Category Archives: Investigative

Is P90X and Tony Horton Turning America Gay?

What is P90X
Muscle confusion or sexual confusion? This is the question America should be asking one of the largest homosexual front operations in America, called “P90X”. P90X is ran by a company called Beach Body and they fill the minds of weak willed people to get up and get into shape. But the shape they want them to get into is in the form of a pink feather boa and assless chaps. With each 55 minute work out, their customers work up a sweat towards the path of homosexual.

You see, just like the Gay Agenda, P90X feeds on the weak minded people. They know they are the easiest to turn gay. All you do is give them a little bit of attention and you have them sucked within your demonic grasps. Heterosexual men and women workout to be healthy, not strut around in cut off shirts or walk down Melrose in jogging shorts. The only people who want bulging biceps or a tuckus that you could bounce silver dollars off of, are those who have the sexual deviance of a homosexual sinner. This is why most P90X users used to be fat or they target the ugly, Mexicans, fans of emo music and video gamers, because they all have one thing in common, no life and no self esteem.

P90X also works their victims slowly into their future gay lifestyle by repeating gay terminology and food choices. Gays love buzz words and trendy phrases, it is the reason why everything in the world today has been morphed from “Hello fellow American, it is a beautiful day outside” into “So, yo”. On term that sticks out in the P90X program, is the term “X-ing”. Tony is always “X-ing” you during his work outs and you even see his brainwashed co-hosts throwing up their gang like street signs when he says it. Did you know “X-ing” is the term gays use when they insert ecstasy pills up their rectums? Yep, these are the kinds of terms Tony is teaching while he has you drenched in gay lover man sweat. Next thing you know, you’ll be “X-ing” your new Cuban boyfriend behind Sparkles and Barracks on 5th avenue!

Another big thing in the gay lifestyle is gourmet food and this program pretty much requires you to hire a 5 star chef. The food gets you to crave posh delights that would only be served at a gay restaurant or nightclub. I mean, how many real men eat basil tomato soup? But don’t worry, if you can’t afford a chef you can pay out the rear for their custom shakes and protein bars. Each item contains what is called “Skake-ology”, which is packed with amino acids that attach the gay gene to ones dna. So not only are you huffing and puffing to great gayness, you are also downing loads of homo juice down your throat five times a day.

Who is Tony Horton
If Satan had a Pilates instructor it would be Tony Horton, a former gay club go go dancer turned international health guru. Tony’s main goal is to keep you focused on the task at hand with his quaky one liners and man boy good looks. Tony makes you feel like he is your buddy, your pal, your new best friend. He makes you start comparing your friends to him and within 90 days he gets you to unfriend everyone you’ve even befriended and make you fall in love with him. You start to seek out your first gay relationship with men that follow the same physique and hair line as Tony. Tony is now your God, he is your anchor into the new world he has created for you.

How to Tell if Someone is Using P90X

I created a print out for our readers, so they can use this and compare it to their friends, family members, children or spouses. If they fit any of these symptoms, they are in danger of having their soul rejected from heaven.

Photo Evidence
Most liberals and supporters of The Homo Gay Agenda don’t understand complex journalism, nor do they some time understand basic English. For those whose minds are to feeble to understand my Jessica Fletcher style of detective work, I have added images from the forums to show you the effects of P90X on American males.

Liberals and Obama lie, statistics and numbers do not. We polled 100 men and on and asked them some very direct questions to prove that this P90X system was cause of the shocking increase in gayness among Americans.

Effects on Men

Effects on Women

General Statistics

Ben and Jerry’s Wants Kids to Eat Sweat Dipped Testicles – “Schweddy Balls” Flavor

I exposed their first attempt at tricking kids into eating frozen spoon fulls of homosexual seamen and now the Homo Gay Agenda wants your children to fein for thick milky ice cream balls of perspired gay testicles. Just the name alone shows you that their true intent to destroy the heterosexual fibers of America that God intended. Thanks to the abuse of free will by homosexual sugar plummed fairies, emosexuals, hipsters and a large portion on none God skinned people, we have to watch our grocer’s freezer like a band of Nazis making sure that no evil pastries or dairy treats try to escape and turn our children into walking sin lusted, ass bandits.

Just like how the blacks used crack to control their streets, the gays are using sweet delicacies to get kids addicted to the taste of a musky and sweaty candy bags. They know kids don’t read the names of ice cream, the just want the newest flavor. Like the head crack dealer, liberal overlord, Alex Boldwhen, has been promoting this dairy death weapon for years now on the left wing cable show, SNL (Satan Network of Lies) pushing for your children to make their parents buy this product. Unaware parents will purchase this sin cream and allow their children to sit in front of the tv while they load up their mouth with not only highly fattening calories, but also force their taste buds to acquire the need to be bombarded with taint tingling tastes of homosexual desires.

Like I said before, I hope Southern California’s sinful cities of liberal gay parades are swallowed up by hell’s fire and burned to ash. Once that happens we can dance for joy on top of the remains of the gaytropolises that denied God!

Ke$ha – The Harlot of Dripping Whorness

There is only one person in the world that would make Mary Kate and Ashley’s drug problems look like a happy morning episode of “Jesus and Friends” and that Satanic spunk of whorness is no other than ghetto rap, slut demon Ke$ha. This woman is covered in Satan nectar and radiates promiscuous interracial sex from her vodka and crystal meth clogged pores. The harlot of whorness, also spreads her “alternative lifestyle” like a African outbreak with with lyrics in her music. This music is played all over radio shows like Ryan Seacreast and other gay hosted top 40 stations.

This feeble minded bi-homosexual hussie of home wrecking fecal frenzy is to dumb to even realize that “$” isn’t even a word. Does the “$” respesent that fact that she sells all her orifices for a record deal or a quick line of acid meth? If the “$” is her name is suppose to mean she is worth anything, she should show her real worth and change it to a “¢”.

Ke$ha is a turbo quasi lesbian that spends more time on tripled dipped acid drug trips, while wondering the deserts in search of a Indian three way, than she does on her own personal hygiene. There is no doubt that this girls labia could host a E! News red carpet event. Her fish cave woofs the stench of aborted babies lying lifeless in the trash can outside of a Planned Parenthood alleyway. It has been rumored that her love slaves prefer to rump her sewer hole rather than her camel hump because the smell is more pleasant. The only thing more train wrecked than her man hole sized baby door is her overgrown bushy eyebrow-ed Clydesdale face and long locks of lice infested hair. This woman’s body is truly a walking dumpster filled with pre-used homosexual anal docking condoms and bags of fecal matter.

You can also tell God has smitened her because she carries the ugliness of Satan and she tries to cover up these beast marks with voluminous layers of make up and carnival face paints. She knows she is ugly, because in her song “TicK TocK”, she says that she wakes up looking like a ugly blak man named “Puffed Dit Te”. We all know that male blacks are not the strong jaw lined lookers.

If she could, this woman would love to suck your children up into her love cavern and torment them with nightmares of late night binge drinking and back ally gang bangs. So don’t let your children listen to her “blah, blah, blah” mp3 files on their iTunes or from their accounts. If you do catch you child listening to her demonic sound waves, punish them by throwing all their electronic devices in the trash, burning them and ground your child. For every Satanic song of her’s they have listened too, that is an extra week of no social interactions.

Google to Launch “Gaygoo”

It is no secret that Google has some of the richest homosexuals in the world as investors and they have a major influence on how Google works. To provide proof of this is simple. Did you know that Google will block sex results that involve hetero people, but a confused child can type in the word “Twinkie” and instead of getting information on the favorite cream filled treat, they will be bombarded with a sea of gay-fully delightful imagery of muscle cave sin pleasures and URL hotlinks to man boy websites?


Right off the limply held bat, you can tell the Gaygoo logo has been redesigned to tantalize the queer eyed visitor. Dipped in homo gay colors, the Gaygoo logo screams “Type in a keyword and I will spit out sinfully lusty results to tingle your anally intrusive twiddle rompus”.

Websites have landing pages that are called “Homepages”. These homepages are usually lightly weighted down with bits, so the band widths are fast to load. The same goes with the Gaygoo homepage, but it has been reworded to be called the “Homopage”.

On the “Homopage” you can see it is setup just like the normal Google, but with a different set of verbiage. Let us take a look at the currently proposed “homopage”.

As you can see, the homepage is gayer than any Bravo television host could ever imagine to be. Gays can quickly find clubs to meetup with a new sin docking partner or quickly check their gay shirtless imaged filled emails from their Mexican twink boyfriend, Escobar. They even have a “I’m Feeling Horny” button, which if clicked, takes them to a random power bottom fetish website.

Gay Friendly Search Results
Gays hate having to think. That is why Gaygoo has setup a system that is allowed to think like a dirty like ass assassin. When a homo gay types in a few letters, Gaygoo can already figure out what their faggy brain waves are thinking. Let us take a look at what auto suggestion you would get from normal Google, compared to Gaygoo.



Pedophile Image Results
Google realized that 94% of the time gays spend on Google, is on the images page searching for unprotected MySpace photos of young children. They use these images to drool over, while they insert bulbous objects into their swampy muscle caves to force a “milked orgasm”. Now with the help of Gaygoo, instead of having to use keywords that are saved on their Apple computer’s cache and that can be used against them in a future molestation case. Gaygoo has removed the hardwork and worry all together and gives the gay a smorgasbord of pedo enticing images to browse from, automatically. Demon whacking will never be easier for the homo gay community.

You can see in the stolen image below, the amount of images that are pulled automatically for the gay surfer and notice the sidebar allows them to filter out the little boys to their personal liking. Thus feature alone will make a homosexual more gitty than letting them site front row at a Cher concert.

Without having to type anything in, the image pages automatically displays the following:

Here you can see the filtering system to allow the gays to zero in on their desired pray. It is quite sicking to know that Gaygoo is pretty much opening your children’s bedroom door, unprotected and open to a viral gay assault.

Nocturnal Wonderland – A Pagan Rave Festival to Honor Homosexual Masturbatory Gods

Just like all drug infested raves, Nocturnal Wonderland is shrouded in hazy drug eyed mystery of sex blood games, reverse orgy three ways and toxic anal drug taking. No one really knows how this party of pornography filled drug dancing and electronic clusters of demon music came about, but we can tell you what goes on at this festival.

Nocturnal Festival is a single-day sex and drug event that is held to worship the rave God’s “Abe” and “Adam”. Abe is the raver god of masturbation and Adam is the god of the ecstasy pill. The event is held at the end of August, or in early September around Labor Day, because the ravers believe this is the time that both their gods where born. There are usually 5 stages that each have a ritual that displays the loyalty of the ravers to their false gods.

The first Nocturnal Wonderland was in 1999 and was held at the future local of the sex infested festival known as Coachella Fest. It was reported that 500 pounds of Mexican ecstasy was confiscation that night and that over 45 causes of anal rape was reported. Even so, parents still allow their children to walk down the red carpet to Satan’s own VIP party of cosmic rape and glittery sinful lullabies.

The five stages or circles at the event are tailored to celebrate a specific event in the life of the raver’s drugged out gods and to praise their master dingles in a mesmerized fashion. The reason they pick five, is because the number five represents the five nights the two gods spent doing drugs, performing mouth sex act on each other and co-masturbating while creating the “Raver Utopia”.

The stages (circles) are:

“The Labyrinth”:
The Labyrinth is a circle maze that represents the fictional journey Abe and Adam took to gather and create the first ecstasy pills. To honor their adventures to create the drug that makes black ghetto crack look like aspirin, ravers gather in a circle and violently masturbate until they create a penile ejected sea of globby dna devil’s brew. Once the forearms of each raver has exhausted, they collect the goop soup in a pot and pass around filled cups to each other. As the cup is passed they take turns drinking random stranger’s twiddle rompus, baby juice and give thanks to their lords.

The raver believes that this circle of released excitement, arouses the gods, who then blesses their drugs with more potent MDMA chemicals.

Alice’s House:
Alice was Abe’s sex slave and he was known to visit her “kingdom in the sky” that was built by a fellow named “Jack”. Once a week Abe would come to Alice’s house and use her as a masturbatory assistant. In “honor” of this love tryst, the ravers throw on Poi (Penile Orgasmic Interaction) shows. Poi shows, is where ravers use electronic lights to spin around to imitate the sperm streams that were ejected out of the tips of their Abe’s skin torpedoes. This dance also puts male ravers into a trance and calls upon Abe to enter their body and create more semen juices to be produced in the male’s candy sacs.

The Upside Downroom:
The Upside Downroom is all about drugs. The story goes that Adam and Abe were given magic mushrooms to be given strength to travel a long distance to find a new land for their people. Instead the mushrooms were swapped for infected mushrooms. These mushrooms turned their brains upside down and spoke to the gods. They told them to head east and collect the chemicals that today create MDMA.

To celebrate this joy for the swapped mushrooms, ravers mix their pills and “infected mushrooms” to enter into a state called “Candy Hip-E Flip” and it supposedly turns their brain upside down and allows them to speak with Abe and Adam telepathically. Once in this state, the ravers can only be brought out of this chemical possession by saying the word “E-tard”.

The Sunken Garden:
The Sunken Garden is the place Abe and Adam rested after their first experience with the ecstasy drug that they just created. The night was cold, so both Adam and Abe cuddled with each other to warm each other with their body hit. Rumor has it, that the two gods did partake in a rump of anal sin docking.

In the Sunken Garden room, ravers who are coming down from their highs, create what is called a “Cuddle Puddle” and snuggle with each other until they are fully out of their drug state.

The Queen’s Grounds:
The Queen was a fairy who granted the title “god” to Abe and Adam once they took control of their world by turning everyone into dependent dug addicts. They were the only ones who knew the recipe for ecstasy and they used that power to control the masses. The Queen didn’t want to lose her thrown, so she dubbed the two men as gods and gave herself sexual to them. Once the sugar covered fairy sex was done, Abe ripped The Queen’s wings off and melted them down with a mixture of his latest e-brew and created what is now known “Pixie Ecstasy”.

In The Queens Grounds, ravers will lace their pills with “pixie dust” or as the black street kids call it “PCP” and dance with furious rage. In the room, ravers are also known to have forced female three ways to reenact the sexual rape of The Queen by Abe and Adam.

These circles of Satanic delight are energized by the BPMs of techno trace drummed and based music, being created by the terror jungle lists DJ, Diesel Boy. Instead of blowing up buildings in New York City, Diesel Boy uses his .wav format dirty bombs to tantalize your son’s “South Tower”. This man has the ability to conjure up the dark lord spirits via his death mp3’s that are blasted out of his Technic bass speakers and high powered New-marked torque, turntables. He literally turns the dance floor into a portal to hell, while the children dance in a ritualistic manner, while whacking their demon flesh until they forcefully produce devil juices. It has also been reported that Diesel Boy himself, Asian massages his Satan scepter to the point of climatic pleasure, from looking down upon the souls of the children below him being devoured by Satan’s glow sticks of destruction.

Nocturnal Wonderland

Nocturnal Wonderland raver hussies, flaunting their sex cushions.

The only thing that is thicker than the drugs, is the amount of slut filled sin whores that dance around in erotic gestures in hopes to arouse the sin snakes of male plur babies or moist the camel humps of some binky sucking bi-sexual. shorts that are so short that their moist camel humps hang feel out the bottom for on lookers to gawk in sexual fueled pleasure. On top of that, they have their milky fat yams flung out for male party goers to envision adult fantasies of sexual breast feeding and sometimes they decorate their milk spouts with neon stripper stars, that are laced with acid. It is known that ravers will come up and lick the devil liquid soaked nipple stars and be put into a hypnotic trance of gummy bear raindrops, while their mind is opened up to Satan’s beacon of sexual deformities.

It is very easy for a drug slamming, raver hussie to attain such outfits. You have large clothing chains like Urban Outfitters, Dirty Shirty and Hot Topic that flourish in greedy blood money from slut wear sales to sex frenzied minors.

You see, these vixens of sexual masturbatory imagery are hired by the Insomnia rave lords to send taint tremors down the male raver’s Adam whistle and excite them to the point where they can not fight the bad touch urges no more. The more males walking around wanting to milk their cuddle rod, the more baby injection nectar that can be spilled for the raver gods.

If you don’t believe us that this festival is a cesspool of drug induced, sex juice circles, below is a menu that was intercepted by one of our undercover ticket buyers. Along with your ticket, you are given a ecstasy pill list. With this list you can pre-order your compressed pills of lustful deviance and they will mail it to you three days before the big event.

Jordin Sparks Uses Black Street Drugs to Lose Weight

Did afro-saxon pop singer lose weight by hard work and by following a nutritious diet? Maybe she caught the lesbian syphilis disease to drop the massive amounts of cow she packed on by eating five McDonald’s number threes every day? Actually, the answer to these question is “no”. Former American Idol tubby actually dropped her tons of gluttony by going on a regiment of black rock ghetto street crack.

As you can see in her photo, not only did the crack make her drop 21 dress sizes, but she has also turned into that type of black you would see in a Big-E Pac video. You know the video, where the slave skinned girls are shaking their thunderous gluts and rubbing their syrupy glazed baby caverns into the naught area of the rap singer.

Miss Sparks, my advice would be to go to Costco and fill up on the fattiest foods you can find and eat yourself back to some self dignity.

Cobra Starship – Electro Pop Punk Rape Sex Band

What is Cobra Starship? Sex, drugs and muscle relaxant saturated Hi-C fruit drinks would be the quickest way to describe this sex filled glazed eyed, acid laced cigarette smoking, freak show of a band. This band is nothing more than a black plague of hipsters, who dress in neon colored jump suits and raver meth glasses.

Like typical New York City sewer street trash, this band has created music to praise and promote unsafe sexual penetrations, un-same colored body rubbing and Harlem black street drug use, like acid laced cracked coked canes. With their popular mp3 format iTunes album,¡Viva La Cobra!, they laid the brick work to enter your children’s mind and leading them down the fiery subway to Satan’s warehouse party. Satan’s warehouse is where he turns out gays, lesbians, transgenders and bi-sexual New England hipsters.

While your children are barraged by this bands neon colored jumpsuits, Satan is enter the ear canals of you children via the music waves. Satan is able to ride sound waves that are created by bands like this and once their ears are opened by the electro music, he is able to easily become a parasite within their brains. Once your child is a host to Satan, bands like Cobra Starship inject their musical demonic commands into their brains.

For those who don’t believe us that this band is a group of Satanic gateway openers, raging bi-sexuals and fairy footed, fecal farming homosexuals, I guarantee if they submitted a blood test, they would come out positive for the gay death cold (HIV). That is the only blood test currently able to properly test for gay activity in ones body.

They are also the band who originally wrote the famous “I Kissed a Girl” song, which was performed by the sinfully perky and blimpy milk sac’d temptress, Kathy Perry. They also perform their own version called “I (mouth sexed) a Boy”, where Gabe changed the lyrics to tell a story about a bi-sexual, whipped cream gas induced four-way he had back in college. This orgy comprised of interracial sex part penetrations, along with demonic anal sin docking and they also performed same sex mouth sex acts.


Cobra Starship was formed after frontman Gabe Saporta fled into the deserts of Arizona after a week long binge of apple cosmos, honey rainbow ecstasy pills and medieval like rampage of gay sex. He was so embarased of being a leader singer for the super hip boy band “O-Town”, so he went on a mission to find Satan in the desert. He knew that is where the demon lord visited Jesus and he was right. Saporta spent days and nights plotting with Satan on how to create a new style of music that could infiltrate the white family household. Once their plan was divested, Satan morphed into a Cobra and took a bite out of Gabe and said “Drink my poison and be my starship to collect America’s youth and corrupt them.”

After his desert wet dream of Satanic pleasures, Gabe moved to the second most evil and homo-opolis city in the world, New York, and formed electro pop punk SIN-sation, Cobra Starship.


Gabe Saporta
Front man and lyrical writer, Gabe abides by Satan’s whispers to write songs that are jam packed with necormatic like wizard magic, that brainwashes your children with tantalizing sprinkles of slutty driven pixel dust. Besides his demon blood inked lyrics, his on stage hand gestures and antics are faggier than Freddy Mercury riding a unicorn while winking and sucking on a lollipop.

Ryland Blackinton
Ryland is Gabe’s former high school sweetheart, joined the band in hopes to rekindle that gay love spark between him and Saporta. Ryland, which is a pagan name for “Raping the Land”, plays the serpent six string for the band.

Victoria Asher
The vixen of sexual death, is the ” keytarist” for the band and likes to use her daughter of Eve lustful legs to entice the crowd with thoughts of self m-ing. She is also known to smear her face with her own vaginal baby blood, to get more electro punk street cred among the band’s fans.

Alex Suarez
Progressive bands aren’t cool unless they let minorities in the band and Suarez was the missing like to make the band look diverse and liberal. Like all good Mexicans, Alex was good with his hands, so the band decided to throw him on keyboards.

What Does Their Name Mean?
A cobra is a venomous snake that spews toxic liquid into the eyes of its victim to blind it. Once blinded the cobra will strike its teeth into the pray’s skin and injects it poison into the blood stream. With this band, instead of the cobra being a reptile hunter, they are referring to the male naughty sex sector of the body and they are wanting to blind their listeners with sex propaganda and then inject them with their juicy sauce like male DNA venom.

What is Electro Pop Punk?

Electro pop punk came from the sex sweat flooded dance floors of the gay disco area of 1998. Once the gays had their fun with funky town beats, they moved onto pop music, leaving the disco-tech warehouses open for the taking. From these warehouses emerged Trip Hop music, which hosted underage sex parties and tickled Satan’s musical juices to create a “white family friendly” form of Satanic music, electro pop punk.

To this day, electro pop punk concerts stick to their roots and make sure that with every concert, the underage sex parties flow with the sinful juices of pre-martial sexual bliss.

You can see by the chart below, that our Cobra friends also have incorporated their own sexual tidbits to the electro pop punk community. Being popular for their trip hop drug infused blood orgies, Cobra Starship also brings a gay aspect to the table. At any given concert six out of ten male concert ticket holders will indulge in anal sex docking.

Lyrical Proof

To those who chose to turn their heads the other way, while our youth is sodomized by lyrical rapists, I have taken three of their songs to show you what lies underneath their Satanic whispers of sex, violence, gay propaganda and drugs.

Aww Dip Lyrics

I don’t mind falling down to try again
The opening line is talking about performing a mouth sex act on a flesh torpedo.

Brothers, we waited forever
This is talking about the gay brotherhood and how they have waited so long to be able to go against God’s word and get married.

Oh, we’ll burn them down
This is a call to violence. They are telling your children to burn the fibers of America.

Snakes on a Plane Lyrics

For snakes on a plane / (bad “f” word)’em, I don’t care
Here they are telling your children they should hand sex a fellow passenger on a plane.

I can see the venom in their eyes
Venom in their eyes, is street talk for being high on illegal drugs.

Chew Me Up Lyrics

Count one, two, three / You got me on my knees
Again, they are telling you ale children to find three gay people and kneel down and perform a multi-interracial mouth sex at orgy.

I just want a taste when you spit me out
This takes about them wanting your son to have a mouthful of devil DNA and taste the juices of Satan’s pomegranate of sinful passion.

Gay Logos of the World

Homosexuals are good at two things, destroying the fabric of American values and designing. So it would only be natural that these finger painting, man sac worshipers would they use their skills in color coordination and limp-wristed decor knowledge to secretly promote their agenda within logos that you and your children see everyday.


At first glance, Wal-Mart’s logo looks harmless, it has a soft inviting look to it. Well that is exactly how homogays lurer your children into the backs of their torture chamber, leather rape vans. They use shiny candies to trick the mind, so that it will no pay attention to the demonic ass agenda behind the curtain.

If you look closely, you will notice that the Wal-Mart logo has six yellow lines that create a circle. Do you know that is circle is actually a artistic symbol used on gay bar signs to let their fecal frenzy patrons know that they have a full service “circle jerk” bar? The six lines represent six men holding out their sin snakes in a gay manner.

So every time you or your child sees a Wal-Mart logo, they are getting a eye full of gay’s forcefully creating devil DNA, by hatefully whacking their flesh swords.


Would you just look at this homo-erotic display of masturbatory penile release? Nothing like a logo that is surrounded with dripping globs of man sex sauce spinning around it. Do you understand how disturbing this logo is? Do you see that these freaks of feces want your children to stare at images of unmartial Satan squeeze every time they open up the microwave or open up the refrigerator to get a healthy afternoon snack? They even now have hand sanitizers that are used in schools that squirt out white lotion onto your children’s hand, while they rub it on their face and hands to clean.


Bullseye for bargains or bullseye for bleeding anuses? While you enter Target browsing the tween section for back to school clothing for your children at a yellow handed discounted price, just be warned that you have entered a store that uses the imagery of a homosexual rectum after a late night penile barrage of cherry bomber ecstasy induced ass assassins, who also had a long night of throwing back Zimas.

Just remember that if you want your children to have nightmares of the anus seeping blood due to an attack from a craft homosexual, than keep taking them to the devil’s house of bondage. Because every time they gaze into that one eyed red sewer hole, Satan’s thermometer crawls closer to make them flesh pole, rear-end dancers.

Master Card

Diving deeper into the sea of mental debauchery, we can take a gander at the good ol’ Master Card logo. First off, did you know a master card is an I.D. that homosexual bears, that own slave power bottom twinks carry? It is a card they show at the door of a gay bar, so they can be placed in the proper seating area. You can’t mix bears and twinks in the same seating area, or the bar owners won’t be able to sell any alcohol. This is because the bears would spend their time ravaging the rear docking stations of the helpless little twinks, instead of spending their gay well-fare money on double peppermint cosmos.

Anyways, back to the logo. If you use a well trained Homo Gay Agenda propaganda eye, you can see that the logo is actually that of two testicles being connected. The two colors represent two races. One being the whites (rad, the blood line of the world) and yellow (the bile color stands for the other races in the world). This logo is trying to show that interracial gay sex is something that should be accepted. The gays are not only stopping at marriage, they want interracial gay sex to be broadcast around the world, right into your children’s bedrooms.

So next time you think you should use your plastic to buy groceries, just remember for ever purchase, you are inviting a hair greased up white man and a 17 year old Filipino boy to slap their sin covered candy bags together under the blankets of your child’s bed.


Ever wonder why Apple’s first logo was a apple with a rainbow? It was to show their dying support for the homo gay agenda.

Also, ever notice that the apple has a bite taken out of it? That is a symbolism of when Adam took a bite out of the forbidden fruit. This was there way of showing that they wanted their users to taste the rotten fruit of homosexuality.

Anyone who buys a Apple product for their child is saying “Please have homo sin hole sex with my child” or “I want my daughter to be a fish sin slit worshiper.”


Homosexuals Sharing Boy Children. Oh you don’t believe me that this is what HSBC stands for? If not, why is the logo a aerial shot of a man and a young boy touching twiddle rompus’ while riding in a boat?

Blink 182 – Emo Pop Punk’s Poster Children or Gay Sex Triangle?

What is Blink 182?

Blink-182 is an emo pop punk band consisting of three bi-sexual southern California natives. You have vocalist and bass guitarist Mark Hipphoppus, vocalist and guitarist Thomas DeLonge, and gluttonously tattooed drummer Travis Baker. They have mind raped and brainwashed a slue of young teenagers with their over 27 million albums worldwide since forming in the upper white class city of Poway, California in 1992. That means their album sells have destroyed more souls than Hitler could ever do. With original drummer Scott Raynor, who left the band after Mark and Tom started to push homosexual messages in their music, they released their debut album Cheshire Cat in 1994 and followed-up with a more raunchy and gay driven album, 1997’s Dude’s Ranch, which sold around a million copies. Raynor was replaced by Baker during their 1998 tour, due to the fact the band wanted a more “Hot Topic” like marketing look to their band.

The band achieved greater success with 1999’s multi-platinum selling Enema of the State, which reached #9 on the Billboard 200 pop charts on the strength of the singles “What’s My Age Again” (a song about having sex with underage girls) and “All the Small Things” (a song about comparing your flesh sword size with other homosexual males). Blink-182 gained popularity for their gay antics, and the follow-up album Take Off Your Pants and Jacket reached #1 on the pop charts in the United States, Canada, Brazil, Cuba, China, France and Germany. The eponymously-titled Blink-182 followed in 2003 and was a stylistic shift for the group, infusing experimental elements into their usual pop punk formula which resulted in a more mature sound.

DeLonge left Blink-182 in early 2005, to start a new and more emo like band. The band broken up until now, they are old and looking to relieve their 20’s by putting out a new album in hopes to resurrect their bi-sexual backstage orgies and continue to push their violent gay message.

Who Are The Members of the Boy Band?

Thomas “Gay Pants” DeLonge

Thomas is your typical modern emo “genderqueer” who screams for attention by painting his finger nails and caking his face with eye-liner and foundation. He also does this to make the modern emo kids thing that he is just like them. How these kids think they have something in common with a 40 something year old who sings with a 2 year old lisp and still sings about high school girl problems?

Thomas is famous for being the bank member who walks around with his manhood hanging out, while he chases his band members on stage and also is known to walk around in public with his pants down. You see, Thomas is one of those whinny homosexual people who thinks they should be the center of attention and will do anything to push their gayness and make sure they are being watched by everyone around them. Little does DeLonge know, no one is looking at him with any respect. They look at him like a drunken village idiots and wish it was the 1400’s, so they could throw tomatoes at him or tar and feather him.

Thomas has even tried his hand at his own record label, Atticus , which failed to produce any stars. One the list of botches – Get Well Soon, Yellow Card, Box Car Racer and Angels & Airwaves.

Mark “Baby Face” Hipphoppus

With his golden boy looks and Vidal Sassoon meterosexual haircuts, Mark is maybe the least dangerous member of the band. Yes, Mark is known for backstage homosexual antics like his long time “Poke Buddy” Thomas and also known for his dressing room orgies, but Mark was the only member to actually try to force the band to stop pushing devil messages in their music. But like all weak minded people in Hollywood, Mark succomed to greed and his dark urges for tween flesh snakes and his undeniable lust for untouched sewer hole.

Mark was also the band member who forced DeLonge to quit and just like DeLonge, Mark tried to dabble with another form of music, he formed a electronic pop punk band named +44. The band named stood for the number of young girls he would have in his dressing room during his Blink days and the “+” stood for positive, which he is positive for many STDs.

Travis “Hot Topic” Baker

Go and pick up the latest Hot Topic or even Delias catalog and open it up to any page. Notice how all the kids all look like Baker? They all have the same tattoos, bad hair cuts and cut off sleeve shirts. That is because Hot Topic runs the music marketing campaigns and Baker was their prototype. I would say that it is a success, as you can’t walk down the street without seeing a pierced lipped rich kid walking around trying to act like they came from the black ghettos of America.

Baker’s ultimate goal is to turn every upper middle class kid into a pop punking deviant. He wants to make sure you kids forget how to properly wear a hat and teach them that belts never existed. Baker also wants your children to mutilate their bodies with Cadillac tattoos and gangsta style writings across their chest. These writings usually has some type of emo saying like, “Fallen From Above”, “My Heart Burns For Attention”, “I Bleed For Love” or even gay saying written in Latin like “Meus Tergum Exuro Pro Men”.

What Does Blink 182 Mean?

Blink – Is an acronym for Bestowing, Lust, Incest, Necrophilia and Kool-aid. Why Kool-aid? You may ask. Well, Blink 182 promotes a alcoholic drink mixed with black street crack and grape Kool-aid. This type of drink was first invented in the urban streets of Brooklyn and allowed black youth to sneak in Satan nectar juice into the schools without detection. Now Blink is teaching young white children how to get devil dizzy while in math class.

1 – This is the universal hacker symbol for the male flesh rod. This was first used on Myspace for kids to talk about porn in elite speak, while downloading large amounts of band widths of naught animated .gif demon whacking materials.

8 – The 8 represents the two female holes, that are ravaged backstage at pop punk concerts. Girls are forced to allow multiple parents forceful enter not only their salava lubed baby holes, but are drugged with fruit cocktails to make them more susceptible to anal intrusions.

2 – Again a reference to the human waste hole. In cyber culture, a “number 2″ means to defecate, but in this form of using the number, they are telling kids to release chocolaty waste sticks onto another person.

Do Their Albums Have Satanic or Sexual Conduct?

Like all pop punk emo bands, their songs are scented with sexual secretions and sprinkle with dark wizard spells.


This was Blink’s demo album and you can tell just by looking at the poorly designed cover art, that this album is about pushing kids from a Christian lifestyle into Hollywood Buddish Satanic worship.

The sound quality of this album is absolutely horrible and is laced with off pitched prepubescent vocals and untuned bass and guitar riffs. Anyone should be embarrassed to release such a piece of musical garbage. I rather listen to a full days worth of Backstreet Boys or New Found Glory, before having to listen to this album again.

Cheshire Cat

The band’s second attempt at trying to play something that resembles music was nothing but a stones throw away to camel fecal piles on top of a rotting body. Even with the quality of the sound being increased the album lack all things musical.

Not only was the music bad, you also had tracks like “M&M’s” which is a song about performs self sexing one’s twiddle rompus, while looking at pornographic images of their own mother. Hence why the song was entitled “M&M’s”, “Masturbation and Mothers”. You also have a song named “Ben Wah Balls”, which is a dangerous sexual play toy that homosexuals use during their fecal frenzy spouts of rear end start fish stuffing.

Dude’s Ranch

This was the band’s first album with new Hot Topic boy, Travis Baker and was the first album to be sprinkled with gay clumps of rainbow sugar and sex nectar. The name of the album alone tells you that this will be jam packed with lyrical praises to the homo gay agenda.

The album name refers to an annual gay event in San Francisco. This event is called “Dude’s Ranch” and it is a weekend of male sodomy and homosexual gymnastic like events.

You also get the bands first taste of turning into an emo band. They even title one of the tracks “Emo” and have another track called “Josie”, which is the name emo kids call a female emo.

Enema of the State

Hey I got an idea, let’s put a gang bang recorded porn star on the cover of our album, so we can expose our 12 year old fans to the dark lord’s pornographic internet movie theater. This was the thought that ran through the minds of the band members when they decided to release their most popular album. Not only do they feature a ink covered devil whore, whose milk sacs are exposed in a slutty red laced bra, but they band also made sure to name the album after a gay sex game.

This album features the famous single “What’s My Age Again”, which promotes underage sexual parties and let’s not forget it’s follow up single “All the Small Things”, which tells kids to go out and compare their dna squirt guns with the local neighborhood gays.

Take Off Your Pants and Jacket

With their fame growing, so did their bluntness about their homosexual messages. You don’t even need to listen to this album to know that it is clearly pushing a sex type hopscotch web of sticky gay romances.

This album also features a song called “Stay Together For the Kids”, which is a song about a devil worshiping emo kid whose drug use and demonic ways cause issues for his parent’s marriage and then uses Satan to call upon spirits to force his parents back together.

There is also a song called “First Date”, which teaches boys how to intoxicate their female date and force them into a back seat sexual tryst.


Before going off and creating a long list of failed musical projects, clothing companies and record labels, Blink decided to make on last album. They needed all the money they could get before calling it quits and they knew 13 year olds would be lining up to pick up their latest pile of steam fried crap.

With this album, they produced such violent gay anthems, such as “Feeling This”, which is about Thomas’ experience with man on man sin docking. In this song Thomas is exposing your children to lyrical pornography, while he sings in detail about his male stranger fondling and his love for reverse defecate sex pleasures.

To top it all over, they also created a tune called “Violence”, in which they promote the hate for Christians. They pretty much tell their listeners to use violence towards any Christians they know at school.


If these guys aren’t concocting devilish homo rock, they are basking in each other’s man love holes. The only solution is to raid our children’s Zunes and social networking accounts and delete any downloaded band widths of this bands horrid music!

Thundercats – Rippled Muscles and Ferociously Gay

It has been a long time coming and our warnings about the homo gay agenda using cartoons as a gateway to infect your children with colorful gay brainwashing techniques, seem to fall on deaf ears. Now we have photographic proof that this form of brainwashing has started to infect our youth.

Below is a new poster that has been released to the public showing how the new Thundercats cartoon will look. Does this type of artwork look familiar? It should. This type of art style is called “Erotica Fantasy”, in which the characters are drawn in a style in homo-inciting prowling sexual details and shading, to wet the appetite of homosexual readers. Now your children will be exposed to this sexual fest of thick sex like outlines.

Look at the detail in the biceps and look how they drew a menacing death sex look on his face. You can tell this guy is ready to stalk some weak and young pray.

To go even deeper with our proof, we have uncovered images of “Thundecat gay sex parties”, that are held in leather bars and twink clubs around gay cities in America. In these images you will see the party goers dressed up as their favorite Thundercats lion and you can tell they are full of orgy excitement.

It is only a matter of time before your children are having Thundercat sex sleep overs.

Rockabilly – The Eye Make-up Hipster Trend

Influenced by bands from the early 90’s post pop punk era, like Socialily Distorted, The Descenders and Rude Dime Mentally Pee Nine, Rockabillies are the “fem” branch of the hipster culture.

Rockabilly’s are the “gang bangers” of this modern hipster uprising, but at the same time, they are able to deceive the American population of their dangerous habits by wearing over the counter eye liner and using Afro-Saxon hair creams to slick their hair back in to a 50 style Doo Wop manner.

One of the most popular sub genres of Rockabilly is called a “Horror Pop”, which is a branch of followers who worship the female lead singer of the Gothic Rockapunk band, Horror Pops. This band influences young Rockabillys into devil worship and fantasies of hot rod sex orgies and drug induced zombie street drug highs.

Rockabillys idolize and model their dress after Ryan Stezzer, who was actually the first Rockabilly before it hit the main stream. Brian Stezzer has been writing hip gyrating sex music for over 30 years and continues to this day to make devil songs with his band “Stray Cats”. The name of the band refers to female naught holes and how they make women stray from their bedroom windows at night.

What Does a Rockabilly Look Like?

The male style of dress is like if you took Elvis and ran him through a copious amounts of gay bars for some “rough riding” and then dunked him into a batter of eye liner and faux hawked pompadours, then topped him off with tight $400 Diesel jeans and a tight button up shirt from GAP.

The sad thing is, the male Rockabilly spends more time on his hair and make up than his ovary bleeding sub counter part.

The females are no less than a show tunes number of sin dripping hussies, dressed up in tight street walker jeans and tube tops that make their sin bags cry “milk for sale”. They all tie their hair up to hide drugs, weapons and known to even smuggle illegal sex toys. Another hair accessory is the red flower or “Dolly” which symbolizes that they are sexual active and ready to rumble under the sheets with Satan’s Kookies in hand, while they gaze into their shirtless posters of Mike Ness.

Why Do They All Have Tattoos and What Does Each Tattoo Mean?

Swallows: Means they (male or female) like to take part in swallowing masturbatory climax juice.

Dice: This means the tattooee has a disease from performing a pre-martial sex act. In this culture, having a sex plague is “Rock Billy Boogie” or “Super Cool” and the number you have on your dice, is the number of sex diseases you have.

Cherry: If a girl has a cherry on her body, this means she has been entered anally in a sexual way by male Rockabilly. If a boy has a cherry tattoo on his body, this means he has dipped his “Ooby Dooby” into another man’s sewer pipe.

Money Sign: This sign is tattooed on the female Rockabilly and means she is owned by a Rockabilly pimp or also known as a “Daddy-Oh”. A “Billy Whore” is passed around local Rockabilly circles for a street fair price.

Eight Ball: This is for those who want people to know they are drug users. The eight ball is a street word for “crack” or as the Rockabillys call it “Sailor Jerry Dust”.

Why is This Culture Dangerous?

Besides the fact that it is making our future businessmen into Mary Kay wearing homosexuals, our future kitchen commanders into tramp stamped prostitutes and that every person who gets sucked into this powder puff culture is a Jagermeister alcoholic? You can tell this trend is smothered in sinful Cadillac danger because it is becoming very popular with the oriental communist countries like China, Japan, Mongolia and Tibet. The communist version of Rockabilly is called “Harajuku” or if translated into English, it means “Gothic Dancing Leather Communists”.

Every morning these commies wake up to practice fighting styles while dressed like the American Rockabilly. You know that it is only a matter of time that theses yellow invaders will try to use their “in common” ways to connect and then influence the minds of the American youth.

UFC – The Most Homo Erotic Pay Per View Novella on Television

What is MMA?

MMA actually stands for “Men, Muscles and Anal”, which is own by the Luciferish company, UFC, which also stands for “United Fecal Commission”. As you can see, right off the bat this sport is smeared with man on man devil DNA sauce covered shenanigans.

MMA was created so the homosexual community could show gay like soft core porn on TV and mask it as a gladiator type of event. It is far from the Roman Coliseum and is just a show that exposes your son to bulging biceps of demonic gayness and tight fight shorts that have a bulky flesh potato dangling ripe for the picking. Instead of two warriors engaging in brutal combat to the dead, they show you two men engaging in a fierce fecal battle of grab ass and jockey jacking.

What Goes on at a MMA Event?

While your daughter’s g-stringed underwear gets soiled with camel hump moisture from watching two (thought to be not homosexuals) roided filled homosexuals sweat and rub their bodies against each other’s water muscles. She is really watching two men showing off their gay sexual techniques in hopes to encourage homosexuality among America’s youth.

Inside the ring, two men are forced to make their enemy “tap out”. “Tap out” means one man has been submitted by the other man. Usually to tap someone out, a fighter will put his opponent in some kind of sexually awkward ass play position and use his thumb or finger to poke or pry the other fighter’s brown doorbell, until that can’t take anymore sexual arousement.

Each man is given anal muscle relaxers before each match to clean out their systems of waste. This is to make sure that if there is any sewer hold penetration happenings during thier rugged match, the fighter will be able to take pleasure in the index finger oil drilling and not secrete sinful fecal matter onto his opponent’s hands.

Fighters can also use their BJJ to “choke out” another fighter, which is a typical gay street move. Gays usually like to make their victims pass out before they feast on their souls. Showing these moves on TV are showing your boys how to man handle a possible victim and submit them unconscious, so they can take them in the back ally behind “Franks,Tank and Spank” and have their way with them.

To be allowed into these events, you need to show up in the UFC dress code before getting in. This dress code consists of a shirt that has at least one skull, burnt angel wings, gold or silver writing and if you have a dragon on the back, you are not required to have a skill or angel wings. You must match this shirt with a pair of $450 ripped up carpenter jeans, along with a large belt buckle that has some kind of aggressive word on it.

The Greased Down and Eager Cast Memebers

GSP (Quite Type)
If you’re a man hole assassin and like to look at men who look like they have taken one to many Hydroxycut pills, then you will love to feast your quaalude glossed eyes upon this gluttonously chisel chested fighting fairy. George Saint Pierre is every gay man’s fecal farm boy fantasy come to life and he plays the quite and shy fighter, who fights for passion and love.

Quinton “The Rammer” Jackson (Black Rage)
Nowadays, every show needs the black rage element and this part is played by the dark stallion named “Quinton “The Rammer” Jackson. Full of rage and white hate, The Rammer likes to use his slave built muscles to smash in the faces of any man who dares enter the ring with him. The Rammer has to fight, as it is the only way he can pay off Dena White the money he owns him. Until his debt is paid, The Rammer must swap interracial sweat with the other MMA fighters until White nulls his debt.

Here you can see Urijah taking his anal muscle relaxers before a fight.

Urijah Faber (Twink Element)
A gay sitcom isn’t complete unless it has a man boy twink for the homo crowd to fantasy feast upon. Faber is the young boy fighter trying to prove himself to the older more “bear” type fighters and will stop at nothing to show his worth. This midget sized man candy is known to fight men twice his size and he is known for his famous finishing move, called “The Glitter Choke”.

MMA Gay Moves

Rear Naked Choke

This move requires one fighter to sneak behind the other fighter and wrap his arms around their neck like a spring catalog scarf from Urban outfitters. Once the move is applied, the fighter in the rear will front lock his legs and thrust his naughty candy sac into the back end of his opponent. Forcing his bulge into the other fighter’s back, he will also bear hug squeeze their neck until the fighter becomes “tapped out”.

Oh Man Plata

This move requires a fighter to wrap his leg around the other fighters arm and he rubs his flesh pole up and down the arm until he creates a rug burn effect. After multiple rub thrusts the Indian burn type pain will be too much for the other fighter to bare and he will give up and quit the fight. Plata is Greek for “sexual rub”.

Full Mounting

This is the gayness of all moves in the MMA world. In this move, the fighter must sex mount (full mount) the other fighter and wedge his legs around the other fighter’s waist, while he lies helpless, eager and vulnerable on the floor. He will then ground and pound his pelvic sex area into the other fighter’s mini sauce sacs until the fighter or ref calls it a win. – Using Facebook Against Your Children

In the land of social networks like 4chan and Google Plus Sign, there is no firewall strong enough to keep your children safe from cyber sex lords. A group of “eleet” hackers from the group “Digital H8″ have developed a strong coded php website dedicated to harm your children and feed copious amounts of digital skin material to the digital homo gay underground.

The website is called “Is Anyone Up” or “” for those who are tech savvy. The name refers to the nasty area of a homosexual and is asking them the question “Is your sin snake aroused from digital child fantasies?, cause if not we got the poison for your dagger.” The band widths of this site oozes sin, as it delivers thousands of fresh and fancy new photos of your children to the gay masses.

The purpose of this website is to allow pedophiles to submit images of girls or boys they stock on Facebook and then the creators of “IAU” take those submissions and Photoshop their victims face’s onto some explicit images they found of Bing images. Once the Photoshop hacking is completed, they upload the images and make it seem like they are anonymously naked submissions of that person. These Photoshop images are called “gnargs”. After band width upload, they send out emails to their newsletter subscribers to let them know a new tasty treat of sinful child candy has been updated to their WordPress coded Tumblr blog. It is almost like a digital buffet for sick minded homosexuals and bi-curious hipsters. I can just see a lip pierced New Found Glory fan surfing the site while self sexing himself and thinking “I’d like a order of 16 year old emo twink with a side of half naked!”

Even the Christian version of Net Nanny, “God Patrol”, lists this site as “Pornographically Chunky” and we had to call our IT department to open up a protected IP proxy to allow us safe access to this site. The amount of pornographic gigibites is uncountable and we for sure got at least one or two trojan mal-viruses on our computers.

They have the typical self serving fetish categories like “Guy”, “Girl”, “Bands”, “Events”, “Contact” and “Advertise”, which seem like typical html links, but all open up a doorway to Internet twink-like sex gluttony.

Here are some examples of their Photoshopping experiments.
Please remove all children and women out of the room. Satanic imagery is to follow. These images are pure homosexual sin treats

Lollapalooza – A Festival of Frolicking Hipsters and Drug Filled Lollipops

What is a Lollapalooza?

Lollapalooza is an annual hipped hopped and devil metal music festival that showcases popular Satanically drugged influenced music acts that your children hear on the radio. Every year, thousands of welfare living Hipsters from New York, Seattle, San Francisco, Miami and Lincoln, Nebraska come and celebrate all things unholy and 1986.

Lollapalooza has featured a demonic range of no talent having artist such as 30 Seconds to Mars, New Founded Glory Hole, Lady Gaga, Foster the People and other hipster, raver and straight edged acid pop punk bands. Party goers might even be fed death lullabies of fast BPM jungle list, drummed and based DJs like DJ Diesel Boy or even worse, a live performance by one of those hooker harlot Disney Channel female singers.

Lollapalooza was invented in 1995 by Chains Addiction singer Perry Followill as a tour for his band to team up with other bands to spread their message of non-marital sex and drugs. Lollapalooza continued until 1997, until it was shut down by the FBI for explicit public sodomy acts and then repurchased by the creators of Coachella Festival, Golden Voice in 2003. Since 2003 the festival has been in a downward spiral and until 2009, low ticket sells threatened a full shut down until they promoters added “pay for play” sex tents and “liquid rooms” to the event.

What Does Its Name Means?

Lolla – Early 20th century shows that the term Lolla refers to a large lollipop.
pal – Partnered or paired with.
ooza – Oozing amounts of drugs

So what this festival’s name means is a festival that celebrates illegal drug use and distributes drug filled lollipop that will send your kids on a trip to fairy tale candy land, while playing hop scotch with rainbow colored dragon midgets and satanic unicorns.

Who Goes to Lollapalooza?

Besides every sexual fueled hipster and $3 suburban, tube top wearing floozy? Try every 40 something year old who is trying to relive his early 20’s by hoping to find your daughter passed out by the porta potties in hopes to get a “sneak a snake” thrill, while your daughter lies drugged out in a pool of vomit and urine.

What Goes on at Lollapalooza?

Did you know that Mexican drug cartels make 25% of the heroin sales quota at Lollapalooza alone? So be sure that if your son wears fake glasses and hipster styled capri pants, he is most likely engaging in south of the border drug highs and dancing the mariachi two step with Satan.

Since the beginning of Lollapalooza, drug cartels have been hired to fill up lollipops with Mexican street heroin or “Liquid H Bomb” and then sold to child at the festival for $4.95. These drug candies are sold to cloud the mind’s of your kids so the event vendors can then bombard your children with sex marinated offers and other drugs like the popular raver, “anal ecstasy” or “frosted dipped X gumdrops”.

Lines waiting for "pay to play"Sex
Once under the influence of devil music and Mexican lollipops, your children will most likely be tempted to take a peak into a “pay for play” tent. These tents all have different sex fetish themes that range from “Bear and Twink SMDB”, “Deep Devil Back Scuttling” or even “Around the World Analigus”. All these are gay style sex shops that lure children into the gay lifestyle.

When your son or daughter has found which sexual forte they feel pressured into, they are made to pay $40 a “pop” to experience 5 minutes of pure homo erotic play. Once finished they come out abused and confused, just the way the gays like them.

If you allow your kids to go, they will come back fabulously drenched in sinful drug use and gay.

When and Where is it?

This year it is being held in the liberal king’s hometown, no not Jakarta, Indonesia, but Chicago, IL and it is during the Pagan holiday, Lammas.

Lammas, also called “The Weekend of Sex”, celebrates the Celtic sex god. So not only are your kids having sex with homosexuals and lick down drug filled candy, but they are also praying to a Pagan god who encourages anal and clitoral play.


What is Steampunk?

Steampunk is a new sexual fetish that is sweeping across hipster groups in liberal urban areas. It is a sub-genre of hipsters that like Star Wars, books from the wild west, and World of Warcraft.

Steampunks like to pretend that they live in a futurist Victorian era with a hint of MMO cosplay and emo-like makeup and hair styles. It is like a acid overdose of a raped and ravaged version of a Julius Vernes novel. Think Mark Twain and Disney having a red headed, atheist step child.

Steampunkers dress up like mechanical human train robots and goto festivals like “Burning Man” where they can have “steam sex” with other steampunkers. It is almost what a 1800’s version of Transformers porn would look like, or a back in time 4chan furry sex convention.

A steampunk sex toy used during "steaming".

Burning Man was the first “steam sex” event created by Steampunkers in the late 90’s, so they could partake in the rusty clanking of sex rumping. After the early 2000’s, Burning Man was over ran by hippies and acid dealing drug lords, which forced the role playing metal wearing sex fiens out of the desert and into suburban America and internet coffee shops.

Even now being forced into the plain sight of the world, streampunks still engage in multiplayer deviancies and rub and tug sex sessions.

One of the things steampunks are involved in, is the sexual act called “steaming” or “steam tracking”, in where a female Steampunk (also known as a Victorian Goth) is dilled with multiple mechanical vibrating phallic shaped sex tools (pictured to the left), while on lookers smoke pipes to imitate the smokestack or steam the comes out train’s. The Victorian Goth is sexual mauled until she releases a hellishly forced organism and yells “Mind your guages”, which means “stop it hurts”. This also has a demonic symbolic meaning, in where the train’s smokestack is Satan’s love hammer of deviance and the billows are his forced streams of liquefied DNA.

A cyberpunk bracelet. This is given to a female to let others know she has a cyberpunk owner.

There are rules to steaming as well. If a cyberpunk or also known as a steamer leader wants to take a Victorian Goth for his own, he will give them a bracelet or what is called a “cyborgised” to show other steamers that they are the property of a man with higher cosplay influence. The ownership is very much like the S&M role playing of the slave and master, where the slave surrenders every orifice, so the master my satisfy their urges of satanic pleasure.

Steaming usually take place at a gaming sex conventions like Comical Con, Blizzard Festival and G3. If their was a heaven for toy train sex lovers, these brothels of sex seeking geeks would be it.

You can also find many steampunk communities online, or as they are called by their street name “geocities portals”, where girls post galleries of themselves in vintage dresses, while their baby feeders are about the flop our like IHOP pancakes.

With all these conventions and fetish band width social networks, steampunk is becoming more popular and pop culture has taken over by making movies to celebrate these sex bandits.

Sucker Punk is the first movie to show how steampunkers wish the world would actually become. The world would be overlaid with a green and blue photo filter, ninja school girls, World War I airship carries and 3rd rate Michael Bay explosions.

Sucker Punch is a movie about a girl who dresses like a cheap thrill seeking whore and performs mouth sex acts on robots, so she can free her friends from their pimp. The movie stars Mtv hussie, Tia Tequila, who plays “Babydoll”. Tia has her hair bleached to make her look more slutty and loose. Babydoll and her slutty side kicks use their cog and steam wheeled weapons to fight off samurai robots, who want to imprison them into a sex house. After many boring sword fights and exposed female milk sacs, the girls finally kill their pimp and find freedom to spread their whore juices onto the unsuspecting world of trains and machine gun cabooses.

The different kind of steampunkers:

Cyberpunks / Victorian Goths
Cyberpunks are alpha male steampunks, who have high cosplay influence. They are allowed to take ownership of female steampunks (Victorian Goths) and make them their sex slaves.

Julius’ are your average steampunks. They aren’t allowed to plan cosplay battles and they are the followers of the Cyberpunks and obey all orders from their train lord.

Steamers are also called “100 percenters” as they never leave character. If you say hello to a steamer, expect a reply to the tune of “Have a extraordinary day of vividness and adventure” and will follow with a tap on their top hat.

All in all, steampunks are just emo kids with metal hot glued to their shirts and tight skinny jeans.

The Dangers of Drummed and Based Music

Before we get started, let us review some uncovered information about the group who follow the drummed and based movement, called “Jungle Lists”.

What is a Jungle List?
From our “What is a Raver” investigation

This is the violent clan of the bunch (ravers), with their afro-angry drum beats and zulu dance moves. Mostly made up of “Yellows” and blacks, Jungle Lists goto these parties to stir up trouble, cause fights and rob other ravers. This should not be a surprise as we know communist Asians and blacks due the same thing in American society.

A Jungle List is known for liking what is called “Drummed and Base” music and are known for their pot and meth addictions. The term “Drummed and Base” comes from the fact that they like fast African style “tripped pops” music and smoke meth or “basing” while dancing like angry silver-back gorillas.

Each Jungle List group has a leader, also known as a “Rudeboy” or “Bom Bom Cloud”. The leader gets to pick which rave party the crew with go to and what type of dance battles they will perform.

What is Drummed and Based?

It is like rap music for Asians and rich black kids who like violence and drenching their brains with liquid acid pills.

Drummed and Based or as the communist followers call it, DnB, which also stands for “drugs and bondage”, is a electronic BMP music which came from the Happy Hardcore genre in the mid 1990s and could only be listen to on pirate internet sites like Napster and TorrentSpy.

This type of music is known to have the fastest BPMs in the techno world and due to its speed, it has been known to do brain damage to listers after a long period of time.

Where Did Drummed and Based Come From?

Drummed and Based music was a break off from the American Happy Hardcore genre which was mixed with a “break beat” and tribal jungle music. At first it was called “Jungle Music”, but the NAACP found this label was racist, since most of its listeners were of Afro-Saxon colors and they didn’t want to seem like they were calling blacks, jungle people.

The DnB crews and there Rudeboy leaders, didn’t want to be happy ravers anymore and wanted to get involved in mob style crime and take over the rave scene. They are the ones who sale the anally taken drug, ecstasy and cracked coke cane. The Asian Jungle Lists were usually rich kids and they would “be fronting” the money for the drugs and would have the black Jungle Lists sell it at raves, because we know that is second nature to them. Also, most raves are in dark areas, so it was easy for the black dealers to hide if the rave ever got broken up y the cops.

What Goes on at a Drummed and Based Rave Party?

If Satan had a party on earth, it would be a Drummed and Based party. Just by looking at a Drummed and Based parties flyer, you can tell you’re gunna be in for a night full of guns, candy cane flipping, violence and large milk sac’d white women.

Every flyer usually has a topless white female holding a gun, while in the background you see drugged filled eyed dancers, wearing camouflage on a multi colored lite dancefloor. The font is usually not a very friendly looking type face and will be cover with logos of different DnB gangs.

A DnB party is pretty easy to explain. After consuming large amounts of black market drugs, the Jungle List dance around in a circle showing off their leg hoping and two step skipping moves in hopes to entice a female to have sexual sessions with them in one of the drug rooms. Sometimes you will see two alpha Rude Boys dance fighting over dance floor territory or over a female.

Famous Drummed and Based DJs (Drug Jockeys)

DJ Diesel Boy
DJ Diesel Boy has been called the “God Father” of Drummed and Based music and some even say he is the creator of the whole movement. This man has been spreading violence to dance floors for over 25 years and has been known to produce music that has the devil’s voice hidden within its based lines.

Alice Deejay
A former Happy Hardcore gogo dancer and former girlfriend of Hardcore House DJ, DJ Irene, Alice Deejay has been credited for making the most “Radio Friendly” Drummed and Based song. The song was called “Everything Begins with E”, which was trying to push the rave drug trade of “E” (ecstasy) onto children. She is the only DJ to be able to take Happy Hardcore sounds and mask them with dangerous drug messaged Drummed and Based break beats.

Armand Van Dyke aka AVD
Armand Van Dyke was the first DJ to hit the gay club scene, bringing drugs and sinful joy to the homosexual community via his “doubled step” Drummed and Based music. “AVD”, which stood for “Anal Virus Demon”, was able to spread his erotic music all over the dance floors of gay American. His music to this day influences many gay pop stars like Ricky Martin, Enrigay Iglesias and Lady Gaga.

Different Types of Jungle Lists Groups

Breakcores are known to be the most violent breed of Jungle Lists. The have been known to purposely goto rave parties and break speakers, rape female candy kids and plur babies, rob promoters and leave urine and fecal matter on dance floors. You can tell if a person is apart of this type of DnB gang as they usually wear “Kingoo” hats and ADIDAS shoes.

Liquid Funkers
A liquid funker is a type of Jungle List who just wants to drink large amounts of liquid acid and dance with imaginary seahorses and unicorns. The type is actually very friendly and can be seen helping to clean up after a party, but only in hopes to finding any drugs on the floor that might of been dropped during tribal dance circles.

Atmospheric Darksteppers
“Atmo-Darkies” are usually the promoters of DnB rave parties. This group is usually made up of rich mathematic major Asians, who are looking to make a quick buck from drug addicts. They get their name from being the ones who create the “Atmosphere” of a party and “Darksteppers” come from their ability to do ninja style dance moves.

Homosexuals Tempt Children with Gluttonous Gayness via “Free to Play” MMOs.

Does your son talk about 40 man raids while having a almost confused look on his face? Almost like he doesn’t really want to embark on this “adventure”, but if he doesn’t he will be harmed? Does he talk about grouping up with strangers who ask for his “Skype” name so they can chat with him online until 4am?Or worse, does he own a “vent” account? Has he even had an outburst to the tune of “Pyro Blast” or “13% speed bonus”? If so, I’m afraid your child is playing Chinese “Free to Play” MMOs, while questing with middle aged homosexuals.

The word “MMO” should send fear through the veins of any parent, especial now since we know that 64% of the game play is geared towards drug use, elf on dwarf sex parties, homo erotic “dungeon raiding”, gay lifestyle sex choices and 34-bit exposed ogre flesh bananas. And just so you know, on the other end of the computer is a muscle relaxant snorting child stalker. Free to Play MMOs are the new ice cream truck for kidnappers, but now they are able to digitally fondle your son’s gold sack without being thrown into jail.

These gays are hoping your son will equip the “2 Handed Hammer” they crafted with their 280 skill level armor smith or drink their “Icy Man-a Potion” that their scavenger toon made and transmute your boy into a backside chocolate bandit. By accepting their weapons and magic drinks of homosexuality, your son is now binded to the homosexuals guild or gay clan and must now refer to him as their “GM” or “Gay Master” and in return their “GM” calls them his “Twink”.

The GMs force their twinks to perform digital sexual motions onto their character while they sinfully massage their staffs of arcane magic to the RGB porn imagery. For each sexual act your son finishes, the GM gives them XP points, which stands for “eXplict Pleasure Points”. With XP, players can drop their points into a “spec” tree and upgrade their weapons, armor, change their hair style or increase their man-a bar. If twinks don’t follow the rules, their bank bags and bodies are looted and what is called “gquit” out of the guild and left to feel lonely and rejected. Sad that the gays do this, because this is what they accuse people of doing, yet they are the ones doing it to small children.

Free to play games like World of Witchcraft, Minercraft, Ruining of the Magic Gathering and Star Wars the Old Empire are nothing new and it seems each month that goes by, some new fantasy light sword game is released. Since gays only have the ability to cloak and mask sin, they hire Chinese programming companies to develop their games of drug laced lollipops and in return they pay the commies with their monthly gay welfare checks.

With each new game programmed homosexuals are getting sinfully aroused with their new aged digital pedo fantasy porn. The gays cruise around gnome infested lands and “Ice Blast” young players in the face with their level 90 earth mages and shove their Swords of Endor into the rear ends of under aged players with their undead rogues. “Ice Blasting” is a gay gamer term for “unloading” or “releasing” devil dna into a players face. This MMO action is also called a “finishing move” and puts the homosexual gamer into a fecal frenzy of homo gay euphoria. When a finishing move is completed, the young player is paralyzed and loses control of their warrior. This allows the gay to “epic mount” the fallen player until they are “rez incoming” by a fellow player who has the ability to bring them back to full “HP” or “Homo Points”.

These games ooze out dangerous homosexual emissions that are polluting the minds of our youth. Instead of “global warming” maybe Al Gore should worry about homosexuals trying to warm up to our children. Just remember, nothing is free. Yes your son might be saving you $29.95 a month, but he is paying with his soul instead of KMart pre-filled game cards.

Foster the People – A New Homo Gay Agenda Propaganda Hipster Band

Foster the People is an emo pop punk band from Canada who have illegally crossed the borders into Los Angeles to spread their Peter Pan, homo induced diddies. Their music is full of electro BPMs that any drugged out welfare living hipster could tap their $300 shoe covered toes to.

Foster means “Encourage or promote the development of” and this is what they are doing. They are fostering the homo gay agenda onto the youth with their anti God, anti baby and anti safe sex music. Now I dunno about you, but I stay clear of gay anal fornicators and anyone who finds it pleasurable to demon whack their male Latin lover’s sin snake on a Sunday afternoon. I suggest you do the same and keep your children away from these skinny tied and bed head fairy foreigners.

To show you how gay each band member is, they make sure to use the cellular phone app “FourSquare” to let their fans know when they check into the “gym” or also know as “gay bath houses”, so they can promote their sexual masochistic flesh candy bag dipper actions on social networking band widths. This makes kids think they also need to goto the “gym” (gay sex dungeon) and “beef up” (have anal gay sexual sessions) with a “spotter” (older gay man or also known as a bear).

These ass assassins all have the typical hipster pseudo names, I mean look at these “handles”, Mark Foster, Mark Pontius and Cubbie Fink. They are so uncreative, that two guys used the same name. Must be some type of homosexual ass honey game or this is how you can tell who the two “fem” members are in this tri-sexual tryst of a band. Cubbie is also a gay term meaning “Cub” (a none hairy gay) and “Bie” which means “Backdoor insert erection”.

“Mark Foster” first named the group “Foster” (again, this is a display of the gay ego, naming your “band” after yourself), but the Canadian gay underground scene didn’t think it was hip enough. Most hipster music groups need to have the words “the”, “kings”, “black” and need to have at least 3 words, so Mr. Foster decided to change it to “Fister the People”, but knew parents would catch on too quickly, so he renamed it to “Foster the People”.

Now with their first album Torches (which is a Canadian term used to describe a anal sin docking position in the underground gay world) out, they have been able to spread their high pitched female voiced disco music across the liberal American airwaves.

Let us look at some of their songs from their sex dipped electric album.

“Pump Up Kids”

“Robert’s got a quick hand”
The song starts out with talking about a homosexual self sexing himself and then jumps into this lyrical sex novel:
But he’s coming for you, yeah he’s coming for you.

All the other gays pumping up kid you’d better run, better run, faster than my bullet
The song talks about them shooting semen bullets at youngsters who are trying to get away from their homosexual raping extravaganza

Now this next jumble of sick man on man erotic just goes over the link:
Daddy works a long day.
He be coming home late, yeah he’s coming home late.
And he’s bringing me a surprise.

Why would you want your kids to listen to a song that is promoting a sexual relationship with their own father? I know gays are twisted and are missing a few genes, but this type of behavior is criminal. Do gays now think it is “a hot item” to have fathers forcing themselves onto their children?

“Helena Beat”

The name has a secret meaning once you break it down. Helena, if broken down turns into “hell-in-yea. So in reality this song is about beating hell into your children. Let us look at some of the Satanic lyrics.

Sweep u all up on a corner and pay for my bread
We all know Jesus is the bread of life and here they are telling kids to pay with their souls to become famous and rich and to sweep Jesus into a corner.

You know that I cannot believe my own truth
Here the gargantuously gay singer is admitting that he knows gay is wrong and that what he is doing goes against God, but he rather swim in Satan’s pleasure pond of sin and anal seductions.

I took a sip of something poison but I’ll hold on tight.
They are talking about when Eve took a bite of the apple and is telling your children to defy God and take a bite of Satan’s sweat nectar of sin and become a servant of Satan.

You know those days when you wanted to choose
Here they are telling your children to choose the gay lifestyle.

Does Your Daughter Listen to “A New Found Glory”?

Just when you thought Shakira was the most dangerous threat to your daughter, we found a “Emo-Trip-Pop-Punk” band called New Found Glory, or as their numb minded female followers call them, “NFG” (which also stands for “Never Follow God”), New Found Glory was just their “parent friendly” name.

Now remember that emo stands for “enter my orifice” and this band’s pure agenda is to enter their crave rockets into as many moist camel hump orifices as possible.

The band makes sure to dress like semi respectful boys, just so parents can’t see past their true intentions of impregnating young females with their demonic sperm seeds.

What Does Their Music Do To Our Daughter’s Minds?

To put it in a non vulgar description would be impossible. The music they play tricks girls into thinking that they understand how girls want to be loved and treated. They make females think that being in a relationship with them will get them boxes of milk chocolate candies, moonlite walks on a sandy beach, flowers delivered to their office and passionate tongue kisses.

This is all a ploy to get your daughters to their concerts, so they can brainwash them and make their bodies start boiling with sex tensions and tantalizing sinful moisture in their private area.

Just like the Siren sea creature, Leader singer Jordan Pundik (who we feel is a closeted bi-sexual), uses his high pitched car crash voice to brainwash girls with these thoughts of false dreams of passion and love.

There is also a small chance that your daughter maybe “M-ing” herself at night with a house hold item while listening to this black magic sex music. Your daughter is also at a higher risk of performing a anal sex sin docking act

Where Did They Come From?

This band comes from Florida and just so you know, Florida is full of liquid steroid juice heads looking to use their Schwarzenegger brute force to pin down overly tanned females and make them engage in unwanted sex sessions.

New Found Glory started the emo punk movement in 1997 along with “Getting it up Kids” and “Reggie’s Fully Erect”.

These bands traveled the world spreading their mascara eyed sexual music and influenced the increase in teen sex acts and female runaways in the late 90’s and early 2000’s. Each city they would hit, they would sing their lyrics of anal sex, drugs, orgies and other necromatic deviancies.

What Goes on at Their Concerts?

Each song they play at their concerts are enticing your daughter’s baby holes with tingly feelings of sexual sin and fleshy sex poles of pre-martial penetration. Their shows are full of large milk sac chested harlots ready to be chloroformed and gang banged backstage by the band members and their roadies. Not to mention their signature “New Found Glory” Holes that they have around the stage. Each glory hole has a different “racial” sin snake poking out and is in plain sight for your daughters to see.

Deee-Lite is the Reason Gay Became Popular in the 90’s

What is a Dee-lite? (A Brief History)

How do you say deee-sinful?
(information pulled from our “What is a Raver” article)

The first popular Happy Hardcore song in American was called “Groove is in the Heart” by a Los Angeles band named “Deee-Lite”.

The band was created by New York born Kierin Magenta Kirby or also known by her candy rave name “Lady Miss Kier”. Lady Kier was a Gogo dancer in New York and wanted to start making her own music, so she moved out to the sinful “terror”itories or LA where she met a “beat maker” and started to create electro tunes. They named the band “Deee-Lite” which once broken down, meaning the “D” for drugs “eee” for all the “e” or ecstasy they did and the “lite” comes from the fact that they liked to “litely” lace their drugs with acid.

They became popular after their first album in 1992 called “Dewdrops in the Garden” which is a drug reference in itself. The intro sound of the album was that of a small female child who sounds like they just inhaled a large amount of “funny balloon juice” and speaks the words “Dewdrops in the Garden.” Right off the bat we can tell this album will be covered and oozing with black street drug references and homo erotic lyrical flesh sword tingles.

These one hit wonders were far from musical geniuses. Their music was made from pawn shop electronic keyboards, kitchen pots and stolen samples from popular 70’s vinyl black songs.

From that album a song called “Grooving into the Heart” hit the top 10 on the pop charts in 1993. This song was the number one played song not only in gay clubs, but normal sex having bars and discos. With its sassy bass lines and gay agenda lyrics, this song was brainwashing young America to dabble with the thoughts of a late night “stick and lick” behind a run down gay leather bar. Their BPMs were the most dangerous type to the American public and still is to this day.

The chart below shows that exactly after this band had their song put on the air waves, homo cases increased in the US.

Their second album called “Infinity Within” was a direct called for gay males to have “Infinity” lovers “Within” their sinful DNA juice cover man holes.

Who Are the Members of Dee-lite?

Lady Miss Kier – This lolly gagging lesbian is so self aborded she tried to sue a dancing video game for supposably stealing her image. I’m sorry, you’re not the only pig tail wearing, overly priced retro dress wearing, lazy eyed, female drug addict in the world.

Now over weight and now showing her age, Lady Keir looks more like a post op fat transgenic who has a drinking problem. The only gigs she can get is to be the opening act at gay cross dressing pageants.

Super DJ Dmitri – If I had to sum up this man in two words, I would freely use “Gay Terrorist”. What self respecting Muslim wears pig tails and dances around to homosexual music?

DJ Ani – An Asian gay version of Andy Warhol, who was later replaced by San Fransisco DJ,Towa Tei in 1995 for his heavy sex addiction.