Is Your Son a Pop Punk Rocker?

Has your son been growing out his hair and combing it to the side and topping it off with a beanie or hoodie, even if it is 100 degrees outside? Has hit pant’s size labels gone from saying 28 inch to a female size of 6? Does he spend a lot of money at Hot Topic or surfs eBay for overly priced “vintage” clothing? Does he spend hours making mixed tapes with scotch tape labels entitled “Tracks to Hang My Soul From” or “For the Girl I wish I Could Dream About”? Or even worse, has he been hanging posters of 90lbs boys with tribal tattoos above his bed, gazing into their eyes with sugar sprinkled lust? If so, you son has been traveling with Satan’s homo erotic boy band tour bus, while under the influence of what is know as “Pop Punk Rock”.

For those who don’t know, pop punk or “bubblegum pop” came out of the gay crammed city of San Fransisco in the late 90’s from bands like Greenday, Bad Religion, The Pixies and the famous underground band, Good Charlotte. These bands were formed to be more gay club friendly and not to be so grunge, trash style. Gays wanted to be apart of the new punk culture that was springing up in every corner of suburbia, but needed a Boy George sass to it. So the gays picked up their musical weapons and formed a lighter, more homo friendly melody that they could slap their tickle whistles to.

Like all things gay, weather it is disease, sin or the urge to consume large amounts of brown star of David muscle relaxing drugs, the new pop punk movement started to brainwash America’s youth and their music climbed onto the pop music charts. All of a sudden songs like “The Boys of Summer”, “Feeling This” and “Hit That”, started to infect the Billboard charts with their homosexual anthems and messages.

It is called “Pop Punk” not because it is considered “Pop” music, it is because in gay street talk they call the first experience of gay sin docking as being “Popped” or “Popping”. This is also why fans of Pop Punk are called “Poppers”. Most new fans of Pop Punk are new recruits to the gay lifestyle and they are traded around within the gay pecking order and gays fight violently to be the “Cherry Picker” or “Sir Popper” of the new boy’s firm fecal passageway. Once the vile act is completed, they can be promoted to the rank of “Popper”.

Early songs were fueled with fecal assassin tendencies and slowly turned into male dairy form songs. Lead singers would try their hardest to create songs about breakups, confused sexual identities, depression binge drinking and how to stalk the football captain’s girlfriend.

With this new music becoming so famous and easy to create, failed metal bands like “New Found Glory”, “Blink182″ and “MxPx” were given an outlet to easily become famous rock stars. Lead singers were forced to get rid of their devil outfits and turn them in for skinny jeans, tight black t-shirts and bleached blonde hair.

Not only do these bands create homo toe tapping tracks, but they also take famous songs from the 70s and 80s and turn them into something that arouses Satan into a fecal frenzy of mass masturbatory proportions.

This new culture is flooded with homosexual antics and be sure that your son has had a late night back sit rub down or skin inspection with a fellow male “Popper”. It is not uncommon for these young mean to tamper with God’s anger towards sweaty homosexual sex-plorations.

Modern day pop punk bands like “Falling Out Boy” and “The Get Up Kids” have been considered the most dangerous bands to your children. Falling Out Boy recently produced a song called “Dance, Dance” which is a song that tells a story about a young boy who wants to drop out of college become a gogo dancer at a local leather bar.

With songs like this being played on Mtv, VH1, BET and on every Ryan Seacrest radio station, your sons are being taught that education and American morals are not important anymore.

So take our Holy warning and look through you sons iTunes player and delete any band that seems dangerous. If they keep downloading them, cancel their Apple subscription and don’t allow them to become friends with kids that have parents who let them have access to the iTunes store or Napster.

237 thoughts on “Is Your Son a Pop Punk Rocker?

  1. Cool Tom Kimbo

    Wonderful guide, Tyson! There are many of these teenage “poppers” at my church, and I hadn’t known about their secret homosexual lifestyles!

    After I delete their Satan musics, do you have any idea how I can further help them? I was thinking about introducing them to Jars of Clay or DC Talk, since those were my favorite Christian bands in high school.

    1. Alison Manson

      yea in 600 B.C, pop punk rockers r just boys with a sensitive side and that’s way their not gay they gets tons of girls like that and having many options and their sensitivity the chose the sweet kind faithful girl, so cut ur hair faggot and learn the truth asshole

        1. Alison Manson

          she did and laughed and said oh my god this is a bunch of lies right? ppl now a days, oh sweetie heres a cookie

        2. Shannon

          My mom told me I could come on here and talk all the shit I want, and she laughed when I told her about it because she knows I am right

          1. Rob

            This is by far the stupidest thing i’ve ever heard. Music isn’t about spreading hate or demonic messages, its about doing what you love and expressing the true you. Not all music is gay. Thats why people are losing faith in Catholicism each and every day. Agnosticism ftw

          2. RebelAshRunner

            My parents said the exact same thing! My dad even sits with me and laughs his ass off at some of these idiotic douchebags who are dissing shit they know nothing about *cough* SUSAN *cough*.

    2. hi

      there is a very large difference between a “pop punk rocker” and what you are describing. i might consider myself to be a punk-rocker and i am in fact a straight day and good charlotte used to be wonderful bands[gc turned from punk to pop.yes theres a difference between punk and pop!!!i find it EXTREMELY OFFENSIVE that you put pop,punk,and rock together.they are all sererate genres.]the pic that you posted of all time low [the one with white arrows]is also offensive.there arent any “homosexual bedroom eyes” and im sorry to yell but $400 JEANS ARE FOR PEOPLE THAT CAN AFFORD THEM.SAME FOR HOT TOPIC.HOT TOPIC HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BEING A HOMOSEXUAL POP-PUNK-ROCKER

    3. jchc

      Really just because someone listen to pop punk doent make them gay or a satan worshipier. and for the record mxpx is a christian punk band

    4. Travis

      You are all fucking Nazis.

      I hope when you get to heaven God molests you and than fucking lynches you.

      Go fuck your pasturs, and listen to some Christian music you furry faggots.

      1. RebelAshRunner

        Oh fuck off, you sexist pissant. How dare you call us Nazis when we’re the ones trying to say that tolerance is what we need in this world, and that loving everyone is what will make the world better, not these bullshit articles. I listen to christian music, but I also listen to my so-called “emosexual” music EVEN MORE, because its artists are the only reason I even BELIEVE in God anymore.

    5. Eric

      I have no idea where authors like this get off saying such ridiculous things. If they would actually take some time to read the lyrics instead of judging people that look different, maybe this article would be relevant and not a joke.

    6. Jessica

      Please tell me youre joking. You people go around shouting “I love Jesus! I love Jesus!” and talk about how the person that can judge you is God….your such a hypocrit cause you’re judging people without knowing them at all. Your kind, is fucking ignorant and should be beat to a bloody pulp. So why don’t you go and shove your beliefs down someone elses throat because anybody who loves these bands will gladly stick up for them.

  2. L.N

    Judging by the title of this blog, you clearly have no idea what ‘pop’, ‘punk’ or ‘rock’ is.

    Judging by the rest of the blog, you are clearly out of your mind.

    Apparently you’re the kind of Christian that believes that sanity is a sin.

    1. ROFLMFAO!!!

      though the author may be unfamiliar the terms you have just cited…

      it seems that the author knows A LOT ABOUT BEING GAY HIMSELF.. doesn’t he? considering that’s pretty much all he rants about in his posts…

      now this posses the question.. Who has some unresolved closet issues? ;3

    2. Captain Obvious

      Maybe it is… after all, “SANITY… IS FOR THE WEAK!”

  3. badchat

    you’re a flipping lunatic, srsly, wtf??? you don’t know jack shit mr bowels about jack shit. and that includes punk rock too. what the hell qualifies you to write such bs? homosexual bedroom eyes? blink 182? and yeah tyson everybody yanks it and if you say you dont you’re either a liar or a enuch with his nuts chopped off.

    i just don’t understand how a jackass like you gets all these lies. yeah all your shit is just lies. none of this stuff you write about really happens. brown muscle relaxers? i dont even know what that is. and there’s nothing gay about punk rock you idiot.

    this article srsly should be taken down. in fact, this whole damn website should just be deleted off the internet and we all be better for it. you’re all a bunch of nimrod cocksuckers. makes sense that this is some old christian fart behind this since you guys are all kiddie piddlers. tyson bowles what a douche.

  4. Shannon

    You are disturbed pop, punk, and rock are 3 DIFFERENT types of music, they don’t even play them on the same stations, unless you are insanely popular. Seriously I know I have said it before, try looking something up before you write it.

  5. Alison Manson

    these guys r so retarded its funny really did u hear that they think avenged 7 fold is a christian jesus freak band hahahahahaha their an amazing band bt they are completly the opposite and have a song named God Hates Us hahahahahaha oh my god its so funny, my son laughed about this and told me that ur a bunch or redneck freaks that still use covered wagons and measure things with rocks, hahahahaha he’s 5. do us all a favor and go back to having sex with ur daughters and thinking the world is flat u inbreed freaks of nature.

        1. Alison Manson

          1 im a girl 2 yes he is jeffree star an amazing man with pink hair and 3 why don’t u and billings gt together and ass rape each other for a few minuets cuz then Ur gonna like it and go for hours. u know my money and power can get u guys off the internet but then again why do that? I always need a good laugh after im done counting my money and travailing to Europe and the rest of the world and partying bt i can and if u give me more back talk im just will do it and then we all move on with our lives

          1. Catfish

            That’s not very Christian of you Blanche. Isn’t it “God’s word” to accept all persons, regards of their dress?

      1. Alison Manson

        easy billings ur son will be having anal sex while the guy in that picture will be with a beauty woman with a happy family while u suck out the shit of ur kids ass becuz he lives on the streets

        1. Stephenson Billings

          Hi Alison!

          Have you accepted Jesus Christ as Your Personal Savior? There is a great passage in Hebrews that reads, “”Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” Yes, you need to have FAITH in a power greater than yourself, you need to humble yourself before God. Your addiction to sex and drugs is incredibly unhealthy, particularly for a young girl like yourself. I will pray for you and your terrible friends as they attempt to climb out of this disgusting and foul lifestyle. God bless and I pray:

          O Father of mercies and God of all comfort, our only help in time of need: We humbly beseech thee to behold, visit and relieve thy sick servant Alison. for whom our prayers are desired. Look upon her with the eyes of thy mercy; comfort her with a sense of thy goodness; preserve her from the temptations of the enemy; and give her patience under this affliction. In thy good time, restore her to health, and enable her to lead the residue of her life in thy fear, and to thy glory; and grant that finally she may dwell with thee in life everlasting; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


          1. Alison Manson

            yes bt i wish to learn of other religions and gods and i know he is all powerful bt im next in line Ive had grown men bow to my mercy and ask for help look billings u cant bullshit a bullshiter. i learned the u hill billy whites always mess things up for normal modern day ppl so try as u may im above u and all u christwire freaks and get ur facts straight especilly in music i love blood on the dance floor , and punks and emos, and avenged 7 fold is a god hating band and he is my proof we r then next leaders of the world so what u say is an empty promise so try billings and lady gaga is a few steps a way from gay marriage legalization in new york u have no power and ur god failed me so many times so billings u r nothing the website is a joke and i am all powerful SUCK IT BITCH!!!!

          2. Stephenson Billings

            Blood on the Dance Floor happens to be one of the most foul, offensive music groups in human history. Multiple Christian groups have called for their albums to be banned. And you honestly believe Lady Gaga is the one behind homosexual marriage? It’s spouse cheater Andy Cuomo who’s pushing that. Don’t try to make your rock star idols into all powerful gods. Gaga is just an ugly woman with an ugly voice, profiting in the millions off ignorant children like you.

          3. L.N

            And you’re an ugly old man who refuses to accept that we aren’t in the 50’s any more. You deny change, you hate people, you hate anything different. You’re nothing more than a coward stuck at home, praying that the moment you step outside of your house to feed your fat ass that you aren’t swarmed by something. You listen only to the music that you grew up with, and you assume everything around you is evil.

            Get with the times old man, you’re nothing more than cancer upon humanity.

          4. Alison Manson

            and that why so many ppl love her more than god and blood on the dance floor yea vulgar and sexual attractive band bt they have more followers the god himself so who win blood on the dance floor yay! like always woo hoo and guess what i paid 2,000 dollars for a church meet and greet in good old Texas and invited them and they attend and we all enjoyed their company they were much smarter and polite and WAY! more christian-like than anything on this website

          5. Alison Manson

            billings billings billings ur so confused say it with me… order of power; Lady gaga, Blood on the dance floor, ME, god, obama, mexicans, every1 else, whites, animals, krill, fish, whales, whale poop then christwire morons who believe this shit

  6. Alison Manson

    oh and by the way for the ice man fucker we at BT love Mexicans and all races so just cuz im Manson and Dahvie Vanity is Torres doesn’t mean i shouldn’t trust him i trust him with all my heart i mean look at Jayy Von Monroe and Dahvie Vanity and my little lily share a hello hug [img],r:19,s:0&biw=1280&bih=616[/img]

      1. Alison Manson

        u do know that im paying for the church to run i dont go to it i dont need it u hag old bitch!

        1. Blanche Beecham

          What a mature and lovely countenance you project, Alison. Please save your telephone sexting skills for Satan.

          1. Alison Manson

            I wanna fuck you hard
            I wanna feel you deep
            I wanna fucking rock your body

            I wanna fuck you hard
            I wanna feel you deep
            I wanna rock your body
            I wanna taste your sweet

            I wanna fuck you hard
            I wanna feel you deep
            I wanna aah ahh
            I wanna aah ahh

            Love me or hate me but you want to fuck me
            My love is unrestricted
            You know you wanna lick this
            I’m stronger than the strongest drug you’ve ever had
            Mix ’em all together and I would still be twice as bad

            I know you want some more!

            Sexting, sexting, sexting courtesy of Blood On The Dance Floor and this is the way we all speak but then u wouldn’t know Ur as old as dirt and probably sat behind Jesus Christ in the 3rd grade

        2. Cailyn

          I love BOTDF i hate how they’re bitching on everything just because it’s not what THEY like. Welcome to candyland I’ll split your asss in two so take me by the hand first time naughty second time nice [:

  7. Blanche Beecham

    It used to be the only people that wore white leather belts were old Jews living in Florida. Who are these young people mimicking?

          1. Alisonmanson

            Oh no no no no please call me God, and i say its not a, becuz i am GOD, suck it Bee-otch

  8. Alison Manson

    i dare u billings write an article om jeffree star and watch ur website burn i hell like u, Susan,Blanche Beecham, Tyson Bowers III, and Cool Tom Kimbo, will so suck it fuck it and love it cuz Stop the hate, congratulate
    You know my name so eat some cake
    Party hardy grab Bacardi
    Talk your shit watch you get hit
    Save the drama for your mama
    What’s up with that awful gossip
    Don’t be mad cuz my hair is so rad
    Life is good up in my hood

    Bitches get stitches, they end up in ditches, so get the riches
    Bitches get stitches end up in ditches, get the riches

    Bitches get stitches, they end up in ditches, so get the riches
    Bitches get stitches end up in ditches, get the riches

    Check yourself before you wreck yourself
    OMG blah blah blah
    I’m rated x for explicit sex
    You can talk your shit
    You can run those lips
    Your only makin’ me famous you ignoramus
    I’m so dangerous
    So so so so dangerous.

    Bitches get stitches they end up in ditches, so get the riches
    Bitches get stitches end up ditches, get the riches

    Bitches get stitches, they end up in ditches, so get the riches
    Bitches get stitches end up in ditches, get the riches

    You can talk your shit you’re only makin’ me famous
    You can talk your shit you’re only makin’ me famous
    You can talk your shit you’re only makin’ me famous
    You can talk your shit you’re only makin’ me famous

    Bitches get stitches, they end up in ditches, so get the riches
    Bitches get stitches end up in ditches, get the riches
    You can talk your shit you’re only makin’ me famous
    Bitches get stitches, they end up in ditches, so get the riches
    Bitches get stitches end up in ditches, get the riches

    Bitches get stitches, they end up in ditches, so get the riches
    Bitches get stitches end up in ditches, get the riches
    You can talk your shit you’re only makin’ me famous
    Bitches get stitches, they end up in ditches, so get the riches
    Bitches get stitches end up in ditches, get the riches

    Bitches get stitches, they end up in ditches, so get the riches
    Bitches get stitches end up in ditches, get the riches
    You can talk your shit you’re only makin’ me famous
    Bitches get stitches, they end up in ditches, so get the riches
    Bitches get stitches end up in ditches, get the riches

    Bitches get stitches, they end up in ditches, so get the riches
    Bitches get stitches end up in ditches, get the riches
    You can talk your shit you’re only makin’ me famous
    Bitches get stitches, they end up in ditches, so get the riches
    Bitches get stitches end up in ditches, get the riches

    Bitches get stitches, they end up in ditches, so get the riches
    Bitches get stitches end up in ditches, get the riches
    You can talk your shit you’re only makin’ me famous
    Bitches get stitches, they end up in ditches, so get the riches
    Bitches get stitches end up in ditches, get the riches

    Bitches get stitches, they end up in ditches, so get the riches
    Bitches get stitches end up in ditches, get the riches
    You can talk your shit you’re only makin’ me famous
    Bitches get stitches, they end up in ditches, so get the riches
    Bitches get stitches end up in ditches, get the riches

    Bitches get stitches, they end up in ditches, so get the riches
    Bitches get stitches end up in ditches, get the riches
    You can talk your shit you’re only makin’ me famous
    Bitches get stitches, they end up in ditches, so get the riches
    Bitches get stitches end up in ditches, get the riches

    Bitches get stitches, they end up in ditches, so get the riches
    Bitches get stitches end up in ditches, get the riches
    You can talk your shit you’re only makin’ me famous
    Bitches get stitches, they end up in ditches, so get the riches
    Bitches get stitches end up in ditches, get the riches YOU CAN TALK UR SHIT UR ONLY MAKING ME FAMOUS!!!!!!

    1. Tyson Bowers III

      This person you speak of is a nobody. Just because someone is gay community famous in the armpit city called Los Angeles, doesn’t make them important. It is scary to know that you look up to someone who needs to create a false sense of attention just to get noticed.

      1. L.N

        Just because your ego is the size of the sun doesn’t make you important. It’s scary that you’ll spout out the kind of hatred you do just to get attention.

      2. Alison Manson

        Armpit city? Hey! this is my hometown my babies birth place, u have no right to say that u know what do me a favor go to ur kitchen and chop off ur dick so that now u have a reason to be alone and so that there is no baby asshead like urself. Jeffree star is a king a man with so much more to offer than u or ur god! u never heard of him cuz u think that evrything is evil! if i sneeze u would think that Satan is trying so speak through me . is more of a man than u, and he is gay well he welcomes both sexes so u should really learn about the out side world! u useless piece of shit bird nose cum bucket u can suck it and love it bitch God told me it was unhealthy to be so popular, that’s probably why I’m sick all the time. Go and buy some sunglasses because the future is bright pink, bitch.

        [sorry if we can’t all be unoriginal] but I have a mold to break.

        I’m a billboard, advertising your aging confidence, self-destruction and sagging self-esteem.

        The appearance of my own body is cut and dissected every time I breathe. My horror of beauty is not when I’m laying naked on the bathroom floor, but when I’m staring at myself, wondering what’s underneath the painted-on feelings and made-up eyes. I’m not a fucking beauty queen. When I walk into the bathroom, I’m not getting pretty.. I’m destroying myself. Repairing myself from the damage I’ve done. Whether YOU like it or NOT. The ceiling of fear crashes down on me when I pick up the latest fashion magazine and find that no one else looks like me. But what is ME? Where has the word “real” gone to? Maybe reality is blonde hair, plastic body parts, tan skin and porcelain teeth? I think it’s sweaty skin, smeared lipstick and a big mouth, being afraid of nothing and truly LOVING yourself without BEING someone else. The vanity sanctuary will keep me safe and you can try to break me down but you’re only hurting yourself, just like you’re supposed to be doing.

        I’ll be dying in my makeup and you’ll be dying without it. Did you have a point? Because somewhere in your own special ugliness you lost meaning and I forgot what you said. So center the text and write some more, it’s all mine..and its all needneedneed.

        You’re famous last words were forgotten because no one was listening.
        Quite time now, surgery isn’t an option.

        They said I’d never be anything but who has the world watching them? Who has such amazing and dedicated fans? People need to hate me because they hate themselves. They want to believe the rumors about me because they don’t have their own rumors. I’m here to stay, with my diamond rims and pink lipstick, so get used to it and worry about yourself before you try and be negative towards me.

        I’m a getaway car for real feelings. I’m your Miss Methamphetamine, the truth shoved up your nose. Smile, with your gasoline teeth and forced empathy. Let me be the one thing that makes your heart break because you can’t help it. You need someone like me to make you feel wrong.

        Everything is monotone like my dead fucking eyes and I’ll say “I’m the only Miss America. I’m what your mother was supposed to be. I’m perfect.”

        “I want out of the labels. I don’t want my whole life crammed into a single word. A story. I want to find something else, unknowable, some place to be that’s not on the map. A real adventure. A sphinx. A mystery. A blank. Unknown. Undefined.”

        “The only way to find true happiness is to risk being completely cut open. Sure, everybody wants to play God, but for me it’s a full-time job. What you don’t understand, you can make mean anything.” from the luxurious pink lips of jeffree star

          1. Alison Manson

            Hmm power money and complete power over anyone i want maybe u should start calling me Alison Manson goddess of everyone and god himself, im different becuz i don’t do drugs or turn into miley Cyrus after my childhood acting career bowers u and the rest of the morons who follow and believe this site r the real devil worshiping anal ex loving douches so u can go and ass rape some AID infested hobo off our street cus we all know thats what u want and if u really want don’t wrry we know, ur gay. its ok dont cry assface just work it bitch. and LA is way more procative than u or any other idiot the believes this shitty site.

          2. janett nunez

            like it said… suck it up u aint got no controll over music… you ain got nothing to do except trying to hate on others… dont hate apeircite! cuz u just a damn hater!

          3. Captain Obvious

            I can’t tell if Alison is using Poe’s law or not… very professional, either way…

        1. Inscrutable

          You’d think with all of your meaningless Holy Idol Money, you could learn to write properly. How could you possibly learn how to communicate in English correctly if you are spending all of your time Disco Sticking yourself while you drool at the sight of your cross-dressing narcissistic popping friends. Lady Garbage indeed.

          Jesus would not approve of this mysterious “gt together” act that you have constructed in your sinful subconscious. You state “bt I can,” obviously a reference to Satan’s favorite invention, Dianetics (body thetans).

          Europe is a good place for you and the money you so desperately need to point out that you have; you and your deviant pink friend Kenneth Starr can stay there and pop each other with the spoils of whatever trust fund money you’ve done nothing for forever and ever amen.

          Your posts go on and on about funding churches as if you yourself are the Bill Gates of religion. Get down from the cross and know that you are nothing special. In the end your money will turn to dust along with all of humanity. Your God is Mammon.

          I do like this little bit of God’s Truth from the “church” you fund:
          “Women play a vital role in the life of the church, but in keeping with God’s created design they are not permitted “to teach or to exercise authority over a man”’

          In criticizing God’s soldiers Mr. Billings and Mr. Tyson, you are flagrantly disobeying your own role as a subservient woman as prescribed by your church. Why should we entertain your accusations of hypocrisy when you are clearly also a hypocrite? Are you really a woman? Your writing tone takes on the roughness of a stubbly overweight drinker named Joe Bob.

          I was expecting to find that you fund your own church given your extreme fascination with your own feelings. I wonder what it’s like to be so dissatisfied with one’s self that one colors one’s hair pink or slaps on a layer of clownish hag makeup. I think it’s like Hell; I suspect you’ll be part of the whole Hell experience too. You seem like a piece of plastic, stuck up your own orifice with empty culture and ignorant vanity.

          You also talk about yourself in the third-person. Also as annoying as hell, or actually being in Hell. You flap your jaw in such a way as a performing seal would do; who has brainwashed you into this strange inner dialogue? Air pollution? Oh wait, you are “Miss Methamphetamine.” It all makes sense now. A stark raving mad illiterate trend follower who uses drugs. I’m sure you queef glitter too just like the other robots in our popular culture. Go to rehab or perform a David Carradine procedure, if you catch my drift.

          1. Alisonmanson

            U iggnotante assface im not him he is a man and i am God all powerful god so get that through ur head. As GOd I am Offended, and i will Put u through hell and i would never say this becuz im god but i HATE i dont hate gays but i HATE U.

  9. Conor

    What the flying fuck?! This has to be a piss take right? Nobody is this stupid. Seriously. How the hell did you get this far in life?! With your stupidity i’m surprised you haven’t blown yourself up by sticking your undersized dick into an electrical output. These guys get more pussy than any of you christian fags. Wake up and smell the fucking roses.

  10. NickGorton

    “Has your son been growing out his hair and combing it to the side and topping it off with a beanie or hoodie, even if it is 100 degrees outside? Has hit pant’s size labels gone from saying 28 inch to a female size of 6? Does he spend a lot of money at Hot Topic or surfs eBay for overly priced “vintage” clothing? Does he spend hours making mixed tapes with scotch tape labels”

    I think you mean a hipster.

  11. paul dalton

    how absolutely educated of all you neo-punk half ass classic rockers out there! spend yet more time wasting your parents money on being a professional student,please. have you never thought that something might be satire if it disturbs your delicate sensibilities? are you really that morally outraged? if so,maybe the good people at christwire really should pray for you-to find reality,that is. the world is full of opinions, are you really ready to be so vehement about yours?

  12. Gay4God


    Everyone here knows that this is a satirical website, right?

    So people defending the ‘poppers’ (lol btw) and people acting like self righteous heathens (Aka these people that think themselves Christian), are actually just making themselves look like morons. This is a SATIRE.

    Jeez.. You should all be smarter.. This is why other countries call America stupid.

    Just look up the origins and media coverage of christwire.

    It’s a satirical site, but the fun thing about satire and sarcasm is that without inflection or actual spoken dialogue, they can be lost and things appear serious…if you’re a moron.

    Like all of you /clearly/ are.

    <3 Gay4God

      1. Cool Tom Kimbo

        Shannon, I am sad to hear that you think this site is not “real,” but I am glad that you are not, in fact, as stupid as you are pretending to be! You had me worried!

        Probably in real life you are a wise fifty year old Christian man and not an ignorant twelve year old fan of Satanic fiction. Keep spreading God’s word (in real life, I mean, not with your stupid “internet persona.”)

        1. Shannon

          STFU everything I said is true fact, I am a 25 year old women, who is pagan, and loves the twilight saga keep dreaming I am like you because I am not!

    1. whatever

      I’m not a moron. But all these overzealous “Christians” that believe this website is “truth” are. I understand that it’s supposed to be satire, but some of it is very hateful and racist and these “Christians” are defending it and saying that’s okay. It’s not.

  13. Bruce Danus

    Is this the same musical style as the band from England called The Sexed Pickles who wrote a song called “God save the Queens”? Or is it more along the lines of the Mexican boy band from New York known simply as Ramone? Either way, I find this trend highly disturbing.

      1. Bruce Danus

        Right Shannon, and next you’ll be trying to tell me that Lady Gaga is a woman and Justine Bieber is a boy. You are a truly confused young lady.

        1. Shannon

          I think you are the confused one, Lady Gaga is a women, do you have proof otherwise? Same thing about Justin Bieber, do you have proof he isnt a boy? NO YOU DONT

          1. whatever

            Justin Bieber sounds like a girl… lol. If you can’t laugh at that you are just as bad as all these conservative “Christians.”

          2. Shannon

            Oh I promise I am LMAO as I write everyone of these posts. I dont take any of this shit serious, I agree with you by the way he does sound like a girl me and my friend had a really funny debate about it earlier

  14. Steve

    This is a horribly written article. It often makes no sense and is filled with spelling errors. This is mind-numbingly ignorant, even for a reactionary religious nut.

      1. L.N

        “Has hit pant’s size labels gone from saying 28 inch to a female size of 6? ”

        Dyslexia is a sign of sin CI, God isn’t happy with you.

        1. Mel

          the human brain often fills in visual information with what it is expecting rather than what is actually THERE. I think this is a great example of how people get so stuck in a narrow world view. An “ignorance trap” of sorts…would love to see some stats on who glossed over the stuff they refused to see.

  15. Bruce Danus

    Tyson, while doing some more research into these “Poppers”, I stumbled across their homogay anthem. It is a guide to becoming a popped punked rocker.

      1. Bruce Danus

        It proves that these “poppers” are trying to turn all of our children into homosexual deviants like them. It is sick.

        1. Shannon

          WTF are “poppers” anyway? The only poppers I have ever heard of are jalapeno poppers, but you probably think those are evil and from the devil to

        2. glitch

          poppers the little rubber half ball that you turn inside out place on a flat surface then it jumps with a loud pop several seconds later?????

          1. Eric

            those will get you though, sometimes they snap on ur finger and it can hurt for a second or two…but im pretty sure those send you to hell too based on the logic on this site

    1. L.N

      And Christianity is a cult where you worship a zombie while telling a sky wizard you worship his son, and you do all of this via telepathy.

          1. L.N

            But America is all about freedom and choice. You want to restrict freedom and choice. You believe that it’s Satan’s freedoms and choices, yet those choices make up America. It’s the same as saying that you want to remove all other political sides other than Conservative Republicans. You want to restrict the freedom of people, because you believe it to be part of the Devil.

          2. Christian Intellectual

            America is all about Christian values and principles.

            I only want to restrict evil (like murder, rape, terrorism, pedophilia, homogayness, etc).

          3. L.N

            Christian values allow the murder of sinners and rape not being a crime, yet punishes homosexuals.

            American laws make murder and rape the worst of crimes, yet allows homosexuals to live.

            America is about decisions and free choice and freedom. To deny the people the ability to speak their voice is nothing short of anti-American values.

            America may have been discovered by greed, but it was founded and civilized and separated from the English under the grounds that people can speak, that choice isn’t something to be restricted, that people can do things that others don’t like because that’s just how America rolls. To deny the people, or to want to deny the people the ability to do those things when those acts are harmless is nothing short of treachery.

          4. Christian Intellectual

            “To deny the people, or to want to deny the people the ability to do those things when those acts are harmless is nothing short of treachery.”

            I agree 100% with this. I am against the homogays because they RAPE CHILDREN (and sodomy is an abomination). Why do you support THAT ?.

            Maybe you support that because L.N means Love.Nambla ?

          5. L.N

            You support a LIE. I support the truth.

            Show me the statistics that prove that homosexuals rape children. Not the numbers of child rapers that were homosexual, the numbers that prove that gay men do in fact rape children. Show me the studies, show me the reports, show me every single possible fact and resource you can possibly muster up that proves without a shadow of a doubt that homosexuals assault children.

            Because the best you have is the other way around, while there’s historical documentation about the terrible, horrible, and vile things that Christians have done, in the name of Christ. Who’s the evil one now? You twist facts around to support your own misguided beliefs about homosexual people, and you will lie to fill in the gaps, and all I have to do is read off the shit you all have done from the history books. Care to remember a little thing called the ‘Crusades’? Those people were Christians, and your buddies here have not only acknowledged this, but even SUPPORTED ANOTHER ONE. Oh, and good luck trying to deny those people as being Christian, because by your own logic, you couldn’t possibly be Christian either, so suck it.

            Admit it, you’re a liar, but your ego refuses to let you back down. You’re nothing more than a child who’s afraid of what’s different, and as a response, you’ll fight back with your dying breath when all that fighting does is prevent progress.

          6. Bruce Danus

            Great Work L.N, you have single handily made people know that Women can’t do certain jobs. It is women like you L.N, who make me proud to be a man and happy to not be a sexist. L.N, you are a beautiful young lady! Thank you for loving Jesus!!!

          7. L.N

            You’re a dyslexic fool Bruce. God WILL punish you for your sins, and already has. He has taken away your eyesight, and you will never go to Heaven! You’ve been told many, many times that I am indeed a male, yet you refuse to accept this, merely so you can insult women further! You are nothing but a fool! To hell with you! You still remain a homosexual, yet you refuse to accept this! You have sinned, and you will NEVER be forgiven, for it is written in your own bible!

  16. SKepitalt

    You all realize this site is a parody of fundamentalist christians or “fundis.” I am atheist and was raised fundamentalist and its pretty funny. It’s pretty much what my christian community thought behind closed doors but wouldn’t say in any official way.

  17. Chellsie

    Where is this guy getting his information from? Pop punk has nothing to do with being homosexual. And how is Blink 182 metal? What planet are you from? I am pretty sure something is wrong with your mental state. Ever single word I read was literally so bizarre and not remotely correct. I don’t know whether to laugh or feel sorry for you. I’ll just not take this seriously and remember people like you are the reason society hasn’t progressed from the middle ages.

  18. Anon

    You give Christians and God himself a bad name. Let God judge and keep your ignorant opinions to yourself.

  19. Susan B. Xenu

    I remember the day my grandson told me that he finally got his hands on “dookie” I was HORRIFIED, but it turned out to be a greenday album, I was elated that it wasnt poop until i listened to it!

  20. Bruce Danus

    The “band” Operation Ivy, which later became the boy band “Rancid” had a strangle hold of homogayness on these popped punked rockers for years. I fear Lance Armstrong and his power over youths(he has A.I.D.S) Any lead singer of a band like Lance Armstrong who has a gay disease should not be praised, but should be put in a hospital in a country that is not America.

    1. TokioHotel.BOTDF.Lauren

      Lance Armstrong is a cyclist who has cancer. Thank you for calling cancer a gay disease, as my aunt, who i am very close to, is dying of cancer at the moment. Thank you for that. Queer asshole.

    1. Bruce Danus

      The pop punk band “Stryper” also claimed to have Christian members, but they were proven to be idolators and heretics. This band New Found Glory seems to be as evil as the man Harvey Danger who wrote a song about putting a flagpole in his rectum. You Popped Punked Rocks are very confused and gross.

      1. L.N

        So people aren’t Christian unless you say they are. Ah, I didn’t know God and Jesus gave you that ability to determine who is a follower of Jesus. Just snap your fingers and say a name and bam! Instant Christian! Works in reverse too, but only if you’re a member of Christwire.

        Retarded fool.

      2. tom

        actually I’m interested to see what other sources actually corroborate the opinion of Christwire, which is’t Christwire itself.

        Also I like how you say they promote the gay life style, whilst having girlfriends, who are Christians, Chastity bound Christians at that. So again, GOOD RESEARCH THERE BRAH.

        1. Bruce Danus

          Hi there Tom, thank you for reading the article. It appears you are confused though. This article is a well researched and factual article, not an opinion. As for whoever you are saying has “girlfriends who are Chastity bound Christians”, I would love to know which of these horrific homogay popped punk bands you think would actually even let a female hang out with them, let alone be their “girlfriends. That statement actually made me, as the kids say, “snirtle”, which means to snicker or giggle. You are a funny person Tom. Thanks for the entertainment. So ridiculous. I am almost Rolling On The Floor Laughing.

          1. Bruce Danus

            “snirtle” or “to snicker and/or giggle” is from the favorite show for 13-20 years old on the televisions called “You can’t do that on T.V”. Perhaps you are a little too old to know what is “hip” with the kids these days.

          2. TokioHotel.BOTDF.Lauren

            I’m 17, so I think I know what is ‘hip’ these days… And ‘snirtle’ is not a word. No kids I know of say that. Maybe the ones in your backwoods redneck town may, but not out here in the modern world

          3. TokioHotel.BOTDF.Lauren

            And Timmay, I will not grace that comment with a reply. The ‘cult’ of wicca? If you ask me Christianity is the cult!

          4. Timmay

            That depends on whether I’m being blessed by one of the devils described by the wicca cult… Or by JESUS!

          5. Timmay

            Glitch, I cannot dispute that. For example, Shannon actually seems pretty nice. The only worry I have for them is just that they are not *saved*!

          6. Timmay

            Oh Shannon. You spit your wiccan fire at me once again, even after a paid you what amounts to a nice unbidden compliment yesterday in the “Chavez” comments!

          7. Bruce Danus

            Timmay, you are right. Shannon can be very nice, at least until her cohorts of Evil show up. Of course I am referring to Al Manson who claims he is “god”, “rich and powerful” and “is getting gay married to a women”(even though he is clearly a man) and this Tokyo Motor Lodge BDSM girl, who constantly promotes cutting people and injecting marijuana. If Shannon would stop giving into peer pressure from these two, she would be a lovely young lady.

            And to Glitch, How dare you call me “un-hip”! I have my fingers on the pulse of American, nay, The World’s Youth Cultures. That is why I was able to predict 8 years ago that New Kids on the Block and The Blacky Street Boys would become a single superband to rule over all other bands and how I know that The hottest new rhythm and blues group is a group called “Daddy’s Dirty Undies” starring Puffer Diddle Combs and two streetwalking blacks he picked up to perform mouth sex acts on him while he raps his hipped hopper lyrics over music stolen from the 70’s.

          8. Timmay

            Indeed, brother Damus. In fact I was alluding to just that in my comment to Shannon yesterday regarding Al Manson’s self-admitted support of genocide.

            Shannon, you want proof of the devil? I present to you Alison Manson!

          9. Shannon

            Bruce, it is Backstreet boys, Diddie Dirty Money, and Sean “Puff daddy” Combs, you are a moron. And Timmay, Alison is not the devil, remember he is a figment of your imagination and nothing more.

          10. Bruce Danus

            Shannon, now you are just making up names. What kind of a parent would give their child a middle name like “Puff Daddy”? You can be quite funny sometimes. Have you added me to your facespacebooks yet?

          11. Timmay

            Please, Shannon, don’t tell me you are in support of Alison’s statements yesterday about being glad so many Jews were exterminated? While I may not support the cult of Judaism, I don’t think I, nor anyone else here at Christwire, supports genocide.

          12. Shannon

            Thats the stage name he gave himself, wow for supposedly being so ‘hip” you really can be dumb, and as for adding you on Facebook, still haven’t decided on that one yet.

          13. Bruce Danus

            Shannon, there is no need for name calling. I have been nothing but polite to you. Also, I just did a Bing search of this “Puff Daddy”, did you realize he changed his own name legally to “Pee Diddler”??? That is disgusting. This is why kids are so messed up today, but I bet Al Manson will try to take credit for that too, just like he claims that he created Lady Garbage. Sometimes that young man worries me and other times I can’t stop from LOLFLing, as you kids say in your sexting talk.

          14. Shannon

            Again Bruce you are wrong, it is P.Diddy, and its either LOL or ROFL or LMAO, or even LMFAO which is text lingo, not sexting.

          15. Timmay

            All this pee-diddling, sin-sceptre-swordplay, and vajazzling on today’s society is making my stomach churn. Whatever happened to just singing good old hymns?

          16. Shannon

            See Timmay I was being nice to Bruce and you have to go bringing up that shit again. There is not such things as “Wiccan death chants” you are a small mined moron.

          17. TokioHotel.BOTDF.Lauren

            //Tokyo Motor Lodge BDSM girl, who constantly promotes cutting people and injecting marijuana. If Shannon would stop giving into peer pressure from these two, she would be a lovely young lady.//

            I do not promote cutting people. Hell, I don’t promote cutting yourself either. Injecting… Marijuana… You don’t inject marijuana… you smoke it… Tokyo Motor Lodge BDSM? Really? Tokio Hotel is a band, BOTDF (Blood on the Dance FLoor) is a band. And where in the name of the Great SPirit did you get BDSM from? Let alone use it to describe ME!?

          18. glitch

            didnt we already make clear the fact that wiccans spells are only for benefit otherwise its something else according to every book ive read on it and every web doc ive found

          19. Timmay

            Well I don’t claim to be an expert on the cult of wicca, only on Salvation. However, the two women who live behind me claim to be wiccan, and indeed have various wiccan bumperstickers on their cars (and, after spending hours peering over my fence and through their windows I also suspect are lesbians). Yet every time a full moon comes around, or worse an equinox or solstice, they are out in their yard late at night chanting. Now, I do know a smattering of Latin having studied it at school. I can pick out the phrases in their chants like “death unto him,” “praise be to Satan,” and “come forth, Asmodeus.” God forbid another Solar eclipse ever occur for I fear the floodgates of Hell to open!

          20. Shannon

            Well you just admitted you are a peeping tom, and if they really are Wiccan they would not be doing what you say they are doing, see we have the threefold law, it basically says that whatever you send out into the universe comes back at you threefold, so either they are not Wiccan, you are a dumbass making shit up, or maybe they don’t care if the bad shit comes to them, but the first to make much more sense than the last one.

          21. Alison Manson

            i studied satanism and found that the “Devil” is pissed when people do not see it is “Him” who create all the “Good things” and the i graduated on to Buddhism, my current study in on Islamic beliefs and what i do fall in the category of Judan Baharrist or theology

  21. Observator.

    Hello guys im after a joint and i have to tell you that this comments are more funny then this article.

    Some people have realy good fun reading all this.

    There is no God – I am the only god – I create the World – I am the Human.

    Saitan love us bless…

    Please comment me :)

  22. michaela kaulitz

    do you so called ‘Christian people’ decline and hate everything what is going on around you? I thought christians are supposed to love – not hate. What i am seeing on this article is HATE HATE HATE HATE. :( why? it makes me sad.
    i guess what i know about christianity is wrong. its all about hate. i dont want to be a christian anymore. seriously, why do you think everything you say is RIGHT? Why do you think your opinions are right? Your not god. Only god can judge. You guys are surely fake christians.
    “Tokio Hotel is very Satanic” -Lurlene.
    I BET THE NEXT ARTICLE YOU GUYS ARE GOING TO MAKE IS GOING TO BE A HATE ARTICLE! OBVIOUSLY! :( Please stop. You guys are making a bad impression on religion. LOL. but it already is.
    (my bad for my bad english.. im Hispanic.) LOL. Have a nice day and hope to stop hating on innocent stuff. You nee to accept whats around you. One day in life you will die! And dont have to deal with these things anymore! :) Kay? Kaythanksbye.

  23. michaela kaulitz

    do you so called ‘Christian people’ decline and hate everything what is going on around you? I thought christians are supposed to love – not hate. What i am seeing on this article is HATE HATE HATE HATE. :( why? it makes me sad.
    i guess what i know about christianity is wrong. its all about hate. i dont want to be a christian anymore. seriously, why do you think everything you say is RIGHT? Why do you think your opinions are right? Your not god. Only god can judge. You guys are surely fake christians.
    “Tokio Hotel is very Satanic” -Lurlene.
    I BET THE NEXT ARTICLE YOU GUYS ARE GOING TO MAKE IS GOING TO BE A HATE ARTICLE! OBVIOUSLY! :( Please stop. You guys are making a bad impression on religion. LOL. but it already is.
    (my bad for my bad english.. im Hispanic.) LOL. Have a nice day and hope to stop hating on innocent stuff. You need to accept whats around you. One day in life you will die! And dont have to deal with these things anymore! :) Kay? Kaythanksbye.

  24. paul dalton

    if i found my 17 year old son wearing these sort of clothes and getting an emo-flop haircut i would beat him with a bible until he repented!

  25. Sarah

    Although this article was well written, I feel it’s no good beyond the use of a good laugh. I don’t really thing you were lead by the spirit on this one. I think one KEY thing is missing, 1 Samuel 16:7! “The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” You can’t judge a person’t relationship with Christ by how they dress or wear their hair (unless, of course, they’re covered with pentagrams).

    P.S. MxPx is a Christian band. Their song “The Capitol” is one of my favorites to worship too!

  26. Sarah

    Although this article was well written, I feel it’s no good beyond the use of a good laugh. I don’t really think you were lead by the spirit on this one. I think one KEY thing is missing, 1 Samuel 16:7! “The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” You can’t judge a person’s relationship with Christ by how they dress or wear their hair (unless, of course, they’re covered with pentagrams).

    P.S. MxPx is a Christian band. Their song “The Capitol” is one of my favorites to worship too!

    1. Shannon

      I agree with you except you one major thing, pentagrams do not mean evil, a pentagram is nothing more than a pagan’s version of a christian’s cross, now if you see a inverted pentagram then yes that would signify evil.

  27. janett nunez

    okay first of all who r to judge others belifes.. music isnt about wat others want, its bout letting people express their feeling no matter wat it is… it a time where you pour your heart and soul into words and rhythems… yeah some music out there isnt the best… but its like a life story to them.. let them live their life… the way they want to and not the way your crazy mind is set.. the world doesnt revolve around you… your no the center of attention and will never be!!! let alison wirte the music she wants, let her be the person she wants to be.. and if you got a problem with the music! then dont listen to it!!! no ones forcing you! no ones is threatening you to listen to it… why study it if you dont like it!!! i know theres a lot of people out there that like this music.. im one of them.. if you got a problem well deal with it! just let music be the way it is.. even tho you study it doesnt mean your gonna have controll over it.. so like i said suck it up

  28. CHRISTwireRULES!

    Wait, if I have a poster of Kim Deal, does that make me gay?

    My priest says it’s OK to listen to Falling Out Boy as long as I think about him whilst I do it. I don’t really understand why he’d want me to think about him though…?

    Last week he brought me a white belt as a gift but told me not to tell anyone . He asked me to model it for him in his office…

  29. Ballsack

    My monument is progressing. Bereft is thy deed of completion
    By all means you’ll be alive. But not intact. I’ve sewn your lips to smile.
    With your own defecation on your lips I’ll knock that shit-eating grin right off your face
    Abnormally disfigured designs. You observe the genesis of my abattoir. Reality accepted.
    You have no choice but to comply with my scalpel. And my license to kill.
    Anal seepage flowing. I can’t repress the urge.
    Thy coprophagist shall ingurgiate the filth.
    Grinding at your head with my bone saw breaking zygoma. I love these tools at my disposal. I’m alive.
    She cried out helplessly again.
    I ripped her limb from fucking limb. Just one less slut to walk this fucking earth.
    I will spit right in your fucking face.
    How does it taste after the lips are sealed below your waist.
    You will never fuck again.
    My scalpel gleams. My attention cast aside.
    Hardening arteries begging for an inimical thrust. Byproducts of digestion soak the floor.
    I’m searching for a hypodermic syringe to draw the waste.
    Flowing in your jugular.
    The heart is pumping faster.
    As I lie and wait to watch you erupt from every orifice.
    The necrotizing fasciitis has commenced it’s work.
    No anesthesia applied.
    This will be everlasting.
    In the name of anatomy I shall dismember and attain what is rightfully mine.

    I’d rather listen to music, not being a homosexual, and live my life.
    -Sarcasm if you could not tell.-

    1. Bruce Danus

      I can play your “copy and paste lyrics” game also…

      you did it once
      you did it twice
      you’ve sinned again, and spit on Christ
      you asked forgiveness the other day
      same sin repeated, don’t you get it?
      you don’t know how to repent
      wearing grace thin, it’s such a shame
      no willpower, lack of loyalty
      a new excuse, a dangerous game

      repeated – you’ve sinned again
      weakness – you mock God
      mercy – your credit card
      you can’t fool God – God’s not mocked

      as the dog returns to its vomit
      so the fool returns to his folly

      will you learn from your mistakes?
      will you turn from your sin?
      you face the world and turn from God
      that’s your bag and it’s so wrong
      you don’t know how to repent
      forgiveness starts and sinning ends
      when you’re weak he is strong
      stop excusing yourself for wrong

      back to the cross
      you face the world with no regard to God
      get back to the cross
      stop using grace to justify your sin

      1. TokioHotel.BOTDF.Lauren

        I can too! O.o

        Through sadness you have taught us to be one with the crowd
        Unveil the sacred order, hymns of falling down
        You told the greatest stories, of love and bleeding crowns
        But to the sick and hungry, you cannot be found

        We are young and we are strong
        Through strength in self we become
        Something more than they can be
        I raise my heart and sing!

        That I wont believe this lie
        I know there’s something more inside
        Darkness is all you see
        This is our Sweet Blasphemy

        Silence the crooked holy, unchain the tied and bound
        No time for allegory, one true reigning sound
        Unite the lonely mourning, a simple servant now
        We are the only glory, hear us screaming loud

        We are young and we are strong
        I raise my heart and sing!

        That I wont believe this lie
        I know there’s something more inside
        Darkness is all you see
        This is our Sweet Blasphemy

        We are young and we are strong
        Through strength in self we become
        Something more than they can be
        This is our Sweet Blasphemy

        That I wont believe this lie
        I know there’s something more inside
        Darkness is all you see
        This is our Sweet Blasphemy

  30. OFKTA

    really? it’s just music. didn’t christians also think that elvis was the devil? you people call yourselves followers of god but you’re so quick to judge people who arent like you. ignorant ignorant. i was a confirmed catholic, now i’m agnostic, however we’ve never judged people for being a little “different”

  31. paul dalton

    you godless homsexuality peddlers should realize that you don’t actually have a place in the world. you are only here due to drunken back alley whoring and crack cocaine induced orgies. if your mothers were not lost to sin at such an early age, perhaps it would be different. soon our chosen christian leaders will sound the trumpet of battle and we shall see the world be washed in the blood of the damned. good luck in hell!!

    1. jchc

      where is your love man Jesus said that the most important thing we are to do is love and i dont see it i just want you to know im gonna pray from you because you need to repent

  32. Allen

    I’m a young Christain who has never strayed from the path of God my whole life. I go to church every Sunday, I read the Bible, I pray to God and I accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior. That being said, I try to follow God’s word as closey as possible. But this article is just not right. Please just at least listen to me, alright? You don’t have to agree with me. Just listen and at least take it into consideration. Okay, first, it’s not “Falling Out Boy”. It’s Fall Out Boy (sorry. I can’t help correcting people when they make a mistake). At least make sure you know these bands before you talk about them. Second, you say that people who like these bands and people who go to hot topic, like pop music, wear their hair down, etc. are gay but that’s not true. My friends and my brother like all that stuff. None of them are gay. My brother has dated a few girls and my friends have never dated anyone of the same gender. Thirdly, you’re blaming gay people for something they can’t even help. You know that they don’t choose to be that way, right? They’re born that way. It’s something we just have to accept. In the Bible, it says that you shouldn’t be gay. Sorry if this sounds mean, but have you ever considered the possibility that this is just a metaphor? Also, in Matthew 5:43-48 it says, to the letter: “You have heard that the law of Moses says ‘Love your neighbor’ and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and good, and he sends rain on the just and on the unjust, too. If you love only those who love you, what good is that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. If you are kind only to your friends, how are you differant from anyone else? Even pagans do that. But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect”. Obviously, the exact words may change from Bible to Bible, but the message remains the same. Love your enimies as well as your friends. No offense, but you (I’m talking to the people who wrote this article) don’t seem to be loving anyone who is in to pop or that is gay or that likes hot topic, etc. If you are a true Christain, you’ll listen to the words of Jesus. Although I respect that you have your own opinions, I find some things on this article (such as implying that being gay is bad) slightly offensive. I know that offending people isn’t your intention, but if you have kind of mean beliefs like that, please keep them to yourself in the future.

  33. NateDawg

    Alison, sweety, clearly you and your father are pretty dumb to not pick up on what’s going on here

  34. Jesus

    I think you should use spell check (whether ie: weather) and stop being so judgmental.

    It is difficult to take you seriously when you rant like a lunatic about things you have no clue about. No scientific fact that anyone is fecaling anything because of music.

    Stop touching yourself also, it’s disturbing to watch.

  35. Ithios

    LOL@ This Post, Seriously, Its assholes like this that are making religion disappear in today’s society, not people like “Falling out boy” x) Instead of trying to ban these bands from the shelves, exile yourself to Siberia, it’ll be one less douchebag in our society, Send me a Postcard!

  36. Cailyn

    How could u say that about blood on the dance floor. They’re amazing what do u cunts do in your time? Listen to christian music (which is fucking retarded BTW) and read your goddamn jesus books (he’s not real your wasting your fucking time)

  37. AllTimeLow4ever

    You know you are just wasting your breath. I am a Catholic 14 year old girl. Im a straight A student and I am in all honors classes. I listen to all those bands that you consider “vile and satanic”. You know what? I also am bisexual and IM PROUD OF IT! My girlfriend is mexican and I love her dearly<3 You have to the most close minded people I have ever seen.

    1. Tyson Bowers III

      Fake poster. Typical 30 year old lesbian, who says she is a young girl, who is also Catholic. The Catholic religion would not accept you and by saying you’re a Catholic is ridiculous. How can you be a Catholic, but yet live a lifestyle that is against the religion. That is like saying you’re a Jewish Nazi.

      1. Timmay

        I wonder why so many lesbians and Lucifer lovers are attracted to our quaint little Christian community fellowship here at Christwire? Do you think perhaps there is within them a secret burning desire to repent and be saved? Or does the dark underworld ruler send them our way to befoul us?

      2. StraightedgeHxC

        Tyson, you are seriously in need of some help. You are condemning people’s everyday activities and listening to music, that is insane. These bands are trying to make a living and you’re just calling them satanic. God hates you.

    2. August Weisz

      Yeah a teenage Bisexual catholic schoolgirl. Seems like the internets has a disproportionately high percentage of those. I’m sure you wear the plaid outfit and thigh high socks too.

  38. Bethany Poynter

    Okay, I’m a Christian, i have Faith in God& Jesus, and I go to church and youth group every week. To start off, how dare you insult these bands? haha i really couldn’t care less, but you “Christians” totally stray off the path of christianity. Like i said, I’m a christian, but that’s not gonna stop me from being a normal teenager and having a good time. When it all comes down to it, i believe and have faith in God, but when did God ever say to force our religion up peoples assholes?! Stop forcing it on everyone! We do what we want to do, it’s a free country.

    Also, when did he say we had to be so damn judgmental? You ‘Christian’ adminstrators on here are the most judgmental people i’ve seen online, after the youtube trolls. God taught us to love every man like you brother or sister, You can’t do that when you’re too busy judging how they look, now can you?

    And on the “how to spot a pop/punker” picture of All Time Low (one of my favorite bands next too Blink 182 who was also so kindly mention in your freakin’ lovely article(: ) Those make absolutely NO sense. those jeans aren’t $400, that picture was taken when they couldn’t spend $400 dollars on jeans. Bedroom eyes? what the hell? that makes absolutely NO sense. Homo hand gestures?

    Ok, here’s another thing, WHO GIVES A FLYING SHIT IF SOMEONES HOMOSSEXUAL?!!?! You Guys mention ‘homo’s’ and ‘homosexuals” like it’s a disease, once again you’re so ungodly and judgmental. Some of my best friend’s are homosexual and bisexual, doesn’t make a difference. People like you are the reason some can’t find the courage to come out of the closet.

    You guys must have an image in your head of the perfect little christian teenager in your head, wearing a but let me tell you something; it’s 2011. Get with it, old men, ‘the times are changin’ and so are people.

    So yeah, I believe and have faith in God, but that’s not gonna stop me from having the time of my life while i’m young. I’ll smoke what i want, Drink what I want, and do whatever the hell i want. Oh, and I’m also going to the Warped Tour in a few weeks; you should really go, You can write an article on “how the homosexual emo raped me in the back alley at the warped tour” like you make it sound they will. You’d probably enjoy it too, but a smile on that saggy face,

    We’ve got one life too live, some of us are gonna sit at home watchin house on the prayer re-runs, and some of us are gonna live it to the fullest, knowing anyday could be our last day.

    K thanks, :) bye

  39. Bad Wolf

    I was taught as a child that Jesus saves, but secular music has brought me through depression better than the false promise of an ancient, over analyzed book of allegories. Also, if Jesus preached love and devotion, why is it acceptable for a man and a woman who will eventually get divorced to get married, than two men or women who are in love? Most of the views here are biased and outright bigoted, to the point where I feel the maturity of the adults on this internet establishment is at a lower level than the sixteen year old female making this post. Jesus taught acceptance, whereas you just use the ancient stories of a book as an excuse to be vile, conservative morons. By striving for your heaving excessively, you make this earth a living hell.

  40. Alex

    is it ok if i listen to bands like As Cities Burn and Mewithoutyou? i’m pretty sure they are christian bands but don’t know if you approve. they are not pop punk by the way.
    thank you for unmasking these kind of trends


    1. Bad Wolf

      It’s ok to listen to whatever you’d like. Music is a form of expression. If what the bands express something you agree with, then you should listen to them. Also, Oh, Sleeper, The Devil Wears Prada, MyChildren MyBride, As I Lay Dying, August Burns Red, and Bless The Fall are also Christian-based bands.

  41. 5:am

    This is seriously hilarious. People actually think like this? Welp. I’m gay. Can’t wait to burn in “hell!” See ya there bible thumpers :) <3

  42. jake

    you all are seriously fucking insane, i can’t stand the fact that such a group of self righteous “people” try to tell others what is right and what is wrong. you all will be burning in the depths of hell far before anyone else.
    by the way, i don’t believe in god and never will people like you only bastardize the existence of all humans and only set back our race as a whole. get the fuck out of here.

  43. Nicole

    FIRST OF FREAKING ALL DONT EVEN GO THERE WITH MxPx…the first taoe we ever found of this band was at a “christian” store you guys are a bunch of BUTT FUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!

  44. Allen

    Ok, you guys know this whole website is fake right? If you look up on Google, “is Christwire fake?” or something like that, a ton of stuff will come up. Apparently, they admitted this was a joke. But I’ll play along.
    Yes, you people who made this article are really judgmental. Just because someone is differant than you doesn’t mean that they’re bad. All i’ve heard is that gay people are bad, and pop music is bad, but you have never given one good reason why. Actually, there are a ton of pop Christain songs. If you need an example of a pop song like that, look “Oh, Happy day”, or “living to make your name high”. In fact, “Oh, happy day” happens to be my favorite song. Anyway, I think you should stop saying we’re wrong and give us reasons why, instead of saying we’re wrong and turning away. If I had to guess, I’d say that you’re not giving us any points because you don’t have any. But this whole website is fake anyway, so I suppose it doens’t matter. If I’m wrong and this isn’t a joke, I’d like for you to give us a few reasons why gay people are bad, as well as pop music.

  45. Shane

    whoever wrote this article is a fucking idiot….4 reasons why this article is fucking stupid, and how the author knows NOTHING about pop punk….

    1. you basically described screamo bands, pop punk bands dont wear tight clothes and skinny jeans you dumbass. they mostly wear dickie shorts, and a skateboarding t-shirt

    2. Bad Religion is a PUNK band NOT POP PUNK, that started in the EARLY 80’s, not late 90’s!!!

    3. what pop punk band wears skinny jeans?!?


    kill youself.

    1. freerider

      now now no telling them to kill themselfs thats beyond rude even if you claim to be joking later you still said it and the internet will always show it

  46. Allen

    (still playing along) You seem to think all pop music is bad. Well, have you ever listened to J-pop (japanese pop music)? Look up “Colors”, the Code Geass opening or “Melissa”, the first FullMetal Alchemist opening. There is nothing wrong with either of those. No bad words, no bad influences, nothing. Most J-Pop (or a lot of it) is about love, and not the bad kind. Explain to me why singing about love is bad. Even some American pop songs are about normal love. Is that bad?

  47. amanda

    This has got to be the dumbest most ridiculous thing I have ever read in my entire life. I’m having trouble distinguishing whether or not this is a complete joke or if someone is this close minded. WAKE UP!!!! Go get a hobby. But thanks for the laugh.

  48. Molly

    Alright, I’m pretty sure you’re trolling, but if you are actually serious, here’s a few thoughts I have to share.

    I’m a straight, Catholic girl who has been baptized, confirmed, received first communion, etc., yet I absolutely love the music that you are considering to be “pop punk.” (It seems like everyone has their own opinion as to what pop punk really is.)Music from bands like All Time Low, Blink-182, Fall Out Boy, etc., has helped me through things in life that my faith hasn’t been able to help me through.

  49. Rockanrola69

    At first, i laughing like never did it before. Now, i think it´s very boring all the shit that you´re talkin´bout. Excuse me all of you, i´dont speak english very well.

    In the name of Jesus also so many people was murderer in past by the church.

    Separates the faith from religion, use yours fuckin´ heads.

    I love music, I don´t hate religion, jesus, jehova, buda, Ganesha or others hahaha!!!

    I only hate the motherfuckers like the most of u.

    From Argentina with all the love: HAGANSE COJER, MANGA DE FORROS!!!


  50. Carly McCoy

    Hahahaha. This is THE MOST idiotic and just the most flat out stupidest article I have ever read in my entire life. You are a dumbass. You don’t even deserve to have a brain.

  51. lea

    im a PROUD christan dont get me wrong but really you need to get your facts straight! there is plenty of christan bands in this genre. and all time low has helped me when my faith hasnt

  52. Spawn of Satan

    At first I thought this article was fake..It’s so ridiculous. You’re not gonna stop teenagers from listening to the kind of music that they like so please stop writing this stupid shit and get back in the holy kitchen and make jesus a big sandwich.

  53. Allen

    Hey, Harold Camping. Were you talking to me or someone else? Just curious. Because if you were talking to me, I didn’t twist anything. The passage from the bible that I read was exactly what it says, to the letter. And I’m not twisting it. It says “Love everyone, even your enimies”. I’m pretty sure that “everyone” includes gay people and people who like “pop punk”. Even if that’s not what he meant, I’m not twisting it because that’s how I see the message. If I’m wrong, I’m wrong but missunderstanding something isn’t a sin and it never will be. Just lke missunderstanding things about “pop punk”. It’s not a sin, just (no offense) stupid. Unless you can find something in the Bible that says otherwise, I didn’t “twist” anything. If you find something, feel free to correct me but I doubt you’ll find anything.

  54. Leah

    Am I the only person that noticed that the idiotic author of this article called Fall Out Boy “Falling Out Boy?” Basically every so-called “fact” here is wrong, because someone didn’t do any research whatsoever. And since when is “Dance, Dance” about “a young boy who wants to drop out of college become a gogo dancer at a local leather bar?”

  55. Hannah

    AHAHAHA Who the hell are “Falling Out Boy?” I’ll think you’ll find it’s Fall Out Boy, who are a wonderful band loved by many types of people; gay, straight, male and female. For a start, I am a huge fan of Pop Punk, but I just so happen to be entirely heterosexual, female, and completely and utterly mentally competent. There is no flaw you could impose upon me.

    Your “God” would be so disappointed with the discriminatory message you people preach. You people are no better than the common racist.
    I’m not going to drag you into the “God doesn’t exist” argument. Believe what you like. But that doesn’t give you the right to impose your beliefs upon entirely innocent parties by spreading hate about them. It’s just pathetic and disgusting. Get yourself a conscience and then sit the fuck down.

  56. Da Hell

    wow you stupid facist pig fuck you’re thoughts on how rock music has to do with satan or even satanists having to do with satan one thing first satanist believe in self worship not satan or god it’s an extreme form of atheism overshot by hollywood and bible bashers like you.
    I am going to stick with my music like blood on the dance floor
    dimmu borgir
    email me for your reply 😉

  57. CreedFan316

    This is absolute Christian gold! Thank you so much, I feel so blessed to have read this as I have a 13 year old son who appears to be bordering the line of this exact homosexual illness. Leave it to the true Believers to set the record and my son straight!

  58. Actual Christian

    I’ve seen several books very similar to the contents of this article… it is a sad display of reason, logic and situational awareness. Your shoddy investigations into this genre of popular music as well as your lazy associations are an insult to human thought as well as Christ’s mission to his Church. Articles such as this fail to do anything more than muster overzealous parents/guardians into unnecessary actions, which repel children from God far more than they attract them. If you are going to insist on continue to publish/assert such nonsense, please do so without clothing your argument with the guise of Christianity… because honestly, when one considers the Internet fallout from all of the real Christians embarrassed by your statements and all of those individuals who now associate Christianity with your own brand of stupidity, the entity that is truly doing Satan’s work is you.

  59. Veronica

    …Blink182 isn’t metal, nor has it failed. And “poppers” and Punk-pop are two entirely unrelated topics with unfortunately similar names.


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