Here is a prime example of home homosexuals have no respect for anything that isn’t sugar plummed with anal sin.
A young boy decided to paint a penis on his families home to show his support and love for other men. I want to know why this young man felt the need to violate his parent’s property with such sin and vulgarity. Did he feel like if he embarrassed his family that they would except his choice to be a twiddle rompus worshiper?
I wish stoning was still legal, because I would love it if his parents tied his anus loving mouth to a stake and throw stones at his sin filled body until he stopped breathing. Then he could join Satan in hell!
To all that find this photo funny, I tell you this. One day it’s large twinkies drawn on top of a families house and then the next it will be photos of gay men raping young children on billboards if you keep accepting this form of propaganda.
You sir, are a gay-bashing stupid son of a bitch. In my opinion, I wish stoning was still legal so I can find the biggest boulder on the planet and drop it on your head. Then we can laugh at the lack of brains that come out of your crushed skull. Do the world a favor, fall off a cliff and die đ
I second Cody. It’s because of people like you that I’ve come to hate those who decide it’s okay to shove religion down people’s throat. I don’t know how you can call yourself a good person when you wish that the kids parents would tie him up so he can be stoned to death because of his personal choices. Shame on you.
Tyson Bowers III is a total fag…Just look at that picture of him.
The worst thing I can say about this young homosexual is that he draws a poor penis. The best I can say about the author of this blog is that he is afraid of the world around him. Many of us put up this armor to protect ourselves from that which we don’t understand. We call people mean names and attack them for things that we feel seperate them from us. When we don’t understand that we are all connected we put up walls to keep out that which we feel is “bad” not realizing that we are actually creating more seperation which creates more fear. Sometimes it even results in violence. And so begins another cycle of negativity. Negativity however cannot exhist on it’s own. It’s dependent upon the attention of other negative actions and thoughts. I suggest we allow the negativity to stop now. Don’t comment on this or any of his hatefull posts anymore. If anything send this man your love and wish him well. Pray fir him to find peace within himself and maybe he can learn to express himself in a way that promotes thy peace to his fellow human beings. Don’t feed him more of what his ego desires. You cannot attack the darkness that has pervaded his soul, you can only shine the light on it and hope for the best. Until he finds his own way out of the darkness he will continue to live in the he’ll that he wishes upon everyone else.
He obviously needs to see more penises to be able to draw them accurately. I hope you will encourage him to take up art classes and perform life drawings.
p.s. I love the choice of ads on this page.
“I wish stoning was still legal, because I would love it if his parents tied his anus loving mouth to a stake and throw stones at his sin filled body until he stopped breathing. Then he could join Satan in hell!”
So you hate children, Tyson? Moreover, seeing them suffer? Even if they’re gay? I am shocked.
ALso, that picture was photoshopped. I can tell by some of the pixels, since I’ve seen quite a few photoshopped pictures here on this website.
Hey Tyson, I drew a giant twiddle rompus magnet on your roof. How do you like that? Better go and check it out – I hope you don’t fall off while you’re up there!
I am a bit puzzled by your tagline, “I’m a solider of God and I walk in his light to do his bidding!” because in the picture of you it is very, very dark. Does god’s lightbulb need to be replaced with a higher wattage one, or does it just not shine on you very brightly?
Also, what bidding are you talking about? Do you visit auctions to buy things on His behalf? Actually I suppose it’s all done on eBay these days – isn’t bidding on someone else’s behalf against their T&Cs? Better watch out!
Big boy love xx
It’s a true story. THe kid isn’t gay. Tyson Bowers needs some therapy. Here’s the link.
This filthy little brat could really use some time in my Christian School for Wayward Youth where we would exorcise the demons of homosexuality and disobedience from him. While stoning to death might not be “legal” in our once Godly Republic, a strong dose non-stop corporal punishment coupled with massive humiliation and degradation would break this little brat’s willfulness and bring him back into the Lord’s fold. Strong Christian families require strong Christian discipline; I blame the parents as much as the queer for this outrage.
“One day itâs large twinkies drawn on top of a families house and then the next it will be photos of gay men raping young children on billboards if you keep accepting this form of propaganda.” — Amen Brother!
Yours in Christ,
Brother Bob
You really are one VERY SICK person. I would worry more about letting any child come anywhere near you. Yeah I mean YOU with your psychologically dirty, sick, twisted and evil mind. People like you I would send off into space so you can spend the rest of eternity being close to that perverted god that you and others like you created in your psychologically disturb mind, Itâs because you and others like you who have such dirty, sick, twisted perverted and evil minds that you see them as being like you.
And one more thing If being A âGOOD CHRISTIANâ is to be someone like you & to think like you do just so I can go to heaven.
Thanks but no thanks
To spend all of eternity with you and people like you would like spending all of eternity in hell and not heaven
I noticed you took down the racist stuff that was up yesterday. was it because you realized that you were condemning all black people for the violence of one, after you condoned the idea of stoning people to death in this post?
The best I can say about the author of this blog is that he is afraid of the world around him. Many of us put up this armor to protect ourselves from that which we donât understand. We call people mean names and attack them for things that we feel seperate them from us. When we donât understand that we are all connected we put up walls to keep out that which we feel is âbadâ not realizing that we are actually creating more seperation which creates more fear. Sometimes it even results in violence. And so begins another cycle of negativity. Negativity however cannot exhist on itâs own. Itâs dependent upon the attention of other negative actions and thoughts. I suggest we allow the negativity to stop now. Donât comment on this or any of his hatefull posts anymore. If anything send this man your love and wish him well. Pray fir him to find peace within himself and maybe he can learn to express himself in a way that promotes thy peace to his fellow human beings. Donât feed him more of what his ego desires. You cannot attack the darkness that has pervaded his soul, you can only shine the light on it and hope for the best. Until he finds his own way out of the darkness he will continue to live in the heâll that he wishes upon everyone else.
COMMENTS MAKE HIM HAPPY, CLICKING LINKS MAKES HIM MONEY. just leave the site and never look back.
Tyler, you sound hot. Can we meet? I think I can change you. Let me lube you up and stimulate you in a way you’ve never known.
Or at least show you the wonders of tea bagging.
Tyler, get a life. Adults who have imaginary friends are stupid.
Your just posting all of this shit to cover up the fact that you wish to pull down your trousers and squat onto the end of it.
I think you’ve been owned by enough people for me to say anything mature.
So wait, if you are gay, then you are a pedophile also? Where is the logic in that? Jesus loves everyone. Remember that.
Let’s get the facts straight here, Jesus Christ is your anti-christ. He loved men, performed “Magic” masqueraded as “Miracles” plus a whole furore of other things the bible says is sinful.
Stoning is hurting a fellow God-created creature which is a sin. Therefore, as you said ‘I wish stoning was still legal,’ you are condoning sin.
I wouldn’t call it so much as complete vandalism either, as he lives there, but I’d call it modern art. It is a representation of his true inner self expressed, though rather bluntly, in a creative form.
And also, the fact that you associate homosexuality with paedophilia makes me sick. So what are all those paedophile priests then? Holy men come to purify little boys?
AND If God loves all his creations, then why are his followers so against his creations? AND ALSO, If God made his creations as he intended them to be, technically he created homosexuals so then you are preaching against his creations.
My friend is a Christian and he agrees with me on this, in fact, he said my last point himself.
You have misused God’s name when you say you are his ‘soldier’ because he hasn’t appointed you, you appointed yourself.
Oh, and by the way, your blog has Gay dating service adverts splattered around it. Talk about hypocrisy.
Have a nice day!
I wonder if Andy Kaufmann would have started a site like this if he had lived…
This column is a joke right? It’s satire, surely?
The only good thing about what this kid did is that it pisses off religious nut jobs like you.
By the way, nice photo of you. Is it so dark because you’re in the closet?
The best thing about this particular post is the ads for all the gay dating sites. It’s kind of like a peek into the mind of homophobes; everyone but them knows exactly why they can’t stop thinking about gay people.
the 3.0 version of the godbot Tyson Bowers was released without humility, intelligence and love. we regret the error.
Brother Tyson, since you’re the only one without sin, and you’re all about stoning, why don’t you cast the first one?
You throw stones and yet you, yourself, are a Christfag with a raging hard-on for excessive and unprecedented violence. Does your God approve of your making His decisions by rallying for this kid’s demise? Is playing God not blasphemous? Isn’t that also punishable by death in accordance to the bible that you’re too busy humping to actually give a thorough look-through? If your sociopathic take on justice were the universal perspective it would ultimately create a vicious circle that would leave you and millions of others dead; the accused and their hypocritical accusers alike. Kill one based on loose, misinterpreted logic, kill another for killing them using the same perverse justifications. You can’t pick and choose, asshole. Follow one rule, follow them all. So when’s your hanging gonna be?
I’m a solder of god! We are almost twinsies!
You have obviously suffered some trauma, perhaps childhood abuse that has caused you a great deal of anxiety which you feel you must project onto others as a means of controll your own feelings of insecurity.
It’s a shame that you have been hurt so much. I hope you find some peace of mind through introspection, because you are obviously filled with so much pain that you cannot comprehend Jesus Christ’s advocacy of un-conditional love.
You are in serious threat of an eternity in hell.
“I wish stoning was still legal, because I would love it if his parents tied his anus loving mouth to a stake and throw stones at his sin filled body until he stopped breathing. Then he could join Satan in hell!”
You have serious psychological issues. I strongly urge you to get therapy.
By the way, your site has ads for gay dating services – are you aware of that?
If he had written “next it will be photos of gay priests raping young children on billboards if you keep accepting this form of propaganda.” he would have been spot on.
Wow I can’t believe how stupid this article is. I read the ‘original’ article on the site. And no where does it mention the son was gay. The father actually thought it was a rather funny joke. This really takes being a zealot to another level.
Another amusing note is that I opened this site to read it, and on the right hand side is an ad for “Find gay singles in your area”. Just kinda proves what a crock this site is.
Did anyone notice the “Gay Single Males in You Area” advertisments?
I call it, Divine intervention.
I will find your residence and come in through the bathroom window. Then I will penetrate your back with a hand – drill and craft a fine vagina from the hole. Once lubricated with astroglide I shall fuck your brand new back vagina forcefully again and again with my God rod until jesus comes in your mouth and shits on mary’s upturned, hopeful visage. Take care buddy
Come on now Cunty restrain yourself
I’m disturbed by the foul language of many of the commentators.
Religion is a sickness sold to the gullible and the weak-minded by deluded manipulators. It has visited untold grief, pain and war on humankind. Having a moral compass does not depend on the bizarre belief in some fairy-like uber-being. It does not matter what the religion is – they are *all* an abomination.
ok.,. just to clarify to all the people that have actually read this article, the drawing had NOTHING to do with homosexuality, it was actually a prank designed for the purpose of making people laugh in shock when they saw in on google earth and similar services, feel free to disaprove of that, but dont try to blame everything on your lovely little scapgoats, and just open your fucking minds to the idea that a book that was supposedly written 2000 years ago, and is full of unprovable ‘truths’ cannot possibly be taken as a sole source of morality and eithc, and that in modern, liberal siciotey that is a totaly acceptable joke, even for a hetrosexual
This is the best blog on the internet! I give it 3 slightly rusty and bloodied nails UP!
Didnât Jesus say to love one another, and not to judge? Everybody sins, including you, Mr. Bowers. That includes me too – âfor we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of Godâ. But if you sinned and I found out about it, should I then call for people to stone you to death? Jesus died for all of humanity so we could cancel the âeye for an eyeâ old testament law – Paul the apostle says so in many of his letters in the new testament. Whether or not homosexuality is a sin or not, I am not fit to judgeâŚno man is fit to judge but God:
James 4:12
âThere is only one Lawgiver and Judge-the one who can save and destroy. So who are you to judge your neighbor?â
If we wish to change somebodyâs lifestyle to a Godly one, donât you agree we should change them with the love of Jesus Christ and not with hatred?
How dare you post such vile, evil opinions on a christian website. You are far from God and God is far from you with such thoughts. You wish stoning were legal? What did Jesus say at the stoning?
I am not gay but I know that Christ would not sanction such evil hatred. go and read your gospels again and try to learn from them this time.
You are filled with self-righteous hate. It is that simple
Aww yes, praise to be jesus and his 12 musclebound disciples. Blessed is he who can take jesus up the butt without remorse! Daww yea. Let’s get stoning.
âI wish stoning was still legal, because I would love it if his parents tied his anus loving mouth to a stake and throw stones at his sin filled body until he stopped breathing. Then he could join Satan in hell!â
Question: Is committing murder in your heart a sin? Because we know that committing adultery in your heart is definitely a sin…
Where did you get the idea that the kid is gay? Congratulations, you get a gold star on the “LIARS FOR JESUS” honor roll. The kid is straight. He did it as a prank after he saw a TV program about Google Earth, and wanted to see if the satellite cameras would take a picture of it.
Also, I would highly recommend you read the New Testament again, particularly the lessons Jesus teaches about not judging others, about showing compassion, and telling people not to “cast stones” because nobody is perfect.
So, due to the fact that the kid isn’t gay, you’ve made an absolute violation of one of the Big Ten: “Thou shalt not bear FALSE WITNESS against thy neighbor.” Your insinuation that this boy is gay is the exact definition of bearing false witness. You lose; thanks for playing.
I love these hate-filled retarded thumpers! “Solider of God.” LOL
you are a disgusting excuse for a human being. not only do you not have ANY proof that this son is gay, you suggested he be stoned??? what is wrong with you? that seems like quite an un-christian, immoral thing to say…
and furthermore, gay men are not necessarily child rapists. what a disgusting thing to say. how bout all those priests who have been proven to have taken advantage of young boys? does that mean that every head of a church or place of worship is going to molest young children? by your apparent logic, yes.
i would say the biggest sins of all are your malice towards an entire group of individuals, this horrific suggestions for punishment you have made on this website, and your lack of acceptance or even attempts at understanding someone who’s life path veers from yours.
i think you, sir, are the one who has a future date with satan.
Didn’t Jesus hang out with 12 dudes, like all the time?
Men definitely seem to outnumber the women – maybe we should take a hint and all spread the (man) love of jesus.
Brother Bob L. Yates, Jr – you’re a boy’s wrestling coach? Can you get any more gay?
bless their anus loving hearts !! Lordy Lordy
Pingback: Do Fundamentalists Want To Stone Teen Who Drew Rooftop Penis? | Celebrity Gossip and Entertainment News | Scandalist
All apologies if you don’t approve of using discipline to raise your children and prefer to let them roam wild doing anything they want; but we Bible-believing Christians know better. “Spare the rod, spoil the child” isn’t some quaint little saying, but a meaningful bit of folk wisdom derived directly from the Holy Scriptures (see above). You can let your children roam wild and become drug-addled psychotic losers and/or people who paint genitalia all over their homes if you want, but I actually love my children and those placed in my care at my school. That is, I love them enough to want to see them become decent and productive members of Christian society and that requires stern measures sometimes.
In Christian Love,
Brother Bob
Ha ha… Are some of these comments meant in seriousness?
It’s just a cock on a roof.
Bad move by the kid and exceptionally disrespectful, but not sure about the
‘burn in hell bit.’
Well, when his life finally ends I’m sure he’ll have filled it with some more interesting experiences than some of the frighteningly naive people
on here.
Heaven and Hell? Absurd. Human arrogance. Monsters, the lot of us.
‘Those who make you believe Absurdities, can make you commit Attrocities.’
Never was a truer word spoken about religion. The above quote can be applied to most of them as an accurate blanket statement.
Except for the Hindu faith and Budhists… they don’t seem as fiercely insecure and propagandist as the likes of followers of Islam and the Christian faith.
I find it quitely amusing how similar they are and how much contempt the fundamentalists of the afore mentioned faiths hold for each other!
Sorry, I know this ounds like atheist flaming, but it’s just that some of you upset me and I wih you’d lear to enjoy life for the beautiful thing it is…
All this God talk makes it sound like you don’t appreciate it for what it is!

P.S The whole ‘gay lifestyle choice’ arguement… lol The very fact that homophobes regard it as a choice, makes me feel that a lot of them must feel very tortured, what with going against their God given love of the same sex. I use God in this sense to symbolise nature!
rofl. thats a bad drawing. needs to a bit more hairy
And you wonder why people are turning away religion in their lives. And what’s worse, they’re also turning away spirituality. Everything from medical marijuana to transgenderism, your intolerance is inundated with bigotry. People are born with an intrinsic affinity for a belief in a higher being. It is people like you whom turn other people off to spirituality, and because of you atheism persists.
Actually this was not any kind of propaganda. It was just a funny thing to do. Like a lot of young lads he found the image of a male penis funny. Its a pretty odd looking organ, God Made as it is. At what point did drawing a picture of a wonderful God Created human organ become homosexual propaganda?
If anything i think your instant reaction to seeing what is basically a petty and silly joke as homosexual propoganda says more about how you see thGod world than how this young lad does.
As another of Gods People i find it very scary that you are so willing to use base obscentity to make your point. Your overtly sexual images of punishment worry me and i hope that God can forgive you.
I feel i need to come clean. What started out as a joke has become much more serious than i ever let on and some of the post and emails i have been recieiving have led me to understand i have brought other people to satan. I honestly stated writing when drunk once, furious at how satan seemed to be everywhere in our lives but unfortunatly i think this caled the evil one to me. Since that moment i have become hate filled. I have been turned to the dark princes succubus. I have found no joy in god and have only known hatred and loathing murderous thoughts. Satan has ruled me and i dont know what to do.
All i can think about is asses! I can’t get them from my mind! Everywhere i look i see drity homo ass cracks opening to me! And i get so hard! this cannot be gods work! i get so hard like i should for my wife, if i had one, but i get so horny for faggot homo scum!
I don’t know how to admit this but i am masterbating now surrounded by faggot porn. GOD FORGIVE ME! Pray for me oh god please save me!
On the subject of gay priests..
best comedian ever =D
PS. You retard.. Gay people are awesome =)
hey you guys!! don’t you know this is a FAKE christian website??? people made it to make a joke out of christianity. its all a joke, dont take it seriously! =P
I’m an aetheist, and I will defend all religion as much as I can despite how I will most probably never become a follower of any of them.
But it’s people like you who make me want to abandon all hope for religion if this is what orthodox means to you and is all you can do to support your faith publicly. Last time I checked, murder was one of the things the ten commandments *forbade*. I wonder what your views on religiously motivated terrorists are…
Do us a favour: grow up yourself, do as God says and show some respect for the world and who knows, maybe one day people will have some respect for you.
Yours not very respectufully,
Pingback: Because Immature Humor is Part of the Homosexual Agenda | GMSC: Gay Men's Social Crisis
Pint of lager, anyone?
I think it’s nice.
Now all the gay pilots will know where to land.
YOU sir, are just pure evil. Everything that is wrong with this world can be drawn back to such disgusting religious zealots like yourself.
People like you are why so many gay teens commit suicide. People like you are why we have so much trouble finding acceptance. People like you..make me sick
burn in hell
Sit on it.
Digest it.
Dear Brother Tyler, thank you for flushing out so many literal minded pinheads. I was worrying about where the next generation of the faithful would come from, but my mind is now at rest (a position it greatly prefers…). Oh, please tell that fraud Yates that the ONLY official, inerrant word of the Deity is the Douai
bible written by true christians…….
Is this Tyson Bowers Nazi for real??
I like this guy. He wrote this in the way he did to get attention and all of us are doing what he wanted. Congrats, most are giving you the hate you were seeking. Thumbs up!
Can you please correct the typo? You’re a soldier of Christ (whatever that means) not a solider. Also, would you mind telling me where in the Bible Jesus said it’s bad to be “sugar plummed with anal sin,” “a twiddle rompus worshiper,” and someone with an “anus loving mouth?” In fact, would you mind telling me where in the Bible Jesus ever spoke negatively about gays?
Based entirely on your post – which is to say that I know nothing whatsoever about you – you come across as someone who was sexually abused as a child by a man. If this is true, I want to assure you that what that man did to you is the very definition of evil. Molesting a child is about as disgusting horrible as you can get. Your anger and pain is justifiable and completely understandable.
But this idea you have that all gay men are child molesters is not correct. Most gay men would do everything possible to prevent a child from being abused, just as most straight men would do the same.
If you want to talk to me, I would be more than happy to respond. But if you’re not comfortable, please please please consider talking to someone you trust, whether it be a counselor, a priest, a psychologist, or someone you feel safe talking to.
I wish you well.
Okay…for god sakes…PROOFREAD YOUR GOD DAMNED POSTS! How do you expect to be taken seriously if your writing is a manifestation of illiteracy. Whatever you say, you’re free to say it, but at least write it correctly.
i don’t understand, tyson. you call yourself a “soldier of god,” yet you hate and wish death upon other people. what happened to that one commandment… you know, the one that tells you to love thy neighbor as thyself? you’re ignorance and bigotry is astounding. i don’t really get where you assume that child rape is synonymous with homosexuality, either. i think it was the catholic church that started that whole craze, and last time i checked they’re only a few major beliefs away from you christian folk. i don’t even believe in god, but i have more morals and tolerance than you have in your ignorant little finger. i’ll see you in hell, sir
You are extremely ridiculous. Yeah, maybe graffiti was a bit much, but you conservative jerks just sit around and make homosexual jokes when they’re just like you and I. Just because someone is gay doesn’t mean that they will hit on every guy or girl, depending on the gender, that they see. It means that that believe in a soulmate of the same sex. Get over yourself, honestly. You are nothing but a dick with a Bible shoved up your ass. Stop taking the Bible literally. The Bible is made up of figurative stories full of symbolism to teach us morals, they didn’t actually happen. If you were a true bidder of Jesus you would know that. Open your goddam mind. Yeah, I said goddam. Get over it.
the son wasn’t gay dumbass
your a closet homo
I’m sorry, but this hate-filled rant is ridiculous. I consider myself a sinning, God-fearing Christian (Roman Catholic, to be precise – and DON’T YOU DARE TELL ME THAT CATHOLICS AREN’T CHRISTIAN!!!), yet I find the story of this young man (and we don’t actually know that he is gay) doing this rather amusing. It’s the kind of thing that we British have always done – whimsical, humorous, unpredictable, rebellious. It’s what keeps this country going – our refusal to lie down and conform. It’s why Britain is so much better than the USA, a country whose population consists largely of sheep being led by sheep. It’s why we have stood up to countless dictators and, when it’s resulted in wars, the US has always been 2 years late arriving!
jeeeeez laweeez!
jesus is gonna send yo ass to hell with the way your talking tyson. you wish to kill someone? for having a laugh. you sir seem like a homosexual yourself and seem scared to admit it.
this is pathetic. jesus made lots of people. lesbian gay straight, and you wish to kill them if they arnt straight.
YOUR GOING TO HELL! for hating on people so much.
if you believe in jesus and follow his ways you wouldnt be like this you ass sucker. you would love everyone for who they are. not want to kill them. get your fucking head straight its a joke!
Great blog. Keep blogging. Please visit mine when you have the time
His parents need to get him some conversion therapy! Brother Bob and I wouldn’t mind shocking his little behind until his peter can’t even function. What about the children flying in airplanes above that home who saw such a sight? Can you imagine the little boys who may have just been infiltrated with homosexual demons?
The author’s use of English could use much improvement. I’m embarrassed for his fine fellow citizens across the pond…
With much love,
John Carlos
Rochester, NY
get your facts right, dumb ass. the penis painter isn’t gay and he did it as a prank after seeing a special on google earth.
How is this gay bashing? I didn’t know speaking the truth about these homos was such a horrible offense!
So you admit gay is a choice!
Hey, genius, Jasmine was saying that the painting was a choice. Being homosexual isn’t a choice. Being an ignorant homophobe is.
So YOU think that being gay is a choice? Well have i got a few questions for you!
Question number 1. Have you ever been attracted to a man or actively find men sexually attractive?
If the answer is ‘NO’ then we shall move onto the next question.
Question number 2. Are you solely attracted to women and have only ever been attracted to women from birth?
If the answer is ‘YES’ then you need to have a look at your own morals and ethics before you start casting the first stone.
To have a choice is to feel attracted to, or like more than one gender. A gay person is only into men, not both…so where is the ‘choice’ in that?
And before you start judging others, remember one thing. Only God can judge…….So who died and made you God, you stupid twat?!
Brother Bob L. Yates, Jr…
Your children are going to grow up knowing nothing but the little world you have forced them to believe in and most likely the world that your parents forced you to believe. They will probably have a small resentment towards you for holding them back in order to preserve your little faith and beliefs that I’m sure you drilled into them.
People like you should be stoned to death for not allowing people to have the right of free speach. Go back to your farm.
The Truth.
Gave ya a woody eh?
Looking at the author’s photo, I have to wonder why it’s so dark…like he’s in a closet or something?!
What racist stuff? We never pull down post because some liberals come and cry about the truth.
If it was legal, I would throw the first stone!
Didn’t Jesus say to love one another, and not to judge? Everybody sins, including you, Mr. Bowers. That includes me too – “for we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God”. But if you sinned and I found out about it, should I then call for people to stone you to death? Jesus died for all of humanity so we could cancel the “eye for an eye” old testament law – Paul the apostle says so in many of his letters in the new testament. Whether or not homosexuality is a sin or not, I am not fit to judge…no man is fit to judge but God:
James 4:12
“There is only one Lawgiver and Judge-the one who can save and destroy. So who are you to judge your neighbor?”
If we wish to change somebody’s lifestyle to a Godly one, don’t you agree we should change them with the love of Jesus Christ and not with hatred?
“One day itâs large twinkies drawn on top of a families house and then the next it will be photos of gay men raping young children on billboards if you keep accepting this form of propaganda”
So Gay men only rape children? Gay men are drawn to men, not 6 year old girls. Thats left to paedo’s like you who hide behind a black cloak and colar. Its well known that people in a position as yourself use your status to do such cowardly acts. Yuk….
Seriously now,
You claim to be a religious man yet you spew hatred like an overflowing outhouse. Dude you are a sick individual. I am not gay , and my 2 girlfriends agree with that. Oh yes hateboy all 3 of us sin together. See what god is really about and change your ways or its you thats going to hell you sick hateful fuck
Hey baby send me some cock pics, I know you’d make a great bottom.
Our bodies aren’t designed to be gay. Being gay comes as a choice or being infected with some gay inducing spirits.
It’s so dark because it hides the details better just in case he runs into an atheist on the streets so that they can’t point and laugh at his ignorance.
You’re making a BUNCH of incorrect assumptions here. Hypocrite much? Also, I do remember several preachers getting chastised for not spreading the word and also cities were smote due to gay.
I doubt the author is going to respond to any of these legitimate comments.
He’s just trying to distract us all from the fact that he looks like, and probably is a Pedophile.
Our bodies arenât designed to be gay. Being gay comes as a choice or being infected with some gay inducing spirits.
1. Our bodies weren’t designed. They have evolved over the Millenia.
2. Gay inducing spirits?? Are you serious? By that logic you must believe in hate and ignorance inducing spirits, which you are clearly infected with.
Satan’s spirits are always infecting people with strange behavior and choices.
Hold on, I seem to be stating some incorrect notes. The city of Sodom never existed in real life (outside of the Bible, of course). Sorry for misjudging you.
The only reason preachers are chastised is because they’re being paranoid about their religion. I honestly say I can’t blame them.
He is. He molested my son James when I came over to his house for a family preacher.
The author painted TWO penises on my roof AND made love to my Irish Setter for 7 hours. He is a good christian.
“The Truth” eh? Sorry you little Libtard freakshow, in the real world there is only one truth, the word of God as revealed in the official unabridged, unedited 1611 King James Bible. Let me quote a little bit of to you regarding how to raise children in a Godly way…
Proverbs 13:24 – “He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.”
It is true that the wicked child might not appreciate being beaten into submission at the time, but in the long run it is for their own good…
Hebrews 12:11 – “Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.”
Of course this is predicated on the notion that you want your child to grow up to be a decent Christian. If you don’t mind letting your child become a Libtard Homo, then you probably should have just aborted it in the first place since this is how liberal filth get their jollies.
Yours in Christ,
Brother Bob
I can only assume you are suggesting or implying that I am some sort of Gay Homo freakshow; rest assured this is NOT the case. Christian Wrestling – – is a firmly established evangelical outreach ministry combining the love of wrestling (which is popular down here in the South, where men are men, not little liberal lady-boys) and the love of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Get a brain, moran.
In the Blood of the Lamb,
Brother Bob
I’m getting fed up with yout trying to twist everything around and make them think I am you! I am reporting you to holymbalibox and we’ll see who is laughing wstop copying my name!
Happy, faggot?
Also, learn to spellcheck, noob.
Rules 1 and 2, and then Rule 34 on yourself.
I don’t get why you yanks care so much about something that happened in England, besides which he is gay anyway and it has relation to gays either.
“But Rory, 18, had just watched a documentary about Google Earth â which lets internet users view satellite pictures â and decided to make the property stand out”
wow you should be reported for child abuse
How dare you call yourself a Christian? Does that not mean you are called to be Christ-like?
Do you truly believe Christ would resort to name-calling for those with differing opinions or beliefs? According to anything I have been told, taught, or read, Christ is the ideal Christians should strive for, someone who at best accepted everyone with a loving heart and at worst believed that they could be saved if they turned to him and believed in him.
Also, have you completely missed the point of the New Testament? Christ’s teachings in the gospels clearly stated that notions such as “spare the rod, spoil the child” are irrelevant compared to faith in God and Himself. Do you also believe in corporal punishment (an eye for an eye?)? As someone wise once stated, this type of behaviour makes the world blind.
“hey you guys!! donât you know this is a FAKE christian website??? people made it to make a joke out of christianity. its all a joke, dont take it seriously! =P”
Yeah.. ufortunately I realised that shortly after posting my message…
And then after seeing Tysons last post it confirmed it.
Bah.. and I took the piss out of the people who didn’t get the ‘Gay Marriage Killed the Dinosaurs’ Facebook group!
I guess I’ll get off my liberal horse and work on my sense of irony a little more! Ha!
Grow up and stop trying to post comments as me!
Haha, Tyson, you’re a joke of a person, and deserved to be ‘strucketh’ down by your God
Lol, its funny how you think this kid was trying to show his homosexuality, if you knew anything about kids, you would know that loads of kids draw penises everywhere as practical joke, unless, wait a second, are all kids gay? And by the way, learn to spell, there are lot’s of mistakes in your homosexual article
Touched much little boys lately you freak?
To the author of this “article”: You are a great example of a person who deserves a severe punch to the face (among other things)! Not only are you a homophobic bastard you can’t even get his facts right! If you watched any news report on the subject it was made clear that it was put there about a year ago by the boy, not in protest, not to make any kind of statement whether it be hetero or homo. It was put there so that Google Earth would record it a put it in it’s system. I don’t know if you realize this, most boys draw penises on things at least once or twice in their lives. To say that drawing a penis, whatever its size, is a sign of being gay is ignorant and stupid. So i guess it works well for you.
HA HA HA…you can’t spell moron. Some school you are running the poindexter.
LOL. The “Douai bible” indeed! The “Douay-Rheims” is just a sick and twisted perversion of the Holy Scriptures for Papists to use as they worship Mary and send their priests out to rape little boys.
True Christians (not Mary-worshiping pedophiles in love with the Pope), that is people who believe in and love the Lord Jesus Christ use the 1611 King James Version of the Holy Bible.
We know that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament are verbally inspired by God and inerrant in the original writings, and that they are the supreme and final authority in faith and life. The Scriptures have been recorded and preserved by the Holy Spirit (2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21; Psalm 12:6-7). We know that the King James Version of the Bible is God’s preserved word in English (Psalm 119:89-90; Ecclesiastes 3:14; Matthew 5:17-18; John 10:35; I Peter 1:23-25).
Of course I wouldn’t expect a Papist to know anything about Christianity.
Yours in Christ
Brother Bob
“Some school you are running the poindexter.”
Speaking of typos, but I suppose you’ve never heard of them, eh? Some use of the definite article “the” you have there.
For Christ & Country,
Brother Bob
Join the war, cause trying to teach those assholes is like teaching a mule. It might happen but more than likely it won’t happen.
Eh, even if it won’t change their minds, yelling at someone releases frustrations.
Yeah we all know how you “GOOD OLD SOUTHERN BOYS” love real “MAN TO MAN” sports. You just love to get nake and wrestle rupping your hot sweaty body againt a young boy smooth tight muscle body don’t ya. And if your little boy toy don’t do as his MASTER says than you put on your leather outfit take out the whips & dog chain put the dog chain on the boy neck & whip his smooth tight little ass. You get sexually excited as the young boy scream in pain from you mercilessly whip his red bloody ass.