Category Archives: Parenting

Coachella is a Festival of Disease and Sin. Your Children Most Likely Will Die.

What is Coachella?

Coachella is a concert event for neo hippies, naked beer drinkers and drug addicts. Each year the event grows in numbers and so do its cases of rape, murder and cases of teenage runways. No were else are so many drugs taken, orgies performed and victimaztion of America’s young daughters.

Take a look at what happen to Kings of Leon when they played Coachella. Satan himself entered the body of their lead singer.

What Goes On?

Drugs, rape and music. What a perfect combination! The festival is a huge mask to make it seem like it is about music, but it is only about sex. Boys use drugs to make girls pass out or to make them not have the ability to fight back while they are performing a gang rape on them. The music is to cover up any type of screams or cries for help.

Graphs and Statistics

Since 2006, we have be conducting a serious of tests to find out some hard proof of what goes on at the festival of liberal brainwash and the results are shocking. Parents, please understand we only show you these things, so you can take control and bring your children back to the Lord.

This graph shows how many cases of STD contractions happen at Coachella Fest.

Online Graphing

Be warned! Your daughter maybe having a lot of unprotected sex at this concert. Here is how many females got pregnant during this music orgy.

Online Graphing

Photos of Your Daughters Dressed Like Whores and Hippies

Girls are pressured and sometimes forced to dress up and walk around like little $2 harlot whores and guess what? Your daughter has been spending the past few weeks looking for the most shortest part of shorts and the most see through and open top shirt, so she can expose her milk sacs to half brain dead drug addict boys.


Why Your Children Will Most Likely Die

With the amount of drugs and rape, your daughter or son has a large chance of dying from a drug overdose, alcohol poisoning, sex game gone wrong accident or be murdered by a Ecstasy induced wizard.

Just remember the chance of your baby contracting a STD during Coachella is increased by 86 percent -/+ 1. Also, if you daughter is at the festival already, there is a good chance she has already performed mouth sex acts on atleast 4 people and has shown off her milk sacs to an uncountable number. Now imagine if you could stop that?


We have just been told Coachella is also sponsored by Plan Parenthood!

Bryan Blake has entered the lion’s den:

Bryan Blake is taking photos as he walks around the Coachella:

Walking in front of traffic with no care for cars

Stealing shoes from Target

Wearing UNDERWEAR in public

Brooklyn Vegan has posted a photo of a BABY left on a table backstage!

Kids’ Choice Awards Promotes Gay Agenda With Gay “Sliming”

This years Kids’ Choice Awards was another year of brainwashing children into thinking homosexuality is normal. The extreme left wing props their homo gay supporting celebrities to throw an “award” show for children, just so they can teach them their agenda. Not only do they show kids that getting “slimed” is cool, but they also have female stars like Katy Perry, Fergie and other large sin treat whores, flash their milk sacs on the television screens, where millions of children eyes are gazing at.

If the dramatization of a man unloading his sin batter onto another person isn’t bad enough, the awards that are given out look like orange Satan Scepters. Every time a celeb wins this twiddle rompus, they make sure to lift it up and kiss it.

They allow gays from the case of GLEE to prance around like gay frogs, playing ass leap frog and they also allow abusive angry black drug dealers like Chris Brown to attend these events.

We should swap out the slime with some type of Nazi concentration camp acid and melt these evil bodies and rid our children of vile gay brainwashing.

Cartoons Are Making Your Children Gay

Before I start, let’s first take a look at this shocking graph that proves that cartoons have increased homosexuality in children.

Wow! What alarming statistics.

Now let’s take a look at what the liberal media is flashing in front of your children’s eyes.

Rainbow Bright

Look at this cheerful lesbian whore, spreading gay glitter and unicorns into your babies mind. All this cartoon is teaching your children, is to go out and live life with no real boundaries and live in a false reality. It promotes the use of hardcore drugs worse than the pot.

Captain Planet

Yea, that’s all we need! Our kids hanging around with some tree hugging hippie homosexual, going out and being destructive towards conservative corporations.

Care Bears

Bears are gay men who are very hairy and prey on pre-teen innocence. This show is teaching your kids that hairy people with rainbow stickers just want to go out and have fun adventures and hug. Well, it isn’t much of an adventure when your children some home after a full days worth on being raped by multiple gay men.


Another fecal frenzy of a cartoon. This cartoon is trying to show that your son can be a fairy price and at the same time be a strong man. Sorry, homosexuals are not strong! Their bodies are full of sexual sin caused disease. This show also is teaching your son, that it is ok to run around town being half naked and to role around with other men.


This show promotes gay communities. Notice how all the smurfs are gay, but they have one fag hag allowed in their community. Also, the smurfs are blue which means democrat.


Because having your son rubbing his sin snake to make it grow, so he can fight off other men is cute. I THINK NOT! This cartoon is purely promoting kids to watch other men on men sin docking activities, touch their Satan flesh sword while they yell out sexual sounds.

Blacks Are Raping Young White Pop Stars

How much is your daughter’s innocents worth? Most people would say there is no price, but now a new fad has started in America where your daughter can be a wannabe pop star and hang out with cool black hipped hopped artist for the small price tag of $80,000.

Blacks love two things: Raping and stealing money and this is what they are doing to white America. I guess they ran out of their own women to abuse.

Two black dope dealers have come up with a scheme to promise young white girls a life of being a famous pop star. They promise they will write a song, produce a video and add it to the iTunes and Youtube channels to promote their future number 1 song. What they are really doing is using your porcelain skinned princesses , to lead her down a path of prostitution, premarital sex, violence and other black like actions. These dark deceivers are laughing to the bank with each victim.

After your daughter has had her video and song produced, this rag tag of zulu warriors, whore out your daughters to make a quick buck or two off iTune downloads and ad revenue from their youtube videos and guess how much the parents make???? ZERO! That is right. They own the song, the video and rights to your daughters likeness. So after they have exposed your baby in Shakira style whore outfits and have her sing songs about having sex with the football captain, they throw her to the side and collect “bank”, while she is blasted by the media.

They know these girls don’t have talent or the proper looks for the spotlight and they even have one over weight girl trying to sing about how she has boys wanting to date her! How bad of a person must you be to lie to such innocent kids!??!?!?!

You will notice in the videos at the end of this post, that each video has 4 things in common:

1. Always has a intro with a black man introducing the singer. This is a way to make the white girl think she is getting some kind of ghetto street cred.

2. Each video has the two crack dealers in it, so they can show off to their friends.

3. Every video the human boat shipments are laughing, as if they are laughing at the white population in America and saying “We just raped another white women and pimped her out for some quick cash.”

4. Every video the girls are dressed up in whore outfits and are made to sing songs about partying, kissing boys, going on shopping sprees and always make them pose in sexy face positions.

Laughing all the way to the bank with White money

The Black Logo of Killing White People

Even their logo shows their evil sin colorer skin plans. ARK music factory means “Africans Ready to Kill” and it sits on top of a WHITE half circle. The white circle symbolizes the 50% of whites in America.

Here is a small list of some of their videos:

Shakira is the Most Dangerous Threat to Your Daughter

If sin were measured in salsa flavor, Shakira would be “mucho picante chunky”. This women does nothing but frolic sin across American, spreading her legs in fancy Spanish out fits and salon dirty lion hair. She promotes women to go out and have disco club orgies while their hard working husband is at home sleeping. She promotes homosexuality and cross dressing. The women even sings about how it is ok for little girls to be “loca, loca”, because gives will want to have sex with them if they act crazy.

I have compiled a group of photos exposing this taco sauced jezebel, to show you all the devil whore moves she uses to not just entice your daughters into becoming mariachi sluts, but also to tempt you your boys into performing self sex acts on their sin snakes.

Each image shows he ability to make sex thumping movements with her birth hips and shows how she uses her Latin sin marinated eyes to make you think unholy thoughts about sex. Each sex gyration and forced orgasmic facial expression you witness brings you closer to Satan’s dance floor.

Graphics and statistics done lie! That is why we went out and did extensive research on this topic.

Here we can see the increase of female whoreness in America, due to such vile people being praised on our children’s TV sets:

We went right to the “whorse’s” mouth and asked whores around liberal college campus an important question. The results will shock you:

Now for a mother’s perspective, we went out and asked wholesome American housewives, what their thoughts are on this subject:

Rachael Ray Promotes Unsafe Sex Games

Much like the anti-American Christina Aguilera, Rachael Ray is using her Mexican sauce to entice your American’s to think mind nasties, full of sin docking pleasures. This almost midget sized women tries to come off as a nice suburban housewife, but in reality, she is trying to corrupt America’s youth.

The images she likes to post in magazines and in tabloids force young boys to have feelings of self “M-ing” and teaches girls to entice boys with foodie sin treats to force them into sex acts.

Here are a few photos she has had posted to show women how to perform sinful mouth pleasures:

In these photos you can clearly see she is teaching male children that they should self touch them and at the same time she is promoting that young females should grab twiddle rompus’.

Below we have her showing girls how to pose in sex devil poses to making gentlemen be filled with Satanic thoughts of putting their flesh tree truck into a women’s baby door.

We have also noticed this women likes to show of her milk sacs in public. You can tell they are saggy and not plump, which is a sign of infertility and infidelity. Women who act in whorish ways are cursed by God. Their breasts are reduced to flappy flesh and are not able to produce proper nutritions for babies. This is very common with the Mexican races in America.

Justin Bieber Kisses Selena Gomez, Incites Death Threats on Twitter

So much hate in the Tween world today. Liberals have brain washed our children with some much hate, that they now threaten to kill someone, just because two people from different races kiss.

After a video of the two kissing was posted, young left winged parent kids started rioting like the camel kissing Arabs and demanded the blood of young Gomez. Selena Gomez is a Mexican pop star and Justin Bieber is a teen SIN-station from Canada. I guess the sons and daughters of liberal families don’t like the fake that Canadian likes to kiss on a Mexican.

Let’s look at some of the threats:

Reactions By Bieber Fans Over Justin Cutting His Hair

Kids have hit their Tweeting accounts today protesting Justin Bieber’s new haircut. Why do we care, you ask? Because kids are so obsessed with this man, that they are saying they want to kill themselves over his hair cut!

What kind of American parenting is going on here, if we are allowing our children to commit suicide over a Canadian pop stars hair?

Parents need to take action and control their children from partaking in Bieber fever and make them start to follow positive role models like Hannity or Beck. They need moral fiber grown back into their little minds.

Remember, Bieber is controlled by the black media and the black media wants to control your children.

We have gathered a library of outrageous reactions from children who confessed their hate or love to Justin’s new snip.

College Humor Gives Out Badges To Promote Sexual Activities In Elementary Schools

College Humor, the most vile and left wing website online (next to Dirty Shirty and The Atlantic Wire) are now passing out badges in hopes to promote children to perform in premarital sex acts.

Why do these wannabe homosexual comedians think it is funny to attack our children? Why do they feel the need to fecal fist little Timmy? Why do they want to sprinkle whore dust onto little Mary?

Because they are sick and twisted liberals with mommy and daddy money.

Here is some more nonsense they have been apart of: Makes Mouth Sex Act Practice Toys Now Promotes Having Sex With Pony Anus’

College Humor Promotes Gay Office Relationships Now Promoting Child Molestation

Parents, If You’re Going to Use Your Kids in Protest Photos, At least Do It Properly

Nothing gets my gizzard flaming like when I see parents misusing their children to protest. Children are too young to know what to do during a protest against gays or taxes. So I have compiled a list of  images that bother me the most and posted comments on where the parents went wrong and how they could of improved each photo.

PHOTO 1 – Bad Words.

This little girl is tired of paying high taxes that Obama pushed on her and I couldn’t agree anymore. What the needed to do here is to remove the terrorist on the right of the photo and and not use a vulgar word like “crap.” I would of chosen “crud” or “pile.” Using cuss words just makes your point look not as important and using dune diggers, makes you look sympathetic to terrorists.

PHOTO 2 – Zzzzzzzz.

This gem has cute written all over it but loses it’s touch when you see the word “heads” has been misspelt. Using a “z” instead of a “s” at the end of words make it seem like your children are trying to talk black jive. I highly recommend against it. Yes, it looks “hip” and yes it is kind of cute, but don’t make your children look like they are being taught by a African tribesman.

PHOTO 3 – Holidays.

Kids can get a point across sometimes better then the greatest of signs, but don’t use pagan holidays as a form of bashing. It makes your child look like a devil worshiper and we can’t have that. Your child is there to make a point, not promote a holiday created by the liberal media, so your children can learn socialism. Just the word “Fag” with a big red slash through it would have made a better impression.

PHOTO 4 – Bad Color Choice.

It’s hard to read a message if you have Jim and Tim wearing the same color shirt. You need to break this up with some nice neon greens and yellows. The message gets completely lost when the eye is bombarded with too many neutral colors. Next time ask your printer to send you more color samples. Yes, it might be more expensive, but can you really put a cost on getting a good message across?

PHOTO 5 – Race Mixing.

Ack! I hate when parents think by adding a minority to the mix will make people think that minority group is supporting the cause too. It doesn’t! It makes your group look cheap and most people will think your child protest shield is a joke. You can’t have a yummy vanilla pie if it is mixed with pepper and jalapeños.

PHOTO 6 – Black Officers.

Never have a photo with white officers in your photo. Make sure to ask for black police officers to come and protect you at your next kiddie protest. Having black officers looking down at white kids trying to have fun, will make a bigger impact.

PHOTO 7- Smile.

No one likes to see a sourer puss. I child who doesn’t smile, is a child who isn’t going to score any points. Non smiling photos makes it look like your child is being forced to hold up the sign. A easy solution to this, is to offer your child a sugary reward after your family photos.

PHOTO 8- No Glitter.

Yes it’s exciting to see you little home marker out there with mama, but adding glitter and hot pink colors to a sign just kills the message. Just remember this little saying “Anything that looks like it would come out off a episode of Glee, it is not for me.”

Hippie Liberal Uses Baby For Exercise

The liberal parent is by far the most irresponsible and selfish type of parent in the world. In the video below you can see a dirty hippie, left winged mother using her newborn to workout. I love how these lefties are all about human rights. but when it comes to fetus’ and babies, they like to act like they are not living breathing things. I don’t think I could find someone with half a brain that would agree that using a baby as a dumbbell is not violating some kind of human right. I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t learn this from Angelina Jolie or Sean Penn. Where is the CPS when you need them????

Proof Blacks Are Possessed By Satan and Are A Violent Species

A new video has surfaced of two blacks attacking eachother. One is a teacher and the other is a student. From trusted sources, it has been reported the student was acting up (typical black child at school) and the teacher warned him over and over to stop. The child then throw a desk at teacher in a “spear throwing” motion which caused the teacher to be engulfed in black rage. The teacher then ran up to the child and attacked him using some type of Zulu martial arts punch moves.

Where does this violence come from?

It comes from rap music:
Black people praise rap music more then they do religion. They believe murdering, drug dealing, “slanging”, “pimping” and other black sin things.

It comes from their father’s sin:
Black people have a long blood line of sin and violence. Starting from when they were created about 1300 years after white people.

It comes from bad mothers and fathers:
Black people 9 out of 11 times don’t grow up with a father figure, because most black males lack responsibility. Their mothers are just as bad. They tend to spend more time smoking crack and selling their bodies, instead of taking care of their children. That is were my tax dollars goto, to take care of this black babies.

On that last note, let’s take a look at the students mother. She is over weight, uneducated and ugly. This is the typical choice that a black man chooses for a mate. Obviously her son is following mom’s foot steps.

This is why I have a strong believe of locking up blacks in jail and putting them through a vigorous rehabilitation program, to re introduce them into the world. I mean this is a breed of people who beat their own children like how lions eat their own young in the wild! Until then they are a threat to our children and women.

Just image it a white child was in this room? Ah, they thought of that gives me nightmares.

Below is the shocking video, showing how blacks act in their enclosed urban habitat.

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Satan Enters Another Child’s Body

As you can tell from some of our past posts:

Techno Music Infects Girl With Strange Spirit
Nintendo Wii Infects Kid With Strange Spirit

We have been researching the internet to find proof of Satan entering child’s bodies while they are engaging in acts of sin. This child is singing a “techno” song, which we all know techno promotes drugs, anal sex, orgies and other grotesque activities.

As you can see, this child has no control of himself while the music subliminally enters his mind, which opens a gateway to hell and allows demons to enter his mind and control him.

I ask one question…….WHERE IS HIS PARENTS!?!?!?!?! I hope they will be proud of their child when he has a empty soul, selling drugs and attending S&M nights in some homo part of town in San Francisco!

Shame on you! SHAME ON YOU!!!!