Homo Gay Music Now Being Taught in Schools

Looks like our little flesh twinkie humpers are now trying to teach children that homosexuality is fun, by brainwashing them with songs. The sheet on the left is for classrooms with boys and the sheet on the right is for little girls. The titles are vulgar and are a perfect example of how the gay’s brain works when it comes to small children.

Please view the photo below and vote on how you feel about this new form of homo terrorism.

14 thoughts on “Homo Gay Music Now Being Taught in Schools

  1. Jazze

    you just showed us a picture without giveing any kind of source or link to relevance. for all we know it could easily be a joke or a photoshop.
    prove it has anything to do with school.

      1. Jazze

        yes because it’s simply imposible to make something that looks like something else right? if it looks like a music sheet ment to make kids gay then it must be. just like how you look like an insane terrorist you must be one.

  2. The Comedian

    EVERYONE HIT THE FUCKING PANIC BUTTON NOW!!!!!![img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_xYM7m-Ph0Rk/TIDh9HwgYZI/AAAAAAAAAAw/pjHWAkZO_ME/s1600/PanicButton.gif[/img]

  3. Millenium

    shete for the left is for boy and the right for girl hmm tell me how did you know that Maybe its the opposite

    oh and by the way Pussy is also the female of the cat Just saying

  4. Max

    Please bear in mind that “Ride a Cock Horse…” and “I Love Little Pussy” are nursery rhymes which have been printed in various forms since 1744 and 1830 respectively, according to the Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes. The supposed vulgarity here is not the intent of the publishers, it’s due to the evolution of English as a language. The word “drab” used to imply vulgarity and lowliness in the 1700s, not just a lack of luster, while today, a multitude of different formerly unoffensive words can get you in trouble. While nursery rhymes have been increasingly revised over the past two decades, it is by no means unheard of to print an unaltered version of the poems.

  5. brendan

    seriously drown yourself that way we dont have to listen to this BS and you can go be with your magic sky daddy and did you seriously call someone a dumb head? sounds like youre the “flesh twinkie rider” < that phrase is eoungh to tell youre gay

  6. kiki

    ok i think this has to be said: if that makes you gay like really old songs from back when gay meant happy then sports make you gay too specially football I’m just saying if you sign up your kid to have a guy bend over in front of them then they chase after each other and pile on top of one another before going and getting changed and showering together i mean i know football and sports are suppose to be manly but lets face it all sports end with a bunch of dudes or chicks in a room naked together so yea YEY SPORTS AND ALL THEY’RE GAYDOM!!!!

    i love being bi i get the best of both world 😉

  7. fnark

    it’s terrible to encourage young kids to be sweet to kittehs. it will only coddle them from the nasty ass grownup world.

  8. Laquisha

    “Cock” in another word for “Rooster” and “Pussy” is another word for “Cat”
    You people make me laugh with all the bull shit you post on here.


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