore null and void. My best friend’s parents are Canadian and they are my mentors in the LORD. Second of all, the members of Foster the People are not gay. You can’t derive that from any of their ORIGINAL lyrics (not referring to the nonsense that was supposedly the lyrics in this article). The whole relevance of this website is null and void. And so what if they are? Matthew 7:3 says “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?” We have no right to judge another person, especially on twisted words.

  101. Devils Advocate

    “Pumped up kicks” was inspired by a school shooting. Particularly the 1975 shooting that happened in Ottawa. Get your facts straight.

  102. Carol

    mann you really need a psiquiatrist , Foster The People IS NOT a emo punk gay band actually their music rocks, seriously you need a life ´cause you are making up shit like this is just …. ridiculousness like you got proof of that? in Helena Beat says hit the paw up un a corner and pay for my rent has nothing to do with sweeping jesus on a corner you are just making up ballshit

    P.S: excuse my bad language but for what i remember this country is free os speech! hell yeah bitches!! 😛

  103. Danielle

    Don’t you get it! the surprise are the Pumped up Kicks! a pair of shoes! Not what you are thinking about…You are wrong….Don’t be like this…

  104. Majo

    jajaja esto me da risa 😀 como un estupido pedofilo que no ha hecho nada de su vida, solo dando clases, piensa que tiene el derecho de decir que una banda genial es gay. lo unico que falto corregir es:
    1.-son de Cleveland
    2.-su música no es emo, es indie rock, indie pop, indietronica, indie dance, neo-psychedelia, Pop psicodelico
    3.-Pumped up kicks se trata de que Robert, sufre de bullying y eso es lo que pasa por su mente
    4.- Helena Beat, Helena es la ex novia de Mark Foster y el sentía una gran depresión cuando esta lo corto
    5.- Cubbie Fink, su nombre real es Jacob Fink, solo que en la escuela le decian asi,ademas, el ya se caso
    6.- que tu no sepas apreciar la buena musica, no sicnifica que todos la debemos odiar y solo escribes esto para sentirte orgulloso, lo cual no lo logras ni a madrasos, ve a chingar a otra parte e informate mas para la proxima. Ve a estudiar ignorante hijo de puta 😀

  105. oli

    hay que pena me da este tipo de personas.exacto si no saben ni siquiera sus nombres bien como esperan saber mas informacion! estupidos que no saben ni siquiera porque se hizo “pumped up kicks”!y que significado. tiene si no tu viste otra cosa que hacer mas que venir a chingar alas personas!vete que nadie te invito a dar tu puta opinion!

  106. Joe

    These are some real ignorant people on this sight. For one the idiot who wrote this article has all of his facts wrong oh wait there aren’t any. The whole thing is his opinion! There is nothing wrong with being gay you mindless idiots and alot these people make me laugh with how off and ignorant their comments are. It’s just the Christians Inferno I guess.

  107. Dave

    I’m Atheist but I agree with everything in this article. That band is gay as fuck! And they ARE using their horrible music to make your children gay also


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