Nintendo Wii U Uses Digital Penis in Logo

Let us not forget that the name “Wii” is a homo erotica communist term that means “Wiener” or “Tentacle Sex”. We have already shown you the first game that the Wii U will be releasing and we have told you about how the gays and blacks have teamed up to violate your white housewives, by using Wii remotes.

Now, even after many emails and phone calls to their main office in China, Nintendo still points its middle commie finger at America and this time they have gone to far.

The new Wii system is called the “Wii U” and the “U” is Japanese elite speaking for “Rape with Penis”. So if you say the name out loud with its communist meaning, it is “We Rape with Penis” and that is what they plan on doing to your children. The logo is also blue, which is the universal color for boy, so it also is subliminally showing your children images of gay sin snakes.

The Godless Japanese mind is one of perversion and unGodly thoughts of women sharing bowls of fecal matter for dinner and multi-sex member, sour cream and pancake orgies. You can see their slanty work just by looking at the new control system, which is really a device women can use as a personal climax slammer or can be used to shove up ones rectal pipe to produce a “Milking Orgasm”.

The Kamikaze tsunami brigade is hoping that parents will buy their new system for their kids next Christmas, so that they can use the system to brainwash you children into God hating, American flag spitting deviants. With the new Wii U comes a lexicon of subliminal sexual games that will teach your children about how to have abortions, partake in interracial/bi-sexual sex Olympics, teach girls how to “M” themselves or have a “M”ing sleep over party and also teach your children how to surf the internet for free adult gay sites.

Just when you thought you only had to worry about gays and blacks ruining the morals in American, we get sneak attacked by the yellow German pitbulls. Keep them from sinking your families battleships of morals and prohibit your children from playing or secretly owning this new gaming console.

49 thoughts on “Nintendo Wii U Uses Digital Penis in Logo

    1. Slacker

      ya wright and god hats gamers to good lord if god new you were taking his name invain like this i am shur he woold be ashame who waight he is hear to meaney peple take the Bible out of context this is a misled i bont know hoow told her this but thay are allso miss led but rember what the Bible says about taking his name invain and when you brake one comandment you brack them all

  1. Blanche Beecham

    Oui magazine was filthy smut in the 70’s and it’s filthy electronic smut today.

    Satan really lacks naming creativity.

  2. Cool Tom Kimbo

    Truly disgusting. Nintendo will stop at nothing to turn our youth’s thoughts toward “M”ing and sex. What ever happened to going outside? And building a tree fort with your brothers, and bonding by sharing your closest secrets there?

    1. sean

      by the sound of it your fantasising about children…. that must mean the evil is inside of you are you latin? this is also a reason to call you the devil according to this site,

      kids play outside but this console is a party piece and a very good way for you to bond with your kids, and kids to play with other kids of all colour and race,

      not only does the wii allow you to break barriers with your kids/teens, it also help encourage growth of hand eye coordination skills

      not forgetting the wii fit, Nintendo are doing there best here to help you fat lazy American’s to get off your arse and play with your kids, family and get fit at the same time.

      you oppose this as you are a narrow minded yank who obviously is racist and hate all other people who dont follow your view!

    1. sean

      nintendo offer a Wii Fit game for people that are fat and lazy but im not so sure about the devil

      also xbox offer connect and sony offer move, all movement based controllers so you get off your fat ass and play!

      but surely all internet/game devices are evil and lead to fatness and the devil thus meaning ur mac/pc/phone/smart phone/tablet/tv/cable/tivo/satallite/dvd/blueray/handheldpda/pen & paper are all evil as even the humble pen and paper can be used to play hang man or O & X’s (tic tac tow) etc etc etc so it just shows… HYPERCRITICAL VIEWS FOR NARROW MINDED PEOPLE SCARED OF SCIENCE AND FOLLOW AN IDEA WITHOUT QUESTION!

      1. Fellow Christian! :)

        You are narrow mind people afraid of GOD’s will! You are a heathen! May you burn in hell!

    2. willy

      Where the fuck did You come up with that shit and what kind of sick shit are you looking at online what the fk is anal milking.

    3. atheist

      Haha, funny man; eating too much fast food is the gateway of obesity, and videogames are a way of having fun and practising motor skills and problem solving abilities. If that is what you people call satan, so be it. What do you do for fun??
      Reading the bible and raping innocent children, I guess? Yes, that’s what your saviour would have wanted…..

    4. Slacker

      just remember vanity is the rout to evil and you are a very vain person remember what God said about people like you

  3. Seriously...

    first of all, i wanna know how you got the “u” means rape with penis… and wii isn’t a communist term, it was supposed to be a unique way to mean community, you know, as in “we”..that is until your perverted mind added “ner” to the end of it to make it weiner..

    and way to be extremely racist with your japanese hate, and fearing that african americans will ruin our american society… i am a firm Christian myself, and have been since i was old enough to make my own choices, and it’s you extremists who make me sick. “Love thy neighbor”, doesn’t that ring any bells to you? if you really were a Christian you would be trying to reach out and save those in need, not hating them for having the slightest sin and pushing your mind to find something wrong in everything you dont like.

  4. wtf

    What the fuck type of site did I just stumble upon…. everything in that retarded ass post just screams the fact that the writer himself is a sick perverted soul. The wii has nothing to do with rape, fetishes, or “milking orgasms”. LMFAO jeez, I have to save this post just to share the laughs and facepalms with my Christian friends! Thanks for providing some amusement at least.

  5. Shannon

    Really? How in the world does that mean penis? And video games are for satin? How about all the schools that use video games for learning? It gets kids to sit down and concentrate on something! I dont sit around all day just playing video games, but its nice once and a while to be able to, and Nintendo is my favorite platform and I am very excited for this to come out and will be buying it!

  6. wut?

    I’m so totally excited to buy this. As soon as I get it, I’ll shove it in my arse and have that Milking Orgasm I paid so much for 😀 Learning about abortion, interracial and bi-sexual smex olympics AND MASTURBATION!? Thanks so much, you’ve completely got me sold! I can’t wait for this wonderful gaming platform! XD

  7. JPMarvel

    What the fuck is wrong with all the people who write articles on here? Are you all crazy? Where do you get the shit from like do you just sit in your lonely little worthless life and be like hmm what shit can i pull out of my ass today?

  8. marcia

    This type of narrow-minded thinking is an example of why I’m currently struggling with my faith. It’s difficult to commit to a religion that throws around hateful and ignorant words such as “gay sin snakes” and phrases like “gays and blacks will team up to violate your white housewives.”
    Not only is this offensive, it is incredibly disrespectful to the other Christians out there who are trying to live respectable lives. You not only pollute their image with uneducated articles like this, you are polluting the image of God as most people are not able to distinguish God from religion. Most people will assume that every other Christian out there is as hateful and extreme as you are.
    This website makes me feel physically ill.

  9. Antiecripes

    Is this serious? I mean come on…..really? I didn’t know the the mentally challenged could manage websites, but from your grammar and spelling mistakes you are obviously retarded, not to mention a bigot. I just had to look thorough some articles and at first I thought they were a joke. I really can’t wait till god collapses your tent on you, I hope all those poor suckers are not in there with you.

    1. Fellow Christian! :)

      I can’t believe so many young people today, they are almost forever lost, with their Justin Beiber, and their Eminem. They think they know everything, but they don’t even have a clue what their end will be like. Hell, all of you will burn in the lake of fire for eternity!

      I think you are the one with the grammatical errors son! You have no clue, you are a heathen!

      1. Slacker

        heathens humm i was just reading the bible to day and you and people like you are useing Gods words in vain their for taking his name in vain you and people like you will burn in the lake of fire because of it you are mistaken about that’ll just like you all do all the time you need to read the bible with peair though so you don’t misstake the true words as lies

    1. Fellow Christian! :)

      You are going to hell! You heathen! You are the one who is uneducated, its so sad to see today’s youth, so lost, I don’t think they’ll ever change. But I have to keep hoping my kids don’t turn out like you! You are exactly what is wrong with today’s youth. My god, not a spark of wit in you, I’ll pray you don’t burn longer than your whore of a mother!

      1. Aaron

        I hope my children don’t end up like yours! I want mine to live in a world with love and peace, not your pathetic execuse of a utopia! God loves all, except those who hate his people.

      2. ILikeTurtles

        You picture looks like a penis inside of a butthole. YOU’RE GOING TO GO TO HELL OMGOMGOMG YOU SHOULD BE BANNED FROM THIS SITE YOU HEATHEN GAYFAG BOY!~@!%!@#^$^$#^!#

        You and the author of this page are prime examples of why i don’t follow any religion, other than the fact of the child rape;P

    1. Neoconstipated

      When you laugh at the word of God, it is Satan that is tickling your funny boner.

      Please repent now and get yourself to a church whereas you may avoid the eternal torment of hell.

  10. Grey

    I hope for humanity’s sake that this is just a bad joke. If not, well- I quess the world will soon be run over by uneducated, close minded, perverted idiots who do nothing but come up with ways they can make innocents logos seem like penises. I hope you’re proud of yourself.

  11. atheist

    It is simply amazing how often you are able to turn innocent and harmless things into something that has to do with satan and, more often, with sex and gay people.

    The funny thing is; if you ever go see a schrink, they will all tell you the same thing;
    either you are very very sexually frustrated to be able to see something perverted in ANYTHING, or you must have had very very bad sexual experiences when you were a kid.

    How sick do you have to be to associate a Wii controller with a penis???
    What about flashlights? Maybe write an article about those? Or a phone? Remote controls? Bottles? Ice cream?
    Need me to go on?


  12. Chuck Norris Approves

    Do you ever stop and read these articles back to yourselves. Are unaware of how fucking stupid you sound?

  13. racistshiteatingwebsite


    this gadget looks like it might be quite useful for the inter-racial, lesbian, gay orgy i’m having this saturday night at my house. SWEEEEEEEEEEEETTTT!!!!!

  14. The_Inexistent

    Dear oh Dear… first off, “godless” should not be capitalized, even if you are refering to the lack of God. Second, how perverted does your mind have to be to see that? I mean really?

    Also, I love the Spore Wii remote (oh, wait, Spore is a game about evolution… did you just promote evolution? :P).

  15. August Weisz

    The author is a pedophile, saw him on the streets giving candy to little children… and Christwire is filled with faggots that write random fake crap about these shit.. its good for a laugh.. Thanks DICKHEADS

    have a nice day

  16. DeVille

    Hahahaha! I love this site. This is SO funny. I can’t believe how many people is taking this seriously! Entertaining, and funny.

  17. ethanbdx

    And this is exactly why i don’t believe in anything retarted people like this say your going to hell and blah well guess what hell isn’t in my vocabulary and to the dumbdick who writes this WTF!! every single on of your topics include gay I`m pretty sure your the gay faggot in this case!

  18. HAHA

    Wow, if you think that looks like a penis, you’re penis must look like that. It appears that you interpret the U as a penis, so that must mean your penis lacks a glans penis (or penis head”). God must really hate you to make you suffer like that. And by the way, a lot of articles you write seem to comment on homosexuality and sex. Are you sure you’re not a closeted homosexual trying to avoid fear from your other probably closeted homosexual “writer” peers (I quoted writers because your writing style is terrible, worse than a high schooler’s)?

  19. Matt

    Rofl this site is hilarious i was watching porn on the right side of my screen while “M”ing Wtf just say Masturbate -.-

  20. God

    It’s funny that this game is marketed towards children who love to make dick and fart jokes, but you’re the one that associated the logo with a penis first…got cock on the mind, Tyson?

  21. Tom

    I can confinently say that nothing you have said in that article is true. You clearly know nothing about the Japanese language, and U does not mean “rape with penis.” Your obsession with homosexuality and the penis proves to me that you are exactly what you profess to hate. You, Tyson Bowers III, are a homosexual man. I also strongly believe that the III after your name refers to your IQ level.


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