It looks like the world can not find a safe haven from the devil’s tongue also known as “Rap Music” or as we call it here “Rapist Attempt at Poetry.”
This week a video was found by one of my youth interns showing a group of future homemakers singing a song by murderous hipped hopped artists “Snoopy Dogg” and “Dr. Drea” in a church hymn style. The song is called “B***** ain’t S***!” and first I don’t even know what this means. The song is about raping women, but the song title refers to female dogs and human stink waste.
This video goes to show you how dangerous the black’s music can be to white youth and how it brain washes them to use horrible curse words and run thoughts of drug use and murder into their properly raised minds. Kids are very impressionable at the college age and this is why the black music market targets this age group.
Here are some shocking stats:
60% of college men who listen to rap music end up doing drugs and drink satan’s party juice.
5% of them commit rape
10% of them start learning how to do hipped hopped dancing moves at “gangsta” style disco clubs.
45% end up becoming pregnant and abort their child.
5% drop out of college and become prostitutes.
65% end up having up to 10 sexual partners during their freshman year.
45% end up having sex with another race.
20% end up being raped.
Funny all things that we listed above are things that rapping music promotes. Can someone say brain washing? Parents keep your children away from turning into someone who lives off welfare, smokes crack, has many “baby mommies” and carries a gun. I put a little rap together myself to help you remember:
Don’t let your kids listen to rap
If you do their minds turn into crap
Don’t let them listen to a rap tape
Cause they will end up committing rape
If your child wants to have fun
Tell them to read the bible and not carry a gun
Sometimes children need a smack
Cause they will not end up smoking crack
To keep your daughter from being attacked
Tell her to to listen to anything black
Oh god Tyson, you slay me. Those ‘statistics’ are about as reliable as a blind-man watching children.
To the comedian…I have two words for you…Fo Shizzle!
99% of white girls are attracted to big black schlongs, the other 1% lied and are going to hell…..
I’m pretty sure Kings Of Leon lead singer wasn’t taken over by satan, he was probably just wasted on satan sperm or whatever.
You know, I think you are right in the sense that this kind of evil music and popular culture is a really bad influence on our society. But why aren’t you concerned about the Black people, who may be even more influenced by these nasty rappers’ hate-spews? And what about the equally nasty White groups, like ICP and Marilyn Manson? You are correct that these people are hurting our young people, but your focus on protecting only white females turns a reasonable opinion into a racist screed.
Those white people are controlled by the black music industry.
I wish Hell was real so your ugly face would burn in it.
“I wish Hell was real so your ugly face would burn in it.” Agreed.
If He exists, God save your soul. You’re gonna need the help.
you are nuts! i work in the music industry (worked with Marilyn Manson, Eminem, & Nine Inch Nails to name a few)and to say it is run by the black music industry is one of the most rediculous things i have ever heard and only shows stupidity that rules this site, yourself, & christianity.
What’s ridiculous is that you are so haughty, yet you try to act like ‘rediculous’ is the correct spelling.
I am a Homosexual Chinky Rap Nigga and I come bearing gifts of Hippedy Hoppedy and all fo yoze Heterosexual Fag Hags dat listenz to da shit. innit and all that… Tis true every werd you say as I am going to infect Aids to all yo poor Christian Country Girl dem sweet tings wit my Multi Pronged Attack Penis.
Christians. Bale.
Nuff Respec. No more or yous start gettin ideas yo…
to everyone…
Be good kids and remember to Uze coorract speellings and GRAMMAR!!!
now… where’z dat Satan Juice… i need to get CRUNK!!!!
likky likky.
who let cyconic in here?
Name dropping is soooooooooooooooooooo 80s. Snap out of it dude!
You sir, are a hateful, racist and judgmental human being. You are the biggest threat to the true message of Christ as far as I can see. Cast the first stone, asshole. Go bomb an abortion clinic, you sociopath. God hates your fundamentalist views. (he called me last night to tell me so.) In one article trying to defend Christ, you have displayed a multitude of sins, revealing that it is you, sir, that is brainwashed. God gives us the choice between wrong and right and not you, nor anyone of your cultist cohorts will abolish the evil temptations of the world that he so ordained and allowed by the creation and tolerance of Satan. If you want to blame anyone….take it up with the boss.
Thank you for being a voice of reason… It’s people like you that make me say “but…” whenever someone starts flaming religion.
Hey Tyson who controls the music industry, white people or black people? Black rappers make white men’s pockets fat so I guess you should go to talk to “your people” about it.
Okay is this website a joke??? I mean I’m actually finding humor in all the ignorant ass “information”.
99% of white girls are attracted to big black schlongs, the other 1% lied and are going to hell…
Dude, this isn’t serious. Those statistics are flat out fiction. Made up. For fun.
But let’s be serious for a moment: Where are the attributions? Who did the studies? How large were the test groups? And why are some of the statistics flat out racist? (45% end up having sex with another race.)?? As if that’s a bad thing.
Actually, on the genetic level, the term ‘race’ means little to nothing, as Christopher Hitchens often points out in lectures and debates.
And how could these possibly be linked in any logical way. At best the author would be confusing correlation with causation, but in the absence of citations, there is no way for anyone to verify the statistics presented.
*deep breath*
All that aside, however, if you’re taking this article, or anything on this site seriously, well… I don’t think even Jeebus can help you, then.
this site is ridiculous, i really hope it’s as fake as a porn star’s boob job.
Amen. This site makes me feel ashamed to call myself a Christian. If I am ever I’m the same church as the man who wrote this I am insulting him in front of everyone there and leaving
@Anthony Jacques – thanks for your comments. I am really not sure if this site and its commentators are sincere or what. I meant by “racist” that the author seems to be so concerned about the impact on White people, but ignores the impact on Black people. I know it is tricky to decide how much influence pop culture has on its fans, but I suspect it is pretty strong, and I really worry that Black youths, with so much going against them already, are just getting beat down even more by some of these violence-and-drugs rappers. I can respect someone’s opinion that claims that all this evil music is a bad thing, but not when he would apparently protect one color of people and not the others.
I hope this site is a parody or satire because if it isn’t, these are some seriously disturbed people.
If you read some of the other stories, they are so outrageous that the author couldn’t possibly be serious. “Do gay pets go to heaven”? “Vajazzling”? “How to spot a masturbator”? The contributor who claims to be the president of the “Coalition Of Concerned Kansans” (COCK)!!
The title itself is racist and sexist and the statistics are as retarded as Bush. Yup. I just said that on a republican site.
You people are all crazy. This is a spoof site! None of it is real! It’s like The Onion for religion. Hahahaha!! Get it??
as much as we would all like to think that this site is fake, there are people who believe this shit. every time i laugh at something on the site i also cry a little bit on the inside. hopefully, more and more people will see this site and see how dangerous people like these are. yes, there are uneducated people out there that eat this shit up and it is disgusting because they do not know any better. i like to have faith in the majority of people…and i hope that if more and more people see this site, the majority will always be against anything the site has to say… it is just a hope though. maybe i should pray or something.
Is this article a joke? Seriously, this has to be some sort of joke article like you’d find on The Onion. This is the most absurd thing I’ve ever read. People are laughing about it on Facebook and is where I found the link to get here. This whole site is full of articles based around crazy, unfounded, unintelligent statistics and laughable 1950’s era mentality. I really hope this is a joke because I hope there really aren’t people who think like this. I know there are some pretty conservative people out there, but come on!
I’m so upset, I thought this was a porno. My bad, I misread the title thought it said blacks infiltrate the mounds of future homemaking white women
errrr its me or you said 75% of male are bad person
and 120% and + of female are good to Nothing
which make a sexist comment saying all women are good to Nothing ???
it’s might be a spoof But saldy there is redneck who actually follow those thing
because if it’s was true we would have more crime about rape like almost every women would have been raped at the times we talks right now yet I’m pretty sure there is like 10 women at Max who are getting raped worldwide (Just showing thats your statistic is worth shit )
oh and sinc eyou cry about your economy mister Boner did you know that the Three Pillars of your economy is :1. Music 2. video game and 3. Movie other than that your eco0nomy would be baseless and worth shit
Hey, even though the link to the onion article didn’t work I can still be entertained with an outrageous article! Thanks, Tyson!
I like it up the ass like Tyson Bowers III. It feels good and republican. Tyson… Is your penis lonely?
White bitches (cracker ho’s) singing homeboy (nigga) music…..gotta love it….Yo feel me?
Has anyone considered fighting fire with fire? How about “Bitch for Jesus”, “Satan ain’t Sh*t”, or “I ain’t no pagan Motherf*cker”? (Album title “999”, for obvious reasons.)
This article is:
1) Racist. “To keep your daughter from being attacked, Tell her to to listen to anything black.” So, you’re saying ANYTHING at all that’s sang by a black person is about something bad? Like I said, racist.
2) The video is highly irrelevant to this article. The video is clearly a joke, and if you can’t handle that our society finds it amusing then you can make yourself a time machine and go back to the 50’s.
3) When you actually find a website with some statistical information that isn’t what you decide sounds shocking let me know and I might be interested.
4) This whole website makes me want to vomit. Like the article titled “Do gay pets go to heaven?”. Of course they do, if their willing to turn themselves over to God, right? Because God supposedly loves everybody.
5) I hate to be the bearer of bad news but God allowed these black people rape others. Just like he makes everything else happen on this world, according to you poeple.
If it is what it is …then.what the fuck are doing here…..this site is proably the work of Satan, the Lord makes him do stuff too.Yo feel me
I’d like to see some statistics about white gospel music leading to false hope…
Praise GOD! RAP* Music Infiltrates the Minds of Future Homemaking Christian White Women.
(This video was recorded in the natural environment of the Christian White Woman, the kitchen.)
Praise GOD! RAP* Music Infiltrates the Minds of Future Homemaking Christian White Women.
(This video was recorded in the natural environment of the Christian White Woman, the kitchen.)
This is a terrible and delusional way of thinking about rap music – although this one song is evil in nature – to call all rap music of the devil is ignorant, unjust and full of fear. This article demonstrates racism, lack of empathy and pure fanaticism. Many people have died because of this sad and narrow minding thinking. September 11th, for instance is a sad demonstration of fanaticism, as well as the crusades and the Spanish Inquisition you barbaric of the old world racist. To call anyone a rapist for making music and expression is ignorant and sad. Go wallow in your fear you cowardice fool.
This website must be a sick joke because first the “How to spot a masturbator” and now this? Golly Gee Willickers Batman this is more racist than Willy Bubbah. This is why ICP raps about chopping off your head Tyson Bowers III because you are a racist biggot who does not deserve to own a computer… You need a stone cave, some clay, and your finger so you can publish your bullshit to yourself and no one else because some poor inbred fuck is going to read this and believe that it is true. Go fuck your cousin you fucking biggot.
20% of white females who listen to rap end up being raped. The mind boggles.
Also, I want to drink Satan’s party juice. Where can I get it?
I feel sorry for these poor girls and I bet their mothers let them stay up late talking to the basketball team and watching the Blacks Entertainment Television (BET). Now look at the result.
maybe its because black’s have big black shlongs..maybe thats why white girls are so attracted to hip hop music!
As a Christian, I find this article humorous and disgusting at the same time. It’s funny how when black people complain about the white man, people tell them to get over it. But it’s alright for conservative white people to blame black people for all their delinquent children’s problems. Unfortunately, black people didn’t want to be in the first place. I’m pretty sure people like you brought them here on slave ships! God has cursed you for your sins. Your daughter is probably married to a black guy or got pregnant by him and dumped.
This has to be the most racist article I’ve read in a long time. Hip hop on a whole is beautiful and while it can be rather violent at times, so can your white supremacist hate metal. But I guess those people don’t rape anyone, they just curb stomp inferior races, right? This article honestly sounds like a passage from a 2010 sequel to American History X.
I am not sure if this site is mocking Christianity or if you are all twisted Christians. Either way it is not amusing to me and I am sure God does not snicker at it as well. IF you are Christians SHAME ON YOU. If you are mocking Christians SHAME ON YOU. Either way this is nuts. Music has no color moron. And young girls that listen to country get pregnant too………
hella to the YES! These chiX ROCK! I’m going to buy the album NOW! Thank you, I’ve never heard this before but I’m converted. Love me summah this! #w0oT
60% of college men who listen to rap music end up doing drugs and drink satan’s party juice.
5% of them commit rape
10% of them start learning how to do hipped hopped dancing moves at “gangsta” style disco clubs.
45% end up becoming pregnant and abort their child.
5% drop out of college and become prostitutes.
65% end up having up to 10 sexual partners during their freshman year.
45% end up having sex with another race.
20% end up being raped.”
You missed some stats here and I am going to help you:
42.42% of females that listen to rap music have had sex with at least one labrador before their freshman year (as in result of listening to Snoop Dog)
24.24% of males that listen to rap music have engaged in some sort of sexual relationship with Aliens.
69.69% of females that listen to rap music have met with 24.24% of males that listen to rap music and have traveled to Amsterdam to get high.
100% of your stats are BS.
Where did your et your stats from? “24.24% of males that listen to rap music have engaged in some sort of sexual relationship with Aliens.” No proof of this. Also aliens are not real.
how can you be sure aliens arent real i dont know what percentage but theres alot of idiots that believe in god just becouse theres a book that says he exists which is just as dumb as believing in aliens except people who believe in aliens dont kill people who believe otherwise like the christians like to do
99% of white girls are attracted to big black schlongs.
I am an illegal alien and I alone have had sex with 24.4% of men who’ve listened to rap music. (We include Jamaican rap, though, which is factored in.) Mr. Fonseca is my personal statistician.
I can confirm the information given by Mrs. Winter regarding my job description and of her sexual activity with men that listen to rap music even if my latest observations actually point out to a deviation of the curve from 24.4% to 42.4% (a party this weekend in the Bronx,NY is responsible for the increase of sexual activity).
Also, Aliens are real or else Arizona would not be making such a fuss about them.
The ‘aliens’ are most likely a deception from Satan, demons if you will, but those statistics are really interesting and would be neat to have to cite. Have you two published them officially and anywhere that’s accessible?
We have all relevant information available for purchase on a premium website. We can give you the details. Just transfer $USD500 to my PayPal account and I will send you all the login details in two to three business days in Venus.
LOL! REALLY??? IS this for real?? This can’t be real! I refuse to believe people are this ignorant!! You know what, screw it, I’m going to put on lil Wayne and jerk off RIGHT NOW!!!! with a white atheist midget….how d’ya like that?
1. The song “Bitches Aint Shit” is not about rape. Its about dealing with infidelity by creating barriers between you and other people. The version of the song they are singing is actually based on The BEN FOLDS FIVE Version. That is three, count them, THREE WHITE MALES. If Ben Folds never made a slow piano version of this song I can almost guarantee no one would be singing acapella videos to it.
2.future homemakers? Just because someone has a Uterus doesn’t mean they will be a home maker. Judging by the age and number of these girl I would say this is an acapella group at a university
3.(not a church Hymn, but I mean if you are brainwashed by a church you see everything though that lens).
4.If 10% of the population is gay and there are 11 girls on the screen, chances are that at least one of them wont be a homemaker that lives up to your expectations.
5.Your statistics are ludicrous and have no citation. Where did these numbers come from? (right! your ass!)
6.Here is a short list of things that you said that let everyone know that you have no fucking idea what you are talking about:
“murderous hipped hopped artists”
“and first I don’t even know what this means. ”
“human stink waste.”
“how dangerous the black’s music can be to white youth” (you literally called them “the black’s”)
“into their properly raised minds.” (because all white people are raised properly? )
“satan’s party juice.”
“hipped hopped dancing moves at “gangsta” style disco clubs.”
Is this a serious article or are you trying to parody what you think a christian conservative would be like. No one could be this clueless. How do you go to the grocery store if your mind is this feeble? Life must be pretty terrifying for your scared little brain.
What is “Satan’s Party Juice”, and where can I get some?
This is a christian parody site, right? That isn’t a real column, is it? Props to you man, you really had me going there for a sec. Outstanding parody of Christian fundamentalist raving paranoia. Funny stuff, good job!
This website, these beliefs, and the reasoning behind such beliefs and claims are absolutely unbelievable and mind-blowing. Articles such as Warning! Black Music Infiltrates the Minds of Future Homemaking White Women, and Do Gay Pets Go To Heaven?, or My Sassy Child is Out of Control! I cannot believe you all spend so much time bashing everything and everyone but your ignorant, brainwashed selves. You all need to get a grip with reality and with the way the world ACTUALLY works, and the choices we ACTUALLY have, and realize that for your religion, Christianity, being such a “Holy” and “Loving” and “Accepting” religion, you hate an extreme amount of people and blame today’s “problems” on easy scapegoats you use to feel better about yourselves and your pathetic and unbelievable beliefs.
I’d love to see your reasoning behind your ridiculous statistics that don’t prove anything, your hilarious reasoning behind the “commonly accepted signs” that your husband might be gay, and your feeble attempt to explain common, independence seeking adolescent behavior and the reason why your kids might be acting out (never mind that acting out and showing rebellion, independence, and testing boundaries is a NORMAL adolescent behavior). You ever think that your children are so “deviant” because they realize how ignorant their brainwashed, book-worshiping psychopath for a mother or father really is? How do you survive in the real world? Do you want your children to get an education? Make their own choices? Live their own lives? Or should you just continue down the same path you’ve always been on that clearly leads you and your children to a closed-minded, highly-sheltered, and uneducated lifestyle?
I am a well-educated, classy, independent woman who is engaged to a wonderful man, but I am proud to say that I don’t want to have children and be a slave to my husband, the stove, a washer and dryer, and a book for the rest of my life.
I guess I’m going to rot in Hell. I’m glad I WON’T be seeing you there.
So sound like your have lesbian tendencies, you should seek help from a local church about your man hatred.
Because I said I’m well-educated, classy, and independent? Hahaha, get your shit straight.
Pingback: Understanding Rap Music at
“Black” music isnt just rap. Not all rap promotes killing and living off of welfare, what rapper raps about welfare ?
The “blacks” music is more than just rap
I had grown quite horrified at the content of this site after reading a few articles, but now it’s clear that the site is meant to be a comedy / parody site, aimed at making fun of the stupidity of Christians.
I mean, there’s no other explanation for the bullshit in this article, right?
You should probably work on making it clearer that this is a parody site however.
I could not agree with this more!!! Being one who suffers with the heartbreak of revitiligo (That’s the opposite of what Michael Jackson had.) I am constantly inundated with these horrifically damaging and EVIL images and audio noise pollution. The hipped hopped music is the worst scourge on the white woman since the antebellum era wood shed!!! Log onto and watch the Right Reverend Dr. Thurgood Goodlove, the Savedest man in the history of the Republican party weigh in on and deliver relationship advice which is Blessed and approved by the most high God with an assist from Jesus Christ his own self! The Right Reverend Dr. Thurgood Goodlove bravely tackles such vile and disgusting issues as threesomes, orgies, homosexuality, sexual addiction, and other instances of relations without the blessing of the institution of marriage. He is the most pious man in the world! Praise Jesus!!!
is this a real site or is this whole site a joke poking fun at ignorant white people with a superiority complex
According to your math 3 of 100 male college students will become rapists… Yeah I have another statistic for you 100% of your statistics are total bullshit.
LMAOROTF…this website is so awesome. Just got put on to it for the first time today. This is going to become my morning laugh website. Keep up the awesome work Christwire. I can see I have a lot of laughing in store for me.
“Tell them to read the bible and not carry a gun”
Why would I read the bible, the bible is more violent than any gun.
Tyson Bowers you look like a crazy pedophile and rapist.
You have serious issues you should go to a shrink or get fucked by a black guy, you would love it arent you.
If there was a god he’d be pissing himself (or herself) laughing at you lot on this site. Homophobic, racist, terrified at anyone enjoying themselves or having a single, independent progressive thought and with a fundamentalist (accent on the mental) mindset that Osama Bin Laden, a man after your own hearts, would find too extreme. Once again I’m so glad to live in Europe where we had the Enlightenment and are proud of our intelligence while you knuckle-draggers want to take a massive evolutionary step backwards and return your country to the stone age. Good luck with that. Until then, us liberals will continue to laugh, satirize, humiliate and ridicule you. Or just ignore you in the hope you’ll realize no one’s listening and go away. But in the meantime, pointing and laughing at you will do.
Satan’s party juice huh? I’ll need to try me some of that, sounds like a good time
I believe the statistics mentioned in this article where published by the same people who published these statistics about pickles
This is so fake. You can’t be this ignorant for serious.
I mean, there is a huge, animated ad for Lady Gaga in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Does not jive with the idea of this site being anything but a farce. 😛
omg, this is some good shit. Please tell me this is a joke. Even conservative christians can’t be this retarded. haha. I’ll make some more room for you y’all down here.
people are stupid
This is the first time I have came to your website and I am very disappointed in your close minded and anti-christian views. Jesus said to love everyone and I’m sure Emimnem (white rapper) and rock music like Marylin Manson and many others that sing songs about suicide and hurting one another that much better? There is problems in the music that is being produced period. Its not a black music crisis or a white music crisis. I would love to see you guys preach loving one another. God is not white black green or yellow. Lets be an example and act more like Christians and not like the world. If were preaching hate on this site what makes you different than the artists that sing these songs?
God is Love
This is an extremely racists and sexist article.
Christians never can seem to follow what they claim to teach.
I’as one of dem rappa’s youse talk’n bout! Bitches sho ain’t shit. I’ll dogg the shit outta a ho! Jus ta git ma rocks! Most of dem bitches likes ta swing on ma nuts anyway so I’s let’em. Let the ho’s be ware,
when it comes to massag’n yo button, I ain’t no square, put it on me and I’m sho there, In a world of luv and piece, It’s gangsta warfare!!! Piece, OUT!!!
I came to Christianwire thinking that I’d find a community of like minded conservative Christians, but this article has made me realize that my kind (i.e. blacks) aren’t welcome here. This site needs to come out as the bigoted site that it is in the title or something (maybe Christianwire: For Whites only). Disgusting.
I hate to be the one to break the news Kisha. Sunday morning church services is the most segrated hours in the county.
So that makes this article right? It doesn’t have to be segregated and it doesn’t mean those services spew hate.
I came to Christwire thinking that I’d find a community of like minded conservative Christians, but this article has made me realize that my kind (i.e. blacks) aren’t welcome here. This site needs to come out as the bigoted site that it is in the title (maybe Christwire: For Whites only). Disgusting.
What shocking words Kisha (do you happen to be that singer, btw?) I’ve come to this site now for over a year, and regularly have seen work from columnists of African-American descent and enjoy their work along with almost everyone else’s who works for CWN.
Spin all you want to, your comments speak otherwise.
Kesha is the name and she is white by the way
and the ONLY black columnist you have seems less bigoted then the Lot of you
otherwise you are all white racistr sexist homophobiac and surely a great threat to mankind wholewide
kisha dont take this site seriously i dont believe theres people this retarted in the world… for the sake of society i hope this site is a joke
is having sex outside your race a bad thing?
There is something forthright about being so openly racist. Evil and wrong, but at least to some extent honest.
HA! awesome. those white girls are fuckin hot as shit.
Hello, I contacted your office about this earlier in the year.
I am being sued by many companies over this, they are all claiming that I invented alcohol and that I am trying to claim all ownership over it. This is just not true!
Please refrain from further use of “satan’s party juice” or “the devil’s sperm” as these libellous comments are getting me in a lot of very hot water.
I’m a gay buddhist liberal, basically all I do is listen to rap. Sure, I do drugs constantly, cap bitches, and roll with my niggas, but is that any reason we can’t get along?
To keep your daughter from being attacked
Tell her to to listen to anything black
So your for it? Never seen anything so funny…. ignorance is well ignorance
I’m not sure if this is a parody website or not. If it isn’t, this is a shameful piece of journalism that the author should be ashamed of. And to allude to your statistics, does it HONESTLY matter if women have sex with another race?
that an Interesting question actually in USA the Interracial sex was forbidden around 1950 ( and less ) and interracial amrriage as well
why because they said its would be Impure of the white supremacist
and Not just with black I mean between white and asian white and arab and so On
sadly some people believe This way also
Usually, I try to watch my language around people who claim to be christian, but just like Westboro, the people who run this site are NOT human but below that, so with that said,
This website is the most aweful and hateful thing i have ever come across. I am a buddhist and i sincerely believe people that think like this are pure evil.
At the comedian and jane doe. How can you insult the author like that, you blasphemous heathens!
Only kidding, if the beats all right she’ll dance all night’ is what Ive got to say. Shit if my girlfriend wants to dance in a sexual (you can fuck me after the song) kinda way to some rap music its fine with me!
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You are so scary— as a mother of two african american sons– you frighten me. I want keep my sons close in fear they might run into you on the streets.
My husband who actually was as “Rap” music director is now a wonderful teacher– teaching the very children your hatred is thrown at. His father is a minister,
You certainly aren’t reflecting the teaching of Christ– you are promoting fear, hatred— your hate-speak is more destructive than any rap music– Your stats are insane and inaccurate–what is your source?– btw– what is wrong with interracial dating??? The only positive thing I can say– is soon your generation and your kind will be gone from power and a younger, more tolerate generation will take over. Hopefully we will all survive your hatred.
An intelligent, grad school educated African American woman–who has raised two sons who listened to rap, are in school and serving society.
That’s prejudice to say you are scared of Christians just because one is used to hanging out with rappers.
Tell me where your “Shocking Stats” are from? Or are they just off the top of your head?
Tyson for President!!! This man speaks the truth and if you can see that you are probably of mixed blood, a homo or a race traitor!
Uhhhhh I’m up hurrr in heaven and Bithces aint shit is what my boy Jesus and his pops are jamming to all day. So if you wanna get in the vip of club holy spirit you best be able to recite a verse. O, and jesus wants me to tell you guys to stop being such pussies and remember “bitches ain’t shit” aite im out, were making this place look like hell for when pastor jones gets here in a few days. later guys
99% of white girls are attracted to big black schlongs, the other 1% lied and are going to hell…
fuck this racist ass fuck