Yet another gay has taken time out of their busy day of nasty gay activities to post a hate speech video about our church. In this video a gay bottom who goes by the name “natattackk11″ tries his best to create a smear campaign against God’s Word. We believe his name has some underground sex slang to it. Let’s take a look at the breakdown.
nat = Negative Attitude Transgender
attack = attack
k = kids
11 = The two 1’s stand for two Satan scepters smashing against each other.
So in full, his name means “Negative Attitude Transgender attack kids with two flesh swords.”
I look at this kid and I think to myself “He will never regret what he has done to his ears”
no gauges are kickass pieces of jewelry and many people have them. and gays are not contagious if u actually trust Ur ids and know u raised them right then all they will wanna do is make u proud so get over the gay thing Glenn Beck is no one and Obama has done a god job not great but better than bush. All u people do is lie lie LIE! why shouldn’t gays attack u all u do is nag,nag,nag,nag,nag,like my ex girlfriend! look gays are great. and if u don’t like them then don’t talk about them. plain and easy as that
Brother Bowers,
I believe the “11” has an alternate meaning as well.
11 = The two 1′s stand for male-on-male “swordplay,” which is homoerotic slang.
Or maybe his name is Nathen and he graduated highschool in 2011….
No you can’t be right Jake, that just makes perfect sense and therefore cannot be correct. I love the random, fearful implications of Nath’s handle that he himself was unaware of. Can some here decode the following?
Ender_2112 (the underscore is important)
and I dunno codlover 46 & 2
so choked to learn the truth of this site.
Well played…
Young Lady,
All your “handle” implies is that you are 12 years old and still reading that Mormon claptrap from Orson Scott Card.
Don’t try to over-complicate things please.
Wow Jake, thats so complex! How did U ever think of it? Hahahahaha….
Or perhaps it stands for a favorite number with no absolute meaning? For instance mine is 7. Now that you know I support anyone’s causes but yours, what can you make up for my favorite number? Eventually you will not be able to continue turning all little things into homosexual slang without proving yourselves idiots.
You are a whore and a bad person.
And how does that make me a whore? Every comment I’ve seen by you has pretty much been un-educated and irrelevant to everything. Twit.
Why shouldn’t gay people attack Christwire? You people attack gays all the time.
Speaking the truth and having a homo gay make up false stories is two different things. Just like how a university is accredited and your trade school is not.
Why do you have such a stick up your ass about my school? Is it because your degree didn’t allow you to do anything except blog from your mom’s basement for a living, whereas mine will allow me to get a useful job helping animals?
Blog, travel the world, teach at many UNIVERSITIES, become an author, create charities and a ton more. What have you done Claire? What have you given back to the world?
Your imagination doesn’t count Tyson. It has to be REAL.
Bowers is incredibly sucessful L.N He donates a large amount of his capital to those in need and the faith. Just last year he donated a large amount of land for a housing development for HH.
L.N, I appreciate your fellowship and we made great strides in understanding each other the other day. I see you taking a leadership role here. Even if its as a pundant. You are much wiser and civil than the claire. Please consider this. You seem to have a gift.
You teach at many universities? Pfft! Which ones? I’m going to look them up.
Oh, and what have I given back to the world? Certainly not enough to brag about, but I volunteer at the MSPCA, am in a career field that’s devoted to helping animals, I give money to the homeless, my family recycles and grows most of our own vegetables during the summer. Sure, I may not have traveled the world, but guess what? I’m 20, not 60.
Oh, and I call bullshit on your being an author. Writing on a blog does not an author make.
I know I have seen Tyson at UofA NAU UI Washington state. He’s fascinating to listen to. The audiences hang on every word.
Recycling, giving money to homeless (they just bought booze with it btw)? Thats nothing.
There are some homeless people who actually have children and/or pets to feed, dipshit. In those situations the children and pets are the top priority. There’s a very nice homeless couple in Harvard Square who live in a tent with their dog and cat; both pets are very well taken care of. The couple does not drink and are known around the area for keeping the homeless teens in line. I know that Idaho doesn’t have any people living in it, let alone homeless people, but you don’t have to be a dick.
You don’t need any sort of license or education to create charities.
August, what the hell is a “pundant”?
Nice catch Claire, I was using the alp to type feature in my car. It’s not very handy. I’m surprised you were helping me. So thanks.
I meant to say “Pundit”.
She clearly said she had a useful job helping animals. By the way your picture is really creepy. Makes you look like a pedophile. WAIT A MINUTE; you probably are one.
She, like me, has probably given back a lot more then trying to force our ideas onto other. We also have NOT Judged people or discriminated. And what sort of charities? I help the community daily by worrying about real problems within the world. I give back by trying to help charities, becoming a firefighter, helping animals, and helping those who need. We do not need to be famous to make a big difference in life. You are just a low life loser, whom God will not accept on Judgement day because you have tried to Judge too many in your lifetime and force your ideas onto us. He loves all his children, if he didn’t they’d be gone. He forgives all those who can forgive and accept others. You need to reconfigure your lifestyle Mr. Bowers.
why are you still here claire? go away
Excuse me? I’ve been here since 2008, noob.
Matthew is no noob and Claire is increasingly irrelevant. Even other naysayers have distanced themselves from her utter hatred.
indeed.. I’ve just decided to take trying my hand at writing articles so i ditched my normal user name and used my real one for a more serious tone .. im actually beneficial to the betterment of this website.. you are just an anti-social cancer that is trying to bring it down since you libs hate free speech
It is her anger at seeing other non-christians becoming more vocal on this site. SHe is afrais she will lose her place.
Actualy, you sick fucks are making false assumptions on your site. I can prove most of this isn’ttrue.
Did anyone say this person didn’t have a right to do this? The Deacon was just breaking it down for us. You try to inject your hate and lack of peer acceptance into every posting you make. This is not about you.
Hey dipshit, could you please analyze my post and tell me exactly how I was trying to make this about me and my supposed “lack of peer acceptance”?
Young man,
Using “my, me, I, me, my” so often in such a short post is a sure sign of un-Christian Narcissism.
Claire is typically a girl’s name, dipshit.
There are no girls on the internet. Rule 29.
Carl is not a girls name
Just once I would like to see a comment section that Claire doesn’t undermine with hate and her liberal dogma.
Tere were several a few days ago, I fear she is back.
That would be a glorious day indeed. She only is relevant if we let her be though. For now we can rejoice in the fact that her psychopathic babblings only drive people towards the fellowship and not away from it.
Other than Boners, I’ve been on this site longer than any of the commentators on here, so suck it, bitches.
No you have not, rib.
Until you posted, yes, I had been here longest, cum-squirter.
” I’ve been on this site longer than any of the commentators on here, so suck it, bitches.”
Ok, whats the point, deserve some trophy for the longest amount of hate? You only come here for the sad amount of attention you get. That and we are your only friends.
Are you really serious? This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen, narrowminded people like you are destroying the world.
“TEH GAIZ ATTAKED US GUIZ! WE NEEDZ TO STRIKE BAK!” Never mind you insult and attack and demonize homosexuals on a daily basis here.
your lolcat talk is uncalled for.
And your hatred speech in these various articles all over the site is uncalled for. Is this what you do for a living? Make our religion look bad and criticizing people and celebrities? What would Jesus do? Not what you are doing. You guys have messed up minds.
Thank you Eva, and I would like to point out that every time someone points out that God forgives all and loves all of his children, and that his son Jesus Christ does the same and both do not Judge or Discriminate, these ‘Christians’ stop talking because they cannot talk back to Gods will.
Do all gays swear that much??? He has to have said “fuck” at least ten times just in those ten minutes!!! Homo he didn’t.
You have not seen me swear much. Sadly it’s just that the more literate you are, the more you Judge and Discriminate. It is not anyone’s fault that they do don’t use the same grammar as you. It is sad though that you are so educated and hate so much and go against Gods word, even though you call yourself a Christian.
Brothers August and Harold it is very unchristian for you to point out the unbeliever’s stupidity. Just because she writes like a angry teenager and curses almost as much as the homo gay in the video. We need to pray for her soul in hopes that she gives up her love of beasts and go to a school that teaches english. Praise Jesus!
What is truly disturbing is his attack against those that are trying to save his eternal soul. He is unable to see that good Christians just want to change and stop his abhorrent sexual practices and lifestyle or he will be sent to HELL for all eternity.
His attitude is not helping matters either. Though not all is lost, he was able to see some good in the list, when he agreed wholeheartedly that listening to lady gaga will turn one homogay. A small victory for us but it can open the door to change if he is willing to close his rectum to Satan and open his heart to God.
Because insulting, calling names and threatening are such GOOD ways to save one’s soul…
Hey fatty, shouldn’t you be running on the treadmill instead of sitting ion your fat ass typing shit?
this little queerogay has a filthy mouth.. Brother Bowers, you should put up a disclaimer warning people about the foul language in case children are reading today… this young fairy just curses for 10 minutes.. hes not even entertaining or witty or anything.. Hes a wsste of time
I believe this attack was sponsored by Michelle Bachmann in an attempt to derail the Republican nomination that is rightfully mine. Vicious infighting in our party will only lead to trouble and I believe Mrs. Bachmann should apologize at once.
Its possible.. though Sister Bachmann is a lover of all things holy… she has the right kind of ideas for the position but unfortunately, its unconstitutional to have a woman serve as President.. So of course, for that reason and many others, I will be putting my resources and support behind Alex Keating for President in 2012!
I really think because she is such a breeder and great example of the womanly breeding duties, she might try and snatch the nomination from Alex.
Alex needs to start promoting all the pre-born babies he is carrying.
I, however, will go forth and see that such idiocy does not become president. I will not stand for such a dictatorship in the United States. We stand for Equal liberty, and Equal Justice for all. This is NOT what Alex King stands for. He stands for a community that unions for his beliefs, not Gods. If he even gets as far as becoming nominated, you will most defiantly see myself and a large number of people standing against him.
perhaps if the republicans snub you, we can create a Christwire 3rd party.. Call it the Christ Party perhaps?
I can see no scenario in which the Republican party snubs my rightful nomination. However, in the unlikely event the liberal homogays stack the polls and I somehow lose, we will indeed be pushing forth on the Christwire ticket.
What about hyping yourself on various websites as a write-in candidate? Would be interesting if you actually influenced the polls…
Other people have their own minds. Not every one on earth who does not believe in strictly your way of life is a communist you know. You call yourself educated yet speak and support yourself with no facts, but opinions. You are entitled to opinions, but you should not force them onto others. God forgives and loves all his children, and does not believe in the Judgments And Discrimination’s you have been making. You should be ashamed to call yourself a christian.
This subhuman, depraved, homogay, abomination admitted that he wanted to RAPE the young boys in the high school football team !!!!
I am going to destroy this homogay with my spiritual firepower.
Exposing him to the scrutiny of the Chris†wire has already destroyed this homogay element.
hello adolf. seems you are finally reborn
Could someone please introduce this young man to a speech therapist? Thank you ever so much.
So uh, is this a trolling website? because i’d love to join!
Guess what.. GOD ISN’T REAL. suck my dick.
HAHA I was waiting for some to say that xD
My Goodness, did you think of that yourself?
Even if he wasn’t, I’m sure you can agree that this is ridiculous….
I can’t believe that a churchchirstian would post such slandrious crap. You can have your opinions, but honestly if your going to say shit like this then you need to know your consequences. There is nothing wrong with gays, lesbians, or bisexuals. God gave us free will for a reason. There is nothing in the ten commandments against it. You don’t seem like a very educated person in some of the things you have said. In fact did you know that they have a new study that shows that homosexuality and bi sexuality is a gene inbalancement. Steam punk is just like any other fad, (pop, goth, hipies, skiny jeans, coloured hair, ect.). I hope you get your information correct, because you are pissing off a lot of people. If you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say it at all.. But Just remember that everyone is entitled to there own oppion, just get your facts right.
I know right. God wouldn’t post this kinda stuff cuz it’s not reaching anyone.
Well said!
This site is truly ridiculous. You have made up meanings for things that are not relevant whatsoever. I do not need to watch the video to know that you are looking for any reason to prove you are weak and using God as a tool to make civilization your own way. That is how Hitler acted, which a VERY accurate description for how you are behaving. God would be disappointed, He loves all and forgives those who forgives himself.
LOL! this video is AMAZING!
This thread and this site are pathetic. You who created this site use the bible as justification for your own narrow-mindedness and bigotry. Nothing here is of god. Your asinine mission statement says it all. You believe you have an exclusive on morality and it can never change. This thinking is naive and guarantees enmity and ignorance. You value sameness and familiarity. Your fear difference and change. You are selective in your reasoning and understanding. Your ongoing self-indoctrination prevents you from accepting new information and understanding the emerging nature of reality. There will always be more to learn and incorporate into or understanding, but a static view of the world will always be in conflict with learning, new ideas and development. You will not address any of this substantively, but instead spout dogma and ad hominem remarks.
This site exists to indoctrinate young people and create the bigots of tomorrow.