What is a Raver

We can thank Nazi German for what is known today as “Rave Parties” or as it is called in street talk “Acid Parades”. The Nazis were known for holding secret events, where they doped themselves up on heroin drugs and smoke meth rocks until all hours of the night, while banging on drums to put themselves into a state of enraged ecstasy. These drum beats (now known as bpm loops) where transformed into what modern day electronic house music sounds like and this is the same type of beat today’s candy hippies dance to while they shove pills of ecstasy drugs up their rectums and suck on cherry flavored ring pops.

With all the health dangers that heroin addiction brings,it is imperative that you bring a loved one who is in that situation to a facility that provides treatment for addiction to heroin before it’s too late.

Raves first became famous in Russia and moved over to England in the 1980’s where the term “Acid Parties” started. These parties were drug infested sex orgies, full of pre-martial sin docking, multiple and same sexed closet make out sessions and enough acid to send a gorilla on a trip down the Dorthy’s yellow brick road, while holding hands with Captain Crunch and rainbow colored vampire midgets. These phase in UK history is also known as the “Abortion Plague”, as the rate of abortions shot up to 74% in girls from the ages of 14 to 19.

Raves didn’t start becoming popular in the States until the late 1990’s when a new style of music called “Happy Hardcore” was created. The new style of music was louder and faster than any other trance music heard in the UK. Rave DJs (Drug Jockeys) knew the American’s loved more of a “pop” sound and developed this music to entice American’s to come to their hidden desert parties and get them hooked on the newly developed drug MDMA, also know as ecstasy or “The fuzzy sex pill”. The first popular Happy Hardcore song in American was called “Groove is in the Heart” by a Los Angeles band named “Deee-Lite”.

The band was created by New York born Kierin Magenta Kirby or also known by her rave name “Lady Miss Kier”. Lady Kier was a Gogo dancer in New York and wanted to start making her own music. She moved out to LA where she met a “beat maker” and started to create electro tunes. They named the band “Deee-Lite” meaning the “D” for drugs “eee” for all the “e” or ecstasy they did and the “lite” comes from the fact that they liked to “litely” lace their drugs with acid.

Now back to the drugs.

This new drug was so powerful that it could take the average business and turn them into a bead wearing, lollipop sucking, Elmo backpack carrying sex-a-holic within 35 to 45 minutes. This drug would make ones eyes the size of a Japanese Anime character and would turn them into a raging sex craver. The amount of stranger sex due to this drug is unmeasurable and has been rumored that a male could be driven to having 12 to 17 sex partners in one night.

The DJs were also smart and gave friendly names to the different types of ecstasy you could buy. If you wanted to have more of a body drug experience you could buy the “Tweety-bird” or the “Candy Carpet”. If you wanted to be plastered beyond recognition, you could grab a nice bag of “Devils Ferrari” or “Double Dipped Danger Flakes”. The DJs wre smart with their marketing terms as they also knew a parent would have no idea if their son or daughter was on the phone talking about “Candy flipped Saki Bombs” or “Rainbow Kissed Sugar Drops”.

With all cultures there are subcultures and the rave scene is no stranger to different breeds. I have broken down the most famous raver clans known to the world.

Candy Kids
A candy kid is a person who likes to wear bright clothing, love beads and drench their bodies full of liquid ecstasy and fill their blood with sugar. You can always spot a candy kid by the multiple ring pops on their hands.

Each candy kid collects beads, these beads are signs of how many bi-sexual sex orgies they have been apart of. It is almost like medals won on the sexual dance floor of STDs.

A candy kid is also know for their “glow stick” skills and often battle with other candy kids to see who can do the better light show dance. Most battles are for drugs or to win a sex session with the other crews females.

This group of raver also has the largest homosexual population and are no strangers to sin snake to rectum entry sex parties and their female clan members all have partaking in fish cave worshiping.

There method of drug use is what is called the “Rear High”, where the take female cleaning product bags, fill them with water and drugs and then have their funs stick the nozzle up their sewer hole and squeeze Satan’s liquid love sauce up their bums to get a faster and more exciting high.

Jungle Lists
This is the violent clan of the bunch, with their afro-angry drum beats and zulu dance moves. Mostly made up of “Yellows” and blacks, Jungle Lists goto these parties to stir up trouble, cause fights and rob other ravers. This should not be a surprise as we know communist Asians and blacks due the same thing in American society.

A Jungle List is known for liking what is called “Drummed and Base” music and are known for their pot and meth addictions. The term “Drummed and Base” comes from the fact that they like fast African style “tripped pops” music and smoke meth or “basing” while dancing like angry silver-back gorillas.

Each Jungle List group has a leader, also known as a “Rudeboy” or “Bom Bom Cloud”. The leader gets to pick which rave party the crew with go to and what type of dance battles they will perform.

PLUR Babies
The term PLUR means “Peace Love Unity and Respect” but this actually means “Penis Labia Urine and Rectums” and it is their jumpsuit army battle cry. The PLUR Babies clan is that of rich suburban white kids who hide their homosexual activities from their parents and live it up at local raver gay bars.

PLUR Babies can be picked out in a crowd by their visors and soccer shirts. This group is known for their in ability to do good rave dancing and usually just go to the parties to get a quick rape session in or looking to perform mouth sex acts on another man’s Satan scepter. This group also has the highest ranking of STD carriers.

This group is only welcomed into the rave community because they are usually the ones selling the drugs. Just like all things gay, the PLUR Babies are their to distribute Satan’s body to the masses.

How to tell if your kid is a raver:

1,113 thoughts on “What is a Raver

    1. P.L.U.R.P.L.E.

      Are you serious?! The rave scene has come long ways from when it started. People who attend raves do not participate in the behavior that you have so kindly and vividly explained. Besides being racist against Asians and African Americans, you are ignorant and a hypocrite. How can you follow God’s word when you take the time to judge people by their skin color? If you are going to act as a sociologist and analyze a culture, then actually gather concrete evidence and stop portraying yourself as a person who lacks knowledge, education, and awareness. Also, if people feel the need to express themselves in some kind of “deviant” behavior, then mind your own business and let them be or “go to hell”.

      1. Stephenson Billings

        It’s so sad to think of all these children lost to the drug culture. America seems to have become much more lazy about approaching addiction these days, maybe it’s all because of Obama and the liberalism. Pot legalization is disgusting. Ectasy simply kills. How can they say narcotics are good for you? And how are they living a life that praises Christ with all this sex and drugs?

        These children are so terribly lost. Thank you Tyson for helping parents identify this trend. We need to be far more vigilant about what are teens are doing, where they are going and who they’re hanging out with. This sort of activity can be deadly. The fact that ambulances are on call for these events underscores that. I think it’s about time mothers and fathers monitor their kids internet use and text messaging on a daily basis.

        In my day, kids listened to their parents and were grateful for the gifts America gave them. Is this what are troops fighting overseas are fighting for? So that kids can get high and paint their faces like cartoons? They need to grow up and grow up real quick.

        In general, I think society needs to be more proactive with the Rave Kids. We need to educate families so they can stop this trend in the bud. These parties need to be raided by the police and shut down. I see no shame at all in calling 911 if I were to hear such an event was up and running. Again, I wanted to voice my support here for you Tyson. I realize your article is getting spammed by drug addicts but you should know there are many, many of us out there who support your compassion and vigilance.

          1. Stephenson Billings

            Amber, you really are quite arrogant, aren’t you? As I noted below:

            When you report on a topic, sometimes it’s important to read controversial Facebook pages for firsthand information. It’s called being a JOURNALIST. You need to “like” them go get unfettered access. These sources are invaluable to understand youth trends. Journalists do it all the time, a fact which you seem totally unaware of. I highly doubt Tyson would ever listen to this garbage as a fan. He’s practically twice your age and is a devoted member of his church. Stop trying to avoid the issue of addiction with your lies.

          2. Stephenson Billings

            You have absolutely NO right to post my personal information Amber. You also have no right to make illegal threats against Tyson Bowers. You could be arrested if you continue this campaign of harassment.

            This is a Christian website for families. We don’t need your profanity and sexual talk here. Please try to be mature. Highly offensive, kiddo.

          3. Claire

            “You have absolutely NO right to post my personal information Amber.”

            Seriously Billings? You link to it yourself at the top of the page.

            “You also have no right to make illegal threats against Tyson Bowers.”

            I don’t recall her doing so.

            “This is a Christian website for families. We don’t need your profanity and sexual talk here.”

            Excuse me? This coming from the man who writes stuff like this?

            “Once two men enter into such a foul agreement, they titillate their penises across the mist of the steam room with foul synchronicity. It will begin slowly, with a flopping readjustment and then a firmer tease. In full view of everyone else present, they might move beside you and lay a hand inches from your leg. A curious finger will probe your flesh and some men simply close their eyes and rest their heads back. This is an invitation for a full-on grab. One man will clasp the other and stroke him furiously, even using his own spit to slicken the depravity. Oral copulation sometimes occurs. These interactions are quick, but not without the most horrific slurping sounds. Vice-like embraces are exchanged as the action reaches its height but once climax is achieved, both part in different directions without so much as a goodbye. What is left is nothing more than a milky pool of emission, left there sprayed out across the floor for others to mistakenly step into.”

            That’s pretty much porn you wrote there, Billings.

          4. Claire

            Billings, I simply replied to everything you said in your post. I pointed out that you give your facebook page out yourself and that you’re notorious for posting explicit descriptions of sexual activities on this website that you claim to be for “Christian families”.

          5. The Comedian

            Stevie, is everything irrelevant to you? Do you not know how to take a hint? Do you not understand the concept of free will or doing actual research? Of course not, otherwise you wouldn’t even be here in the first place.

          6. George Lucas

            Mr. Billings,

            You completely have lost and essentially admitted hypocrisy on this thread. I suggest you delete the article, which is littered with falsified information, or admit defeat and leave the thread.
            Thank you,

          7. Stephenson Billings

            George, that’s pretty presumputious of you to suggest I delete this article. First off, I am merely a commenter here, supporting my friend Tyson against the spam and hate you people are sending his way. Secondly, why don’t you address you childish nonsense to Tyson himself? He’s clearly far sharper than you and can fend for himself.

            Sorry if this sounds harsh but I’m a bit fed up with the personal attacks here. This is wrong and shows a lot about the mentality of drug addicts in our society today– incredibly reckless and selfish. You think you’re not harming people but what happens when you get behind the wheel high on crack and kill someone’s grandmother? You people make me sick.

            Thirdly, I find it sad you call on a simple supporter to have this article deleted as you say. Don’t you care at all for free speech? Doesn’t the Constitution and Bill of Rights mean anything to you? Are you even an American? You people are little Hitlers when it gets right down to it. No use in denying you’re all a bunch of bigots who want to bully Christians. You should be ashamed of yourself.

          8. Mel Meneses

            Amber: If you have nothing nice to write about don’t write it. A righteous person won’t use profanity, especially, in a Christian website. Do some soul-searching and once you found it, come back as a decent person.

          9. God

            I have one thing to say Stephenson Billings. GOD CREATED THE CANNABIS PLANT. Say what you want about raves, but you CANNOT deny that God did in fact create the cannabis plant. He also gave us EVERY SEED BEARING PLANT ON THIS ENTIRE PLANET. This includes the cannabis plant.

            On the subject of electronic music. What makes music? Sound. What makes sound? Vibrations. What can make vibrations? Anything. Any one object colliding with another creates vibrations which then travel to our ears and up to our brain, and those vibrations are then interpreted as a sound. Therefore, anything in the entire world that makes any form of vibration can be used to make music. INCLUDING COMPUTERS. You sir are the ignorant one here. I GUARANTEE that none of you extremist assholes have ever actually been to a rave. Therefore, using basic laws of truth such as evidence and experiencing what you are trying to “tell the truth” about, I have determined that you are in fact lying. Which is a non christ-like behavior. Or did you forget that “christian” means christ-like? You know what christ would do in this situation? (Provided there was an actual problem.) Well he wouldn’t be a lazy ass such as yourself, he would attend raves, and he would ACTIVELY SAVE PEOPLE. Rather than spread hate by creating your own false truths to deceive readers.

            Now, Im off to smoke a bowl of this absolutely fantastic natural medicine that God, in his infinite and never ending wisdom, placed upon this earth for all to shut the fuck up and be peaceful. 😀

            Questions? Hit up my e-mail. I would be very pleased to smash everything you think is correct, righteous, good, etc, and inform your obviously feeble mind of the simple truths of this world.


            I will be awaiting your message with GREAT ANTICIPATION. >:D


          10. JesusWalks

            I go to church with Tyson. I can varify that he as upstanding a Christian as I know. If there is a side of him that he’s hiding, he’s hiding from everyone around him, and hiding it very well.

          11. Amber Leigh

            …Missinformed Mel….. I NEVER EVER said I was a christian…lmfao.. and the only reason im trolling this stupid FAUX page and article is cause me and my buddy are having a GREAT LAUGH at all this NONSENSE….. Just to make this CLEAR.. I BELIEVE IN MOTHER NATURE & HOUSE MUSIC… As far as me using profanity ??? I didnt realize i used more vulger and profane content than this site… <— Best Believe if i wanted to talk a gang o' shit to you and your demented friends i am quite Effin capable…OH WAIT… thats right…. YOU have NOT stated anything about the profanity in THE MAIN FAUX ARTICLE….. BLESS YOU for reinstating to alot of the "NoRmAl" folks reading this on how SO MANY SO CALLED GOD FEARING FOLKS ARE SUCH NASTY SPECIMANS OF HUMANITY.. I Want to THANK YOU for NOT BEING WELL RECIEVING of most comments here and being such ASSHOLES to the public, instead of teaching you have trampled…instead of helping you have hindered…instead of Saving you have slaughtered… <—- "and A HUGE SUPER DUPER THANXX for trying your hardest to get me all riled up.. its been entertaining… PUT DA NEEDLE ON DA REKARD CAUSE THE DRUM BEAT GOES LIKE THIS…….

          12. Amber Leigh


        1. Jeff

          Tyson brings up great points about these “raves”. I participated in one in the 90’s and shared a douchebag with some ravers to squirt ectasy water up my bum. Little did I know the water was contaminated with chemicals, and I wound up in the hospital having my entire anus amputated. I traded my douchebag in for a colostomy bag.

          1. swiss

            hahahaha So you’re at a party, and someone offers to share an anal douche… and you said yes.

            I don’t know what is more rediculous, the idea that you did that, or the idea that anyone would actually use a douche to insert drug laced water up their ass.

          2. Only God Can Judge

            that blows good thing it’s 2011 and we are not dumb enough to do that WTF WERE YOU THINKING?!?!

          3. Sajsquatch

            Isn’t a douchebag an actual bag that you put douches in, not what you put in yourself? I did see a rainbow colored vampire midget with a string hanging out of his butt at a rave once.

          1. Malachi

            “This should not be a surprise as we know communist Asians and blacks due the same thing in American society.” – This idiot is a total racist!

            Jesus would have been a raver… he was all about spreading love… unlike this Christian hate-monger, who is a disgrace to real Christians everywhere!

            DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT THE WORD “CHRISTIAN” MEANS? It means to be “Christ-Like”… something I do not think you understand!

        2. Kaya

          People like you give other Christisn’s bad names. May God have mercy on you. This article is a load of b.s

          1. JT

            I completely agree. I am a Christian and have been involved with this scene for over a decade. It is NOTHING like this article portrays it. Yes, there are SOME people who occasionally take A drug or two; however, most of the people who are deeply involved with this scene know how harmful these drugs can be and abstain from them as well as sex — ESPECIALLY INSIDE THE EVENT. Whoever wrote this article should take another look at these events with an open, sober, and non-judgmental view of these events. Christ would have NEVER written an article that anywhere resembles this.

        3. spin tastic

          Honestly sir, this whole website is one giant assumption, do you really believe everyone that goes to these events wares acid laced neck-less or is on some form of hallucination/ if we juge this content to be true then you can argue that these ideas of someone deciding to go to a place and be around people and relax how about opium dens are the ties with heroin partys, the form of these events can go back to even native american culture listening with the emotions of bass and drums giving a form of comfort, and this comfort stems from are creation in the womb ware we felt our mothers heart beat, bass and vibrations of the MUSIC is what keep us connected in this “acid party” by the way does anyone els call it that because i have never herd that term till now, as well to the culture that we are in today, sir we are in a form of a deppression our economy is week and from time and time again what has our economy done to forget this down turn.. like in the 1900’s swing partys’ (night clubs) ware they would drink let lose and dance, how about something you may remember disco partys in truth that turned into more of coke abusing elders as well as drinking heroin and dancing, (and you yell at the youth for smoking pot) I am only defensive on this sir, for the reasoning that WE ARE PEOPLE we have feelings I am an event coordinator as well as a traditional romen catholic of the eastern right and my events are advertised as chem free, (not even alchole you can check as well for blitzkrieg my last event held at a middle school with town cops, 200 people enjoying music and dancing and you know what NO DRUGS can you belive it.) I am one of those i belive im labeled under o yes my own Kandi JUNGLEST PLUR BABIE! o sorry STRAIT EDGE KANDI JUNGLEST PLUR BABIE! other words dont start a debate unless you actually know one of the sides.

        4. Hannah

          Sir, I agree with you about how sad it is when kids get hooked on drugs. It is also sad when people write lies when there is plenty of truth out there that is even more disturbing.

          Did you know that there are christian raves? I have heard of many ministries that are involved in raves.

          I have attended raves since I was 14 and did not take drugs or even drink underage. I have never smoked cigarettes.

          We all used to shun any strange older people who stumbled upon our events and acted sexed out, because ravers were even less sexual with each other than kids are in the average school, in fact we all dressed alike, boys and girls. We kind of looked like little kids having fun dancing, wearing oversized clothes and back packs. I always felt safe, because there were so many good hearted people there, even if a bad person was there, the majority would protect me. Several times a group of young men strangers protected me from a non raver that was bothering me…heros, many of them christians, good people. These are the ravers I remember.

          The author of this “article” is probably trying to see how famous he can make a story, regardless of truth. They call it ‘going viral’, which means an internet story or ‘post’ spreads so fast to so many people it seems like how a virus spreads.

          The definition for the term ‘going viral’ is true, you can look it up to confirm anywhere. This is not the case for the definitions of the terms the author uses in his satire publication. The most heart breaking to me is that he admits that PLUR stands for Peace, Love, Unity and Respect, but then tries to say that it really stands for a random, lewd list of body parts/fluid. That doesn’t even make sense. Every thing he talked about in the article took one fact about raves and perverted it with a stack of lies, that are apparently funny to him.

          It’s like If I wrote an article saying Jesus was a pervert because the sheep imagery referred to him having sex with sheep, and that the sacrament of water or wine and bread is based on Jesus’s disciples being cannibals and eating babies or something horrible like that. I would never really say that, even as a joke, because some good hearted buddhist or muslim person, that grew up surrounded with their religion and knew nothing about christians, might actually believe it and be horrified.

          Don’t be embarrassed that he played this immature prank on you. Your heart was in the right place. Please know that ravers are not defined by drugs and sex anymore than schools are. In fact I was offered drugs at school and hanging out at peoples house who were not ravers MORE often than at raves, because we all just danced for hours and enjoyed exercise endorphins, rather than sitting around bored and getting into trouble. I know some druggies will go to raves, but they can’t keep up with me on the dance floor, some druggies work at your job every day and you don’t even realize it, so it’s a bigger problem. Don’t blame my community of good people.

          If you want to fight real perversion in the world, involving young people who don’t have a choice, my best friend’s (and fellow raver) older sister became involved in this organization:

          Because we can saves kidnapped women and girls from slavery in brothels. Don’t let immature pranksters distract you from the real good work to be done out there. Keep caring, just like the real ravers do.

          True Raver

          1. Molly

            Whoever wrote this article did either did zero research or only read biased accounts of conservatists and people who believe raving is a source of nothing but drugs. The music is the most important part. people at festivals like Woodstock took just as many drugs as many of the people in the rave scene and they’re not demonized for it. Dont hate what you dont understand because that just makes you look ignorant and stupid.

            I’m not sure where you got the information you did about the rave scene but this entire article is complete slander and if there were individual parties you had mentioned you’d be in jail. Reading these lies were the biggest waste of my time ever.

        5. courtney

          this article is completely wrong and whomever wrote it is severely misguided. I am part of this culture and the accusations in this article have really upset me. I am a Christian and I am also a Kandi Kid and I can assure you none of my beads are “laced with acid”. Many “ravers” are music lovers and lovers of human kind. Not drug induced hippies as the author here describes them. I am proud of this culture and am truly honored to be a part of it.

        6. JBaby

          Who said narcotics are good for you? Stop putting words in people’s mouths. You are far too old to have ever been to a rave, or even understand what they are. It’s just like the days of the 60’s and 70’s when the elderly and religious fanatics tried to stop rock and roll. Rock and roll is now the best-selling genre of music in recording history. Even this self-proclaimed expert listens to rock and roll. Stop worrying about shit that does not concern you. If you really need to get in somebodies business, try to stop METH, not a club playing fucking EDM(you pricks probably don’t even know what that stands for)

        7. Fellow Christian

          You guys are ignorant. I have never done a drug in my life, nor will I ever but my mother suffers from chronic back pain because a student of hers threw her over a fork lift. She can barely walk from one room to the other without feeling excruciating pain. After 2 years of experimental procedures and trial physical therapy sessions nothing has made her feel the least bit better. On a scale of 1-10 her pain is a 7 at all times. If not worse. The only thing that we have recently discovered makes her feel better is medical marijuana. She eats it and for half of the day she is in very little pain, and whatever pain she is in, she forgets about. You would rather my mom suffer the rest of her life than to keep medical marijuana legal? If so, then you do not care for the betterment of people and are sinning. Just my comments on your marijuana reference.

        8. Darren Morgan

          This article is full of inaccurate nonsense and should not be taken seriously.

          I suggest that before concentrating your efforts on supporting such nonsense that you target your efforts on the thousands of people that die each year for alcohol and nicotine addiction – an addiction that is whole heartedly supported by the governments due to the enormous amount of tax that it generates.

          This is the reality: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-13624303

          1. Matthew B. Glosser

            I suggest you heathens start doing some research.. “Marijuana kills over 600,000 people a year in the United States alone” (National Center for Disease Control, published report on Cannabis #312: Vol. 18, p. 259)

            That was a real, government statistic i just quoted to you.. imagine how many children are killed by the even more horrific drugs in the “raven scene”.. The “Ectascy”, the “Super K”, the “Mystical Mushrooms”, the “Spud” .. the Surgeon General says “Marijuana deaths are the just the tip of the iceberg compared to other drugs, which not only result in death, but also flamboyantly homoerotic behaviors” (Surgeon Generals Report to Congress, 19, May 2003)

            get a clue you satanic witches, and stop defending the devils game known has the “raven scene”

          2. Bruce Danus

            Matthew, you seem to know God’s love, while these “ravers” will never learn it. I pray for these children daily, but more of these “Festivals” pop up everyday.

          3. Ash brice

            Errrrrrrrrrrm this must be a joke lol no one is this misinformed.
            I go raving pretty much every weekend and i do take drugs ive done most of them….and let me tell you this much..I have met more honest kind friendly people at raves than ANYWHERE else ive been and guess what??! most of them are good people because they want to, not out of fear of going to hell lol!!
            “Organized religion destroys who we are by inhibiting our actions, by inhibiting our decisions, out of fear of some intangible parent figure, who shakes a finger at us from thousands of years ago and says “Do it, do it and I’ll fucking spank you!”
            And btw cannabis has never killed anyone!!

        9. Brenton

          You do Have some good points about the scene cause i am out of it now i can look back and enjoy my memories and smile as for orgies and all the crazy stuff those kinds of people have been around forever and if that is what they want they will find it somewhere to just pick on ravers when there are so many things in this world to corrupt our kids this particular scene is no worse than any frat party or keg party by high school kids they are all looking for sex and shame on their fucking parents for not knowing what their young ones are doing why that has been the problem all along if you knew and every ones parents knew what was going on this would be a better country as for why our county is at war well if you can not figure that one out than you do not deserve that gas guzzling suv and to bring pot into this is crazy try blaming alcohol for Americas problems for once how bout that how can you go to any place and drink then drive home or stop at the store and pick up all you have money for cause they will sell you how ever much you have cash for this county has a lot of problems but to just single out one group is not fair cause my problems are just as bad as yours

          1. Billy Joe Grammar

            No one can take your response seriously due to the fact that you wrote the longest run-on sentence in mankind’s existence.

        10. hdshfshds

          I dont even know what to say. You made all this shit up. first off you did no research what so ever. If you even listened to a happy hardcore song you would know “Groove is in the Heart” is not happy hardcore.

          1. Malachi

            Christians and money… reminds me of George Carlin’s take:
            But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He’s all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can’t handle money! Religion takes in billions of dollars, they pay no taxes, and they always need a little more. Now, you talk about a good bullshit story. Holy Shit!


        11. richard jones

          In England alcohol culture is, far far far more dangerous. Booze causes lots of death, criminal behavior and damage. not to mention domestic abuse. i been to many ‘raves’. generally it’s nuthin but an atmosphere of love and tolerance. (people trying to get away from bullies ridiculous night clubs) lets just be sensible, and weigh things up properly, i don’t condone regular or binge drug taking, but alcohol and cigarettes are just as bad,
          whilst we continue to be hypocrites the kids will ignore us.
          hope u don’t take this as a personel attack on u cuz it’s not. i’m sure many will disagree, but this is just propaganda, try some and see if u don’t find god, with out the need to tell other ppl their wrong and are going to burn in hell. (the burn in hell bit is not aimed at u personally , just religion in general )

        12. some girl

          im sorry sir, but you are being entirely arrogant. You seem to think you have some kinda of special inside knowledge but you dont.

          This entire article is a joke. About 99.99% of this information is false. Sure kids go to raves, sure some of them do drugs, and sure some have sex, But raves arnt giant orgies or places to go to shoot up or rape. Raves are loud dance parties that encourage people to express themselves. I’ve gone to some of these parties that you speak of and they are nothing like what is described in this article. No i am not some drug addict, i do not even drink (a drug much more harmful than the pot you say is disgusting). PLUR and kandi kids are not rapist-drug addicts they are kids who believe in acceptance and self expression. Ive met many of these kids and yes some do drugs, but there are also many that will never do drugs. These kids (from my experience) are extremely nice and welcoming. This article is a result of poor research and very poor scare tactics to try to convince parents that if your teen wears bright colored cloths and listens to electronic and techno that they are raping and smoking meth.

          This is a christian site right? Than why are you telling lies, graphic ones at that, to these people? Why are you judging these people, especially since they are so undeserving of this judgment. So since the last time ive been to church the saying went from ‘love thy neighbor’ to ‘judge thy neighbor’? It is people like you that give religion a bad name. Your hateful insted of understanding, or even tolerant. Instilling hatefulness and intolerance in kids is never going to make things better or improve anything, your just going to have more hateful people in the world, and honestly raising a hateful, intolerant, judging person is a worse sin than any kind of drugs or sex.

        13. THE TanMan

          you are an idiot. lets start at the beginning. PLURR. two “r”s is PEACE. LOVE. UNITY. RESPECT. RESPONSIBILITY. not all of us follow Jesus Christ. PLURR is a way of life. number 2 not all “ravers” are drug fueled sex addicts. yes there are alot of creeps and what not.but as a dj. i know i dont do any of that bullshit. next time. lets learn about the scene before we bash it? yes. thank you.
          the tanman<3

        14. KSTR

          watch this and tell me this song isnt fucking sick!

          im a dj and as an avid raver, it saddens me to see kids take drugs. whats worse though is when stupid fucking cunts like you associate the behavior of a few people to the entire scene. oh and its PLURR, not PLUR.


        15. brandon

          first off if you believe anything in this article then you would believe any lie write on the internet. I find is sick how someone who is religious attacks a group of people by spreading lies like this and the sad flock of sheep that believe them. this is not what religion is meant for .I bet the writer of this also damns anyone to hell for believing in a different religion than the one he is a part of. Stephen you are apparently one of the sheep of this world . anyone who takes the time to write horrible lies like this article should not be called a journalist.REAL Journalists write facts!this website should not allow things like this to be posted if it was a true Christian web site .i find it funny how “Christians” like this writer and Mr.Billings judge others based on lies

        16. SJ FLECK

          Absolutely nothing in this article is true, and the fact that the author cannot spell makes him even less credible as a journalist. There are so many things that are incorrect or just fabricated that it was completely ridiculous to me. I laughed at most of it, and the arrogance of this man who wrote it.


          1. Jebuz

            If you look at Tyson Bowers son’s FB page he confesses to being a drug dealer on his wall (got your hook up?) – and I have to say, he looks pretty wasted on his profile pic. This has to be a parody – does God even make people this stupid? Oh, wait…

        17. Abigail

          Stephenson Billings you are soo sexy! I want to suck your dick while i’m high off of ecstasy. Will you please cum in my mouth? I bet your semen taste like the cherry lollipop im sucking right now! Can i just rave on your dick all night long?!!

          1. Sajsquatch

            You got a response out of “SIR” Abi, awesome! He probably believes your post as much as his own. He post’s back “you are truly sick”, but you know he’s spanking it to your post. I think “SIR” is a sick perv and wants to believe that all of this this goes on at Raves.

        18. Clone

          Are you serious? I’m not a drug addict, I have been DJing and producing electronic music for nearly 16 years now and I think you’re more lost than the kids who are experimenting with drugs that in some cases have been introduced to the populace by the US government (meth & crack).

          FYI MDMA (ecstasy) does not kill, it’s actually impossible to overdose on it.. maybe you should educate yourself on some cold hard facts before lending your two cents on a post that’s also full of lies and misinformation.

          btw, I’m also a christian, and I feel far closer to God dancing under the stars (drug free) than getting brain-washed in a church, maybe you should try it sometime.

        19. jimbo

          Some one please tell Tyson he misspelled the word ‘do’ and I’d also like to ask you, have we as people not evolved beyond such ignorant ways of thinking and such barbaric excessive presumptions? This article is sheer ignorance. honestly….what’s wrong with you people?

        20. Kevin Monahan

          Sir I’m not here to insult you, but let me lay down a few facts that TYSON here has been wrong in, DJ does not stand for drug jockey, it stands for disc jockey, the person behind the turn tables mixing the music. these people have their own lifes, while some people may not make the most proper choices, but there are people outside of this “scene” that make terrible choices as well. you should have more faith in the way you raise your children to understand what different drugs really are.

          Also, the reason ambulances are on call at these events is the same reason that an ambulance is on call at any concert, any large gathering, when there are groups of people something could happen someone gets hurt trips falls gets stepped on, all kinds of possibilities, thats called safety first. His reasons behind the kandi bracelets that kandi kids wear, is completely false and inaccurate. those beads are exchanged as a greeting or just a friendly ice breaker even. they arent signs of this is who ive had sex with. thats just ridiculous.

          This man cant even classify “ravers” properly, its Junglists not jungle lists, and its Drum and Bass, not drummed and bass, and its not because they beat on drums and thats how bpm loops started like how does that even connect to each other? all it is, is music that somebody came up with on a computer while they were at home, its something these people enjoy creating, and that they want people to be able to get into. Its a part of Electronic Dance Music, music made electronically on a computer, whether its a guitar drum violin french horn, its all music and it all reaches people to a different level the same way that EDM does. Junglists dont get in clique’s either and think about who to rob either. this is all just a bunch of biased improperly researched garbage.

        21. stupidignorantchristian

          I really feel sorry for your kids, raise them in such ignorance and believing in fake devils and your own personal (and very biased) perception of God and what being a good christian is. Hope your kids become absolutely everything you load and runaway from a delusional father and get a glimpse of the real world and what love and hate actually are.

        22. DP

          ey. man you’re a crazy loser. Anyway you look at it. You’re a loser. People like you are the reason why man can’t seem to get their shit right. so fuck you, fuck off and your religion is completely retarded. good luck you’re gunna need it XD

        23. ME

          You sir represent all that is wrong in the world, you are a control freak and i will assume you are slightly learning disabled, at best underling autistic tendencies. I feel sorry for your wife and children assuming any female would be crazy enough to marry you and even crazier to procreate.

        24. Andrew Lawrence

          Ah dude, and now I’ve looked into and you seem to be a really sick guy. That’s depressing… Some people are just brought up wrong or just weren’t properly educated and they end up being ignorant and perverted when they get old. It’s very sad. You can tell by the way that when obviously nice, civilized people provide facts he gets extremely defensive and calls you Hitlers and drug addicts and crack heads. He even says, “You people make me sick.”
          It’s really sad that these people exist but instead of feeding their pathetic rage or ignorant ideas, we need to just learn to ignore these people. Notice he never would have made another post if amber did not respond.
          If we don’t want sick people like this talking to us or saying extremely offensive things, just don’t respond to them. Let him stay alone and ignored until maybe he finds the way.
          May god have mercy on you.

        25. johnny

          “His hobbies include antique soda bottle collecting and the piano.”

          -this guy is definitely a chester

        26. Dave

          Do you know what I find shocking and unnerving?

          It’s that a lot of people lure themselves into believing this kind of ridiculous misinformation in 2011. What is this, the Dark Ages?…

          If Tyson had actually once set foot in a rave party, he would have had much difficulty finding evidence to back his delusions.

          The truth is that he knows so little about the whole scene that his attack only comes off as ignorant, racist and retarded.

          Honestly, I have raver friends and have been close to that scene for about 16 years and I just couldn’t stop laughing at how awkward, clumsy and misguided Tyson’s accusations are. You can be critical about ravers taking MDMA, LSD or amphetamines, if that’s your thing, but the reality is that a lot of them don’t take anything illegal and they certainly don’t participate in bi-sex orgies where acid-laced beads are awarded… what kind of crap is that? Does anyone believe this?… Do you? Really?…

          And DJ’s don’t deal drugs, they are DISC JOCKEYS. They play records, and mix them. Jesus, get out of your christian ignorance-pit which you call a “home” and get a clue…

          Am I being trolled here? Or are these people for real?…

        27. Bod

          Tyson, you’re a reformed crack / smack head right? How come you know so much about drugs? I’ve been to the odd rave or two but your ‘knowledge’ puts me to shame! Heavens above, if I thought I was being enticed to the sort of dodgy dens you frequent I might well have left the party in time to get to church on Sunday morning.

          That said, seeing how you can be so judgmental and racist about others, it’s clear you commune with Satan for in Gods eyes you are nothing but a hypocrite. The fact that you wrap up your sermon in your ‘holier than thou’ pretence shows you also to have a serious personality disorder. Time to reflect Tyson on your words and deeds and the fact Spikenard, the very concoction which Mary Magdalene annointed Jeshua,contained cannabis.

          Get thee behind me, Tyson, crawl across the floor on ye belly and pray to God for your forgiveness, you filthy-as-rags fool.

        28. Panda

          most ravers are not drug addicts…. you do realize stephenson that you cannot become addicted to the drug MDMA. learn your facts before you start spreading lies.

        29. Kyle

          this article is hilarious! thank you for the laughs!
          it is sad however that there are people still listening to people like you for their “facts” rather than experience something for themselves or research it on the internet for themselves. it’s getting a little harder for you religious fanatics to tell us all lies now that we’re in the information age, huh?

        30. "PLUR BABY"


        31. marinus

          We need people like you and bowers to spread our evangalism. Give us more (negative) exposure and lies of what happens at raves, our word is stronger than that of your prophet(s).

          Even as we speak the West- and Eastcoast are already being taken over. Whilst Churches are losing their people, we are growing stronger each day.

          And when the time comes, even you are welcome to join us. Some of us believe in God, some do not. We do not hold a grudge against eachother regarding this, because we believe in freedom of the individual.

          And about the drugs; They are there, just as in the rest of society.

        32. Scott Blank

          I am very sorry to inform mister billings that this article is either a joke or it is someone who does not quite understand how to research. Raves have nothing to do with nazi germany. “drum beats (known as bpm loops)” anyone in this century knows that this statement makes no sense. Anyone who knows the first thing about the rave scene knows this. The Nazis did not use mdma they tossed it aside because it did not fit their cause. MDMA was first synthesized again in the US. Britain got raves from us. Chicago house… “drummed and base” its Drum and Bass… How can you not understand how ridiculous this is. I hope it is a joke and if not i feel sorry for this person and anyone who believes the first thing of what he says. Mister Billings your defending someone who is wrong, very wrong wether it is on purpose or not. What is sad is how delusional you are.

        33. Someone with sense..

          You poor misguided man..if you’re taking any of this seriously there is no hope for you..
          This article is either a joke, or written by a massively assumptive idiot with bad hearing and delusions..
          Drummed and Bass? Drum and Bass.. So termed because it’s focus is on the drum and bass elements..
          As for the use of narcotics.. Cannabis cures cancer. That’s a scientific fact, unlike your “ecstasy kills” statement.. (ecstasy doesn’t kill, the combination of it plus alcohol is dangerous, but it’s dehydration that people have died of, seriously.. Try actually reading the facts instead of inserting your assumptions, you’ll get much further in the world)

          Of course Alcohol (your beloved wine) is more harmful both to the drinker and to society than ANY of the drugs you term “narcotics”..

          The use of hallucinogens spans back past biblical times. It’s called psychonautics, and is a spiritual practice all of it’s own.. It’s only because of Christianity and it’s inherent bigotry that these drugs have become associated with parties at all..

          I swear, people like you and the author here make Jesus look bad..

        34. XoeP

          If Christ made the earth, then Christ made cannabis and “magic” mushrooms. Yet you’re talking about how people can’t praise a deity because they’re on “drugs”? Let’s take a walk through time. Pot has been illegal since the late 1920s, and that was UNDER 100 years ago. Before people started looking at mushrooms and cannabis as drugs, they used them in RELIGIOUS CEREMONIES. The Spanish brought Christ to the Americas, and the Mexican’s brought cannabis and psylocibe mushrooms into the land that was becoming America.

          You are an idiot. Learn your history before you spout your mouth off.

        35. teddiPLUR

          wow. the author of this is a complete ignoramus. spreading propaganda. hes worse than the national socialist party’s(the nazis) propaganda during the world war 2 era. the author and any of his little sheep who seriously take stock in these words are no better than a jew hating baby killing nazi.

          open your eyes and your minds people. think. to sit here and blindly accept everything that is being told to you by this man is to be ignorant. a great man once said “i think, therefore i am” this to him meant that his ability to rationalize and logical weigh the merits of any topic is what made him a human, when you refuse to use that ability you give up what makes you a human.

          if you want some true empirical data on drugs and the uses of them then take a visit to erowid.org and read.

        36. sam

          You are an idiot. Pot legalization is disgusting? I think treating addicted people like criminals is disgusting. I think your attitude towards handling our drug problem is disgusting. Marijuana isn’t harmful if you knew anything about it. obviously narcotics are bad for you, but marijuana isn’t a narcotic dumbass, its a medicine that cures cancer. find it on cancer.gov a goverment website that talks about marijuana’s potential to cure cancer. think before you speak. I come from this new generation, I’ve been to raves. rave is just a place to dance to electronic music. There isn’t this drug scene like everyone thinks there is. I appreciate what my parents do, and what the troops do, but I don’t appreciate ignorant assholes upholding the stereotype of marijuana that has caused millions of harmless americans to be put in prison for simple possesion of a plant. Smoke a joint and relax you faggot.

          1. Katsiru

            apparently Amber Leigh doesn’t understand that. “mmmm… meth” was suppose to be sarcastic lol.

          2. Katsiru

            So apparently this article was written by a retarded animal baby. Not only are there numerous spelling and grammatical errors in the article, but the writer has not sited any of the sources which he bases his “research” on. Secondly not only does the author demonstrate an incredible ineptitude and understanding of the rave scene, but he clearly doesn’t understand Christianity either.

            I am a Gnostic Christian. And from what I can see his brain and spiritual development are still incredibly closed and immature and he will probably die to be reborn again and repeat the same pathetic life until he gets things right. The fact is this writer expresses opinions and hate commonly found with those whom misinterpret some phrases of the bible as “gods word” when really it is the Demiurge or his Angles. Now granted most christians now are too stupid and ignorant of the early church to understand any of what I’m talking about so I’ll move on since this is going WAAYYYY OVER THEIR HEADS.

            Aside from that. When I first read this article I thought it was a joke i mean honestly…. this made me laugh harder than I have in a long time.

            “These parties were drug infested sex orgies, full of pre-martial sin docking, multiple and same sexed closet make out sessions and enough acid to send a gorilla on a trip down the Dorthy’s yellow brick road, while holding hands with Captain Crunch and rainbow colored vampire midgets” ~ Tyson Bowers III

            ^ at least its nice to know that the writer has some what of a sense of humor. (now if only he weren’t serious)

        37. Haylee

          Everyone is entitled to their opinion I guess, but this article has no concrete facts or merit. It’s just an over abundance of exaggerated rambling from an angry person that seems to think its his mission in life to scare people into beleiving lies. Next thing you know he will be telling us the world is going to end…AGAIN.

          P.S. its called “drum and bass.” and it means exactly how it sounds, it’s music primarily of DRUMS and BASS. Next thing you know we will be hearing how house music is really meant to signify “the house of the devil.”
          LOL, dude, LOL.

        38. Jakkolantern

          Wow ignorance is bliss huh fucktard? You are the reason why people hate us conservatives…you are more like a NAZI than anyone here. Not all of us that rave do drugs and i take pride in that. I go for the music and you sir are fallacy to human kind. I praise God too but not to an extreme like you do. GET IT YOUR HEAD THE WORLD ISN’T THE GREATEST PLACE TO RAISE IGNORANT CHILDREN YOU’RE ONLY LEADING THEM TO THEIR DOWNFALL AND YOU’LL NEVER BE ABLE TO SHAPE THE WORLD IN YOUR NARROW MINDED IMAGE!!! Go fall in a hole, I really hate stupid, ignorant people like yourself.

        39. mike

          Listen, i like to get a good rear high going just as much as the next raver, but if you are going to talk badly about us you can atleast check your facts. First of all, we do not use female cleaning product bags….we use old drug bags. Second of all we use other fellow homosexual saliva to cut our drugs with, not water. i will credit you and say that we do dip our fun sticks in the slaiva/drug concocktion and nozzle up multiple partners sewer holes to squeeze satans liquid love sauce up for a quicker stronger high

        40. mike

          so you are a single old man and a Special Leader of Christian Camping Trips for Hearty Teens!……another fine example of the catholic church being a bunch of crazy sex starved old men. You disgust me, and may god have mercy on your soul. I will keep you in my prayers.

        41. ry

          I wasn’t sure if you’d get down to my comment or not Mr. Billing but Just wanted to say. . . you’re one of the best Trolls I’ve seen in ages!!

          Absolutely Hilarious!!!

          +1 Internebs sir!

        42. Nichole

          I stumbles upon this horrendous excuse for journalism via a friends link. Having been a part of the “raver” scene since I was 15 years old, I somehow managed not to contract any STD’s or have multiple sex partners or do any of the other ridiculous made up fantasies the author is obviously trying to play out. I also managed to graduate top of my class from high school and earn 2 college degrees from LSU and I now practice as a Registered Nurse. Any person who is ignorant enough to believe this misrepresentation of a generation of americans and claims to be a christian needs to remember that God does not want us to judge, condemn or lie about people. That’s really all of the time i can waste on this poorly written peace of trash. And yes i agree with freedom of speech, but their is so much misinformation in here that it isn’t freedom of speech, it’s ridiculous speculation, ignorance and stupidity! Have a lovely life!

        43. Marcus Dephallus

          You are such a nigger lol Jesus was the ultimate party animal. The motherfucker took water and converted it to wine just for the hell of it. Shit, if your blood turns to wine, you’re an alcoholic. Hence, Jesus was an alcoholic that dated a prostitute.

        44. evon

          You sir are a complete idiot and shouldnt be allowed access to the internet, because its clear that you will believe anything you read. Just like the Bible(which I`m sure you follow to the letter like the rest of the Christian community with no will of their own) this article is full of lies and…well, no, just that. I`m sorry you dont know how to gather REAL facts and form a valid opinion based on proven information, NOT this “article”.
          I used to be a raver when I was younger, and yes there are a few ISCOLATED incidents of kids overdosing at these functions. But the truth, the actual truth of the matter is that more people are killed by beestings and shark attacks than from extasy.
          The author should have his hands chopped off for spewing forth such complete and utter bullshit.

        45. doodlewacker

          Racists! go hide behind your bible.. fuckin cowards make outlandish rediculous unfounded offensive accusations then use the ‘this is a religious site for families’ as a defence.. coward!

          the priesthoods are rapidly declining in case you didnt realise idiot, religion is on the way out.. the rest of the world is waking up, a new age is upon us.. the statistics and figures are all right here on the internet.. maybe you can use your ‘education’ rofl and look for yourself..

          1. Gambit

            Dear Bored Christians,or whatever we feel like calling ourselves for the day,I am rooting soooo freaking hard for the Author of this site&our frien Billings….(Honest to god I do) he may be old maybe even a little ignorant,but definitely bored.He or she (who the hek knows or cares) wrote the article regarding the scapegoating/demonizing of drugs/sex/raves,etc.He threw in some namecalling lines about music,rock’n roll=satans criteria blah-blah-blah,and has gotten y’all,not everyone(for you sensitive ones,stomping him down,calling him sick,and doing what today’s sensitive&special boys and girls do when culture(s) and the unbiased interesting facts are stated/said regarding them….yep crying racism….He left the comment box open to get it built up by most everyone’s blatant/ruthless, (defensive…maybe?,wow this is your only defense words/statements that a good bit of you can lash out with…I sure hope not)…I have left more of those “Christian” protesters tongue-tied than (who the hek cares)..I live in the French 1/4Nola 4 12 yrs….Now about our “Fine and Interesting” Christian friends that protest during our festivities on Bourbon St…usually they have signs with most every non-christian religion written/painted on them. OK,my strapping little racist/barkers,this coincidence may help you better fend off those bad old racists…Did u know there was once a society that formed in the States after the “CIIIIIVVVVIILL WAAAAAR” IT WAS A mean OL’ RASCIST WAR”, and some sore losers formed a group called (now brace yourselves my little this word may Racist/Ranters that rave YOU MAY WANNA COVER UR EYES BEFORE THIS WORD) THE KU-KLUXX-KLAN,and they killed,terrorized,extorted any non christian,Non-americans they could get to.It has been documented that they killed actually republican white people(I’ve researched just to make sure that “white-people” isn’t a Potty-mouth nor is “Asian” or “Black” actually black can be used in your coloring..or Communist..so they can be used as happy words)…..well those mean ol’people seemed to vanish after awhile,noone seemed to know where they went.Some yrs years later they resurfaced and started to call themselves “Christians” with all those same enemies they preached….Coincidentally,those VERY,VERY same protester people’s signs those same enemy names as those mean ol’ KU-KLUXX KLAN did…weird thing about the name KU-KLUXX is Greek meaning “circle”…Greeks were on their (uh-oh another word for the day, again)….are we ready….”B-L-A-C-K….LIST”. U no what, I went to raves in the 90s loved em …OH U LITTLE MONKEYS ON HERE MUST HAVE BEEN AS BORED AS I TO BE ON HERE, I’LL SAY THIS….. AND THIS GOES TO RAVERS,ROCKERS,CHRISTIANS….I COULD CARE LESS IN WINNING IN NEITHER OF UR VIEWS BECAUSE EVERYONE ON HERE SURE IS SHARING ONE CRUCIAL CHARACTERISTIC …. “SOMEONE/ANYONE DOES SOMETHING GOOD…NOONE HARDLY REMEMBERS…THEY DO SOMETHING BAD/OR JUST EVEN A SIMPLE MISTAKE….NOONE FORGETS….”

      2. George Lucas

        hehehe this is a good joke!
        i actually am DEEP into the rave culture in Boston, MA. This article is almost completely 110% unsubstantiated. I can provide you with hard evidence (scientific studies, surveys, doctor references, many many personal experiences, etc) that leaves absolutely no room for any of this nonsense to be published. Ever.
        The fact that so many lies have made it to a source like this is depressing.
        My rave friends and I (who dont subscribe to any of the non-existant sects described in this article) might be some of the most loving, open-minded, and sexually safe people you would meet. Don’t judge a book by its cover, and more importantly, do your research.
        Please contact me with any questions you might have.
        Clearly I have changed my name for spamming reasons.

      3. Sticky Data

        ya know… i think this was suppose to be more of a hurtful joke. it’s obviously exaggerated. don’t get so bent cause some jerkoff who can’t even spell is hating on our culture and music. but he kinda did hit a lot of good points too lol kandi kids are fuckin’ retards. then again, i’m just a jaded junglist who stabs people hahahahaha XP

      4. Zarkzies

        Raving was never all about drugs, this page is a joke and a Lie. I have been a raver for3 years and not once have a touched a drug. We Dance to the beat of the Music. Actually go to one before you misjudge them.

      5. truthbringer


      6. Um..

        I see you’re not very smart. Dude, stop. You’re giving us a bad name. I will spell it out for you: THIS IS SATIRE.

      7. Kate

        Of course it is… it makes me laugh how many gormless people are on here, failing miserably to pick up the massive amount of irony and piss taking in this article!

        Its just a ridiculous piece of writing that the journalist did for a laugh. and to parody old fashioned rave culture.

        (unless i am very very much mistaken).
        funny what people take offence at. but then this is the internet, and people love moaning.

      8. Lexie

        I so agree. I say how about talking to the kids that go. I love Kandi kids they are bright fun and child like. Not sex addicts and crap. It even says that if this author even cared to look up the deffintion. P.L.U.R is an awesome saying and doesnt have to do with sex at all. I dont know where they did there research but this is just crap.



      1. Bruce Danus

        You appear to still be under the drug induced hypnosis of the Thumpa-beats. Please drop any homogay lover or child you are currently raping and head directly to the nearest hospital or Church.

          1. Bruce Danus

            I agree Amber. PLURRLIFE is a disgusting person and should immediately seek treatment.

        1. infinity420

          WOW this shit is full of fucking shit! just like the person who posted it up. its OBVIOUSLY they you dont know anything about raves & what a raver is. ppl always judge by looks but never by knowledge.. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A GOD, he’s not gonna judge me on my wrongs in smoking pot, because IT IS a natural, safer medication than any other fkn RX drug.

          & PLUR originally fucking stands for P.lease L.et R.avers R.ave but also P.eace L.ove U.nity & R.espect(Responsibility) on the act of knowing & limiting your drug. ex//acid//meth w.e the fuck it is. we’re just free spirited young people that dont give a fuck but know what we’re doing. soo FUCK all whoever posted this shit up & the ppl that agreee, fkn ignorant ass dumb fucks.

        2. George Lucas

          you should look into your heart and accept others. until then, keep to yourself please.
          with love,

        3. Friend of friends

          Hey Bruce. Love your article. Very compelling stuff. I think you have a real future in journalism. And I am a photographer. I say we get to the bottom of this rave nonsense. Lets pack up some gear and actually GO to one! Write about all the sex we see everywhere and all the people who dress like they are in the 1980’s like in your pictures! Then we can actually TAKE ecstasy so we can accurately report on the negative side effects. Maybe find a “Drug Jockey” and get an exclusive interview on the latest drug trends. Then we can find all the asians and blacks and beat them with clubs before they have a chance to hurt anyone else. And God will be ok with ALL of this because its just research for more of these articles. I dont do drugs and never will. But I love electronic music, I am not gay, I praise Jesus and I go to raves to enjoy myself. I will see you at church. Make sure you tell God you are willing to kill people because they are a different skin color than you. I dont think thats on the ten commandments so you should be fine.

    3. Amber Leigh















        1. Amber Leigh

          I have never smoked meth or have ever been on heroin…lmao..

          I am however in school holding a 3.2 G.P.A. currently going for my R.N.

          I have 3 other Degrees/Certifications

          I have a job.

          And am the mother of 2 High School aged Children who both are in many Varsity sports programs and school activities like FFA and 4H.

          Soooooooo ummmmmm ya… Guess you can shut up now..

          1. djhaze

            Well said, I have been going to “Raves” for over 10 years and went to college the whole time and graduated with a 3.75. I too am a parent of 2 who are involved in various after school activities. This type of stuff makes Christianity look stupid, so please don’t litter the internet with such silliness.

          2. Bruce Danus

            DJ Amber and DJ haze, perhaps if you both stopped going to raves and stopped rectally induced drugs parties, you both could have better than average grades in your “Colleges”. I’m sure you are both either Liberal Arts Majors, or in Cosmetology School since you go to raves and claim to be “DJ’s”, so getting a 4.0 should not be hard since it is not actually College.

          3. Claire

            Bruce, considering how you have “Men’s Room at the Rest Area off Exit 223 on I-5″ as your college on facebook, you have no right to make fun of anyone’s education.

          4. Bruce Danus

            Claire, I miss you. How is Christian Housewife Boot Camp with Sister Susan going? Don’t worry, most of your cats are still fine. There was a slight lawnmower accident with 2 or 40 of them however. Anyway, as to your comment about my Facespace twitster page, I haven’t been on there in years, so I haven’t been able to update it since I found the Lord. Thank you for reminding me though, I would hate for somebody who didn’t love me, like you do, to stumble on it and see those horrible things. This is why I love you Claire, you are always looking out for my best interests. Have fun at Boot Camp with Sister Susan and I can’t wait to see the “new” you when you return!

          5. Claire

            Hmm, that’s odd, considering how your most recent facebook wall posts are three hours ago, seven hours ago, nine hours ago, eleven hours ago…

          6. Bruce Danus

            Claire, did you go through my rolodex and steal my account passwords for the facespacebook? If there are recent posts on there, it must have been you because, as I said, I haven’t been on there in years. If you did it, it’s okay though. We are married now, so what’s mine is yours and what’s yours is mine.
            You forgot to mention how Christian Housewife Boot Camp with Sister Susan is going? I’m also waiting for those postcards you promised to send once you got there.

          7. Tyson Bowers III

            “I am however in school holding a 3.2 G.P.A. currently going for my R.N.

            I have 3 other Degrees/Certifications”

            Holding a 3.2 GPA at a Trade school is nothing to brag about. You must goto the same school as Claire.

          8. ben

            Id say dont waste your breathe on this tool Amber.. but its kind of fun isnt it? Makes you realise how lucky we are to be freethinking openminded loving people.. can you imagine what it must be like to be so ignorant, full of fear & hate? Anything has got to be better than believing you were born into sin.. seriously…

            Love your work..

      1. Neoconstipated

        A common trate of the drug addicted is that their Caps Lock key gets stuck from a combination of dried up finger box fluids mixed with semen and corn syrup that drips from their ring pops.

      2. Bruce Danus

        Lovingly, Amber please stop shouting your un-proven nonsense. It is bad enough that you try to refute Tyson’s well researched article without giving us one shred of proof, but then you type in all Caps, basically yelling at us. Typing in all Caps will not make us believe your insane ramblings when we know That Tyson has researched this article for months. As the kids say “Don’t be a Hater, Yo!”

        1. Amber Leigh







          ENJOY YOUR DAY..

          1. evan hill

            I think youre hurting more than helping. No one likes a crazy ranting person…thats why we dont like fake internet christians! Dont be one of them :)

          2. :)

            yeah i was raised mormon, wanted to kill myself at age 13 because i found out god hates fags, then found glory through music, i dont do drugs never will, but what i will do though is dance all night to music. My god loves everyone for who they are no matter what. my god is a humble one. i go to the events because i love the music and produce the music just like the producers who make the stuff you listen to on the radio. my influences come from artist like bach and billie holiday and i produce jungle/breaks. I go to these events because i love the music and i am accepted for who i am as a person, and yes im still a virgin will be till i get married to the man i love. My body is a temple and i bless it with beautiful music and dancing. GOD LOVES ALL!

        2. Friend of friends

          Hide behind God. Maybe he can teach you how to spell and use correct grammar. Most of the rave kids posting comments have better grammar than the author of the article. Maybe Bruce is on drugs that are causing him to have brain malfunctions. I was just thinking, I bet you found The Lord, but now he cant get rid of you. You follow him everywhere. He told me the other day. Complaining about how Bruce wont leave him alone. God said he would meet me at the rave later and he never showed!!! I think its because Bruce was bothering Him and He couldnt get away.

        3. kgardner

          If it is well researched can you post your references please? I would like to have a look at where you got this information.

        4. Femanon

          Kids dont say that anymore, and this article is not well researched. This article is entirely lies. And please show me where Tysons research came from? Some other confused Christians? Your asking her for proof? i want some proof that this article is true (which it is not). All you and tyson are doing is judging people for living differently. So how do you react to difference? Like savages. Please by all means educate yourselves and grow up a little before you post more nonsense. Thank you.

      1. Stephenson Billings

        When you report on a topic, sometimes it’s important to read controversial Facebook pages for firsthand information. It’s called being a JOURNALIST. You need to “like” them go get unfettered access. These sources are invaluable to understand youth trends. Journalists do it all the time, a fact which you seem totally unaware of. I highly doubt Tyson would ever listen to this garbage as a fan. He’s practically twice your age and is a devoted member of his church. Stop trying to avoid the issue of addiction with your lies.

        1. Lua

          I’m always amused by people who preach about certain professions they know nothing about.

          Journalists should, at least those you didn’t graduate from some XYZ community college in Bumfuck, Hickstate know the following:

          1. Spelling and grammar:
          ‘same sexed closet'(what now?),
          ‘communist Asians and blacks due the same’
          (DUE they now?)
          ‘PLUR Babies are their to distribute Satan’s..’ (are they? are they their or perhaps THERE?)
          ‘rave party the crew with go to’
          (say what?)
          etc. etc.

          Remember – spell check, like Google, is your friend.

          2. Investigating: Well golly, I’ma befriend me some crazy rave music fans on FB and I’ma learn all about rave from them. What’s that now? they seem normal? Well darnit, I guess I will have to make shit up then.

          3. Truth: or at least a certain degree of it.

          4. Everything else the author of this article is not aware of.

          Mr. Billings, please do not compare Mr. Tyson to myself and other people who actual know how to write an article. Thank you.

          1. Adam Nelson

            “Mr. Billings, please do not compare Mr. Tyson to myself and other people who actual know how to write an article. Thank you.”

            I think you meant to use “actually”, Lua. Is English not a primary language in Hawaii?

          2. Stephenson Billings

            Excuse me you obnoxious little “journalist”? I happen to be a real Investigative Journalist with all the credentials that entails. I have worked for many years in the field and have experience that would put simpletons like you to shame. You clearly have done far too many drugs to have a clue what you’re talking about. This is an issue of faith and patriotism. Tyson is motivated by his heart and soul and speaks a truth you seem too immature to comprehend. I pray that you wake up some day and see the light. God bless.

          3. The Comedian

            //Excuse me you obnoxious little “journalist”? I happen to be a real Investigative Journalist with all the credentials that entails.//

            Stevie, a drawing you once made in elementary school is NOT sufficient enough to prove that you’re a journalist of any kind, especially when you’re proved wrong oh so many times on ALL of your subjects.

            //I have worked for many years in the field and have experience that would put simpletons like you to shame.//

            Yep, those gang-bang parties you go to with your boyfriend would surely make any other gay man jealous.

            //You clearly have done far too many drugs to have a clue what you’re talking about.///

            Or maybe you have no idea what the hell you’re talking about in the first place.

            //This is an issue of faith and patriotism.//

            Telling people that they’re wrong for believing in the things they do is not faith or patriotism, especially when you use fear tactics all the time. The correct word is ‘terror’, as in, you’re a terrorist.

            //Tyson is motivated by his heart and soul and speaks a truth you seem too immature to comprehend.//

            Tyson hates blinking lights and doesn’t understand that drugs can be involved with anything and everything. Don’t believe me? I once knew a chick who gave her boyfriend a blow job at church, and one of them got high afterwords while still at the church. And she went to that church on sundays. So yeah.

          4. Stephenson Billings

            Comedian, you have a black, black soul. I really wonder why you get so touchy when the subject of hippies and drugs comes up. Don’t you realize you’re too old to be living this lifestyle? At some point you have to “grow up.” I know this is hard but it’s about time you be mature. I want to love you and help you, but I really think you need to take the first step. Your buddies in California might think this lifestyle is fun and maybe they have sex at these parties and that’s why they’re into the lifestyle, but it’s putting your health and your mind at severe risk. Over the months here together my friend, I have grown to care for you deeply. I really want the best for you: health, love, spiritual depth. Can’t we pray together some time?

          5. The Comedian

            //Comedian, you have a black, black soul. I really wonder why you get so touchy when the subject of hippies and drugs comes up. Don’t you realize you’re too old to be living this lifestyle?//

            I ain’t a hippie, you’re just such an ignorant fuck and your latest target is the hippie crowd. If you start hating some other group almost exclusively, I’ll be sure to rip you a new one on that subject as well.

            //At some point you have to “grow up.” I know this is hard but it’s about time you be mature.//

            A man who screams at people on the internet to leave him alone and let him carry on with his terrorism should not be commenting on people growing up.

            //I want to love you and help you, but I really think you need to take the first step. Your buddies in California might think this lifestyle is fun and maybe they have sex at these parties and that’s why they’re into the lifestyle, but it’s putting your health and your mind at severe risk.//

            Let them do what they wish. Rather than tell them that the entire thing is bad, just say ‘hey, drugs are bad, and even if you’re at a place like a rave or whatever, just don’t do them’ and go for the harder substances, ones that have been proven to kill people, like heroin. If you tell people that something like marijuana is bad, you’re gonna get laughed at. You throw too many blanket statements everywhere that you end up condemning harmless acts in the process.

            //Over the months here together my friend, I have grown to care for you deeply. I really want the best for you: health, love, spiritual depth. Can’t we pray together some time?//

            No. You’re an ignorant, closeted little homophobe who refuses to admit that he’s wrong. You’re a disgusting human being who has an immense hatred for everything, yet you disguise yourself as a ‘loving’ person. You are nothing but a false prophet, a liar, and a thief. You don’t follow the bible and insist that others bow down to your will. Why the hell would I ever want to associate myself with an oppressive asshole like you who wants to lord over everyone and force them to follow your ways or else they’re gone?

        2. Mike K.

          I have never done a drug in my life, have always gotten A’s in school, and are currently attending Colorado State University for Business Administration and am holding a 3.9 GPA. I also regularly go to raves in my area, and I have to say that yes, there are a few of the stereotypical “Ravers” at these parties, but for the most part, it’s just a large group of people that enjoy electronic music. I’ve seen more harm done on this page with the accusations and name calling, than I have at one of these parties. The rave scene as developed a lot in the last decade. The so called “facts” in this article may have been true ten to twenty years ago, but it isn’t the same now. Before everyone starts attacking my statements, just know that I am not trying to start a war with any group of people. I am just trying to get the up to date facts about the topic out in the open.

    4. Vdub

      This is a perfect example for the argument against religion…

      The author has got to be the most ignorant, moronic, idiot that I’ve ever come across…

      Jump off a bridge buddy. You are useless on this world…

    5. Direkt_Influence

      Besides being homophobic and racist, the author of this article clearly never made it past the third grade. The amount of grammatical errors and misspellings (not even mentioning the actual content is absurdly inaccurate) totally negates any sort of point or logic to this reading.

      I think I speak for ravers and people who enjoy dance music everywhere when I say go f#ck yourself and the high horse you rode in on.

      -Direkt Influence Productions, NY

    6. Haley "SunShiine" Ashley

      WOW. Whoever wrote this is so stupid. Us ravers are NOTHING like this has described. This is why I absolutely DESPISE “christian” IDIOTS like this. They wanna think they’re better than everyone else, when really they’re lower than most people and want to cause problems about certain groups of people just because they don’t live down to their expectations.
      This guy really deserves to be slapped.
      That is all.

    7. Intellectual

      Christianity, this website, and the articles therein all prove that religion is still the most effective drug in causing idiocy and delusion.

    8. riley

      this is the most ridiculous thing i have ever read im 21 years old a raver and an avid follower of jesus christ…. 75% of this article is based off of the early 90’s and is sooo misinformed i have read the sources this guy used and they are all anti-rave so naturally the article he writes will make raving seem like you are worshiping satan himself but that my friends is intirely incorrect and iggnorant.. i challenge you… go to a rave… see what its like… but if not dont let some 80 year old monk persuede you to think badly of the rave scene.

    9. God Loves Ravers

      If jesus was alive he would be a raver.

      I think its funny that all of the comments from “Christians” are full of hate. (Ps- you are going to hell) and all the ones from the “drug users” are nice, constructive, and information filled. Jesus and god preached things like “love thy neighbor” not “all you crazy kids are going to hell”

      Honestly, if you think you will go the heaven for being filled with hate (regardless of who you are being hate-filled towards) you are mistaken (you are going to hell for being an asshole to ravers) JESUS WAS A RAVER!!

      1. v

        I used to listen to this muisc called deee-lite and other haver stuff like marliyn mason and kmfdm and other things that where no rleation to god and be bysexal and dress as sick and oversexed goth freak and not see what hell I’m doing with my self liesting to the devil muisc my life with the thrill kill klut lords of acid is the most oversick sex music next to kiss that are only for them sel’ves not for you or god. Now one if people believe in god and spareds the word will not go to hell if there with god. And also follow god why but obbsessty is not godlly eather nor not fast if you lean the bible none of this will sound like bull shit to you and matilca is also the devil music. I become a chirstain because god weak me up and showed me that also madnna and the beastiy boys is full of sex evil and the movies and that is called saceilly TV my spelling bad but you now what I mine. I a few more thing I food is now going to be labled as gmo free look it up online or in book’s. The water is not as clean has you think there flioured in it like your teethpasit buy a dame filter for you water and obama the anit-chirst and hidden past look it up this man is a lier and foued and is bysexal not god like is nor are the death matel and any other music after but not are bad after bytoeven and lost but not les god is the why the life and the bible is comming true don’t be fool by the devil world look ask for god and son of god jesus chirst.

        1. v

          I mint to say not all music is bad but must of it is .if you go And look up rock star selled there soul for fame and money you will not be the some or like must people don’t pay any mind to what I’m saying I believe in god and many other people do. There is a world full of things to know like if you like anime or sonic video game and some tell’s you that you like cute is bad for you and bring you down to there level having sex orgy’s and doing drugs atfer while if you servie you will feel where did all my good time of feeling good and feeling free and hleathy go this what the maida is doing over sexed movie that make fun of people killing fightting drugs in movie make went to go out and do this but atfer this you feel like was a wast of time. Plases I ugr you to see the light.

    10. djgtfo

      It’s called “drum and bass” you ignorant fucks, because theres DRUMS AND BASS involved in the music. I feel like I mentally handicapped 3-year-old was the main source of the information you have provided here.

    11. mike

      The information that was just given is a bunch of bullshit that is not true what so ever. try going to a rave and seeing what its about before you make outrageous accusations about it/

    12. krystal

      okay people you are all too serious, this is simply poking fun at the rave culture back then. NOW there is all different types of parties or gathering that go on. Some gathering such as the genre of music “PSYTRANCE” has a very spiritual approach. Drugs such as LSD and MDMA have many wonderful effects on the brain and the way one sees his reality IF YOU PEOPLE DO YOUR DAMN RESEARCH YOU WILL SEE THAT THESE DRUGS ARE BEING USED AND TESTED IN PSYCHELOGICAL STUDIES for people who suffer many horrible things. http://WWW.MAPS.ORG WAKE THE F UP PEOPLE. THESE ARE HEALING MEDICINES IF YOU LEARN HOW TO USE THEM PROPERLY. DANCING UNDER THE INFLUENCE IS SIMPLY CELEBRATING LIFE IF YOU ARE A MATURE DRUG USER.


      i cannot stress enought what lsd has done for my life. it has changed me in the most positive ways possible.

      rave parties are much differnt than psytrance parties much different people and the whole aspect of loud music and psychedelic drugs.

      still people stop your damn fighting and do some damn research, the answers are all there you just choose to not look! fuck!

      1. Sajsquatch

        Okay, time out, “Back then”? Your obviously new school. I have been a raver since 1992. “Back then”, was about 95% lsd vibe & 5% exstacy vibe. The feeling was exactly what you are describing. Everyone dancing all night, 100% good vibes! This was the original concept of how raves were meant to be. As time went on, NON-RAVER type people introduced harder types of drugs which is when the ambulances started attending raves too. Specifically when G became popular. G sent many people to the hospital because it was so easy to O.D. on. However, acid and x have always been the two most popular. Meth is the one that really tainted the scene. All other BS drugs have come and gone. In more recent years the concept of straight edge raving has become more popular. One thing that is certain is that cannabis has always been the most popular and most excepted. I’m with you on most of your post. The “back then” comment got me though. As if us veteran old schooler’s raped and orgied. I love the bit about battling for a sex session with the other crew’s girl.

    13. Silas

      This Website is Hilarious. It’s like The Onion minus any legitimate factual information. but what I think makes it more comically entertaining than The Onion is that everybody knows that The Onion is a joke and on Christwire.org people actually believe that these articles are real and contain factual information. Tyson Bowers sir you are truly a comical genious. I would love to write some articles for your website please tell me how i can submit my writing. I totally get the level of humor you guys are on. Truly Genious. Well Done

    14. Lanie

      I hate to tell you, but none of this is accurate. Once you have attended a rave yourself, (A LEGAL one) you will find none of this is applicable. I have raved for awhile now, and never once in my life taken drugs, or drank alcohol. My kandi, I MAKE and wear. I’ve never have an orgy in my life? I’m pretty sure you’re just being a huge troll for “Shits-n-Giggles” but come on, don’t be ignorant.

    15. TehChemist

      It is in fact.. a joke. It’s satire.. a humorous, though sometimes crude, spin on actual scenarios. The whole site is written in this way. It’s a beautiful article, and all bullshit and whining aside.. You really believe that he really thinks that don’t ya? that…would be the point.

    16. Concerned Friend

      You know what I would like?
      Some citations, because Tyson here has thrown around quite a few statistics and “facts” without providing where he got them from. (Though, I think we all know they were made up.)

      I’d also like to point out that MDMA inhibits a man’s ability to “get it up”. So, raves obviously can’t be these orgies you so claim them to be. This whole article is lucrative.

    17. SwarthySy

      I havn’t stopped laughing at the ludicrousness of this misinformed gibbering idiot is on about. Sorry sbout the spac….e I’m still laughing…..Ha Ha ha ha a ha ha ha …And i’m an extremely successful businessman who did take these drugs (drug jockey) where did that one come from? I loved it.Yea you get loved up but it hardly ever led to orgies. If there were any, I must have been in the other room. Please! If you want to preach utter crap do it on the toilet..!

    18. Christ-Follower

      Jesus hung out with whores…you sir are a satanist because you don’t “follow christ”… all you do is judge, lie, and rot in sin…

    19. adam

      this is seriously the dumbest thing i have ever read…nothing but lies lies lies…pretty sure GOD said lying is a sin…whoever wrote this should be ashamed at the mis-information that was just presented as truth…absolutely rediculous…even sad really…i wasnt sure if i should be upset or laugh..that’s how bad and ill-informed the individual who wrote this is…your speaking about maybe 1% of the “raver” population…would u like me to focus all my attention on the 1% of christians who mess it up for the rest of you? all those homophobic preachers that turn out to be gay? all the televangelists that become rich and never help the poor or sick? stop over exaggerating…not even jesus would forgive what you do

    20. A Drum and Bass Producer

      your misinterpretation of rave’s and flash judgements caused me great pain in my childhood, and split my family in pieces. it saddens me that people like you use your ‘righteousness’ to full effect.

      1. Sajsquatch

        I’m not so sure this is a joke. It sounds like it to ravers, but most nervous xians are going to believe this shit. The Onion never takes their jokes to such a hateful level.

    21. stupid religious people

      It should be a joke but sadly and beyond belief these people are serious! Could they be any more wrong? racist? homophobic?? This is not information by any means, and people involved in electronic music movements are not involved in such kind of activities.
      Read, get some real facts before making fools out of yourselves before millions of people.
      Wish all you religious fanatics could some day realize how dumb you are and that you are only using religion as an excuse to hide your insecurities, your deepest fear and your hate, and sometimes the fact that you use drugs or would love the idea of having sex with someone of your same gender but your so scared and so confused to admit who you are that you turned it into hate
      You are nothing but hypocrites, disgusting monsters trying to disguise as lambs.

    22. stupidignorantchristians

      you just spread hate, judgement and ignorance, that is not very christian right? God must be very angry at you and putting you on his “to hell” list. And no is not the DRUGS talking, fyi I’ve never touched drugs in my life you judgmental pricks who are not capable of listening to anything that threatens you and prove you are ignorants

    23. Jay

      Serious??? you are full of shit and need to stop believing stereotypes. If one bad apple represented an entire scene then all Christians are rapist and child molesters. Grow the fuck up and stop judging what you don’t understand.

    24. ME

      it must be, this guys comments are not only 25 years out of date but totally wrong and ill informed at every level.

    25. Miss_MayfirePLURR

      Sir, please learn how to use spell check on your computer before you attack something you know absolutely nothing about. The only reason you’re saying this is more then likely due to the fact you went to one of these “Acid Parades” and nobody liked you because you are an uptight idiot.

    26. Michael

      This is the most ridiculous display of ignorance and bigotry i have ever seen. Dear author; I would think you would at least research this topic if you had planned to write an article. you dont even have the terminology or timelines correct. Can you supply a list of sources? Even in English 101 in college you are required to show that much information. I mean really? “jungle lists” hahahahaha You sound so stupid. Get your facts right if you want any person other than a brainwashed retard to read your sludge… Or at least figure out professional standards within the Journalism industry. Even God would expect you to tell the truth, or are you too lazy to research it for real? Idiot…

    27. Tasha

      wow, this guy must be the real doper, he can’t even write… Misspelled words, complete non-sense. Not even worth reading the whole article…

    28. Dance Doctor

      This is the most laughable, badly informed, cobbled together, a-historical nonsense I’ve read in ages !!!

    29. shawn

      Is this guy for real? I really hope after his editor gets several reviews of this poor mans work he will be soon out to find another profession. These photos are clearly over 20 years old and the story line doesnt fit into any era. Glad to read this hilarious story line, go sensaltionalist media!! Make someone feel like they know something, then let us laugh then off the planet for believing such rediculous articles.

    30. Peter Thomas

      I feel that while I don’t agree with any of the article you wrote, you have the right to say it, however, it does ‘reek’ of inaccuracy and bigotry.

      Jesus said, “let him without sin cast the first stone”. John 8:7

      I wonder what danger the dance music scene poses to Christianity or any other belief system? Surly people enjoying a night dancing with friends and celebrating the fact they can wouldn’t be frowned-on by the son of God, or is this just sour grapes?

    31. Stephenson DERPPings


      For all of you who will be too lazy to read the other comments – Troll site is trolling.

      Get a grip on yourself and quit raging
      This is some funny stuff

    32. Kita

      To The Author: You seem to know a lot about homosexual behavior & drug use in Raves. So my question is, did you research this personally? I have been to many Raves. I think your stereotypes are highly over stated. You forgot to add a few groups in your blanket Satin speel…;

    33. Mike

      If you are going to publish information like this as fact, then you should probably check your facts. There are so many things wrong with what you have said. Seriously. You are so far off base. Other than the fact that “ravers” take ecstacy, just about everything else you said was some sort of delusional, paranoid fiction. I was going to take the time and make you a detailed list of corrections, but then I realized that I would be wasting my time, because anyone that would write and article like the one that you have written is not going to listen. I feel sorry for you, sir.

    34. alexandra THE RAVER

      who ever wrote this is a fucking IGNORANT IDIOT. take it from me, an actual raver, to tell you straight. PLEASE ALLOW ME TO CORRECT 99.9% OF YOUR RIDICULOUS BULLSHIT. raves are like concerts, our favorite dj’s that we like spin at them. we go for the music, for beautiful people, and to feel the love from the music. i am one of the few ravers who DOES NOT do drugs at all, & never will. i can tell you tht raving isnt about drugs. yes many ravers take drugs but thats their choice if they want to enhance a feeling, or for whatever reason. and the dj’s dont supply our drugs, they come, they spin, they give us the music we love, & they leave. security is thick & strict at raves. they WILL kick you out for fighting, doing anything overly sexual (like having sex or something like that) or just disturbing the peace, being too drunk, or if you look like your about to O.D. i own plenty glowsticks. and i have LED gloves too. with them you create “gloving” a type of dance i guess you could call it, with your hands, it looks beautiful & you give ravers “light shows” with your LED lights. no one battles, theyre just giving eachother light shows. and theres no winning or losing. we also do dances like shuffling, tektonik, gogo, hooping, ect. you really should look all this up on youtube to see how beautiful it rly is. ravers can be straight, bi, or gay. whats wrong with either of those sexual orientations ? NOTHING. and its actually PLURR. peace love unity respect RESPONSIBILITY. not whatever you think it is. and plurr is what we try to live out everyday, to try to make our lives happy & others happy. kandi does not represent anything besides pretty bracelets and jewelry that we make to wear & trade, simply because it looks cute to us. when we trade them we repeat the plur with hand signals, link hands, and put them on the other persons arm. its a sign of respect. our music is beautiful & i cant get enough of it. ravers are beautiful, positive, amazing people. some of the nicest and most generous human beings. unlike you, your not plur at all.

      1. Bruce Danus

        You seem like a person who needs an Exorcist immediately. You have babbled incoherently for 5 pages and you talk about evil things as though they were good and Holy. Seek immediate help from a Church or a mental hospital.

      1. J Swane

        That’s not a rave tho. Raves were underground and rarely, if at all exist anymore.
        I mean, I’m with you. This guys a crazy lunatic though, what you posted on here is not a rave. It’s a gigantic walmart sized event with electronic music.

    35. anon

      bahahahha this article was awesome!! My favorite part was the battling with glowsticks for sex or the “dancing like silverbacked gorillas”….and then someone posts that stupid ravers manifesto that gets posted on every rave message board every few months…

    36. abraxas cypher

      you went from Germany to 1980’s…wrong …try reading Tom Wolf’s “Electric Kool-aid Acid Test.” Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters are the originators here in the U.S. for light shows…dosing…tripping…getting high…looping music and sounds. So maybe you should do your Due Diligence first. And maybe you should come to seattle and see our family dance community first before you write about things you obviously don’t have a clue about. And you will never write a genuine article when believing in a religious doctrine. peace

    37. jeff

      Who ever posted this has no idea what they are talking about…there is very little truth in this article.Who ever you got your information from is an idiot and if you believe that stuff in the article you probably believe the earth is also 6,000 years old. Wake up think for yourself. Spirituality comes from within. We are being enslaved by religion. Watch Zeitgeist.

    38. evan Talbot



    39. Katerina

      ”This is a joke right?”

      Like the whole website?

      I mean with topic such as ”I Am Extremely Terrified Of Chinese People” and ”How To Spot A Masturbator” it’s speaks clearly that this whole website is for people that have no idea of what they are talking about. Where are the valuables references for all those articles??? There’s none! Why? Simply because there’s only lies in those website pages.

      I thought that Christians had good values and believing but after reading some pages of this website, I can see they are racist. So here’s the big news: All people (even if they don’t believe in the religion or coming from a different country, etc.) that all men are equal.

    40. doug

      this read made for a good laugh.
      dont get me wrong, i’ve seen some people who almost come close to some of your descriptions but as a whole, your way off the mark.

      of course, giving the nature of the site your blogging on… any ‘facts’ would be questionable to begin with.
      in addition, its doubtful you have ever actually been to a rave.



      I’m embarrassed for so many people here. Everyone is freaking out about how this guy is soooo offensive/ridiculous and didn’t do his research… Well DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH and maybe you would know that this whole entire website is satire!!! hahahahaha

      I loved this and thought it was hilarious. Loosen up! Take a joke! Every druggie here that’s getting crazy and defensive needs to take a chill PILL!! And to those of you that are saying “omgz well this isn’t funny!” Smoke a bowl or something. Sheesh. I’ll join you and we’ll talk about our orgy experiences together. I have lots of kandi, so I have lots of stories for you…


      Your Average Hippie of 2011.

    42. Kate

      This is the worst piece of trash that have ever read, and I am an avid reader. I am a 22 year old with great things going for me. I have been to college and graduated. I have a good, steady, well paying job in the medical / accounting field. I have a good realtionship with a man that has had the same well paying job for 5 years. We own our home and are having a baby in October. I am a Christian, raised baptist, and believe in God and Jesus.

      I also go by the name K-Bug. I am a proud Kandi Kid and have a PLUR tattoo. I enjoy many forms of EDM music from Happy Hardcore to Electro to Breaks to Drum and Bass to Trance to Chill Out. I also enjoy Jack Johnson, DAve Matthews, Boy Tinsley, Relient K, Bayside, Death Cab for Cutie, Garth Brooks, Adele, Florence and the Machine, and many many more non EDM bands/artists. I own many pieces of kandi and have probably had less sexual partners than many of the “good, on the right path, straight and narrow, church going kids” that I know.

      Yes drugs are part of the scene but what has been written is ridiculous and false. Not all people that attend these events do drugs, and as far as sex goes, I have NEVER seen someone actually have sex on teh dance floor. What happens after in a car or at a house is not associated with the event or music.

      You are a horribly hypocritical man and I hope you pray for your sins because being racist certainly is one.

      Peace Love Unity && RESPECT


    43. fuck you

      this is the such bullshit wrong info,, not credable information…. it didnt start with happy core it started with the chicago house scene dumbass.. i cant believe people actially think this is true…and now it is more festival based like any rock or other music show. i think the author of this is a nazi and just doesnt want people to have fun and enjoy dance music. you dont have to take drugs to enjoy dance music cut the crap and jsut accept that America likes electronic music and ur just to old to apreciate it. FUCK YOU i hope u die knowing that ur a dumbass jsut like the guy who thought the worrld was going to end. i hope this is a joke and if it is u got me :P…. but i still think your a dumbass

    44. rachel

      hahahahahaha!!! That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard all year! “mouth acts on satans scepter!” noe of the parties I was ever at were that good!!!

    45. Rachel

      Wow. I have never heard something so far from the truth. It’s amazing, i thought religiouse people where suppost to teach love and understanding but i think the ravers are better at this than the people who wrote and or believe this article. Nice way to be so settle in your racism too. Good job on getting almost everything wrong i cant believe this is a .org you should be ashamed of yourselves.

    46. J

      Actually a REAL journalist goes out and experiences what he/she will write about first hand. Good thing your not”reporting” on a war giving people all your first hand knowledge from sites on Facebook. And actually sir YOU are the arrogant one. I think God is big enough to make the judgement on people when its time. He doesnt need little peons like you putting words and opinions in His mouth. PS Let he who is without sin cast the first stone…. yeah exactly so why dont you take your place back in line with the rest of us. The only sins here are your mediocre writing skills attempting to spread hate and fear (much like Hitler actually) around half truths.

    47. Matthew Cloyd

      You have to be kidding me. I love the fact that you stupid jesus hippies have nothing better to do then bash on anything that has to do with bringing a smile to someones face. This is the most unfactual article I have ever seen in my whole life, and as a DJ and raver myself I’m appauled at this article. I think it’s funny that you church people live in fear. Everything is the devil to you and that is because you guys are a society that is fuelled by fear, fear gets you guys new clients and members everyday. I must say though it’s a great marketing scheme. Religion is the biggest commercial money making scheme in the world. If anyone is ungodly here it’s you preachers, pastors, priests and bible thumpers that spread your false filth to our society. You come in and tell people “I speak for God” and get people to believe your interpretation of the bible. When people don’t believe you guys you threaten them with Hell and Satan. Your nothing more then a bunch of cult leaders. I don’t believe anyone should speak on behalf of God. I also don’t believe that you have to go to a building for a couple hours, pray a little, sing some songs, drop money in a basket and then eat a wafer to be in good with God. I think it’s up to each one of us to make our own relationship with God and it’s up to each one of us to interpret our bible. I mean really though who is one man to tell you what God meant and wanted. For centuries you guys have contradicted your self and re-interpreted Gods word to fit to your standards. It’s you who make a mockery of God and Jesus when you get followers by spreading lies like this article. At this point in time Mr. Tyson Bowers III you are a sinner by your own means through lieing to society. You are a liar and I hope you pray to God for forgiveness. I believe in God and Jesus, just not religion. Religion is the cause for all major problems in todays society including war and prejudism. Religion is fake, it’s nothing more then a corporate empire and a money hungry machine. I have God and Jesus with me and that’s all that matters. PS: God is a DJ. He plays off of emotions and moderates daily life, constantly tweaking with society. He adds and reduces here and there. He plays the music we call life.




    49. Jacqueline

      (1) There are a whole bunch of kids that go to raves together known as the “Straight Edge Crew.” For those not in the know, that means that they don’t do drugs (legal or otherwise), they don’t drink, and they generally don’t have sex. Kids that are “straight edge” tend to be highly religious people.

      (2) I know a lot of kids that go to raves that never do hard drugs, and that have never been in trouble with the law, and are better people than most “religious” folk I’ve met. Which of course makes the nutjobs on here assuming that any commenter that doesn’t speak for the article and against the parties (which are not the same as “Acid Parties,” for the record) is obviously addicted to heavy drugs more than a little absurd.

      (3) Ravers trading kandi have a whole little ritual when they do it, and the words (and meaning) are “Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect.” Funny, but I somehow remember those being some pretty important ideals in any good Christians should believe in, based on the Bible – or have you all forgotten about those bits of the Holy Book?

      You are absurd.


      “Standing in a church doesn’t make you a Christian, any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.”

    50. DJ (Disc Jockey) dick head. K-dose

      First of all, who ever wrote this article doesn’t know dick about the electronic dance scene as it actually began in the UK in 1989, not Russia, you twat. Now as a “beat maker”, also known in society as a PRODUCER, there is actually a substantial amount of skill, talent, originality, creativity, and MANY other aspects to creating a song; which people of ALL ages and generations love and appreciate. This is because it strikes a note in their hearts and they can relate to the meaning behind it; it takes them back to a moment in their life which they can connect or relate to.

      Being able to express and experience emotions through music regardless of what genre it is, and being able to do something that you love so much and make thousands of people happy, is amazing! and the fact that you allow your ignorance to blind you to the fact that dance music (which is currently the biggest and fastest growing genre of music)is simply a display of how narrow minded and retarded you realy are, 1st of all, 99.9% of what has been written in this article is completely incorrect and to be honest absolute bull shit, your obviously very misinformed or deluded as to what the “dance music” scene is about, so, before waisting your time in writing redicoulisly fictious articles about you personal opinion on the “dance music” scene do some reasearch, and dont be so ignorant to the fact that, it, just like your christian music, opens up peoples minds and hearts in ways that otherwise couldnt be done, ive run raves/dance parties for the past 7 years and started doing so to keep underage people off the streets drinking alcohol causing trouble and have them in a safe controled enviroment where they can have fun and enjoy themselves, i actualy attended a christian colledge for the better half of my education where i was scrutinised for my ambition to become a DJ/Producer as it was not idealistic or realistic, im now a signed artist who is about to embark on my second tour of the U.S. so who says dreams cant come true = ) so yeah open your eyes and mind.


      You’re so wrong about so much. The least you could do is actually research your shit, man. :/ You’re a joke. Dumb Christ-fucker.

    52. scarlett

      It has to be. I was brought here by reading the article on Burning Man, and these articles are too ignorant and horribly written to be anything but jokes.

      1. Paige Orton

        Lololol bible thumping bitch!
        Not everyone does drugs at raves, they play awesome music and have cool light shows plus you get to dress crazy!!

        Get your motha fuckin facts straight !

      2. Evan Deli-Fi

        You are so ignorant and uninformed it’s pathetic, but what can we expect from someone who considers glenn beck a moral guardian. The truth is most ravers are better people than almost any christians I have met. I like your Christ, but not your christians, Your christians (and you Tyson Bowers) are nothing like your christ.

      3. djhaze

        You are a moron. Instead is slandering people, why don’t you try and write something that people really care about instead of putting your 2 cents in on something that you have no idea about. Oh and I like how you are passing judgement, if I remember correctly that’s Gods job, NOT YOURS.

        1. Amber Leigh



          1. Christian Intellectual

            Please seek help for you anal drug addiction. Do it for your kids !

      4. Rocky

        “No, Christians are a sick bunch.” is what I originally wanted to post, but you know what i know many christians although i myself am not one, and not all of them are sick. Just the self-centered, lie speaking, foul mouthed, fear spreading, mis-informed, un-educated, hate filled, radicals like you. You sir, are going to hell for the fear youve struck into these other ignorant people that actually believe this bullshit.

      5. Haley "SunShiine" Ashley

        You’re a dipshit.
        You and your so called “Christians” are the actual SICK bunch.
        At least us ravers don’t brain wash everyone around us (including children) so that they worship some made up figure. And then go preach to anyone who doesn’t live that sick life.

      6. Reverand Price of PHX AZ

        Tyson Bowers, You my son had no right to post something so far fetched, I took part in these parties while i was young before i decided to follow Our Lord And Savior. The things you have written herein are completely biased, racist, and non Holy. The fact you call your self a Follower of His Almighty is appalling. Are you going to call me such devilish names as you are these children? Did you not have some type of music you followed when you were younger? Just because you disagree with these young ones choice of music and nightlife doesn’t mean you need to post such filth on one of our Good Lords websites. I suggest you go to Church my son and repent for the foul devilish things you have posted here.

        1. Alex Keating

          Mr Bowers III is a respected member of the international Christian community. His reports are not to be questioned. Your blasphemies will earn you a place in hell if you aren’t careful.

          1. houliangLi

            Now that´s exactly what was missing.

            As a journalist the most important thing are the sources, from there it comes the information and the article. First of, Billings claims he got information from different sites on facebook (let me note it was Mr. Billings speaking for Bowers), which in my opinion it´s one of the least valid and most biased sources of all.

            Second, you state how Mr Bowers III is a respected member of the ICC, therefore his opinion must not be doubted. If I´m not mistaking the only one to believe blindly was God himself and his commandments that were transcribed to the bible BY THE LORD´S INSPIRATION. Now that this article comes out from an imperfect human being you say it´s not to be questioned even tho members of your own community stand against it?

            Third, you sir are threatening a fellow christian, and therefore, your brother. Jesus teaches to seek souls to save, to correct them, not to threat them as they show some sings contradicting your beliefes (your belief in Mr Bowers, not bible, not church, not God).

            And now, I feel it´s totally hilarious how the christians only reply to the weakest arguments, and never replies to the strong solid ones. And when they do, they never answer directly to the questions and acusations, but going for misleading topics so we lose focus because, dare I to say, you don´t have any logically formulated answer at all.

            Now I know christians, I´ve got christian friends and I myself am a christian. The difference between the ones I´ve read so far on this site and the ones I know is simply the research. When my friends and I talk about a topic, we get informed with trustfull sources about the topic, something that was missing on this article.

            Now, Mr Bowers III, I ask you, for your reputation and so maybe you can make us see the truth that we might have missed, show us your sources, show us where you got the information, but firstly, show yourself.

          2. DJ Warren G

            Alex, those are the classic words of a SHEEP. Don’t question what you are told… just listen and obey. It’s sad how you and others on this site mindlessly believe these hateful lies. Think for yourself for once in your life, you may be surprised what you see when you finally open your eyes to the world.

          3. Bruce Danus

            DJ Warren G, you should take your own advice and find an original name, unless you are the hipped hopper rapper named Warren G. If you are that same L.A. Crisps rapper, you also should get more original and stop stealing other people’s songs, but that is just what Ravers and Hippity Hopped Rappers do, I guess.

          4. DJ Warren G

            My first name is Warren and my last name begins with a G… I’m not stealing anybody’s name.

          5. HAL

            I LOVE the very iddy bitty tip of your penis mr. Keeting… Because its the most hidden from my protected eyes… Infact, God tells me its not real, just like your balls.

      7. DJ J-FORM

        Tyson Bowels 666, you are a sick bunch!

        Remember, fear IS the mind killer (http://www.discogs.com/Eon-Fear-The-Mindkiller/release/41176) and you live in it full time.

        Your facts are fukt

        Can we inSINuate that as a member of the cathaholic church that you indulge in pedofilia and the underground gay scene????

        Were you a “good little altar boy”, and did you keep quiet as you were told??

        yeah, yeah, keep throwing stones from your “crutch”, I mean church – oops.

        I seem to be so bad at spelling, just like in the rave article above.


      8. Sajsquatch

        Have a glass of Jesus Juice and shut the fuck up you judging asshole. Jesus was about peace, love and acceptance, not falsely judging and shunning people. If this article has been a joke I’m just going with it, if not then fuck you and get a clue or else mind your own fucking business!

      9. J Swane

        I think that the person who wrote this is WAY more f#cked in the head than anyone who’s ever taken acid or any drug for that matter. In fact, I’m sure that the average crack head can probably give more factual information than this nut.

      10. L

        I have never been so offended in my life. To think it was a religious person who wrote this article just makes me sick to my stomach. The hypocritical statements posted all over this thing are just pages among pages of “Christians” who sound so hateful it makes me wonder if these people are actually christians or posers? It’s one thing to say you’re a christian and another to act upon it.

        Clearly the words stated in the original article are misinformed, hateful, RACIST, and judgmental to several different ways of life. I can’t believe someone could go into such detail about how “awful” they think another group of people are. It’s not fair of anyone to judge anyone based on their decisions. I was raised a christian and was taught to accept everyone as my equal, despite their decisions or actions, and instead of looking down on those people and judging them, pray for them or help them if you can. As far as the music goes, once again, sadly misinformed. Music is one of the most beautiful ways one can express themselves! Just because someone isn’t making music about Jesus doesn’t make it wrong. In fact, most of the christian music I’ve heard is super cheesy and doesn’t make me feel any closer to God. I’ve had much more spiritual experiences through music and responsibly ingesting mind-altering substances. You obviously wrote most of this article on assumptions and opinion.

        And where are the author’s references? I’ve seen several people ask for them and nothing has shown up. If you can’t legitimately back your “facts” maybe you should consider doing that next time so you don’t look quite so foolish.

        Just because you don’t believe in something, or believe something different, doesn’t mean everyone else is wrong. Learn to open your mind and accept people from all walks of life around you and their beautiful differences, and I promise those hateful words will start to become forgiving, accepting, and LOVING words.

      11. King Kyle

        Tyson Bowers and his buddy Steve-mothafuckin-O…you two are a pair of ignorant, racist, sick fucks…you have nothing better to do than spread hatred and dissent, Im not gonna repeat the words of some of my fellow ravers here, Im just going to hate on your retarded ass the same way you hate on us. I pity your existence on this planet. No Peace Love Unity and Respect for you…EVER…fuck off!!! Get it?! I have the ballz to say it on your pissy ass CHRISTIAN WEBSITE…Stop hiding behind your computer screen, stop trying to “save lives” and stealing peoples money. FUCKING STOP! Get it?! Should I say it in fuckin Spanish?! YA BASTA! Puta madre…Ive learned a little Arabic from my roomates, should I say it in that language too?! Nah…you might think Im a terrorist…You should be ashamed to call yourself a Christian! Besides how the fuck do you two know about shoving drugz up yer ASS?! You two seem to be in on this together…I wonder what you faggots do after Church service on Sunday?! Suck cum out of each others asshole probably…DUDE…I am being as offensive to you as your article was to many…FUCKING DEAL WITH IT!!! I hope you both rot in your own stench, hypocrites…ILL SEE YOU IN HELL!!!

  1. Sith Lord

    Bowers seriously I would love to know where you get your ‘information’ because you are seriously beyond stupid

  2. Cool Tom Kimbo

    The fact that some will stoop to call this a “culture” is horrifying. Loosening rectums and morals with drugs and thumpa-beats is not “culture” it is Satan made corporeal through sound and sin.

    1. sean4dummies

      The fact that people with your level of ignorance are allowed to walk the planet is proof that if there is indeed a supreme being in charge of the universe, he/she/it obviously doesn’t give a shit.

    2. willy

      You’r statement is vulgar in it self “loosening rectums and morals”?

      You can’t possibly buy into You’r own bullshit cause if You where religious You would not talk that way not every on at a rave is on drugs.
      How old are You raves are sooooooooo 90s
      If You are for real I predict You will get caught fucking little boy’s sometime in the next decade

      1. Cool Tom Kimbo

        Your prediction is ridiculous. I predict that you are a ten-tongued bisexual Medusa. See how useless such statements are? Find God before it is too late.

        1. RedHead

          Being ten-tongued bisexual Medusa is better then belive in something that stuped like “god”… Imaginary friends are for kids.

    3. Evan Deli-Fi

      The fact that Christianity still has an influence on our culture, and holds people like you as intellectual prisoners is what is ridiculous. Raves don’t make anyone gay who wasn’t already, you clearly have no idea what goes on at these events, but it’s nothing like the author of this article describes.

      Not everyone at a rave is even on drugs, some people, like myself enjoy dancing to music in any state of mind. I’m not always sober at these events, but the vast majority I attend I am. EDM culture has spawned many offshoots not just raves, rave/kandi-kid culture is a bit immature but there are many other type of events with electronic music.

      I myself prefer outdoor, smaller intimate gatherings that foster a sense of spirituality and community. Even though your understanding of my culture is so off-base and full of hatred I take comfort in the fact that I know if you came to a moontribe, you would understand what it truly means to be a one with god, and you would literally begin crying as you realized your entire previous spiritual experience was meaningless and vapid. You would realize how silly it is to get your spirituality from a book and a church when it’s possible for everyone to develop a personal relationship with the infinite that some refer to as God.

    4. AutoAxon

      I totally agree, the culture of rectum-loosening belongs to the priests, how dare these ravers try to usurp their glorious traditions! (That was sarcasm for you intellectually devoid bible thumpers)

  3. L.N

    Tyson, I read the first three paragraphs and i could tell you know nothing about raves at ALL. You have to TRY to be that stupid when it comes to general knowledge about raves.

  4. Neoconstipated

    I must concur with the warnings presented here regarding the dangerous drugs provided in abundance at these sinful events. During my daze of sin, I ingested similar laced narcotics. Brother Tyson’s research into the effects of said drugs compared to mine except I held hands with Count Chocula .

    My experiences were especially disturbing as I was continually confronted by tootsie pop welding hores that evacuated me to the corner where their juice craving appetites could be fulfilled at the expense of my mushrooming peewee. I was a slave in a sex hell.

    Thank you for exposing this travesty to morals and decency. Ravers must be stopped.

    1. brok


      thank you for your silliness helping everyone to remember to calm down and not take any of this to seriously

  5. Blanche Beecham


    noun /ˈrāvər/ 
    ravers, plural

    A person who regularly goes to raves

    A person who talks wildly or incoherently, as if delirious or insane

    A person who posts comments defending the practice of raving by name calling and admitting they didn’t read the entire article. (See L.N.)

    1. Mollie

      I am a raver.
      I do no talk incoherently, and am not delirious or insane.
      I did read the entire article.

    2. Really?

      Blanche, cite your sources! You clearly cannot copy and paste from a dictionary without adding your own shit. I do not see anything about your last line in this dictionary. Should I keep looking for your bullshit definition of ravers? Or will you just fess up to your lie?

      raver [ˈreɪvə]
      1. Brit slang a person who leads a wild or uninhibited social life
      2. (Music / Pop Music) Slang a person who enjoys rave music, esp one who frequents raves

      rave (rv)
      v. raved, rav·ing, raves
      1. To speak wildly, irrationally, or incoherently.
      2. To roar; rage: The storm raved along the coast.
      3. To speak or write with wild enthusiasm: Critics raved about the new play.
      4. To attend a rave.
      To utter or express in a frenzied manner.
      1. The act or an instance of raving.
      2. Informal An extravagantly enthusiastic opinion or review: The play received raves.
      3. An all-night dance party, especially one where techno, house, or other electronically synthesized music is played.
      4. Chiefly British A raucous party; a rave-up.
      adj. Informal
      Relating to or being an extravagantly enthusiastic opinion or review.


    3. RedHead

      Christian – a person who has always the same and always stuped irrational answer to everything – god.

    1. This one guy

      I would like you to find one commandment that we DO break.
      I am a raver, and a Christian, I have NEVER gotten high at any one of these events, nor have i taken part of or witnessed ANY SORT of sexual act.
      A rave is just a dinner party, minus the dinner, plus the glowsticks and dancing.

    2. Sajsquatch

      I didn’t realize that dancing to electronic music is breaking a commandment. Please explain this to me.

      1. Guffaw

        You should spend less time investigating children who go to parties, and investigate the children who end up being molested by your faith’s “most devoted” who never get the chance of being carefree and enjoy themselves at parties and raves. Not that you’d really give a shit, of course 😉

      2. Alice.A

        Investigations? Have you been to any raves? Have you Listen or interacting with the people there? I am a devoted christian. I am hard worker. I am a raver. (in that order)

      3. chris

        Let me ask you a question. What kind of drugs are you the fuck on to think that a peace loving people actually do the things you have said in this string if toilet paper? Where did you do your research any way??? Let me guess from behind your protective book of lies! Let me give you some advice before you go talking shit about a movement that spans the whole world. ACTUALLY FIND OUT WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT BEFORE YOU SPEW THIS UNEDUCATED BULLSHIT AND THEN SAY THIS IS WHAT GOD THINKS!!!! whEN IN REALITY GOD PROBABLY LOVES US BECAUSE WE PROMOTE LOVE PEACE UNITY RESPECT!! These are all words you obviously know nothing about!!!!!! For the record TYson Bowers You are a scared, stupid, and whats worse is your ignorant!!!!!!

      4. Sajsquatch

        When you lump everyone together, you are judging. A very small percentage of the things you mentioned may have ever happened at a rave and the small percentage that has you make it sound like it’s every rave, everybody, all the time. There are much bigger problems that you could focus on like the problem with Rx drug addiction. Why don’t you write an article about how the government is failing to rid the streets of pcp, heroin, coke, meth and crack and the negative effects. This is screwing up our society a whole lot more than ravers(some on E) dancing to electronic music.

    1. Blanche Beecham

      Careful reading of the actual scripture, in its entirety, shows us that the instruction is not to refrain from all judgment, but to refrain from being a hypocrite.

      Each will be judged by the same measure used to judge others. You can’t tell someone about the speck in their eye when you’ve got an even bigger one in your own eye.

      Herbert, Tyson Bowers III is a honorable Christian that attends services regularly and works with the disadvantaged youth pressured into the dank abyss of drugs and misplaced sexuality.

      Take a moment from blaspheming God’s word with your own interjections of meaning, put on your big boy panties and develop a modicum of understanding that one may not pick and choose verses to look cute or make some show for your little atheist book club without the judgment from above.

      Kind regards,

      1. L.N

        “Careful reading of the actual scripture, in its entirety, shows us that the instruction is not to refrain from all judgment, but to refrain from being a hypocrite. ”

        Which you all clearly violate as often as humanly possible.

        “Each will be judged by the same measure used to judge others. You can’t tell someone about the speck in their eye when you’ve got an even bigger one in your own eye.”

        Unless your a Christian, which apparently means you don’t have to worry about this rule one bit.

        “Take a moment from blaspheming God’s word with your own interjections of meaning, put on your big boy panties and develop a modicum of understanding that one may not pick and choose verses to look cute or make some show for your little atheist book club without the judgment from above.”

        Christians like you do it all the time to justify your irrational hatred of things. Care to try again?

      2. This one guy

        I would simply want to point out one of the many
        blasphemous things you have posted.
        “an honorable Christian that attends service regularly”
        God cares not how often you attend any form of Christian service. While they can help you to grow in faith, time spent in ministry or telling testimonies can accomplish much more.
        The Bible holds NO passage against cussing or profane words.
        Shit piss fuck ass cunt dick.
        I’ll still be in heaven.

      3. Intellectual

        Of course, careful reading, much thought, and brainstorming every way to bend a texts meaning to fit your needs will show you whatever you want to believe.

      4. SwarthySy

        I’m not condemning a single word of truth but this is hypothetical garbage dredged up by A mind that is spun out on religious fanaticism. Raves bad indeed…! Utter balderdash!

      1. Sith Lord

        And with that statement alone you nut jobs consider yourself better then others or in the ‘right’ morally or ethically then other people. I am so glad this website is a joke I just hope you do realize as the authors of this that there are real crack pots out there who read this garbage nod and try to carry it forth in real life for a moment really think about it is publicly making a satire of an entire religious group worth the possible trauma some people might endure?

  6. Herbert Xelington

    Book of Samuel

    1 Samuel 15:3


    3 Now go and smite Am’alek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant

    If God is all good, then why command a human to kill others. If God is all good, why murder infants?

  7. Brendan

    AHAHAHahahaahaha. Oh man. BAHAHAHAHAHA.

    You’re completely insane right? I can’t tell if you’re taking the piss or just massively coma-enducingly retarded.

    “This group of raver also has the largest homosexual population and are no strangers to sin snake to rectum entry sex parties and their female clan members all have partaking in fish cave worshiping.”

    What does this even mean? Do you seriously think that an electronic beat and an introduction of chemicals into someones system will turn into into a sex-crazed maniac?

    Are you on drugs, my friend? This is the only logical conclusions I have reached because there is no way someone could reach the conclusions you have and not be smoking boat-loads of crack. You’re probably keeping the Mexican cartels in businesses by yourself so…at least you have that to put on your resume. That and smoking huge amounts of crack. And somehow having access to a website.

    Anyway, a large reason these people do what they do is to infuriate people like you. So keep doing what you’re doing. Its great entertainment.

  8. Son of God

    WOW. Please tell me this is a joke. As someone who attended hundreds of raves, I can attest than 90-100% of the information contained in this is pure bullshit. Also would like to point out that ravers are generally some of the most peaceful and loving people I’ve ever met… Definitely more so than most of the so-called “christians” out there.

    1. Blanche Beecham

      Have you also attended “hundreds” of Church services? Have you really done a thorough comparison or are you just posting “peaceful and loving” lies?

      1. LOD

        I have and I attend raves or rave-like-parties at least once a week. I’m Roman Catholic and I attend church service every week- if I miss a service because I cannot make it, then I go to confession since its a sin to miss mass. I’m even involved with Catholic Relief Services and working with refugees. I was baptized as a baby, received first communion when I was around 1st or 2nd grade, and I was confirmed when I was in 10th grade. I’m more religious than many of your so-called Christian brothers and sisters. I pray to God before I go to sleep every night and I pray the rosary.

        I can tell you this entire article is untrue.
        1. I do not do drugs at raves
        2. I’m straight (not that I have any problems with anyone’s sexual orientation because I believe God loves all and makes no mistakes)
        3. I wear Kandi bracelets and it is not laced with drugs nor does is represent ‘orgies’ I have never been to an orgy and I don’t plan on it
        4.I don’t have sex at raves.
        While I do know people that take ecstasy and acid, they still do not do any of the things mentioned in the article (including shoving it up their bum)

        Also, maybe you should look at club instead of a rave. At clubs girls get date raped, molested, and guys start brawling. I know ‘clubbers’ that snort cocaine and take more drugs than ravers. I also know more high school students that take drugs or snort pills to get high than I know ravers that do that.

        I love going to raves because of the people…its an environment where you feel free and loved by everyone. P.L.U.R.R.- Peace Love Unity Respect Responsibility.

        I’m sure you’re just trolling the internets and all, but be careful, ravers are very protective of one another which is why so many of us are confronting you. Within the community, if something happens to one of them, it is mourned by all regardless of whether or not you actually know them. Also, be forewarned that Christians like you are the reason we have a bad reputation. This is the reason we have sin and corruption not just in the Catholic Church, but in all Christian societies. Believe what you will to help yourself sleep at night, but just know that God is watching you at all times and he loves all his children, no matter the race, age, gender, sexual orientation, or handicap. God loves all. But God does not love you spreading hatred or lies. “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor”. You might be trolling, but remember if you are Christian, you are in fact breaking the commandments right now.

      2. Sajsquatch

        I was raised through a Christian church and school and I agree with “Son of God” 100% Christians could take a few notes from ravers(most) in regards to peace, love and respect.

  9. Dez

    I really want to DIE OF LAUGHTER after reading this. Might I ask where you got your references? I would also like to ask why there are LEGAL RAVES AROUND THE NATION FOR ALL AGES if it’s a sex party. Don’t you think the police officers in attendance would have an issue with people being there under the age of 18? Believe it or not, there’s actually a fair number of virgin ravers, and in fact THERE ARE CHRISTIAN RAVES..

    “kandi” is actually a show of friendship. PLUR refers to creating good vibes, helping those in need, and creating an overall happy, friendly atmosphere.. something you obviously don’t understand in all your ignorance. I step forward with an open mind and a friendly helping hand, so although I may be a raver, I’ll continue to be closer to God than you’ll ever be :)

  10. Inscrutable

    I saw a “raver” during my walk downtown this morning. He was wearing tattered neon speckled clothing and was pushing a shopping cart full of baby pacifiers, a boombox blaring post-disco mind-control music, and two elves who also enjoyed that sort of thing (riding in a shopping cart pushed by a raver blaring mind-taking-rhythm-music for young people).

    He shouted the following at me as if full of the devil (Lady Gaga) himself: “Do you have any change?”

    I gave him a Bible. God’s word will bring the ultimate change in this sinner’s life. When this young ruffian thrust God’s generous gift back in my face, I knew that I should employ God’s wrath via His blessed pepper spray.

    As he lay writhing on the concrete from the continuous streams of Holy Pepper Water directed at his black soul, his elves descended back to hell, taking the cursed music with them.

    Alas, as I had taken my eyes off of the “raver,” I did not notice that he had accessed his magic sex creating Ecstasy pleasure procedure. He arose in an Ecstasy fueled frenzy, screamed, “Plur!”

    Fortunately, Christ’s Holy Dome of Protection (all rights reserved), protected me from his satanic wail. I opened my Bible and the raving sinner was burned to cinders by its Holy Rays (new album out next summer!).

    To make a long story longer, you can see how God punishes sinful ravers who dare keep sexually desirable elves in shopping carts.

      1. Inscrutable

        You should take the all caps off. Perhaps not use so many exclamation points. Please children, ask your parents before using the computer; God sees your terribly sinful grammar and knows you are only nine years old.

          1. Inscrutable

            Thank you for your curiosity about the more sinful aspects of grammar all-caps high Squiffy. For your benefit, and to further my glorious Church’s mission I offer you the following piece of God’s True Grace.

            Marks of Evil Spelling

            1. Uses all caps: angry and agitated, this demon possessed individual has all the Beelzebub inspired traits of a black cat. This cat is mewing at the top of its black lungs; your eardrums burst and Satan wins.

            2. Mixes exclamation points with question marks: The King of Darkness inspires the writer to communicate in a contradictory way leaving the reader wondering how they should take what they’ve just read.

            3. Doesn’t capitalize God: Sinner believes they can become God even if they aren’t conscious of doing so. Can surface as an involvement in such cults as Mormonism, Armstrongism, Gagaism, and John Leninism.

            4. Random bursts of laughter followed by an ellipsis: Madness caused by toxic sin gas in this person’s bowels, perhaps triggered by a homogay ecstasy experience.

            5. Utilizing the pseudo-word “ur”: Dismissive otherworldly comments (from Hell) spew out from the writer’s hands and onto the screen quickly and sloppily; not unlike urine. Using text message shorthand is a sign of cell phone hypnotism or a sense that you are doing something when in reality you are not doing anything of importance. Given to wandering around with drummed and based music administered by the Holy Drug Jockeys themselves!

            6. Overuse of the exclamation point: Liars use this device to sell you a used car that breaks down immediately after you buy it. Satan offers you a broken down life filled with Techno and E rape drugs via ultra loud sequencers that shoot out passe waves of repetitive disembodied demon trance rays. Writers who have no time to write properly have been given the power of Satan to broadcast their numb minded shorthand all over the internet. Bad product shoved in your face loudly; yep, that’s Raver culture for ya.

            7. Complete and utter failure to capitalize the beginning of every sentence: I think you can begin to see the correlation between rebelling against our Lord and rebelling against punctuation. This same person will usually also rebel against not taking drugs, as they feel righteous enough to rebel against the science that says ecstasy will eat holes in your brain.

            I suggest you turn to the scriptures and let Christ shield you from the error of your evil punctuation habits. Have a Christ filled day.

        1. Alex

          Grammar? Check the article again because grammar is not Tyson’s strong point. Does that make him a sinner?

  11. Purps

    Lolol who has sex on ecstasy? Its not likely you can get an erection on ecstasy. And ecstasy doesn’t cause arousal. I don’t know where you’re getting your information from haha.

    1. Sajsquatch

      If you can bust a nut off while on E it probably took a lot of work. E makes you social not sexual. It also breaks down your punk ass USA programmed self and think on your own without judging others.

  12. Dan

    This is a joke right? Like some of that was true but 98% is wrong in so many ways. The excessive drug use is waaay off. I am a raver and have been for 4 years. I dont use drugs all the time like stated. i’ve never had sex at a “rave.” i’ve never been to a orgy rave LMAO. You sir are invalid! Invalid I say!

  13. Steven AKA IceManPLUR

    LMAO…..IF this isn’t a joke…. I feel sorry for you. That you can’t look past the bad to see the good. Yes… there are TONS of drugs @ raves. As well as concerts, high schools, and every street corner. It is YOUR choice to do them or not. Not everyone who likes to go to raves does them. I for one am an example. And know more “ravers” that DON’T do drugs than do. You will find them anywhere. Instead of looking @ these as “acid parties”, think of it as a concert. Go to any concert, INCLUDING HANNAH MONTANTA, and you’ll see SOMEONE on drugs. As for the whole Nazi Germany being responsible for it. That’s BULLSHIT! Electronica music is derived from DISCO! That’s where it all began! And the disco era ended. But the music evolved and changed into what it is today. Saying it’s from Nazi’s is like saying the devil created rock and roll! Get out of the 50’s. And grow up. I do not condemn your generation thinking they are all as stupid as you. I condemn you… because you have the ability to think, but you choose not to.

  14. Inscrutable


    Please visit this link for the inside scoop on these violent and sex crazed disco sticking sinners! It is truly worse than we God Fearing Christians could ever imagine!

    We need a world where we can walk down the street without a raggedy, sexually aroused raver trying to force us into heavy petting on a fluffy beanbag chair! Lord have mercy (on me only).

    I ask myself what the world is coming to when the kids these days can’t even listen to a Donny Osmond record without getting bored? Were they born this way, or just as a lousy copy of a Madonna song called Express Yourself? Does Satan attack in the womb? Where does the disease of raving start? Is sinful raving is a choice or simply a genetic change triggered by the endless abuse of erection causing Ecstasy? This world is a confusing place, but I know I can count on Christwire to cut through the liberal media’s glorification of these dangerous sex crazed youths.

  15. Supah_RAVAH-45


    this is funniest holy boly bull shit ive ever heard i mean most holly sayings have a good message or a meaning at the end, alls we got out of this is your one judge mental human

  16. Real

    it seems to me that u need to get your facts right. there is a lot of ignorance in your views, one might say u are ill informed, start with the dinosaurs

  17. gullibly ignorant

    Do people not realize this is satire? Obviously the person who wrote this did so knowing people would actually believe it!

    “People will believe anything they read on the internet if it fits their pre-conceived notions.”

    – Thomas Jefferson

  18. Joe

    I will first start by saying, I am a christian, Secondly I work in the music industry and have attended many legal raves, clubs and music festivals.
    How can the author of this article be so generalistic and out of touch with how it really is? Yes there are underground drug filled raves, but that’s only 1% of the scene. I have never been to a so called rave that made people crazy and have premarital sex with other randoms.

    It is very sad that some have such a biased and ignorant view on society today. Yes there are people who do fit this bill but as a whole you can’t just generalize all ravers as such. Treat others as you would have them do unto you. Rather than pointing the finger and writing damning articles how bout go out there preach the word to said lost souls rather than filling the internet with slander, don’t associate people who love music and take some drugs in moderation with the Nazi Regime. That is being disrespectful of others.

    He who is sinless cast the first stone.

    1. Bruce Danus

      Why do people keep insisting on quoting only one Bible verse over and over here: “He who is sinless cast the first stone”.

      We aren’t casting stones, just giving warnings to Wholesome Christians to tell them warning signs and what to watch out for. There is no stone throwing here, just love and respect for God’s Creation.

  19. cat in the hat

    I can’t believe that every article on this site gets the same outraged comments. This site is geared toward lampooning the neo-cons, how do people not get that?

  20. Joe Burbiglia Homage Jr. III

    THIS PAGE IS THE FUNNIEST FUCKING THING I HAVE EVER SEEN ON THE INTERNET! between the article and the comments…i just cant put into words. you all have made my night, if there’s a god, IF there’s a god you better PRAY he doesn’t send you to hell for misinterpreting EVERYTHING HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH IM PUTTING ANIMAL TRANQUILIZER UP MY NOSE AT THIS VERY MOMENT! f’reals.

  21. Jesus

    Ay dios mio! Blown out of proportion. Don’t worry, kids! Everything is at your own will!

    As long as your not pushing your morals and beliefs down people’s throats, I don’t give a fuuuuuuuuuudge!

  22. Kootah_Cloudz

    This one time at a rave, i Injected Heroin into my penis well smoking meth and shoving a 10 stack of pills up my bum, shit was sooooooooooooo cash, had the most hektic night, wall fully sick brah!

  23. Sasha Fierce

    I have never heard so many terms for assholes and penises in my life. Thank you, you ignorant christian. I got a giggle or five out of your ridiculousness.

    1. djhaze

      It sounds like you also have no idea what you are talking about and whats sad is that you will never truly understand that it is NOT about the DRUGS.

      1. Bruce Danus

        No, we understand that it isn’t about the drugs. We also understand it IS about the rape, which the drugs help make happen. The Christwire Fellowship does not just write articles to upset certain types like ravers, Twilighters, Hippies, Gamers, mexicans, Drug abusers, women, Gym members, homogays, or anybody else. We are here to show people what they need to avoid in order to get to Heaven.

        1. The Spice

          Do you REALLY believe that our destiny is made of light on the other side of the universe? (Terence McKenna)
          i´ve read the bible x2 & was raised in a Christian family and now a producer of electronic music and have attanded well more that a 1000 “raves” – i´m full time employed tax payer and Head of a Customer Support department and i cannot confirm one single line of what the author has written above ..
          but i do feel sorry for those ppl having no other chance than publishing lies as they will never feel the fun and freedom of a real Psychedelic Trance Tribe gathering in the woods as long as they close their eyes in ignorance
          P.L.U.R. >>> Peace&Love&Unity&Respect

        2. Sajsquatch

          Rape is something that raves are NOT known for big mouth! Even if it has happened before, it’s certainly not nearly as common as altar boys being molested be priest’s. So maybe the article should have been about that instead.

  24. Alecks Auclair

    Ok first off these are completely UNCITED claims, not one of these things you claim to know as fact regarding the “rave scene” let alone the live electronic music world, are fact. these completely unbacked statements of bigotry, your racial slurs and sheer ignorance show your lack of faith in your fellow man, your disregard of any form of knowledge regarding the subject matter and your arrogance in your opinion. if you consider yourself a christian, or even a man of decency, im sorry, but you are horribly mistaken.

    1. Bruce Danus

      His name is “Tyson Bowers III”, not Theo. Theo was from “The Cosby Show”. I believe that was one of the most racist shows ever too. There were only 2 white people on that show in the entire 9 seasons. Please don’t lump Tyson into your racist comments.

      1. Cleis

        Hello, Bruce. You look nice today. Have you had your hair cut? Kudos to your barber for resisting the urge to remove the ears you don’t listen with anyway.

        “Theo” in this case is being used as a prefix meaning religion – as in theology (a bogus study subject), theocracy (the form of government in the Vatican and some southern US states) or theobviouslyfalseravingsofadesertmadman. That last one may not be entirely accurate.

        Anyway, Brucie (may I call you Brucie? Thanks ever so), in spite of what your frankly hilarious attempts at basic thought processes might tell you, GoTrojans was referring to the fact that this “journalist” manages to combine religion with being a complete moron. It’s not a rare condition.

      2. Sajsquatch

        Your a bigot mr. dANUS. That does not make a show racist. No wait I’m switching it to Bruse d Anus.

  25. justDemo

    if this was a skit on the Colbert Report, I would pay money to have it on dvd.

    p.s. Drug Jockey? lol.

  26. djhaze

    The author of this article obviously has NO IDEA what he is talking about. This is where the media gets its INCORRECT information.

  27. Kit

    This guy is either one of the funniest people on the internet or one of the most outrageously ignorant people on Earth

  28. GIlbert

    Why should anyone have any right to demean raves and ravers, just cause they’re “a raver” and they go to “raves”? Why do raves and raver have to be thought of as a bad thing… who are you to judge? Did “god” himself come down from the heavens and speak to you and say “Judge and make false assumptions of these people know as ravers” You know what? Im a raver and damn fucking proud to be. My life, my choices.

    Im sorry to say but all this that you speak of it utter bullshit. We ravers are most definitely NOT what you described us to be. Raves are certainly NOT how you describe them to be. Ravers are the people that love to go to these music festivals and enjoy this electronic dance music, ravers are people that want to escape all the bullshit from the real world, ravers are people that need to get away from idiotic, closed minded people like the ones that have written this article. We go to these music festivals because there, we are as ONE, we do NOT judge others, we do NOT make fun of the way one looks, dresses, or the color of their skin. At a rave, all people there are one big happy family. Yes, some ravers are under the influence of drugs, but some actually go to ravers to enjoy the music sober, but the funny thing about that is, whether they are sober or under the influence, there is more peace and love at a 12 hour rave then there is in this old corrupt world.

    Now these Kandi Kids you speak are not who and how you think they are. This information is invalid. Kandi Kids are peaceful, fun loving, happy people that wear bright colored clothing and bright colored bracelets that they have taken time out of their day and put so much love and dedication into making these. Kandi bracelets are traded at raves to other fellow ravers, it is a sign of friendship and respect that people have for each other. These bracelets have nothing to do with any sexual acts or drugs. These are the raver kind of friendship bracelets.

    It enraged me to read what your description of PLUR means because this is the dumbest thing i have ever read in my life. I live by this saying because it’s the only one in this world that makes sense. PLUR actually does stand for PEACE, LOVE, UNITY, and RESPECT, and yet they have added another R at the end for RESPONSIBILITY. Christianity has the 7 deadly sins that will send you to hell, but i believe that us ravers have come up with the 5 heavenly words that can send you to heaven if you live by them.

    I mean no disrespect towards you people but please take this down because it is racist and disrespectful towards us ravers. If you have this up, then why don’t you have another article up towards black people or jews? or better yet, other religions? It’s not fair that you can make assumptions towards something you obviously DO NOT know anything about and have not made any effort to actually study what a true rave or raver really is about. It’s sickening that you sit back and call us ravers drug filled, homosexual, raping, STD carriers. No. That is not right and i’m pretty damn fucking sure that what ever “GOD” you believe in would NOT allow you to make assumptions like that. If you think that what you’re saying and doing is right, in the end, i wanna see who burns first. Please take your head out of your ass before it’s too late. Let us ravers save you close minded people and show you the true lights and sounds… the neon laser lights and electronic dance music sounds that is.

    Our god is the DJ.
    Our heaven is the music.
    Our dance floor is the world
    We are the ravers.

    1. Bruce Danus

      Can somebody summarize Gilbert’s comment for me? It seemed almost intellectual, but then it drug on for 500 pages and I realized he was on the meth or the cracked coked canes.

      1. GIlbert

        what’s funny abou this comment is that you “christian people” can read 50000 paged bible filled with back peddling non-sense but you cant read the truth that an open minded human can speak? haha who’s the one really on crack, buddy?

        1. Meh

          What is even funnier is that none you fucking morons realize that this article is fake and the people that run this site or pulling your leg. Also, the fact that many people, including myself, have continuously raided this comment section with announcements of how this is satire and you’re all a bunch of fucking imbeciles for buying into it….. Yet, you people keep thinking it’s real.

          If this isn’t a sign for you ravers to stop popping pills, I don’t know what is.

    1. Stephenson Billings

      You know nothing of the work of Christ. You smear campaign against Tyson Bowers is just plain silly. He is not a “HUGE FAN” of your music. This is abundantly clear and I have explained more than once that using Facebook to learn about youth trends by “liking” certain pages is a journalist tool used by many, many reporters. Get over yourself, Amber. You are sounding irrational. I pray that you do find the light some day, however. Your soul seems full of so much suffering. I hope you will take comfort in this passage from the Bible:

      “Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.” –Galatians 5:19-21.

      1. Amber Leigh


      2. Amber Leigh


        1. Stephenson Billings

          You’re the one typing in all caps and replying three times to one simple comment and you call me irrational? Do you have some sort of feminine problem this time of the month? You’re acting very, very odd.

          1. Amber Leigh



          2. emma

            haha! it’s hilarious how in response to every intelligent comment made, Billings responds with personal attacks. “feminine problems”? are you twelve?

          3. Paige Orton

            This whole website is full of a bunch of dimwitted lunatics with an imaginary friend in the sky. No one believes you but yourself..

      3. doodlewacker

        funny how you dicks quote scripture as some kind of evidence..

        jesus was a magic mushroom.. dont you know that?

  29. rapist23

    hilarious shit. not as funny as the fact there are people out there so clueless that they actually read this article seriously.

  30. so so funny

    Cant believe any of u morons think this is a real article….

    jesus is laughing at your stupidity

  31. infinity420

    WOW this shit is full of fucking shit! just like the person who posted this article up. its OBVIOUSLY that you dont know anything about raves & what a raver is. ppl always judge by looks but never by knowledge..

    & PLUR originally fucking stands for P.lease L.et R.avers R.ave but also P.eace L.ove U.nity & R.espect(Responsibility) on the act of knowing & limiting your drug. ex//acid//meth w.e the fuck it is. we’re just free spirited young people that dont give a fuck but know what we’re doing. soo FUCK all whoever posted this shit up & the ppl that agreee, fkn ignorant ass dumb fucks.
    ravers dont go to raves for the drugs, we go for the music <3 because we are ONE at that moment of a natural high, which is the most beautifullest thing because ppl all alround the world go to these amazing festivals. its amazing how so many ppl can have love for this music & the great vibe <3 we're just young adults, living our lives. getting away from this corrupt world of hatred. war & judgmental people like you! we let go, & dance our problems, stress away <3 instead of paying $2OO to see a therapist & talk about it.. see the difference ? with that said, you can go fuck yourself now :)

  32. Steven

    Oh lord, please forgive the faggots and non-believers that have fallen prey to the devil’s handiwork at these “acid parties”. They are simply misguided.


    Hey stevie do you know Christ personally , have you got your own mind? have you heard of evolution. so you read a book and refer to a book as it was written for you and the do gooders. Ok so why would christ say its ok to kill children? or rape women or place a drug called DMT inside you skull. I read books too and I love green eggs and ham. I recall something in the bible about no image of god or christ creations being recreated on earth, but god made eve and adam in his own image, so what ya got. another rule? whos your ruler?. Your killing the earth and sinning as you use your computer. Ok another fact jesus was the light yes… lucifer mean light barer. YES LUCIFER look it up . The only reason why you are defending this is you have spent your life surrounded by people with the same dis function, your old ya brainwashed and you have an invisable friend. You use a book that was written 500 years after jebus died, it was word of mouth. The church is a bizness it keeps you oppressed. See the trees outside do they get told what to do, no they grow how they want, they grow due to light the earth, sustenance from the ground. its wen jesus comes along hacks into it with an axe re shapes it re names puts it into a new form and tells you its a table. Its still a tree its still wood its function has been shaped by mans mind to serve his purpose of control, over other things outside of self. What makes an atom bomb go boom is inside you 2, you must be a terrorist. See its people like you that stop us from being connected on a bigger scale you hold onto your past. can you see the past the future or just now now now not then or when ? are you marty mcfly? frequency is music frequency causes u to speak to sing your jesus songs music is magic sound makes the birds sing to the planets outside of earth. I got nothing against doing good and helping people, dont get me wrong and don’t get other people wrong either. Don’t fear what you lack understanding in, you seem to wanna disagree with one of what you say is god children. Your sinning, your sinning by living by being by functioning as an organism that evolved from an ape eating mushrooms in a cave to sitting infront of a computer refering to events that you never were part of, but wish you were fuck I like to see the truth too but it will never be so do what you have never done live and think for your self for the first time. I don’t wanna seem negative but you are being negative yourself by dismissing and judging a culture music or belief as bad or a sin. I make music I make art I get naked I fuck girls and make scream fuck oh god.wen Im lucky that is 😀 I step on ants and don’t even know if I have or not, I get crucifixs turn em upside down snap the horizontal piece and make a peace sign from it. There is other history apart from hitler, and hitler read the bible too so what your stupid view gonna say next, sorry I mean someone elses view. sheep. That christ was a blond haired blue eyed man in the middle east? funny that looks a bit like one of hitlers ideas. Oh amber wait till the daytime and say fuck you stephen the lights beaming and ya still seeming to be blind go read a book steve steeeeve eeee eve see oh my what a sin . PEACE TO ALL FREQUENCIES even the ones that don’t wanna listen to all music, death metal to motown to african tribal chant, to that beat in ya chest, Don’t pray for me steve you have no right to do so. OH YEAH one more thing STEVE yours a tool 😀

    1. Bruce Danus

      We prefer if you speak English when writing comments on this site. Thank you for trying though, we appreciate every person’s effort to be involved.

      1. An ELECTRON

        dear dickhead I have dyslexia I spent a very long time trying to learn to read and write so if you wanna say what language to speak Ill speak yours which be pig latin

        1. Bruce Danus

          I understand Pig Latin, it isn’t my first language, or even my second or third, but if that is the language you need to use to convey your point, I understand and am readily awaiting a translation of the random mumbling you did earlier.

    2. Stephenson Billings

      “But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God– having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.” -2 Timothy 3:1-5.

      1. The Spice

        looking direction Vatican one could have seen all those things listed … including others:
        * collaboration with the fascists
        * sex with young altar boys
        * huge savings and estates while half of the worlds population is suffering from various needs
        * going back a few centuries … burning innocent women and men
        * the crusades
        etc etc etc
        wake up from your nightmare called a life full of hate and ruled by your so much loving god – get yourself to a proper rave and see the light of true LOVE shining over the dancing crowd – if you can stand this massive pulse of positive energy :-)
        good morning and good luck!!

      2. doodlewacker

        judjing from that haircut its your ‘last of days’.. leave us young uns out of it.. we’re livin our lives..

  34. Grumpie Khunt

    I tip my hat to the writer.

    Trolling of epic proportions, with a perfect blend of twat in the responses.

    I’ll sleep with a smile tonight.


    yes now lets look at all of this and see the human condition for what it really is . lets judge without knowing and think we are so smart then realise oh shit Im fucking blind and steven knows christ personally, wow so does he wear nike or adidas. Funny both nike and adidas are wrong in the spell check here, fuck this site is so shit:D maybe we should speak the ye olde way. Speak english hahaha you mean a bastard language from all other languages they stole from, all the countries the english invaded sorry must be the convict in me. hahahaha whats even funnier is english is wrong to. Stephen get a better comb over. Last days for you its the same day anyway time is an illusion and religion is a tool for control youll never admit your wrong coz ya think god is on your side. Now shut the fuck up before I go burn the bible I will don’t try and stop me ohhhhh oh no. Language like thier is one form. Fuck your the NAZIs

    1. Thomas Jubilation

      Dearest An ELECTRON, you seem…upset. Take a deep breath, everything is going to be okay. I understand the crack cocaine must seem very “street” at first, but it’s made you very irritable. I’m worried, An ELECTRON, worried for your immortal soul.

      God’s children, let us pray for our poor bewildered friend.

  36. Mo 3.14

    OMG, this is hilarious, as is this entire website. I haven’t laughed so hard reading stuff online in ages. Had to share with friends so they could have a mid-morning laugh attack as well. I highly recommend the Bonnaroo article: the graphs are ridonkulous!

  37. offensive

    As a raver who was raised in an Assemblies of God church for most of his life, I found this website and specifically this article to be the most ignorant piece of ‘journalism’ I have ever read.

    I had to read this article twice, to make sure it wasn’t satire. I thought I was reading The Onion. Then I realized this, like most of your articles is completely unfactual and sourced from other far right / extremist points of views.

    The author as well as Mr Billings above should be ashamed of yourselves. With some of your nonsense articles you are no better than Westboro Baptist, spreading filth and lies. It’s hilarious you can even consider yourselves soldiers of Christ. You are nothing more than pawns spreading this garbage agenda.

    How you are able to sleep at night is beyond me. All you are doing by publishing this bullshit is pushing others further away from Christ. People look at you and see nothing but ignorance and do not want to be associated with that.

    1. albert

      Worlwide Youth gathers to socialise,listen to music and dance!the article distorts all,and stereotype everyone.
      such a shame people so call christians or watever faith they have dont want to deal with reality.kids do need real love from parents and education,but they also need to socialise.The so call rave scene like many scenes started small and underground and full of great intentions,no alcohol was served and we all cared for each other however was INFILTRATED by all kind of agents..thats true.now ask me who really ruin the scene>?

  38. Erik

    This article is just so sad and terribly wrong. It´s hard to find more prejudice, hate and ignorance anywhere on the internet today than on this site. Now, what would Jesus Christ our saviour and Lord say about the hate and unloving behaviour that the people running this site are proving to live by. But he forgives your ignorance and hatred. You will be saved by Jesus Christ eventually, once you will see every persons right to exist and live their lives as they choose.

    God bless you all and have a nice evening.

  39. not sure if trolled or just stupid

    I give you guys props. This shit was way more believable than the onion. Only because the religious right really does spout this sort of nonsense.

  40. John

    I think you are the most misinformed, fabricating, judgemental, poison, closet pervert fake I have ever has the misfortune to stumble upon.

    Anyone who takes heed of your words and abides by them a a way of life needs to forget God (your version at least) and go some get help from a shrink.

    For the record, although I’m not condoning it, I think folk would be BETTER OFF with drugs than listening to [Stephenson Billings] this idiot, at least you’d get some sensical real-world speak and not end up a complete social leper.

    A small amount of corrections. FYI The whole article is innacurate in every way, but unlike yourself I will try and teach you something useful:

    It’s JUNGLISTS, not Jungle-lists.

    Dee Lite’s Groove is in the Heart is a dance/pop crossover song, nothing LIKE Happy Hardcore and about 5 years its senior.

    Drum and Bass (not Drummed and base) are musical instruments. You know, like the ones you probably sing your poison sermons along to.

    I’m going to stop there as you’ve already insulted my intelligence way too far.

    I suggest you:

    1 Put your computer down
    2 Head off to the nearest homosexual hangout
    3 Check your sat-nav for recent places if you can’t remember from all the drugs
    4 Go and get the anal pounding you so crave to get all this pent up frustration out of your system.
    5 Destroy the computer
    6 Get some help from a professional (or just end it and do us all a favour)

    UK Raver/Occasional drug user/never did me any harm/Graphic Designer/DISC JOCKEY/REALIST

  41. 0_0

    ..this is a joke right?.. I can’t decide.. the comments seem funny too.. i just am unsure how to take this.. 0_0 .. haha
    let me just say..
    i am a conservative
    i was baptized to the mormon church
    i graduated high school.
    i have a full time job.
    saving for college.
    i am anti-abortion.
    i am a raver.
    i am for homosexual marriage.
    i dont wear acid laced beads.
    i dont acquire my beads from orgies.. i acquire them by either making them.. or trading them with someone i see at raves
    its drum and bass
    deee-lite is not happy hardcore nor is that song associated with raves in anyway shapy or form
    it’s kandi kids
    i’ve never even heard of jungle lists or plurbabies
    PLURR does not stand for whatever you said it stood for.. even thinking it does is perverted and weird.. it stand for Peace Love Unity Respect [Responsibility]
    PLURR happens to be something most of us live or at least rave by.. as in raves are somewhere people can go and NOT get judged like that^^
    raves are not called ‘acid parades’… they may have been before.. but now they are most definitely not
    these aren’t what they used to be.. they are now public events that are sponsored by HUGE companies
    djs are not ‘drug jockeys’ they are DISC jockeys..
    djs do not name drugs so that parents dont know what they are.. nor are they named things like you listed..
    people dont have dance offs with the reward of sex with a female.. <– nothing of the sort happens like that.. where you got your information i can't even fathom..

    frick.. i just want to know where you got your sources mister tyson.. and in reply to amber.. uhh.. yeah i went to tyson's page and it says he likes tritonal?!… uhmm.

    1. Mo 3.14

      If in fact dance offs did get you laid, I would have banged a lot more chicks at parties. But as “we” well know, MDMA is the emotional “love” drug, not the “love” making drug.

  42. lulz

    This article is the most obvious piece of satire about the rave scene, how do you people not see that? o.O


    Jungle Lists <—- it's Junglist not jungle list, I mean if your gonna pretend and play reporter why don't you actually do a little research before hand?

    "goto these parties to stir up trouble"<—- wrong again… people go to listen to music.
    "Asians and blacks due the same thing in American society." <— actually I know more white people in the scene than any other race.

    A Jungle List is known for liking what is called “Drummed and Base” <—- it's Drun and Bass.

    music and are known for their pot and meth addictions. You cant be addicted to pot, and the the meth, lol, i dont know anyone in the scene tat screws with that crap.

    The term “Drummed and Base” (again drum & bass) comes from the fact that they like fast African style “tripped pops” music and smoke meth or “basing” while dancing like angry silver-back gorillas. <— wtf, i think you guys are on drugs

    Each Jungle List group has a leader, also known as a “Rudeboy” or “Bom Bom Cloud”. The leader gets to pick which rave party the crew with go to and what type of dance battles they will perform. <—- this statement is completely wrong

    once again christwire comes out with some bias , nonsense, with little to no actual facts or research…. the only thing this organization does is spit out hate much like the west borrow baptists church. But then again they are probably banking on the "shok factor" and figure if they make such outrageous stories they will get attention.

  44. 0_0

    Revelation 21:8, “…and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone:”

  45. Synthetyx

    Yea so I read your entire article, i am not delirious or insane and i already have less misspelled words then you do in your entire making me more coherent then you. I was born to and raised a Christian family and i believe in and have asked into my heart the God you claim to follow. I am also a Raver who does not do drugs or have crazy sex parties, or stds, this is the same with all of my friends. So in conclusion, get off your self importent, self righteous, bias uninformed horse. You obviously don’t follow God because it says in the bible that final judgement is reserved for God. So have fun having sex with your underage alter boy(I was molested by my preacher and am still a Christian) then be set on fire, you douche

  46. dominic

    The finniest thing of all is that Christians will actually read this and believe its a truthful and revealing article.

    Brilliantly written fiction, far better than the Bible bravo!


      the funniest thing of all is that you read this and believe it was intended to be a truthful and revealing article.

  47. Fred Strong

    I wish we could throw you morons to the lions again. You should imitate your ridiculous fairy tale, and martyr yourself. What would the lucky charms leprechaun do? He would eat lucky charms? The Tooth fairy? He would take the tooth and leave a quarter behind? WWJD? He would have himself nailed to a cross! You should certainly do the same!!!

  48. Kaz

    Oh Christians, what are you folks like.

    Just so you know, I go to raves and have never touched drugs in the 20 years I’ve been on this planet. I think you people need to take a step back and look at what you’re all doing wrong before judging others.

  49. jay

    You all DO realize that this is a satirical website right? Stop taking it so seriously. Their articles are a social comment on the perceived insanities and beliefs of fundamental Christians.

    1. Bekah

      JESUS CHRIST, you guys HAVE to make it clearer this is satire… I thought the whole thing was for real. Some far-flung right-winger out there is going to think this is serious and start justifying their bullshit arguments…

  50. Rainbow Brite

    Oh my, have you ever even seen a rave?
    I’ve been to a few and let me tell you they are nothing like you describe. It is a place where many people are accepted. It doesn’t matter what you believe the colour of your skin or who you were in high school. It’s a place where you go to make friends, eat candy and dance to great music. Most people that go to raves don’t even do drugs. They have ‘sober ravers’ who don’t do any drugs and are usually against doing them. I am one of these sober ravers. Hardly anyone has sex at raves and even though many people are homosexual they don’t flaunt it by having intercourse at raves. If you are going to write an article about something you should actually talk to someone who has experienced it or experience it yourself before you go judging it.

  51. Whitest Person Ever

    The guy who wrote this was on a serious BAD ACID trip himself.

    These are not Christian values. They are racist, white supremest values.

    Get a life man.

    Go check on your daughter, she’s in your basement having sex with her cousin and needs an abortion asap.

  52. Ramz

    The amount of misinformation in this article clearly shows it is a parody and not to be taken seriously.

    Would people please acknowledge the satirical nature of the write-up and avoid posting ridiculous comments. I think Christians should be a the very least somewhat offended by the fact that this is a Christian site and you have a crazy person posting complete nonsense. Mockery disguised as truth is very dangerous and is an easy way to scare misguided parents through deceit.

    Also some of the comments in relation to the article are inflammatory and not in line with Christian teachings of respect and peace.

    Thanks to all who have mentioned that this is most obviously sattire and I urge all Christian parents to communicate with their children openly and honestly about their lifestyle choices.

    Love to all.

  53. Alex

    BAHAHAHAH Wow and this is exactly why i am an atheist. No book will ever brain wash me into thinking any person is below another. before you go judging others you should probably think about what your saying and see how ignorant and stupid you sound.
    you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, and probably have never attended a rave or researched them in your life. read a fucking book other then that fictional piece of crap bible that sits on your desk.

  54. Brandon

    It’s bad when a christian has to sink as low as lying to try to get his twisted views across. I am both a devout christian, and a “raver.” I go to raves for the music and the friends, whom as well do not use drugs, just like I don’t. To think that raves are sex orgies filled with drugs is like thinking Hell is where you go if you kiss someone before marriage. RADICAL VIEWS!. These types of posts give Christians bad names, and honestly, I almost want to not be a christian after seeing how stupid some can be.

  55. sd

    This is such a load of Misinformation….
    Talk about SIN… The amount of Lies and truth stretching in this poor excuse of journalism is incredible.

  56. Conrad Twitty

    ChristWire once again speaks nothing but crystalline truth, shining in the darkness of contemporary society. Ravers won’t have anything to cheer or dance about when they’re unrepentant homosexual lifestyles and gratuitous pre-martial sex earns them an eternity of suffering.

    The Lord approves ChristWire dot org! You sinners have plenty of options across the internets to discuss your uninformed worldview. Leave ChristWire to the faithful and righteous!

  57. Joanne

    People like this make religion seem stupid. You talk about how much you love god and equality then continue to spread such stereotypical and stupid shit. If you’re going to post such stupid articles to “protect christian families” make sure you know what the fuck you’re talking about first. I’m sure drug users spread more love and hope for humanity than religious people like you. You’ve made a fool of yourself and it’s not even funny. Just embarrassing for you.



  59. housebeats

    OMG whomever wrote this article clearly never been to a party its bunch of lies and to me its hilarious that ppl actually would believe this article content lol

    Its all about music it always been about music I have NEVER seen orgies at parties so whomever came up with these bunch of lies- their head is clearly in the gutter and probably is the one that wants to join an orgy lol. It’s not one bit a reality of a “rave” party as you guys call it lol This article however its good if you want good laughter so props for that hahahaha

  60. Cheyenne

    Hahahahaha. This is funny. This guy would be a good troll if he didn’t over-do it so much.
    I wonder if he calls HIS penis a “sin snake” or “Satan’s septer.” Hahaha. XD
    He really needs an editor, as well. His spelling and grammar are just terrible.

  61. Vince K

    sounds like the author is complete idiot and basing his studies on HIS perceptions of raves. What.a.dumbass…..you should write more about the real problems, like poverty and unemployment.

  62. karen

    I didn’t waste my time reading all of the posts. All I have to say odd whoever wrote this article is WRONG beyond words.
    These “christians” are giving Christianity a extremely bad name with all there talk in here. It really disturbs me. I will say some ravers are dirty and irresponsible. But the information listed in the article is completely FALSE! I am a Christian and I love EDM! I am a raver!…..and I love Jesus. I go to school, i take care of elders with disabilities, I have a beautiful, smart and very healthy 5 year old son. Yes, there are kids/people in ” the scene” that are very immature and don’t take life seriously. And some do need to grow up. I have been in the rave scene for almost 10 years now and I wouldn’t change it for anything. If you guys are said Christian you would not be judging so deeply or accusing people of doing such foul things. I know I’ve made a difference in ppls lives for the better.

  63. Meh

    It’s absolutely mind-blowing at the amount of people commenting here that are complete fucking retards.

    1. Vince K

      in my raving days, ive never herd of PLUR being used as labi penis etc. WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT AND WHO PULLED THAT OUTTA THEIR ASS?! FROM WHAT IVE KNOWN, ITS PEACE UNITY RESPECT. DUMBASSSSSSS

  64. Mark

    wow, I must have been going to the wrong ‘rave’ parties in the 90s cause non of what is written in this article is what I experienced during my rave days.

  65. karen

    Tyson, your far from correct with your article. The grammar isn’t even correct. All of my kandi bracelets are from fellow ravers I have traded with. I have never seen an orgie at a party, and I’ve been to a lot of events/raves/festivals. There are parties out there that are sex parties. They are very different from raves. Us ravers are all about the MUSIC and meeting other people that share the same Passion in our music! Or atleast it should be. I use to do drugs. The only person I was intimate with was my boyfriend of many years.

  66. Agnostic

    In all my years of attending Raves, I have never witnessed any that unfolded into a Nazi Sex Orgy. People attend raves for one reason – to enjoy music and the company of other people who are also there to enjoy music.

    I hope this is a joke. I actually laughed out loud at most of it, (mainly due to the fact that the information is so completely false) so I can only thank you for that.

    This post is just as fascist, racist and mis-informed as the Nazis were, I’m afraid. Huge, huge no-no.

    If you can’t practice, don’t preach and if you do want to preach, get the facts straight first.

  67. Charms

    Beads cannot be laced with acid.
    1. We buy them at department stores such as Walmart, Michael’s and other craft stores.
    2. The acid could never be soaked into plastic because plastic is not permeable or porous, that’s why it’s taken by paper.
    3. acid degrades after a very short amount of time, so a raver wouldn’t be on a trip every time they put on those beads. Completely impossible.
    4. All these people would die being on that much acid, if every bead they’re wearing had acid in it.
    I don’t do drugs but I know this because I read scientific research.

    Like I’ve told other ravers, just because you like drugs, that doesn’t make you a raver. Ravers base their lives on PLUR: peace, love, unity, respect. Peace in their mind and around them, love for all no matter who they are, unity amongst all who wish it and respect for everyone who deserves it. I’m a sober raver: I uphold peace love unity and respect, I love the music and atmosphere, I trade my kandi I’ve made with people to show that I think they are awesome, I give them to my non-raving friends like friendship bracelets. These beads are a reminder of the people you have met raving or people who are special to you in general.

    HappyHardcore did not start the rave scene. HappyHardcore is also just an EDM genre. Hardcore and HappyHardcore aren’t even that popular here in the US. If you listen to 90’s rave music it’s mostly

    The ravers who follow PLUR do not support Glow-sticking battles and I can tell you that as a glow-sticker and a raver, because they are two different cultures. You can be both but not all glow-stickers rave and not all ravers stick. Glowsticking.com a site where you can learn how to freehand or string (two different types of sticking)says that only collaborations are allowed, none of them support battles. They support learning from each other.

    PLUR babies? What is that? There are baby ravers, who are called that because they are new to the scene, but just to show that this whole article is false: PLUR babies do not exist. That is not a raving term. I even looked it up and I don’t see anything about it.
    Also it’s Junglist not Jungle List. You are also saying that the D&B or drum and bass, not drummed and base, is just afro-angry music, then go off on how blacks and yellows like it and blacks and yellows rob from everyone. That’s not only generalizing, that all blacks and yellows steal but they’re not blacks and yellows, they’re african americans and asian americans. That’s being racist whch is not supportive of being a good person.

    It’s articles like this that are completely biased that are shown to the world and make raving sound so terrible, no one writes anything about how raving changed somebody’s life or how it could have even saved them. Becoming a DJ saved one of my friends from depression.
    No one wants to listen. You are just trying to scare the public with sex and drugs which is not what raving is about.

    Ravers have learned tolerance, how about you?

  68. what a joke

    misinformation, not even close to any reality on any subject. raves started in russia? are you on acid? lol

    you guys must be part of that crazy church that protests funerals.

  69. Meh

    PEOPLE! THIS IS SATIRE!! How so many people can be so ridiculously idiotic and not see that is beyond me. Look at all you raver bastards who are blasting the writer. Some of you need to cut back on the drugs because it’s hurting your ability to comprehend simple things.

    1. GIlbert

      it doesn’t matter if its fake or not. Obviously if someone wrote an article about black people or christianity or whoever and talked shit on them and it was just a “joke” just like this article talks about raver, im pretty damn sure that those people would be offended and get pissed. Obviously, us ravers, do take offense to stupid idiotic misinforming shit like this.

      1. Nonsensei

        Guess what happens when someone gets offended?


        “I went to a comedy show last night and the comedian started talking about The Lord. And, I was so offended that the next morning I got leprosy!”

        Grow a spine.

      2. Meh

        You’re a fucking idiot. Grouping “ravers” in with an entire race is just ridiculous. I get what you’re point is, but, umm, why the fuck would any logical human being take your perspective? Getting offended at a satire article is just plain arrogant on your part. I went to raves from 1997-2004 and I found this to be hilarious. None of these people angrily responding to this article realize that it’s satire. Please go back and actually read the responses you fucking simpleton.

  70. trollol

    lol i fell for one of these articles before and got really worked up. this is a joke! it’s hilarious! if you are in the scene or have been in the past.. and you can’t read this and laugh about it.. you’re taking it too seriously! lol so amazing

  71. stickybeatz

    OMG this is my new favorite web site! Not sure which is funnier… the article itself or the idiotic comments. Finally a site that makes fun of both Christians AND ravers. I’m beside myself.

  72. praise ignorance

    So yeah, I sense that Religious freaks are going crazy again. With making others suffer and such with their slander, treachery, and lies. If you Christians don’t have anything better to do than to slander others with false accusations then why don’t you go catch a few more priest raping small boys

  73. zomdizzy

    Does this guy have anything better to do than to sit on his ass and write nonfactual stories about ravers! I sense someone might be obsessed and a little depressed that his life is full of drugs and nonsense like this article right here. You know its been said that people judge others people depending on how they act themselves. hmmm seems like someone needs a little help.

  74. Alicka York Hunt

    Hey who wants to go take acid extascy pill beadz and engage in rousing sexual activities?

  75. Dr SUDS

    Lol – obviously a troll article. I found the Lord in the mists of this very scene. And anyone who really understands wouldn’t write like this. This is obviously internet troll humor or a really mixed up mistakenly “saved” person.

  76. hahahaha

    hahahahaha ….oh wait you guys aren’t being sarcastic this is actually a site of people who believe this shit… wow…

  77. Meh

    My favorite posts are the ravers who are writing paragraph after paragraph defending the party scene and all that comes with it. In the end, it is them that look like complete morons and do nothing to help the raver stereotype. I went to parties for years, but I didn’t do enough to my brain to where I can’t decipher something satirical from something legitimate. For love of God, some of you people are damned cretins. Lay off the ecstasy.

  78. Aspentroll

    Kudos Amber and Claire, you sure kicked Stephenson Billings ass. This is a ridiculous site at best.

    1. Meh

      You’re as big of an idiot as the two people you’re praising. You do realize these guys were baiting these two the whole time, right? They’re laying it on pretty thick too. This article was a spoof; a joke; satire; whatever you want to call it.

  79. John

    The first raves were tribal people ingesting hallucinogens beating drums and dancing throughout the night.

  80. Know TheTrue

    This is the worst article I seen in my 42 years of Life!

    Go get some knowledge jerk!

  81. Meh

    No this is not a site full of people who believe this. It’s a satire site filled with people in the comment section totally fucking with you and you completely buying it. The people in this comment section that aee “supporting” the article and “God” are being humorous and it’s STILL escaping you. This is a site the wrote an article titled, “Mexican Zombie Flu Raises Black Rapper “Tupac” From The Dead”. If you think this is a serious site, then you’re a serious moron.

  82. Anon

    buy ravers manifesto mugs, tshirts and magnets
    Our emotional state of choice is Ecstasy. Our nourishment of choice is Love. Our addiction of choice is technology.
    Our religion of choice is music. Our currency of choice is knowledge. Our politics of choice is none.
    Our society of choice is utopian though we know it will never be. You may hate us. You may dismiss us. You may misunderstand us. You may be unaware of our existence.
    We can only hope you do not care to judge us, because we would never judge you. We are not criminals. We are not disillusioned. We are not drug addicts. We are not naive children…
    We are one massive, global, tribal village that transcends man-made law, physical geography, and time itself.
    We are The Massive. One Massive.
    We were first drawn by the sound. From far away, the thunderous, muffled, echoing beat was comparable to a mother’s heart soothing a child in her womb of concrete, steel, and electrical wiring.
    We were drawn back into this womb, and there, in the heat, dampness, and darkness of it,
    We came to accept that we are all equal. Not only to the darkness, and to ourselves, but to the very music slamming into us and passing through our souls: we are all equal.
    And somewhere around 35 Hz we could feel the hand of God at our backs, pushing us forward, pushing us to push ourselves to strengthen our minds, our bodies, and our spirits,
    Pushing us to turn to the person beside us to join hands and uplift them by sharing the uncontrollable joy we felt from creating this magical bubble that can, for one evening, protect us from the horrors, atrocities, and pollution of the outside world. It is in that very instant, with these initial realisations that each of us was truly born.
    We continue to pack our bodies into clubs, or warehouses, or buildings you’ve abandoned and left for naught, and we bring life to them for one night.
    Strong, throbbing, vibrant life in it’s purest, most intense, most hedonistic form.
    In these makeshift spaces, we seek to shed ourselves of the burden of uncertainty for a future you have been unable to stabilise and secure for us.
    We seek to relinquish our inhibitions, and free ourselves from the shackle’s and restraints you’ve put on us for your own peace of mind.
    We seek to re-write the programming that you have tried to indoctrinate us with since the moment we were born.
    Programming that tells us to hate, that tells us to judge, that tells us to stuff ourselves into the nearest and most convenient pigeon hole possible. Programming that even tells us to climb ladders for you, jump through hoops, and run through mazes and on hamster wheels.
    Programming that tells us to eat from the shiny silver spoon you are trying to feed us with, instead of nourish ourselves with our own capable hands.
    Programming that tells us to close our minds, instead of open them.
    Until the sun rises to burn our eyes by revealing the dis-utopian reality of a world you’ve created for us, we dance fiercely with our brothers and sisters in celebration of our life, of our culture, and of the values we believe in:
    Peace, Love, Freedom, Tolerance, Unity, Harmony,
    Expression, Responsibility and Respect.
    Our enemy of choice is ignorance. Our weapon of choice is information. Our crime of choice is breaking and challenging whatever laws you feel you need to put in place to stop us from celebrating our existence.
    But know that while you may shut down any given party, on any given night, in any given city, in any given country or continent on this beautiful planet, you can never shut down the entire party.
    You don’t have access to that switch, no matter what you may think. The music will never stop. The heartbeat will never fade. The party will never end.
    I am a raver, and this is my manifesto.
    this is my ravers Manifesto.


      i stopped reading after you said our currency of choice is knowledge. that was a nice heartfelt message and everything, but this site is SATIRE.

  83. Dave MacNamara

    Ok, as a decent Christian I am totally baffled by this article. Really hope its a joke. ” These drum beats (now known as bpm loops) where transformed into what modern day electronic house music sounds like” Hmm if you did a little bit of research you might see that modern day house music derives from Funk, Soul, 80s synth pop as well as having roots in reggae and even some in rock n roll of the 50s. Basically I’m glad im not American because we don’t have people as stupid, ignorant and racist where i come from. I love America but you are the exact person that gives it such a negative view in countries around the world. Please if you are going to voice such ridiculous opinions could you please state that it isnt fact and purely your own imagination. I believe that God created music for us to create and enjoy and if you (like me) like to get up and dance like a maniac to 130bpm house music i dont think theres anything wrong with it. Like wise if you like to sit in quiet cafes and listen to Jazz or stadiums and watch U2. God created music for us don’t be so closed minded.

  84. Jesus loves the acid

    This is the funniest s&%t i have read in ages.

    You god squad types crack me up. I’m going to go shoot up and engage my satan scepter in some pre-marital sin docking.

  85. LOL


  86. Seann

    This is the most ignorant thing i have ever read in my whole entire life, i have been to many raves and they are ABSOLUTELY nothing like this, i have about 90 pieces of KANDI and i have never, ever been in an orgy, and none of my kandi is soaked in LSD, you fucking idiots, also, i have never done any drug, and i pride myself in that. This story is pathetic.

  87. Katy J

    This is a joke, right?… Right?… Please tell me you’re kidding. This is WAY to far fetched. Is this like, a jesus-freak’s version of The Onion? Come on. Really?

  88. Thomas

    It’s funny that it seems to me that the author of this rather unsubstantiated nonsense is so into the whole idea of sex and drugs, that it comes across as him really wanting to be part of it. Why does he care to begin with? Why does he write an article of that length filling it with lies and made up stuff, if he isn’t totally obsessed by the idea itself?
    It’s the same with many of the hardcore Christians: at some point they are found out to be gay or pedophile or coke-snorters themselves… what a dreadful life they must live…
    Let’s praise those that are courageous enough to do what they want to do. Those that fight for rights that are worth fighting for because they are based on human rights, based on love for others and understanding.
    The author of the trash-talk-article above is full of hate and envy of the freedom and fun of others.
    Peace 😉

    But then again by writing that I realize that I pay way too much attention to something/someone that is obviously completely out of it. I should just leave it, NOT read it, NOT pay attention and forget about it… idiocy is obviously everywhere.

  89. Ciera

    All I gotta say is I go to pleeenty “raves” and I don’t do drugs. I’m there to dance because dancing makes me happy, along with everyone else in the room.

  90. Budskies

    Wow a Christian would make up some crap like this. First Pokemon is the Devil!!! Then Harry Potter!!! & now Raves?

    Do you have any proof? Where did you find this information?

  91. BLC

    this whole thing is such a lie. everything written is fake & over-dramatic. its just trying to destroy a scene/genre of music they don’t like. & talk about fucking racist. ‘communist yellows’, blacks that dance to african drums? are you fucking serious. ignorant fools. talk about a loving god, you guys are the most unloving things

  92. PlurBabeee xox

    Top article – lol – hilarious – (am I the only one who gets it?) hahaa 😀 you forgot to mention the Cake. I have several slices inside me now.

  93. JONAS

    PLUR means “Penis Labia Urine and Rectums” ??
    How did you even come up with that? You dirty,dirty old man.eeeeeeW…

  94. Luna

    Wow are you serious this is total crap. At least know how to spell what you are trying to get out because if you want to say Candy go right ahead. You just look like an idiot with no knowledge of the stuff you are trying to write about. Anyway get a life and write about your own self.


    And as for Stephenson Billings

    SHUT UP…

  95. WowReally

    How can all you people commenting on this possibly be that retarded? Of course this isn’t fucking serious. Do you think The Onion is a serious news source too?

    “This is a Christian website for families. We don’t need your profanity and sexual talk here. Please try to be mature. Highly offensive, kiddo.”

    ^ Lmao no the fuck it is not. If you’re too dumb to tell by the articles themselves, look in the websites store. Would a serious Christian, family website sell shirts that say things like “Milk Sacs” and “Ecstasy Induced Wizard”? No. Learn to take a joke. Damn.

    1. Meh

      While it’s obvious this is satire, the guy you’re ripping is listed at the top of the page. He’s in on the joke and baiting these people.

  96. xraverx


    my stomach hurts.

    Drummed and Base, LOLZ!

    Woah, ignorance at it’s finest!

  97. Highly Amused

    This is hilarious. I really hope it’s a gag article! It’s too ignorant and misinformed to be anything else.

    1. DJ Lunashift

      Look at this sites store. (I want the Ecstasy Induced Wizard shirt! LOL!) This whole site is satire. Its so funny how many people just got trolled like whoa! Silly silly ravers! Listen to the DJ… This is not serious. Its satire! LMFTO!!!

  98. Nathan

    Drug Jockeys, I love it, This is obviously a joke , and if not, this shows just how much christianity is lying to you.

  99. Joe Morris

    I disagree where it says it became popular in the late 90s. For me, the hardcore rave scene was very popular in my hometown, Memphis, TN, around 1992-94.

  100. spazzology

    LOL what an idiot, knows absolutely nothing about the scene, the “tribes” and wut?? stealin from others? causing trouble stirring up fights?? crews battling with light shows for sex with females?? LOL OMG what kind of lame idiotic statements are those!! this twatwaffle makes it sound like gangs.. WTF honestly, i doubt hes ever seen anything with his own eyes, just some crappy info from people trying to shut down the party scene, unfortunately, peter jennings did a 2 hour news special on esctacy, with a bottom line that basically there is NOTHING wrong with the drug, nor has any horrifying effects as long as its taken in an appropriate manner, not OD.
    back to the drugs he says. what a dipshit. with 500-1000 clubbers in parties worldwide doing absolutely nothing at all of what was mentioned here. leaders of the jungle tribe, what the hell is this guy on.. its no gang wars.

    i was in this scene for over 6 years. been there, done that, but the article seems to only be linking the raves with sex, drugs with sex, whatever with sex??? let me rephrase it:

    -group of music loving people unite to hear the beats that set them free to do wutever without having a care in the world about wut anyone else thinks, everyone is considered to be equal, no discriminations, no prejudism, no IDIOCY like this article.

    this moron is just trying to blacklist the whole rave/party scene cuz his son/daughter is interested in listening to trance music LOL – needs to get laid and buy a case of STFU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    there is no sexaholic jibberish at all,

  101. Noah Thority

    This is the most ignorant shit ive ever read and thats saying ALOT… of course it was written by a pedophile hipochristian whom obviously has issues with their uncle grandpa and cousin dad. Please. Go to hell.

    1. DJ Lunashift

      Nope. It was written by a satirical humorist. Its not real. This whole site is satire. Have you seen the shirts they sell? And it got me at first too, so don’t feel bad. Just laugh, cause its fucking hilarious!

  102. Erica St. Evergreen

    so even if all of this was fact, I wouldn’t be able to take it seriously because of the horrible grammar and the stretching of the truth.

    this is a pathetic way to make us ravers look bad but thanks to you, we’re all enjoying a good laugh.

  103. C.P.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!! When did these kind of kids come on the scene?? Like…. When do these rape sessions go on? Haha I’ve never heard of anyone getting raped at a show. This is hilarious. Is this for real or is this a complete joke. It can’t be real if it’s making me laugh. I’ve been to a few parties and I’ve never heard of fights or orgies going on. I guess the midwest is the best :p

  104. RaverSexFiend

    I don’t see the problem. I’ve been raping and satan worshiping at Raves, which actually stands for Rape And Victimize Everyone, for years. And I have always been fond of nazi sex orgies, and wish the world would just accept us, and our bruttish raping ways for what they are. Seriously. What’s the big deal?

  105. Meh

    I guess I have to type this in caps…





    1. DJ Lunashift

      THANK YOU!!! I’ve been screaming that since I read this! YAY!!! Someone else who saw this for the satire it is! Thank you random stranger!

    2. Drew

      Troll article is trolling. [img]http://static.tumblr.com/noiu98j/gUplb4j88/trollface.jpg[/img][/img]

    3. Danny boy

      Answer me this then meh as you seem to kno so much.. Why is it that you guys find this funny? Surely a man like yourself with so lilttle mind numbing drugs in your system would not be so easily amused? Sounds like something I’d come up with when I was 6 and you cannot be that young surely?! Because these people did not comprehend this as the poor joke that it is they highlight the points they disagree with, completely normal and professional. now get off your high horse.

  106. spazzology


    it’s everything that this article FAILED to mention. have a shitty day, asshole. go shove some xtc up ur ass and tell me how YOU feel in 20 min

  107. spazzology

    ah one last thing:

    most useless, pathetic attempt to try and brainwash the public with this nonsense. heres one big fat F U for the road, jack, and dont come back no more no more no more no more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  108. aDrugFilledRaver

    People may think I am trolling, but my friend showed me this article because I’m the guy in the captain crunch shirt that was so kindly captioned. my name is Brett Warniers, look me up on facebook and messege me if you really want me to prove it.
    That picture was taken at pyroglyphics in Hartford, CT, 2009, July 4th. they had a photo booth set up and my girlfriend and I had just started dating and raving at the time, and there was a photographer there doing portraits with a blacklight, and we wanted some quality rave photos to hang on our wall.
    anyhow, I would like to start out by saying I was completely sober when that picture was taken. I spent my money on the portrait, so i didn’t have any left over for drugs. i had a pretty killer time, and now this image is easy to find on google if you just search “raver couple”, which I would assume it’s where it came from.
    either way, if this is meant to be serious, then I am greatly offended because it is not true, and the picture does not belong to this author. If we are all in fact being trolled, then my hat goes off to you, because I was dying of laughter every sentence.
    i kinda feel honored that a photo of me has become a stereotype to a scene of people who believe in true moral values, and have unconditional love for their fellow humans. drugs or not, i wouldn’t even consider myself a raver, i just like to go to sick parties here and there.
    anyway, i bid you all a good evening, and may you be blessed by my acid beads, and have sex filled eyes for eternity.

  109. Julian

    Well Mr Tyson Bowers III, there is ample evidence, and fairly solid, that every major religion to come out of the near and far East, bar Islam, started as magic mushroom ingesting, sharmanistic cults. (FYI, I have studied mysticism, mythology and religious origins for more than a decade).
    Judaism and Christianity particularly began as small groups of holy men and women ingesting the FLY AGARIC mushroom. If you know where/how to look, you will see this mushroom symbolicly represented throughout Jewish and Christian texts and art.
    So, Mr Tyson Bowers III, before you start on your deeply misguided rant about drug ingesting teeny boppers, just remember that your religion was founded by people inspired after taking the hardest of hard core magic shrooms, and tripping long and hard.


    This has got to be the most outrageous thing I’ve ever read. Not to mention racist. I’m not sure were you got your information from, but it is absolutely wrong! I have been to countless raves and the things that you are describing do not happen to to such extremities. This is suppose to be a Christian website that promotes Christian values. Lying, racism, and over exaggeration isn’t very Christian like. I in fact happen to be a Christian and find this horrible and I am ashamed that a fellow “Christian” would write something like this. I go to raves because I like the music and the fellowship of other people who like the things I like. NOT to to do drugs, have sex orgies, or rob and rape since us “blacks” and “yellows” are said to do such things. Are you telling me that Caucasians don’t rob and rape, or is it okay for them to do that? This is why people have become disillusioned with Christianity. Extremists like the author of this piece of trash disguised as “Journalism” cause people to feel that all Christians are all like this. Just to shout out to everyone all Christians are like this. Only the misinformed, agenda pushing radicals are!!!! I’m going to be sure to pray for the author of this article and hope the good Lord can change his heart.

  111. Jaz

    Does anyone actually believe half of this idiot’s bullshit?
    I guess the same idiots that believe that God is coming back hahaha
    & for the record It’s called DRUM AND BASS.

  112. max jettikid

    Dear Mr. bowers,
    My name is max, my close friend presented me with this article in the name of good humor. Although i did find your lack of knowledge amusing, I thought that you should know that not only is your article inaccurate to the truth of a party culture but I found it equally as offensive. I am a proud member of the NYC rave scene, I am friendly with those affiliated with the LA rave scene (among other branches and styles along with the culture.) Me and my girlfriend of two years have not once nor have we ever witnessed these mass homosexual orgies you
    claim is to be a large part of the rave scene. Nor have I or my girlfriend indulged in this type of behavior. What you have presented in this article are but stereotypes and are fare fetched from the truth.As i read through your article I noticed a multitude of spelling errors and miss labeled information. This not only shows your level of professionalism but your lack of education itself. It is called Drum and Bass not drummed and base and they are not called Jungle Lists…they are called Junglists and are very friendly (I have Junglist friends). I doubt greatly you have raver friends.I make and wear these beads (which in rave culture is called KANDI.) and have never laced them with acid. I make them because I believe in Peace love unity respect (P.L.U.R) which is what it means to me and those around me I rave with. I am disgusted with your lack of resources for this information. You have failed to make it clear and present where you received your sources for this information. Even in middle school I learned that if you wish to put facts and statistics in your article you most clearly cite them (otherwise it is false). I am not “lost” in no way or form. I am attending a university (Hofstra University if you care to know) as are many of my other raver friends (one recently graduated from farmingdale University and is making his way towards a career in forensics.) I have been to many raves and fights are rare to none. I do not know where or from whom you received his information from but unless you yourself have gone out and experienced the culture your information is greatly inaccurate. Even If you have received one on one information from someone who has experienced this kind of radical behavior at a rave they are disgusting (I know nobody who has shoved anything up their “Bum” for drug use.)and does not mean others participate in that kind of behavior. You are bias and ignorant, Once you have begone to stereotype and accuse “yellows” and “blacks” of being thieves and the dominate race of a group of party goers you have truly showed god himself where your heart is. I am a Man of god myself and pray that characters such as yourself will open their eyes and mind to end cultural oppression. Before you begin to waste time enlightening the masses with false information and grammar jumbled sentences about ravers being “a sick bunch” why dont you do research on why I must deal with these so called Christians writing about how ravers are a plaque to society mean while I cant walk through a subway in new york without having to hear a man devoted to god talk about cleansing the world of the mud race and how jesus spoke to him while he was writing an article on tysonbowersiii.com. may god bless you and your half minded soul.


      your lack of knowledge is amusing. this article is fake, look at the other articles that this site posts. may god bless you and your half minded soul.

  113. WowReally

    So many ravers I know have gotten wind of this article. All I’m seeing is “blahblah IGNORANT blahblah CHRISTIANS blahblahfuckingblah”

    I didn’t know so many of the people I knew were retarded. How can they not recognize satire? This article is not serious.


  114. Drew

    Well done sir. I’m pretty sure your explicit purpose was to post as an inflammatory post as possible. You target a subculture and then apply the most heinous crap you can think of, regardless of how it actually applies.

    You have subsequently…
    – Shot your page views up by all the people who are coming to disagree with this
    – Provided enough controversy that you got people to comment, providing even more views and links through shared comments

    However, next time, you should try to make things a tad more believable. I’m sure that might actually take some more effort (and hey, if you can generate a few thousand views for an hours worth of work, go for it!) but more realistic offenses might actually get real media attention. I’m sure if you had toned it down a bit, you could have gotten on Fox News as a guest!

    TL;DR Troll site is trolling. http://static.tumblr.com/noiu98j/gUplb4j88/trollface.jpg

  115. Drew


    Well done sir.

    I’m pretty sure your explicit purpose was to post as an inflammatory post as possible. You target a subculture and then apply the most heinous crap you can think of, regardless of how it actually applies.

    You have subsequently…
    – Shot your page views up by all the people who are coming to disagree with this
    – Provided enough controversy that you got people to comment, providing even more views and links through shared comments

    However, next time, you should try to make things a tad more believable. I’m sure that might actually take some more effort (and hey, if you can generate a few thousand views for an hours worth of work, go for it!) but more realistic offenses might actually get real media attention. I’m sure if you had toned it down a bit, you could have gotten on Fox News as a guest!

    TL;DR Troll site is trolling.

  116. Pingback: What is a Raver?... christwire answers! - Plurlife - Electronic Music, DJs, Clubs, and Parties!

  117. TehChemist

    So.. for all you guys that have been trolled… well…you’ve been trolled. This entire site is a crock of shit, they sell shirts that say “satans nectar” and “ecstasy induced wizard”. The harm here is NOT in the slanderous rantings about ravers or anything of that sort, I’ve seen it about hippies, hipsters, ravers, you name it.. it’s all for a good larf. The true victims of this article/site are the legitimately, god-fearing christians who are taking this word as gospel. Naive? HOOOO yeah. But victims nonetheless. Stephenson Billings for example. Sure, I’m sure he has his bit to say, I mean.. He rants on his facebook about sarah palin eating pizza with a fork. But he’s a lamb. (SEE WUT I DID THUR?) A lamb following the farmer right to the slaughter, getting all hyped up in defense of Tyson, who’s really just a grade-A douche with a f*cked up sense of humor. The reality is, Tyson doesn’t care. He puts one new comment up every 50 or so, just to keep the ball rolling. The prior comment about him “going viral” was 100% accurate. This is here for HaHa’s peeps, nothing more. Don’t get sucked into a stupid debate over supposed idiosyncrasies. That said, being QUITE the glowstick twirler and having been called a wizard more than a few times in my day. I may have to order said “ecstasy induced wizard” shirt.

  118. fl0ppyd00dle

    Source for all this bullshit history?
    Excuse me, I must keep laughing

  119. TehChemist

    So.. for all you guys that have been trolled… well…you’ve been trolled. This entire site is a crock of shit, they sell shirts that say “satans nectar” and “ecstasy induced wizard”. The harm here is NOT in the slanderous rantings about ravers or anything of that sort, I’ve seen it about hippies, hipsters, ravers, you name it.. it’s all for a good larf. The true victims of this article/site are the legitimately, god-fearing christians who are taking this word as gospel. Naive? HOOOO yeah. But victims nonetheless. Stephenson Billings for example. Sure, I’m sure he has his bit to say, I mean.. He rants on his facebook about sarah palin eating pizza with a fork. But he’s a lamb. (SEE WUT I DID THUR?) A lamb following the farmer right to the slaughter, getting all hyped up in defense of Tyson, who’s really just a grade-A douche with a f*cked up sense of humor. The reality is, Tyson doesn’t care. He puts one new comment up every 50 or so, just to keep the ball rolling. The prior comment about him “going viral” was 100% accurate. This is here for HaHa’s peeps, nothing more. Don’t get sucked into a stupid debate over supposed idiosyncrasies. That said, being QUITE the glowstick twirler and having been called a wizard more than a few times in my day. I may have to order said “ecstasy induced wizard” shirt. also, check out my glowstick videos on facebook, “mark getman” there’s a pic of some fire poi going on xD

  120. Matt Hart

    I could have sworn this was an email from the Nigerian Prince.

    I think I saw some of those pictures years ago. Not that their arent a plethora of HORRIBLE Rave pictures of kids being extremely too fucked up for their own good, but those are a couple of doozies.

    And for those of you that dont know, Raves died years ago, around the time when you didnt have to call into a voicemail to get the address of a dude posted on a corner, handing out maps. One good one for the right people, and a boonies map for the jokers. Only to follow the map to some abandoned broken in warehouse and dance all night.

    You kids wouldnt know a Rave if you were actually at one.

  121. Huggie Bear

    Our emotional state of choice is Ecstasy. Our nourishment of choice is Love. Our addiction of choice is technology. Our religion of choice is music. Our currency of choice is knowledge. Our politics of choice is none. Our society of choice is utopian though we know it will never be.

    You may hate us. You may dismiss us. You may misunderstand us. You may be unaware of our existence. We can only hope you do not care to judge us, because we would never judge you. We are not criminals. We are not disillusioned. We are not drug addicts. We are not naive children. We are one massive, global, tribal village that transcends man-made law, physical geography, and time itself. We are The Massive. One Massive.

    We were first drawn by the sound. From far away, the thunderous, muffled, echoing beat was comparable to a mother’s heart soothing a child in her womb of concrete, steel, and electrical wiring. We were drawn back into this womb, and there, in the heat, dampness, and darkness of it, we came to accept that we are all equal. Not only to the darkness, and to ourselves, but to the very music slamming into us and passing through our souls: we are all equal. And somewhere around 35Hz we could feel the hand of God at our backs, pushing us forward, pushing us to push ourselves to strengthen our minds, our bodies, and our spirits. Pushing us to turn to the person beside us to join hands and uplift them by sharing the uncontrollable joy we felt from creating this magical bubble that can, for one evening, protect us from the horrors, atrocities, and pollution of the outside world. It is in that very instant, with these initial realizations that each of us was truly born.

    We continue to pack our bodies into clubs, or warehouses, or buildings you’ve abandoned and left for naught, and we bring life to them for one night. Strong, throbbing, vibrant life in it’s purest, most intense, most hedonistic form. In these makeshift spaces, we seek to shed ourselves of the burden of uncertainty for a future you have been unable to stabilize and secure for us. We seek to relinquish our inhibitions, and free ourselves from the shackles and restraints you’ve put on us for your own peace of mind. We seek to re-write the programming that you have tried to indoctrinate us with since the moment we were born. Programming that tells us to hate, that tells us to judge, that tells us to stuff ourselves into the nearest and most convenient pigeon hole possible. Programming that even tells us to climb ladders for you, jump through hoops, and run through mazes and on hamster wheels. Programming that tells us to eat from the shiny silver spoon you are trying to feed us with, instead of nourish ourselves with our own capable hands. Programming that tells us to close our minds, instead of open them.

    Until the sun rises to burn our eyes by revealing the distopian reality of a world you’ve created for us, we dance fiercely with our brothers and sisters in celebration of our life, of our culture, and of the values we believe in: Peace, Love, Freedom, Tolerance, Unity, Harmony, Expression, Responsibility and Respect.

    Our enemy of choice is ignorance. Our weapon of choice is information. Our crime of choice is breaking and challenging whatever laws you feel you need to put in place to stop us from celebrating our existence. But know that while you may shut down any given party, on any given night, in any given city, in any given country or continent on this beautiful planet, you can never shut down the entire party. You don’t have access to that switch, no matter what you may think. The music will never stop. The heartbeat will never fade. The party will never end.

    I am a raver, and this is my manifesto.


    Never in my life have a read such a false, misleading, fear-induced, inaccurate, ignorant, racist, abusive, mis-informed, impertinent, illiterate steaming pile of shit. This god-fearing, fear-mongering author clearly hasn’t done his research (not that he’d get into any raves with the name Tyson Bowers III) with 100% of the ‘facts’ inaccurate and/or completely false, instead opting for verbal diarrhoea of the Christian kind.

    I find it amusing that most of the comments on this all-Christian, family-friendly site are in strict opposition to the Christie-propaganda spread by the author and the other ignorant god-fearing minions… Intelligent people will see through this shit. And I find the pro-Christian comments even funnier -for such ‘holy’ people I am repeatedly astounded by their often hypocritical, aggressive, abusive, poorly thought out, self-righteous behaviour and tones (and of course there’s always the inability to critically think and rationally and reasonably debate the existence of God -often resorting to “it’s in the Bible, therefore it must be true” or “you’ve just got to have faith”. What a load of shit!). Christians are the least ‘Christian’ and least spiritual people I have ever met!!

    I’m not even going to bother to try to dispel the ridiculous crap about the ‘rave’ culture that has been perpetuated in this article (if you can call it that) -Christians are better off believing this misinformation and not knowing about the truly spiritual, mind-opening, positive and life-changing elements of the rave scenes around the world (it might shatter their world view a little too quickly!).

    This world and all of it’s inhabitants (human and non-human) will surely continue to suffer until ignorant, antiquated Christian rhetoric is finally quelled by rational and critical thinking.

    Do every one a favour, Tyson Bowers III, and take some LSD.

      1. L.N

        If you’re going to ignore any points made by someone, then everyone should ignore any points you make because you’re a psychotic Christian.

        Oh wait, we already do. Never mind, carry on.

  123. Grumpie Khunt

    There is no way an article like that would get published in Australia – we don’t have enough gullible Jesus cock smokers to make the effort worthwhile.

    Please, if you think this is a serious article, keep up with the responses. There’s a few million Down Under pissing themselves.

    But let’s talk about something else. Hey, how much did it suck when the Church stole Xmas from the Pagans, and whacked on some bullshit about it being some carpenters birthday to boost membership? That was so boss.

  124. Dance floor murdera

    First and foremost if you’ve never been to experience a rave you shouldnt be writing articles full of crap, I don’t know where you got your info but your DEAD WRONG!!!
    Raves aren’t about drugs it’s about music and the unconditional love of beats and breaks, it’s
    About a common vibe and outlook, raving gives adults and teens alike a spot for joyous meetings and the ability to be noticed without judgement!!
    Yes sure there are drugs at raves but to imply that these are drug parties I resent, your exposed to drugs everyday from your co-workers to your friends and certainly the people in power, it’s whether or not you choose to open your mind to it’s existence.

    Do us all a favor and pull your head out of the sand and get some facts better yet expose yourself to something other than the sheltered existence of you and your god in the passenger seat!!!

  125. Ambreon

    I am a Kandi Kidd raver. I’m am very much drug free as are my fellow kandi kidd friends. Kandi are all the bracelets that we make and trade with fellow ravers. Some people do there drugs, just because your a raver doesn’t mean you do. P.L.U.R. is what we all live by PEACE LOVE UNITY RESPECT.
    Maybe some people do do all this bad that your talking about, but there are good people in the world that like to join in on the techno, glowsticking, and trading pretty bracelets.
    There are good people who use the internet for good and there are people that use it for porn and hacking. There are Church goers who have faith and don’t bash on people because there not of the same color or religion and there are goers that molest there son or daughter when they get home. There are people who take drugs to cure there sickness and people who abuse them.

    Yes I did read this article.

  126. Penny Lame


    I find it funny that Christians are the most judgmental of all the religions (aside from the rag heads.. but that’s another story.)
    You do not have to be “liberal” to go to a rave. You do not have to do drugs to go to a rave. As a matter of fact, none of the raves I’ve been to ever involved any sex or drugs. Sure, people would look around for some coke or x, but they wouldn’t be successful in finding it. Why? Because it’s not quite as popular as you think it is.
    All of this acid and ecstasy that you speak of really isn’t as popular and easy to get a hold of as you think. And in any case, there are a LOT of “straight edge” people who attend raves. (For those who don’t know, straight edge is a term used to describe those who do not submit to drugs or alcohol, many times they do not get piercings or tattoos either because it isn’t natural, or they say they don’t want to harm their bodies in any way.)
    What were all the prophets and saints on when “God” supposedly spoke to them? They weren’t sober, that’s for sure. Drugs are an active part of your bible, whether you like it or not.
    Please don’t get me wrong, I don’t necessarily condone the use of hard drugs. I’m not against them either, though.
    You see, I won’t call any of you names or tell you how stupid and ignorant I believe you to be (ok, maybe I just did…), but I will tell you that your article IS very humorous. I didn’t believe it to be an actual article that’s meant to be taken seriously from man who thinks he’s a preacher. I did get a few laughs out of it.. until I realized that there are people that take this seriously and actually believe the absurdities posted on this website.
    To anyone who reads this, please be aware that the followers on this site are NOT Christians. They are a part of a cult. True Christians aren’t as backwoods as this. The people on this website that follow this man and his words (and others like him) are the equivalent to the inbred’s in Kansas who protest at Military Funerals and spew nothing but hate.
    I have nothing against Christians whatsoever. I feel as if the Christian religion is often thrown under the bus by the liberal media, liberals, and other religions in the world. However, those of you who feel you are Christians and get tied up in judging others and slandering groups of people and their events, not to mention actually BELIEVE what this man and men of his “authority” and word, have unfortunately fallen into a cult.
    The group that has put this website together ARE NOT CHRISTIANS. They are a CULT.
    As a matter of fact, the same kind of cult that, like I said, protest at Military Funerals, force their young daughters into marriage and commitment at severely young ages, and also make their wives realize “their place”. These are not people who follow Jesus’ word or actually praise God. They’ve made that more than evident.
    And please do not think of these people as being “conservative”, either. This old fart has just proven his liberalism by showing us his ignorance, judgment, and hatred. True conservatives would not put things quite the same way. Then again, true conservatives (such as MYSELF) don’t lie their asses off like this dude just did.

    Please, before you call me filthy names, judge me on what I’ve said, and attempt to convince me what a druggie I am, please know that I:
    A) Have grown up surrounded by the military and have VERY politically conservative principals.
    B) Am completely Agnostic and do not follow ANY religion.
    C) Am very experienced with raves and most parties in general. As a matter of fact, the Christians party more filthy than anyone I know! :)
    D) Have NEVER tried LSD or ecstasy, but I do not have anything against those who do them recreationally (the only way to do acid or mushrooms IS recreationally, since it isn’t an addictive drug). And quite frankly, Christians shouldn’t either, considering the bible is quite a large acid trip in and of itself.
    The thoughts, ideas, and stories in the bible would not have ever even been dreamed of if it weren’t for psychedelic drugs.

    http://www.facebook.com/pennyxlame :)

    1. TehChemist

      To make a correction, drugs are used recreationally when they are not used for beneficial reasons, such as science. Being addicted to them is very much still recreational use, because you’re doing it for shits and giggles in the end, whether or not you “need” to

      1. Penny Lame

        How right you are!
        But when I say “recreational use”, I don’t mean a daily thing, or even a routine. I mean “every so often” or “when I go out” or whatever. But alas, you’re still correct. :)

  127. Ex-Raver

    Best article I’ve ever read. Hilarious and I want to turn it into a movie!!!
    Dear Bible Thumpers, stop your noise. God doesn’t want this type of arguing over something so small. You are the reason why I pray at home and not in “the lords house”. You’re all silly and will go to hell. hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhaha

  128. Penny Lame

    LOL Too bad no one made me aware of the fact that this site is completely satire. Never seen it until this article. Jokes on me :)

  129. Thecarnivale

    This is the most prejudice and incorrect article I have ever read. I am ashamed of the counter culture known as Christianity. While some might indulge this way, it is unconscionable to think or write that “every raver is a drug induced nymphomaniac with anal fetishes with other boys and girls.” This article was not featured anywhere other than the back page of the Google bathroom reader. But I must say “haters gonna hate”..starting with other religions, sexual orientations, and social parties. If you are jelly, then join us and enjoy yourself…or wait you only want to fear monger and spread lies. Nevermind…carry on troll. Worthless author, viewpoint, and YOUR religion.

    1. Penny Lame

      This is a satire site, dude.. Lol. I thought I already pointed that out. Nothing on this site is meant to be taken seriously. Though there are bible thumpers that DO think exactly like this..

  130. jay balance

    LMAO if anyone thinks any of this true you are a fucking retard! First off if your going to report or blog on something know your facts. all the stuff you have said is a complete joke and lie. ALL OF YOU CAN SUCK A BIG FAT SATAN DICK!!

  131. Bubbledickus

    Rave died in 2001, and it’s quite evident the people who are upset about this article are complete idiots, since they can’t see this is clearly written for humor. Same people who still use the word PLUR! lol

  132. Marazhan

    This article is proof of why I know there is no god. You have No clue what you are talking about. Just more Bait for the dump sheeple that aren’t strong enough minded to have faith in themselves….. I really feel sorry for you mindless idoits..

    Just keep listening to judgmental and corrupt jerks ( that by the way make a killing off your donations to “Christ” and “lol God”) and continue to be the uneducated SHEEP that support them.

    Thanks for proving me right again hypocritical, uneducated, christian idiots..

    1. not a moron

      You nitwits do realize that this is pure satire? Oh, you didn’t? Who’s the dumb sheeple now, moron?

  133. Inscrutable

    How can you feel the saving grace of Jesus with all this aggravated breaking and beating you speak of? God sees all and will surely be judging your pathetic gyrations as you break all eleven of His Commandments in one ecstasy driven night of sinful abandon!

    When will these youngsters realize that dancing to endless choruses of “Pump Up The Jam” or “This Beat Is Technotronic” will do nothing to secure their place in Heaven? Satan rejoices when computers suck all of the humanity out of music; so do ravers!

    Certainly it is clear that the evil stick of disco is beating these hellish bpm loops of fire into the American psyche via the Devil herself. The four on the floor Sex-Compulsion-Programming-Clown music is directly emblematic of course of evil dog style sex. These rhythms cause submissive women to exit the home and take on careers, all while popping out little ravers (with ecstasy birth defects)without even knowing they have been impregnated in first place! Ecstasy is a hell of a drug (makes a God shaped hole in your brain).

    It should be noted that ravers and raver-babies have much in common; both use pacifiers, cry when faced with God’s judgment, and have less developed brains than the rest of us.

    Uh oh; I think I hear a raver prowling outside my door. Better baptize them with my Holy Pepper Spray and play the song “Sunday” by Bryan Blake, my favorite singer of all time, on a continuous loop.

    Purely Laughable Unrealistic Ridiculousness. Puking Librarians Urging Rim-jobs. Pray for them . . . to stay away from you and your innocent children!

  134. Paul

    Why don’t all you bible pushers do your thing,and mind your own business. People are going to do what they want, no matter what you say. I myself am not a so called Christian and this is why. Christians are always judging people and hypocritical. I don’t judge people, you are who you are. By the way if there is a god, he knows who you are and if your a good person or not and allot of you so called Christians are in for a surprise. Because most of you are fake not all.
    I don’t care what religion you are just keep it to yourself and don’t push your views onto others. I don’t I just keep it real.

  135. Brendan

    I think if you look at the numbers of likes and dislikes on various comments you will see a great difference in the numbers of people belonging to each respective demographic.

    Nice to no evangelism and radical Christians are dying off with their old age. I look forward to a day when religion does not plague this earth and they’re not around to share it with us. Have fun in heaven now though wont you? Ill enjoy life while i live.

  136. Joseph

    This guy is…well… a few sandwiches short of a picnic.

    Oh and BTW, I can Copy and paste Scriptures off or google to support your rediculous alligations.

    Your Page says your a Fan of Jersey Shore and your a bible thumper. That really tells us alot. Your a Sad lonely man whos taking your aggression out on the happiest group of people known to man. Its a happy, pleasure seeking culture driven by community and music. Yes you will find drugs there of all sorts, just like you would at School, or with your friends, or at a club, or in public, or at a park, or behind a local gas station. If anything, it sounded more like a long list of hate mail. And dont give me this Journalist bullshit cause all journalists back there work, and your work is Falsified information.

    Peter warns Christians of all ages: “But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their destructive ways” (2 Peter 2:1,2).

    I can play this game too. We can go back and forth all day. What’s it gonna prove, absolutely nothing.

  137. kermit


  138. Vlad

    LMFAAAOOOOOO AAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA JUNGLE LIST! i love this… this right here is proof of the ignorance of some people in this world. please PLEASE dont talk about something you know absolutely NOTHING about… and you really need to spell check your work before you post it… its quite embarrassing.

  139. lucyfer

    Wow, such a work of fiction. Where did you get your facts… this perfidious article would be hilarious if it wan’t for the fact that some of your gullible readers will believe it. Call yourself a christian? You should be ashamed.

  140. Peter Monoton

    what a shit … the one who has written this shit must have IQ -4 or even less … buddy next time when you try to write something like this go to the toilet and masturbate your little dick it will make more sense

  141. Asheville Christian

    Thank you for bringing to light the true horrors of the raiver scene and their debauchorous irresistable tricks they play to guide God’s children onto Satans vile dancefloor of drug induced orgies.

    Some of these Drug Jockies even use sharpies that are laced in a mixture of drugs to “autograph” their unassuming fans to turn the event into a writhing sex crazed frenzy of young virgins loosing their innocence in piles of acid laced beads.

    These drug laced autographs or “tags” are also very dangerous even beyond the event itself. When a raiver girl, with her voluptuos, bouncing, sinful mammory cleavage signed, leaves the party and seduces an unspecting Christian, he will get hi from licking the ink, unable to control his tongue from lapping up her womanly charms. She then uses his altered state to force him into un-martial sex sliding her dripping sin hole onto him.

    These drug laced sharpies also spread STD’s because after everyone at the party is hi, the Drug Jockey uses the sharpie as a filthy sex toy, raping the partiers up the anus’, vaginias, mouths and whatever other body orface they can possibly find; all on stage in plain view for spectators to record on their phones and put on youtube.

    Here is the proof in a Drug Jockey’s facebook album displaying the drug laced sharpie signing horror. The drugs are so strong that you must not even lick the photos appearing on your computer or you will start convulsing in orgasmic ecstacy: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150110416931462.291070.168148231461

    1. andy karsen

      LOL. Galaxc girl represent, even though the link is broken. I met her on Xmas night in Atlanta. She sign mad titties…….

      1. Asheville Christian

        Dear Andy,
        The link works fine for me. It’s her album she disgracefully calls “TITS” on her facebook: http://www.facebook.com/galaxcgirl where a good servant of the Lord keeps reporting her filthy facebook photos so the wretched sucubus has also made a new album http://www.flickr.com/photos/galaxcgirl/sets/72157626738770507/ with all the ones facebook deleted such as this one of her proudly displaying a signing of a poor young girl’s smooth, pearl-white bum which she raped with unprotected sharpies right after this photo was taken: [img]http://www.flickr.com/photos/galaxcgirl/5788690048/[/img]

        She’s turning our sons and daughters into Satans whores who can then only lust after the next show, the next high they get from the drugged sharpie signing and euphoric dance orgies during her appalling, shocking, depraved “audio visual performances”.

        You are fortunate she did not touch you with her “magic” marker, or you might still be a drugged out bundle of waste twitching in a dreamland of delirious delights of a gay fairyworld with exploding fractal vagina’s, six titted bi-sexual translucent naked alien girls riding homosexual unicorns and other multi-dimensional abominations.
        God save and bless you.


        1. Asheville Christian

          PS: The hideous creature called GalaxC Girl is far more dangerous than the average DJ. She is a DJ + VJ (Drug Jockey + Vaginal Jammer) otherwise known as AV performance which stands for Anal Vulva.

          If your child absolutely must get their chest signed by her, I urge you at all costs to at least make them bring their own sharpie to avoid the carnal drugged induced states that her satan stick causes.

    2. andy karsen

      After further examination of the comments, I retract my previous statement that all of you are fucking morons. It’s approximatley 95%.

  142. Jesus Christ

    Keep in mind, my children, that I love all mankind. Even if they partake in this “Penis, Labia, Urine, Rectum” way of life. Do not shun them, but accept them. Also, if you haven’t tried it yet, that LSD they do is quite enjoyable.[img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/93/Buddy_christ.jpg[/img]

    1. Beelzebub

      Hey, Jesus, been a minute… I lost your number, but you should text me, I’m going to this sweet acid party this weekend, thought you might want to take some Rainbow Kissed Sugar Drops with me and engage in a hot homosexual closet mouth sex session with me and some of my buddies. Anyways, feel free to hit me up. (666)666-6969
      -Beelzey <3

      1. Jesus Christ

        OMG! Beelzey! I TOTALLY thought you didn’t like me anymore… Go figure you just lost my number. Anyways, I would LOVE to go with you! XD

        Oh! Don’t forget next weekend is Father’s Day, and my Dad’s having a HUGE party! I can sneak you in if you want, we can go do some crack and go driving around, maybe hit somebody’s grandmother or something. I’m sure we can figure out how to fuck some shit up hardcore, if you know what I mean 😉

        Anyways, I’ll hit you up in a couple of hours, gotta go talk to Hitler and Genghis, see if they’re down to party with us.

        Much luv <3 <3 <3
        -Ol' Jeezy

  143. J

    The level of paranoia in that article is awesome. Thankyou for the best laugh i’ve had in ages…

    I’d stick around and troll you retarded god botherers, but i have to go to a ‘Rave Party’

    Btw… The Romans knew how to party and they killed Jesus, so just imagine what this generation of kids will do!

  144. Neil Lawrence

    Hey guys come on now cut the guy some slack… You cant deny the obvious clearly if you like music, fun and love you have to be a terrible devil worshiping piece of shit. Im just glad I have god and his undeserving children to tell me whats really right. You all know everyone who is different from you is evil and if you live in celabicy children are the answer, its only right…

  145. mary

    I’m no raver, but this is one of the worst articles i have ever read… couldn’t even finish it… terrible.

  146. Roger Martinez

    This webpage misrepresents everything the Rave culture stands for, it should be removed. I have been going to raves since 97 and and have always known PLUR as peace love unity and respect. I can also tell you that by reading this very disturbing and descriptively bias garbage that the author has never been to a rave. Also musical drum loops existed since man could beat on a drum NOT with nazis. There are so many parallels made with raving and debased culture or events that are complete baseless rubbish that I thought at first this article was a joke.

  147. GIlbert

    if “jesus” was here on earth, alive, and walking. Im sure he’d be at a rave and he’d be shuffling haha

  148. Phil

    is this guy retarded? not good as a journalist? to arrogant and narrow minded? or just a big combination of all of them?
    i know first hand that this is all a bunch of bull shit. I myself am a raver. Yes there are drugs here and there in the scene but its not all what its about. i myself usually prefer to rave sober and i know many people just like me. in the end of it all its about the music. Would you wright the same way about people who like to attend Pop Concerts? Its the same aspect. Not everyone likes the same music, and to us a “rave” is just another form of a concert, for the music of our taste.
    yeah i know you got your religion and all that, fine and dandy you do what you do but c’mon, isn’t it time to stop feeding lies into young innocent minds? open your eyes to the world people.

    1. Neoconstipated

      It’s the influence of Satan that draws our youth toward the sex and flashing lights of rave. Please gather your addicted friends and go to the nearest church. You and your friends will become fufulled in every way, including musically, where with Christ in your hearts, you’ll become drawn to uplifting wholesome country music.

      1. Hello

        By statistic information gathered, country music is the most depressing music genre. A study was held in numerous cities. All cities were very similar. Each city broadcast generally one genre of music. The cities which broadcasted country music had the highest rate of suicide amongst all the types of genre. Country music generally depicts self loathing, inner anger and very sad music. Where as metal generally depicts anger towards society, rap depicts anger towards others.
        So I doubt that everyone will “become drawn to uplifting wholesome country music.”
        They might just kill themselves.

        1. Somebody Important

          And, generally, this ‘Happy Hardcore’ music inspires love towards your neighbor (like your bible tells you to)

  149. Miss Ann

    Lying is a sin and the author of this article is lying through their teeth. I was a raver years ago and this article is 100% false and comical to read because it is so ridiculous. God uses a lying spirit to separate the believers from the non believers and if people are reading outrageous, fabricated stories like this one and believing they are being told the truth without researching for themselves the truth, then they are the ones who will be made fools of on judgment day.

  150. Yousatroll

    If this is a troll LOL, hats are off.
    If this is for real, God bless your soul. You need it.

    Also, I hope you people realize that spreading ignorant bullshit around like this makes Christians look more ignorant with every piece of ill-informed garbage that comes out of your pitiful mouths.

    P.S. When we die, we just rot. Prove me wrong, please. Have a nice day.

  151. djmoo

    Fantastic, hilarious! Good effort!

    What’s even better is there will be 100’s of absolute idiots who will believe this.

    Made my Friday 😉

  152. tatjna

    For someone claiming to be so close to Christ, this dude sure is obsessed with penises. Some of these descriptions would make a bad porn writer blush.

  153. An ELECTRON

    ain’t no barn dance english must be the crack that Ive never had. Mary wanted to abort coz she was slut. Instead she had to lie and lie and lie. And now your all lying to yourself the bible freaks that is. heres sum maths for you 1+2=3+2=5+3=8+5=13+8=21 and on and on the fractal universe in the quantum field continues. we have been on this earth for a short time and all you wanna do is let a dumb old idea rule your boring PURE life. pity ya water has floride in it and ya air is full of chemicals. so fuck ya purity fuck ya franchise chain of churches fuck every sense of your dictation and control and let go of the past. RAVE on take sum drugs drink sum wine drive a car use the net google lucifer and see the meaning of it. stop wasting our time being a troll or a fucked up freak. Chaos is this ‘oweriasu5gv1n n,m.cncncxv;lxfk mgcx;v flasbjdx5;lgosjz;hjrasdj;f.kk,afd anyone else wanna add to it its your choice:D

  154. Bigdogbee

    This is not accurate at all! who is this person. This is all wrong.Dont write about topics you know nothing about!

  155. Nathan Chojnacki

    Information in this article is GROSSLY inacurate, uninformed and laughingly incorrect. Your nomenclature is off, your knowledge of the history and culture in wrong. I’d like to call you out on specific things for the sake of intellegent discussion but I honestly don’t know where to start.

    I will say this; providing your readers with such grossly inacurate information, while you may think you are helping to raise awareness of illegal and/or unethical behavior, is just spreading ignorance. I mean, if your readers start going around calling raves “Acid Parades”, they’re gonna start raising suspicions.

    Pleas please please research before your write. you are killing your own credibility. Awating your response

  156. Sean

    Im truly ashamed of ur article. U are by no way a true man of god. Screw u man. Im a true raver and have never done drugs or had gay sex. I hope to god he has mercy on your soul.

  157. Jesus

    You will burn in hell for your lies. Not a word of truth in your story. You clearly havn’t researched any of this. You are the sinner for spreading hate. Telling lies about a culture you have never experienced or could ever hope to understand. You are the evil one. Whats a worse thing to have in the world? people spreading love, enjoying life and music? or a bitter, hate filled individual who spreads hate through lies. You sir, will burn in hell.

  158. TJ

    ROTFLMFAO! Wow, I’ve never seen such false information posted up about a scene. Have you ever been to a rave? Oh probably not because “RAVING IS THE DEVIL!!!!!” according to you. I’ve been in the scene for over 10 years and I’ve never EVER did any of the drugs you mentioned above. You want to know why? Because I like enjoying the music and having a good time. Guess that doesn’t apply to Christians because having a good time is sitting on your knees with a priests crouch in your face, holding his hand on your head shouting “PRAISE JESUS!!!” Hypocrite.

    I’m a college graduate and in every article or paper I had to write, I had to provide accurate and journalistic research to prove my points in my paper. This article has nothing of truth in it. If I was a professor and I read this from you, I would have given you an F.

    Learn more about a culture before you start making BS and false remarks about it. Christian Zealots are so stupid.

  159. Mo 3.14

    I think some of you guys are taking this a bit too seriously and crediting these guys with have a bit more influence then they do. An individual reading this would already have to be predisposed to this opinion to believe what is written. Even the most ignorant couldn’t be convinced by this.

    It’s a laugh, enjoy it. Read the Bonnaroo article for more hilarity. http://tysonbowersiii.com/2011/05/bonnaroo-a-festival-of-heroin-gay-sin-docking-mud-orgies-and-black-magic/

  160. cj

    That awkward moment when some relielf righteous cunt gets a keyboard and computerd makes an article about things he’s afrai and doesn’t understand. I dont know how the fuck you came up with half of the shit posted in said article but i’ve been raving for years and not once has someone asked me to share a douche full of drugs. there are people called drug free ravers, which I am, who are more than not praised for their clean style..i’m a kandi kid with a very clean complextion, i’m a male model, as well as an all A’s highschool student . you juding us because youre scared of whats not “normal” to you is going to send you straight to hell. and you know why the kids do drugs? its because they live in a society full of ignorant, self obsessed, religiously bigoted cunts like you. kindly please go fuck your self and get hit by a bus.

  161. a

    This is one of the most hilarious articles I have ever read in my life. None of this is true whatsoever. Also, the writer really has some stellar grammar skills.

  162. Juanita Greenburg

    you have got to be kidding me. this “article” is the biggest joke i have ever seen. to all the readers….please educate yourself on reality and don’t believe this pile of crap.

  163. kylesfiles

    Hilarious, Tyson (and Stephenson)! Job well-done…Now I can’t decide which is more entertaining: the article or the comments by people taking it seriously.

  164. andy karsen

    You people are all idiots. All of you. The entire “article” is obviously written by someone with a real working knowledge of the rave scene. They then distorted it purposefully and posted it up here as a joke to get people all wound up. He’s sitting back laughing at all of you arguing, as am I. LMFAO. The E-Douche guy is doing the same thing. Retards, all of you.

    Some of the best times of my life, JESUS RAVES. :)

  165. andy karsen

    …..oh yeah, and I went to my first party in 1994, and I DID ALL THE DRUGS FOR YEARS AND YEARS AND THEY WERE FANTASTIC. :)

  166. Pingback: Waaay too much on the *new improved* blog this wk to fit it all on here… So just open me up already!! - Plain & Simple

  167. cliff

    what a crock of shit!

    Grow a pair you freak, I’m off to snort some coke, suck my lolly and listen to repetitious beats all night, then off to church in the morning!!!

  168. hundo

    Yea really, these two guys are genius, again and again, all of you idiots are taken by this website. It’s a joke, they are joking with these articles. They are playing on how horrible most of christian culture is. billings you listen to dollie parton, pretty much making you a faggot. HA.

  169. Michael

    LOL! This is hilarious, I haven’t laughed so hard in a while.

    When I was a teen (15 years ago) raves were pretty hardcore, lots of random and dangerous drugs, nobody in charge or liable. The modern rave is just a corporate sponsored rock concert with spectacular DJs instead of rock bands. They have security at the door, they search your stuff for contraband, the most prevalent drug that makes it in the door is just some pot and maybe some ecstasy, which these days is about a well controlled and manufactured as brand name headache medicine. Bunch of friendly people having fun, a few taking some practically harmless drugs. What could be better?

    I do have to say that last big about homosexuals is ridiculous, offensive, ignorant and hateful. No actual christian would have the heart to write such awful things about other human beings. But alas, people that call themselves christian and then turn around and encourage hatred of others will certainly burn in a hotter part of hell than the rest of us. Being christian means to act like christ, you can call yourself christian but christ certainly wasn’t a hateful bigot which can only mean you are the farthest thing from being a christian.

  170. Alex

    What the shit, you are out of your mind. If you’re going to report on a topic at least actually research it. This article is nothing but biased and unfounded judgments, and it is completely invalid and, in my opinion, completely stupid. Lol you are retarded. I really hope this is some kind of joke.

  171. Uhhhh

    I’ve never met a raver as hateful as this group of people are being. If anyone thinks this conversation is representing christian thoughts and attitudes, I think I’d prefer to eat lots of Ecstacy and attend many raves than visit your churchs.

  172. your a fucking moron

    you realize you are a fucking moron right? you spit on christian values and ideals you lonely child fucking dipshit… go get carpal tunnel playing world of warcraft instead of writing this shit you idiot

  173. slow kids

    i have been raving for over 10 years now. im almost 30 and have spent my young adult years in this scene. have done everything in it every way you can think of. i now throw these things called raves and we are very successful.
    we go out of our ways making beautiful pieces of art for these things. we have very skilled fire dancers, body painters and music producers, accented by the very best in lazer/lights and multi-media technology.
    these parties are displays on how far we have come as a species. they are celebrations of light and freedom. the idea is to unify. the less we fear and the more we realize were all like each other, the sooner we will find our selves in a utopia on earth.
    we have the power. we always have.
    you look at us as drug fueled sex machines. lol thats far from the truth. i have never seen or been a part of an orgy at a rave, nor have i ever had to deffend my self against a “jungle list”. the correct term is junglist btw. they are kids that listen too and love drum and bass. not drumbed and bass.
    i have scene ravers do great things in the community. we have freely supported several functions of charity w/ the rave as well. we offered our support at a event at a local community college that was raising money for a large recycling project going on in the area. we are also helping out w/ a event this weekend that is raising money for breast cancer. we plan on mainly doing charity events in the very near future and we plan on raising hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars for charity before my life is over.
    i dont know what this racist pig has ever done for any one but bitch and throw money at a church thats done nothing but feed him lies. i guess you are what we east, cuz this guys facts are beyond twisted.
    honestly, this article is a joke right? if its not, that would be an even bigger joke some how. well, not really, but it will make me laugh… lol

  174. moose

    this is ridiculous. i am a christian with a strong foundation in the electronic music scene and this is nonsense. ignorant, uneducated, nonsense.

  175. Optics

    lol at the state of christianity – you have to be TOLD articles like this are a piss take – and yet some still take it seriously. i guess their really are some fanatics out there that believe this is genuine. they are a threat to society 100 fold more than anyone else..

  176. Christ-Follower

    ahahahahah Satan Septors!

    You swear like it’s some disturbing sexual Dr. Seuss orgy with primitive music…
    Why don’t you actually attend one to see what it’s really like instead of basing it off of your distorted and irrelevant informantion.
    Christ hung out with the hoes and the lowest of low…

    You’re nothing but a sactimonious Satanist for lying, judging,brainwashing, and covering up your sin by harrassing other people and exploiting ther sin…
    we’re all sinful.

  177. Ice Van Winkle

    To be a raver is to slap Christ hard in the face. My daughters have a 8:00pm curfew just to be sure that they will never slip into this evil and dangerous lifestyle choice.

    1. joker

      is ur first name really ice? wow thats stupid, it would make for a cool rave name. trust me ICE ya need to let ur girls get out more and see the world, the real world or when they leave ur house they will dive head first into the first crazy thing that comes their way, smokin dope, goin to raves, orgies, extacy. trust me sheltering them is only gonne fuck them up more. PLUR

    2. Daemn

      So you’re willing to sacrifice the well-being of your daughters’ future by not permitting them to live their own lives, let alone trust in their judgement to do the right thing? Assuming they, too, are Christians and have been raised under similar teachings as you, wouldn’t it be accurate to say they would not “slip into [that] evil and dangerous lifestyle?”

      I, too, was overly sheltered like your daughters. It only brought about deceit and hatred for my parent’s word. Soon enough your daughters will commit to the same thing I did as a teen: Lies, deceit, anything to go against your word. It will tear your family apart before your very eyes.

      Only after I became an adult at 21 did I realize that they only wanted the best for me; however, their “best” was nowhere near what I desired in my life. Think about what your daughters want and revisit your idea of “trust.” All I foresee is negativity in their lives.

      I feel sorry for your daughters and wish them the best, with or without you.

    3. Alison Manson

      And thats why when thier 17 thier gonna come with me and hit the clubs and try shit mith me and ima give ipods filled with blood on the dance floor marilyn manson and rob zombie ………….. eat that bird nose cum bucket

    4. chris

      do yourself a favor and let that iron grip you have on your daughters otherwise youll have some real hos on your hands!

  178. Veteran Raver

    I have partied it up for well over 20+ years now, and this has to be probably the most epic of articles I’ve seen written. Just can’t help to laugh. Now off to the next party..

  179. the j man

    Haha. “Jungle list” ??? Was meth even around when the Nazis were? I went to raves in the 90s and did shit tons of drugs. But I never had an orgie or wore acid laced anything. This article is full of shit. Amazing.

  180. Chele

    This article is rediculous!!!!!!!!!!! Our beads are not laced with acid! u really think people have that shit to be throwing around!?!? and they dont represent orgies…they represent FRIENDSHIP!!! and UNITY!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the reason the “rave” scene has such a bad name. Cuz everyone assumes everyone is on drugs. Some people really do enjoy DRUM AND BASS…not “drum and based” or how you so retardedly put it!!!!!!! ASSUME=make an ass out of U not me!!!!!!!! 😉 Peace Hater!!!!!!!!!!!

  181. Common sense

    If there were credentials for journalists as there are with people of significance, both the author and his “friend” would have theirs revoked for the string of lies and idiocy that has clearly created a web, for people with enough intelligence to realize how full of crap this article is, to get stuck in.

    I want back the 10 minutes of my life that was just wasted on this garbage

  182. religious raver

    this is absolutely ridiculous

    I party
    I go to raves…. all the time
    I barely drink
    I DONT take drugs
    I DONT go around having sex with every person i see

    And as someone who considers themselves a christian, i gotta tell you.. you are way off track and your ill informed stereotyping is extremely hurtful. Get off your high horse and have a little more acceptance for those who are different to you and stop trying to force your beliefs on people.

    have you ever considered that maybe people go to raves because they like to dance and they like the music??

    and all you so called “christian” posting defamatory comments on here…. you really sound like terrible people, stop hating on everyone for gods sake

  183. pirateluke

    at the end of the day its a religious idiot who can only use scare tatics and lies to keep the followers going to church,i feel sorry for the people who believe this rubbish.

  184. ms

    I love this article. It made me laugh. You guys are brilliant; you should do stand-up!

    Keep up the good work: the world needs nutters!

  185. Courtney

    You guys used my photo and altered it without my permission. The photo is under copyright. I would like it taken down.

  186. Benny

    Its actually called Drum and Bass and the bass stands for the bass from the sub woofer speakers which produces a very low frequency sound which overlays the drum beat. And saying only black people and Asians like that genre for the most part is very racist. Ive never even heard that till i read this article. Raves were happening already in America before the 1990s it was more like the early 1980s.
    The term PLUR means “Peace Love Unity and Respect” but this actually means “Penis Labia Urine and Rectums”

    Once again i never heard it meaning penis labia urine and rectums…ive only heard it meaning peace love unity and respect. I really don’t know were that piece of information came from.
    There is a lot of information in this article that is generalizing or just straight misinformation.
    Much like a lot of music scenes, yes some people do drugs but that goes with any music scene, But at the same time there is also a lot of people who don’t do drugs who are there just to enjoy the music much like myself. I get my high from the sounds and the good vibes of people and friends around me, not substance abuse.
    I can see why you can be mad at the raver scene but please do a bit more research if your going to attack something you really don’t know much about.

  187. joker

    dude u dont know what ur talkin about. this whole article is a load of bullshit. u an ur bible thumpin followers can go shove it. u dont even understand the background of plur. read up on frankie bones ass whole an then u might understand why we have a bigger following than u ever will, an trust me theres a lot of good little christian kids that love plur and raves. its a philosophy a way of life a way to make this world better, call us hippies if ya want but at least we love everyone, and not jus people like us or that believe what we believe. dont be a biggot, prejudice, or racist, ignorance is bliss arrogance will send u to hell, so educate ur self and read the book of JOB, no man on this earth has the right to judge unless he thinks himself better than GOD.

  188. Nick Wallis

    .. HAHAHAH!!!

    And all this from a person who subscribes to a religion based on an ancient nomadic magician who roamed about the place talking cosmic bullshit and pissing off the authorities… then having his life tale dubiously recorded in a book that has been used to justify some of the biggest atrocities human kind has endured.

    Christianity and religion are abominations, when it does this to someone’s mind. Meth addicted rapists make more sense than you. They’re also better people than you.

    At least they’re not bitter, twisted liar scoundrels bent on dominating the world.

    Who’s the Nazi here?


    You just wait…… you religion is obsolete.

    1. Nathan Godwin

      And all this from a person who subscribes to a religion based on an ancient nomadic magician who roamed about the place talking cosmic bullshit and pissing off the authorities… then having his life tale dubiously recorded in a book that has been used to justify some of the biggest atrocities human kind has endured.

      Christianity and religion are abominations, when it does this to someone’s mind. Meth addicted rapists make more sense than you. They’re also better people than you.

      At least they’re not bitter, twisted liar scoundrels bent on dominating the world.

      ok this is very bad comming from someone who from by the sound of it has never read any of the bible take the time to know what it really says be for you try to tell anyone if it is bad or not yes a lot of bad things have happened in the name of god but that happens any time someone men want more power. just take a step back and look at the way things are.

      1. Nick Wallis

        Nathan, I was specifically referring to the writers of this article (who I also must presume are trolls, rather than real people), and given that context, which SHOULD have been a no brainer… then perhaps you should take those comments and apply them to the writers.

        “yes a lot of bad things have happened in the name of god but that happens any time someone men want more power.”

        Not many bad things (comparably) have happened because of “rave” music.

        That was pretty much my point. And nothing gets up my nose more than some idiot with a religious conviction that they’re too blind to see is an INDIVIDUAL CHOICE and not an OBJECTIVE FACT.

        I’ve read the Bible. It’s boring.

  189. Stephenson Billings

    All Shall bow to the Master Troll King!!!
    Fuck Jesus, we should be worshiping Mr. Tyson Bowers III.
    This is one of the most heinous threads I have ever witnessed and SO FUCKING FUNNY!!!

    The great thing is… He got both Christians and Ravers to believe this lovely piece of work – He therefore becomes the Troll God in so many of our eyes.

    P.S. I LOVE RAVERS!!!!!


  190. Nathan Godwin

    ok I am a raver I like the sounds and the people, most of the time. Now if you really want to see and know what goes on, then you need to go to a rave. I am one of the first to tell you some (not all) of the people there do use drugs but for the most part it is people that just want a good time. There are good and bad to almost every big thing of every decade or so. I am all so a Christian so do not try to use that one on me. I really have live a bad life till a few years ago when I got saved. I have lived the life that this post is trying to make every raver look like. Not every one that goes to raves are are there to get on drugs and have sex. So for every one out there you have read this now go and meet so of the people that really go to a rave. see for your self.

  191. Asheville Christian

    I commend your well researched article but you forgot to mention the very dangerous heathens that roll primarily with the Jungle Lists called “MC’s” which stands for Mammary Clitoris. These MC’s have a special satanic purpose, and that is to “spit” on the mic. They actually stand on stage with STD laced drugs in their mouths and spit them into the mouths of the audience.

    Recently, while undercover at one of these hell hole parties, an MC actually spit on me! I ran to the bathroom to wash all the vile filthy STD laden drugs off myself but it was too late! Before I knew it I was having a bi-sexual orgy right there in front of everyone with all the Plur Babies. As soon as the effects wore off I ran to the nearest church to repent and beg the Lord to save me and all the sinners who had just violated my anus while I sucked every scrotum I could get my mouth on.

  192. Buddha

    Ok, the fact that this is written at all on a “christian” website is ridiculous to me. This is why most people today fucking hate christians, they are all stuck up assholes who have a “holier than thou” attitude. And this article proves it.

    the fact you refer to a group of people going to a rave, which is 99% about the MUSIC, and only 1% about the drugs to any true raver, is retarded. You talk about drug fueld gay sex orgies like you are a season champ in participating in them.

    Maybe you need to do some real research about drugs and learn that not all drugs are addictive, sure anything on earth can be addictive if you allow your brain to make it so, but most drugs are not addictive themselves.

    Oh and another thing.
    Fuck God, hes a dumb fuck if he lets people like you write shit like this.

  193. Johnny Could See

    Oh my goodness, Hitler would be proud!!!! I didn’t know that propaganda like this still existed in this day and age!!! But the people in the 1940’s didn’t know any better, they didn’t have an unbiased source of reference, but what are these ignorant hatemongers’ excuses!!!! I am well and truly shocked!!! I hope these people never reproduce!!!! The world has enough problems as it is! But if ignorance is bliss, then Tyson and Billings must be the happiest people in the whole universe!!!O

  194. DJ J-FORM

    Tyson Bowels 666, you are a sick bunch!

    Remember, fear IS the mind killer (http://www.discogs.com/Eon-Fear-The-Mindkiller/release/41176) and you live in it full time.

    Your facts are fukt

    Can we inSINuate that as a member of the cathaholic church that you indulge in pedofilia and the underground gay scene????

    Were you a “good little altar boy”, and did you keep quiet as you were told??

    yeah, yeah, keep throwing stones from your “crutch”, I mean church – oops.

    I seem to be so bad at spelling, just like in the rave article above.


  195. J

    Seriously? I mean seriously what is this complete load of farcical nonsense? Rave’s are nothing like what you’ve described, It’s this kind of bullshit that causes stereotyping for instance all people that go to raves are a bunch of drug abusers? you need to get you head out of your ass and come back to reality…

  196. Rev B K V Kleef

    The lord he gave us Rave for one reason. You see all those lost, wanton, liberal, potential child sacrficing souls are all together in one place. He provides them with these rainbow haze high inducing anal candy for one reason. It leaves their brain open to the possibility of believing ‘THE TRUTH OF OUR LORD’ . Whilst they are lying their naked in their post-coital states of incompendence.I like to read them from the ‘GOOD BOOK’ they hear of their wanton sins, the fate of Sodom and Gemorrah and How Jesus gets the rounds in with only one bottle of wine. Knowing the true evilness in their heart can only be realeased by taking only the Lord. They convert they always do. Usually it only takes me three days of bible reading to two or three of these ravers to convert them, you need a safe house in a quiet street somewhere ordinary, a car with blacked out windows and the ravers come complete with their own commnunion wafers. Kidnap theese kids tie them up eat their communion wafers and feed some to them. Read to them from the bible whilst practicing the normal blessings of a Catholic Priest to their tired dilated arseholes. They will willing coming running into the arms of the lord just like the little sheep they are.

    1. Claire

      Arrogance does not truth make sir, just because you say it with fervour does not make it true.

      Anyone who has really thought about God, Jesus and the Bible knows it is all made up by man.

      God did not create Man in his own image, Man created god in his. Why else would he be such a selfish, self obsessed, vindictive arsehole that needs constant validation and cash?

      Grow up and stop following nonsense written by backward desert tribes, it’s the 21st Century!

    2. chris

      you sir are a complete idiot and your eyes have been totally blinded by a Book bastardized by men over the centuries to the point of having no real truth or REAL WORds of GOD. dO yourself a favor and find the truth. If you are a catholic priest then you would probably know all about dilated assholes!

  197. Claire

    Oh dear,

    The saddest part is that if people are stupid enough to believe in the bible, they are stupid enough to believe what this depraved, sexually repressed twat says (and his plainly perverted friend Stephenson Billings)

    The entire article is a total lie and written by a racist.

    Do not spread this article around to any more people, allow it to remain in an unread corner of the internet where it belongs.

  198. jungle lost

    How do you know for a fact that ecstasy makes you want to sleep with 12-17 people per usage? You presented no factual basis for that psychological conjecture

  199. Rev B K V Kleef

    One must believe in the bible because it is the word of the lord.
    People ask me why I believe in the Lord and all I say to them is ‘read the bible it is all in their’

  200. jungle lost

    and you turn Peace love unity respect into penis libia urine rectum? then you wonder why satanists turn your stupid cross upside down? you deserve that if that’s the way you respect others

  201. EuroSister

    This sites authors are all racist, prejudice, uneducated and really primitive. Wash out your mouthes and brains! There are so mamy lies and stupid things coming out it’s unbelievable. Where are you all from? From little towns… inzest families?

  202. Dave

    This is one of the most poorly researched articles I have ever read. So much of it is inaccurate or just incorrect. Out of interest what sources did you use when writing this?

  203. S

    The fact that so many people seem to actually think this is a serious article makes me despair. Seriously???????!!!!!

  204. Andrew

    This article is entirely inaccurate. Seriously, I have been to raves and while there are drugs it is nothing like this article makes it out to be. I’m not surprised with the ridiculous ideas though, considering they are coming from a person who believes that mankind was created via one man and woman. 😛

  205. Faro Zeh Kaos

    i think this has got to be the largest load of bible cramming commie loving ignorant bullshit i have ever read in my entire life. try going to a rave or hell just sit outside one and you will realize that everything stated in this article is just some old bastards attempt at “understanding” todays youth but is too stuck to leave his den at home for fear that he may get an std from a bum asking him for change.



  206. Mary

    Who could possibly take this seriously? The writer can’t do a simple cursory grammar and spell check. They obviously don’t know what they’re talking about.

  207. thelordfucker

    hey you retarded christian wanna-be sinners. you talk more about sex than anybody who is sane and just does it. you need to tell lies to uphold your paranoid fantasies, that is really cheap. but obviously you are lost and there is nobody who will save you – bad luck. i am really sorry that you live in hell right now – brainwashed by religious freaks. it’s pathetic.

  208. WolfandLamb

    wow, this has to be a joke. and if not, God has been lost on those that think themselves saved, because they are too blinded to see the truth. They fill their lives with false beliefs and false prophets claiming truth. they lie to distort what they fear. and the scariest of all is they breed contempt. these are not christians, these ppl that are writing these stories are fear mongers, which is simply a projection of themselves because they fear what they dont know. and they are too afraid to do God’s work. Jesus lived among the prostitutes and the beggars, His judgement was left for those who felt themselves worthy of judging. however this has to be like the new satirical website i been hearing about, cuz everything i read made me laugh in either bewilderment or amusement. feel proud tyson, you’re life is a lie.

  209. christatic

    i think i just od’ed on lulz ! it should be obvious after reading only the first paragraph that this is just a funny lil prank . a hoax . a joke . nothing more . it is clever though in how far it takes the media hysteria about raves and pushes it to the extreme and is basically lampooning the media and up-tight individuals that are to lazy to actually teach themselves about anything .

  210. William Thomas

    I honestly can’t tell if this is satire or if the author is truly this out of touch with reality.

  211. Danny B

    For you to be posting a story like this filled with false information is just as the Nazi’s did to the Jews. I have been going to massives and raves for years now. Happily sober. Giving bead bracelets (which are all acid free) because they represent friendship and a connection that you have when you meet someone. “PLUR” stand for peace, love, unity, and respect. Not to mention the extra “R” for responsibility which was newly added a few years ago. Every time I go to a massive. Wearing an elaborate costume, and seeing everyone else’s happy smiling faces and costumes (which the ones I have met are also sober), simply dancing and enjoying the music that we all love so much. When I see the trailer for EDC I cry and not because the “children are all lost” but because I’m going home again. Because these people have become my family. Not once have I been stolen from, Nor have my friends (unless they go to house parties because the wrong people sneak in knowing they are uninvited). Please stop being a Nazi yourself. We all are just simply people, looking for our niche in the world (just like Christians) in a place where we can feel comfortable with our friends, smile, and dance. Yes there are some “stupid ravers” who endanger themselves. But it’s very few and far between. Just like the Jew’s and their “big noses”. we’re not all bad. and by the way, I was raised christian as well. And never before in any religion I have studied have I met so many close minded self righteous people who honestly don’t do anything to help. They “pray” then spend their money on themselves on useless things. If you want to help these so called “lost children”, instead of posting a fake propaganda story, spread brochures and pamphlets on drug and rave safety (oh, wait. we already do that ourselves at the massives). Get rid of your story. It’s completely inaccurate.

  212. aaron

    Nothing more than a rant written by an angry parent of a stupid child who got mixed up in the miniscule overly stereotyped negative aspects of the scene

  213. Velcroformat

    For all these sinners the time will come. I have in the past gone to the wrong side listening to Hed Kandi and Tiesto jumping around in my white workmans gloves and vest with blood pouring from my mouth ware i have chewed my mouth to pieces while on the devils pills. I have gone so low, i have snorted the devils flaking scalp from my friends erect member.

    Ladies and gentleman. This is what these repetitive sounds do to you. I had to search high and low to find the lord again after my encounter. I will not ever go back sir.

    The devil is that pill. The devil is in that line. The devil is Tiesto and Paul Oakenfold

    1. Danny B

      That’s simply called being an addict. which are in other places as well. Even in my old church. That’s not the music doing it to you. Get a better grip on yourself. This is ridiculous. You weren’t a raver. Just someone who wanted an excuse to “trip out” and you used a culture that you knew would embrace you no matter what (as long as you aren’t harming others). It’s people like you who mess it up for the people who really have found a home here like myself (happily sober), in a tight knit music loving community.

      1. Dave

        You didn’t catch the satire…
        That makes it that much more effective.

        This guy is hilarious. A poet.

        1. Danny B

          He may be giving off a hint of a joke, but the comments coming from other Christians who actually believe this is what is disappointing me. They actually think this is true. I know it’s a joke, but “They” don’t. And that’s why I’m defending it as much as I am. Who wouldn’t defend their home and family?

    2. Danny B

      not to mention music is simply math. it’s a rhythm, it’s a beat, of 2-4 measures of 1/8 and sometime 1/16. Just like in orchestra, just like in gospel. The devil isn’t in the music it’s in the words. You can choose not to listen to some of the more vulgar samples. But there are also a lot of songs in this community (which more than half don’t even have vocals) are actually very sweet and happy songs. Most of which remind me of my Fiance’, not because of the “Lust from the Beat” but simple words that just mean love. and every time him and I see Markus Schulz or Tiesto. We can’t help but simply hug each other and dance all night watching the lights bounce and radiate off of his skin and the bass in our hearts simply being one with him through dance. What is so wrong in that? What is so bad about finding real friends who enjoy the same music? I find a spiritual connection when I listen to Drum n Bass or trance, and not because it’s sexual, or vulgar. But because it just simply “is”. It exists. It’s a gift of new sound. And I see auras (not from acid or anything like that, because I refuse to touch it, if your really curious about the science break down I can give it too you) but when I stand at the top of a stadium and I look down over the crowd. All I see is everyone’s auras connecting, happily, to one another and creating beautiful designs of reds and greens and blues. Every color imaginable without being a rainbow. And it’s one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. There’s more good to this than bad. You just have to truly open you’re eyes and want to see the good. Just like when you walk the streets of a city. If you’re negative you will only see the needles in the streets and the gang violence, and accidents and robberies. But if you are positive, You will see the people living the American dream, children and families going on walks and playing in the parks. Movies and shows you can’t wait to see. Schools and fund raisers. It’s all about perspective as well.

  214. Velcroformat

    Oh mercy i have sinned. I have just been offered to go scrumping for apples with Boy George. I know this trip will not just involve scrumping for apples.

    What do i do? It may well mean the devils scalp, repetitive music and letting down my anchor in poo bay. Oh no, i think the only scrumping made will be for marmite.

    Any help to avoid these demons would be of great help.

    I dread to think how i will manage to walk home in the morning.

    1. karen

      ooo by cookies do you mean, satin’s sin stick sex orgies…cuz count me in!!! And bring along some of those rainbow colored vampire midgets!!

  215. Marcos

    Leaving the drug business to one side, your take on rave culture is hilariously misinformed. You would write a better article just form sitting through Human Traffic, despite the fact that it is a piece of fiction which has dated considerably. Oh dear.

  216. Katherine

    What the hell is wrong with you…
    You know nothing of this community. First of all the “Kandi kids” Kandi is what the bead bracelets are called.
    I am proud to say I am a raver and I have never done drugs. The music and people are wonderful, some of the kindest people I have ever met were at raves.
    You are so closed minded and speak of something you have probably never experienced first hand. There are so many mistakes in this article it just makes you look ignorant.

  217. And why should my name be "required"?

    This surprises even myself, but there is one thing on which I agree with Tyson: young Christians shouldn’t be listening that kind of music… long live heavy metal!! m/ ^^ m/

    “Heavy metal is the law that makes us all united and strong, a law that shatters Hell”

    “Run to the hills, run for your lives. Run to the hills, run for your lives.”

    “Down on bended knee I pray, bring courage to these souls
    make ’em live forever in the heart of the bold
    So I say farewell my friends, I hope we’ll meet again
    when my time has come to fall from grace”

    “I was the brooding night and you were dawn.
    Saving me, for I was forlorn, in your light I am

    “Let your spirit free
    Through Window of your Mind
    Unchain your Soul from hate
    All you need is Faith”

    “Many rare species will perish soon and we’ll be short on food.
    Why do we have to be so selfish, we’ve got to change our attitude.”

    “Only a child, reckless and wild, needs to come
    home again. He promised the moon but won’t marry you.
    Nothing to do, eating for two, he’s goin’ out with
    someone new. Sunshine or rain, it’s all the same, life isn’t gray
    oh Mary-Lou.”

    “The magic twittering of the birds
    meets the light of dawn
    the ancient song is fading now
    but my old dream carries on”

    “Now you all know The bards and their songs
    When hours have gone by I’ll close my eyes
    In a world far away We may meet again
    But now hear my song About the dawn of the night
    Let’s sing the bards’ song”

    “So close no matter how far
    Couldn’t be much more from the heart
    Forever trusting who we are
    And nothing else matters”

    You see, plenty of positive and/or educative topics in there!
    Really, I can’t understand why would someone want to go to those events.
    Rhapsody’s “Legendary Tales” can bring you to an idyllic land and safely back without leaving your room.
    Stratovarius’ “Destiny” is inspiring from start to end.
    Metallica’s “Master of Puppets” brings a tough lesson about the dangers of drugs and addictions (and it is acknowledge to be among the best power metal songs ever).
    Sonata Arctica’s “Mary-Lou” conveys an important lesson hasty teenagers would do well to learn.
    And I could go on all day, but I hope you get the idea.

  218. that kid

    i would just like to say sir or ma’am who ever did this ” research, your kinda a twit. did u talk to any of the people you are calling raging sex/drug addicts. you have no idea what it really is. let me give u a hint. PLUR really stands for peace love unity and respect, the candy is a fashon statement and they are cool and colorfull. there is no group that is reletivly dangerous at these things because of PLUR. if you did ur research you would also find that you have almost a 100% chance of getting hurt or in a fight at a normal concert than a rave. we go for the music and people we love.

  219. philipjamesdevries

    I have to say great job on the satire, I was duped at first. Careful though, most people do not realize this is a joke. But I guess that’s the point haha


  220. br4k3r

    You’re fucked in the head. Every single comment you made in this “article” is your own jaded opinion. It’s not our fault the rave culture rejected you. That’s actually pretty hard to accomplish in our circle so congratulations, you’re the biggest asshole on the planet besides Jay Ingram.

  221. Dave

    I think if J.C. was around today, he would much rather partake in a rowdy night of dancing and good clean fun with a loving and peaceful crowd than be stuck in a church with all you stuck-up boring haters.

    What does Jesus look/act like?:

    a. A hippie.
    b. A raver.
    c. A communist.
    d. The Pope.

    If you answered a, b or c you are correct.
    If you answered d, you are a retard. You are unfit for survival beyond 2011. Die already.

  222. joke right?

    This can’t be serious. This author needs serious help if this is a serious column. My hope is that it is satire & he really does not believe this. Wow.

  223. laz

    wow that Stephenson guy is very gullible, just believes this stuff because its written on here. like a little kid who believes there parents know everything. People are very unlikely to smoke crack and then get so high that they get into car crashes. The high lasts 5-10 minutes. Probably at least 20x more car crashes are from alcohol then crack. This guy clearly has never been to a rave or knows anything about raves. Why is he writing his opinion about rave history here on this website like he knows what he is talking about ? he knows nothing! all blown out of proportion . I really hope this site is a joke or else the people who make the posts here are straight loony.

  224. shawn

    Just to note there is much more Love, Friendlyness, and Respect in the rave culture, than there is in this thread. There is more hate here in these paragraphs than Ive seen at any Electronic Music Event, in 16 years. We do not spend time spreading harmful lies about Christains, or other organizations. Maybe the this thread line should be written by quote “ravers”.
    Love ya

  225. send_the_idiots_into_outer_space

    Wow – misinformation, scare tactics and what basically amounts to disguised fantasy pedophilia on a CHRISTIAN site? Say it ain’t so…it’s just too unbelievable.

    If there is a god – which I highly doubt – he would have wiped every single one of you brainless, blind-leading-the-blind idiots (read: religious douchebags of any description) off the face of the Earth decades ago.

    Believe me, if there’s a god he’s rooting for the atheists and scientists. Everyone else is insufferably annoying.

  226. Paul

    Um what a biased and unchristian thing to say. Who are you? God itself? What do you think of yourself? Yes, some things may be true, but do you know the actual facts? I have been there I have first person evidence that all kandi kids are not just lowlife drug addicts. Most of us are in university and taking on degrees. Having a good time is not a crime. We were built to have fun, sorry I am not wearing a hijab for you and covering my entire body you moron. Little do you know that kandi kids are much like nurses, helping people who are in need to spreading the message of unity and love. Preaching respect to all humanity black or white, beige, yellow or brown we’re always there when you have a frown. Something you can’t understand, but what you can understand is molesting kids, your hobby. Cheerio you rotten prune :)

  227. ibiza cliche'

    as you all may know, i am the queen of the rave scene.
    everyone knows my name. &cali is glad to have me back.

    but that is beside the point.

    this article is bullcrap.
    i know everyone, &can DEFINITELY tell you that there are no drug douches being shoved up rectums. [does anyone know if that actually works?!?]

    i developed a drug problem LONG before the rave scene…
    the rave scene saved me.
    having to rule over all my kandi kid &junglist subjects made me realize that they needed me, and needed me sober.

    i wont ever abandon my precious subjects again.

    the rave scene can rest at ease.

  228. PAul

    This is laughable, the author pretends to have actually done some research into this subject but as a 42 year old ‘raver’from the UK, who is still going strong with all his faculties in place, I can adammantly say that the author has simply fabricated this entire artical.

    At first I had intended to point out each of the errors in the order that they appeared but then realised I would have to pass comment on each and every sentence, however this tripe does not deserve such detail.

    I am glad I am a happy athiest and not a god fearing fundamentalist who thinks that every word printed in a book written by a bunch of guys with somewhat questionable motives, is the way that we should lead our live. Never mind that we should think for ourselves.

    I have no respect for religion in any shape or form but I do respect your right to your faith…just have some respect for others who don’t share it though and stop spreading your poisonous lies about people who chose to live their lives differently, without predudice or harming others.

    Good day to you.

    One very fulfilled Athiest.

  229. Kellimus

    “Sorry if this sounds harsh but I’m a bit fed up with the personal attacks here. This is wrong and shows a lot about the mentality of drug addicts in our society today– incredibly reckless and selfish. You think you’re not harming people but what happens when you get behind the wheel high on crack and kill someone’s grandmother? You people make me sick. ”

    So its okay for your ‘friend’ to indirectly and personally attack and insult me because I like to listen to Electronic Dance Music and go to Events, but anyone who points out that they’re a hypocritical anti-christian ideologist is in the wrong?

    You Christians are the antithesis of Logic.

  230. blindchristianfollowers

    It is useless to argue against these people because christians are hard-headed, “all-knowing” individuals. They think that by reading god’s word it gives them to the right to judge others and decipher for their followers what is right and wrong. Tyson, your information is 100% false and your resources ungrounded. Stephenson you are ignorant, you’re a sinner just like everyone else and you need to learn to be less pathetic in your argument. Ravers your love for music is beautiful yet there are those who rave for the wrong reasons, such as their love for being high or smacked but that is not to say that you all share this factor.

    Your quarrel is meaningless and ‘blind men’ such as these will always state their opinions on their christian websites and literature and may never understand or even care to analyze others without judging first. Ravers will rave, Dancers will dance and PLUR will always be a state of mind just as your self-righteous will always be your life worth living. There is no reason why we should not co-exist and cease to judge others when we must only judge ourselves. Christians you do not have all the answers. Ravers you do not have to take ecstasy to enjoy good music. Its as simple as that.

  231. blaa

    Ahh, christians.. Where would we be without them? In peace i guess. How is this even possible? I bet that this Tyson guy has never went to a rave, that’s for sure. I hope that this Tyson guy goes to his god very quickly, god speed dickhead!

  232. infinitegurl

    omfg…i almost pissed myself laughing at this rubbish.
    reminds me of fear and loathing…..the roach is called a cockroach….lol…..
    wtf does believing in god have to do with raves….or drugs anyways….or any of your misinformed ….gay hating information you threw together for this pile of shit article?

    god is love …end of story.
    people like you that show such hate are who are really going to hell.

    1. infinitegurl

      i dont give a shit…who gives a shit…fug yew[img]http://fapomatic.com/u1/111/cff1184550b9c3fc6ae9d00c258efe22/fuckinfatfrank.gif[/img]

  233. RaveyDavey

    Wow, you must go to some crazy raves, as i have never encountered any homosexual activity(other than actually meeting a gay person), never even heard of a ‘Rear High’ and cannot relate to your classifications. Typical god-botherer, twisting the facts to create an illusion of deranged and disturbed people.

    May i just point out also, that ‘Drummed and Base’ is actually ‘Drum and Bass’ and refers to the musics fast drum beats and heavy basslines, not their origin or their drug of choice.

  234. tabarnak

    What’s with all the religious stuff? Religion is intellectual slavery and I can’t believe how much most americans are BRAINWASHED to this “YOU HAVE TO LET THE CHRIST IN YOUR HEART HOLY BIBLE SAYS IT” stuff. We’re in 2011.

  235. Bouncy

    Why are Christians so full of hate?? :( Ive been raving for 20 years and never seen an orgy or even ANYONE having sex at one. Ive never been robbed at one. And since governments took all the happy and quite safe drugs away now we have a generation of sad emo kids who stay inside all day, have no friends and get no exercise! What kind of life is that for them? So sad! I would rather my kids have access to safe drugs and LOTS of parties so they can enjoy life instead of wasting it! God is not real Ive asked him to let me believe in him and had christians pray for me but it never happened! Hate only breeds more hate, you need to learn to love and enjoy life instead of bringing people down to your filthy and evil level. PLUR.. you need it!

  236. Tinka Tweed

    This website is for Christians who like to fantasize about getting really high, and then having sex with the same gender – all with the opportunity to judge the people they fantasize about after they are finished.. It masquerades as information, but is really porn for people who think they are righteous.

    Have fun bopping around in your self righteous fantasy land. You are a laughing stock ChristWire.

    PS. Nice article, (that’s full of spelling errors).

  237. Heath

    I am not sure if we should all be taking this article so seriously.
    Tyson clearly knows a little about the rave scene bother here in the UK and over in the USA. and has made up a load of stuff to make his article more funny..
    he is hilarious and should be given a medal.

  238. Pingback: Aids crew/hiv club? Real or fake? - Page 4 - Plurlife - Electronic Music, DJs, Clubs, and Parties!

  239. thickazzetz

    Id love to know where the author obtained his “facts” …or better yet what he consumed prior to writing all of this non-sense -cause it must be some good stuff for him to have imagined such stereotypes and false information as I have been going to “parties” since 93 and havent encountered any of what this person has described. I am also a Christian BUT am offended by such hatred and malicious lies contained in this article. This is why Christian’s have such a bad rap…for people like this whom have nothing but hate in their heart or passion for lying to make themselves look better in the eyes of others. smdh, ashamed to have this person call themselves Christian.

  240. magilla

    this article was such blatant propoganda full of mis-information and incorrect facts, that it actually made me concerned for the state of mind of the author.

    The author is clearly delusional, hasn’t researched the topic at hand at all, and has based the article on a bunch of baloney that they have simply made up..

    There is plenty (and I mean A LOT) of real information, books, first hand interviews that cover the real history of dance music. I suggest you research it you wacko religious nutter!!

  241. Aaron Ezechiel Freeman, Jr.

    Goshdarn nazi’s! First the Holocaust, and now this…

    Please don’t be shocked by the following. Apparently it’s one of the first nazi rave anthems… Please don’t let the words get to you! Cover your ears at least every three minutes in order to be safe.

  242. Blanche Beecham

    So many posters are crying foul on ‘facts’ without really offering any alternative and verifiable ‘facts’ to counter. I guess these ravers are really debate students. sigh

    1. Danny B

      If you look up a little bit for my other comments I did post valid and verifiable “facts” as you say. As well as first hand experiences. 3 comments worth. Go on and have a fill of the beauty we really see. And I know I’m not the only sober one who sees the thing I spoke of because I’ve had very lengthy and in depth conversations with other sober ravers. And no not all of us are debate students. I’m actually going to school for my “Doctor of Philosophy of Holistic Health.” Only 6 hours away from receiving it too ^_^

    2. You want facts?

      I’m a 35 year old electronic music fan – former “raver” if that’s what you want to call me. I’ve attended these events since 1992. I am also a Christian. Surprise, surprise…

      I know that this article was written as a joke; however, anyone who isn’t quite sure can find the facts about the history of the culture online.

      Actually, Wikipedia has a pretty good article about it – pretty accurate:


      There’s also a very good book by Simon Reynolds called “Generation Ecstasy: Into the World of Techno and Rave Culture”.

      The term “Rave On” was actually coined by Buddy Holly in 1958. The word “rave” was later used in the 1960s as the way to describe any wild party in general. In the 1980s is when we see the emergence of electronic music, acid-house (not referencing the drug but the acidic synth sound characteristic of that type of electronic music), and techno coming from the UK – playing in the dance clubs and at free outdoor parties. This music emerged from the development of electronic instruments – not from the Nazis. Anytime there is a technological change in the world, it ties hand in hand with a new type of music (remember rock-n-roll in the 50s???). These parties went underground and the music along with the gatherings made their way to the U.S. in the mid-80s to early 90s.

      The rave scene started first and foremost because of the MUSIC – of which there are MANY genres (just to name a few: House, Trance, Electro House, UK Hardcore, Hardstyle, Drum and bass, Dubstep, Breakbeat, Hardcore techno, Funktronica, Psytrance, Eurodance, Big beat, Dutch Hardcore, IDM, Jungle…).

      Yes, there are drugs at raves – fact of life but no one is being forced to do them or participate in any lewd acts. In the 60s, during the hippie movement – guess what? There were DRUGS… lots of them. In my opinion, probably more drugs and much stronger drugs than in the rave scene today. There were drugs at the disco in the 70s, there were drugs in the new wave scene in the 80s, there are drugs at heavy metal concerts, rap concerts, jazz clubs, Grateful Dead shows… there are drugs EVERYWHERE. For whatever reason, the media made the drugs at raves seem worse than any other gathering for a musical genre… even though not one person has actually died from safe MDMA or MDA use (ecstasy) in moderation. It is actually used in a number of beneficial studies by the US government as a therapy for people overcoming tragedy, PTSD, and abuse situations.



      Additionally, there are groups that go to parties specifically to promote safer drug use, safe sex, hearing protection, education, and peer counseling which I was at one point involved with:


      Some of these parties around the world have attracted in upwards of 30,000 people. You really think that there are 30,000 people participating in crazy sex-driven drug-induced drum-pounding carnal orgy sessions? That’s just laughable!

      You wanted some facts… there ya go.

  243. Pingback: What is a Raver? - aberdeen-music

  244. douche-bagger

    all i have to say is wow… the same bs that someone made up to write this is the same bs that someone made up to write the bible. wanna talk about lil hitlers, look in the mirror.

  245. Ghost

    Quite the obvious joke article.

    Anyone who classifies Deee-Lite as happy hardcore have no clue as to the music they are talking about. Deee-Lite is what is considered House, and more specifically Disco House.

    It’s Drum and Bass (DnB) not Drummed and Base.

    Also, tell me what music scene does not involve drugs or alcohol?

    MDMA was a pharmaceutical that was actually prescribed to many in the 80s. But complaining about illegal drugs while taking all the prescription drugs as recreational drugs is hypocritical as best.

    If this article is genuine. It’s lol-tastic.

  246. Conky

    Wow, i can’t believe anyone is actually taking this article seriously! Have any of you ever heard anything about rave culture prior to reading this? This is crazy. Thank you christwire for always being entertaining :o)

  247. Natasha

    Where on Earth did you even get this information?!?! First off, rave had been going on here in the US since the late 80s. Deee Lite came out in the early 90s. The ravers into Drum and Bass (not drummed and bass) are called Junglist, not Jungle List. As someone who use to go to these raves in the 90s, I can’t recall ever putting any drugs up my rear or any other orifice, partaking in orgies or homosexual activity, contracting any STDs, getting raped or having wild sexual urges beyond the ones normal 19 year old’s have. You, sir should stick to writing about what you know and not about what you want the misinformed to believe.

  248. Ravers Are Devils

    Thank you for posting the funniest article on rave culture I have EVER read. Whomever fact checked this litany on ridiculousness should be stoned. If anyone that reads this believes that any of this is real should immediately drive to their local psychiatric ward and check themselves in. The funniest part of this is that this “expose” comes from a person that is hyper religious. Religion is the drug of the masses. Some say it is TV, I would agrue to the former. I consider myself the type of person that exemplifies the ‘live and let live’ ethos. That being said, you have every right to poison unwittingly gullible minds with this alarmist, trite, and blatantly unresearched, nonsense. But you have to give the other side of the coin a chance to rebuke and debunk this farce. I hope you do not delete this post due to it not propping up your sad, misguided, and laughably ignorant post.

  249. japes

    Mr Tyson –

    Your command of the English language is horrid; your creative descriptive ability legendary.

    Please attend one of our satanic rituals so you can defy the temptation that is our Ecstasy, thus proving yourself to God once and for all.

    I’ll bet you ten bucks you have the time of your life.

  250. Intelligent Motherfucker

    I cannot believe how many people on here think this is a REAL christian site and that all of these articles are serious. I almost hate this website because of how many people believe this. THIS SITE IS MEANT TO BE A JOKE! In the end it seems that the people commenting on this are more of a joke than the article itself. Do some real research on drugs and raves and you’ll understand lol.

  251. Jeremy Tanas

    LMAO thats the funniest thing I’ve read in ages. Is all this site as funny as this. Keep up the good work :)

  252. sarah B

    this is absolutely hilarious. This article just proves that the crazy portion of religion is headed by morons. In order to “inform” on raves, or the rave culture you should actually learn the facts instead of distorting it to brainwash innocent people with lies. The last time I checked, God doesn’t approve of liars… which is what every article that I have seen so far on here is filled with. And your spelling and grammar is WAY off.

  253. Lightning Bolts

    This is hilarious! I was in the Rave scene for a while and some of the information listed is so true and some of it is so far from the truth. I like how the PLUR crew are all secretly gay. Haha! Oh and the candy kids and their beads being how many sex partners they had. WOW! SOOOO Wrong! These were innocent kids rebelling from life. More than likely they came across a person wearing funny clothes who took ecstasy and they trusted them enough to go along with with their silly adventure!

  254. Smoove

    I can see another ‘Waco’ coming on…

    …enough acid to send a gorilla on a trip down the Dorthy’s yellow brick road, while holding hands with Captain Crunch and rainbow colored vampire midgets…

    You need to be ‘off your head’ to write this sh*t! But it does make amusing reading…


    Soon after my arrival here, I was dazzled with the glittering appearance of Magneto, and all his train, amounting to about three thousand attendants, proceeding in solemn state from his palace to the temple. They formed in the splendor and richness of their attire of the most brilliant processions I ever beheld. Magneto was carried on a beautiful pavilion, or meanah, by sixteen men, alternately, called by the natives, Baharas, who wore a red uniform: the refulgent canopy covered with tissue, and lined with embroidered scarlet velvet, trimmed with silver fringe, was supported by four pillars of massy silver, and resembled the form of a beautiful elbow chair, constructed in oval elegance; in which he sat cross-legged, leaning his back against a fine cushion, and his elbows on two more covered with scarlet velvet, wrought with flowers of gold. At each side of his magnificent conveyance, two men attended with large whisks in their hands, made of some curious animal’s tail, to beat off the flies. The very handles of those whisks were of silver. As to the ornaments of his person—he wore a very small turban of white muslin, containing forty-four yards, which quantity, from its exceeding fineness, would not weigh more than a pound and half; a band of the same encompassed his turban, from which hung silver tassels over his right eye: on the front was a star in diamond of the first water: a thin robe of fine muslin covered his body, over which he wore another of cream-colored satin, and trousers of the same, trimmed with silver edging, and small silver buttons: a valuable shawl of camel’s hair, was thrown negligently about his shoulders: and another wrapped round his waist: inside the latter, he placed his dagger, that was in itself a piece of curious workmanship, the hilt being of pure gold, studded with diamonds, and embellished with small chains of gold. His shoes were of bright crimson velvet, embroidered with silver, and set round the soles and binding with pearls.

  256. your mom

    whatever, drugs are AWESOME. so is rape. you’re totally missing out. don’t knock it til you try it.

  257. Scott

    You, good sir, are straight garbage. Akin to the preachers who molest children and mislead countless numbers of them in their most vulnerable stages of psychological development, to believe ridiculous myths as fact.

    How can someone who condemns people so fallaciously and ignorantly even exist on this planet.

    Truly an example of the human garbage that plagues this human race, and yet, has so much potential for good.

    YOU are evil, the same as the “Satan,” you fear so much. The hatred that flows so fluidly from your feeble mind is quite indicative of this.

  258. DIEINAFIRE666

    DIE IN A FIRE YOU SHALL FOR WRITING SUCH BULLSHIT CHRISTIAN PROPAGANDA. Misinforming the public like this is no better than what the Nazi’s tried to do. However, had they completed their goal we most likely wouldn’t have to deal with crap like this.

  259. Sky Daddy

    Dear Mr. Billings and Tyson,

    With great respect I submit the following for your examination. Herein I have provided the link to the website of an international DJ named Terrance Parker, who was at the inception of the techno/house raver scene in Detroit Michigan, the founding area of the techno and raver movement, not as you suggest, England or Russia. I am positive you will enjoy his music, seriously, as he plays gospel house. I hope you enjoy his musical efforts, he is a very devout Christian, I know him personally, and delivers Gods message in a way I hope you will appreciate. He just played the Detroit Electronic Music Festival this Memorial Day weekend to an attendance of over 90,000. This music is mainstream now. Enjoy:

  260. Satan

    You would think these “blessed” people would have been “granted” the ability to posses and practice proper grammar by their “all mighty” God…

  261. God himself

    I actually laughed out loud when I read this. I hope for the sake of all man kind that you aren’t using my name to spit the innocent youth gathering for something that isn’t related to the church in an attempt to bastardize an event that is more keyed towards love than all the wars the church has started. I pity the ministers who breed hate of their fellow man and can’t wait for St. Peter to show you the way down to the fires and infernos of hell. Ravers aren’t the issue with the population. It’s the hate mongers and controlling churches. Spread the word of peace and understanding. Not fear and ignorance.

    Yours truely.


  262. youralldumb

    Your dumb!!! if your a raver and take offense, your dumb, if your the assholes who wrote this nonsense la ti fucking da. Eat some E maybe you’ll stop making diamonds out of your uptight assholes

  263. God himself

    I actually laughed out loud when I read this. I hope for the sake of all man kind that you aren’t using my name to spit the innocent youth gathering for something that isn’t related to the church in an attempt to bastardize an event that is more keyed towards love than all the wars the church has started. I pity the ministers who breed hate of their fellow man and can’t wait for St. Peter to show you the way down to the fires and infernos of hell. Ravers aren’t the issue with the population. It’s the hate mongers and controlling churches. Spread the word of peace and understanding. Not fear and ignorance.

    Yours truly.


  264. Carolyn

    You dumb Motherfucker. Your the arrogant one in this situation. You don’t even know proper English. First off, ravers are some of the coolest people Ive ever met. They have the best stories and are the most spontaneous of people. And second, when weed is LEGALIZED, you better be ready for the biggest shit storm coming on your dumb fucking head for you big FUCKING mouth. And, my very last thought: you back the FUCK up off of gay people. Bible thumping assholes are the people the world needs to be rid of. Because insulting CHOICE that your so-called god gave every person, makes you sound stupid. Learn some part of that book your fucking masturbating to every night. I hope you realize your error and delete every piece of bullSHIT you put on this website and every other part of the internet.

    Get at me when you learn to speak with your BRAIN. Cause just opening your wide, piece of shit mouth without it makes you as ignorant and your head as far up your ass as you seem to see the world as.

  265. Caiti Caiti Caiti

    I would just like to say that I know straight edge christian ravers, it is not all drug addicts and though there may be some messed up people that does not mean that everyone who raves is either crazy or a drug addict.

  266. Shesus


    Thanks for an incredible amount of entertainment. Ha.Hahahaha. “Candy hippies” and “perform mouth sex acts on another man’s Satan scepter.”

    Absolute hysterics. Haha.

  267. Ruby

    What a load of BULLSHIT! I seriously think that the person that wrote the article has some serious sick paranoia & fear issues & is trying to download them into the mind of unaware families. Don’t be programmed by sick individuals that hide behind Christianity. I wouldn’t let my children anywhere near his sick mind. It’s disgusting what he says about the people in the rave scene & it is completely untrue. See the beauty in life. Don’t feed on the negative, because the negative feed on the weak.(which is you are if you believe what he says). Tell him you don’t want to listen to his rubbish & hopefully he will go away. How can such a sick minded person get so much airtime???

  268. vc

    This article is so dumb. The author has no idea about rave culture and is just trying to attack it. People like this give Christians a bad name.

  269. vc

    This article is so dumb. The author has no idea about rave culture and is just trying to attack it and judge people. People like this give Christians a bad name.

  270. the_news

    This article is delusional and pure propaganda.

    Drugs have been a fundamental way of life for human beings since cultural inception, false pagan religion has been instated to control our development and subsequently christianity is the most murderous and bloodthirsty religion of them all…

    Not forgetting the church’s corrupt and pedophile priests that consistently abuse young children, your religion is false and against the will of GOD. Freedom and spiritual development are in line with GOD’s will as it has been since the dawn of time and so it shall be.

  271. R@v€R

    You are just feelin like an ass cause you didn’t have any childhood at all,so now you’re writtin this shits bout ravers and drugs.Hope you’re children end up on heroin or something :).


  272. raver 4 life

    Thanks for a good laugh. This is the most uninformed thing I have ever read about the rave scene. You are racist and homophobic as well. You’re just a hater because you are so repressed

  273. ivancica

    you are soooooooooooooooooo stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!do you think tkat people who listen rave etc was invented drugs???????????????man!!!!!!!!!!!!drugs are old almost like a humans.what are you doing when you was young????????????f u – – i n around all your village and between your families and after that just go to church and pray 10 times and that’s it.all forgiven.yeah,right!and children are not guilty (not all of them) if they do drugs,PARENTS ARE GUILTY cause they don’t teach children in wright way.and parents are YOUR GENERATION!so,it’s your guilty too.and that connection between nazis and music is UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i cannot understand how someone your ages use brain in that funny way hahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahah.each time got its own music and drugs and wars,THAT IS NOT A NEW STAFF.i cannot write anymore,my english is not that good,i learn franch in school,but i think that everybody can understand me.bye.be smarter next time.


    You so called “Christians” make me sick! It makes me sick to know there are people like you sharing our religion and actually bold enough to post something and include races in it. I am black and I am not at all happy at how you have stereotyped our race in your stupid article full of rubbish and filth. You call yourself a christian?
    It sounds to me like gay literature with the constant use of rectum and what not. You are probably a gay preacher, keep of the young choire boys. You better do something about that article, because I am definitely going to show this to a lot of other people and make it a problem for you, for your racial discrimination against black people and asian people.
    And I know that god will forgive me, because I do not bring such disgrace to my religeon by discriminating races and speaking about utter filth which is probably mostly all lies as well the way the article was written.

  275. NATO

    I am a happy hardcore DJ and a clean one at that. If you knew anything about history you would take a look at the history of your own beliefs and see that the whole bible was a simple joke. You don’t know anything about the scene or the music and you make that very apparent. This all goes without mentioning that your writing skills are far below that of my 10 year old nephew. It’s cool though, as long as you pray to be smarter you will be ok.

  276. John Smith

    This is the funniest thing I have read ever….well done. You are severly mis-guided but a genius comic writer!

    I enjoy read your other “articles”,when can we expect to see one of your books in the Comedy Section??

  277. John Smith

    This is the funniest thing I have read ever….well done. You are severly mis-guided but a genius comic writer!

    I look forward to reading your other “articles”,when can we expect to see one of your books in the Comedy Section??

  278. tyler

    this can’t be serious. there’s a million typos and grammar errors that a third grader on e could point out.

    nazism and electronic music have nothing in common.

    dee lite has nothing to do with happy hardcore.

    god is a disease, listen to richard dawkins.

  279. Lindsey Reiman

    The writer of this article is the most ignorant journalist I have ever come across.

    First of all raves did not come to the states in the late 90s because of the music happy hardcore. That’s just completely wrong.

    And there are no such things as Jungle Lists. its junglist you moron.

  280. Goonbob

    I disagree with the article, but I just have a bit of advice for the author–to a writer, from a writer.

    Tyson. Ty. Buddy. Friendo. I understand that you’re trying to drive your point home, and I understand that a tried-and-true method is to scare the living daylights out of your readers. While such a method is not my modus operandi, there are few better avenues of painting a negative literary portrait of something than to convey it in a horrifying light. But there is value in the actual language one uses, in the choice of words, and I’m having a great deal of trouble not busting my gut from reading some of your elected vernacular.

    I presume that a scathing account of a ‘dangerous’ subculture posted on a Christian website is intended to be taken seriously. If your concerns for the well-being of the world’s youth are legitimate, then why use satire? Right? Tyson, Ty, amigo, mein Freund, your article incurs what the millennial internet-savvy milieu might slate as, ‘the lolz.’ To a high degree. I cried from laughter. My abdomen aches.

    This is not an insult, I entreat you; I do not dismiss your article as laughable. In fact this is meant as constructive criticism that I hope you and your fellow journalists and bloggers take to heart.

    To distill my criticism: your choice of examples is a bit too wild and colorful, and disrupts the serious tone of the article. You cap off your first paragraph writing about people who ‘shove pills of ecstasy drugs up their rectums and suck on cherry flavored ring pops.’ I could dissect this clause, noting the triple redundancy of ‘pills of ecstasy drugs,’ putting a hypens in between ‘cherry’ and ‘flavored’ and capitalizing ‘ring pop’ and putting a ™ at the end of it. That right there makes me, the discerning internet literature enthusiast, want to stop reading. You don’t want people to stop reading, do you? This is important information!

    The real problem with clauses like the ecstasy suppository/Ring Pop™ thing is that it is a portrait of abstraction that might incite a humorous reaction. Sure, the core concept of an ecstasy suppository while sucking on a Ring Pop™ is frightening, your tone resembles that of Cracked.com writers.

    Unfortunately, Ty, Ty-Man, Ty-Chi, it does not stop there. The aforementioned clause is a mistakenly humorous interpretation of an actual event that could happen. What happens later in the article can be dismissed as nothing but assumption. Even if you do not include factual references, an informative article should read like something that would otherwise have them. If the ecstasy/Ring Pop™ thing was reported on, it should be worded in a way that one might expect an external link to the cited account. However, such things like ‘a gorilla on a trip down the Dorthy’s yellow brick road, while holding hands with Captain Crunch and rainbow colored vampire midgets’ (again with misspellings and missing hyphens, capitalization, and trademark acknowledgments) paint what I can only presume is an unintended humorous tone.

    It’s simply too detailed and unbelievable to be taken seriously. Was this a quote from someone recounting their psychotropic experience? If so, that needs some quotes around, it man.

    These are only two of the many examples I could draw from this article, Tyson. Please consider your writing voice in the future as much as you consider your writing content, because it’s just as important in conveying ideas. Literature is a powerful tool for disseminating the thoughts of one man to many, as your faith has proven through time, but it is an infallible tool; it must be sculpted with care and foresight if the intentions behind it are to be properly conveyed.

    My best wishes of success in your coming writing ventures.

  281. GEORGIE f

    Mate go to the middle east and evaluate! dance music is about happiness and respect you sound like a priest dissing Elvis in the 60s grow up. Go to a Rave check it out. I am from Ireland and have seen two communities unite at Raves. Its not perfect but its a great expression of freedom and love of life-certainly not just a homosexulal anti christ orgy.
    Its a free world and your clearly anti gay- OK we live in a deocracy so your entitled to free expression but get real man. You are living in cloud cukoo land!

  282. Sajsquatch

    At first I thought it was a real article, then Onionlike, then real and now I’m back to it being totally fake. You had me going for a bit. I love controversy so I found the message post’s very entertaining. However, Xian’s already want rave’s banned and this article is not going to help the situation. Xian’s please don’t hate us raver’s. This was an article intended to get all of us hyped up.

  283. Mark

    Tyson, you’re a fool. Most of your terminology is wrong, most of your information is just completely basis and incorrect… but it is funny, I’ll give you that.
    PS: Drum’n’Bass or Drum & Bass is called as such, because the music is mainly comprised of DRUMS and BASS. Wow… who would have thought?
    You’re a small minded fool, and I actually feel sorry for you.

  284. niknasty

    you stupid sob.. you can’t write, spell or get your facts correct. until you spend time in the scene you have no right to pass judgment or make uneducated “guesses” about what the scene is or was. Your an idiot and hope you burn in hell. Crap about beads meaning how many times someone has sex.. are you F*ing serious??? they are just bracelets you dummy, small children under 6 wear them, does this mean they f*ck? Im so upset right now, I am imagining horrible things that I could say to you right now.. Its small minded, uneducated persons such as yourself that keep the rest of the small minded, uneducated persons down. Good thing for the Internet and the fact that we have our own opinions and minds to really seek the truth. Your a horrible, horrible person.

  285. reality check.

    Uhhh.. You all do realize this site is a satirical take on the ridiculousness of right winged christian america..
    it is a joke!!

  286. Dondi

    Fantastic article.

    All of this is completely true. I know as I was there and once was truly lost to the drug bum carnage of hardcore rave oscillation and eventually had to have my anus removed and replaced with a corrugated tin poop pipe. My detritus now clatters from my back passage like slop down a drain pipe to forever remind me of the sin I committed in the face of God’s almighty love jamboree.

    Apparently hell is one giant rave of never ending happy hardcore and tiresome conversations about nothing with gurning goons dressed like children’s tv presenters.

    Praise be to Jesus and Alan.

  287. gnomey

    your first paragraph invalidates your entire argument and should cause you to change your opinion:

    “a state of enraged ecstasy”

    ectasy does not make you angry. at all. in any way. it’s impossible to be angry on it. just make you insanely happy and loving of your fellow humans. go try some :)

  288. Vince L

    Are you fucking kidding me? As an apparent author you could at least proof read your terribly written article which has no evidence or facts supporting your argument on how Nazi’s are responsible for todays candy ravers and other such people.

    You fucking suck. Sounds like God took the parachute and you’re flying solo.

  289. Jermain Dizzle

    This is one of the funniest articles I have ever read. I cannot believe how misguided people can be. You are an absolute idiot.

  290. Pedro

    i think its great how there is an AD for a website to by “rave lights” in this article!!!

    Idk who is behind this website but i can assure you they are not well informed and feed bs into weak minds. i AM a follower of GOD, and do not approve this article. this website is run by radical belivers of christ. but definitely not CHRISTIANS!! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!

  291. Drug Jockey

    Honestly, this would one of the funniest articles ever, if it weren’t for the fact that the person who wrote it apparently REALLY believes what he just wrote down…

    Take it from someone who knows; the historic facts are completely wrong and the musical facts are so misguided that it’s just sad. No wonder you seek your answers in religion; especially Christians seem to believe everything they read in a book….
    To give just a few simple “facts” you just named; you DO know DJ stands for Disc Jockey, right?? There is no such thing as a “BPM Loop”, and I don’t think anyone has ever put an XTC pill up their ass. I can go on for hours with all the funny things you say in your article

    Let me put it this way; if you, or any of your regular readers actually believe this, I can honestly say that you have all just made it to the number one position on my list of “most ignorant and dangerous religious groups on the planet”!

    Please, if only for the sake of REAL journalism; get your facts straight before publishing something like this, or at least ask someone who doesn’t have his head up his ass, because this piece of text is one big lie. In fact, if you need to fall back on a huge bunch of lies to keep your youth from listening to modern music or going to dance parties, you are even worse than all the things you stated in your “story”.

    I would like to suggest to submit this story at a film studio; this would make a great sci-fi movie!!


    a raver that doesn’t need drugs to have a good time!

  292. Rave DJ

    i love God and thank Jesus for dying for my sins, but i just cant stand the clowns running the show. full of judgemental people like this writer for instance. thou shall not judge!!

  293. Pingback: WEBTHUMP 15 June 2011 | Hecklerspray

  294. Tav

    Just to let you know I am a raver I have been for countless years, I have never done any drugs and I’ve never had sex on the dance floor. PLUR DOES NOT stand for penis,labia, urine, and recutum. You’re a complete idiot, and the kandi braclets stand for new friendships. If we believed everything we heard off the streets I would believe in the catholic churches you rape little boys assholes when they stay after in sunday school. So if ravers are all about sex and drugs then catholics are all about rape and lies. Take your lies off the internet.

  295. humble person


  296. Ken Chapple

    Your sick man. You mimic the nazis with this propaganda you post. You are closer too being a nazi than any raver I have ever known. And I know plenty of ravers. It looks like you have a problem and should deal with it(try counseling). Not by attacking people that look and act different than you but by admitting to the fact that you sound like a homophobe. If you got to know the scene you would be impressed. The fact that thousands of people get together in a peaceful manner is proof in itself. People like you turn me away from organized religion. This article reminds me of scripture where the jews are lying to the romans trying to get christ put to death. Hate is hate and you should do something with yours that doesnt involve a keyboard. I hope people reading this article realize what a smear tactic this is and go attend a “rave” to see for themselves what a peaceful loving community is really like.

  297. KP

    Thank you Mr. Bowers, you are now the funniest author on the internet because of how crazy and ridiculous you sound. First of all, you can’t even write or spell correctly. Second, you can’t say you love God and refer to Asian-Americans as “Yellows”. Your articles make you sound like you live in a hole and have never been educated in your life. If you are writing this to be serious, you should feel ashamed for disgracing Christianity, and because of people like you, spreading God’s love is more difficult. I hope you respond to my comment, because I would love to discuss how far away from God you actually are.

  298. JB

    This may be a Christian website, but pardon me…fuck you to the guy who wrote this and fuck you to this Billings guy. Neither one of these guys have any clue as to what they are talking about. I hated this entire culture until i actually learned how to dance and went out to one. I was completely blown away and felt bad for being so judgemental of people and their activities before even trying it. So I will say it agian especially on the Christian (most of which are close-minded) website…FUCK YOU!!!

  299. Ruben

    Theres a difference between loving parties and drugs and loving music, electronic music comes from the evolution of technology. I love electronic music, makes me feel free and I dont think that because I listen electro I am one of those ravers who likes tons of drugs. Anyway we all are free to do what we wanted to do, if u want to get high with mdma thats your decisition, so stop being so fucking ignorant writter, this kind of articles makes me sick. Viva House Music!

  300. Jesus

    You really should be ashamed of yourself. No wonder the Christians are hated so much. An e pill might do you some good.

  301. Teresa Strack

    Real Christians do not judge. Christians don’t keep their heads up like they’re better than everyone else. Christian’s do not insult other’s for their opinions. If I do recall, in the Bible (that book you claim to follow) when Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane, standing in front of the soldiers and the man that betrayed him, he did not swear, he did not insult, he did not get violent. Maybe you should pick up your dusty Bible, flip to the book of John, chapter 18. Read. Perfect example of what a true Christian is. You, sir, are not a true Christian, and you obviously don’t know people who go to Rave’s or have seen one first-hand. You preaching about a Rave is like someone who’s never been to church or even seen the Bible try to preach a sermon

  302. LoGo

    I came across this in an underground dance music forum (im a “Drummed & Base” DJ, er, you might say “Jungle List”), ‘humble person’ is right about what he said – this article is spreading all over the internet, and is either an extremely witty piece of satire (i hope),or a writing that displays an absolutely staggering level of homophobia, ignorance, and stupidity. either way though, it exposes the critical flaw in religions in general, that is that even if the majority of those who practice the faith are moderate, the religion gives those lunatics and extremists a way to justify their insane, intolerant point of view (it’s just an interpretation away when you have the wonderful old testament around). I’m gonna chose to believe that this is just a very poignant piece of satire – the idea that there are people out there that believe this shit is just way too scary.

  303. Church F.U.C.K.E.R

    This is a complete crock of shit…. I can’t Believe this dip shit would even write this type of shit when His own Church and church members do not live by the book… As we all know that any priest or minister who says they are such an angel is so full of it!!!!! Many of u go out and have hookers, sleep around on their wifes and touch lil boys and girls and u have the nerve to tell us we r going to hell…LMAO what a wanker……….. Do some real research b4 u go around calling ur self a journalest……..

    For all u Christains out there in this world who believe they should judge others is going straight to hell Its says so in the book that only God can and should Judge…. So stop with all ur horse crap….. God loves and forgives all who believes in him just ask and u shall recive……..

  304. yoinks

    WOW! As a well educated adult, who may know a LOT about music in general, and has read his fair share of the bible, i’m going to call the above article the largest load of unadulterated crap i’ve read in a decade. you sir should be ashamed.

  305. Pingback: If you like Raves then you are a Nazi | Hipster Jew

  306. Cavetroll

    No, I think we are the idiots. looking at the number of ads on this page, then calculating how much revenue they pull in based on the number of hits this article alone has pulled in, I think he’s laughing all the way to the bank. Contoversy is profitable it would seem. *L*

  307. not a raver

    LOL News flash to the author : Raves died out in popularity in the mid to late 90’s. Just like Jesus
    went out of style in the 1970’s after the hippy
    movement. Im guessing your next article will be the
    dangers of playing records backwards and being a
    listener of heavy metal haha you silly little religious freaks make me laugh. Always extremely late with your critisism long after your opinion is outdated.
    Someone should write an article caled “What is a religious freak” and reference this article as a prime example of the blind leading the blind.

    Just remember : Jim Baker and Jimmy Swaggart represented your kind.

  308. Gen

    Never saw so much false informations in one article. I am a raver and you can’t even spell ‘drum and bass’ or know that DJ means Disc Jockey, not Drug Jockey because they don’t exist. You are ignorant and you want to scare people because you’re scared. You’re scared of what is not your little lie of a world. I do believe in God, (and yes I am also a Raver) and He will punish you for your lies, because it’s one of His first rules. You’re not convincing no one but the weak and ignorant people.

  309. Dylan

    “Image to sinful to show”?

    I understand your IQ must be below average to come up with such a misguided representation of this scene but if you can’t even spell simple words then you must be worse than I thought!

  310. PsyBerth

    This article is a disgrace to objectivity. The author clearly have no experience what so ever on rave parties or psychedelic drugs and definitely exaggerate by 1000% false rumors about all of this !

    By judging by the rest of this website it’s either written by reaaaaally mentally hill people or a total hoax / parody of the Christian values.

    Either way….Don’t believe what’s in there….it’s crap and lies from heading to bottom !

  311. Demi

    This is hands down one of the stupidest, most uneducated articles I have ever read in my life. Get your facts straight, sir before you go posting your made up bullshit online. I have never heard of about 98% of what is written in your article and it is sad that you have to resort to this kind of behavior to try and get your point across. Your hateful words toward the gay, Asian and Black communities, (just to name a few), are completely UN-Christ like and appalling to say the least. You call yourself a Christian website? This is sickening and disgusting. You are the people that make organized religion look bad and it is truly unfortunate. And I have to say, the ridiculous amount of spelling and grammatical errors in this article just make you look even more ignorant, illiterate and uneducated than you probably already are and it is in no way helping your case.

  312. Concerned Reader

    Oh my goodness, where do I begin?

    “Jungle Lists”???? That’s all I need to say… really.

    Mr. Bowers, you made the rest of the christian population look like imbeciles. I really don’t want to view Christians as ignorant individuals, but after this just I can’t help it.

    Did you even do ANY research? … “Bom bom clouds?” Talk to someone who is from Jamaica, please. I know, it’s not white American culture that you are used to, but you might learn something. (Just don’t call him/her a “bumbaclot”, the word you actually meant)

    It’s extremely difficult to imagine that ANYONE, even fellow Christians, took this seriously, being so flawed with misinformation.

    I wish you all well, but please, stop spreading BAD information.

    Higher order bless! :)

  313. Nightmare

    hahahahahahhahahahahahahaaha hahahahahhaha hahaha jungle Lists Drummed and Base.

    LOL its junglists and drum n bass.


    not to mention that not all ravers are gay and or bisexual or drug addicts…

    woooowwwww ooooookkkkk

  314. LeeDus

    SERIOUSLY? SEX CRAVED RAVER.???? I have done extacy many times. NOT ONE OF THOSE TIMES has ever made me a “SEX EYE CRAVED” person, or some bead wearing hippie. This guy is spitting nothing but pure nonsense, for people that are uneducated and SCARED about taboo cultures. You people are the reason SOOOO much is wrong with the world. You ideologues keep spitting these lies mixed with 1% facts, and hope that the world agrees with you. You argument of “keeping one person safe” is absurd. As a DJ, Producer, Participant of this scene and culture it does sadden me when some people take it too far and death is a result. I guarantee that cigarettes and alcohol have killed WAY more people and TEENS than E. So shame on you Mr. Liar in the name of God (Thou shalt not lie – One of those commandment things. What’s sad is that your “likes” are not even HALF the number of people at the shows I have been to.

  315. UKjunglist

    daaaamn this made my day. i thought it was a joke which was funny enough but when i found out they were serious i pissed myself!!

  316. DnB_QuEeN

    so without reading the string of a gazillion comments on here, I’d just like to point out one thing. I’m a “Jungle List” – which by the way is spelled JUNGLIST – and I’m not “yellow or black” – which by the way are called ASIAN AND AFRICAN AMERICAN – nor do I “smoke meth or base while dancing like an angry silver-back gorilla”…I go to parties SOBER and enjoy the music for what it is – INCREDIBLE BEATS. I’ve been in the EDM scene in the US for 12 years, gone to parties all over the country and I’ve never encountered anything remotely close to what is described in this article. People like you make me ashamed to be an American. Your close-mindedness and ignorance – not to mention total lack of truthful information – makes me literally sick to my stomach. I don’t believe in your religion, but I also do not go around bashing your beliefs. We could easily discuss the molestation that goes on in the christian churches all over the country – or that you are ALL hypocrites whether speaking of marriage/adultery/divorce or how according to the bible “Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?” (l Corinthians 11:14). HYPOCRACY AT ITS FINEST! Didn’t Jesus have long hair? yeah, I thought so.

    I can’t find enough words to express my disgust in the author of this article and those who support him. If you are going to preach about something, at least base it upon facts – and use proper grammar as well.

    According to your article we have Germany, Russia and England to blame for this “rave revoltion”….I’ve never in my life been more proud to be of ALL THREE descents.

    Mad Love & Respect to my fellow Junglists <3

  317. Timdnb

    What a load of absolute rubbish! I’m not a Christian but you give those guys a very bad name! PLUR does stand for Peace Love Unity and Respect. I’m 17 and I even know this but the worst thing is you don’t seem to realise people don’t go to these clubs to take drugs, they might if they want to, but that’s not the point. They go for the music. You don’t even know what Jungle or “Drum & Base” as you’re calling it (Drum & Bass) is. I can’t believe I’m wasting my time here but anyway you’re review is also homophobic and racist and definately not well researched! Pricks!

  318. NoelEaser

    Wow.. What a joke.
    This whole article is all lies..

    I thought Christians are supposed to be HONEST!?

    Tyson Bower’s article is FAR from the truth..

    I’VE EVEN BEEN TO A CHRISTIAN RAVE! What do you say to that!!??

  319. NoelEaser

    With articles like this, full of lies, I totally understand why people hate Christians and their religion…

  320. Sue

    What right do you have posting pictures of these young people and calling them homosexuals, or dangerous, or drug addicts????? I honestly thought this article was pretty funny until it just became increasingly offensive. I would consider this article to be significantly more harmful than any rave because it’s so far from the truth regarding the elements of this subculture. **If you’re going to save people from anything, you should do it with truth, honesty and love!!**

    “Most battles are for drugs or to win a sex session with the other crews females. ”

    That’s simply the most ridiculous thing I have ever read. If you knew ANYTHING, you would know a “light show” is considered to be a gift.

    1. Stephenson Billings

      What right do you have coming to Christian website to promote your disgusting agenda of bigotry and violence? You should be ashamed of yourself. Drug addiction is nothing to laugh at!

      1. Sue

        … You are so full of hate.

        This is a *PUBLIC* website…. so it’s my RIGHT to leave a reply to your disgusting agenda. This whole blog promotes violence and hostility…. You should preach with love and kindness, not lies and anger.

        And since this is public, please remember that children can read this. If you intend on educating people who aren’t even old enough to get into raves, watch your language.

        1. Stephenson Billings

          “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” –Matthew 7:15.

          “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.” –2 Timothy 4:2.

          1. Claire

            Peter (as a child): “Why did all the dinosaurs die out?”
            Man at Museum: “Because you touch yourself at night.” – Family Guy

          2. doodlewacker

            “It’s fair to say that the Bible contains equal amounts of fact, history, and pizza.”

            “I don’t see any god up here” – Yuri Gagarin – first man in space, while in space.

            “There’s a big difference between kneeling down and bending over.”

            Heaven will be a great place as long as you keep the christians out. – G. Janus

            “Let’s face it; God has an ego problem, why do we always have to worship him? “- Bill Maher

            “I don’t know anyone less Jesus like than Christians.” – Bill Maher

            “I would never want to be the member of a group whose symbol was a guy nailed to two pieces of wood.” – George Carlin”

            “I have as much authority as the pope, I just don’t have as many people that believe it.” George Carlin

            “One man’s theology is another man’s belly laugh.” – Robert Heinlein

            “When one person suffers from delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion, it is called Religion.”

            Mohandas Gandhi
            I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.

            Dennis Miller
            Born again?! No, I’m not. Excuse me for getting it right the first time.

            Annie Dillard
            Eskimo: “If I did not know about God and sin, would I go to hell?” Priest: “No, not if you did not know.” Eskimo: “Then why did you tell me?”

            Arthur C. Clarke
            “Religion is the most malevolent of all mind viruses.” (18th February 2004, The Onion AV Club interview.)

      2. The Comedian

        What right do you have to lord your beliefs over everyone else and tell them that they should change their ways themselves or else you’ll FORCE them to change it? What right do you have to get off on the harm you do to others? What right do you have to terrorize others?

  321. luis hernandez

    wats sad is its really nothing like that at these raves or music festivals.. haha bunch of ignorant people..

  322. Junglist_Raver



  323. Bells

    This is a fabulously comedic piece of fiction. You should consider writing for shows like Family Guy or Robot Chicken!

  324. Alex

    Christwire, you are amazing. Best thing on the internet? I think so. And the commenters? Priceless!

    Praise his noodly appendage!

  325. marc

    This is truly ludicrous… don’t you people know god, jesus, and the whore virgin mary don’t exist.

    what does exist on the other hand is this bigot of an Author Tyson Bowers the schmuck. What is even more scary is the fact that there has been 2 other prior to him. Then to make an already sour situation worse, he has dumb ass klans men like Billings shinning his knob.

    I have Been brought up as a christian, even got put through christian high school all to walk away in the end due to posers like these two fucks trying to make a buck through lies and full blown stupidity. Your tongue is more loose than a cows ass. What a shameful way to be, no shame, no true knowledge of what your preaching..

    Keep destroying lives you fucking morons..

    Billings you said to stop using profanity because this is a christian site? But you people are willing to post up lies and continue lying through your posts to your audience? How do you people live with yourselves?

    The sad thing about all this is that there is no hell or heaven, and with that being said we have to protect ourselves from websites like these and people like you.


      1. The Comedian

        You’re loved by your mother who has to cry herself to sleep each night, knowing how much of a failure you are.

        You aren’t respected, you aren’t loved, you’re a liar, a bigot, a hypocrite. You barely pass for human. You’re nothing more than a hate-filled being that thrives off the suffering of others because you’re too damn upset with your own life to find any real joy.

          1. The Comedian

            I’m not the one who lives in his mother’s basement thriving off the terror he creates while sucking off his boyfriend and claiming to be straight at the same time.

          2. Claire

            You’re the one with the sad life, Billings. We’ve been over this on multiple occasions. Anyone who devotes their life to writing articles demonizing homosexuals, cats, and all other good things that this world has to offer, all the while being 58 years old and never having had a girlfriend, living down the street from his alcoholic mother, and idolizing John Wayne Gacy, is a very sad person indeed.

        1. raverrranddrugfree...

          bet he’s not even loved by his mother… -.- i’da disowned him too for supporting this twat.

      2. Claire

        You’ve yet to produce these “credentials” of yours, and you’ve consistently failed to provide proof of your wild claims of being “respected”.

          1. Shannon

            All you do is hate! Everything that comes out of your mouth is hate, if you had one nice thing to say I would probably have a heart attack

  326. yoinks

    ok seriously billings happy days guy you are my favorite:

    below quote is a bit of genius:
    ““Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” –Matthew 7:15.”

    that made me laugh outloud. if i may sir:

    “I am in the midst of lions; I am forced to dwell among ravening beasts— men whose teeth are spears and arrows, whose tongues are sharp swords.”

    david knew the ravers were evil and they would try and smite you on your forum.

  327. ScHadow

    I BET TYSON AND STEVIE R THE SAME 2 WIENERS WHO TOUCH LITTLE KIDS AT THERE CHURCH’S! You guys are jokes. My mom is a super christian and the stuff tyson talks about in this acticle is pathetic, arrogant, ignorant and frowned upon. Even by the Lord himself. whats funny is one of Stevies favorited tv shows is JERSEY SHORE LMFAOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

  328. virginia rose

    are u fuking serious this is a bunch of crap i have personally been to rave an no people who to them frequently an for anyone to pass a judgement such as this is just as stupid as they sound

  329. YouAreDumb

    This is such an awful article. There is no proper interview or quotation, as well as any sources to back up any of the “facts” that you are trying to site. You make outrageous assumptions that aren’t based on any kind of recorded observation. You do your own religion a disservice by ruining its integrity when you post articles like this. You have no reasonable view on changing liberalized culture nor do you have any clear perspective on the reasons and social implications of this phenomenon.

    Not to mention this is a poorly written article. You have no problem/solution pallet nor any kind of writing pallet that would keep the reader interested. All of your topics are fractured and don’t tie back to a main point. Your article gives no statistical overview or makes any kind of connection to how ravers in any way impact my life.

    Oh last but not least, I’m an existentialist and Jesus was just a lucky community organizer who hit the L Ron Hubbard jackpot.

      1. The Comedian

        It’s ‘lol’, not ‘laughing out loud’ you imbecile, and don’t EVEN start with the grammar you dolt, you WILL regret it. You have the English skills of a 10 year old sometimes (as well as the maturity of one).

        As for him being an unemployed writer, you’re one to talk. You spend your time hating people and putting it up on a psycho Christian website.

  330. YouAreDumb

    I forgot to mention that you have no understanding of the pharmacology or toxicology of the drugs you condemn. Ecstasy acts as an SSRI and the most damage it does is oxidization stress on your serotonin receptors. The cases you site about “ambulances” and what not are the statistically FEW cases in which severe dehydration or foolish drug contradictions occur, both the responsibility of the user, not the drug. Further, almost every statistic from every CREDIBLE and LONGSTANDING medical association would disagree with you on what you are saying about the health issues with these drugs

  331. Business Woman


    Anyone that reads this article and takes it seriously should be ashamed of themselves. This guy is OBVIOUSLY troubled and has NO IDEA what he is talking about!!! He sounds like HES the one on drugs!!! lol I beg you people not to take this seriously. All the statments in this article are extremely skewed and inacurate.

  332. virginia rose

    you know stephenson billings you sound like an asshole how dare u claim to be christian an then act an pass judgement such as this u an the writer to this article are the most un Christ like people i have ever seen only god can judge an if i will be damned may it be by gods hands

    1. Stephenson Billings

      “Let the women learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.” –I Timothy 2:11-14.

      1. Shannon

        Face it the bible is old and out dated, women have rights now, its the 21st century, and some of us women are even outspoken and opinionated deal with it

        1. Harold Camping

          Young man,

          The living Bible and the living word of God is never outdated.

          Perhaps at DeVry the instructors and Professors in your comparative religion classes failed to cover that?

          1. No one Important

            Aren’t you the gentleman who “predicted” the end of the world. Yet, it did not come? And then very soon after your “prophecy” you suffered a stroke?

      2. L.N

        Unless you’re a Christian woman, then you don’t have to pay attention to the rules, right? If you’re a Christian woman, you can mouth off a man while telling other women to stuff it, right?

          1. virginia rose

            i no it makes me sick i hate when men tell me to keep my mouth shut jus because i was born with different part we may be women but we just as much of the rite to speak up on bullshit as any man does i wana no if he wud tell his mother to be quiet

          2. Shannon

            He probably would! I always have said no man will hold me down, tell me what to do, what I can and cant say I am very independent I know it scares some guys but what ever they just cant handle me lol

      3. Claire

        Ah yes, once again Billings is backed into a corner by a woman, so he pulls that oul sexist bible quote out of his ass instead of formulating a response.

      4. Truth

        You know I have to say for someone audacious enough to make as bold statements as you have made, you sure don’t seem intelligent enough to support yourself. You should know first off that no one will take you seriously with grammar and spelling that is as terrible as yours seems to be. Through reading quite a few of your comments, I would have to say you are making yourself look quite ignorant.
        Besides that, are you aware of the fact that God is the only one that is allowed to judge people? Are you aware that you are supposed to “…love others as I have loved you,”? That is directly from the Bible, John 15:12. Now I shall not be the one to pass judgement on you. However I would like to point out the fact that you are going against the religion that you hold so dear. So maybe you should keep yourself in check and stop judging others. Maybe you should also think about the fact that everyone is made in God’s image. Have you ever stopped and thought about that? Just because these people do not believe the same way you do does NOT give you the right to insult them. You should be ashamed of yourslef

      5. Truth

        You know I have to say for someone audacious enough to make as bold statements as you have made, you sure don’t seem intelligent enough to support yourself. You should know first off that no one will take you seriously with grammar and spelling that is as terrible as yours seems to be. Through reading quite a few of your comments, I would have to say you are making yourself look quite ignorant.
        Besides that, are you aware of the fact that God is the only one that is allowed to judge people? Are you aware that you are supposed to “…love others as I have loved you,”? That is directly from the Bible, John 15:12. Now I shall not be the one to pass judgement on you. However I would like to point out the fact that you are going against the religion that you hold so dear. So maybe you should keep yourself in check and stop judging others. Maybe you should also think about the fact that everyone is made in God’s image. Have you ever stopped and thought about that? Just because these people do not believe the same way you do does NOT give you the right to insult them. You should be ashamed of yourself.

        1. Truth

          Forgot to mention this at the beginning, I am speaking to Mr. Billings. Also due to computer malfunction the comment posted twice.

  333. George Machado

    Are you as stupid as you are misinformed? This post is just ridiculous. For one, raves are not about drugs (of course there is an abundance of drugs, but that is the persons choice of interest) they are about the music. Electronic music has the most progressive genres in this day and age. You people are the same people who said all of those bad things about rock and roll (bet you wish you had it back now eh). If you are going to write an article about a topic, please please actually study and understand it. And it’s not Drummed and Base, it’s Drum and Bass, for the emphasis of the bassline and drum rhythms. Calling raves a form of Nazi gathering, while being racist in the same article is ridiculous.
    “Mostly made up of “Yellows” and blacks, Jungle Lists goto these parties to stir up trouble, cause fights and rob other ravers. This should not be a surprise as we know communist Asians and blacks due the same thing in American society.” ChristWire

    Do me a favor and please pretend you are illiterate so I don’t have to see articles like this again. 3z

  334. Kitty

    You are in NO WAY a christian. You seriously make Christianity look bad..this is why there are so many agnostics and atheists in the world. Simply for ignorant people like you. Only God can judge, who do you think you are? This DISGUSTS me..but is also very funny, because we are near the end times and your going to have quite the surprise if you think you know where your going after this life.

  335. Aphro

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA…that made my day “Jungle list”…”Drummer and Base” “to distribute Satan’s body to the masses.” hahahaha…Dont trust everyting you see/heard sir…and pleeeeeease oooh pleeease…check your sources aka(find new and real ones) x”’DDD

  336. Aphro

    oh and also…Im a “Jungle List” and I belive in god…And I don’t do drugs…I just love and understand something that some generic (like your kind) people don’t…and that’s music. Peace!. :]

  337. petergoodman


    This poor escuse for an article is filled with loads of misinformation and blantant racism. And it’s irrelevant, coming about 10 years too late. Raves are basically over. Ravers I know have all grown up, finished college, got jobs and made babies.

    Jungle List? LOL It’s Junglist…and it’s Drum and Bass, not Drummed Bass. Sex orgies at raves? What a moron. I know for sure he’s never been to one.

    It reminds me of those 1950’s anthropology films, where some creepy old professor explains in detail the mating habits and rituals of those ‘savages’ in the jungle.

    Ridiculous. Thanks for the laugh sir.

  338. bob

    This is nonses to be fair I speak from experience and they were never that good… bloody good fun though…

  339. TheKraken

    TROLLED. This article is obviously the work of a master troll. This entire site is about trolling; it’s intended to be satirical and make fun of ridiculously dogmatic Christians like Stephenson here (unless he is trolling too, he just went on with it way too long for me to believe he’s trolling). Stephenson, you made my day by being a complete and total moron–you, sir, have been trolled. If you still believe that this website is for serious, give wikipedia a look: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christwire

    Peace yo, I’m off to homosexually molest some aborted babies while cracked out on tons of heroin drugs and smoking meth rocks with some rainbow colored vampire midgets. And acid…lots of acid–on beads.

  340. Amanda

    YOU ARE THE BIGGEST MORON THAT EVER WALKED THIS EARTH. Go take a grammar class or two 😉 And while your at it go fall in a hole. It is people like you that are slowing down americas positive progression. EQUALITY and OPEN MINDS <3

  341. HAHA

    FUCKING IDIOT. dude, this can’t be serious? raves are badass and i’m going to EDC this weekend to get cracked out and dance to the best music ever 😀

  342. Jamie

    Sigh…. crawl out of the box and realize, this is a joke..a very funny one, though sad as some people will actually believe this. Take it from an x-raver and someone who has found there soul, bright and gleaming. Laugh andlaugh, don’t get angry or hate, that is not Jesus ways…

    May you all find truth, and stephenson, stop baiting the sleepers… lol

  343. Jamie

    Sigh…. crawl out of the box and realize, this is a joke..a very funny one, though sad as some people will actually believe this. Take it from an x-raver and someone who has found there soul, bright and gleaming. Laugh and laugh, don’t get angry or hate, that is not Jesus ways…

    May you all find truth, and stephenson, stop baiting the sleepers… lol

    As I set off into the sunet with the midgets….

  344. PigeonCake

    As far as trolling goes, trolls knowingly feeding other trolls, who are knowingly feeding back is quite sad.

    Try this on a geniune Christian blog instead rather than pretending that your trolling has worked with each other when you’re all aware it hasn’t.

  345. Matthew 7:1-5

    This is quite entertaining. Honestly, this Tyson has angst against the rave scene. Why, I do not know. Or care to know.

    So let’s get started, shall we?

    Raves are basically sex orgies with drugs, right? Which lead to deaths and sin. I attend these, promote for them, and at times work security at them. The atmosphere there is actually quite like that of a church; a community of people gathered to enjoy the company of others whom share a belief of peace and enjoyment. Usually, the drugs are a way of joining in such acts. Now I’m not condoning the use of drugs, but let’s be honest, the use of narcotics ties in with religious rituals from the past. It’s changed over the years, but honestly, look into your religion’s roots to see the truth.

    You judge these people based off what Tyson says. Well, considering that at raves, those whom are sober are more likely to do most of the acts that are described in this “article”, real Ravers tend to stick together, protect each other, and others they don’t even know. Infact, they tend to do more for the homeless around the venues where they are held than most churches; giving out money, even buying food, for total strangers.

    I challenge you to attend such an event, and then come back and make such accusations. I leave you with this, and think hard on it, it’s from your own book.

    MATTHEW 7:1-5:

    “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull the mote out of thine eye; and behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast the mote out of thy brother’s eye.”

  346. fuck you

    you are a fucking idiot, and a moron. the kids want techno your to dam old all of the shit u said is a lie and not true. first off it all started with the house in chicago and the vreaking away from the breakbeats and hip hop of the 80’s. i can see you have not done your research. You are a nazi. I just want you to know that ur a dumbass. your ideas are moronic and lame. find a better hobby. ther is no god. oh and FUCK YOU

  347. Matthew 7:1-5

    And just to shoot down any arguments you might have against the possibility of the early church having used Cannabis in any way shape or form, here’s a link, with quotations from your book.

    Now that I’ve given you at least a token bit of backing to what I’ve said, I think you owe at the very least myself some form of proof that what you say (or at the very least to defend what your miss-informed extremist friend has been saying) that the raves and ravers are truely as “sinful” as claimed in this “article”.


  348. I'm a DJ

    One simple question, are there proof that ravers and dj’s are doing drugs? Answer or declare it wichcraft! And btw the answer is NO! HALLELUJAH! And most of them (including me) don’t use drugs..
    And a simple fact: if you count every pothead in rave parties, rock consert’s and in prace the lord event’s you’ll see that there is almost the same amount of pothead’s at every parties/events.

    Sorry for my not so good english, I’m from finland

  349. Sam

    a)Jesus was a stoner, a raver and a healer.
    b)Moses ate a Amanita Muscaria mushroom when he went up in the mountain.
    c)The Revelation of John was his trip when he found some Psilocybin shrooms laying on the ground in Patmos.

    If you conservative lunatics would do any kind of research (outside of the box) you would see that religion & drugs go together.

    Most if not all religions start with visions. Same visions you get when you are on acid or shrooms.Coincidence?I doubt it.

  350. Stacy V.

    This article is one of the most immature judgemental pieces of *&%$ I have ever read. Just like everyone has said here, this person has never been to a rave. I believe whole heartedly that the author is probably a closet gay man who is simply jealous and to scared to go enjoy music with fun loving people. TONS OF PEOPLE DO NOT DO DRUGS AT RAVES! It’s a time to dance and enjoy music with your friends. You can’t judge all people that enjoy dancing to a certin kind of music with their friends as drug addicted crazed children. Isn’t there something in that book you like so much, uh THE BIBLE, that says to not judge others yet ye be judged??
    I seriously want the 5 mins of my life back that was wasted by reading this dumb, angry, rude, STUPID article.

  351. ry

    This article is one of the funniest things I’ve ever read.
    Relax guys. . . it’s very obviously a total joke. Full of LOL’s. . . Raver babies was my favorite part!! haha
    Very funny stuff Mr Tyson. Almost as funny as the Stephen billings guy in these comments. He’s hilarious too!! A very successful troll and funny as heck! Stayed in character the entire time!! Greatness!!

    +1 internebs to both Tyson and Stephen. Funny stuff guys!!

  352. hi

    id like to note several things:
    dj is disc jockey.discs being records.if youre so smart youd put that instead.
    im asian and catholic.i thank all of you that noted this guy being racist.
    you shouldnt speak negativity of PLURR.although ive never heard of it,reading how you changed the acronym has taught me there are some offensive people in this world.[if youre too stupidto realize this, i meant you.]

  353. John

    OK, what the HELL is wrong with you? [writer of the article] this is nothing more than the babbling of a seriously misinformed, sad old man who has nothing better to do with his time that criticize not only a peaceful culture, but give our culture a bad name and for people people who dont know what we do, or what we stand for, completely misinforms them of how a rave is conducted!
    the part that really got to me is how you took PLUR – peace love unity respect – and changed it to penis labia urine and rectum…or some combination there of…i find it repulsive and disgusting.
    what blows my mind, is that there are currently 19,973 people who actually ‘LIKED’ this article, simply disturbing.

  354. Betty Billings

    I’m very sorry about anyone my son Stephen has offended……you see…..he was born in my ass.

  355. Pingback: New York Inches Closer to Legalizing Bestiality and High School Homosexual Recruitment | ChristWire

  356. Sykes

    All I can say is wow. For a non judgmental religion there is plenty of that here. I would never turn my back on God, but I have turned it on the church. This is horrible.

  357. Nichole

    I stumbles upon this horrendous excuse for journalism via a friends link. Having been a part of the “raver” scene since I was 15 years old, I somehow managed not to contract any STD’s or have multiple sex partners or do any of the other ridiculous made up fantasies the author is obviously trying to play out. I also managed to graduate top of my class from high school and earn 2 college degrees from LSU and I now practice as a Registered Nurse. Any person who is ignorant enough to believe this misrepresentation of a generation of americans and claims to be a christian needs to remember that God does not want us to judge, condemn or lie about people. That’s really all of the time i can waste on this poorly written peace of trash. And yes i agree with freedom of speech, but their is so much misinformation in here that it isn’t freedom of speech, it’s ridiculous speculation, ignorance and stupidity! Have a lovely life!

  358. Nicki

    Whatever Tyson’s personal feud is with the rave scene, he needs to get over it. He himself is sinning for posting lies like this.

  359. The Pink Dolphin

    Wow. All I can say is that I’m a student who has been involved in the Rave scene (New Years Eve at The Rave, Milwaukee, FANTASTIC)and I have never heard any of these slang terms you claim is really ecstasy. A lot of this is just plain lies, I mean the article isn’t even properly edited! ChristWire can’t possibly be influential with editorials like this…

  360. HIGH-larious

    I’m not sure which is part of this page is the most comical. The article itself or the people replying that have ZERO clue they are being put on.

    Then again, we’re talking Christian fundamentalist. By the very definition they are excluded from critical thinking.

    Keep going Stephen!

  361. Zynk

    Our emotional state of choice is Ecstasy. Our nourishment of choice is Love. Our addiction of choice is technology. Our religion of choice is music. Our currency of choice is knowledge. Our politics of choice is none. Our society of choice is utopian though we know it will never be. You may hate us. You may dismiss us. You may misunderstand us. You may be unaware of our existence. We can only hope you do not care to judge us, because we would never judge you. We are not criminals. We are not disillusioned. We are not drug addicts. We are not naive children. We are one massive, global, tribal village that transcends man-made law, physical geography, and time itself. We are The Massive. One Massive. We were first drawn by the sound. From far away, the thunderous, muffled, echoing beat was comparable to a mother’s heart soothing a child in her womb of concrete, steel, and electrical wiring. We were drawn back into this womb, and there, in the heat, dampness, and darkness of it, we came to accept that we are all the same. We came to accept that we are all equal. Not only to the darkness, and to ourselves, but to the very music slamming into us and passing through our souls: we are all equal. And somewhere around 35Hz we could feel the hand of God at our backs, pushing us forward, pushing us to push ourselves to strengthen our minds, our bodies, and our spirits. Pushing us to turn to the person beside us to join hands and uplift them by sharing the uncontrollable joy we felt from creating this magical bubble that can, for one evening, protect us from the horrors, atrocities, and pollution of the outside world. It is in that very instant, with these very realizations that each of was truly born. We continue to pack our bodies into clubs, or warehouses, or buildings you’ve abandoned and left for naught, and we bring life to them for one night. Strong, throbbing, vibrant life in it’s purest, most intense, most hedonistic form. In these makeshift spaces, we seek to shed ourselves of the burden of uncertainty for a future you have been unable to stabilize and secure for us. We seek to relinquish our inhibitions, and free ourselves from the shackles and restraints you’ve put on us for your own peace of mind. We seek to re-write the programming that you have tried to indoctrinate us with since the moment we were born. Programming that tells us to hate, that tells us to judge, that tells us to stuff ourselves into the nearest and most convenient pigeon hole possible. Programming that even tells us to climb ladders for you, jump through hoops, and run through mazes and on hamster wheels. Programming that tells us to eat from the shiny silver spoon you are trying to feed us with, instead of nourish ourselves with our own capable hands. Programming that tells us to close our minds, instead of open them. Until the sun rises to burn our eyes by revealing the distopian reality of the world you’ve created for us, we dance fiercely with our brothers and sisters in celebration of our life, of our culture, and of the values we believe in: Peace, Love, Freedom, Tolerance, Unity, Harmony, Expression, Responsibility and Respect. Our enemy of choice is ignorance. Our weapon of choice is information. Our crime of choice is breaking and challenging whatever laws you feel you need to put in place to stop us from celebrating our existence. But know that while you may shut down any given party, on any given night, in any given city, in any given country or continent on this beautiful planet, you can never shut down the entire party. You don’t have access to that switch, no matter what you may think. The music will never stop. The heartbeat will never fade. The party will never end. I am a raver, and this is my manifesto.

  362. Pingback: Electric Daisy Carnival – A Puppy Mill of Sin and Gluttonous Debauchery | ChristWire

  363. Matthew Cloyd

    You have to be kidding me. I love the fact that you stupid jesus hippies have nothing better to do then bash on anything that has to do with bringing a smile to someones face. This is the most unfactual article I have ever seen in my whole life, and as a DJ and raver myself I’m appauled at this article. I think it’s funny that you church people live in fear. Everything is the devil to you and that is because you guys are a society that is fuelled by fear, fear gets you guys new clients and members everyday. I must say though it’s a great marketing scheme. Religion is the biggest commercial money making scheme in the world. If anyone is ungodly here it’s you preachers, pastors, priests and bible thumpers that spread your false filth to our society. You come in and tell people “I speak for God” and get people to believe your interpretation of the bible. When people don’t believe you guys you threaten them with Hell and Satan. Your nothing more then a bunch of cult leaders. I don’t believe anyone should speak on behalf of God. I also don’t believe that you have to go to a building for a couple hours, pray a little, sing some songs, drop money in a basket and then eat a wafer to be in good with God. I think it’s up to each one of us to make our own relationship with God and it’s up to each one of us to interpret our bible. I mean really though who is one man to tell you what God meant and wanted. For centuries you guys have contradicted your self and re-interpreted Gods word to fit to your standards. It’s you who make a mockery of God and Jesus when you get followers by spreading lies like this article. At this point in time Mr. Tyson Bowers III you are a sinner by your own means through lieing to society. You are a liar and I hope you pray to God for forgiveness. I believe in God and Jesus, just not religion. Religion is the cause for all major problems in todays society including war and prejudism. Religion is fake, it’s nothing more then a corporate empire and a money hungry machine. I have God and Jesus with me and that’s all that matters. PS: God is a DJ. He plays off of emotions and moderates daily life, constantly tweaking with society. He adds and reduces here and there. He plays the music we call life.

  364. shaun

    im a christain. and a raver.

    you are a blithering idiot.

    jesus weeps at your stupidity.

    successful troll is successful. kudos mate.

  365. shaun

    ps http://youtu.be/pzMgAKpMwNM

    your argument is invalid. funny what you find. christian music has its fingers in everything. rap, death metal ect.

    get abused ya telephone pole throwing muppet! WOOP WOOP!

    by the way since you seem to know every thing about everything, how do magnets work? <33333

  366. Tristan

    I am extremely offended by this article. I’m not a raver but is article is full of pointless lies and hate. I don’t care if you’re a christian or an atheist or a pastafarian, you have no right blatantly lie like this. People like you do not deserve the right to free speech.

  367. Adam S

    There are so many things wrong with this post I do not even know where to start. First of all, I’m going to try my best to stay away from religion, or any similar topic in this comment, as well as the debate on what parents or others should do regarding raving. However, I would like to point out that this article is extremely inaccurate, and shows a lot of racism and biases that cause this article to be anything but legitimate.
    I have NEVER, meaning in my entire life, heard anyone refer to a “Rave” as a “Acid Parade.” I have also never heard someone use the terms, “Abortion Plague,” “Fuzzy Sex Pill,” “Drug Jockeys,” “Tweety Bird,” “Candy Carpet,” “Devils Ferrari,” “Double Dipped Danger Flakes,” “Candy flipped Saki Bombs,” “Rainbow Kissed Sugar Drops,” “Rudeboy,” “Bom Bom Cloud,” or “Penis Labia Urine and Rectums.” I would be extremely curious to find where the author found this information, because as far as I can tell (keep in mind the following is only an assumption) whoever/wherever this information was found originally was used in a humorous context (i.e. the person was just messing with the author), or the author had simply made it up.
    In the first paragraph the author claims that Nazi Germany had started raves, however, neither the author nor any source I could find on my own supports that claim. Does it mean that the claim is invalid? Probably, but then again it might be true. The part about “candy hippies” shoving ecstasy up their rectums is a nice touch on the author’s part, seeing as this sets the stage for the readers to take on the voice of the author and note ravers in a negative connotation immediately instead of presenting facts, but believe it or not, most ravers take ecstasy orally, not through their rectums. The ring pops part is true, however, not because ravers are known as “candy kids,” and like to fill their bodies with sugar, but rather because ecstasy causes many users to grind their teeth and having something in the user’s mouth is a way to not cause damage to the mouth (please note I am neither promoting or bashing any cultures or activities, simply stating evidence that I have found through personal experiences).
    I’m sure I could find several things to comment on from the second and third paragraphs depicting raves in the UK and Russia, but since I do not live in those countries I am going to skip comments there.
    I do live in the US though, so I will be making comments on raves here (in the USA).
    “Rave DJ’s” are not known as “Rave DJ’s”, or “Drug Jockeys.” “DJ” stands for “Disc Jockey,” and does not only constrains the term to Raves. For example, your favorite radio station employes multiple DJ’s to play the music on the station that you enjoy listening to. The section concerning how fast ecstasy can turn one into a sex craved raver is a little humorous, but has SOME truth to it. The drug usually takes anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour to fully kick in, but to say that the drug would cause you to dress a certain way is a little absurd. Also, ecstasy is known to release endorphines in your brain that are normally used to balance emotions. This causes essentially everything to feel “good” to the user either emotionally or physically. However, to say that taking ecstasy makes the user have sex with “12 to 17 sex partners in one night,” is ridiculous. It is also ridiculous to claim that raves are for homosexuals, or that going to raves promotes homosexuality.
    This next claim, made by the author, is also a complete fabrication:
    “Each candy kid collects beads, these beads are signs of how many bi-sexual sex orgies they have been apart of.” Before I continue, ravers call their beaded bracelets “Kandi” not “Candy.” The reason I bring this up is because I believe that if this author truthfully did some legitimate research on this topic, he would have called the “candy kids” “Kandi Kids” instead. Back to the claim at hand, Kandi bracelets are collected at raves to promote memories, not orgies. Meaning, if you want another raver that you had met that night to remember you, you would give him or her a piece of Kandi. In this fashion, the fellow raver would be more likely to remember you at future raves. Kandi has absolutley nothing to do with sex, or drugs, and although I cannot speak for others, I have yet to see or hear about someone being drugged or drugging others via a acid-laced-Kandi. The light-show battles described in this article, again, are for the most part not true. Usually two glovers do not battle each other (notice that I said “glover” as opposed to “raver” or “glowsticker.” This is because most light shows are given using lights on the inside of a pair of gloves, using finger and wrist movements to exaggerate the lights). Most glovers are open to the styles of others and treat a light show as a type of dance than anything else. Glovers or other lightshow enthusiasts do not, I repeat: DO NOT use lightshow battles to win “a sex-session with the other crews females.” I’d imagine that this is mostly due to the fact that A) that would be incredibly weird, and B) most gloving crews do not have females, or groupies, or etc…
    When the author wrote about “Jungle Lists” I was very confused. The average raver is actually extremely friendly (almost to the point where you may find yourself creeped out by the naive nature of the raver), however, I have heard that raves in Colorado do consist of a lot of fights. BUT WAIT, that does not mean that the author is correct. This group does not have a name, neither does any other group of people that go to raves with the exception of glovers or dancers. And furthermore, to claim that the only group of people that promote fighting and violence at raves are “Yellows” and “Blacks” is nothing more than a racist rant against Asians and Africans/African Americans.
    PLUR is a real thing to ravers, and ONLY STANDS FOR: Peace Love Unity Respect. The culture at raves can essentially be described by that phrase. One either follows PLUR and is loving/respectful/kind/etc.. towards others, or does not follow PLUR and is generally considered rude/mean/a jerk/etc…

    To any parents that think the description of raves within this article is accurate, IT IS NOT. Are there drugs at raves? Yes. Are there “sinful” acts that are done at raves? Depends on what you consider a sin, but to be honest, no more sins happen at raves than anywhere else in the world, or any other genre of musical or other event. If one is worried about their children raving, then maybe you should have a discussion with your children! Include them in your worries, they’ll probably understand and respect you for it. But whatever anyone does, this article should not be used to consider anything.

    Is this just a scare tactic? I find it really hard to believe that ou did any research on this topic. If you want to rewrite this article in something that actually has some factual base to it, respond to this comment and I will give you any information I can get my hands on. This article does nothing but show how ignorant you must be as a person towards groups or cultures you know nothing about. If I had my name attached to this article, I would be ashamed of myself.

  368. 666

    Penis Labia Urine and Rectums you really think thats what PLUR stands for illuminati bitches. whoever wrote this is a narrow minded asshole. Ahh i remember my first hit of acid….through my ass : )

  369. DCinAL

    Does anyone pay attention to detail? There are World of Warcraft ads on this website, and their store is selling shirts that say ‘Marinated in Sin’, among other things. Good lord people, it’s a satire website. How many of you got so irate upon reading it that you overlooked those glaringly obvious facts?

  370. the holiest of holies

    Stephenson Billings is the greatest troll ever and im not sure if he even knows it… but i guess that’s the point isn’t it

  371. Sticks101

    If this a proper journalistic article, i want sources. Unbiased sources of the information used in this article. If you are unable to produce the aforementioned sources of said information then this article simply show the biased opinion of one sad man.

    I however am a journalist, i also run my own blog on the Denver nightlife scene at the request of 3 different clubs. I full admit that drugs do get sold and trafficked in clubs and at raves as well.

    notable omitted facts England’s highest abortion rate occur in women over 25 (48% of total abortions) with ages 21-24 being second to that at 29%. also notable is it said the rate for those under 16 is less then 2%. All information pulled from ^ http://www.ipsos-mori.com/researchpublications/researcharchive/poll.aspx?oItemId=2320 June 23rd 2011.

    The even worse thing is that the only FACT you include in a hate laced article that includes you referring to people of Asian decent as “YELLOWS” in sentence 2 under the heading “Jungle Lists”. That is just racist.

    Sir, if the church were to read your article, I’m sure you no longer would be a christian, but since i refuse to pass judgement, since that’s Gods job not mine, i will settle to a letter to the editor and chief of the site as well as the site owner.

  372. wowredickurass

    this is fucking bullshit. wow christians to an all time low! Who ever believes this is a complete and total idiot.

  373. Lony

    This article has totally made my day! Absolutely genuis-

    ‘Snake to rectum entry sex parties’,
    ‘Fish Cave worshipping’,
    ‘Satan’s liquid love sauce'(My personal favourite!),
    ‘Bom Bom Cloud’,
    ‘Penis Labia Urine and Rectums’,

    and what is a Satan Sceptre??…..

    I’m crying with laughter here….

  374. Igo toucsd

    This article made me laugh so much, it was a fantastic read. Not because it was actually true in any way, shape, or form, but because of how unaware of the scene you actually are.
    I rave. I rave sober. Drugs aren’t necessary. And I have yet to see someone getting raped or sticking drugs “up their rectum” at a rave.

    This article pretty much sums up why I think middle america is a giant hole of nothing but rednecks and low IQ’s. I think I’ll keep enjoying my west and east coasts.

  375. Ashley

    All this website has made me realize is that the Christians on here are ignorant and RACIST fucks. I’m not involved in this scene at all but I went to a high school where raving was the cool thing to do. Although raves are a bad thing in our society, you give us no actual FACTS about them in this article. Just a bunch of bullshit that used to be true 30 years ago, or never occured and you are making it up as you go along. Research your fucking articles before making such IDIOTIC claims. And Stephenson Billings, you might be the most retarded adult I know. Learn to respond to people and not live in your own little world. I know it’s great there, but you must come back to reality.

  376. nunya bizness

    Tyson.. (The author) You probably think youre really cool writing down your secret fantasies and presenting them as fact to misconstrue the whole situation(s) revolving around ‘ravers and raves’ and provoke contraversy. You see all these people responding to your articles people that actually know–even your pastor or fellow church member–he seems to be concerned about you.
    Dont talk about something you have more than likely not ONCE experienced. Sure there are extremes.. and you just went there. Your articles are just an excuse to have a sick mind. Im glad you got the attention you wanted. Christ even said judge not lest you be judged (Matthew 7:1) God bless and thank you for your opinion.

  377. .

    I’ve never been to a rave. But I at least know that it’s called “Drum and Bass” and not “Drummed and Base”. And it has nothing to do with freebase. Bass, in terms of music, has to do with low tones, smart guy. I think they teach this in elementary school music class, no? The music is a fast, rhythmic drum tempo (something like 160=180 beats-per-minute) partnered with a deep, pulsing BASS (not base) sound. Get it? Drum and Bass? Yayyyy, the fundamentalist ‘tard may have learned something! If you wish to have what you write taken seriously, try gathering some facts first, rather than making it up as you go along. Homophones are tricky, no? (And no, homophones have nothing to do with homosexuality, in case you were wondering … And I know you were, given how uneducated you seem.)

    1. Harold Camping


      “something like 160=180 beats-per-minute”

      That’s three beats per second. Impossible for any musician to sustain for more than a few minutes at a time.

      I just don’t think you’re expert enough to comment on this topic.

      1. Ian

        dude its really not that hard to play that fast. these r just one of the more popular groups ive seen jazz drum and bass thats played at 180-220

  378. Lulu

    What a bunch of garbage someone can right of something they know nothing of and convince other people to believe it.

    Just another idiot that be trollin’

  379. Jerry

    i understand you want to persecute and criticize these “ravers or whoever else you want to target” but to put this plainly and simple, this does not concern you or affects you. the fact people wind up killing themselves at one of these raves by any means, builds no guilt or burden to you. it’s called free will, we cannot make the decisions for them nor force them to. god gave us that gift, and to try to alienate that right is to question god himself!! the only thing we can offer is patience, words of love, and salvation through Christ our lord and savior. we must not judge, criticize, and hate. love and respect EVERYONE!! as you would like to be loved and respected. leave the judgement for our heavenly father, and to everyone that posted disagreeing and were insulted by this “article” i would like to give my sincerest apologies, it seems that some “christians” should of studied the bible more. i hope you all have wonderfull lives in whatever you may choose, it’s all good <—(what? i'm only 20 lol)

  380. James

    Wow, never have I seen an article more full of lies and hate. Where is the truth, love and forgiveness that God told us to practice? …Yet another reason to steer away from fear-mongering hate filled “christians”. The real goal here is to scare you in to believing what the author believes so he will have power over you to believe in HIS god.

    God is everyone, everything, everywhere all the time- nobody speaks for God.

    the truth is there may be a neo-nazi at a rave, just like some preachers rape choir boys. we will never know however Raves are NOT based off of Gay Nazi Acid Parties – nor are the beads covered in acid, nor do junglists determine which dance party to attend or which dance battle to fight.

    Raves are merely gatherings of people who love electronic dance music (also made by some christians, nazis and gay guys). Raves consist of promoters who organize the event with the public, venue, sound and talent. DJs who play music to make the crowd dance and the attendee’s who are there to celebrate the music. Anything beyond that is personal choice.

    Think of it as a large scale bible camp.

  381. James


  382. Truth

    This man should be shot. Along with other people who create these crazy lies for people to believe… makes me lol.

  383. Kaelhyum Marcouvle

    I don’t know how ANYONE with half a brain would take any of what is said above serious. JUST WOW, not only did you get all your facts wrong buddy, you can’t spell and your rediculously judgemental.

  384. Ganf Magna

    How about we do an article of the church rushing around priests to different parts of the country after they were caught molesting minors. I guess they would rather leave that one in the dark.

  385. panderdon

    Im christian and im 20. ive been to many raves and drugs arent something that will magically over power u. if u wanna go and not do drugs then dont. simple as.and seriously get ur facts right because the whole idea of christianity is simple.“Do not judge, or you too will be judged” matthew 7:1
    so if u dont like it shut up and turn your back because the reason people have a stigma about christians now is because of loud mouthed morons who talk and preach about christianity without having a clue or thinking about what they’re talking about. now go do something usefull with your life that doesnt involve faked statistics of assumed nazism and maybe u wont be going to hell.,

  386. Rhino Gangrel

    All i have to say to this is that who ever wrote this needs to do a lil bit better at being a journalist cuz they didnt even get half the crap they said right yes maybe it started out as a horrible culture but it has progressed and it is nothing like what ever bible thumping moron wrote here. I mean if i were given access i would be totally willing to make this entire post a lil more acurate.

  387. Ash brice

    So so funny……….Through the Looking Glass, that poem “The Walrus and the Carpenter,” that’s an indictment of organized religion. The walrus, with his girth and good nature, obviously represents either Buddha or, with his tusks, the Hindu elephant god Lord Ganesha – that takes care of your eastern religions. Now the carpenter, which is an obvious reference to Jesus Christ, who was raised a carpenter’s son, he represents the western religions. Now in the poem, what do they do? What do they do? They dupe all these oysters into following them and then proceed to shuck and devour the helpless creatures en masse. Now I don’t know what that says to you, but to me it says that following these faiths based on mythological figures ensures the destruction of one’s inner being. Organized religion destroys who we are by inhibiting our actions, by inhibiting our decisions, out of fear of some intangible parent figure, who shakes a finger at us from thousands of years ago and says “Do it, do it and I’ll fucking spank you!” Dogma lol!!

    1. Timmay

      Yes, Ass, and Lewis Carol was also well known for his hallucinogenic drug taking, for being a closeted pedophile, for and participating in Satanic rituals. His writings may not make for the best examples here on the godly and righteous Christwire!

  388. Morgan Whiteley

    God is obviously your copilot as you continue to pass your own judgement on a scene and people you know nothing about.

    I’d like to see you cite the sources of your information as well because your facts are way off.

    I have been a raver and I am a Christ follower. the Main goal I had as a raver is to show love to others through music and dance.

    I think if you would re read your KJBible you would see the word of God telling you to judge not or thou shall be judged accordingly.

    This website is highly disappointing to read as you are speading hate instead of love for others.

  389. J


    I haven’t seen propaganda like this in a great while. This gave me a good laugh. It a shame that someone can write something like this with no valid facts. What makes it worse is that will there will be people who believe that it is the truth. Might as well write an article about how all Muslims hate America or how your Asian next door neighbor is most likely an assassin or all homosexuals are child molesters (On a side note to that, a majority of child molesters are heterosexual men).

    I’m just thankful that eventually everyone who are just as ignorant as you will eventually die. Sorry, there is just no place for you in this world, unless you change. The world has changed, and its about time you do the same.

    This is another example of why I gave up faith, no one can practice what they taught. No wonder the world is in such shape that it is, everyone has to teach hate.

  390. Jokerman666

    listen timgay u sound like a pussy and u probably don’t a picture of yourself cuz u r a fag and u r just going with the flow timgay

      1. Jokerman666

        look dumb shit its joker man 666 stupid ass that probably isn’t even u i bet a bull dog has less wrinkles then u and i think u need a check up on your glasses o and by the way alison Manson is my older sister so fuck with her and u fuck with me


      for a jokerman, you don’t recognize jokes very easily. this whole site is SATIRE. this isn’t real! LOL read the rest of the articles on this site. it’s a JOKE!!! hahhahaha

  391. Pingback: Deee-Lite is the Reason Gay Became Popular in the 90′s | ChristWire

  392. stereotommy

    Rave and Nazi ? what a joke, i think religious people (and specially the christians) are closer to the nazis than the dancing people !
    each time a christian looks at something he doesn’t understand , he always goes wrong because he doesn’t want to learn how to live in the 21st century !
    Thinking by yourself is better than telling stupid things enhanced by prejudice against the electronics musics !

  393. Brittany

    Well… If all this is true.. I really missed out when I was raving! 12-17 partners a night? Come on, can someone please get real and be honest about the fact that most men have a hell of a time getting it up on drugs such as ecstasy.

    I especially love the part about the violent “Jungle List” crew that listen to “Drummed and Base”.. In all honesty, how stupid do you have to be to not see the intended musical meaning of the genre of music.. DRUM AND BASS!

    All in all, this is ridiculously unfounded information from an uneducated source.. Why don’t you talk about the trend about drug education at raves?

    You need help my friend, maybe you need to do some drugs that open your eyes are much as those anime characters.. Maybe you’ll see more than 2 feet outside your bubble of ignorance.

  394. Cypress

    Wow, I can’t believe people like this actually exist because I hope this is a joke and the man behind this story is having a good laugh right now at the rage coming his way. It’s embarrassing that such amazing people could be portrayed this way. The same kids you see at the grocery store that look no different than any other person you see there, the same kids who get good grades and never get into trouble as productive members of society. I find it hard to believe that you could truly think that these kids all suddenly down drugs and turn into maniacs when the sun goes down. Disheartening really. Those with hearts filled with god and minds full of hate will get no where. If you are religious, shouldn’t you be the very best as god would like you to be? I would surely hope so. All of the ignorant people will cease to exist soon and give way to the new generation, something well needed in this society.

  395. Amrit

    Anyone that has not attended a rave MAY think like what Tyson refers to, though the text he has written is somewhat over the top with satiric comments.

    Anyone that HAS attended a rave will shurely know that YES, candy ravers DO exist, and some of them do take drugs.
    How do I know?
    I’ve been going to raves for 19 years so I have a fair amount of insight.

    Have I taken any drugs?

    Was I damaged?
    Not that I’m aware of. Not that I’m aware of… 😉

    Did I hurt anyone?
    I have never hurt anyone being on drugs.

    Was it fun?
    Most of the times, yes. Not all of them. Oooh no, I took too much, I took to muuuch. Silly me. 😛

    Did I die?
    In fact, I realized we are all the imagination of God being expressed as separate beings… But hey, anyone taking acid or anything similar can see that.

    Does Jesus still Love me?
    Ofcourse. I can feel him in my heart always.

    Is Jesus God?
    We are his brothers and sisters, so, in fact, Jesus says we are all God.

    Either way, the article is a dumbass attempt of trying to explain something the author clearly has no actual experience of and almost all the “facts” are completely made up.

    Quite hilarious to read though since it is filled with so much false information.
    Though, if I am WRONG and Tyson is right, then I have missed a heck of a lot of FUN parties.

    Or what do you say Tyson, have you attended enough parties being the way you claim so you know what you are writing about or are you just frustrated and need to vent some emotions?

  396. Heather

    wow. do you have ANY idea of how FUCKING IGNORANT you are??? you OBVIOUSLY have no idea about what you are talking about. Honestly, it sounds like you pulled all of this “information” out of your uneducated ass. Maybe if you weren’t so closed minded, you would have the balls to attend one of these Nazi Rave Parties and see what it’s really about. you are an incompetent idiot. Maybe look it up on Wikipedia. oh, and learn how to use the English language. your grammar is god awful.

    1. Neoconstipated

      Do atheist Chris†Wire trolls realize that the English Language has capitalization rules?


      LOL maybe you should wikipedia tysonbowersiii.com. cuz then you would know how fucking ignorant you are, because this site is a fake. it’s a joke! SATIRE!!!! are you people really that stupid?? fuck! you are an incompetent idiot!

  397. Jules

    This is hilarious!

    Successful troll is epically successful. Sad that you feel the need to wind up the plur-bunnies, and also sad that they react so fervently to what is obviously a piss-take.

    My time in the scene has been and gone. I wish it were that debauched and libidinous. No, really. I had myself some epic mind melting moments, and no doubt will again. People will tut-tut at people who take heroic doses of psychedelics, but that is not going to change what I do or who I am.

    If you are a proud alterer of your own consciousness, remain so without getting wound up by this.

    PLUR, man.. no.. really. Plur.

  398. pj

    STFU! anytime you have to start an “article” with “nazi germany,” youve lost any valid point exceeding the faulty synonym… FAIL

  399. Vicky Raval

    Tripped pops and drummed and bass???? This is the most uninformed, biased and uneducated article I have ever read on this subject.

  400. Jennifer

    It’s amazing to me, in a world where information is available freely on the internet, how you have gotten EVERY single thing you have written wrong. It’s kind of like you made it all up to troll people. Some of the stuff that is written doesn’t even make any sense.

    As a former Candy kid, who never did drugs, and followed P.L.U.R (which really means Peace, Love, Unity and Respect). I can say from experience that raves are just a place to go and enjoy electronic music. If people are doing drugs, who cares- they are doing them at rock shows, at rap shows- everywhere. Just because some people are doing them, doesn’t mean everyone is.

    By the way, I was a christian theology major in college. I know far more about your own beliefs than you do, apparently. Christians today have no respect for other people. They blindly make false accusations and rabble rouse. Welcome to that club.

  401. No one Important

    “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”
    -Mohandas Gandhi

  402. A Truth Teller

    Okay, a few things: Nazi Germany is not where raves came from. BPM is really, Beats Per Minute, which EVERY song, no matter what genre, has. There are very, very few people who actually use drugs rectally. There is rarely any sex at all, and deffinately no “orgies”. Yes, there are some drugs, but most people go to enjoy the music and meet friends. DJ, as ANYONE would know, means Disc Jockey. They make and play the music, and rarely sell drugs. Also, your refferal to DeeLite as a “band” is incorrect. That would be a DJ. Ecstasy does make you feel more intimate and close with the people around you, but it does not turn you into a sexaholic or a “raging sex craver”. It was developed as a medication given to couples going through couple’s therapy to make them feel closer and remember why they fell in love in the first place. Kandi Kids, as it is properly spelled, do not “drench their bodies full of liquid ecstasy”. I’m not even sure that’s entirely possible. The beads are not a sign of how many bisexual orgies they have been apart of. They are just cute accesories, worn because they glow in blacklight, which most raves are lit in. People don’t “light show battle for drugs” and there is most certainly not any female who belongs to any “crew” or even any one person to “win”. Each person, regardless of gender, is free to do as they wish. The names you use to describe homesexual activity and the terms quite obviously have made up for many different actions and human anatomical places are completely ridiculous and immature, and suggest that you might actually be a two-year old child. Junglist is the proper term you were looking for. They don’t rob people or stir up trouble. You are completely racist and that is inappropriate, and shame on you. Another term you must have had on the tip of your tongue but accidently mispronounced is “Drum And Bass”, so named because (obviously) it involves drums and bass. As in MUSIC bass. And most ravers don’t smoke meth. The most they do is ecstasy, and occasionally acid or mushrooms. There are no junglist “groups” and they don’t have any “leader”. As I stated before, everyone is free to do as they wish and make their own decisions. PLUR does not, in fact, abbreviate all of the lewd things you seem to have thrown together simply because you have a perverted mind and enjoy coming up with disgusting terms and words simply because you yourself are a disgusting pervert. PLUR babies is not even a term. There is no rape at raves, and as I stated before there is not much sex either, and when there is it is hidden and most ravers don’t notice it. I think if you were a proper “journalist” you would have done some research and not pulled lewd terms and immature words out of your rectum, and tried to find a semblance of the truth to put into your article. And another thing: It is only up to God to judge, and you are disappointing him in your judgement of others.

  403. HAL

    Alot of what enlightened christianity evolved into was the practice of moving energetically in group environments while inhaling the sooth of incense from across the land. (Quakers, shakers)… “to enhance connection with god” …

    I guarantee you that most practicing christians now havent even come close to “connection with god” poor souls… then need dance and fun… they live in a systematic organized fear…

    Raves are infinitely more spiritual than practiced religion.

      1. Bruce Danus

        Ok, Samwise. Yet you named yourself after one of the fairy trolls from that JRK Meyers book/movie Lord of the Twilights, and you want to make fun of us? That’s laughable. Stop reading science fiction Elf/Vampire books and read the Bible instead.

  404. Pingback: Kawasaki Disease, Giant Marilyn Monroe Statue, Offend Families at Carmageddon | ChristWire

  405. Chad

    To the Author of this Article,




  406. drielle

    Bahahaha…you call us biggots?, blacks and yellows? Go to your kkk meeting and practice your free speech or should I say free ignorance…you say none of peoples comments are relivant but it is you just dont have enough intelligence to defend yourself…you cant even use proper grahmmar….sounds like you have some fantasies here with how in detail you are about stuff that isnt true…and I dont even do drugs but I still know how much of a joke what your saying is..its people like you that make others not want to be christian..what is chriatian about your hate and judgements? You are one of the most ridiculous ppl ive ever encountered

  407. Sherlock

    I am a Christian, I have friends who are ravers. I enjoy raves as well. I’m also a furry, a fan of Steampunk, and I play Dungeons and Dragons. There is NOTHING inherently sinful about any of these things. Just because some of the people who do these things also take drugs or have sex outside of marriage, or are gay, doesn’t mean that the activities themselves require it. There’s a lot of drinking in college, and a lot of sex and drugs, yet you aren’t fighting against college students specificially. You aren’t saying that college is evil because it’s full of sex and alcohol. Yet there is a greater number of college students participating in drugs and alcohol and sex than there are ravers that take acid.

    All of these articles are very extreme, and judgmental. And full of falsehoods, and grammatical errors……….lol.
    These receive so much hate because they are so very wrong. So very misinformed. And so full of hate and judgment.
    Conservatives are ruining what it means to be Christ-like.
    Oh, and Jesus was a liberal of his day.

  408. Average Iowa Guy

    After reading this article, and some of the comments left by the authors “christian” supporters…

    I don’t think it is possible to find the words to describe how ashamed I am to call myself a Christian if THIS is how we think and act towards others.

    All I really have left to say is just WOOOOOOOW….

  409. Twitch 257

    ….are u really freaking serious???… this article is just sad and pathetic. i feel sorry for you to actually write about a topic that you know nothing about. i’m 20 years old and haven been raving since i was 17. i go out and party at raves every single weekend and not once have i ever seen any orgies, drugs being used at the event, or anything actually that you described above. i mean i’m sure that their are people that do get high and whatnot before they go, but never during. and now actually this “devil electronic” music is now called “Dubstep”. so that was only one of hundreds of lies and
    mistakes that you lie and are mistaken about… maybe next time you should go to one before you decide to bash and make up lies about my party scene that i love oh so much. i guarantee you would enjoy it.

  410. cat

    This is absolutely ridiculous. I love electronic music, and I haven’t touched a drug in my life. I am an active member of my church, and I listen to dubstep. I know a lot of people who simply like the beat, and like to dance. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Saying that people who go to raves are drug addicts and sex fiends is highly ignorant, and simply outrageous.

    As for the author of this article, you really need to wake up and smell the coffee. This is one of the most ignorant articles I have ever read. You are giving the rest of us Christians a bad name.


    hahah i dont know how a single person believes this website. can anyone honestly believe that there are crazy sex piles going on in LA streets? haha SLANDERSLANDERSLANDER

    heres a fun thought: i grew up an still go to church, and i have attended raves. so how about you go to a rave, and stop making outlandish and childish claims about a current music culture. what is currently taking place is nothing compared to the ’60 ’70’s.

  412. Jack

    So let me get this straight Christ is against ‘The Evil Rave Scene’ yet his Church SEXUALLY ABUSE KIDS in the USA, Europe, Oz etc etc etc, lolz

  413. ben

    Hilarious.. funniest read in a long time.. Dee Lite plays Happy Hard? and it just goes downhill from there..

    Relitards.. maybe you should get yours heads out of your asses & plug an E.. it could release som eof that built up sexual frustration and save our childrens rectums from your rapist priests..

  414. jess

    “Each candy kid collects beads, these beads are signs of how many bi-sexual sex orgies they have been apart of. It is almost like medals won on the sexual dance floor of STDs.”

    That is one of the most misleading, uneducated statements I have ever read. If you don’t know what those beads REALLY represent (because you’re probably too busy believing some bull shit another person who is as close-minded as you has told you), then DON’T WRITE ABOUT IT LIKE YOU KNOW. Your idea of this culture is so far off it’s not even funny. And your article isn’t even well-written either. You are a joke.

  415. Atheist

    WOW! I really can’t believe this site. Those ‘Beads’ are called Kandi (and No, i didn’t spell it wrong). They Represent new friends and good times. They are made and given out at raves when you meet someone new.
    Next time, when looking for information, ask a real source. Not what you think it means.

  416. BJ

    In all of this infinit wisdom, did you happen to notice how deep you head has been sucked up you rectum? You sir are a moron. And your god hates you. And my god hates you. Just about everybodys god hates you. go vitamin x,t and c.

  417. stupid

    you people are retarded, LOL
    this is genious and parody at its best, and you all fell for it and got angry.
    poor dumb ravers

  418. stupid

    you people are retarded, LOL
    this is genius and parody at its best, and you all fell for it and got angry.
    poor dumb ravers

  419. Pingback: ROFL raving is gay as fukc - Plurlife - Electronic Music, DJs, Clubs, and Parties!

  420. NellieBVB

    Sorry I have not commented yet. I know how you love to say about everything. First I would like to say this is a stupid article. P.L.U.R. Is a Blood On The Dance Floor song. Here is the lyrics from the beginning.

    Peace, love, unity, respect
    These are all the things
    That I will never forget

    It does mean Peace Love Unity Respect.

  421. fel

    Nice spelling god lovers! love to rave, love to party, love my eeeeeeeeeeeeeee and apparently god is a gabber… in case you didnt know

  422. TiAmos

    Okay, this has to be a really awesome joke, or somebody is seriously misinformed… I’ve never laughed so hard in my life!, good one Tyson, thanks for giving me a good ol’ chuckle. As a DJ of over 15 years, I’ve seen a thing or two during my career, you’ve helped open my eye’s to the freaks, like yourself, that exist in reality (and even have a blog!).

    Mate, truly disturbing that an article like this actually had the time to be written…

  423. Antwon

    These articles are mad funny. I didn’t think the column took a serious tone everyone…it was very entertaining to read so enjoy it.

  424. raver

    you are a nigger and dont know what your talking about and should look up what your talking about befor you post it on the interwebs. i’v been raving for 6 years now and been sober for 4 of them, and yes some people do go to raves for sex and drugs but most peple do not and it pisses me off that everyone thinks thats what raves are all about.

  425. Pingback: Wheres the Rave? Living Rooms Worldwide | | Social Security Records

  426. Daniel

    hmmm tot he people who read this site sorry tot ell you but everything that has been written is false there is no fact in tat article you should remove your author for spreading lies like the dark lord satan as a christian i am quite sad that this web site would degrade its self to false information to scare people were not in the 1930s anymore

  427. craigsharrison

    I am pretty shure Tyson has broken one of the commandments. Yeah I am pretty shure there is one about not lying hmmmmm.

    If your going to make up sutch ridiculous lies why don`t you just go hell for it make up the most unbelievable and whacked crazy stuff you can. Oh you did.

    And – your history of the rave scene is absolutely off the track somewhere. Jungle/DnB came from the breakbeat/rave era in 1990/1991 in England in parallel to the Happy Hardcore scene – just trying to give you some factual data. If you cannot even get your basic facts right then stop writing silly hyped up falsifications that everybody with any sense is laughing at with most people thinking it is a joke. I do hope it is a joke? Is it?

  428. craigsharrison

    Oh and Tyson – it seems you are, according to your Facebook page a Manchester United fan. I now feel deeply sorry you are putting your faith in such an ungodly enterprise and hope the brown paper bag you wear when your out of your hut, which resides on some industrial waste site, is comfortable and of such a grade that it will never fly off by accident. You are a strange, strange individual and slightly creepy with a dirty imagination. Pervert.

  429. craigsharrison

    I do hope that everybody is taking this as a joke and not getting too angry. this is a satirical thing right. Just pretend that your serious and take it as a way of depicting what the American right wing Christians are like.

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